Truck Load Trash Picking In Rich Neighborhood

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all right guys well this last piece i'm going to show you guys i wanted to wait to the very end because without a doubt it's probably the best thing that we found tonight and it's really rare to find these in the wild like this so i can't believe that i found this guy check it out [Music] what's going on posse we're out here doing some late night trash picking once again i am the texan picker and we hope to find some good stuff tonight it's a nice cool frigid night tonight well at least for houston it is about 41 degrees so hopefully keeps away some of these other pickers that are too scared to come out in this cold and that leaves all the good stuff for me so hope you enjoyed the video let's get to it all right guys well once again my audio decided to just completely not download so what we're looking at here is a full-size headboard and footboard with the rails i ended up taking it i was thinking about taking it thinking about not taking it at that point but i figured you know since it's not going to be too much of a space stick i went ahead and took it it was a good condition solid wood and i got that for so right now up on facebook marketplace [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign hello hmm so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] good [Music] hmm true foreign oh [Music] and it's hurting the kids uh so i'm getting all this stuff [Music] so cheers [Music] howdy y'all hope you enjoyed the video so far join the fun by hitting subscribe today and don't forget to hit the bell to get notified whenever i upload a new video um pretty damaged yep it's damage to paper towel [Music] [Music] um okay now that is a score [Music] some more clothes it's trash there's trash [Music] trash this can be it and once again with the no audio i'm thinking it's time for a new camera guys what do y'all think let me know in the comments [Music] [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] it's in the trash oh man there we go [Music] i don't know what this is so good the guys falling apart [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys but we had a busy night last night and uh my theory was right but the colder it gets the less people go out there and i felt like i was cherry picking the whole night i was able to pick what i wanted and i got some good stuff you know i'll be honest there was so much stuff out there that i didn't even film because i couldn't fit in the truck but it was a good night real good night got all this stuff full in the back as well as a bunch of stuff in here so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just kind of like unload a little bit by a little and uh do the walk through that way because it's too much to spread out and uh get it all here in the driveway so i'm gonna do a little bit little show you guys what we found and wrap the video up here in just a minute all right we're gonna start with this really cute little kitchenaid or kids craft yeah kids craft kitchen really nice stuff got its bag full of dishes coffee maker food toaster oven that's a great score right there there's also this little bag that had a bunch of barbie like cooking stuff i don't know look sink ice cream maker looks like bakery so that's a great find right there all right next i got these two really nice bookshelves solid don't wobble i like the color natural wood and i'm likely going to put these at the booth because we can always stand to put stuff up instead of out on the ground so if you guys are familiar with my booth and what it looks like i'm talking about the first one where i've got that glass uh counter or display i might move that out the way or move it somewhere else and put these there so i can put more stuff stacked up and use more real estate going up than across so i do have the shelves they're inside the truck but this is a keeper all right next we've got a few pieces of christmas decor i tested these already and they both work i got a feeling that this one's gonna end up staying here at home this nice little reindeer and get the three wise men all right well i'll start opening this up and right away i recognize this guy very cool very cool very cool very cool indeed i hope the legs in there um i don't think that this is going to be 1997. so that's kind of vintage so there is the other leg that's gonna just snap in right here boom so y'all tell me is this called an at app or is that called atat comment below all right so i wonder what other what the world is this guy i don't know oh darth vader helmet you know last night i don't know if you can hear it but you know moving safari definitely here starts with creative out and there is the rest of them let's see there you go very cool well this is stuff in here checkers [Music] all right i'm gonna put my camera down and figure out what's in here all right after scrummaging through that bag really the best stuff that was in there was the star wars toys got the darth vader and the atat that's a couple little tonka i'll probably give those my buddy he's got a crank here though let's give these toys too uh also this book full of stickers looks to be probably about ninety percent full of not ninety-five percent for our men's it's almost full and these these two books the big honking activities book and as you can see they're pretty much never been used so not a bad find all right moving on now these shoes here y'all remember that video where i found that louis vuitton and all those uh women's shoes if not i'll put uh a card right here so you guys go check out that video and go go look at it the great debate whether that louis vuitton's real or not but i've been going back to the house whenever i drive around because i look in that bin and this is the same house and of course we did pretty good again these kids shoes nikes and uh max and jake i don't know these might be walmart brand i don't know but little kids shoes man they're good condition got that it's like a little spring type of a little chair i don't know sit down in here i'm not going to sit there okay i see you all right next we got this golf bag it's like a rolling golf bag actually works pretty nice i don't know about these golf clubs they're they seem to be all random so i'll have to go through these to see if there's one or two that are you know home runs and then the rest i don't know it looks like they're all different kinds you got callaway got a hogan series power built stripe line a level two chicago ping i2 i don't know so you got different brands in here i'll go through these see if there's one that's better than the other and then the others i just might bundle up and just sell them as is oh yeah also there's a bunch of golf ball uh golf balls in that bag i took them out and at that same house there's a bag full of tennis balls so we'll see now this guy i'm not sure that i got on camera because i want to say that this bag was sitting on top of fudge stuff and this went and grabbed it but uh it is two computers you got an hp pavilion and you got this dell laptop all right next we got these little storage wicker rattan or whatever baskets uh those were actually in those shelves back there i'm pretty sure they had them just kind of tucked in there because they fit just right where those shelve spaces are but i'm gonna sell these separate i'm not sure what to ask for these so i don't know 10 bucks a piece baby but they're all in good condition all right next we got this little looks like a little airline like terminal or lobby it's about a company called lori never heard of it but it's kind of cool and you also got that little table set three chairs the fourth chair was missing the back so i just left it all right next i got this box that was full of uh dress-up stuff got that um i'm pretty sure cinderella dress you've got supergirl are you sure you call it i don't think these are i'm not sure if these are halloween or if these are just just plain dress up i don't know what these are these wings maybe their wings a little two two twenty bucks um what this else dress i don't know tinkerbell fairies last time i passed this up and boy i got i got yelled at by all the viewers that's a pretty good dress i don't know who that is is that frozen maybe i'm taking a wild guess there a wig i don't know that was a bunch of little dress up stuff let me see if i can sell this together in one lot all right so i got this bed set it's like the headboard and footboard but it looks like this used to be a crib i guess it broke down into pieces to make it into bed i'm hoping that this works because it's the headboard and the footboard there they have these two rails now the holes on these rails do align with these holes here and as you can see it did have its screws and stuff so i'm hoping this works out it should uh probably what about a twin size maybe yeah probably a twin all right guys well this last piece i'm going to show you guys i wanted to wait to the very end because without a doubt it's probably the best thing that we found tonight and it's really rare to find these in the wild like this so i can't believe that i found this guy check it out so you've got a vintage throwback 90s starter jacket chicago bulls which in the 90s they were a pretty damn good team i know the rockets won 94 95 but they won the three years before that and three years after that so they kind of ruled as dynasty during those you know a few years with michael jordan scottie pippen dennis rodman for a few of those years and a bunch of others but check this guy out this is a great jacket great jacket and if this sucker fit me i know i'm in houston but i would wear this all day long but it's an xl and it's not going to fit me comes with the hoodie inside is i mean it's an excellent condition i think so i unzipped it to check it out zipper works great i mean it's freaking clean look at that and what's weird that this sucker was sitting on top of the pile like someone pulled it out of that bag and i don't know why they didn't take it with them but i'm glad they didn't because i sure as hell did this is a great jacket hard to find these the garage sales hard to find these at thrift stores much less in the trash all right guys well that's going to wrap it up for today's show um that was one of the better nights that i've had in a long time and i attribute it to it getting cold i'm telling you these people don't like going out in the cold um i don't mind it it did get down to the 30s but you know still we found a lot of good stuff and i'm pretty sure that for the rest of this winter there's gonna be good finds like that because i felt like i was cherry-picking everything that i wanted and really ran out of space to be honest with you because i like i said the beginning there was so much more stuff i could have brought home but um i ran out of time i was getting tired you know it gets late at night and i really can't be making multiple long distance trips like that in one night so what's up sasha so from my house to yours and our little sasha right here we'd like to say thank you so much for watching the video i hope you guys subscribe uh hit that like button let me know that we're doing a good job with the channel until next time everybody peace [Music] you
Channel: Texan Picker
Views: 127,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking, trash picker, garbage picker, garbage picking, making money trash picking, making money, how to make money, how to make easy money, finding free stuff, free stuff, easy money, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, environment, environmentally friendly, save the earth, green energy, curb side, curb side picking, curb side shopping, thrift, resell, hoarder, hoarding, hoarders
Id: KLzRkmvDbbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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