Olivia Jade is complicit

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hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so before we get into the topic at hand I am feeling sick ish so if I sound more annoying than usual that's why so a while ago I made a video about Olivia Jade and the scandal in which her parents paid for her to get into USC the University so back then people were still unsure of whether Olivia Jade was actually aware of what was going on or not Olivia Jade's reputation nonetheless was tarnished as expected there's still been this kind of debate of did she know did she not know I personally didn't really have an opinion at the time in terms of like if she knew or not because there just wasn't much information to be gathered and if you don't know what I'm talking about I'll link my previous video below for context some information has come out that suggests that Olivia Jade did in fact know and I know a question that's probably gonna be asked is why does it matter if she knew or if she didn't know well to me specifically it matters because her reputation is damaged right so she's gonna come back to YouTube and Instagram at some point and she's gonna try to fix that image and when she comes back were all gonna personally have to decide whether a we think she's redeemable and B what does she need to do to be redeemed however if we're talking about how to redeem yourself we got to talk about the crime and how to atone for it if there is a way to atone for it so in my perspective it matters because yes her image is tarnished but can she come back from it if she knew I think it's gonna be way harder to come back from it our judgment of her what we think of her is very dependent on whether she knew or not so that's why it matters long story short let's get into it and I'm sorry and my phone is attached to a cord because I recorded this before and I didn't like it so I'm refilling and now my phone is dying like my will to live face so here there's one article and it's titled what did Olivia Jayden know and when did she know it refresher there's a guy called Ric singer he was a big part of facilitating these payments to the school in order to get in now an anonymous source is alleging that Olivia Jade was aware of singer slights of hand all along Olivia fully knew what her parents did to get her into USC but didn't think there was anything wrong with it the source told Us Weekly she didn't get into any other California schools so the charging documents came out in the charging documents really show you everything that went on I read of the part that was relevant to Olivia Jade and honestly the conversations her parents were having with the people involved are disgusting like to the point where they were coordinating what they would say on the phone if the IRS called it's a [ __ ] show I'll link that down below and it has all the other people who are accused anyway there are some moments of the charging documents that would suggest that the 19 year old was privy to her parents alleged maneuvering for example when singer requested that Olivia Jade's parents send him a photo of their daughter on the ergometer which is an indoor rowing machine in order to support the idea that she was some kind of crew champion thereby getting her into USC through a double agent in the athletic department this photoshoot certainly could have been done surreptitiously or with a white liar too but there's more we're gonna pause right here when I heard of this I immediately started feeling weird about this cuz I've tried it to really stay neutral on how much Olivia knew or rather didn't know but come on but can you imagine you're on a machine first of all we don't even know if she uses that machine regularly if she does it probably would be relatively easy though the pictures you sent need to look somewhat professional so it's not like you can just take it as if like it sound like it's a picture that you would take while she's moving or when she looks bad or when her face is distorted it's a picture that you'd have to stop what you're doing for and you want it to look professional too because if you're supposed like crew champion you don't want to have some shitty pixelated picture right you want to look your best and your most believable there's that if she never used the machine - there's the added thing of hey can you please sit on this machine so we can take a picture of you wouldn't that result in someone asking questions like you watching this would you not have any questions if your parents asks you to do that or any other thing that you don't usually do like come on it's the equivalent of me trying to get into a math program I'm not going math and having my mom or someone ask me to like take a picture holding some math textbook I mean that's where did you might have come for a second uh what what's up any take a picture why for what it's a picture for your grandma I'm filming no no okay second I just want to take a picture of you holding this just to send her on to your grandma remembers that you're you're really good at math uh okay I'll just I'll just get behind a camera to suspect parts from the charging documents seem to implicate Olivia Jade who was never named only referred to as the younger daughter first her father referred to a future meeting between singer and his daughters the contents of which were never discussed in the documents nor did they confirm the meeting actually happened second and again per the documents Olivia's mom copied Olivia Jade on an email about filling out the official college admissions applications after she had been accepted on a preliminary basis through the athletic department email oblique ly mentions a meddling guidance counselor at her high school quote unquote our little friend and requests help from CW or cooperating witness one in regard to completing the applications which singers team eventually took care of so this makes Olivia Jade look pretty bad so there's the crew thing then there's the potential meeting which I don't want to necessarily count because we don't know if it happened though it probably did considering and then there's the email that she's copied on now this is maybe me being stupid or not being familiar with how undergrad applications work these days maybe it's changed but how could she be accepted on a preliminary basis through the athletic department without actually applying I don't know how it works when you're an athlete applying to a university but I feel like there's still a type of application you need to do for that so that in itself if Olivia Jade knew nothing until this point that would be suspicious that you're accepted yet you didn't really apply yet unless she didn't know anything like she didn't know that she was preliminary Li accepted it turns into a [ __ ] show but the bottom line to me is that it's very hard for me to believe she knew nothing and didn't think anything was off so then there's this other article I found which makes this story even more interesting and by interesting I mean disappointing is Olivia Jade reportedly wants back into the sweet college life anonymous sources speaking on your behalf is no longer just for Lori Loughlin okay so source told Us Weekly Olivia Jade wants to go back to USC she didn't get officially kicked out and she's begging the school to let her back in then a different source said she knows they won't let her in so she's hoping this info gets out she wants to come out looking like she's changed learned life lessons and is growing as a person so she ver sure wants people to think she's interested in her education however USC has said USC has placed holds on the accounts of students who may be associated with the alleged admissions scheme this prevents students from registering for classes until they have agreed to participate in the review of their case withdrawing from the University or requiring transcripts while their cases are under review so I understand this little plan of trying to get back into USC or stay in USC but I feel like it's a plan that's doomed to fail because she said that she's not interested in college before I don't know how much of school I'm gonna attend but I'm gonna go in and talk to my deans and everyone and hope that I can try and balance it all but I do want the experience of like gamedays partying I don't really care about school as you guys don't know we know this so she doesn't seem like she's a great great student so even if she really did try to do well in her classes it's not granted that she would do well and then come out being like I learned a lesson so she might even fail and then look even worse because it's just proving that she shouldn't be there in the first place and then aside from that I'm like do you really want to go to school in a place you're hated like it'll take a long time before people around you get over that considering that the majority of people around you worked very hard to get where they are and seeing you in class I don't think they're gonna like that so I don't really think that staying is a good idea at all even trying to see it from her perspective so there's another source that told people she wants to focus on rebuilding her business she spends time with friends and other vloggers that inspire her so to me there are a couple of things that are clear here for thing is that it doesn't seem to me like Olivia Jade is really crushed about what happened with USC as much as she's crushed that it's hurting her brand you know what I mean so it's kind of like if she had found out on the DL that her parents had paid for USC and nobody else knew I don't feel like she'd actually give a [ __ ] I think she gives a [ __ ] because it became public and because now she looks bad and she's lost brand gills now of course any normal person would also be annoyed that their images ruined of course but the primary thing would be also like oh are my parents gonna go to jail oh how am I gonna recover from this mentally because I'm sure she's been harassed a lot too so I don't really think her priority is about integrity as much as looking like she has integrity I personally think she knew I think the rowing machine thing just by itself would be enough to know but with the additional information of the potential meeting and then being copied on an email it just seems like too many things aligning and maybe if she was aware and kind of compartmentalized it so she wouldn't think about it or maybe she was aware in the kind of ignorant way where you know but you play stupid like you don't know and then you're all shook however I don't think USC should allow her to stay or get back in whatever you want to call it because in the papers that were officially released with all of the information if you look at what her parents said and what's recorded on paper like in the emails it's undeniable so I don't even know how she thinks USC is just gonna be like yeah it's it's kind of proven that your parents paid but you know come on in I honestly think if I could give her advice not that she would give a [ __ ] or watches my channel or anything but my constructive criticism here would be like maybe reapply to colleges that are actually in your range and get a degree from there maybe go to Community College for two years get your grades up and then transfer into a university just do it by yourself prove that you can do it by yourself prove that you have the integrity you wish you had I don't know I just feel like anything that includes hard work and getting into a school out of your own merits would be a really big way to redeem yourself genuinely I don't know if she's gonna be able to fix it in a way I kind of think she will be because I mean Logan Paul filmed a dead body and he's doing just fine so I have no faith I genuinely have no faith anyways guys thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let me know what you think in the comments down below do you think she knew do you think she didn't know do you think she should be allowed to stay at USC let me know in the comments thank you guys so much for watching and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 185,250
Rating: 4.9505143 out of 5
Keywords: olivia jade, lori loughlin, mossimo giannulli, college scandal, university bribery, USC, university of southern california, usc scandal
Id: QwN0KrNuRC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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