LIVE AUCTION - Jewelry, Video Games, Collectible Pins, Watches!

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what's up everyone what's up kim colin sean pandura silverhand allen thompson mary beth bob marley what's up can everyone hear us and see us please somebody answer yes the email kim you are correct um i don't know colin i don't know i got to check that email sometimes i over overstep emails because i have same thing a lot of emails in the last week or so from various sources and sometimes in the fut in the past i have gotten emails from people that went into the junk mail thing by accident not sure if that's what happened but i'm gonna check it out i'm actually gonna write that down so i can remember but today we're going to do we're going to be doing an auction preview before we start so that anybody who wants to see the items first so that they can decide whether they even want anything to do with them can make up their mind before we even start the auction and then we're gonna move the camera basically to like right here around and we're gonna light this little table really well and we're gonna place the items kind of like i'll just do an example quickly put all the items that are on that lot or that item here and we're going to try to get it as good as possible for you guys so you can see clearly what you're getting and then we're going to start the bidding but for the next like 10 minutes we're just going to hang out and wait for people to come in um the wolf what is up bob morley we haven't seen you in so long so long retro papa what's up man the curry's what's up dave c how are you okay so shipping for the items depending on what it is if it's if it's something really small and the person pays you know more than fifteen dollars for it say if it's just like a ring the shipping is gonna be like two bucks two or three dollars if it's a bigger item um you're gonna have to pay shipping on it and the max probably for shipping would be like eight dollars for the biggest item we're doing today and uh all payments can go through paypal zell or venmo they all work and we've gone outside of those for other people who didn't have those um so if you want something i badly i would say just bid on it and hopefully we can negotiate how to make it work somebody bought something from us from canada about a little bit ago and they ended up sending it through a money gram and we did it like that because that was the only way they could figure it out and their paypal wasn't working so yes it's us postal service that's what we use to ship pirate ship and yes we will do shipping internationally no problem at all but you will have to pay for the shipping ella yes the sign is available but i don't think we're going to be shipping that that's why i didn't answer you because i was going to try to get a shipping rate for it by kind of weighing and measuring it before i emailed you back again i'm talking to ella gregory but i haven't done that and i started thinking about it more australia too and i don't think for it's uh to be honest the shipping cost isn't going to be worth it for you honestly it's just boring it's not going to be worth it it's going to be too expensive little burger rat pack nyc yes if it's shipped internationally it's going to cost more than eight dollars but you're gonna have to talk to us and get a final price on every item before we actually ship it out um that's just how it is we're not auctioneers uh as you guys well know after the last auction we realized how difficult it was actually to do these auctions and do them the right way which today is probably not going to be the right way for most people but we'd like to see people that watch our channels able to bid on items that they've seen us get over the you know the last couple months or whatever and we'd like to see people that want the stuff to get it for a good price as well so yes the records have been sent i can't even say that word out loud i'll come running but yeah we wanted to uh real quickly yeah real quickly we actually have begun shooting our first movie um it's going to be a feature film it's going to be an artistic project and we're really excited about it so yesterday we wanted to just mention this before we started the auction yesterday we started filming it was the very first day we haven't really said much about it because we weren't sure how it was going to go and honestly we've never shot a movie before just tons and tons of you know different videos but never a movie i've worked on we've movies work on music videos we've you know done tv shows this and that but we've never done actual feature film what's up kevin sandy queen rock's mom how are you um so that's what we were working on yesterday um alan c records no your records have not been sent um i can easily send them to you i told you that at no extra cost uh we thought we were going to go to new york and then drop them to you but we never did that sorry but yeah i can send them to you actually i can send them tomorrow morning it's not done yet uh you gotta just send me the uh the address please eddie gildo how are you yes wilma we will be thank you mary mary marin thank you so much but yeah we are going to say that we're using a red a red helium camera for the movie um and it's it's shot in actually 8k which is like the super top quality really of almost any standard it's probably the highest quality that you can really use and the movie is going to be on dvd and on some kind of a streaming network but it's not even close it i would say it's hardly even begun to be filmed i think it's going to take a really long time until it's ready um but the other movie we were filming that should be done pretty soon that wasn't our own project but we were just in it and i don't know if we're gonna do some kind of a premiere nude how are you by the way but uh you know if everything's back to normal by the time the movie's done yeah that would be cool to do like a local screening kind of thing and yeah we hope it's going to be a good movie it's probably it's not really going to be the taste of what we put on our youtube channel it's going to be like a thriller film and we're going to try to incorporate all the local scenery and local like landmarks like atlantic city and surfing skateboarding and r and the pine barrens and we're going to try and incorporate a lot of things that south jersey specifically is known for into the movie um because i think when people say you're from new jersey or they think of new jersey they get it really mixed up um with north jersey but south jersey is like a world all on its own and we think that has a lot of really cool aspects that we want to portray in the film as well yeah we can meet up next time we're in florida you got to just shoot us an email thanks cody but i guess pine barrens is my favorite sopranos episode uh we've never seen that episode but maybe i'll check it out they did do an x-files episode that was based in the pine barrens and in atlantic city and i really like that and i like the way they did it and the pine barrens is a super creepy area and it does get very overlooked and it's so big like it's so vast that people don't really think about it but they think of the jersey shore they think you know the beach the boardwalk um even atlantic city or wildwood whatever but they don't think of you you know the pine barrens makes up such a bigger section of south jersey then the actual beach part does but uh yeah we're gonna try and get this going pretty soon let's we're gonna show everything and the lots so we'll do that first right we're gonna do that first because this will probably take pretty long to do the whole auction from start to finish so we're going to just try and get into it pretty quickly just so it doesn't take hours and hours to get through even though we only have about 20 items and we might add a couple more if people are liking it um what's up gary g patricia evans how are you what was that jarhead entrepreneur how are you savannah georgia in the house allen thompson heidi from michigan thank you um so here's what it's going to be we're going to show the lots for anyone who just came into the auction we're going to show the lots first each lot for you know whatever one minute not even probably lot number one you know show it show what it is so people can get an idea of what they are getting not number two number three go through all the lots and then we're gonna start back from the beginning they're all numbered uh one through twenty and we're going to start with the first one and i think other than maybe some of the jewelry that's a little bit more valuable we're just going to start at a dollar i was actually trying to where dave c i was going to just wear a t-shirt but it's actually a little chilly out so i had to put on the 210 patagon it's pretty nice i actually have two of these and they're very lightweight and super warm that's the best thing about patagonia the only thing that's really good is the quality honestly other than that it's just another brand was the first one right so yeah what i was going to say is we're going to start everything at a dollar basically and then you guys just you know decide we're gonna give it once the bidding starts when someone says you know a dollar two dollars five dollars whatever then we'll do like five minutes the patagonia is not for sale sorry five minutes for people do you know to bid on it or if you know the bidding seems like it's totally done then we're to say okay so to this person and then that person's gonna have to email us or if it's like say the first law is these game boys there's five game boys and they weigh you know probably a pound or something that'll be like five dollars shipped within the united states so you could just guesstimate in your head or you can just email us and we'll get you a final number hopefully by tonight or at the very latest tomorrow morning and then as soon as you pay we'll ship it out to you and anybody who didn't get their items from the last auction i know somebody just got their sent out because they never gave me their address if there was a problem with anything from the previous auction we apologize it could easily be our fault or your fault or both of our faults probably our fault i'll take the blame for it but we don't want people to get screwed in these auctions that's totally not the idea of them so if you never received your items or you didn't know how to pay or if anything happened please email me the email is t-f-u-n-u-b and i will get that item out to you or try my best to resolve um the situation so we're gonna actually write that on a piece of paper probably too yes i'll do that and i'm going to put it in here right now and the same is for the paypal um the paypal name is the paypal name is the same as my email i think you can pin that oh wait let me can you yeah let me do it like this i'll write it though for you guys the paper i'm just writing out the um the paypal now either way we're gonna have to write it down but uh that's my email and that should work for zelle as well that's just paypal is the best i think too uh yeah dave c postage it depends on what it is but yeah usually overseas postage is really outrageously priced i'm not gonna lie i think it's too much it depending on what you're buying i don't really ever buy stuff from overseas hardly at all and if there's fake bids that is what it is we can't control if people even the same people have made new usernames um you gotta you gotta email me mr stash you gotta email me this is the email tfu nub never use google pay but i'm sure we can figure out how to use it um customs forms nowadays actually if you do it on any sites like pirate ship or like off of ebay even if you're doing ebay sales the custom forms are actually really easy to do nowadays that's not the problem it's just the fact that you guys possibly could be paying more money for the shipping than you would for the actual items because like we don't have high priced items in our auction so at the end of the day do you really want to pay more in shipping that's up to you sorry mr stash 51 if can you yeah just please email me if i've never got your item out to you i have not resold or done anything with any of the items from the last auction i still have all of them if you guys didn't get them which i think was only the iron maiden records which i was supposed to drop off to you didn't do it i'm sorry but we can meet up either friday or this weekend or i can ship them to you like i said um i knew tiffany's vase is i never got your correct address the full address so i have them boxed up but i haven't been able to make a shipping label and i did email you or tried to email you to the best email that i had the only email that i had so 464 people are in the auction porch swing co what is up so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna show the lots first so the bidding is not beginning um yeah the locker nuts i know him he's a really uh really cool guy i've never seen one of his auctions before though um but this is how we're doing it this is this is how we're doing our auction uh this is only the second one we've ever done so hopefully it just gets better from here on out and we plan to just do like one once a month i think so we're not going to be like heavy heavy auction people we also want people to come into our auctions in our live feeds to have fun as well um the main idea is obviously for people to buy stuff that they might want but it's also for people to enjoy themselves and to talk with us and have a good time that's the main point in life really is to have fun and enjoy your life we don't we try not to take anything too too seriously because it does overall if you take stuff too seriously uh it ruins it i think let's do it so here's the first okay so this is lot number one it's game boys all right all right we gotta do it like this guess we're just gonna have to bring it all over or should we just start the auction you guys want to start the auction who would rather just start and just there is 80s and 90s toys who would rather just start let's just start the auction if that's okay with everyone um and you can just start bidding because it'll be easier for you guys to see yeah they're saying just start all right so i'm just david thank you for staying with us for four years um so we're gonna bring the first lot over so you guys can check it out so basically this is a lot of game boys number one this is lot number one i need to get the um we haven't began any bidding yet what can i get rid of this uh thing right here let me see i'm gonna try to get rid of uh okay rob c so we want to be totally honest with you we don't have any outlet any plug for any of these game boys i was holding on to him to try and find one i should have probably bought on ebay at this point it's become to the point where they're just taking up space and somebody has offered to trade me something with them that never happened so i was holding on to them again to trade with that person or to sell to that person never happened so here we go we have them in the condition that they're in we have no way personally right now telling you if any of them do work so they're just going to be as is condition this is a nintendo ds lite this is a nintendo game boy advance sp i've never personally played any of these versions only the older one one game which is happy feet this one looks like it's in the best condition and the thing the it folds cleaner than the other ones and this is the nintendo ds lite um and this is the nintendo ds lite as well so there's three nintendo ds lights and one advanced sp with one game so we have 50 dollar bid from ricardo and we'll see if anyone can beat that otherwise you know that's a pretty high bid hopefully it's real rob c we already got 50 on this we need a piece of paper 55 from edward um we're gonna write down the second person who bid on the item the second price just so that if there's any fake bids we have a second uh up and we'll try and find you if they you know are just totally fake the channel or whatever it's hard to keep track of so many people um i know a lot of people on here that i've dealt with before but then there's a lot of other people that it's hard to tell or they can make um you know fake channels with different pictures different names it's really hard jody stewart's at 60. sorry we should have had a timer on this but does anyone uh roberto 60s to max from jody um 60s the top price if anyone can beat that go ahead part-time flip said 75 so 75 bucks for the game boys part time's at 75 i think that's going to be the highest i mean i don't know but that's pretty high so part-time flips put down and then edward kozinski is at 76 you're gonna be the winning bid at that um and if hopefully that's a real channel thank you it sold for 76. sorry to edward so that's sold yeah we're trying to give people good deals um this is for making money so for you guys too it's not not all about us i know part-time flips is legit we said 76 was the last bid we're gonna have to do it a little more clearly with a timer um and in the future we're not we've been doing a lot for the last couple weeks um kozinski so we wanted to have like a timer that we could hit so you guys could see you know the time so you could put in your last bids but we're gonna have to just do it by phone 76 was the final bit i'm sorry if other people wanted it we'll have more stuff like this in the future but three minutes then sold you are correct that's the way we should do it okay moving on so that is what i'm gonna do all right so lot number two is a video game lot this is going to be various different like little video games so we have friday the 13th uh the the lot the first lot is already sold to eduard edward edward sorry um he got it for 76 but we're gonna do a timer for this one we're showing the items first you can start bidding but we're not going to truly start the bidding until after we show everything so people have an idea this is like um one of those game systems that you hook in and it has games built into it it's not an actual vintage game system at all and that i have never tested i don't have the power cord for it but it does come with the controller we have friday the 13th and that's the original nintendo game and we have two nintendo 64 wwf games that are looking in good condition i would say pretty much guaranteed work i can't say 100 but they look good this is virtual open tennis sega saturn game and then eternal champions jane and we're gonna start it off so starting the timer now uh at three edwin is that eddie gilbert yeah what's up man he said 40 bucks so we're starting it off and it's three minutes right now here you can just yeah hold it here so there's a three minute timer it's at forty dollars to start forty dollars we need an egg timer yep that would work but i think you guys can see this pretty well we got forty dollars so far it's at forty dollars so anyone that's bidding below 40 isn't going to be calculated um so this is the lot right here this is not this is not official nintendo this but obviously the four games here well these three are are legitimate nintendo games and this is a sega genesis gaming this is a sega saturn game michael paranormal rich set a hundred okay sorry sorry one minute so we got one minute thirty so we're at a hundred fifty cents yeah that's not good the sega saturn game is virtual open tennis i've never played it before um i never actually owned a sega saturn but mj i think that the 100 bid hopefully is real that would be the highest bid uh mr unk said 105. mr b said what 10 grand mr b said ten dollars ten thousand all right mr beast is up there ten grand what a legend how do we see the uh mr unknown mr unk is at 105. so that's it 105. okay how do i see the live uh oh that's a traumatizing sound [Music] all right i'm trying to um see on my phone how i can see the live live thing sold 25 mr uncle yes who was the secondary bidder at 100 it was michael paranormal rich okay michael paranormal rich and then put eddie gilbert's down too at 40. put both of them just yeah put we're going to do the top three highest bids if we can remember them just in case and the thing of it is too some people in the auction obviously we can't control whether you pay or not and honestly if you get excited and then you realize later you don't have the money we wouldn't want you to actually pay for something that you know you could use for something that you actually need instead um so you know stuff gets lost in transition and second sometimes people don't pay so we're gonna just keep the top three highest bids and then we'll go from there if the first person pays that's great we'll send it out to you if the second person if they don't pay we'll go to the second person and if they don't pay or they're fake we'll go to the third person [Music] is behind the camera she's controlling the feed right now she's just gonna knock everything over so we need a chicken all right so this next lot is going to be a bunch of controllers for various um systems this is a sega genesis controller but it's off-brand it's not actually the battery pack doesn't look that corroded either which is kind of rare for an older i've never used this one just put that out there right now it came in a storage unit that we got this one i have used this is a sega genesis controller that plugs in um so we have these two are segi controllers we have this one has stuff shaking around in it i'm just trying to be as honest as possible with you guys so that you don't buy something that you know doesn't work or do you think you don't want but so that one's got something shady in it these are sony playstation controllers and i think these work for well this one seems like it's in good condition these work for the 5 the 4 yeah playstation 4 i think um this is just a normal playstation controller and this one this one has a cord with it and this one definitely works this specific one and then this one is a pre-owned one from gamestop stock is through the roof over there and that is an off-brand one called a game pad controller hey you got your phone so we can start the timer that is right here um so yeah we'll tilt it down a little bit but this is lot number three video game controllers and there is two there's seven all together from various systems well playstation and sega so yeah okay we got six dots from the curse yeah please like the video um please please it does help it helps a lot hair nuts i do not hi pandora um twelve dollars from mason part-time pickers is at 25. uh the reality of it is obviously people are going to be uh trolls on here because some people just have nothing better to do uh obviously we know this from previous experiences in life we had a 30 bid from eddie uh we don't have any axes for sale right now we do have 650 plus people in this feed right now pretty crazy top bid right now though is 30 bucks that's behind me actually good to see you too patty well we're not seeing you but we're happy to have you in here no the bids do not include shipping but for something like this we would at thirty dollars the bid is we would charge like an extra five for shipping uh that would cover it within the united states um we don't want to overcharge for shipping we would even take a little bit of a hit on the shipping personally but yeah like so like an extra five for shipping within the united states for this but yeah the top it uh is 30 bucks hey what's up jason how are you uh i don't think 56 seconds average ginger freedom to dream baby thank you thank you 40 i'd win at 30. that's the top bed jewelry's not going we didn't get there yet charles wenzhoff just went in at 50 bucks charles one sloth is that bitty all right that's pretty much gonna do it right there you know and then part-time pickers put in a 32 bit under it so put charles down first even though i know you charles if by chance later you're like you know what i don't want those at all put down part-time pickers for the second one so that's sold to charles winslow and i hope you're doing well my friend i see your posts on facebook sometimes and always like you as a person and always love your support you've been very supportive of us uh throughout our whole journey for a long time really good guy that sounds this is not a good sound sold to charles all right and then i'll put it what was he at there 50 bucks okay and then part-time figures was at 32. just to have it on there as the second day so that one before we're gonna go to four now uh so lot number four is gonna be a big like jewelry lot but it's not gonna be anything of super high value it's i guess people call it junk jewelry or costume jewelry but the first item in that is going to be this watch bracelet and then we have this is a teddy february amethyst birthstone necklace in a little teddy bear the teddy bear container is kind of a little bit dirty though um this is genuine garnet stone in a little container i'm just showing it all and then i'm going to put it all here so you guys can see it um but none of this is going to be high value jewelry this is all what i would call i put a a little costume a little ring that has like a giant obviously fake diamond on the front like a little glass diamond this is something that says it says ring masters um it's silver plated says faith hope and charity and it has three rings on it so all this is going to be together as a lot um i don't know if you guys can even see this that well but this is like a necklace that's on a keychain but you can unhook it right there and the reason that we ended the time the auction without the timer going off somebody's concerned about that obviously it's counterproductive but at the same time when that bid came in at fifty dollars i knew that charging more than fifty dollars for those controllers um i know i don't want to be unfairly over charging people they could probably just go buy them on ebay for that price our point in the auction is yeah we want to make money but we don't want people to overpay for stuff either so i just ended it right there because i said 50 if someone pays more than that for them it's counterproductive that's why i ended it just a little bracelet and then this is some earrings so all right 25 all right we're just starting it off now because tim came in at 25 and now we've showed all the items so get that thing going so all this stuff and then you can yeah put the timer right there so we're already at we're at 25 tim o'brien um is at 25 it's a lot of really cool stuff i just it's not of super high value but it's it's very good condition all that some of it has never been used or opened like i don't think they ever took this out of the pack or this this either probably and this obviously still has the bands on it it's cool stuff it's all like i would just say costume jewelry but three is in at 40 bucks the earrings um these ones they're still in the pack a little bit of a glare john's at 45. he's got two minutes left trying to show him as best as possible without the glare and they hook like that like real earrings are not like clip-ons uh i should have showed that before sorry [Applause] noah are you at 100 is that a real bit all right we're at 100 so far no i said 50. don is at 46. no we've got that okay so no is noah said 101st and he said 50. so just um leave that out to here hit it again so they can say do we know if noah is somebody said he's trolling i don't think he i didn't think that he was you had a clip again we're not gonna sell the harry potter anything we're keeping all that fifty dollars the highest so tim o'brien's at 52 just right now all right um 28 seconds agreed i mean we could change it to two if you want i think three minutes is good tim's at 52. so i'm just going to write that down because uh it gives people time to see this stuff all right so did it end yeah to move around 52. tim's at 52. okay 52 bucks and honestly we're just running the auction how we're running the auction um we not we don't just we're not going to sit around and compare ourselves to other people because we're not other people so if you guys are enjoying the auction we're happy and we're happy that everyone's here 680 people to be with us and we want people to get good deals on stuff and we're not going to make this like a high tension bidding war either um we're not auctioneers so we're here to have fun pikachu car can be up for auction the only problem is you can't ship that oh you cannot chip that but yeah so all this sold 52 bucks i do think too that it is a serious i'm not saying that people are are trying to compare us to other people or anything yeah but i do think um it's a serious problem in our society that people constantly compare their lives to other people that maybe have an unfair advantage or you know they live a different life than you uh comparison is very unhealthy super negative can be not always you know if you if you really love a filmmaker and you're a filmmaker and you look up to that person and you want to do what they did or you know learn techniques from someone that's better than you in a positive way then comparison can be good but um more so inspiration there jesse you're right no one is perfect and it does seem like a lot of youtubers including ourselves are held up to such a high standard as if they can't make a mistake or say something they didn't necessarily mean or you know or do something wrong uh you do get a lot ridicul in the public eye and i could see why some people that are that are famous like not famous we just you know have a decent little following on youtube but people that are actually famous how they could become depressed because like they're always just looked at under microscope by you know a lot of times for really no reason at all or they get ridiculed for things they do when they're kids like young kids and then when they get older it's like well you remember when he did that but like he was a he was a kid so and yeah that stuff we have these hats on online there's i think only five laps but we have sold a bunch of them so this is the next item shipping to the uk will be calculated uh as necessary is it glitchy has other i need people other people getting glitches bob are you getting glitches maybe that isn't the trick stephanie said it's good okay if it's good it's good we're gonna show this so we got this out of a big lot of stuff that we bought at an auction um and we've never had the outlet for it but it was you know in a box of other stuff and from what we can tell it is you know brand new the plastic still on there it's still on there we've never turned it on but from the look of the keyboard it has never even been used um yeah i guess just start the three minutes this is kind of a gamble for people we don't know if it's like we don't know anything about it we've never turned it on we were actually going to give it to someone as a gift and we never got around to it so 25 bucks it's the starting bid yes it is jason it's from the pad auction um and actually we the whole point of you know what we do is to make money obviously yard sales and dreams is at 40 bucks so we have paid off that lot with other items from it so this will just be profit but um we're at 60 bucks jk dodge so it's just it's a dell computer laptop obviously inspiron n5110 is the model and all the fans and everything looks super clean um i think it's brand new straight up austin peay's at 70 bucks the model again i think i just said inspiron n5110 again that is inspiron one one zero did we have a hundred dollar bid kim williams was there a hundred dollar bed maze said 109. dennis beamon is it troll okay sounds about right so we're at 134 110 wait where's 134 i'm saying minutes ah a million that's obviously a thing that we're not gonna kick out because it's obviously funny um gary we have 110 already if you want it uh go a little higher one eleven that's the highest 120 from gary okay mj get down 116 team ua shoes 125 i'm sorry family man family man was the first to say 125 so he's got the top one 150 this one goes to the buzzer tap it again we got a 150 dollar bid don't know is that person jerry's out thank you for saying that because i have to write down their name yeah 150 right here so what's the name yeah wait till it's done first done 152 right there 152 from austin 152 and that's our boy i know he's real yeah i know that's yeah five dollar shipping on the game boys that's cool edward austin p 152. and if you buy something of uh so if you're someone that subscribes to our channel and you watch our videos and you like our brand or you like what we do or just whatever if you buy something that's like 150 like that much just let us know if you want us to throw in like a sticker or something too because if you're spending money like that with us uh we we'd love for you to have at least you know a sticker so oh sorry the timer's up uh the the winner was austin for 150. mj is where is he is he back there he was back there he could have been but i'm joined now mj is not his bidding would start at too much money i don't know we'd have to have elon musk priceless a lot was mr beast trying to bid on some more stuff because i was like it that bit uh oh six all right all right to the next one another crazy thing that happened to us recently that wasn't that crazy actually um we had this multiple drones at this point but we had a newer drone that we got and i upgraded the software on it and all of a sudden the battery now doesn't work with the drone so if anybody has a dji mavic any model this happened to a lot of people uh be careful about your software even though you're supposed to upgrade it because now that it doesn't work you're waiting for it to batter it be sent but that's partially why we haven't had any drone videos in our uh yes please sub to bob morley's channel i've been trying to encourage this dude to make more videos because he is so classic actually my dad should really start a channel that's where the big subs would come all right so i believe that the term they use for these are military challenge coins um they're basically memorable coins from different wars or different veterans events that happen so we have five of them right here we do have uh some pokemon cards but they're not of any value they're not of much value i should say but they are uh pretty older ones we can do that a lot if you guys want but here we go so we have this one and that's gonna be from the american legion post 184 um and that's the vietnam war all right memorial but this is a wildwood new jersey challenge coin and the back has the vietnam veterans of america little symbol and it has the american legion with their post number and then it says r.i.p greg mazzotto which who i don't personally know but obviously he's a local veteran that passed away so i think that was a memorable point for him this one is from the long range strike operation iraqi freedom coin and that's from 2003 uh northrop grumman supports our troops and these these two are super cool but these two are newer much newer than the other three that are vintage coins um so these aren't these aren't military metals they're kind of like collectible coins that you wouldn't have to necessarily be in the military to get them um but they're still really cool seven second infantry division warriors and that has uh the flag of korea on one side and the united states flag on the other and this is either brass or maybe bronze could be copper and it says team spirit with korean writing on the back and that's from 1990. so eddie and charles wenzloff we got your payments both of your payments just wanted you guys to know tim o'brien it was asking how much what did he what did he buy uh the jewelry what did he buy the jewelry lot yeah 52 was the price he's saying how much for shipping was it the whole lot of stuff not four i mean that would be like seven bucks i think yeah seven bucks that was like the big costume lot now once that 160 dollar bid for the computer came in after the timer went off and if you had put it in before the timer there could possibly be some kind of lag where we didn't see it until after that's true because we apologize um if this was totally live which would be really cool if we could do a live auction with all of you guys in person um biggest strata said 25 already so let's just start this off this one's the first infantry division um coin and that one doesn't have a date but it has like a tank on the front and it says 37 on the front with a tank uh it says no mission too difficult no sacrifice too great duty first duties fast and i know we do have a good amount of veterans that watch our channel and thank you all uh for your service it really is something that definitely gets overlooked i think in society that they put a lot of stuff that's a lot less meaningful before stuff like that this says centurions 77 i guess it's the 77 division 2nd battalion 77th armored regiment and that one's like pewter or maybe aluminum he's five so to thirty dollars i think john is going to be the top bid right now so 30 bucks and we got one minute 50. uh three minutes does seem a little long but we want people to be able to bid uh we're gonna have to put someone in timeout right here huh never mind someone took care of it so i guess uh 30 bucks right now is the top one i agree the lady holding the phone is gorgeous we don't accept bitcoins yet thank you i thought that would be good martin hi book book club came out king quo hi chunky it's 30 bucks all right i mean if somebody else wants to put it in we got a minute left but yeah i mean if you guys if more if a few people say we should just do two minutes then we'll just do two minutes um i think three is pretty good but you're right for certain items if there's not a lot of bidding going on it seems like a waste reset three minutes is good these are super cool and the three of them are from the 90s and then two of them are from like the early 2000s we'll do two minutes for the just single items um we we want to do like yeah obviously we want to have something a decent amount of control over the auction obviously we have to but we also want people to have input because if you're not enjoying the auction uh what's the point it's not really for uh it's for us to sell stuff but it's it's for you guys to enjoy as well no hot wheels today um john what what was the last name there on that the thirty dollar bit i'm gonna go up i'm start sorry everyone i'm sure it is scrolling right or no no i'm just freaking out it's not mj it's crap crow is dirty whoa he's so excited crows dead john abrahams okay won that at thirty dollars we do take zell too thomas brewster austin sent money let me say uh i mean i trust you we know you so let's go let's move it along lot number seven which is uh the watch out now number nine number seven is these three okay so okay it's gonna be this is a jewelry lot mj be nice um and so this one is actually sterling silver earrings uh 1 10th carat diamond so this is these are really nice earrings i'm just going to pop them out of there so you guys can see the back and the price tag that someone spent 125 on these earrings at one point in time um they're nice though they are nice i guess if they're made in india that's what it says i'm not they're nice really nice earrings though that's in the lot this one is genuine crystal fine silver plated and it's a necklace sorry guys it's a necklace with the letter m no baseball card sorry and i guess it was 60 originally because it was never oh yeah michelle you have to set up an account on paypal but from what i've uh experienced that paypal is actually very safe i've never had any problems with it um and i pay on other websites with my paypal account just because it's like a firewall between that website and your direct credit card number or debit card number uh so glomstar what's up boy hope you're doing well dude you should help us out with this movie when you have a free day when we're filming okay so this is a necklace it's got an opal stone will the rocker 925 stamped cz so that's a silver necklace too i know it's like not that easy to say so this one's silver plated these are sterling silver earrings and then that's a 925 silver necklace and chain so we're gonna start the bidding uh we're gonna set the timer setting it now so these three items all in good condition all with little boxes too come with little boxes timer started and we'll move it move it up so there we go i'm sure you would joe you'd probably pay a whole lot more than that oh 20 bucks 25 yard selling dreams is the first to say 25 30 pandara 30. and yes on you are correct what's up west side gary how are you will the rockers at a hundred the hundred dollars is the high bid welded rocker west side gary i hope your auctions have been doing good too um i've been meaning to come over and check it out it's just so hard to do really anything because we have a lot going on is the richard truesdale's at 200 okay it's a 200-hour bid on these items you're good you're good all right so 200 um true's now true is down i mean we're still at 54 seconds atlanta in the house well we're gonna go to the next uh highest bid down which was a hundred um if that if that 200 bid because someone said they think it's a troll i hope it's not i don't think it is but we got a hundred dollar bid and we'll go to that next um sit here it's that will the rockers at 100 and then richard truesdale is 200 so we'll go to that yeah the only thing is if if if some of the bids are fake it does mess it up the bidding a little bit but the next person in line um will be contacted done uh well the rocker was at 100 and still for us you know these are nice pieces but that's fine you know that's a good price for us and for him so we're saying 200. if that falls through we're going to the next high speed and we're going to do that on every one because just like anything nothing is foolproof uh and we want to make sure yeah uh rich are you are you dead serious about the 200 bid you can back out uh if you want i mean there's no way for us to make you pay uh we wouldn't want to even if we could but leave us you know let leave a message just let us know there might be a little lag on here possibly and yeah please no arguing even if there's fake bids you know it does affect us but at the end of the day it's not the worst thing that could happen the wolf is is here yes he is okay so i'm assuming let me see all right so will the rocker do you want that them for 100 because rich isn't speaking up thank you james james charles all right let me see and thank you uh fabio uh i do try to be honest it's actually something that i work really hard at like to be fair and i think that being fair on this one being fair might make you like being honest and being fair lets you get taken advantage of in life but that's only for that specific moment or that specific situation because in the long run being an honest and fair person uh awards you with so many good long term relationships and opportunities um so who cares you know if you get screwed that one day at least you can walk away with your head up so we'll pass right so who are we going back let's just redo that auction if you know if rich was if rich was fake we're gonna have to just redo it speak up now rich please if you want it speak up now all right let me get that back okay retro papa was at 55. he's claiming it now we're redoing it what's up storage auction pirate how are you we're just gonna do this again starting at 55 with a three minute timer timer i really think that the storage auction pirate who just came into this auction and said what's up does a lot of really cool videos everybody should go check out his channel if they don't already hit that subscribe button genuine dude because let me try it again so we're at 55 bucks to start it off um 55 and we got two minutes and 20 seconds so if anyone wants to jump in we're doing them all three for 55. we will post okay man danny mal is at 75 that's the top bed right now we did show up close um when we started this before i was hoping that the same people that were seeing them not before we're still in here yeah the top bid 75 so this is a sterling silver earrings uh original retail price was freaking 125 78 bucks from chris and that's a nice necklace there silver plated that was 60 bucks though originally 78 is the top bid right now i'm seeing chris at 78 80 vanda at 80. sorry if there's a lag um we are on our home internet so it shouldn't lag but we're not going to do weekly auctions but we are going to do more auctions probably every bi-weekly so that's silver um and the chain is silver we have verizon um i think so yeah 70 we got 80 from vanda um that's the top bit and two one done timer vandy took it i know i'm biting my nose worst habit ever i stop for a little bit and i for some reason just have such a nervous habit of biting my nose and it's so bad it's horrible kim you missed it we're sorry uh it ended at eighty dollars if there's a lag work we apologize right eighty dollars vanda but all right uh vanda bear baby and then four what was the other one okay we would like to sell our art it just takes really a lot of time to make art that i don't think unless you're a very well-known artist that you really get back what you put into it most of the time unless you're making it uh for somebody you know special in your life or for a gift then it's worth it for sure all right let's do the next one how do you claim so you can go to this if you have a paypal this is the same email that's on paypal it's tfu nub if you're located within the united states uh shipping will be like five dollars so just add five dollars to that and then you know it might be a little bit more but not much so we'll just you know you paid 80 so if it's an extra buck we'll just you know eat the cost of that taxes yeah just five extra dollars um so 85 and then you can you can ship it send it over to our paypal or venmo or we do have zell too and that would be the same do you have the uh yes the paper thank you for this so now we're going to do a ring lot that is of as far as we can tell um they are not wait a second not anything that is super valuable but there are still some nice rings in here we'll take each one out if you guys want you saw you did you see kim did before the timer went off did other people too we didn't uh that's that's why we didn't show me the claim site again i missed it meaning like the email right no no we didn't her bid did not come over our feed until after the timer and i'm going to say like 10 15 seconds after the timer maybe five seconds but definitely after five seconds later she did after the timer okay thank you guys um they're all different medals on paypal probably mostly sterling or not sterling scratch that from the record they're probably um stainless steel a lot of them but all together there's three four five six seven eleven this one's like a little barbie ring that would be cool for like your daughter or niece um something like that i did see so do you want to start taking them out of there because i already saw some beds so these aren't like uh these aren't 925 obviously okay this is like a pink stone in it i don't know why that my nails are very distracting we do have a ring sizer thing it's underneath yeah so we can put some of them on there but they're all they're all different sizes for the most part this is why we wanted to actually do an auction like like opening with showing the items before we even start the bidding because this is a nine and a half that's right people get um but like this the barbie ring is going to be like super small so the barbie ring is for a child for a child okay yeah we'll we'll we'll open the bidding yeah it's that uh yeah but somebody said twelve dollars so we'll open it at twelve dollars that's the barbie ring so that's literally like yeah like three and a half but it does open a little wider it has one of those things so we're at 25 so that's like almost a nine there that one 25 from uh donald pearson so that's where it's going to be at 30. that's like an eight right there christmas james said 40. and that one's like more than a 10. so they're various sizes thanks kim the ring sizer is super cool that's a seven the ring sizer's not in the auction also i wanted to say kim williams has been a friend of ours and she's been watching our channel for a long time her brother has a youtube channel um kim if somehow you could put the link in there for people to see uh so that they could go to your brother's channel if they wanted to chris is at 40 i think that's the top bid right now right yep see that one's really small that's like a three it's an itty bitty ring does that one open up yeah it kind of does actually okay that is the plantaholic capital t and capital p and that's kim's brother's channel we do this is lot number nine yeah sorry we do actually have a lot number um the rings came from two different uh storage lots but a lot of times when we find jewelry it's mixed it's like as if the grandmom the mom and the daughter all through it together in one place because like mixed jewelry lots from in storage units and stuff are very common like sometimes there's kids like obviously kids jewelry mixed with like legitimate gold and silver it's crazy hi gary 30 seconds so i think we're at chris james with 45 who said that who's okay stephanie's at four is stephanie the first one to say 45 yes okay then stephanie's got the top that was your bid bob bob bid 45. all right so bob said 45 is bob's bed i thought you were just telling us that was the highest one all right it ended at chris james came in at 47 though on the timer should we give it to him yeah put that pressure on me i'm just saying it literally i saw it come up sorry it's done steph uh when did i call it can somebody tell me when i called it did i call it before the timer nah it came in on the timer it was before the timer all right yeah all right do you want this little thing with them if not we can just get rid of it it's kind of dirty but it still holds the rings pretty nice sold we'll just say it sold sold sold all right chris juan chris you want this thing it's like a little drawer and just add five dollars for the shipping if you're in the united states otherwise it's gonna be more obviously and this little uh that little thing comes with it too it's like a little stone we didn't even show that but you can yeah we'll put it in with you but yeah just add a five bucks for shipping and that was lot number nine so if you pay on paypal just put lot number nine um and two if you guys pay on paypal if you don't mind just put friends and family and then you know send your address on an email or something uh if you don't feel comfortable with doing that then just you know put it on there but friends and family helps us to avoid extra fees yeah soft clothes would be a good idea um that's not a bad idea we're trying to learn how to do this correctly this is only our second one and i've seen so many options in real life a lot of auctions are really messed up to be honest and that's a lot of the reason why auctioneers don't really like when you film their auctions because sometimes it could make them look bad um i'm not saying we're good at auctioning but it's different every option is different every item and every auction is different okay this is a big this is a big this is a big watch lot so any watch enthusiasts out there this is a big one we're going to show this for a couple minutes before we even before we do anything this is a nice light though do you want me to plug this in over there i don't know if the cord is gonna can you they can see this stuff yeah i just wish this was like these are like vintage watches new watches newer watches uh they're just all different watches this one's actually like broken from that end but that's a timex watch um t cell and it says t28 on it that one is broken this is a qvc so i guess that's from like a tv kind of thing yeah where you would buy it off of like network i don't know where this came from but it had a three dollar sticker on the back so i guess the people who sold it didn't think it was worth that much but this one says this is a swift movement parts r-753 annie klein ii little watch this one it's a fake uh it says gucci on it but i don't think it's legit i don't know don't even know where that came from but uh that one's really cool is that the one that uh yeah it's like diamonds move that move around in there now if you guys can see that of watches lots of watches casaurus this is just a little timex watch assembled in the philippines this is a big watch one petagucci you're gucci wolf you're we gotta keep this going we got more yeah why do we do this a lot of watches watches come across a lot on uh uh just tons of different ways we come across watches find them in the trash from clean outs from storage units from auctions from the quicksilver watch people giving them away people sell them at yard sales for cheap that one was given to me i think by my brother because like he just had it and probably never used it he used to use a watch and like surf contest to time the heat maybe that's where it came from this actually is probably the nicest one yeah because they're probably it's a target something yeah it is the time of heat it says it on there 15 minute heat 40 minute heat uh quicksilver quartz movement this is the nicest one got a nixon nixon watch too that's probably for uh tidewatch it's a digital watch though embassy diamond quartz geneva water resistant some of these i think are just like uh maybe giveaways or literally ones from like casino retail stores kind of is what it looks like to me like mid-grade watches but nothing super expensive and then some of the older ones were probably a lot when they came out it's just this is the kids watch disney watch that's probably my second favorite it comes with the box okay i remember the dice quad rant 2005. i remember that this is just like a target watch exhilaration watch what's up don how's tampa it's probably crazy after that huh all right so that is a lot number 10 okay and that is all of those watches and that'll probably be about ten dollars this year so i'm gonna start the timer we have a seven dollar bid from josh 20 bucks stephanie 40 from gary so 40 dollars is the top bid right now from gary add an extra 10 for shipping chris james chris james is at 50 bucks um broken down this is definitely hundreds of dollars in watches if you sold each of these individually and you knew they all worked i mean i don't know tim williams is at 50 bucks barry's at 52. gary's at 52. yeah it's a lot of watches we actually probably have another whole lot like this clayton gordon's at 60 and then everyone like i kept saying it but i don't know who's coming in or leaving or what 66 chris james uh just add an extra 10 if you send the money over 66 is the top bid right now oh christine sorry i had to sit over here for a second um we're about after this we're going to be like uh 70 from clayton this will be halfway through the auction i guess after this 80 bucks 1-3 we made it gary said 72 75 from clayton my bad oh wait why am i going backwards 80 bucks is the top bid right now sorry everyone [Music] gary's out thank you for saying that thank you we appreciate that one three we made it is the top bed rotating bezel 52 seconds it's a timex watch is that what you're talking about i'm sorry 85 top head right now from clayton that's a minnie mouse one yeah the disney watch is super cool tim and brian i don't know if i said this already but we got here we got the paypal from you just uh trying to check the p clayton's at 85. we got 20 seconds left austin we got you 87 from gary 10 seconds 87 is the top bed gary lucetti five four three two done eighty-seven gary lucity87 thank you uh muscleshell for putting it there or for everyone that keeps putting it there and donald and stephanie thank you appreciate it uh we're gonna write it down write it down now we're gonna take a second to put these in a box but we got 720 people 24 people in the chat in the live wear now which is so crazy thank you guys for joining um i know other people had a problem with this where they didn't get even when they said they hit the post notifications on our videos they didn't even get notified which could be a problem with their email i guess but go uh if you guys didn't know when you subscribe to our youtube channel if you like their videos you can uh go on there and get post notifications for that video so like when we upload the next video you'll get notified so please do that if you don't mind if you want to see our videos this would be good right yeah that's exactly what i was looking for actually also i was going to say we're gonna be making make making tons of videos we have a lot of ideas to do this year but possibly for the next like week we might not have that many videos coming out uh just because we're working on this we started working on this movie and we already put a whole day into it and we're doing another day on thursday a full day uh and that takes up time that we could have been doing something else but we are going to be going to a storage locker auction um on the 24th i think it's a live one in person so kind of the funnest ones to go to and uh is it gary gary it's a lot number 10 if you want to put that on the paypal or however you pay makes it much easier this is a troll obviously these people are so unhappy with their own lives all right i might do the bathroom it's that time of the month anybody that trolls people on youtube i can't i don't even get mad about it anymore because she's really quick third lives are obviously sympathetic and that's sad straight up sad for them i don't really care i actually really enjoy my life so it's hard to care about other people's opinions when you're really actually truly happy but unless they're like your friend and then their opinion matters obviously but we're going to go to [Music] oh wow we skipped over that one we're gonna have to backtrack to lot number eight because we actually didn't do it um sammy's taking five but i'll show you guys the lot it's this little pierced earring caddy and that's basically just to hold your small earrings in i thought that was cool i actually bought that at a yard size i think um because i thought it was really cool and ended up not using it for anything so no longer was needed in my life but somebody else might want to i thought it was cool so i was under the impression that it was so good that i bought it these are clip-on earrings listener that one says and that one says um barakov darakov yeah and then we got these ones that don't have a name on them but they're like seashells or maybe crowns king's crowns these two bracelets one's uh silver toned and one's gold toned and they're avon bracelets these are we skipped uh lot number eight yeah lot number eight so that's the lot right there a lot this is lot number eight that was skipped over but we're going back to it now and that's it right there so four sets of earrings that are clip-on earrings and two avon bracelets and then this little earring caddy box it's kind of like a makeup box so you wish charles i don't think we ever found arrowheads um in like our travels but i remember that being a big thing up in pennsylvania when we were younger like people hunting down arrowheads thank you richard this guy is ten dollars we just got three ten dollar bids but josh was the first one on there so he's at 10. 25 um from pandora hunting hey kyle all right 25 um it's the top bed right now it's definitely mj bank there 27 from marvy 30 from pandara silverhand again thank you for the cat food that you sent to us yes thank you and 30 it's a top bed under her silver hand again the slot number is lot number eight it got skipped you guys bend over that's obviously uh fake right like bend over yeah that's cool um that was a fake bit error so you're still at 30. and if it's not a fake bid then um they need to change their name i'm sorry because there's too many fake people on here i apologize if that's not fake but bend over it just seems fake to me so the top bit is 30 right now now it's 30. we think that was a fake bed so if anyone wants to come in with a real bid above 30 uh then pandora's pandara is going to go up to 35 i'm pretty sure but other than thomas we're at 30. all right three two one pandora's silver hand at 30. big raise ball cards in auction what's up man bend over left my ass off that's true though but uh just add an extra five for the shipping that'll be cool um it shouldn't be much more than that also those donations you gave us much appreciated for the cats thank you west side gary we are trying side gary's is super epic dude everybody should check out west side gary's channel he does live auctions too and i've seen some super cool stuff um that he sold before i need to get over there though and check it out for a live one day sorry it ended at 30 dollars the timer went off going to find a little bag for these right like one of those is it black you just cut that open and you can just use that one right yes there it is i got my new gopro battery uh drone battery i've talked about before all right so we were on since we skipped eight just did eight we're gonna do lot number 11. all right this is just some walkmans um but they're cool some of our cool cool ones so funny i remember like i'm gonna be doing a youtube video of the auction too yeah no i'm just going to film a little bit though i don't even open this thing i don't know this one's fantastic as you guys already if you tuned into our live auction you saw me filming this or at least heard me in the background but here we are doing a live auction so this is part of how we sell items that we pick and we're gonna just show you guys real quick does anybody else remember like i remember jogging with these things and then like your headphones the wire comes with a neal diamond scene does come equipped with a neil diamond cd i left that in there for whoever chooses to get this lot if anybody does so it's a cd player walkman a jensen purple see-through one these are all weather so like you could be running with this on your side and if it was raining it wouldn't get ruined how do you open it because i was trying to figure it out it's like so crazy because they made it waterproof you gotta go like that okay max lucado traveling light actually traveling pretty heavy considering this compared to like uh having heavy wouldn't really wouldn't claim traveling light and then just one other walkman that has drumroll this is like i don't know how to open this one oh it's right here there you go there you go and that has this is the big band error 15 bucks all right let's get this started sorry switch it up switch it off i'm sorry all right we'll start the three minute timer now i know 20 bucks from sean [Music] shawn was the first to put a book hello come here boogie woogie wish you guys could see him vogue's creeping around [Music] 25 desmond boys knock it off be nice to him that's your baby brother yeah so um our friend richard steele from the uk he's he just said take care back to programming he dropped us a hundred dollar donation um just for a dream we sent him dice a bunch of dice and overseas shawn's at 30. thank you uh kim for keeping up with the butt uh he said wish you both the best it's a gift from richard in the uk thank you so much that's crazy that is so crazy brewery's about to hop in here and maybe get on the auction block pretty soon railroad come on cadell's thank you booty out of here sean is at 30 um that's the top bit right now i think we all used to in some way in some form if you're around 30 years or maybe even 25 or older had some kind of a walkman at one point in time whether it was a cd one or a cassette one ruru is associate producer every day yes she is chicken chicken i think shawn's taking this one come here this is another question would this be considered media mail if they have cds and cassettes to play cds and cassettes is that media mail or is that just all right hold on chris james i'm gonna look it up but if you tell me if your name on your email is your name on here um obviously i'll be able to figure it out because i have the name but let me look really quick chris jeans lot number nine okay oh yeah for the was that for the rings 45. yeah 15 seconds not for sale not for sale all right it's not me it's not media mail um three two one okay so i would say give us an extra five for the shipping on these as well we've confirmed that it's not medium out what's the exact name uh we don't have any license plates in this auction but we could do them in the next one blank cassettes aren't even medium i didn't know that i thought anything that makes sense or vhs tapes or anything so so desean send us an extra five for shipping it might be a little more than that but that should cover it um thank you and uh we are gonna i've heard of ross croatians uh yeah i've seen that before somewhere we're gonna try to pack up some tonight but depending on if we have the right information or addresses or whatever it could take a little bit so we're going to do tomorrow we're going to try and pack everything off and get it out to you guys as fast as possible within reason and then wednesday i want to say thursday um thursday we're going to be filming the movie like some more of the movie so i really think if you guys enjoy uh like our skits and stuff this is a good this is this is good information that jason just posted for myself and other people that are it includes books sound recordings video recordings such as cds and dvds play scripts and for books periodicals and music that shopping cart from the lake ryan uh yeah we took that to the scrapyard sweet caroline bum bum i'm sorry guys that better not though i'm so sorry i'm so hungry but i was saying if you guys like our creativity um in like our skits and stuff that we've done like that before it's so dry it's gonna be a darker version of any of the skits that we've ever done but um the movie should be super cool and we will be selling it on dvd but i think we're gonna have some kind of way to stream it for you know as cheap as possible even though it's out of pocket we don't have a budget moth star what's up john abraham's all right yeah basically moving along right is it the patches right all right so this is a lot of uh i won't say they're really necessarily motorcycle patches but they're all from different events um from like the harley-davidson club or group i should say the hog group uh and the guy who had these was actually this came from paul nick the brothers if you guys are on here by any chance what's up hope you guys are doing well we haven't seen you in a bit uh they got a whole lot of stuff from someone and they ended up like picking a few items out of it and they brought it over and these were in there and they've been sitting in the garage for a long time but so this is like police survivors motorcycle run a lot of these are the police survivors banks buckmasters patch americade patch um a bunch of different patch american lake george new york um this is another one of those support for police survivors third annual mc run this one is battleship new jersey gary we got your we got your money okay that this is an american sticker all these are different pins um these are all pretty much related to the same thing and american tour expo 2005. so it's the marricade club um police survivors patches pins and stickers support for police survivors i never had heard of this before until i saw these patches um 2009 but i'm sure people know about it obviously purchase bike week 2009 69th annual pin this is an arkansas pen that's just related to the state lake loop dairyland motorcycle insurance lake placid bobsled experience and this is a delaware um pin with a little ladybug on it police survivors this is from 2004 mcrun fifth lot 12 pins and patches oh i'm seeing it all right i guess the bidding has started already all right it's at 25 27 27 said 27 mr stash 27 bucks i agree ebay and paypal both make a lot of money off of the people that sell on there use those services um desmond cooper 30 32 mr stash my bed so mr stash 51 is at 32 for the lot number 12. 35 thirty-seven thank you jeff hackles lee lee yeah no if you send it as friends and family we don't they don't take any money um so 159.99 40 bucks west side gary was the first to claim 40. okay yes two minutes left i did want to reiterate because i saw another comment from the storage auction fire people just have no clue we do a lot of different stuff and we actually just do whatever and have fun all the time hence why we probably have no money ever but uh people underestimate somebody a grown man with kids and bills like the auction power like how much work actually goes into a business like his or like ours or like any of these people that do similar stuff is absolutely unbelievable and i do really think that people um even if you don't really maybe some people like a lot of people just watch our channel because they like us but i still think that this whole buying and selling and storage options is a crazy interesting world and you guys should definitely check out um the storage auctions part on youtube and he's saying paypal will restrict you if too many people go as friends and family and i have heard that before because they know um but i would say whatever you guys feel comfortable doing because i'm fine if you send it to this random family 43 that's the highest rate 43 is the highest phil mccracken fill my crack in so that one's fake i mean you're not we're sorry flips uh is 45. five four three two one done so here well he had he had a um mr stash had a 55 bid before the timer went off okay um mr stash what was the number on the 57 dollar bid came after the timer but the 55 dollar bid for mr stash 51 came before the timer um is that correct you want it mr stash mrs unless you guys think that big guy was in i don't i don't think he was but mrs if there is somebody i i didn't see it come in until i hit her where's big guy what was big guy's number [Music] a lot of people are saying mr stash at 55 that's what i saw all right well what was big guy's number all right 57 okay oh he's he already just said that mr stash can have it so okay he's over it thank you guys and we were watching it didn't come in on our side until after we're sorry i can grab you thank you big guy uh for just saying it like that and making it easy we appreciate it oh yeah there's a ton of patches here super cool stuff and i would say just add five for shipping maybe four dollars actually honestly it's really not heavy at all obviously this is not what we're tripping again but we'll break it like that and then put it in another thing all right yes all right um we've already been on here for almost two hours and we still have a few lot a bunch of lots so we're just going to try and get these going so lot number 13 this is gonna be the action figure lot and it consists of bucky o'hare action figures but only two of those and they're the same character and i forget his name um these guys one has a gun or a weapon or whatever and his tail the other one does not have the tail so this one's the more full of the two and then ninja turtle action figures um 1991 and that's the firefighter donatello and then we got this is the robot which is from ninja turtles from somewhere along the line there i'm not really sure we have shredder but he's missing a leg what i'm going to do is check we have the football player leo which i don't even remember that they just started making action figures that never existed in anything was this guy's name was wingnut right i think a lot of the characters are from the comic books i guess [Music] we have astronaut rafael missing his front limbs of his arms um these are the california raisins one's a skater dude california raisins we have actually these i never really saw this is from 1990 and that's a vehicle and then we have 1991 baseball raphael this is like not in the greatest condition of the vehicle but and then one more wingnut so some of these are doubles um yeah okay so i guess trying to get that timer again but this is going to be lot number 13 vintage toys primarily ninja turtles toys from 1990 and 1991 and then a couple of ones from bucky o'hare i believe is the series daddy kush is at 20 bucks all right so daddy cush is that 20 bucks ben gravy's at 25. that guy doesn't want these does he what's he gonna do with that what a legend though i'm wondering okay so is van beer this is just my question for lot number eight which was which was the costume jewelry correct i already know that the this this guy dan gravy is my brother he does youtube videos a lot of people probably know already but uh check this hold this for a second he might actually want these i just the amount of stuff he gives us i was wondering why he wanted these but you know the ninja turtles were a huge part of our childhood uh so we will invoice you mr stash uh after we're done uh thank you so much for joining the auction where's lot number eight we got a card shop is that 30. something pander silver hand paid for lot number eight uh and the shipping already 31 um dollars the highest bid i think that the to ship these is probably gonna be around seven or eight bucks uh keep that in mind if you're bidding it is hard too because a lot of times when i talk to people um their usernames on paypal uh are different than their names on youtube so please when you pay can you put your youtube username somewhere in the description as well um he would do that dude thank god he's in trouble we're gonna have to block him all right wolf get on it unless it's just like a fake one there is fake bang gravy accounts though so far the winning bid is uh 31 dollars actually no it's not that's oh my gosh how many freaking fake accounts do these people make what huge ass all right three two one time 32 and they cross no that's not true either that's okay yeah card shop reality at 30. okay i'm sorry these uh fake accounts were jacking you up card shop but we're keeping you at um at 30 because i don't know some of these accounts are obviously super fake also so if you go to paypal or whatever you i was gonna say eight dollars to ship though uh probably whatever you pay on just put the lot number and your name that's on here so that i know yeah your real name your lot number and your youtube username that's on here because that's what i'm writing down okay we're sorry nick um for some reason i thought you were the same person obviously you're not fake uh but card shop reality won it amy mentor i did get your payment but it's hard to uh i know that you shouldn't be forced to put a picture um on your username but like um how is it fun to make for people to be making fake accounts and bidding the people that actually want to buy it up so that they end up paying more than they would have to kim or somebody i need help banned bear what did van bear get it was eighty dollars because what i'm trying to do is keep i'm checking the paypal account making sure that each person peed because like you never know somebody could be fake on here it's totally wrong so i'm trying to so that you know people who actually wanted an item didn't get beat because i mostly everyone you know what i have an opinion that my is my own opinion about the the fake bidding and the you're calling it chill bidding that that actually like storage facilities have people going on there and bidding them up eddie gilbert so that people that are actually trying to buy the units get bid way up more than they would ever pay and if the person that runs the storage facility wins it they can either just put it back on auction or just do nothing at all but they just decide not to go too high but they go just high enough so that to fake people into paying more but uh we can send you uh stickers chris that's not a problem write that down this one is watching 84. okay number eight yeah all right we're going to keep going big raise ball cards and auctions no no uh no cards or anything like that today i'm sorry dude she'll bet he's i understand it to get the ball rolling if you're like desperately under bid on an item but like why even put it on there if that's what you're gonna do just go and do something else with your time i don't really get it i do get it because like corrupt companies do it all the time probably and make tons of money doing it um rob we we don't really have much left but a few silver rings basically um for the end of this auction that's basically it we have one gold ring in a few silver rings uh we're actually coming down to the end of the auction what are we on we're on 14 right yes okay so this actually is not silver or gold but we have next item this is a camden county faux tech class ring from 1988 and i believe it's either stainless steel or pewter or something like that i'm not really sure what they make these glass rings out of but it's not silver it's not gold and it's really cool though and it's a size nine lot number 14. camden county new jersey oh vo-tech class ring from 1988. um i'm going to start these just opening these now whatever you guys want to bid on it we're going to just start the timer super cool ring now fake yes who cares no i was just trying to make sure i'm actually gonna start the bidding of this ring at five dollars yeah there you go daddy coach five bucks thank you um because it's not really worth even selling for less than that it's not platinum it's just like you have the choice when you get a class ring um whether you want to get it like the legitimate one that's like gold or silver or whatever white gold and then most people just opt for the cheaper version because it's basically in essence the same thing uh not really but it looks the same 10 bucks 12. wait there was there a 50 dollar yes what's that f uh 12 right yo row 12 sorry one minute and 29 seconds chris james said 15. okay chris i just got your payment all right one minute 14 seconds my star is real but he didn't bid 50. he was saying put it on ebay for 50. um oh you guys think he's a troll i don't think so i feel like i've talked to him before it's not 50 dollar bid it's it's 15. now we have a scale right here we could probably weigh them right here for you guys 41 seconds we did not we're only we only auctioning uh the silver rings that are marked um and to be honest if you get it and it's fake and you find out for sure that it's not silver even though it says it on there you can send it back to us and we'll refund you i mean we don't want to sell something that's not real we have no problem doing that yeah we do need to try and get a better call time yeah right there twenty dollars stephanie at 20. that's not silver it's not marked no but boy does it look like shoulder it's nice though steph took it at 20. we're going to get the scale out actually so we can do the weighing um actually i did say i would do this here all right so this is lot number 14 stephanie i said i would do this so i'm gonna do it now these are the pokemon cards that we were choosing to put in the auction before but we actually ended up just having too many items that we took them out of the auction but we're going to do these in a lot um don't start the bidding yet i'm about to show them first this is just anonymous this is like extra just just call it the extra lot it's it's not a lot number so we have pikachu um slowpoke energy see that some of the cards aren't in great shape though that's why i took them out like that one is you know not not a good shape it's bad pikachu none of these are shadowless or first editions they're just normal pokemon cards but they are the older ones from 1990 1999 there's a bunch of uh doubles abracadabra if you guys started bidding already i didn't see it because the cameras faced away from my face and i'm trying to just and i i haven't i can't uh clarify whether these are 100 real to me they look real but i wasn't even going to do these in the auction but i was asked to do it so now i'm doing it um okay go ahead start bidding if you've ever wanted these um i think i showed them all so it's a small lot of pokemon cards um i would say in decent condition not good condition five dollars to start i think they're real whether they have a lot of value um he's up for debate but i don't know sir chomps at 20. there's no holes in them but they're just not in great condition some of them are in good condition but the vast majority of them are not we did not sell that binder from the storage we still have that those ones are brian coulter wants him for 30 bucks real bid be cool you can't be no you can't uh the thing is he knows that's why he knows how is that vegas dave uh video i sent you vehicle 30 bid is that what he's claiming all right 30 bucks be colt is our friend he does video production for a living um and he just came in hot and bit on the cards ron erickson said just saw that a red cheek pikachu card which you have went for 50 on ebay yeah these oh pokemon cards are going for crazy money now i don't know if people realize that like i mean pokemon cards some now are rivaling weird sports cards pokemon expert sir chomped at 32 bucks all right you still in baby boy that one we might send in to get out he goes in at 35 what a legit oh yes i love this all right we're at 37 seconds because knows that after logan paul made that 35 boy nine eight seven what a legend six five four three thirty six thirty-six dude you came in at 40 though [Music] i mean you might have to just who was it guys who was it was it bigger sir was it sir chumps or we actually do know brian so these two said brian i'm giving it to you guys brian brian b's in at 40. we got three for brian all right four for brian all right all right he made it he did it all right dude if you want to pick them up or if you want us to hold them and give them to uh deliver them to your sp family house we can or we can ship them to you it doesn't matter either just shoot me a message so pokemon lot is going to be cold this guy knows that dude just that pikachu though he knew that dude he knew all right let's get the scale out all right we're gonna try i think it's in this drawer right here this time um hopefully we can find the scale oh yeah you guys want to look with us oh it's tilted though got some money's in here that's fake money like that 50s you bounce hollywood money i don't know where it is i don't even know that it's like it's like this big it looks almost just like a foam wood so okay so let me get one down here there we go so this is lot number 15 and it's got a sapphire stone it's stamped 925 bc um it's a size seven and a half i measured it with our tool that i no longer see but it is a seven and a half i wish i'm gonna show you guys better we might have to do it put on my finger right is it fuzzy um try this all right that wasn't smart hold on this doesn't really help either and it's weird because it's backwards but size seven and a half lot 15 sapphire ring nine two five we were looking for the scale but we're just gonna do it without it i did not clean this one um so obviously it's not as like shiny as my silver which this is all nine two five so do you clean it up it would just be nice and shiny all right we're starting it off or can you start the timer i'm sorry i got it you want to show them yeah timer so we're gonna start the timer at three minutes starting now [Applause] okay eddie gilbert's at 15. he goes at 15. uh bob bob morley's at 20 dave is that 25 i don't really know where to put this guy i mean you guys you guys saw the ring keep showing them if you would like dude be called went all in 26. for the ring no i'm saying stephanie's at 26. we have one two three more three more rings actually sorry next time we'll try to have the scale but we don't know what happened to it it's 15. yeah number 15. do you see how i'm doing it yeah over here okay so cross that out so that doesn't get stephanie trottier is at 31 or 1 minute and 36 seconds 35 bob marley is at 35 the wolfy man sorry one minute 12 seconds no more pokemon cards for this one sorry we have one ring that's marked uh 18 karat on it white gold it is the last one and it is a size eight and a half it's a bigger ring but this one is nine two five and it's got a sapphire stone and it's size seven and a half i thought i'm was at 35 25 seconds left um no there is another sapphire ring ten seconds left eight seven six five yeah the rings three two one time so that's going to i'm really right bob morley for 35 it is lot number 15 sir the uh [Music] the rings would be about four probably four dollars to ship um the timer ended sorry john congrats wolfy man wolfman putt was john at 40 before the timer i don't think so no he was not definitely not they're saying he was i mean three people just said yeah he was you're calling her yes he was so where's the oh you have it the research science bob said john got him so all right john won it sorry about that so then we do have some kind of a thank you guys for your help keeping us on track so the 15th yeah john was in tiny boy so i'm gonna put i want these kitties to get this is not to be good we can put gun memphis so i'm gonna put this one somewhere safe safe so so then lot number 16 is next oh that was 15. did you is that a 16 that you wrote i wrote 15 first but then i looked up here and saw this and i thought this was the other one my bad okay we're going to go on to no starting bids for you call you won't even want her nico we all know you don't like cats so don't even don't even try all right so you can move that thing over if you want the only reason i put that there is so that it didn't knock the light over this is like a bow tie ray um it's a boat right yeah it's kind of dirty but it's mark 925 it's a size 7. i can start the timer get this going and it has some other writing on it too but not really sure what kind what it looks like dot j is at 15. so starting at 15 basically okay dory steven said 30. beach sisters well didn't have a lot of siblings dory stevens is that 30 okay stock tip at 20 okay i wonder if these are coming in 26 now so we got dory stevens is at 30. the top bit is 30. one minute 46 seconds what's up chris loki files no rc trucks i'm sorry scott we're actually just have two other uh two rings and a christian dior scarf thank you best becky appreciate it thank you behind in 30 seconds that's what i was thinking because i was like dory's at 30. sorry if the if there's a serious lag that's terrible if it's really that long damn it's frozen is it are other people reporting that the live feed is not good because we can just stop if it's getting bad 40 seconds no one else is 47 i never saw that damn it froze yeah because that it's fine maybe it's just in uh no issues no issues it's good okay um 11 seconds ten nine eight it's thirty dollars is the top bid nobody has bids so that is going to darn dory students and that would be like four dollars to much was it 30. really jackson was way above at 35 though all right so that was the last bid was willie jackson right did stephanie say 36 i saw williams the last one okay if she's in she's in so stephanie i saw willie as the last bid but stephanie at 36. and we really apologize guys if the lag's that crazy um do you guys want to continue you want to do the last items or should we just end it we have one two thumbs up for continue we have three more items if the lag is really bad though it's up to you guys if you guys want to keep pushing through all right get thumbs up we're doing it all right let's go lot number 17 not number 17. this is a vintage sterling lind l i n d ring it says sterling on it and it says lind in capital letters on it and we're going to start that at just ten dollars to start it off chris r already said 20 so never mind so starting it off lot number 17 vintage sterling lind ring size nine um we sized it on the size that we have so hopefully it's correct um now we're going forward uh not ending it seen some other burrito comments from this guy anyway so i'm not really happy about that neutrals neutrals we're not sure how old but when we looked it up other people had ones on ebay and they they were saying they were vintage that's how we got that information we don't know the age of it though but it's it's nice it's cool is 28 the highest bid one minute 45 seconds 30 bucks bob marley this guy likes rings didn't see that coming is he a nice ring though bob because honestly is he gift shopping for the girls if it was uh my size i might have kept it because it is it is cool can i have to put this troll on timeout meeting bob don't know you don't need to go to 40 bob uh you're at the top already at 30. here hit that again yeah you still got a minute stock tips at 42 buffering buffering original net head said it's 40 to 50 years old okay g-unit in the house 40 bucks 43 seconds stock tip at 42. i don't even see that do you yeah i saw that i think i said it out loud maybe bob marley's at 45. all right john john bob already did 45. ah yes go bob just kill anyone who wants it that bad actually that's true no bs you're right three two it's at 50 one [Music] bob took it at 50 right all right he wanted that bad i mean it's it's a cool ring i really like that ring too what's up desmond cooper went to 52. i didn't see it there is a lag i don't finally bob you didn't win it they're claiming you didn't take it bob had it i thought he had it too messy yes card shop reality i did get your payment okay i got it yeah loki files we might need some more help next time sorry yeah i don't know what to do christopher james i got yours i don't know if i said that already i did get your payment though card shop reality i did get yours okay so everyone's saying john and desmond both put in 52 for the buzzer so who bid first desmond or john because whoever said 52 first we gotta get back on the feed i guess stephanie's saying uh john [Music] um yeah because the gypsy and then algorithm all right who's gonna throw in the red flag here i'm wondering desmond was first gone desmond you want it for 52. just give us a thumbs up or a yes and you got it okay desmond cuter all right sorry for the confusion guys we did ask if you guys wanted to stop or keep going and everyone said keep going so all right apologies at what price 52 okay and okay let's talk about this too so we never once talked about i actually didn't know that bob was even a moderator until we got back on here and he was already one from before um i had no we had no idea that bob morley was going to bid on anything in the auction um but next time i guess we shouldn't allow any moderators to bid on items because it does it seems wrong sorry bob next time we'll either have to kick you off as a moderator or not let you bid um but yeah desmond cooper got it and he said he wants it so okay so we're on lot number 18. so bob just from now on just don't bid because please just because people are not liking it and i never even thought about it because i just run honesty first but a lot of people don't do that and then other people are saying moderators always bid on auctions so for now just please don't bid bob if you want to come over and look at stuff that we you just buy it from us direct live close enough um but yeah so it's going back and forth people are saying moderators always bid other people they're saying they don't bid i don't i don't know no that was fully armed they just can't call their own bid someone's saying mods always bid but they don't call their own bids i don't think there's a problem with mods bidding we should have just been more prepared and had a different moderator that's all we didn't even ask bob he just nicely did it for us so and other people are too so thank you there's no harm to bob he's a legend let's keep going is this the gold one thought number 18 this is okay so as far as we know it's white gold it's marked 18 carat on it there's a sapphire stone in there give me the power i will roll with an iron fist let them eat cake right no you can't bid anymore just for now you won't be able to see the mark but there is a marking and it does say 18 karat it's better off in here honestly my nails are just way too distracting and if you guys uh it is a size eight and a half size eight and a half chris r is that he just came in in the very beginning at 25. um kim williams said 68 bass trollers got to be a troll or is he just literally a bad stroller i'm so confused right now hard with these names because i get it people like being funny with their uh youtube names but hey start to start the timer though i'll start the dance troller are you real and if so i'm not going to say if he's real or not i'm just saying she's gonna admit to being trolls i'm thinking he's just like like being like bass like fish dude so there's a 200 bid um okay trust isn't that a was bass drawer at 200. um card shop we trust you oh sorry guys my friend likes to sleep oh he did he deleted all right so we're at uh stock tip is at 87 and that's a legitimate bid two minutes eighteen seconds ow thank you chris ow we're slang poets at 100 we know you're real we know you're real and i did say this before but there is a possibility that um we haven't gotten the ring tested there is a possibility that someone prints printed the ring even though it's not gold i mean has that happened to anyone before if you receive the ring and you find out that it's not legitimate you can return it and we will have no problem at all returning your money so and original net head thank you for stopping by yes thank you no we don't want trolls to be bidding on south it's terrible idea lucy miles 105. i don't think they make the money flow they kind of just ruin the fun for everybody because there are a couple on here that i noticed they didn't pay so i don't know if they just didn't pay it or they were late last time we had a few that that stuff just didn't get paid for so that ruins it for somebody who actually wanted it you know what i'm saying poor swing codes at 110. four seconds money back guarantee yeah of course pandir silverhand said 115 now pender silverhand 115 close up sorry sorry the only reason we think that there's no reason why it would be fake is because it was with so much other good stuff but yeah we should have tested it but again money-back guarantee actually we could probably get it go get it tested before we even send it yeah because we do have other stuff that we would like sorry i'm not gonna multitasking with the screen nine eight seven i'm trying to like look at the lucy miles at 1 16. what have we got all right so what was the final [Music] pandora silver ham is that 130. yeah 138. pandira at 130 right 140. no these people i'm trying to go okay well pandora's silver hand let me check this all right things are getting hot and heavy in the auction okay well that's amy so i do trust pender silverhand she bought something poured swing posts at 150 that's what everyone saying okay and we know her personally that was before the i just didn't see it because i was trying to show the wrangler look at the timer at the same time all right porch swing came in at 150 porch swing do you want it for sure um and we will and get it tested before we send it out uh if you want us to no problem at all okay thank you court swing and i hope you're doing well we hope you're doing well all right we have one more item very last the very last good burger to go last but not least i'm hungry i'm tired i'm just going to put this in here yeah that box is from a personal piece of jewelry but i don't just send it in that because afterwards right there so it's the one the one box that i don't know where i put it there where did you christian dior silk silk silky smooth christian dior scarf this lighting is very bad this is lot number 19. uh you can just start the timer i guess all right start the timer dude would you like to model this oh you can just show it first it's kind of hard to show you guys because it's like dude the best trailer just makes the craziest troll claims ever listen i'm hungry and then he deleted it just knocked it off he knew what he was doing putting that uh username on there though now this doesn't have like a tag or anything on it but it is indeed silk and it is very soft and this is like the worst uh because this is not jewelry so uh jennifer no we actually didn't even have the uh disney pins on here but we can add them if you want to add them let us know because the disney pins are super cool there was like did you start the timer i did not do you want to show it why here i can what's the length the length i will tell you right now oh my nice okay we have a tape i'll measure it timer started at three minutes so i'm going to measure it for you another time jackets we're gonna put that we're gonna do the disney pants 67 67 inches so roughly 67 inches roughly 67 inches so i'll show it on i guess to show you sure the stitching she said stitching it came from an estate sale not that that makes it real but what it was with other stuff it says it on there allegedly two minutes left and the top bit is 20 bucks and this will be like four dollars to ooh sorry this would be like yeah around four yeah the designer is on the material there's no tag right no there is no tag it just says it on the thing we can't guarantee that this is 100 real though there's no way we could get into that i can't guarantee what is real cell and just like the furniture i mean at the furniture the um yeah we can put it in with jewelry if you somehow just be cool is be cold bit on this yeah because had 22 on this thought you were out dude he said i like it oh he could just give it to his wife his wifey we got a 23 bid though so how much time we got yeah 51 seconds kind of does match my hat though the lighting's weird in here right now stock tip said but it's it's like red 34 is the top bit at this point here hold this oh sorry stock tips got the top bid at 34. if anyone wants to come in higher do it now okay stocked it three two one new england pickers came in at 35 though uh before the timer okay so new yeah yeah 35. 35. and that could be like three dollars uh shipping it's really like it's really really light so we're gonna do the pins that was the last item we actually had on the auction but we're gonna do the disney pins and then we're done but i'll grab them hold on the box is right next to the door okay so i'm just gonna mark this all right so what we're doing is that one so that's just a donald duck right donald duck and some of these are limited edition but this one's from 2008 and it doesn't say anything about like a limited number or anything i don't think any of them do but as a lot of people probably know you can use these for uh trading pins at walt disney world and then you can trade them for uh other pens that people that work there have on their lanyards this one's from 2000 that one this is planet hollywood walt disney world resort okay we're going to throw in these two even though they're not like the disney collectible pins they're just disney related pins and then uh walt disney world 2000 and then this one is magic mickey from fantasia basically right and that's the disney pin lot right there so john we got your payment and catherine we got your payment too just the timer has started so it's three minutes um i think we got the first bit is just ten bucks yeah there's these well other than one of these pins came from a storage auction the rest of them came from uh glomstar gave these to us uh to sell basically with the halloween bags of course obviously if you guys have seen his house uh you would know how classic it is if you haven't seen his house jordan you would girl you would to match that uh vintage these are kind of farther you got for christmas these are kind of far he's been a moderator i don't know i don't think so i don't think so all right so now these guys ryan for real get these guys out of here i was going to put clothes on here but we've been on here for how many hours yeah that's a lot ben's cut out of this ben's cut out of this he's cut out of the bidding is he a moderator i don't think so we just started at 16. did you oh you had my phone right all right so we're at one minute and 14 seconds is this really is somebody at 100 for real where's becky gifford it i feel like that's somebody this is at 19. the top bit i have other than benches 19. we're cutting be called out too he's gone did y'all rest up 19. 19 is the top bed we got 45 seconds nancy's at 20. if becky gifford's at 100 i don't see that anywhere okay the gypsy said that becky is at 100. okay she's at 100. all right so becky gifford i do that would be a good thing all right so they're just gonna be under disney lot since there was no number left we're at 11 seconds so ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and back thank you um becky no no shipping shipping included obviously because no one else is going to bid that high anyway okay um so free shipping and i actually think i have another disney pin that i can include in this for you because that was a high bid thank you for uh i'm gonna check it right now new england pickers thank you everyone who came out to the auction appreciate it virtual auction i should say um and we are gonna have some new merchandise pretty soon in the next couple weeks hopefully um which ring is desmond not wanting because of me auctioning uh fine what ring was that desmond because we have it written down but i don't remember offhand because we can put it back up ow jordan i look at your messages nah jordan you didn't win the pins there was a hundred dollar bid on that one y'all were playing too much i have other pins i might be able to give you though and maybe some clues i didn't know you guys were that crazy about disney stuff though okay so let me check the activity lee jensen i did get your payment lot number 17. uh desmond is that the ring that you bought for 52. you don't want it just let me know and then i can just put it right back up i don't think i a paranormal pineapple i don't have that uh the power box i'm sorry rebecca got your payment for the pins thank you i have desmond as winning the ring guys i don't get what you mean lee jensen already paid for the scarf new england pickers i mean sorry i'm just like the names are different how do we do that because she i did talk to her about that it's very um you know it's also messing it up i think is the lag none of them are first edition all right we're out of here scarf's been paid for it's gone uh we did our best at the auction uh the lag and mix with everything very confusing um desmond didn't pay for the he got a ring didn't okay right either way if desmond if you don't want the ring um just let us know we'll just do it next auction or we'll just sell it on on ebay or something but uh thank you guys so much for joining us and just too many confusion actions it's just i mean too many confusing things going on uh we tried to make it fair for everyone and if you feel like it wasn't fair we're sorry we apologize but uh we did our best and we will be doing more auctions in the future so peace thank you guys thank you so many cool things coming up too so stay tuned to our channel and keep pushing everyone and don't forget to follow your own dreams too because that's important very very but really the most important thing is boogie no showing the book it's happiness you guys don't see bugs uh we we have been fair everyone's been saying that our auctions are super fair so i don't know why people have to put their two cents in we try and be fair it's hard when there's too many chefs in the kitchen like we that's our fault though but uh we're learning just like everybody else so we're the thing we're literally the most fair people ever you're never trying never try and screw someone over on purpose so you're not in here let's see if ow we're gonna see my mouse is a little bit crazy because this is how we had to set it up let's see river on the top come on he's in the bedroom see ya look at her chicken in the coop she smells like poop where's party wiggy woogie's in the bedroom look at this god ah this is my baby means the name bugbug if you guys don't know buggy was caught by animal control and he had two two days until they were gonna put him to sleep and uh i might have fibbed a little and called there and said he was my cat we did have to pay to get him out but uh best 84 bucks i ever spent he was really sick when we got him i had to wipe the crusties off of his nose every night with a warm cloth because it he was not able to breathe um and he was very skinny like malnourished and now he's uh now he's a big boy he's homegrown now he a homegrown boy buggy tell him say i made it say i made it he's such a happy cat and he has a lot of monkeys he's got a lot of monkeys that's not his whole collection though don't be playing them out now that's mj he's the prince i'm just getting played out right now if he was human he'd be wearing a polo right now hold this up let me see this guy yeah it is this guy he was born in atlantic city in a flower bed an old lady's flower bed and him and his sister and she couldn't take care of him so she called beacon uh beacon put them in the petsmart near our house and i made turn and get them a few years ago who caught your attention there look at this tower all right later later guys hope to see you guys next time on the next auction that we do yes and how do we hear about turning this off sir later peace out guys let's see some dinner right
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 49,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IGqwJgYe0WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 8sec (11048 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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