Trash Picking RICHEST Beach Towns In Our State!

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what's up everyone i'm tucker and i'm sammy j and and today we are going to be trash picking another rich town another rich beach town i should say let's see what we can find no that's all right we can work with that we're here in where are we seaside park [Music] we're in seaside park new jersey we started this series all summer long we're going to be trash picking the richest beast towns in new jersey and we're going to see what rich people throw away so come with us today and see what we can find welcome to our channel we're tucker and sammy j a young couple from a sleepy coastal town called summers point located directly across the bay from some of the richest beach towns in the country every summer millions of people flock to the new jersey coast to enjoy the sun and sandy beaches and with them they bring the excess of american culture which many times ends up in the garbage this series follows us as we drive from beach town to beach town salvaging roadside treasures for profit and the best part is we never know what we'll find next talking sammy search for white castle burger i've never had well i've had the frozen ones the mini ones but never the 10 never the real deal so we're at white castle for the first time ever i've never eaten here before ever you said they have veggie burgers that's what i've read online yeah they do hi can i help you hi hey how are you i'm okay thank you what's good i guess for you um can i get a veggie burger okay and then do you just a small french fry you don't have onion rings right we do we have small and lard one small onion rings and one veggie burger and then i'm sorry no fries just an onion and a veggie spider number three and then in number three did you want a french just the onion ring and a veggie spider uh no french fry okay and then what number would you like number three number three with one drink uh just the smallest one a coke is fine right yeah well is it a regular coke yeah that's fine okay anything else uh that's it today 11 30 thank you you're welcome so we're disconverted because we've never been here but like what they have vegetarians like for a dollar like soft drinks a dollar thirty for the measure they're like really are we are these small too i guess but we got more on the way back oh my god if we have a cake on a stick dude get that wait is that mini too wait is everything miniature here i'm confused do they just come how the frozen ones are what is this a veggie burger for ants that's why it was so cheap this wouldn't even fill up books this wouldn't even fill up books see it is the same as the frozen ones dude and you only got one all right i got the doubler i got two dude you needed the five dripler and i got fries i gotta eat one of these barbie sauces is that cool and i might need to catch up for this so that's what that looks like it's the equivalent of almost my palm size it is a veggie though which is really making me happy i forgot i didn't know like in that movie though why they got like 100 burgers at the end i was like oh this is crazy now i know this is like just for like munchie time like people come out here like pre-dinner meal like a snack time mm-hmm at least six maybe ten is that what she wanted yeah i'll get it so here we are in the streets trash picking and right there my our neighbor came up to us earlier today and asked if we had one of those and now we do she's gonna grab it i was thinking the only thing is it's not great but uh but then like if we find one better we can just get rid of this one and give her another one i think is this metal it's concrete oh my god i say i've never bought it why is it so heavy no yeah oh this rug you put in here this is the dreamy scoop that up for uh but look at this they have a basketball mat a little beach here it's so nice honestly little playground pretty sweet it's like a wood carving isn't it it's like a freaking like goose a cello what are you doing giant juicy goose wow we're scoring already okay we didn't hold it up so we can see it we need this to go with it too this is literally what we needed everything that people that know us need and ask for is just coming right into our lives these aren't even as clean as let's just see we can pick and choose what we want are you claiming they're worse off than the ones he has is it weird that i get nervous in towns that i don't really know not that i know people know but nah these are just as dirty yeah but they're kind of like stylish you're not gonna see that all right all right if with all that liquor in there i would have just scrapped them but like you're right it's too much to deal with what are you saying i said if i would have pulled like that person you sat it would have been like kind of kind of like in their liquor they had like a bunch of liquor bottles everywhere on the top so like i don't want to be that person i don't not that i know the people in like longboard or whatever it's just a little bit more uh confident i really don't know this area that is uh these viewers these people are less boozy than where we live it's not about being bougie dude i just want to freaking break glass in front of their house that's crazy no we would clean it up though we did that big bunny you're picking our trash they never never think that in this car though if you are very engaged oh it's a shot back right where's the tube we can make it what is it i don't know don't quote me on that because it looks like either a shop vac or like a pool pump all right we're finding stuff left and right here but what is this thing yeah it's a shop bag yeah yeah i think we should have like the generator yeah right you just plug it in and try it before we it's nothing great but like for the minions for a one-time use job and then you just get rid of it that's what i'm saying but even if you used it once it has like uh dude it has like grill stuff in it maybe uh that's your cycle yeah it's nothing actually it's yard based all right literally like dirk from the yard i thought it was like a score if it works on to the next clean all right what's this up with a flower pot like it is right country living style so we got that some catnip right cat grass this is a was a nice bed um beds are just too hard to sell really not too hard but like if they're not in good shape it's not really worth it for the size amount of space it would take up this is a beach chair which is actually pretty nice it just has that weird mold on it yeah nothing good there really some scratch for sure but look at this little cat house oh my gosh is that a cat house what else would it be uh should we look at it would river sleep in it obviously she wouldn't be the one sleeping in it but is it good enough for real nothing's good enough around their network [Music] yeah compared to who's the princess i don't know bro i'd say at least give it give it to uh george's mom at least right yes do you think it heats up then yeah i know it does it plugs right in this is laundry i'm putting this on my back deck just for the random cats that come through here nobody i never even heard of such a thing here keep it coming keep it coming you put it in here right it's gonna fit it'll fit here so then we can keep it nice and organized for the load because we're already finding scores the cushions right what were these boxes on top here actual cardboard are they old speakers what is it just a paint tray right what is it nothing it was like 40 seconds before she realized that you waved to her she was like see that's seaside over there see the roller coasters no you can't see them now the guy just ignored me he's like they're like those new yorkers they're not they're just like just not having it they taking you like this what do you like about this oh the vhs case oh is it filled though the vhs case this is when i get stoked what the cushion is get this or the camper dude is this filled that's the only question of the day oh it's empty but i still want this no it's a cat it's a couch that goes together it's a couch pull the cushions out there here let me move that thing we don't need this strap here would that fit in there now it's too big no we don't want that no no you run just the cushions or you want the whole couch not the whole cab bro uh wow this is recording just the cushions right i don't know how big is it yeah it looks really thin it looks really nice actually let's see should we just where's the front what front so if these are the sides and this is the back what goes across the front nothing what do you mean why is that oh why is that there oh because this goes in there right that's what i'm wondering let's find a better couch all right are these cushions nicer am i tripping i don't think so no these ones are though the back the backs are fine and that you know what he's working with yeah i mean he's working with nothing just savor what we can think these are dogs yeah look at they got weird stains on them yeah like they are wet yeah the back looks really nice that's a whole lot of no am i wrong anything anything junker naked i was peeping this whatever this guy put in the trash oh my god what it's a fire pit right or is it just like a pond it's just one of those like fish ponds that has a hole in it i was thinking the wood piece that what is that just plywood i was hoping when i first saw it no yeah that was a fire pit that it was like broken at the bottom you think it's even feasible at all that pet yeah you do should we check it yeah this is our first actual trash pile i got a speaker oh the thing that's crazy is we might have to take that bench the what the powerhouses things are super easy to sell and they're crazy expensive to buy now okay here i'll show you a demonstration of what i'd like to do on these take your weight like a river you have it already on here this one's a little too sharp you can lift it up and then you'll have a river [Music] you pick up the bugs no because we had a cat named barney and then my brother would go like this and he would grab the burns and he would go i could feel the burn because like his name was burns do you know that so it was really funny one of my greatest memories of my baby boy because he was just like boxed this thing's fire the thing is do i just take these off so it's super easy to put in i mean i have a socket yet i think these people are all about someone taking this thing oh yeah by the way i did see them just peek out of their minds though yeah it works this is nice right what happened thinking nothing i i saw all these things don't worry about taking it hawk hogan dude baby venice beach [Laughter] yeah we'll take it yeah do you want me to grab it out from over there oh you got to bring it up into the garage i can get it all right come with me oh i got all of it i better have got it here thanks i got that great guys that used to be a nice boat yard until sandy oh so what they did was i was making two hundred thousand dollars a year so but you know what if they wanted me to fix it three million dollars to fix it otherwise i can't get my license back so you tell me no yeah we i forgot because we're from like ocean city summers point and sandy hardly hit us compared to here i forgot it was so bad here because they ruined it it was everything okay yeah thank you no problem are you okay it's a little dope you just bend your knees okay although my knees hurt worse than my back he's not lying i said instead of walking like on the stance he just is walking in the rocks this stand would have probably helped little spring cleaning you know we're going to florida just doesn't matter so yeah later he's going to florida palm beach beach that's golden i wish we would have taken it if it was though that's for sure there's other people out here he's gone he's loving it okay we got the whole kitten caboodle here oh we do i can hold this yeah but maybe this is it okay yeah baby see those faces makes great some people are nice some people are not this guy legend legend his neighbors that's it that's nice but they were probably the ones who were i bet yeah i'm just going to take this apart that's easier do you want to hold on to the bulbs yeah it's gonna be four of these pieces he definitely got coined for this spot because this is right can you just say three million on the water where did he say they want three million you were singing that and you look like wilson to the east side finally got a piece of fight that's what i was saying though moving on so good we're gonna have to get buggy to work out on this this is your take it out of this down right there and the sun came out the fact that you could just try to drink a big body like don't get it twisted this is big business out here somebody else took our gold where we could he was like still like disgruntled by it because like he just put it out 10 minutes ago the generator i don't know if i found that but we missed out my generator this is good work though this is hey it's not glorious work but it's honest [Laughter] they're over it though do they hate me oh he's so mad they're so first cute our beach ducky friends who likes to eat rocks should i just put this down here and see if they come out there like if we walk back [Music] so [Music] you're not gonna believe this what i ask you ask and you shall receive now wait till you see this sammy earlier oh we could really use some more moving blankets creepy they're just they're just straight up like this house is so nice they would never keep blankets like this lighter out for no reason yeah i'm gonna put all this in if we have room for it [Music] perfect stop what's the claim i'm grabbing this it doesn't matter i can flip it we're already in the zone we got a dresser we got a dresser what are we thinking though what are we thinking this stuff in the bed dresser on the back it's freaking dude like a vintage if not antique dresser look at the key that you would have to use to lock that because i really like this we're taking that what are you talking about oh sick mirrors yeah but this is better than the dresser we already have in our own house this is an antique dresser matter of fact because they didn't use look at this yeah it's thin wood but it's not that it's real wood on the back and the way it's made like this wait a second was this part of a trunk before it was a dresser look at this this piece here would they have manufactured it like that or is that just getting carried away we'll put this stuff in the back and then put this up on here what were you wanting to use oh you want to put the mirror in there yeah and you got your little white guys all day with those in there no you didn't do that oh man no way she did it the craziest part is then she goes to white castle on the way back i just want ice cream when somebody asks you the term what's really good you just say that dresser do you know what i mean though i mean it's the rolls-royce of dressers handcrafted are never 100 years old see if it's creepy not too great [Music] um [Music] so [Music] all right as far as what we got yesterday goes so we got this antique dresser which as you can see it's made out of solid wood all wood i should say none of that particle board anything like that and it is kind of looking like pretty makeshift because like this wood looks different and it has a cut in it there then even that would but this is definitely definitely an old dresser and it's actually pretty light considering but this was the score of the day i think uh value-wise and i'm gonna try to get 150 uh or best offer so 100 to 150 i think is the range of this piece for a faster sale and then the other main item is the weight bench and that should be a fifty dollar piece so maybe two hundred dollars worth of stuff give or take not bad not bad at all if you guys like these uh rich people trash picking videos please subscribe to the channel um going to continue this series throughout the summer as we said before and we have a couple other places we want to go that are even richer than any of the towns we went to yet actually and we think this is really fun and something absolutely incredible that people throw out all this stuff so yeah we're gonna keep the series going so hit that thumbs up button if you like this series and check out the playlist we're gonna put all the videos from this series in a playlist and go over to that and you can just watch them all through so if you're looking for more content like this go to our main channel to the main page and search for the playlist i think i'm gonna create it after this one's uploaded so it should be there [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 15,447
Rating: 4.9346938 out of 5
Keywords: trash, picking, richest, beach, towns, in, our, state, trash picking, garbage picking, curb side, trash to cash, found, treasure hunting, treasure, road side, garbage, garbage day, trash day, rich people, what do rich people throw away?, what did we find?, finding, series, tuck and sammie, sammie j., couple, new jersey, sand, drone, nj, jersey shore, beach town, rich beach town, coast, Somers Point
Id: anGwYiPtgu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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