Can't Believe What We Found Trash Picking! THESE ARE LIKE $300!

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all right we just got back from trash picking we found a whole bunch of scrap a lot of scrap we got a couple really cool items and then we found I want to show you guys this one killer item which was worth the whole trip in itself check this out alright another beautiful day in paradise look at this coffee before claims alright what's up everyone good morning so today we are going to cruise the neighborhood it's pretty early in the morning it's like 7:00 a.m. and we're thinking that spring cleaning has not been cancelled like we thought before so we got a whole bunch of stuff without drying yesterday actually you guys can check that out if you want right now alright so what is up everyone it's a pretty nice day out today so yesterday went over to my brother's has to pick up broken Nintendo that we sold on eBay because he was trying to get it to work and use it but he said that his neighbor had given him this grill and he didn't want it so I put it up on Marketplace and it has gotten so much traction in the last 12 hours probably like 12 10 to 12 messages about people that wanted to buy it and it's not even in good shape so if you can get grilles for free or out of the trash or from people that are giving away now it was a good time of year to grab them up because people are buying grills so I'm about to sell this grill for 40 bucks it was probably really expensive when they bought it but it's not in good shape now 40 bucks is 40 bucks can't deny that see even like you can tell it's not a great shape is what it is [Music] put it right here this goes to somewhere not really sure where that goes right there sitting up at not bad not bad man this goes up no that's probably the clip to hold this up and then the propane tank obviously goes down here right here so drill season everyone it looks like we might have found a little pot of gold on the side of the road here let's see trash yeah I'm gonna ask her she's right here roll down the window is that trash can I take those okay because we don't have any gloves all right look at all these beach chairs 1 2 3 4 these are cool styles but the linings like so old it's eating apart you can see but these are these are the vintage style this one's kind of cool duh it's got wood panels on it whole collection of beach chairs here what's this thing yeah is it what is that things really weird it's like a filter should we go check out that wood yeah it's wet but that doesn't mean that it's not good was it looking like old old or like old but still usable those beach chairs now where's the cola style but they're just obviously too around the ears for real yeah yeah do you have gloves you can use these in are you guys alright is that those are yours those but those are your gloves I have other ones like that alright check this out this is like a kegerator okay so we're about to trash pick I guess now I wasn't really planning on it these gloves are a little bit nasty but I'll rock them well might have to rinse it off either way it's good for scrap even if oh the white thing right there now is that like a so it that's pretty cool actually yeah I'm about it I would get it can you see onto the camera that it's recording it's recording is it pointed enough in the right direction yeah don't touch my alright let me put this at I'm thinking that's pretty cool this would be a nice kegerator that I did because like these these little pieces here I don't know might actually be sellable on dilemma like even this is kind of cool right and like these are probably expensive to buy new obviously that the piece is where the beer would go through our are moldy but that top and those might be sellable this is cool though if I just put this in and push it you think it'll just push it all back [Music] Hey gonna eventually need to take this top off of here if we keep getting crazy I think if we just lean it up on here and then get it from the bottle yeah that's nice [Music] the door I'll get that or you can grab it and even this is a solo piece but also just scrap you know go into bed right yeah that's a nice little dreamer see I didn't even see that I thought you were talking about this clean them up without even trying yeah one of the streets that we hit it hard yeah isn't this where we bought that the cat bad Danny yeah that's not let's Cherie was it this one this way even know how we got to this tree it was fun potentially maybe now it might be trash would that's all fine it's all good they won't check it out real glass I mean that 2x4 no no that's crazy yeah it's all like their fence yeah it's done see this little suction here we got like a weird little to gander at this little deeper [Music] so I guess [Music] this is a cool car I'd have to take that just got that native-american ask kind of like New Mexico type feel and then the base of it little miller lite surfboard thing it's kind of nice these things are jacked up it's got more damage this though it's like a picture Frank kind of thing probably just scrap honestly and these I actually sold a set of but these are not hair like the ones I saw [Music] it's just gigantic little wooden golfer it's kind of cool now I was thinking the same thing how about this nobody would buy a giant Apple now right [Music] it's kind of a piece of art though I have to admit okay we were at for a very short amount of time and we found it launching good stuff already so I'm gonna transfer daisies I'm gonna bag all them here and put all this scrap in here fill that up and then take the other boxes out that don't need to be in here and then anything that might be sellable put in the shed or take pictures of but let me just grab my gloves and I'll show you guys what we got all right check this out who made custom one-of-a-kind masks from our friend Peggy Pippy thank you so much so here we got a giant apple I'm just gonna put this stuff here for a second solid wood it's heavy a little metal top on it we got this Miller think it's kind of dusty but it's kind of funny because it actually goes with this but it came from a different house this it's pretty cool probably gonna be scrapped and then just put it there for now and as I said before well actually hold on take these and put them over here for a second and then the fridge that the mini-fridge itself cooked well this thing might be it's pretty cool again this is a definitely a sellable piece look at this 20 bucks for that 15 20 bucks for that on market place you see how to get this stuff I might just back up a little bit more and I'm gonna cut this off of here Cheech they get these components out of here yes I do think these are sellable I do think these are sellable for sure the metal piece is not the not the wat not the hoses but okay today is another day to find some claims in the trash and yeah we're gonna go do it we really don't have the best setup for scrapping or a trash picking because we have the top on the back of the truck but we can still fit a good amount of stuff in basically all the areas where we trash picker so close to the house we can go out get stuff bring it back put in the trailer and then go out again if we wanted to so let's go see before the trash trucks take everything you all right so probably go just click down this street over here that has the trash day and that scoop down towards like the bay towards like Concord Rob's area yeah but if we go around and then these streets on that side of are part of it too is that weird what are you gonna find today [Music] so we're going would claims today yeah just pop out like I'm claiming outside the most alright I'm claiming for my checklist today bicycle these are things I would like to find skateboard surfboard those are good words what do you eat won't say any of this they don't have to be like high quality they can just be that's their that's their cat whose cat unless that catches chin on their porch whose cat what cat the mommy get busy yeah I mean did that mommie catches tails at our house death no know what I'm saying he's on there stood like waiting for snacks all right what if they like what if he goes in their house probably does but then I could tell the older lady like mommy cats okay like should we go back something anybody need a mattress ok mattress and a thing that goes above your bed is that that is we're like a hot definitely not a mattress claim for me today all right so should I grab this chair yeah right yeah all right little wee bit of scrap to start off the morning this is actually a usable chair and that's a fan I'm about to get that to this guy here is like not looking too good but maybe I can just put the fan blades off to the side here and just take this it's got a motor and some aluminum and a little bit of wire some early morning scores I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say the first street went down to pieces already let's keep it going all right I'm spotting something that says fisher-price no no no it's a duffle bag I think but if it was filled with fisher-price vintage it would be worth it so we're just gonna check it out real quick so we got a situation here where it's pretty gross actually this is metal keyboards but we have about 2000 of those already brand-new this is what I was looking at that really let's go it's a crib is that what that is I was thinking crazy yeah it's a fisher-price crib which actually all these metal pieces could be just scrap bags not that the bags kind of cool it's moldy though and look at how rusty actually is I mean this has probably been in the person you use this Curt's probably like third think about that okay coming up on our right we have a situation that I would call a no pick situation what were you calling it I stay this can just stay stay Sammy claims oh look at this that's how you get bedbugs oh we've done clean outs that look like that before though so I can't even really get too crazy look at this the couple something some skeeters maybe a couple electric scooters in the trash Hardee's I tried to sell before like for parts no one ever buys them so these are just scrap once we have a lot of weight though too which is kind of strange but you would think someone would try and bomb the fixon but I guess it's probably easier cheaper to just buy a new one I'm assuming because I literally had one of these how bad do you want that there's a black cat in the window dude now yes that's a sign of good luck for me all right so this is what we were s out here for this big though you scrap so we're just gonna get it it's about to fill the truck that's why what I was saying before this is not a good situation for scrapping to be honest that we could you know they're not taking this we could just finish the trash day and come back with the trailer put them in sure cuz then they're in there and if they're gone that would that would not be cool but it is what it is because there's probably other cool stuff out and once we get those we're just gonna be maxed out well if we put them in the trailer direct that's what we'll do I guess nothing nothing these are good streets though right around here I found we found some some decent stuff on these blocks this is like a whole neighborhood in itself kind of like a square that also has the trash day today all right this is something that I think it's rusty but it's probably sellable this time of year that's not so much though it's all one side piece too so I mean it's nothing special but I know people look for fire pits 20 bucks I'm thinking for sure so not bad that's a score it's really nice and the fact that it's all one piece this big yes check that last clip just take it over should be good this time here [Music] all right they're throwing out an old trunk over there but we know first hand those are not easy to sell I think did my mom bring that one trunk to the flea market and then it didn't sell I know he tried to sell one on Facebook for a long time and no one bought it even for like 15 bucks lamp not great but might as well grab it all right I spied the shape of this basket I thought was cool actually I spied like what is this that's not bad that's pretty cool take that but we don't see we really want this actually it's nicer than the one we got well that's for food balls yeah they probably don't have a cat anymore I mean all that water rinsed it off nicely you could sell that that cat carrier even if we don't use it anyway because people are always looking for that and those things are super expensive now this is pretty cool though I don't know what is the significance of this it's not really a nice one but if anyone knows why it's shaped like that please inform us because we don't know it is pretty cool but I might I might just what's it nice out nice out yeah I know I don't need a long C but I like where and what just in case creepy stuff rubs on me on my hand but we made a pit stop back at home I unloaded all this stuff basically and we're going to go try a more wealthy neighborhood over on the island which is about four miles five miles away and go check that out see if there's anything cuz even with the quarantine and everything going on tons of people came down in there their houses here in New Jersey for the weekend last weekend today is Monday and we're assuming they did some spring cleaning getting ready for summer so if we're gonna find something of great value or of more value it's going to be probably in this town because this is the rich reg what's your big score today that you want to find big score just a nice pieces of wood for the caveat all right all right pieces of what not bad it's so hard to pick stuff but I was thinking about doing if we did a list thinking like a nice beach chair because I don't have like I've never bought a t-shirt ever I actually found one yesterday would be usable but it doesn't lean back I'm talking about like a nice cuz like usable for me like we can definitely find that Valentine compiling it company want like a nice nice like a big folding wants like that one we should have kept that was all floating out now the thing is we'll get one we'll get it was in that storage on yeah that thing was falling apart though but that was a nice one that was like a really long one it didn't stop you from lying in it yeah I was just in it to win it but that one in it in the game like that was already dusty so yeah no joke that digs epic waiting for the whole day to collapse what is this what is that a vacuum damn for some reason I thought it was a drill press the way it looked and the Sun was hitting my eyes and I was getting all crazy blinded by the light later lay all right so we're gonna make this we're gonna make this quick track over to the next town and then see what we can find I am too these are legit glasses put them on and I put these on because I was blinded by the light I don't know the rest and I don't know anything about this these are nice yeah I like to have gotta see the detail [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright alright so is it bad it's just it's is it rotting yeah it's kind of nice though if it's rotting it's done though okay then it's probably done should we take it a look at it I mean we're good we're good no one's gonna think what's yeah says look I love it it's just a couple pieces but I mean to rehab that would be way not worth your time it is nice though all right what is it we don't even know let me get my gloves out it's from the base of like a water bird feeder thing it's cool that right pretty good score all right so these things really cool but now look at this puzzle though I'm like no I don't know what year but it's old this thing no this thing yes this is a boat marine seat that goes with it but it's cooked I think that's a sellable piece and if not it is aluminum mostly so all right we got some creeper stuff some crazies okay aka some good stuff thank whoa this is really cool actually what did you even see that before I wasn't looking at that for some reason I thought it was like a part of the look at that I don't know why the way they put it there it's cheap but these are cool though it's a lucky girl claim these are like you know $10 each guy if not maybe more that dude I don't know what that is I think I'll put them in in the inside not saying they're old but they're definitely a cool tree and that is like this very specialized thing these guys a doubler I mean this was 50 bucks and this was 70 somebody paid $70 for this thing both for 20 down marketplace we can get it for sure not really my style but they're cool all right I'm at my brother's house now he lives right near where we were at anyway but I had to drop something off to him and he's got a table he said yeah we'll take it are they done my standards are my standards are I don't want four features minors that anything metal goes you don't you're gonna use these so my wish list for my backyard and stuff I said instead I'm getting an anniversary present I want it you could turn this into a paradise back all this um I like when I wait for this morning and didn't wait do you have a Jacuzzi in there so my whole thing is first off it didn't work it only got to like 98 Oh stinking no what's the clip this isn't a clip Wow no you did it that was pretty good actually dude I'll give it to you yeah just put it in like that that's nice thanks [Music] perfect that other chair we can fit it if you want it get rid of it alright so beach chairs dawn and then they have one more chair they want to give us scrap life all right stuff look at this yeah too many people but dude they just found a gaff in the trash which isn't that exciting but it's kind of a cool thing to find there was chairs there too but she might have to bail on them lamp in the trash it's gonna grab that and if anything else maybe cheers so we can fit them throw them in so this is the so here look this is the gaff I was talking about it's actually really nice I mean that the staff it's on is a little creepy but look at that the hook man all right so these are the nice chairs but they're a little bit ruined that one and then number two and that's it I think please be looking thing it's like a hanging saying that hangs like six feet probably for a spiral stair set does that make sense all right it's not a surfboard but it's a surfboard travel bag and it probably is pretty easy to sell egg it looks good it's good to go I could definitely bring my surfboards anywhere and they wouldn't get dinged in it yep this thing's noise so this is for an airplane I mean dude it has a little bit of wear and tear but these things are super expensive this is a score this is the biggest score of the day of the week at least 300 I would say for this company brand I don't know you could probably get them on Amazon unbranded but I yeah these are a lot of money I could probably just put in like this city bag a picture of it and show you guys right now how much it would be like I could be mistaken so just now in that last little score we found something not only valuable to buy but also very high likely chance that I could use it to protect my surfboards during travel to anywhere in the car in a plane I mean I don't have a good travel board bag like that there's it there's a day bag which is like a thin bag that you would put your board in almost like a sock like a book sock type of bag and you just throw it in the car you know take it wherever and then there's a travel bag which is that one which is much thicker you can fit longer track yeah and you could fit like three boards and their short boards in there if they're small enough and it has padding that goes in between and then the airline just throws it like 16 feet and it goes pinging and breaks all the noses off all the boards basically happens like one out of three times that I've seen I just would really be trying to ship like I know Ben sir like bring surfboards places all the time but like see it dead sex beds of the dead okay so now we I'm about to back up try and hook up the trailer and then we are going to go get that it's I think two dryers in a washer or two washers and a dryer there's three appliances at this house that we passed earlier that we held off on because we wanted to see if we could find some other stuff before we got the trailer and brought it back and they would have taken up the whole bed of the truck so well I'm actually happy we did that because we got the surf bag and that was the biggest score for Shore of the day so I'm gonna hook the trailer up and then we're gonna go putting on my back brace for this one because these are gonna be heavy I already now yeah on to the cat so they look at her pretty torturing my kids look at this pause and I was like hi chroma try and get its attention I can't see him from here what's up mom that's right dad all right let's do this a little too close almost this one will be much lighter and then the last guy which is also probably gonna be lighter maggot it's a dryer still my kid boy in the back and find some diamond earrings or a wedding ring more like pennies it's probably work still no joke out here lifted these things around though working up a sweat real quick energy I figured this police we're about to pull us over because somebody thought we stole their scrap I really did think that because it's happened to us before in this town where three police showed up just because we were getting scrap you could only hope that scared me that just first we don't do anything I mean do people though if they if somebody calls the police they have to respond though it's not their fault so like someone could be like those guys just stole a washer out of that yard just guys going for it almost back gonna load up all the other scrap and then go to the yard I guess it's probably the best idea right I mean this is okay but I need to hone in on my backing up skills for sure let's just leave it here all right as you guys can see here we have a nice specimen and as the crow buggy bug yeah he likes to sleek around and eat snacks next we have a little pup pup who sneaks outside when he's not supposed to and gives us that a heart attack because it at nighttime when he sneaks out can hardly even see him well Roo on the other hand can't see her at all when she gets out at night all right we just got back from trash picking we found a whole bunch of scrap a lot of scrap we got a couple really cool items and then we found I want to show you guys this one killer item which was worth the whole trip in itself check this out board bag total keep life right here creatures board back dude so stoked about this the zipper and everything works on it fine so this is for a surfboard or multiple surfboards for traveling up to seven and a half feet one inch I mean we could just put everything just like stack it all behind the trailer I guess for now [Applause] all right so I'm gonna bring all this aluminum heavier than it looks that our friend brought over yesterday Nuge the boy into the car into the bed of the truck this is nice aluminum and then we're gonna head out to the scrapyard cash in on this stuff see that we make off of it but that's gonna be the dirty aluminum clean aluminum and then there is a little bit of copper I'm gonna bring even though I prize should just save the copper but I don't know what to do [Music] today this get on with it take the little bit of making it happen recycling all this scrap turn into new things it's crazy they just like someone scrapped that truck and like look how nice it is when they did you that spell we're gonna dump this it's just crazy to turn the trailer backing up like by the slightest amount like a centimeter you can just mess up your whole day all right let's dump it yeah pull up a little bit like pull up a couple feet I had to pull up a little bit there's far [Music] [Music] all right this is really nice to have the dump trailer that we have we got it for the clean outs that we used to do but for scrap it just changes the game it makes everything of unloading so easy [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that was nice perfect I was a perfect jock perfection okay I don't know why I have a winter hat on because it's freaking crazy hot out but we got back home and so we had nine hundred twenty pounds of white iron and it's three dollars and fifty cents every hundred and that was thirty two dollars and 25 cents it's not that bad and then the aluminum and the dirty aluminum okay and the dirty aluminum and the aluminum were $11.25 so not that much money but we did get a whole bunch of other stuff to sell that we could sell and we got that you know I keep saying it but that killer board bag that was worth the whole trip today so hope you guys enjoyed the video and this is just you know some of the items you can find in people's trash if you just drive around and there's many other things that we found sometimes good sometimes bad sometimes nothing but you never know unless you go see you guys in the next one and just stay positive everyone this I know situation is just crazy in the world right now but it's up to you to have a positive attitude when you wake up in the morning and everything's scary right now and there's a lot of anxiety in the world with my own self included anything that you can do that can give you a bit of happiness try to do that and just do things that keep your mind off of everything but uh yeah peace everyone see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 145,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stunts, nubtv, tuckerfupper, fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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