Trash Picking RICHEST Beach Town In Our State!

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what is up everyone back with another video i'm tucker and i'm sammy j and today we are on a quest to do some trash picking in one of the richest towns in our entire state so let's do this so here we are we're in longport new jersey this is a beach town and we don't even really know why i guess it's just the real estate value but houses sell for like one to eight million dollars here um so we're gonna see what these people throw out let's go what have we got dude it's like brand new check this out guys this is like how we get our kicks these days so we're out here on the streets trash picking it up you really think it's that nice so i brought oh my gosh no they never [Music] is this like keep life to the max or like just sell for like 50 bucks it's that nice i know where i'm putting it you already know how it does yeah are you going to change something out they bought this and used it for never well yeah that's a lie there's a little fleck in there so yeah i have a moving blanket so we can just place it put it down put it in the truck and then we can put the drawers either in the backseat or on top all right so we're out here on the streets look at these people throw out well this is like one of the richest towns in the state probably even though these houses don't look that valuable there's some crazy houses around here it's called longport i don't know about the richest town but literally these are like million dollar houses each one every single house in this town is probably like a million dollars and that's not even an exaggeration dude this fog though is like literally is major score guys major score never find those refer anywhere else like each house has to go by so this is what i was talking about this is like millionaire road here like that's right i'd be uh curious to see actually how expensive the houses actually are here all right let me rephrase that six point drive longport new jersey the one at the very end with the uh what are those the lose blues guys on it it's on sale right now zillow for six nine nine five so seven million dollars it is at the peak i'll give it to him but like you're gonna spend seven million dollars to use a house three times a year there's gotta be some rich people in this world like that's more money that most of us see in a lifetime and they're gonna buy a house with that zone to reach his own the thing is with that much money you know how many cat houses or cats lives you could save a lot what's that that's just some pallet wood there styrofoam to be like used it to put on the house do you get what i'm saying those little things that swirl around well they might be the call to grab what is this oh that's one of them big tvs so yeah these are for like the the blinds or the windows and you put them up there and then you turn them but they obviously just got new ones but these are 100 crazy expensive to buy now so like someone will pick these up and needs them yup what is it what is it rca on it yeah they make fridges we might have just came up on a mini fridge in the trash whoa it's new no way these people's money problems meaning like too much money is just our dream come true like mini fridge see this thing works it definitely works there's no way i know that's how it's supposed to do yeah oh it is pretty well used it looked really new but it's just bent a little dude they just went got another one do you see these people's houses look at this i'm just wondering this is an easy fifty dollar sale though all day oh yeah all right so now the strap is on so we're just going like this was already on the car from the movie so we just got like full blown like uh beverly hillbillies in here like just have it fully i mean really i mean this is nice this is like a nice size mini fridge [Music] this is how we do it in here this is how we do it rich town trafficking is way over the top this year these people got like should we have put this in the middle back on or maybe yeah after we get the next piece of gold we will i just we'll just stack the whole thing up before we go over the bridge i'll put another strap cause if we hit a bumper [Music] all right let's see what else we can find this is gold love this these people are so rich it's obnoxious so like we saw a bed frame and we don't think it's that good but like you could never not look just a bad frame it's just the headboard but dude what's that thing now check it should we get out yeah let's get out i mean might as well they're done for right let me just take a look i'll just get out just to show you guys it looks like a king i mean that thing was like 800 bucks easily so the bottom got wet this one did not yeah but it's all part of one bed like that goes at the end it smells a little bit it's really cool but i mean and the stuff we already have that like this that we couldn't sell like that big ass bed it's nice if it was a clean out i'd definitely sell it yeah but it's got wet yeah it's really nice like uh canvas though fabric no it is yeah what's in that box just a box paper towel wait whoa what's this oh wow that's a really nice ridge where'd you get that so cool wow scores today huge scores look at those what is in there nothing nothing at all that speaker that is fire does it smell weird this wow just well what's in the thing underneath it this is a fire score the weight of that you can feel the weight of it this little medicine dreamer what do we got today these are worth money too though no kick gotta just bring it hold this for a sec what do we got in here why is it so hard to open oh there's nothing in there they couldn't do that at the very least like donated these down like what they smell weird though but still oh here we go gold for real what if i did that look at this retro style that one's cool what's that a nice rug in the bottom no that's like a little cart can you wash rubs like this in the washer it's just a piece of world of wall carpeting but it's kind of nice for like just under when you cut off the one side like roll it over well you can't really use this in the house with the cats and chew on it i'm talking about for the garage like yeah you can produce i mean it's just a piece of leftover wall-to-wall carpeting that they didn't use could you imagine that means this is what the rug looked like in that house or it still does this is good to put under stuff though yeah that's true like blocked like blocked literally i checked these are made in china what's in here fire straight fire already now look at that these are super cool i used to use these for something i forgot should we just bring this um yeah i could use this for a movie shoot right yeah i mean this is this oh samsonite baby nothing nada these are fire for like old set though like if we went to prop house i'm never gonna wish we did never many times [Music] let's keep going any more sherbert no that's the new part what about this oh yeah yes somebody wants this dude the score the dream [Music] britney spears [Laughter] hey you think i could take that beach cart it's trash right can i take it is that cool okay it's kind of a little bit of an older one too huh yeah it's pretty nice it's a little bent here but no worries perfect perfect so i'll put this on here anything else in there what about that like signpost thing because we needed one of those for the movie to put like his uh nah we don't need that one it's too thin you want like a wider one right here dude look at that wow the retro yeah i don't know how to fix that but it's super cool like that's the style now like uh country living style yeah yeah i don't know much about it but i mean you legit could just uh measure a piece of wood put it in there and then put a cushion on top but are we gonna do that no we don't know we don't have chair like uh thank you though [Music] he's trying to give us more he was wondering what we were doing with it but really we don't even know what we're doing with it we just do it for fun we just come out here for fun parker thank you so much so nice hundreds of them thank you these people are so great they're just like giving stuff to people because like he literally just was like these are too good to try out how much 85 bucks on amazon for this set all right so i mean they're in good conditions those are like legit like maybe keepable just like test receivers and stuff that's true these people have 12 range rovers they're for real though that guy was so rich he didn't care unless he just bought that house in the 90s and he's about to just cash in because that's like three lots we've trash picked him before though the ski the the ski bits i think we're in front of his house oh so i got through that a lot of gold really good stuff but he likes scavengers they're all gone panasonic five disc changer never even sold one of these before but it's worth a try i don't know the quality is probably working condition considering these people every block there's something good all right sammy j snagging another rug maybe we're kind of like the rug police it's not good it got wet oh man it would have been good it's kind of like an indoor outdoor it's not that great though i mean kind of a good umbrella but it has to have something wrong with it right just let it ride right we got so much already so cute look at this thing he's just chilling whoa 21. look at this barrel thing this planner thing power thing it's so cool i'm gonna get out of the street more and load it onto the back okay there you go doesn't want to run down the street it's like 15 years old i'm just i don't like when people make their dogs like run around oh he is pretty old like so old he does but not like that i guess yeah look at this also there was like a oh it's so light super light plastico drain everything you can just put some flowers in there i mean it is pretty bing bang boom score i mean that's a 20 score all day i got it i got it i got it through the dirt here switch it up there's aunties i guess like one of the playoff pieces down there i guess if i just take this kind of off i mean even if you just put it sideways right like if i put it like this or is that not good i was gonna these are nice yeah i mean they're bad yeah all right so this is really the last street here in this town um but yeah spring spring cleaning this year is popping as we just we just recognized we didn't even take any like low grade scores it was all like high quality all the bodies everywhere high quality grade a supreme trash packing here and today some rusty lawn chairs but that's easy money if we had the room people like set though if you just got like one they're not too happy about it what else we got here just like one more little pile and i think we're maxed out here that's it there's squirrel's getting it too he's trash picking he was down all right maybe our last pick up for today it's honestly not that bad the only thing is like if we take this we should take the chairs too because then it's a set why they said light it's like this isn't bad at all we've sold one like this before this is actually nice we've sold plenty of these actually like three and they have little i think most of them have that but it holds the cushion on which is really nice i mean these are ridiculously priced at this door i mean honestly we could move around this and put both of these in the bed of the truck babe this and that the back that's what i'm saying sammy j saves the day with securing the load of making us get these but these are an easy score we questioned this too which me as a maniac but the top of it's crack even though it's kind of still nice and this is that solid solid whatever kind of plastic this is this stuff lasts forever and it doesn't break it does but it doesn't it lasts for years before it even deteriorates yo we just found the unicorn of all unicorns and i mean this literally look at this the gargoyle baby the gargy oh it's a it's a monkey but still okay i thought that was a gargoyle it's a monkey that's a pretty cool mirror though the monk dude i i was so stoked i was like dude i just found the gargy but yeah yeah the monk the monk dude hold on a second oh oh cause it did it's an oh it's an oldie and it's made in japan [Music] yeah no that's from italy though italia yeah italia the finest one out there dude how'd we score like this do we want this permanent marker for anything does it work oh i should just take it oh my gosh yeah it's perfect it's getting crazy not really how many times i look for markers in this day and age this goes with it but i need to move this first hold on hold this for a second this is actually in lesser news this is a nice mirror but that's not something i need oh no that's correct the italia is cracked though oh from this from this to this hey how are you good how are you it's crack it's correct guys [Music] for real the trash picking game is super strong out here going home with a little monk with the malt monk club's gonna be so excited he really might like it this is some spiritual monkey style stuff though she said she got that monkey from italy though yeah but the other thing was from italia it's broken too like i feel like both that and this were that fell over and then whoever tried to fix them and fixed this pretty well but the other one not so well see how the arm yeah all right big scores today see this guy's fishing here though maybe it's just something different same boy maybe they let him back at it like it's a certain fish right all there success huge success we will be back next week for part two of this series rich's beach town scores big making that straight scorch he's kind of all about it all right so that's our video for today we went out and we found the gold so it really does prove that if you have a truck or even an suv or any kind of a large car even like the explorer that you can find money on the side of the road uh we were out for about how long you think an hour an hour an hour a little bit more and we scored about you know a few hundred dollars worth of sellable stuff uh the main platform we're gonna use for this is facebook marketplace um or the flea market anything some stuff we could put on ebay like that speaker the speakers that we got but uh yeah total score so if you guys like the video please give it a thumbs up it helps out if you hit that thumbs up button and leave a comment let us know how you think of the video if you got something to say please leave it in the comment section below we have figured out that youtube algorithm works that if you leave a thumbs up it juices the video up if you leave a comment it juices the video up but if you actually do a thumbs up and a comment um it shows youtube that you're very interested in the video and it helps us out a ton with getting more traction on our videos so please do that and if you like the video and you haven't already subscribe to our channel because we got more like this comment i'll set the volume down a little bit on this because i know it hurt people's ears last time but trash to catch you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 160,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stunts, nubtv, tuckerfupper, fails
Id: xevhmK5Jhco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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