City Wide Yard Sale - WHAT DID WE FIND?!

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she's brought it go get it yard sale season has commenced really really cool yes they do is this your thing would you do five for it so community citywide city wide yard sale that's heavy [Music] put your best out there see results in a week i don't think they know all right what is up everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise so today just business as usual basically but we're gonna go to a bunch of yard sales hopefully in a minute it's like around eight something in the morning so we're a little bit late on this house but i got to bring so i think i'm selling this today it comes with this pump it's a whole pool pump set up and i got this out of axar's barn when we did the clean out and it's been sitting in the yard for i don't know about two months but it hasn't been really taking up any space because it's just something that can stay outdoors and i think i'm selling it for a hundred dollars so don't underestimate um items that you think might not be worth that much money a lot of people have asked to show you know some of the items that sold for what money so a lot of times it's not interesting footage but i decided to put it in anyway so hayward pump these are like i don't know seven eight hundred dollars for the whole system and he's getting it for 100. this pump has never been used before it was just sitting in a box like kind of like new old stock sitting in the barn but i'm going to bring all this out to the front so it's ready to go for him and then we're going to start getting our day started i just poured a cup of coffee coffee before it claims and then we're going to go head out in a minute and go see if we can find some cool stuff at the yard sales haven't been to a yard sale in since florida since we were in florida some months so this is the whole kitten caboodle this is everything so it's this piece just the pipes well these little fittings the two pipes even the paperwork is with it because it was in a box before and then the pump itself which i plugged in and that works this is the second pull system i've sold the other one for 150 this one for 100 both for free so stuff like this that sells for a ton of money new um if you can get it for free used salvage anything like that pick it up because put it up on facebook marketplace eventually it will sell so i have it up for 180. so the person who's coming to get it has been messaging me about it for a few weeks and they're offering 100 so i accepted that just because nobody else was really interested but since then since the season has come back around somebody else just messaged me about it today so if they don't buy it i'm sure somebody else will because i've had in the meantime a bunch of messages uh and he's been the only serious person so far so i'm gonna sell to him if he wants it still well i think he's gonna come and get it right now actually so i'm gonna sell it to him but if not it'll sell regardless all right oh that crack what's up guys and gasps so it is saturday and there's yarn turn right up on it sorry uh and there's yard sales in our neighborhood and around town so we're gonna take you guys with us and it's early for us right now that one day no it's not never man but let's go check this out i see a disney blanket we're going to go head mount here see how these people i mean they're selling the house they shouldn't care let's see what we got this tray right here for some reason i thought that was like a epic cookie jar wow no they're not the gold gold ones though but this thing's really really cool really really cool this ain't the list he's just working here right that would oh yeah hi i i think she liked your boots that you have on she was looking at your feet nice thank you sammy would like them i was out of like them just just a little too late all the harry potter movies after we just bought them all oh harry potter we paid so much for this too we were looking for him everywhere and then we just bought them online [Music] oh that's cool uh no everyone always tells us how much are these take regular clothes and turn them into an outfit so now she'll cut off a sleeve or she'll you know throw something on we're really good about that have you ever been to our comic-con um no we went to work how much are these ones gina he looks just like hagrid that's just like him and he's kind of like him in his personality too that would be awesome we might have cancelled it this year i feel like great or yeah is the eagles staying for sale yeah how much speaking of pool dad what do you want for that oh are you negotiating hold on one second how much do you want for your sign for the eagle sign one for the equal sign two bucks two i'll buy yeah perfect yardsy what is that that seems kind of cool we got anything else i know i saw that i was thinking like it might be worth it just to happen dude this is pretty gold gotta get it right how much are they asking for these not much right this is kind of cool this is kind of cool i feel like that was expensive i mean i don't know about these santas these the box next to it has a bunch in it too and then like would you get one like every year yeah my mom was doing that yeah i love them um two bucks for that and i guess 10. this is so comfy you feel them that's worth it yeah i have that's a5 okay uh just for fun i got a metal detector now this is a clam rake but i'm gonna try to put something smaller inside this basket and try to use it that's a pretty nice break though yeah the end of it anyway oh yeah yeah so why not you know so how you been all right good how about you when are you gonna have another uh you know i regret not getting those those monster posters my grandson would have loved you had like three of them oh yeah the guy bought him someone bought him i was like i was by there i i told him about it later he was like pop-pop yeah no they were cool they weren't like originals though but they were still cool yeah he loves all that stuff you know so the only thing about it is like anything like that again i just don't really like we don't really like like all those people in like our house and stuff so yeah i don't know if we're even gonna do it together yeah you know but the flea market i think it got rained out last week at the firehouse yeah tomorrow i think it is yeah i'm pretty sure yeah yeah cool if not then you know don't quote me on that but i think it is all right all right man i'll catch you around go get some go get some clams chowder well i don't know how there could be anything of value to make all these people come out to this sale but i guess you just never know so another big sale we're about to check it out oh this is like a bunch of different people selling that's what's going on here costumes though you're i mean that's pretty far thank you very much have a good day got to make sure there's nothing super vintage here philadelphia eagles sweatshirt that's kind of fire i think that's just come up right there women's clothes i think this is kind of cool it's a record player i don't know how much it is but there there's a go there's some gold in there i heard it just dropped what's that my favorite hey the clothes in there you said did i out here yeah i'm sorry all the clothes in the bin are two dollars two dollars each okay how much is this 40. 40 bucks okay i'm gonna put my clothes right here if that's whoa crazy pricing that's 40. the thing is should we get this for what where it's not good quality right it's a really big act not like back in the day [Music] all the clothes in these bins are two bucks the only problem is do they have fire and the answer and yeah the answer is yes they do yeah stuff and dock vintage sweatshirt yeah definitely that's a yes yes depending on the place it's two bucks for these that's what i'm saying some of the costumes are kind of like well i think she just priced like one thing that was crazy high you know what i'm saying we could check out the rest of this sale though these are mine right here i can just hold on to these i guess oh they're all like um the normal width right yeah by 102. that's all pretty cool toe rope remember the legit ones i always used to get so scared because like have you ever gotten hit with one of the he loves kids he's like buggy this big cage okay cage doggy lots of stuff you could buy here real nice hitch there set 150 though this wall thing really cool looking for some some real crazy deals here though how's this little trailer holder thing though thirty-five i mean i'm just assuming this is like just a gun case but we could easily use that for production like hard drives or something where's the handle though yeah he wants to drag that through the airport and make him hold it look at the inside though for a dollar dude you could fit like uh this thing stick one fourth of one day's outfit in there yeah okay yeah but you can put like you're like it's cool yeah it's amazing i don't know like anything i'm saying for like the set like vintage as it gets cameras in here this is such a score for now just straight down they said so clean dude i feel like use this then it has the hand on the side too it's just sitting up in the attic it's the kids for longer than we've been alive hunter i think the back even goes up doesn't it yeah it does where'd hunter go i don't know this is all style here so i don't know it's your plan guess what you're taking through the airport where's he at this is honest okay i'll give it to him i paid for it yeah well this stuff is up from up there yeah all right let me play i'm gonna pay for this monkey for crow oh his dad just see they're selling this mini fridge for 20. so we could easily get 40 for the one we got i was looking at this stuff they're like what who would put these up in their house oh this is cool actually that one's really cool but these ones remind me of like lacquer like they'd have some lacquer furniture like you know where they'd be hanging up those condos we just cleaned it yep 100 just the frame though of this is is so cool but like the whole painting this is like a painting you're dead his house isn't even big enough for that you know what i'm saying 20 each 25 i should say yeah yeah put it this way that it's really sick i didn't know what it was at first i was like oh hangs even if you put candles in there there you go that's like some dracula type stuff should i try and get it for five okay like is that usable for the movie right like imagine taking all the chains off and just having a circle with candles and you could put little wood pieces to make a star or something that's what i'm saying right the lady having a problem with their goal is this your thing would you do five for it fine dude cause i was gonna take it all apart and use it for a set that's cool like for uh that actually works like a movie thing yeah oh cool do you have change for that she's the money girl i'll walk over here what do you need okay uh i was either gonna hang it and use it like that and put candles in it or take all the chains off and put it down and put candles in it okay because we have like this voodoo priest guy that's in the actor in the movie it's pretty crazy but be like a cult kind of thing okay like a voodoo thing basically but like make believe of course my friend is uh the sound effects uh for a bunch of different actors and like uh like scoring movies like the music yes he puts all this music to it is he from around here he just came back from cali um he's been here for eight months and now he just got another job but they they just he does it all with computer stuff yeah puts voices to what's uh what do you mean like around here as in like this area or like yeah he did it cali but he did a bunch of all the casinos he does it like well what's your cousin do he do he did that oh that's movies though he does actual movies um he lives in uh california yeah he's a screenwriter that's a good job if you can pay if you can uh sell the work well it's like two popular shows on people okay yeah like friends that kind of yeah that's cool not that show it's something i got you i got you though even like his name's daniel and he's badass he's uh stuff he comes up with they'll just send him checks for like 20 grand yeah that's awesome well there's people that if the you're working with the studios and stuff they got so much money that's like that for me would be like a dollar or like a quarter yep yep yep but uh yeah it's pretty badass thank you guys well now i got to take it back and uh now i have such a horde at our house it's a joke so same way just sitting in the attic though you had a bird in that cage yeah i had a beard nicole big boy how long did they live we had 80 to 100 two hundred years mm-hmm so that those people will them yeah that's crazy he came out one morning he was dead in the cage i'm like i always get rid of my kids yeah i had a cockatoo and a green winged mccoy what kind of bird was it yeah greenwood yeah you don't think that you can like take that sticker off and just put makeup off yeah that one opens up two on the top yeah this is aggressive oh and you you could take it apart i guess huh like you could take it apart i guess if you needed to store it or something oh yeah and then this top here opens so like the pirate can sit on it yeah my uh my friend's mom has a whole bunch of stuff like this but she lives far away like pretty far away yeah but i know if she was local she would definitely want it yeah you could take it apart a little bit i miss my bird yeah he was my baby he uh if i held him here his tail came to here and his head was to here so he was awesome i was trying to find a picture of simon what are they saying yeah they come down bend the tree over and stuff it's pretty but it's cool to hear them in the morning yeah they hang on it and the whole sunflower is hanging over they're upside down so that's where the birds are supposed to be living though yes exactly oh yeah that's what she thinks too she's a bird because when it's warm that's where she's fit yeah we were there for a month in january nice and then last year for like six weeks i mean with the whole it's cool okay so we're out here in the streets of i don't know i guess this is eht we just hit a big a big yard sale that had a lot of vendors there super cool people and now we're in a this is a community yard sound so they're basically doing a community yard sale because we just hit one that had like five people selling and this development here supposedly has 12 people selling um so community citywide city-wide yard sale i guess is this the wrong development though i guess oh okay cause like cause i was like wait there's no yeah okay okay it's the other side say do you think we got some stuff today oh yeah the thing is i wasn't trying to act like that wasn't gold that suitcase i was just saying like for you to actually use i don't know about that but like to say like sell again what i'm gonna use it once okay well yeah for like a day trip i was just thinking like that wouldn't even hold your damn panties for the real trip clean that up real nice it is a condition [Music] artist walk big dog sails in here just gonna go down the strip and just hit them all attention brian holmes oh they just took my spot oh why'd you do that very good it's just we could walk i'm gonna walk 20 feet no there's a lot of people around here though i can't tell if they like live here though or it's just well if we park here then we can hit that one and maybe another one this is like new new development isn't it yeah look this house is like just being finished right maybe they're just uh yeah but within however long because like look at this fence does not have any of that weird moss on it yeah but these developments not all but some of them they do have people power washing i don't know actually you're not wrong you're not wrong that's for like old uh i'm just thinking like just the way it looks everything looks new like within a couple years could you imagine all these people moving here that's why the streets are packed well you can't even do anything here well then they all go to sp in ocean city that's why we can't drive around where we live what do you mean to buy houses no just to like to drive and get groceries hang out do you know what i'm saying like that's why our streets are filled never think when you start getting into it like there's a lot of people in this area a lot more and i've said this before because i grew up in like ocean city sp there's a lot more people than there was too many too many people so the general rule of yard sailing is hit it early which we we weren't late on this but the only thing that i can say though for sure is that a lot of these people don't look for what i'd like to look for like that that crazy chandelier thing i don't think would even have sold if it wasn't for me buying it and that's also why the price was so cheap but most times my yard sales vintage clothes are highly overlooked and people that buy vintage clothes don't go to yards house most of the time hey y'all how you doing hey i thought that said cat you thought i thought wrong how much is this uh three bucks yeah what about that i don't know there's a matching smaller version of it too technically you can do the whole 75. all right what do we got we're gonna have to put this on so we can vintage football helmets wow super cool honestly look at that i might be all about that jerseys for days hey what's going on man how are you living the dream no no i'm trying but i'm not why doris from colors always watches you okay awesome i know that i remember i saw we saw you at that one estate sale and you were loading like crystal things right unfortunately paperweights yes i did on those prices how couldn't you right all right man you too thank you i thought i was thinking the chandelier i bought was wild that's right this is the real production value wow see how heavy it is with me not heavy at all for mostly to be yeah just have him do it is that 100 though that's way too much not that it's too much but you could probably buy that new for that price do we have a price on the jerseys should i ask how much are the jerseys five okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twelve thirteen [Music] if i did like 50 for all these might be worth it i'm debating the jersey situation i might make an offer on all of them if it gets denied i might just be over it but i think i'm gonna get this uh just because it's it's gotta be real old okay thank go get it yard sale season has commenced myself expected you're making a spectacular of yourself this guy does have the vents this is the boy though fast straight fast [Music] paint sprayer from like 92. the thief at night all right vacuumed up yeah these are the kind of sales they remember like where we found that britney shirt for like two bucks somebody still claimed it the guy who bought it off us um this is like the last sale i think we're gonna hit that right oh no no we have no one on the way back yeah no britney shirts here though hello hey how are you good i'm wishing the sun will stay out yeah it's a little chilly right a little tea spot of tea because we're yards just because we're yard sound doesn't mean we're not going to trash like this oh yeah i can unzip these you're great all right you try it yeah these are for these are gold i'm not gonna lie this is like the sloppiest trash i've ever seen they were moving it was from a birthday party but so yeah these are good because these unzip and you can fully wash these cleanly even if for outside cushions yeah well that's what they are all right this is our last salad day are you excited yes let's do this this is the one we were trying to get to for a little while now all right let's see they got a flyers jersey they got some stuff from liking over here oh that's heavy i need to just hold on to this just to see the price how much is this five how about this uh i know my buddy my buddy left it here and i told him i was like i had an offer for it for 100 bucks yeah no yeah i could see why yeah they're a few hundred bucks also not for sale sorry man it's the only no you're good this is pretty sweet though is this not yours right my dad's yeah i figured it was older yeah it's cool not my size but it's cool it was in my garage so it just needs to be cleaned up look at that five bucks leather sure good straight dreamer i'll put it on and not for sale huh my brother-in-law just did yep that's a sweet shot yeah it looks like a mini house yeah absolutely yeah hey joe i don't have a car but i can give you um bad company wrong with the pack damn that's a fire picture right there the nostalgia i think this pile might be the call yeah maybe i think this guy knows i think i know this guy or something right and he's got that shirt on of this that local it's like a like a surf company or something yeah i'm gonna ask the the good the good pricing guy i mean he might value these uh higher higher than that [Music] you collect records i guess uh not really collect some of my friends do got it uh i don't know i resell some stuff these aren't really in good shape to resell but i might have someone that wants them but we just buy a whole bunch of and then honestly the good scores pay for like a hundred times of the other stuff so like yeah you're just continuously doing it it kind of works out sweet you think this works yeah it does i mean five bucks no it actually does work okay the only reason i'm getting rid of it i have not understood like i probably have a thousand records that i'm not selling but the only reason i'm selling this is not loud enough it's the one thing i mean you can hook it what it has like a speaker that's built in right here both on both sides but you can you can hook it to another speaker i just never got around to doing it dude yeah my boy uh just got a trailer like a little like trailer him type of thing yeah and he put it in my yard and he's like redoing it so i was thinking he could just like play this yeah he has like a collection of vinyl so he'd probably be stoked at least for like a day it's probably good that that it's quiet then for our sake because he was out there like drinking and until like that was our first yard house video of the season here in new jersey spring it has sprung and we're going to show you guys everything that we got because a lot of people are curious as to what we actually bought for sure because there was a ton of good stuff out there today there was there was you want me to start yeah you can shout out showed you guys crow's monkey already got thrown him in the washer uh i got this shirt it's nothing special but was it a dollar super comfy two bucks two bucks two bucks two bucks got this adidas hat for a dollar though i'm gonna wash this a little spring color that would actually go with that shirt one dollar one dollar for these gloves we always like to scoop up costumes if they're well worth it this dress for five bucks which i was explaining she said that her daughter this was her daughter's prom dress from a place called rissy roos in a town called linwood near us which is where i got my prom dress when i was in high school and they're super expensive so i knew that this dress was a score probably like i might use that as a um costume for something and then got this vintage barbie suitcase which is i opened it up when i first looked at it before i bought it because obviously it's important integrity of the inside and it's cleaner than the outside 1996 so really cool to find something like it's a little ripped right here but clean it up he said they said it was sitting in the attic so collecting dust one dollar like everyone's total scores and then i got the this i don't know if it's a runner or a rug i'm going to use it as a runner this was a personal buy so five bucks for both so can't beat it score let's do it let's do a big daddy got all right so i scooped up these pants because they were two bucks it's a nice riding pants two bucks for this eagles footy it's an xl but i guess that's uh either a youth or women's xl because there's no way but that's just a philadelphia definitely use this is a size 30 these pants also all the jerseys were youth sizes so i just bailed on them because it's not they're not really that much value so this was from uh look how good that the detail on this is they hardly ever used it dolphin doc was a marina right next to summer's point marina we're right about near there in our town it closed down 10 years ago whatever maybe eight years ago never ever be able to get another dolphin dock shirt because the whole business is gone and this one's from 96. got this probably going to use it for a prop might actually just post it up on facebook right now for like 100 bucks just to see and if it sells great if not we'll use it dollar each for the records i don't think there's really anything of great value in here because they're not that good but look at this they're not in that greater condition but you never know i'm not gonna even say it but what is that what's the name of the funk dubiest immortal records this is like a demo tape immortal like not immortal technique probably right but i don't know maybe but i like that eagles territory two bucks this vintage eagles football helmet which i can't find the date on it but it probably does have one and the score of the day the vancen leather suzuki rgsx jacket that's just an air pocket but check this out the mysterious bullet that was left behind they were saving that for a rainy day i don't know what did we not get any of that no we did i was saying i turned it off to make sure the screw is still on and turned it back on did you get this part yeah yeah okay well then we're good we're good that's it and we hope you guys enjoyed the video we're gonna do more like this throughout the summer and we have some exciting stuff coming so please hit that thumbs up button if you love yard sales and you know let us know what kind of awesome finds you guys have found this year or previously in the past in the comments section below we'd love to hear about it and we think that the comments creates discussions within viewers too not just only us so that's cool and subscribe if you haven't already the dream continues yes sammy jack yeah yeah did we did we uh show these so these were like a little side trash pick score but should i throw these in the locks yes put them in front of the washer though because there's something in there or should i yeah i can wash them yeah but i can unzip this actually we can do that right now no i can't actually guys guys guys having problems here [Applause] i don't know if anybody else does this but i wash our pillowcases and our pill and our pillows a lot like a lot what was going on in here look at this i don't know about that i'm still taking off that it's all over because all over me so i wanted to add too that actually the person i was talking to on uh facebook was the one that offered 150 for the pool pump and they left 150 not 100 so we've made this double double off of something we got for free what we spent on everything we bought today dude you don't want this yeah we do all right so that's that was uh hopefully not all of them are like that but either we're probably i'm just gonna wash those and if our friend harry whose camper that is technically if he wants something don't talk about the camper yet you can use him what camper i said camper all right there's somebody that needs these stuff i don't know what that peace out hit that thumbs up button subscribe bye guys so this camera is messed up okay so this is another aspect of our business which we don't normally do never have done this before i don't think but it's part of what we do so we might as well do it i think that's the guy right there up on his porch um we're supposed to be picking up this furniture basically holding it in our garage for this guy in brooklyn that owns a furniture store and he's going to pick it up so he's basically paying us to pick it up store it for a few days and then give it to him it was like the guy didn't pay yet though so you're not getting the furniture unless you pay but i have the money so i think it's 150 i don't know make sure i have the exact change there because i'm not trying to trying to give extra here oh man how are we going to get this down this is so crazy no now i know what i was determined to get this because this is uh furniture is made in denmark it's vintage and it's mid-century and it's really nice so he wasn't trying to miss that deal all right so we got the piece in here the big piece it was a insane so it came down from up there and there's landings coming down so we had to turn it all the way straight up twice and then back and then that like that but this is all the other pieces that have to go in crazy oh okay all right so this is uh kind of a little bit more gentle that we're treating this furniture because it's not really ours um but now i'm thinking about it if i saw this on facebook i don't search stuff like this ever but if i saw this on facebook for this person i would have bought this too yeah do we need that other moving blanket no you want it yeah so that's what i'm gonna do right on this blanket is it pretty ridiculous try to do that back there yeah let me get one of those uh uh drawers i can put a couple more in the car too i got it um all right we're locked and loaded with another load another successful mission should have seen sammy j beasting that thing down the steps i have no idea why i didn't put the head mount on she did the moment she's small but she mighty you weren't that happy they were heavy for a normal man man they were heavy that's what i'm saying onward [Applause] [Music] bye
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 40,173
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: city, wide, yard, sale, what, did, we, find, yard sale, yard sales, garage sale, estate sale, rummage, rummage sale, car boot, salvage, vintage, leather, collectible, tag sale, sold, buy, fun, Facebook marketplace, making claims, antiques, deal, pickers, couple, married, laugh, talk, pov, real life, reality, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, new jersey, nj, south jersey
Id: t_oxGni1GjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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