TRAPS OF SATAN (MUST WATCH) | Ustadh. Muhammad Tim Humble

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and if love Zuleika neato freedom Massimino Bhanumati No you know they Vietnam Bingham it also Alton Aziz you know me bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen one who suddenly one who suddenly more other ashraf in mba evil mousseline alma Bharathi rahmatan lil al-amin nabi'ina muhammad in wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in allah i limner my and ferony one farriner femur and lamb tena was it in her in many Arab but I'll I mean as always we begin with the praise of allah jalla jalaluhu sending peace and blessings upon his messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and upon his family and his companions and upon all those who follow them until the last day once again I find myself here in Dudley masha'Allah - Barack Allah and every time I come here honestly it makes me it makes me very very happy this is really an amazing centre and mashallah you have some amazing brothers here masha'Allah - Bartok Allah where else will I get an introduction like the introduction the amount just gave me male host and masha'Allah Malak ally this is a really lovely place to come to and we ask Allah so Allah Tala to continue to give the brothers a tell feel to do what pleases him and to continue to give them the ability to serve the community here alhamdulillah the topic that we have today is a topic that is subhanAllah very important topic and in reality this comes under those kinds of things that or they thought audial lava and used to ask the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about and there is a very famous narration of her they thought audio love rhyme when heard a fir said that the people they used to ask the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa seldom about good about the good things how do we achieve paradise and how do we you know how do we be better Muslims and how do we get reward and how do we you know so and so forth and I used to ask him about the evil out of a fear of falling into it or in order to avoid it so this is what we are here to talk about today we're not here to talk about the good in the sense of our at leaving paradise or the good deeds that we do or you know some something about the good we're here to talk about the evil in order not to fall into it to talk about the traps of the Shaitaan and I thought we would begin in sha allah who to allah by asking the question who is the Shaitaan who is this shape on that we are trying to avoid the scholars of the Arabic language they had a lot of discussion and disagreement over the word Shaitaan where it originally comes from but let's come up with a summary and we'll say in summary that the word Shaitaan it has the meaning of being far away far away from guidance far away from the truth the farthest of the people away from the truth and it has the meaning of transgressing all bounds and going over all limits so the shayateen or the Shaitaan from mankind and from the jinn are those human beings and those of the jinn who are the furthest away from the guidance of allah subhanaw taala who have transgressed all bounds who have crossed all of the limits and who have reached the highest level of disbelief in a last minute on these people who are so far away from the guidance of Allah Azza WA JAL these people from mankind and from the jinn we refer to them as being shell team or as being shape on ie being far away from the straight path and as we mentioned just a few moments ago and this is very important for us to understand that the shayateen are both human and from the jinn and we should not understand from the word Shaitaan that he only refers to the jinn that seek to misguide mankind or the jinn that seek to take the people away from the path of allah azza wajal because allah subhanaw taala mentions in an ayah of the quran shelton an eensy well jinn Shelton from mankind and from the jinn and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised one of the companions seek refuge with allah from the shade that is from the gin and the shaitaan that is from the men and the companion said o Messenger of Allah is it true that there is such a thing as a Shaitaan from the men and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam affirmed this to him and he confirmed for him that there are shield him from the men so this Shaitaan that we're going to talk about his traps today and we're going to talk about some of the ways that the Shaitaan seeks to misguide Bani Adam that we are talking about those jinn and those human beings that have gone beyond all limits that have gone beyond the the motiva to the the most deepest and the most evil form of disbelief they seek to misguide people away from the path of Allah and they are the farthest of people away from the guidance of Allah as surgeon and of course the leader of them and the Imam of all of these Shelton is ablaze Lana hula and liebe liebe Lee's we know the story of Iblees beliefs who was given the blessings of allah subhana wa ta'ala that he was the companion of the angels that he spent his time along with the angels in the worship of allah azzawajal that he was given all of the blessings of living in the paradise and all of the things that he was given and then what did he do he was asked to bow towards Adam and he refused he refused to do so he refused to do so because he had so much pride and so much sort of taking B means being boastful and being being full of pride in himself that he said I am better than him said Anna hi Roman I'm better than him Harlock tiny'mon are in Oaxaca Tahoe minty you created him from you created me from fire and you created him from clean from from clay from dust mixed with water so the pride of Iblees that took him away from the path of Allah Azza WA JAL and when it took him away from the path of allah subhana wa ta'ala he made the promise that he made lalala he said by the fact that you have misguided me I'm going to sit for them on your straight path I'm going to wait for them on your straight path then I'm going to come at them from every direction he's going to come from the front and from behind and from the right and from the left when I tell you to Xsara who shake it in and you won't find most of them to be grateful to allah subhanaw taala so this Iblees who is the imam of the shell team and who is the one that they take as an example and the one they take as a role model to follow he is the one who refused to bow to Adam alehissalaam and he is the one who was thrown by allah subhanaw taala out of paradise and he was given respite on the earth for a limited time for a wisdom that is with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala animalarium Rehema who lot at the beginning of his books Adam art he mentions a number of benefits and wisdom and some of the wisdom of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in allowing a bliss this time and this respite to misguide mankind because by the fact that allah subhanaw taala allowed it bliss this opportunity by this we see the difference between good and evil and by this we see the difference between those people who are the awliya of allah who are the beloved of allah and those people who are the wretched by this we see the test and the trial that exists in this earth that gives us an opportunity to achieve paradise and so on and so forth and even acclaim he mentions many of the wisdom in the misguidance of a bliss and enable east leaving paradise and an Iblees misguiding adam alayhis-salam and in this there is a great wisdom from allah subhanaw taala so when we come on to talk about these traps of the Shaitaan we should not think we should not think for a second that these traps of the Shaitaan are lost the planet allah is unaware of them Allah Azza WA JAL is not unaware of anything Allah so parent Island knows all of these traps of the Shaitaan and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has a them to happen for a wisdom that is with him subhanahu wata'ala we may appreciate some of that wisdom and we may not appreciate all of that wisdom because that wisdom it lies with allah as diligent so there is a wisdom in these traps of the Shaitaan there is an opportunity for you to come closer to allah subhanaw taala by striving to fight against the Shaitaan and to fight against your own self and fighting against the Shaitaan is one of the forms of striving and fighting in the way of allah subhanaw taala that you fight against the Shaitaan and you fight against his traps and you fight against his plots so there is a wisdom and there is a purpose behind the misguidance of Iblees there is a purpose behind the traps of the Shaitaan that we experience every single day and that we are told and commanded to avoid allow apparent Allah mentions the traps of the Shaitaan in the quran and allah azzawajal says indicate a Shaitaan ikana behavor the plot of the Shaitaan is constantly and forever weak and allah subhanaw taala didn't say indicate a Shaitaan Eli - he didn't say that the plot of the Shaitaan is only just weak he said in a K - a tiny Canada Ava the plot of the Shaitaan is always and forever weak it always has been weak and it always will be weak there is no plot of the Shaitaan that will ever ever ever be strong and that is for two main reasons that I want to present to you the first reason why the plot of the Shaitaan will never ever ever be be described as strong and is always being described as weak is because in response to that plot there is another plot as allah azzawajal mentions in Naju Miyake do nakida were Aikido qaeda they plot a plot and i plot a plot and allah azzawajal says while mecca well Makar Allah and they plotted on a la plata di Roma Kiran analyzed the best of those who plot and the plotting of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala it is plotting in response to the plotting of a lost planet Allah's enemies so whenever the enemies of Allah make a plot and make a plan a large plan overcomes their plan whenever they make a method to misguide somebody allah subhana wa ta'ala makes a method for them to get out of that misguidance there is no plot of the Shaitaan except that Allah has a better plot and a better plan to respond to it and this is the first reason why the plot of the Shaitaan will always be weak and the traps of the Shaitaan will always be weak because the traps of the Shaitaan in response to them there is the plot of allah subhana wa ta'ala and the plan of allah religion and there is nothing wrong with us affirming that our last two panel trailer plots and plans but we don't affirm that allah plots and plans in a general sense but we say that allah plots and plans in response to the plans of his enemies and this is perfection from allah azzawajal this is how we approach all of the attributes of allah subhana wa ta'ala that have multiple meanings so the attributes of allah azzawajal that have a good meaning and a bad meaning we take away the bad meaning further from the right of Allah and so again and we affirm the good meaning so we say that allah subhanaw taala we don't describe our last panel to Allah as plotting and planning in a general sense but we say that Allah plots against the plots of his enemies and every time his enemies make a plot he has a plot which overcomes their plot and this is the perfection of allah subhanho wa taala and this is the athlete of Allison l-jamaa with regard to affirming the plotting of allah subhana wa ta'ala in response to the plots of his enemies and with an so this is the first reason the second reason why the plot of the Shaitaan is always weak is because the traps of the Shaitaan they have no substance what do I mean by this they have no substance they have nothing to them Allah Azza WA JAL tells us about this in the Quran while call a Shaitaan ulema pull the LMO the Shaitaan said whenever everything has finished all of the judging has taken place and you know when it is being clear who is upon guidance and who is upon miss guidance well call the Shaitaan olam pull DL mo inna llaha I become Waddell Huck while I had to come for a left to whom Allah has promised you the promise of truth and I promised you and I broke my promise and then their most important thing the point that I'm going to make here while McAnally alaikum in Sultan I had no authority over you I didn't have any authority over you I didn't have anything any control over you or any power over you except what except that I called you faster jump to me I called you and I invited you and you answered me so the reality of the traps of the Shaitaan is that the traps of the Shaitaan are just an invitation the traps of the Shaitaan are nothing of substance they are not traps that will physically grab you and tie you and you can't get out of them all the Shaitaan can do is to invite you to the party it's up to you if you accept the invitation or not this is the meaning of the ayah the Shaitaan says I had no authority over you I didn't have the ability to guide you I didn't have the ability to misguide you I didn't have the ability to force you into misguidance I didn't have the ability to take you away from the path of Allah all I could do is to call you and to invite you come on disobey Allah disobey Allah come with me and disobey Allah you'll enjoy it if you disobey Allah it's just a call it's just an invitation and it's your choice whether you accept that invitation or whether you reject that invitation so this is two of the reasons why the traps of the Shaitaan are weak first of all every plot the shaitan makes Allah makes a plot which counters it second of all the traps of the Shaitaan they don't have any weight to them they don't have any power to them they don't have any salt on any authority any power any weight all they are is just an invitation to disobey Allah the Shaitaan says come to party come to the party you'll have a great time and it's up to you whether you say yes I'm going to come or no I'm not going to come and that's why at the end of the day the plot of the shaitaan is forever weak let's take a moment to look at the general aims of the Shaitaan what does the Shaitaan aim to do in a very general sense these trap's they are not just random these traps they have a purpose and they have a plan the shaytani has some outcomes and with these outcomes he aims to achieve the best outcome for him if he can and if he can't achieve the best outcome he's willing to accept a little bit lower and a little bit lower and a little bit lower and so on so the Shaitaan he has a set of outcomes a set of goals that he wants to achieve the first goal and the goal that he wants you to achieve before everything and anything else is for all of us to disbelieve in Allah as so again this is the ultimate goal of the Shaitaan why because he is full of spite and jealousy and envy he can't accept the fact that you submitted to Allah why should you submit to Allah when he didn't submit to Allah he has that jealousy in that pride in that teacup born inside of himself so he says why should these people be guided why should anybody have paradise when I am going to the Hellfire I want all of them to come with me out of spite and out of jealousy and out of envy may Allah cursing this is what he wants to do this is what the Shaitaan he wants to do so the first trap of the Shaitaan and the first aim and the first goal of the Shaitaan is to get you to disbelieve and of course once you disbelieve don't think that the Shaitaan will be your friend don't think that he will support you once you have disbelieved in Allah Azza WA JAL as allah subhanaw taala says like the example of the man when the Shaitaan says to him disbelief and when he disbelieves the Shaitaan says I am free of what you do subhana Allah the Shaitaan says disbelieve and when you disbelieve he says I've got nothing to do with it this is the plot of the Shaitaan it is a call but the first goal and the first aim of the shaitaan and the outcome that he wants to achieve above and beyond everything else is that he wants you to disbelieve in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and ideally he wants that to happen by you making a partner with Allah by calling you to make a partner with Allah by calling you to give some of the rights of Allah to something or somebody else but the Shaitaan he knows that he is cursed he knows that the curse of a lies upon him and he knows that because the curse of Allah is upon him he is not going to be successful so he says if I can't get them to disbelieve fair enough I'll take the next one down I'll take bidder why is bid at the next aim from the Shaitaan if he can't get the hundred percent if he can't get ten out of ten and get you to leave the religion of Islam why bida why bid above anything and everything else why does he want you to get to do innovation because the Shaitaan knows how merciful allah subhanaw taala is he knows how merciful allah sunnatullah is and if you want an example of this look at the example of the round when Ferran was on his deathbed drowning what happened Gabriel came and Jibreel was stuffing mud from the seabed into the mouth of thrown out of a fear that the round would say la ilaha illallah and Allah would forgive him Jibril even feared that Allah Azza WA JAL would forgive around because and for this reason gibreel stuffed mud into his mouth so that he wouldn't say la ilaha illaallah out of a fear that Allah from His infinite mercy would forgive even for him so the Shaitaan knows how forgiving allah subhanaw taala is and the shaitan wants you to do a sin that you will never ever ever ask forgiveness for and if you look at bidder the danger in innovation the danger in bid is one the danger in bid is that you think you are doing a really good thing and so you're never going to say oh Allah forgive me do you ever see a person fast in Ramadan and he doesn't follow the Sunnah of the messenger of allah allah llahu allahu allah and he says o allah forgive me for fasting in ramadan never oh allah forgive me for my hajj or allah forgive me for my prayer oh allah forgive me for my vicar or allah forgive me for my you know my good deeds people don't say this because bitter it makes you think that what you are doing is good you think that you're praying and you're fasting and you're performing the hajj and you're doing your vicar and you're doing your dua and you're getting as close as possible to allah and in reality allah is destroying all of your deeds so the Shaitaan if he can't get you to commit shirk with Allah if we can't get you to disbelieve then he's happy for you to do innovations because at least he knows that you're not going to ask Allah to forgive you for those things and this is why innovation is so dangerous because it's a major sin but it's a sin that very few people ask forgiveness for because you don't realize it when you're doing it but the Shaitaan he knows that he is cursed and he knows that Allah Azza WA JAL has not written success for him in what he does and so he is even content to accept less than that he says ok there are some people I can't get them to disbelieve in Allah I can't get them to commit shirk to make a partner with Allah I will accept I can't get them to commit bida I will accept the next level down I will accept for them to do the major sins I will accept for them to do the major sins so he encourages you to do the major sins so for example drinking alcohol and fornication and being bad to your parents and you know not praying and all of these he wants you to do the major sins because he knows that these sins seal up the heart black spots and black dots appear on the heart and they seal the heart and he knows the major sins are only forgiven by Toba meaning that you have to ask Allah to forgive you for those major sins to be forgiven you can't be forgiven for a major sin just by praying or just by going to Hajj or performing Amara you have to actually ask Allah to forgive you so he says well maybe I have a better chance with this because insha'Allah these people they're not going to actually say oh Allah forgive me maybe I have a chance that some of them will die when they are doing these things maybe some of them their hearts will be sealed maybe from the major sins they will go into shell and maybe they will leave a slap so he still has some you know some sort of aim in getting people to do the major sins but he even knows that even the major sins he won't be able to get everyone to do so there are some people he can't get them to commit and he can't get them to commit bitter and he can't get them to commit the major sins he doesn't even stop there he says I'm even willing for just to get them to commit frequent minor sins why because it's like the example the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam gave the example of the minor sins is like the example of a person who he has tiny tiny pieces of twigs tiny little bits of of kindling you know nothing major not big sticks just tiny tiny little twigs and he throws one of them on the fire and then another one on the fire and then another one on the fire and then another one eventually he will end up with a burning blaze so the Shaitaan thinks maybe I can get him to do so many minor sins that they will build up and destroy a person or he will do them so frequently that they will become major in the sight of Allah because the minor sins that you do frequently without caring about them they become major sins in the sight of Allah as origin so he will try to get you to do the minor sins as many of them as possible but the Shaitaan he even knows that even the minor sins he can't get the people to do them all the time so he even has a plan after the minor sins and that is to get people to busy themselves with things that have no reward go shopping go play computer games go and talk to your friends go out go play pool go play football do anything but don't do something you're going to get rewarded from in the sight of Allah look at how much evil look how corrupt this heart is the heart of this Iblees and the heart of the share team that even if they know you're going to go to Jannah they still want you to get the lowest place engender possible even when he knows you're going to Genesis know major sins he's got no minor sins he's constantly asking forgiveness from Allah but still I would rather he didn't get a high place in Jannah so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get him to busy himself all the time with things that have no reward in the sight of Allah work you need the money without the money you won't be able to do anything don't study you don't have time don't learn Islam don't go to the Masjid you don't have time you need to work you need to do this you need to do that or don't read the book today don't read the Quran today let's go out let's play anything to get you to do the things which are of no reward instead of the things which are reward but even then the Shaitaan knows that there is a group of the people and there are some of us from time to time in our lives where even this doesn't work and the Shaitaan still has a plan for them he still doesn't give up he still has a plan for them and his plan for them is to get them to do those things that have less reward instead of those things which have more reward so they have an opportunity to do something that has a lot of reward let's say the night prayer we are male and so the Shaitaan will encourage them to sleep in for clear malayil in order for them to do a deed which has less reward so the Shaitaan for example will encourage them to I don't know to do something small which takes up their time something which has less reward which takes up their time late at night so that they don't pray for a Mullane so he tries to get you some to do something that has less reward instead of something that has more reward and the key thing about these general aims of the Shaitaan is we should not understand that each of these has unique groups of people know each of these can apply to all of us in our lives there our Eman goes up and down there are times in our day in our lives where we want to do a good deed at that time we want to do a good deed the Shaitaan is going to try to get you to do the least good deed possible there are times when you want to do major sins so the Shaitaan is going to try to encourage you to do those and he's going to try to get you always to move up a level so if he's got you doing - sins he's going to try to make the major sins let's get him a step up major sins okay major sins let's try and get him maybe to enter into you know some kind of bid or something that might lead him to disbelief and he's going to constantly work to push you up the Shaitaan is tireless in this aim because he know where he is going he knows about allah subhanaw taala and he knows his final destination is the Hellfire and so he values his time on this earth perhaps we don't value our time on this earth but the Shaitaan he values his time on this earth because he knows his final destination is the Hellfire so he wants to make the maximum use of this time to misguide as many people as possible and then we have to understand that the Shaitaan he aims for to get you stage-by-stage and to take his time to misguide you the Shaitaan isn't bothered if it takes ten years to misguide a person or a lifetime to misguide a person he's aiming for the final destination so look at how the Shaitaan misguided the people of Nohr how many generations he didn't begin by introducing idol worship ten generations after Adam he began very very very simply with very small things encouraging people to praise the pious people who passed away encouraging people to exaggerate a little bit about the pious people who passed away and then moving on from that to making pictures just to remember them not to worship them just to remember them so don't worship the pictures that would be Haram just make pictures so you remember the pious people and then you know these pictures they aren't enough for you to remember them by you should make statues so that you can remember them but don't worship the statues whatever you do that would be Haram don't worship the statues just make the statues so that you can remember and so that you can emulate these pious people who are beloved to Allah and then generation after generation we found your father's worshipping these statues and then the Shaitaan introduced shuch into this Ummah subhanAllah into this nation until inter Bani Adam look at the time frame he begins with just simply pictures to remember the pious people or maybe a little bit of exaggeration regarding the pious people a little bit of an excess in love for the pious people then pictures then statues then worship all the generations of time so the Shaitaan is very very very patient and you have to be more patient than the Shaitaan what about specific plots of the Shaitaan things that the Shaitaan is mentioned about the Shaitaan in the Quran that he will do very specifically let's just look at what the Quran says the Quran talks about the Shaitaan promising you poverty making you fear poverty and commanding you to do immorality the Shaitaan makes you fear poverty so the Shaitaan is all about connecting you to this world one of the traps of the Shaitaan is connecting you to this world too much and making you fear that you're not going to be successful in this world and making you fear that you're not going to achieve anything in this world that you need to go and get yourself this education even if that education compromises your deen in Islam you need to go and get yourself this job even if the job isn't hard on you need to go and do this action even though the action is going to lead you to the anger of Allah as soldier the Shaitaan is going to try to get you too connected to this dunya and you have to remember that when we talk about Muslims abstaining from the dunya and keeping away from the dunya the meaning of this abstaining from the dunya and keeping away from the dunya is not that you don't have any wealth and you live in poverty Islam doesn't ask us to live in poverty and Islam doesn't ask us to you know completely you know lock ourselves up in monasteries like the Christian monks did but Islam asks you not to have your heart attached to the wealth that you have not to have your heart attached to this dunya so if it comes it comes if it goes it goes but it's not your primary aim it's not what you care about it's not what you spend all of your day and night doing take yourself and keep yourself a little diary just what you did during the day subhanAllah most of us will spend 1/3 to 1/2 of our time asleep and 1/4 of our time whatever doing whatever it may be working or seeking something from the dunya and then maybe an eighth of that time we'll be eating and drinking and you're left with the tiniest amount of your time which is actually spent towards the worship of a large subject because the Shaitaan focuses you completely upon the duniya if somebody came to you and told you that you were going to die tonight you wouldn't care about your job you wouldn't care about this world you wouldn't care about what you've earned or what you haven't earned you would only care about the worship of a last planet on and of course like the hadith of the Prophet SAW said learn what I can say I don't want our there's a time for this and there's a time for that we're not asking you not to go to work we're not asking you to cut yourself off from the dunya we're not asking you not to have a good time but make sure that a big portion of your time is dedicated towards what our last panel to Allah created you for and of course in this we've mentioned before the concept of episod of getting a good deed out of your dunya based actions how do you get a good deed out of the actions you do which are purely for the dunya by remembering that your intention in it is for allah subhanaw taala so you go to work and you say Allah I'm going to work but my intention for going to work is so that I can earn money and give zakah so that I can earn money and feed my family so that I don't have to take Haram loans so that I don't have to betray the principles of my religion and that intention that you have when you go to work you are rewarded for you know let's say for example there is somebody there cleaning the house even when they're cleaning the house they say that for example there's a lady she's cleaning the house she's saying all I'm doing this because you told me to obey my husband and you told me to take care of my husband's house so this is part of me fulfilling the duties that you gave and inshallah she's rewarded for that work that she does in the house even if it is something that is purely from the dunya so the Shaitaan one of the aims the Shaitaan yeah I know come on he he makes you fear he promises you poverty and he makes you fear poverty he makes you fear that you know don't do this you know you can't possibly earn a halal living living you can't give up the alcohol that you sell in your newsagent you can't give up the alcohol that you sell in your restaurant because you won't earn any money this is the Shaitaan and one of the traps of the Shaitaan that he is promising you poverty if you think about this argument this picture that we're drawing you have a brother he has a restaurant and he knows he's selling most of his money he's earning from alcohol so the Shaitaan he comes and he tells him you're never going to be rich unless you sell this alcohol and he doesn't think that Eliza Razak alive he wants to consume with wealth from the heavens and the earth more than that he doesn't think that he's going to be asked about that wealth on the day of judgment he doesn't think that Allah sucks out all of the Baraka in his wealth because of the alcohol that he sells and so on and so forth so the Shaitaan he dresses things up it's just a call he doesn't force the man to sell alcohol but he just convinces him that if he doesn't sell alcohol in his shop he's never ever ever going to make any money what do we say to the brother we say to him that realized that the provision is with allah subhanaw taala and that if allah blesses you in your wealth even a tiny bit would be enough for you don't don't say that Allah can't give me wealth don't say that our last planet Allah can't bless me enough that I can have Baraka in my wealth from the halal and so the brother needs to make a plan to remove alcohol from the restaurant to look to you know replace it with something different so he might for example I decide to start selling lots of different kinds of non-alcoholic cocktails lots of different kinds of juices lots of different kinds of drinks to make up for the fact that he doesn't sell alcohol maybe he starts advertising alcohol free restaurant family-friendly and he starts to make a plan and with this plan he escapes from the trap of the Shaitaan trusting in ar-rahman allah subhanahu wa tada the Shaitaan commands you with al-fatiha the Shaitaan like allah subhanaw taala mentions in the quran yeah Maruko billah fashio and alpha are all of the immoralities things like zina like pornography like you know illicit relationships like mixing free mixing with women like talking men and women talking to each other in an inappropriate way all of these things are what we call facture immoralities things that are immoral that lead to zina and that lead to the breakdown of the society the Shaitaan loves for you to do this so this is another thing and this is specifically and especially with the young people the Shaitaan plays on their emotions he plays on the fact that they have you know needs and desires and that their home Ones are raging and he makes even sometimes the shaitaan will use this from a religious point of view and you'll ask the brother yah hey what are you doing mixing with all those women and he'll say I'm just giving them dower I'm a dying my University and I'm calling those girls to Islam they're not practicing and I'm helping them to practice Islam and this is from the greatest of the traps of the Shaitaan for the young people that he convinces you that this wrongdoing that you're doing is for the sake of Allah so he says that yeah yeah you know you know go and talk to that girl you know it's not you know it's nothing or he'll say have a relationship with that girl because you're going to marry her in the end right you know he'll say inshallah you know you've got a knee on your knee is that you're going to marry her so it doesn't matter you know get a bit closer because the Shaitaan is always trying to encourage you so shape on one of his major aims that is mentioned more than once in the Quran is al fashio because he knows this breaks down the society it breaks down the individual it leads you away from the path of Allah and eventually it gets you into more and more major sins and it may even lead to a person turning away from Islam how many young people have turned away from Islam because they fell in love with a girl or how many young ladies have ran away from home and have left their parents and eventually you know left the hijab and left their practicing of Islam because of a guy so the Shaitaan is not stupid he knows the effect of alpha of immorality on the society and he knows that this immorality it leads to further things it leads to people going away from Islam so he wants to encourage it as much as possible because this immorality it stops you from practicing Islam how many people do you know who have a boyfriend or a girlfriend and pray five times a day very very few I'm not saying it doesn't exist for very few for the simple reason that prayer forbids you from al-fatiha and the Shaitaan commands you to do it so the more that you pray and the more that you spend time in the Masjid even those people who have a boyfriend or a girlfriend they're going to move away from it naturally because the Salah the prayer is going to stop them from doing it subhanAllah and if there is anyone who watches the video who is listening who is in this kind of situation I say to you simply one thing straight either you're not praying or either your prayer is not being performed properly because if you are preparing or performing your prayer properly five times a day your prayer would protect you from these things so I say to these people and an advice to myself and others look at your prayer if you find yourself falling into immorality if you find yourself you have a problem with with men and women or you have a problem with for example pornography or you have a problem with something like this then look at your prayer because for sure there is a problem somewhere in your prayer either it's not being done on time it's not being done in the Masjid it's not being done with kosher or it's not being done at all because the prayer it forbids you from doing these things and that is the way we escape from the trap of the Shaitaan when it comes to al fashio and in another ayah Allah Azza WA JAL mentioned in Namie Amuro can be so he commands you everything which is evil and again well fashio and he commands you to do immorality wa anta who you are Allah him Allah Ta'ala moon and this is one of the greatest aims of the Shaitaan that you say about Allah that which you have no knowledge about that you say something about Allah and you don't know whether that thing is true or not how many times do we make statements just not even thinking about it why is this happening to me life's not fair all of these things are saying about Allah that which you have no knowledge about you know Allah doesn't love me Allah isn't going to answer my to our we're too low to be answered by Allah this is all from the forms of saying about Allah that which you do not know and this is from the worst of the sins that are lost the planet Allah mentions in the Quran so the Shaitaan he wants to encourage you to make statements about Allah and statements about Islam that you don't know he wants to encourage you to be a bit quick to give a fatwa a bit quick to give a decision and this is another thing with the young lads you get a young brother he's practicing Islam hamdulillah is praying in the Masjid the Shaitaan comes to him and he encourages him to maybe be a bit quick in giving an opinion to maybe give an opinion a little bit too quickly and then to fall into saying about Allah or to sing about the religion of Allah what he doesn't know so he says brother I don't think there's anything wrong with that how many times are we Masoud we hear this so you're having a conversation with a brother and you're saying yeah you know subhanAllah you really must grow your beard you shouldn't you honestly you shouldn't shave your beard it's it's Haram for you to shave your beard and a brother pops in pops his head in between the two and says I don't think there's anything wrong with that this is exactly what we mean that you say about Allah that which you do not know you just invented something in the religion of Islam that you had no idea whether it was halal or Haram but you offered your opinion anyway this is from the traps of the shape on and from the ways that the Shaitaan gets to the practicing people because don't think that the Shaitaan leaves the practicing people alone one of the methods the Shaitaan uses to get to the practicing people is to encourage you to speak a bit too quickly to give a judgement before you understand you know you hear two brothers arguing about an Islamic point is this why is it sooner you come in and you say well I think as soon as your sentence starts I think stop then because I think this is not how we make rulings in Islam we make rulings in Islam with Karl Allah well Karl rasool salallahu alayhi wa send them allah said and his messenger said salallahu alaihe wasalam so if you don't have something from allah said or his messenger said sallallahu alayhi wasallam don't offer your opinion that's as simple as that because this is from the traps of the Shaitaan that the Shaitaan wants to get you eventually to start saying things about Allah and about the religion of Allah as sol-gel that you don't know from the ayat which talk about the plots of the Shaitaan and the traps of the Shaitaan is the statement of Allah Azza WA JAL reporting or relaying what the Shaitaan says verily I will mislead them and surely I will arouse within them their desires and desires these are not just the desires for for-4 sort of relationships between men and women but even desires for wealth for status desires to be you know to have power desires to sort of you know follow that which makes your soul content even if it doesn't isn't good for you in the religion and certainly I will order them to slit the ears of cattle and I will order them to change the creation of Allah to change the means by which Allah our gel has created you to make you ungrateful for what Allah has given you so you see somebody and they say you know I want to just you know have something done to my nose or I want to have something done to make me look a little bit different or I want to have some sort of cosmetic surgery all the girls that get hair extensions or eyelash extensions or sipar a lot of boys these days a lot almost an but you know these kinds of things the changing of the creation of Allah so just that he makes you feel ungrateful towards Allah that Allah has given me it's not good enough Allah hasn't created me in a way that's good enough and again this is just trying to encourage you to copy the Shaitaan how he is you should be so how he wasn't grateful for what Allah gave him he wants to make you ungrateful for what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has given you and then a lost parent Allah says and whoever takes Shaitan as his Welli as his protector as his he the one who he relies on for support instead of Allah has surely suffered a manifest loss the Shaitaan makes promises to them and he arouses their desires and shaytan's promises are nothing but deception so from this again we see that the promises of the Shaitaan the the the the Dawa of the Shaitaan is only deception from the plots of the shaitaan and the traps of the Shaitaan that I mentioned in the Quran is the use of sale and seeking help from the jinn black magic and seeking help from the jinn and this is a topic for another day but just briefly very very briefly to discuss from the means that the Shaitaan uses to entrap people is to get them to seek help from the jinn in order to harm someone or in order to benefit someone and this help from the jinn it increases them only in loss and it makes them increases them only in weakness it just makes them weak and it makes them lose so this is one of the means that the Shaitaan uses to trap the people and this is from different means so some people if the Shaitaan knows they are extremely weak he will get them to practice sare - actually they themselves seek help from the jinn but even if the person doesn't seek help from the jinn or the Shaitaan can't get them themselves he will encourage them to go to somebody who seeks help from the jinn which is very common in our communities that somebody goes to a healer or goes to a magician or goes to a woman who knows where people's things who they where they where they get when they get lost she knows where they are and they go to them and they say all we need you know we have a problem our daughter can't get married and we need your help and the person says no problem give me some of her clothes give me some of her hair and he puts them together and he says yes you know something has been done to you I will send you some jinn that will protect you and so on and so forth this is from the major traps of the Shaitaan that are mentioned in the Quran and alhamdulillah as Muslims we put our trust in Allah when we have problems and when we have difficulties we turn back to Allah Azza WA JAL and we never ever ever no matter how bad our situation gets no matter how much oppression other people do to us even if we are suffering from black magic we never dream of going to somebody who does this kind of thing because we know that what they do is simply seeking help from the Shaitaan and it is from the greatest forms of disbelief and the greatest forms of evil so when we look at all of these plots of the Shaitaan in the Quran when we look at all of these plots of the shaitaan in the Koran we find that they go back to two things and these two things are mentioned in solitude Fatiha at the very end of surah 2 fatiha we say to Allah spare entirely adeana sirat al-mustaqim guide us to the straight path and we know the straight path is the straight path of those who allah has given his blessings upon from the nabiyeen from the prophets and from the city of clean the truth fallen from the Shahada from the martyrs and from the sila haenyeo Haruna oleifera fira and how wonderful are that group of people as a set of companions and then we say that we say Adina sirat al-mustaqim sirata al-ladhina and I'm telling him the path of those upon you have you have bestowed your favor upon from the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the pious higher in mark do be I lay him well Abilene and we seek refuge from two groups of people Alan Merkel Dolby I lay him who I'll mother do we I am and mother Toby I lay him as The Messenger of Allah so I sell him interpreted are the Jews but why what I want to go back to is fundamentally why are those Jews described as Almodovar Ali they are those people who know the truth and yet they turn away from it so anybody who knows the truth and turns away from it they are from el Mago BRE him and then a Darlene and I'll Darlene are those people who don't know the truth in the first place and they are typify dand exemplified by the Christians okay so Almagro VI lae him are the Jews and a Darlene other Christians and the meaning of this are those people who know the truth and turn away from it and those people who don't know the truth at all she heard Islam even taymiyah commented on the ayah in which allah azzawajal talks about the mankind carrying the amana of islam muhammara hell in san in who can of alumina hoola and mankind took on this responsibility and mankind was constantly in a state of oppression and constantly in a state of ignorance and she called Islam women taymiyah Rehema Hawaii comments on this irony says the essence of every evil in this world are these two things oppression and ignorant oppression and ignorance are the essence of every single form of evil in this world every evil you will not find an evil from the evils of this world except that it comes into one of these two things it is either a form of oppression or a form of ignorance and this is why in our prayer we seek refuge from the oppressive people ie those people who know the truth but they still go ahead and do the wrong so their oppressive and those people who don't know it and so they are ignorant and like even Tamiya said all of the evil in the world comes from these two things oppression and ignorance oppression and ignorance so if we look at the state of mankind the state of mankind if they don't embrace Islam if they don't turn to Islam if they don't correct their character by use of the the means to correct it that are given to us in Islam then what do they end up they end up in a state of oppressing by when they know the truth and they don't do it or a state of ignorance where they don't know the truth in the first place and the Shaitaan he builds upon these two things and he builds upon them with two key things he builds upon them with shallot and he builds upon them with sugar Hut so as for the issue of the loom of oppression the Shaitaan builds upon this oppression by the means of Shahu at your desires so the Shaitaan tries to get you to follow your desires to follow what your soul craves for you know you just you know at the end of the day how many of you know you find sort of you find that your soul craves when you're lazy you don't do anything you don't want to go out and go to work you just want to eat food and you just you know you have your desires from relationships men and women and you have your desires from unity of the food that you eat and you have desires from wealth and status and power these kind of desires that can be at odds with Islam that can be against Islam the Shaitaan he wants you to follow them and this is the l'olam that the Shaitaan wants you to do to yourself the oppression the Shaitaan wants you to do to yourself and on the other side on the side of ignorance the shaytani has shoe bahut he spreads false ideas and false notions he spreads misguidance amongst the people things that you hear it and you think that it's true but it's not true and the Shaitaan uses these to make you ignorant and to make you turn away from the path of Allah as soldier so how do we combat these two things because all of the traps of the Shaitaan they come down to these two things either they come down to desires and oppression or they come down to ignorant and misguidance that's all of the traps of the Shaitaan come down to these two things so what do we use to combat each one as for the issue of desires and self oppression we combat this by patience in obedience to Allah and patience in avoiding sin so we do our best to prohibit our souls from following those things that they crave that are Haram and that's why allah azzawajal says mentions when i'm a man half a muhammara b1 Ahern F sir Anil Hara as for the one who fears what is going he fears standing before his Lord and he forbids his soul from its desires he forbids it so from the Haram that it wants the nature of your soul that Allah created you with is that it wants to Incline itself towards evil in Neffs Allah and Martin Basu the soul is constantly inclining moving itself towards evil you have to rope it in and pull it back one of the Messiah he once said to me the soul of a man is like a camel this is what he said to me and I said she had no idea what a camel is like so you're going to have to explain this to me so he said look it's this simple the first time you ask a camel to sit for you it takes all of your strength and you physically have to drag it down to the ground and hold it there once it's at for you once it'll sit for you any time and your soul is like this so the first time you have to get your soul away from something that it craves let's say you're addicted to a kind of a drug or you're addicted to something Haram or you're in a Haram relationship and it's a kind of an addiction your soul is finding some kind of peace and some kind of your soul is finding some kind of happiness from it the first time you pull yourself away from that it's going to be hard it's going to be like dragging the camel to the ground it's very very physically demanding it's very hard but once you've got your soul used to it your soul will behave just like the camel will behave a couple of times you have to drag it to the ground and then it will behave itself your soul is the same the few times you have to drag your soul to the ground and force it to obey you and then after that it will behave itself so this is an example of how we combat desires and we combat self oppression how do we combat ignorant and misguided notions and false beliefs that are spread amongst the people we combat these by getting knowledge in Islam so we can summarize our method against the Shaitaan against the traps of the Shaitaan that we get knowledge and we act upon it and we call others to it and we are patient as a result - of what happens to us when we do so we are patient in doing good deeds and patient in keeping away from evil deeds and patient upon what befalls us from the cutter and the Kaaba of allah subhanaw taala when we do that so this is our basic methodology against the traps of the Shaitaan so whatever the Shaitaan is going to do to you it's going to be from one of these two things either he's going to get your desires going and your soul going and your soul moving off or he's going to get your knowledge confused and to try and misguide you and take you away from the path of Allah as subject so you're going to combat that by learning Islam you're going to combat that by practicing what you know you're going to combat that by calling other people to what you practice and you're going to combat that by being patient upon doing good deeds being patient upon keeping away from sins and being patient upon the cutter and the kaabah of Allah so parents out of the decree of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and you're going to do this all of this seeking help with the remembrance of Allah because Allah Azza WA JAL mentions that the one who doesn't remember Allah is going to be afflicted by the traps of the Shaitaan so allah subhanaw taala says when my yeshua and Vickery remain in okay allahu Shaitaan and for hula-hooper in allah subhanaw taala says whoever turns him away from the remembrance of Allah he stopped doing the dhikr of Allah we will appoint for him a shaitan and that Shaitaan will be an intimate companion for him so when you turn away from the remembrance of Allah you get afflicted by the traps of the Shaitaan and Allah Soprano to Allah mentions on the other side the description of the believers in Naledi nechako Edom s saluto a 4 min ash-shaytani today guru Farida who moves aroun indeed those people who have taqwa those people who fear allah when an evil thought comes to them from the shaitaan when one of the traps of the shaitan comes to them Teleco they remember Allah and then they can see clearly so through the remembrance of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we can push the traps of the Shaitaan away from us so we can mention there as God that keep us away from the traps of the Shaitaan we can mention for example there are many add car for example I will be Kelly Martin litem matin let Eli you jihui's aruna baldwin-wallace age iran min sharri mahalo Kawara Hodari women sharing my n0 me samoh women sharing my average oofy her women sharing Madera I feel odd I mean share Rima when sharing my enzyme is somehow in Shelley Meyer who you mean sharing my ends enormous amount me sharing my arms Rafi how in sharing Madera I can all the women sherry Maya would you mean her women shared equally toilet in in Lafayette will be higher in Europe man this thicker from the earth car is said that it boils the traps of the Shaitaan then if you say it it pushes away the traps of the Shaitaan so this is again you can learn your out car the dhikr that you make in the morning and the vicar that you make in the evening the remembrance that you make in the morning and the remembrance you make in the evening after Federer and after Mogollon keeps you away from the traps of the Shaitaan the traps of the Shaitaan yeah one they can be very subtle from the traps of the Shaitaan for example that are very subtle is the student of knowledge the person who is a studying Islam and practicing Islam the Shaitaan tries to get them to study a lot and not to do too much worship so the Shaitaan will say to them you know you don't you don't want to be in the message why are you citing the message you're wasting your time you should be in the library reading books you should be Sat teaching people why are you doing worship why you praying the night prayer it means that you're not going to be able to go and teach the people the next day and so on and so forth so the shaitaan straps are very subtle but when we use the Vicar of Allah we remember allah azza wajal and we are patient upon our good deeds and patient in keeping away from our sins in short allahu ta'ala through this we will foil the enemy the plots of our enemy the Shaitaan finally and this is also very very very important is really to emphasize to all of you the importance of knowing how the Shaitaan affects you as an individual we've given some very brief examples from the Quran and from the Sunnah about how the Shaitaan afflicts a person but for you guys every single one of you and for me there are unique ways that the Shaitaan afflicts you just think think about the sins that you do quite often think about the sins that maybe you know yeah I've got this sin if I was to ask you to just put one sin in your head now one thing that you know that you do quite frequently and you know that you haven't been very successful to stop it if you think of this you think that there's a way the Shaitaan encourages you to do it for example let's say that your thing is swearing for example bad language and you know the Shaitaan gets you angry you get angry with yourself and when you get angry with yourself you lose control so that's your individual battle with the Shaitaan that's one thing the Shaitaan does for you as an individual so you need to know your own enemy's plots against you and you need to think of a way to stop that for you yourself so you need to think right what is it that actually makes me angry well I get angry when I allow an argument with my wife to go too far so what I'm going to do now is when an argument starts to build up I'm going to simply say jazakallahu khayran and I'm going to turn around and say Salaam alaikum and I'm going to walk out and this is going to stop me getting angry it's going to stop my anger boiling over and then it's going to stop me doing this thing that I'm doing so this is one thing you look at your own situation and you look at how the Shaitaan is getting to you as an individual and how the Shaitaan is trapping you as an individual for example if you know that you have a problem listening to music and you know that when you listen to me music it's because the Shaitaan makes you you hang around with certain friends and they listen to music and then that gets you into music and you go home and listen to it yourself you need to make a plan to stop the Shaitaan getting to you in that way by leaving that group of friends for example by throwing away your music tapes by stopping yourself have access having access to music on the phone or whatever it may be you need to think about what it is the Shaitaan is using together you and then make a plan to get away from that so yes there are general things the Shaitaan is doing to everybody and then there are some specific traps the Shaitaan is doing just for you and those specific traps the Shaitaan is doing just for you you need to have a real serious think about it and to make a way out of it because at the end of the day the Shaitaan is your enemy allah azzawajal describes the Shaitaan as your enemy he's an enemy for you Factory do what I do worse so take him as an enemy and Allah commands you to take the Shaitaan as an enemy and if he's your enemy that means he's constantly seeking a way to get at you so the more that you think to cut off and the quicker you can cut off these things the better it will be so maybe you think that one of my problems is that I am I've been tried with a problem of mixing and and sort of relationships with women think about when does this actually happen because for sure you're not exposed to non mahom women every minute of every day it must be for example the problem is work the problem is university the problem is when I go on the internet and I start chatting to people whatever the problem is think how is the Shaitaan trapping me how can I cut it off okay what I'm going to do I'm going to cut off this opportunity on the internet I'm going to cancel my I don't know Facebook account or whatever I'm using to do this thing I'm going to cancel that and I'm going to change my phone number and that is going to stop this particular trap of the shape on and then you don't rest on your laurels because you know that the Shaitaan is going to come up with something else once you've overcome him with one thing like a dedicated enemy he's not going to stop and just say okay that's enough now I'm not going to do anything I've had enough okay he's won no he's going to say okay you won that battle now I'm gonna try something different you know you've cancer you've changed your phone number and you've canceled your internet email accounts and so now I know that I'm not going to get at you with the issue of talking between men and women so now I'm going to try and get at you with music and then you find a way out of that and he said right now I'm going to try and get at you with this temptation now I'm going to try and get at you with this thing now I'm going to try misguide you in your knowledge now I'm going to try to discourage you from doing good deeds and so on and so on and so forth so this is a constant battle it is a battle that will carry on until the day of judgment as the Shaitaan made dua to Allah when it least said Allah or my lord give me rest bite until then until the day when they are resurrected let me live until the day of judgment so until the day of judgment these traps are going to be set up and until the day of judgment you have to be more clever than your enemy every time he has a trap you have to have a better trap and through the Vicker of allah subhanaw taala remembering Allah seeking help from Allah and doing those prescribed as car that keep you safe from the shaitan allah subhanaw taala will be with you in a lost pallet Allah will support you and help you in overcoming the Shaitaan that has been put there to lay down these traps and we can conclude by asking a lot surgeon to save us from the traps of the Shaitaan and to show us the truth is the truth and to allow us to follow it and to show us the falsehood as the falsehood and to allow us to keep away from it and not to mix those up so that we become misguided and allah subhanaw taala is the one that we turn to for help and a lost planet Allah is the one who is able to do all things shall I think we have time some questions inshallah to psychologic about quite a few questions text through to me so I'll deal with these questions first if that's okay and then take questions from the floor the first one is can the shayateen physically force someone to disobey allah I think the general principle and we have to say in a general sense is that nobody can force you to disobey Allah soldier except for the circumstance that we call a claw where someone is physically forced to disobey Allah and this can't come from the shell team for example whence the Shaitaan turns someone to insanity and he makes them go to a level where they're insane in and they and then he sort of you encourages them or forces them to disobey Allah so yes in the circumstance of Agra where someone is physically forced and and their life is threatened and they are forced to disobey Allah but this is a very rare situation and the general rule is that the Shaitaan can't force you to disobey allah azzawajal and the Shaitaan cannot be blamed for your disobedience of Allah spanner to Allah all of the shaitaan's influence in the Quran is described as calling you the Shaitaan called you to do this he invited you to do this yeah I don't know why you may need him he convinces you he aroused his desires in you he calls you but as for forcing you there is nothing of this mentioned in the Quran except in those very limited situations of Achra when someone is physically forced to disobey Allah and this can happen I suppose in cases where someone is afflicted by something like black magic or they are afflicted by jinn possession and the jinn literally forced them to the disobedience of Allah but this is a very very very rare case and of course a person when they are Makaha when they are forced to do something is not taken to account for what they do so in general this is the exception to the rule the general the general rules the Shaitaan cannot force you to disobey allah subhanaw taala and allah knows best how do you deal with the Shaitaan and these continuous whisperings the whisperings of the Shaitaan is a general answer to this in a specific answer to this the general answer to the whispering of the Shaitaan is that you get rid of it with the remembrance of allah as allah azza wa jal mentions in the ayah in Naledi nechako a domestic employee for min ash-shaytani to the kuru Farida home of a siren indeed those people who fear allah when they are afflicted by an evil thought from the Shaitaan they remember Allah and then they are able to see clearly now there may be some circumstances when this West Was that becomes uncontrollable and it becomes to the point where a person feels that the Shaitaan has a real control over them and this requires a little bit more effort one of the best tactics is that we distinguish between those people who have a little bit of West Wasser and those people who have very very bad what so essa as for those people have a little bit of what sorcerer they simply remember Allah and then they are able to see clear as for those people who it becomes very severe my advice to them is do not allow this to affect your a bada in other words if the Shaitaan you know the Shaitaan comes for you to you in every prayer and confuses you to the point where you repeat your prayer three four times every prayer then what is obligatory for you to do is to simply pray and don't repeat it just pray however you pray and don't repeat it until the worse worse that becomes less likewise the one who makes will do three four or five times every time they make woudl how I forgot oh I forgot again oh I forgot again and so on and so forth this person in this situation we say to them don't repeat your Wordle just simply do it however you do it and Allah will accept it from you and don't you know don't allow yourself to become to be convinced or to be misguided by the Shaitaan in this way but that's for the one who it's very very very severe as for the one who has light Wassa Wassa let's say every now and again once in a month once in a in a quarter once every couple of weeks he forgets in his will though this person begins from the beginning and repeats that will do again but when the West was that becomes very very very severe it's obligatory upon the person to simply ignore it completely and just carry on as they are I'll give one more example because it is an important issue and that's the example of people who get worse worser when they think that they are becoming unclean so they think that they are soiling their clothes for example they go to the bathroom they come out and they say oh no I must have dirtied my clothes I will go in and they wash everything again they make although again they come out of the bathroom and they say oh no I think I have and they go back in this person it is obligatory on them if there is no evidence for this there's no medical reason why this should be happening that they just ignore it completely and just pray as they are and eventually the Shaitaan will the West Was have a lesson and they will become like like ordinary people who suffer from a small amount of what sorcerer from the Shaitaan like we all do but it should not reach the level where someone is repeating every single prayer or missing every single prayer or repeating every single one Allah knows since everyone has a personal shirt on what happens to him when you die a large n knows best this is something that I don't think that there is a that I know of I won't say that there isn't a deal for it but I will say that I don't know of a Delisle for what happens to the Kareem when you die we know that the Kareem will eventually die but does the Kareem die when you die or does the Kareem continue to live after you die eliezer generous best of our two questions I'll try to amalgamate them into one what happens when you have pictures in your house and secondly are you allowed to take pictures and keep them in the house in a safe place without hanging them on the walls or in your phones the issue of pictures is one of the more serious issues and one of the more serious sins that our Muslim can fall into the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said indeed the people who will suffer the worst punishment on the day of judgement will be there would also make pictures so we advised the brothers and the sisters not to make any pictures at all or not to take any pictures at all and not to hang these pictures in your houses and not to print these pictures out I will say that if you must take pictures or you feel a desperate need to take pictures then my advice is to keep them digital such as on the mobile phone or on the computer or on the camcorder because it seems to me that digital pictures don't fall under the ruling because these are not permanent they don't have any permanence or any meaning in other words when I take a picture on my phone and I close the phone down nothing remains of that picture within the memory of the phone except zeros and ones there's no real substance to it so I would say that if you have to and again if you can avoid it avoid it but if you have to take pictures and you feel the need or you feel that you're taking them now and you want to replace your pictures on the wall with something then scan them keep them digitally keep them on the computer but don't show them permanently on the screen and don't if you keep them on your phone don't print them out don't keep them in your house because the angels do not enter the house in which there is a dog or a picture Allah knows best if you are possessed with jinn would he leave you when he is done if you are possessed with a jinn will he leave you when he is done they almost never leave you until you disbelieve or until you die this is the general circumstance and the general sort of situation of those who are possessed by the jinn generally except for those who allah has mercy upon they don't leave you until they achieve their aim such as disbelief death breaking up between husband and wife whatever it may be or or the person dies but of course they can be removed through a rocky area through permissible Rokia through the recitation of the Quran and through the recitation of the duas of the prophet salallahu alaihe salam that he made for these circumstances and this comes with complete trust in allah subhanaw taala and not trusting upon other than Allah Azza WA JAL and reciting the Quran believing that it is the uncreated speech of Allah and believing that it is a shifa shifa a cure for what is in the hearts and a cure for what is in the mind and a cure for what is afflicted the body the Quran so is a cure for every single kind of illness whether it's physical paranormal supernatural psychological every kind of illness can be cured by the Quran so a person recites the Quran they trust upon Allah they make to our and they do the prescribed at caral or last part Allah will with his permission save them from this thing that they are afflicted with when trying to pass on knowledge does the Shaitaan amongst the genetic you for example in dreams or in any other way the ways that the Shaitaan attack a person are varied and it depends on the person and the individual so there have been people who have been attacked by the Shaitaan when they try to pass on knowledge but the Shaitaan also would rather get the bigger picture and for example if there's a person who is teaching people what is better for the Shaitaan for the Shaitaan to attack them physically or for the Shaitaan to misguide them so they teach people something wrong there's no doubt that the better means for the Shaitaan is to do the second because this is what is going to cause more misguidance for more people so it's more likely that when someone passes on knowledge that the Shaitaan will try to misguide them in the knowledge Hasaan then it is that the Shaitaan will try to physically harm them although both of these have been known and some of the Mushaf were killed by various of the you know of the shayateen whether they are share dean of the of mankind or share dean of the jinn because they taught the people knowledge the likes of a llama silently over here aji Mahalo to Ana and others and so it's not unknown for somebody to be physically harmed because they pass on knowledge but in general the Shaitaan will try to aim before physical harm the Shaitaan will try to misguide the person so that they teach people things which are not correct okay our brother-in-law's allowed to reside with these a question from one of the sisters and if the wife has no choice what is your advice for her in this situation the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said the in law is death meaning the brother-in-law the sister-in-law is death and this is not a light thing for the prophet sallallaahu I do a seldom to say this word the in law is death this is a very very very serious thing now we're not going to say that it's impermissible for a brother-in-law to live with his sister-in-law in like that we can give a general ruling in that way but we'll say it's very difficult for them to stick to the limits set by Allah and yes there may be certain houses where they can stick to the limits set by Allah because it's a very large house with completely separate entrances and there's never any mixing but if there's ever a time when the brother and sister-in-law are left together alone or there's ever a time when you know the brother of the husband is left with the wife or the sister of the wife is left with the husband then they either the living arrangements need to be changed or they need to completely move out one way or the other because this is something which is very very very serious and this hadith that the in-laws death is something which is not to be taken lightly it's something very very very serious so if the wife has no choice but to live in that circumstance then upon his to fear Allah as much as she can to do as much as she can with the house to avoid mixing to make sure that she wears her full a job meaning covering her face and her hands in front of her brother brother-in-law that she doesn't speak to him in her normal voice and so on and so forth this is all things you know she should take the brother-in-law to be Morsi as a non Muharram then she would take a man in the street so if she would not uncover her face for a man in the street she should never dream of doing it for her brother-in-law because this hadith shows us that the brother-in-law is more strict and more severe than the issue of a stranger in the street so the advice is that she should do the best she can to fear allah subhanaw taala to stay fully covered to try her best to keep in a separate room and then in sha Allah to Allah to try to encourage her husband as much as possible to move out the wife she has a right to separate accommodation and this is her right in Islam and nobody can deny this right she does she has the right to demand her own separate accommodation in the Sharia and yes we know sometimes the husband isn't able to do it and she has to be patient but in general she should be exercising this right if she can and asking for her own separate accommodation in order that she can be from those people who fear allah azza wa jal and earned a reward in the pleasure of allah subhanaw taala and allah knows best if somebody is willing at though is what is your advice in terms of what you can do the issue of Tara weave these things that are hung around the people's neck this is something which is very very very severe and this is something which if it doesn't lead a person if it doesn't take a person outside of Islam it takes them to the edge of coming outside of Islam when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said my Allah cottony my tent forgot ashrak whoever ties at IWI's around his neck has committed shirk and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent the Sahaba to cut the towers from the necks of the camels and the Prophet SAW I seldom found one of the companions and he had a terry's around his wrist and the prophets eye Selim's cut it off and he said cut it for if you do not cut it you will never be successful meaning you will not be successful in this life or in the next so this issue is a very severe severe issue and it's obligatory upon a person to cut off any towers that they have upon them and there's no doubt that these towers whatever they say they are they are nothing but coming close to the Shaitaan and those people who follow me on Facebook will have seen several posts of taraweeh that have been opened that show you some of the things that are found within them and likewise on my facebook there is a detailed refutation of Sunni path in their claim that the ulema allow the wearing of we there's a full refutation of this opinion and their opinion that some of the Sahaba allowed her with none of the Sahaba allowed to inaudible ah this is a statement this is a statement this is the color of Sahaba this is a statement a lie against the Sahaba audio lava and room and all of the narrations which mentioned the Sahaba approving of any kind of towie from the Quran or other than the Quran all of them are weak and there is not one single authentic narration from the Companions that they allow tarried in any way from the Quran or other than the Quran some of the tabi ain't allowed tat we that was from the Quran alone but none of the Sahaba all of the narrations to the Sahaba week including the narration of Abdullah bin Amma and the narration of eyeshadow do lava and Homer so this is not something that a person is allowed to do and if they want to go on my facebook in sha allah they'll be able to find more details about the refutation of joeys and some of the pictures of taraweeh that have been open to try to convince people to take these things off because wallahi if you don't take it off you will not be successful in this dunya and you will get nothing in the acura you will not be successful in the Acura either so don't sell your dunya on your Acura for the sake of some stupid piece of string that you tie around your neck and they tell you that it is the Quran and I have a simple offer and it's like a you know special offer and I do this all the time I say to anyone bring me your tab we that is from the Quran I will open it up if it is from the Quran I'll give it back to you because it's never ever i-i've of all the time I probably opened more than a thousand towers and from all of the tabloid I've opened I can count on two hands the number of tattwa that were from the Quran and in fact I tell you story you might have heard me tell it before I came to a person they said I've got a terrier I said let me see it I said they said it's from the Quran I said it's unlikely going to be from the Quran so I opened it up and I expected it to be full of the names of the Shaitaan like they usually are and it was a printed Eyre of the Quran nothing else just a printed ayatul kursi I showed it to them the person became angry they said this man has ripped me off subhanAllah he's ripped me off I asked him for a tow is he's given me a printed eye of the Quran Subhan Allah this is something that honestly these Thai we that people say is the Quran it is not the Quran they're full of the names of the Shaitaan Shaitaan help me help me help me help me and the person it's just ayatul kursi look that's all I just wrote I wrote for you cool who allow a hat and it says there is no Allah this is what this is the misguidance that these people are encouraging others towards and like I said insha'Allah if you follow some of my notes and posts on Facebook and shala there are more information about that in sha I have one simple question here and it is what is innovation innovation in the sense of the Sharia is to do an action that was not authorized by the or was not from the actions that were authorized by the Sharia by the Quran or by the Sunnah of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in an authentic hadith narrated by al-bukhari and muslim from the hadith of aisha radi allahu and her that whoever man amina amina nay say I am Allah for all right whoever does an action that is not in accordance with what we have brought will have it rejected so it's not permissible for a Muslim to do an action that was not legislated either by the Quran oh by the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem so it's very important that you look at your actions and you make sure that all of your actions have a basis in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his messenger so allah value as a lemon the Edgemar of the Companions and so on and so forth so in broadly innovation is to do an action with the intention of worship of a lost planet Allah that was not done by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them all the Companions rhodiola ran home and therefore it is something which is newly done innovated and that's what the word innovation or bida means to do means to do something that does not have a previous example to do something that wasn't done before and so this is something that a person must avoid in the religion of Islam and Allah knows best okay any any further questions brother Abdul Rahman yyk about the fact that on the part that he walked on the chadar would move away or run in the opposite direction if you just clarify this a little bit secondly in respect of the oppression and the influence the brothers in 110 North Bay at the moon who are undertaking a hunger strike is this type the first question regarding the issue of Imam Mahdi Allah and that the prophet sallallaahu Elias Elam told us that the when the Shia team saw him are on a path that they would cross the road and take another path and this was from the ax man of honor from the high level of Amman that Omar had radhiya lava and that here of the lava and his Eman was so high and his remembrance of Allah was so much that when the shell team would come and see him approaching they would move away from him and take another path and this is the situation of the person who remembers Allah when you remember Allah much and you do good deeds and you come close to Allah the Shaitaan doesn't like to be around you and can't stand to be around you and that's why you're going to find the more vicar you do the more coming close to our last planet Allah you do the more patience you have you are going to find the shape on being further and further away from you because the Shaitaan they can't stand all the shayateen they can't stand to be around those people who have a high level of Eman those people who remember Allah as so gel much so it's about being patient and about remembering or last planet Allah and because of the level of Eman of Allah not his physical presence it wasn't his physical presence that made the Shaitaan run away but it was the level of his semen or the ilaha and whoever thought the second question the brother had was regarding this issue of prisoners taking hunger strikes particularly something in Guantanamo Bay regarding prisoners who are taking hunger strikes voilá eylem I don't know the ruling of hunger strikes for prisoners and the different conditions of those things in Charla that's something that we should look for in the photo of a element Allah we should ask some of the scholars regarding the permissibility generally of a Muslim doing hunger strikes there is obviously serious concerns with regard to the fact that your body is like is anumana from a last panel to allah and it's not permissible for someone to do something which would harm it but you have to look at that in the context of you know this the situation a person is in and you have to ask that question to the scholars of Islam and I don't know the answer to that Abu habib i'm salam Allah Allah there is a hadith in which the prophet sallallaahu ayat so I'll repeat the question the question is people who eat in restaurants where alcohol is served the food is halal but there is alcohol being served there is a hadith that a Muslim does not eat at a table where alcohol is served and as far as I can see from the opinions of the scholars in Islam this refers to actually sitting down at the table and having alcohol being drunk in front of you at the same place however there's no doubt that being in a restaurant where people are drinking alcohol on the next table gives you a degree of that meaning I don't think it comes under the hadith or I'm not going to say I don't think but the scholars of Islam generally from the Fatah this is something I looked into a few weeks ago most of the scholars they don't include this within the hadith so they don't say that if someone is drinking alcohol in the next table it's exactly the same as somebody drinking alcohol in front of you but there's no doubt that it's a similar kind of meaning or it gives you a degree of fear so there's no doubt that a Muslim who fears Allah and does his best to fear or lie tries to avoid these places he tries to avoid places where alcohol is being served especially because it's cooperating with those people encouraging them and so on and so forth and in reality has to advise them to get rid of that alcohol and you know inshallah to try to avoid those places where alcohol is served and to go to those places where alcohol isn't served in the hope that this will remind the owners and will encourage the owners to incheol I leave this leave this particular thing that they're doing insha'Allah but as for the issue of it being absolutely Haram then Allah Azza WA JAL knows best this is not something I could come to the conclusion for but it's definitely something all Muslims should try to avoid as much as possible okay our little brother there Riley masha'allah varkala riding salawa Rantala the brother he asked why is it that we can't hear Shaitaan whispering we can feel Shaitaan whispering but we can't hear shape on whispering I think one of the reasons this is and Allah knows best that Allah knows really best the reason why but that when we can't hear the actual words of the shape on it makes it more difficult for us to pass the test because when you can hear someone saying to you be misguided turn away from the path of Allah that makes you sort of realize that okay I'm being misguided now but when it's just a feeling that you get it's harder for you to resist so it's more of a test for you and it makes you have to concentrate more you have to think a little bit more and be a bit more awake and it's like the like the issue of hearing the punishment of the grave if you could hear the punishment of the grave you wouldn't fear you wouldn't you know disobey Allah and there wouldn't be this test that there is now if you could hear the punishment of the grave because you would be able to see in reality what's happening so sometimes Allah keeps things hidden and we can't hear them so that it's more of a test for us and so that we can sort of have a test and see if we're going to behave or if we're not going to behave and Allah knows best i'm salam wa rahamtullah can Shaitaan take the form of a human being some of the shell team can take the form of a human being yes this is no doubt about this this is authentically mentioned in several places in the Sunnah including on the day of better that a belief took the form of an old man and he encouraged the people to to sort of go forth against the Prophet so I send them in the Battle of Bethel and likewise it is mentioned that generally there are certain types of the Shaitaan that can take the form of animals there are certain shape types of the Shaitaan that can take the form of human beings so I think this is something that we can say is definitely true why yak and the towers I said if you just go on my onto my facebook which is all my contact details are just Muhammad Tim so I don't know if it is this let me see how the spelling is on there yeah so the same spelling is is on the on the posters muh a mm ad TI m and if you look for that on facebook or you you know like any of the other side so shall our you'll find my contact details and on my Facebook page I posted a few pictures of tau e that were opened and there's a refutation on there about some of the people who said that the Sahaba used to wear two E's and things like that shop no doubt no doubt regarding pictures we we should have made this point the brother made a very good point that when we were talking about pictures the conversation that we had about pictures was about pictures of things with Souls eye pictures of living beings animate pictures yeah I pictures of human beings and pictures of animals not pictures of trees not pictures of mountains not pictures of you know at pictures of things with faces basically that was what always heads that was what we were talking about when we came to talk about pictures just after another question text through can you get paralyzed by Jin and if so what can you do or should you do no doubt you can get paralyzed by the Jin and this is a very common sort of complaint people have with regard to the Jin and when you feel this paralysis come up on on board you can try to remember a last panel to Allah if you can't recite something with your mouth like ayatul kursi or cool hala I had then try to recite it in your heart make your eye to our last planet Allah if you can do it with your tongue but if your tongue is still paralyzed then do it with your heart and remain calm don't worry about it at the end of the day it will pass simply you don't remember Allah Azza WA JAL in your heart and in sha Allah to Allah if you are able remember I lost palette ala on your tongue if you're able to move a part of your body and you can blow into your hands and sort of move your hand over your body and inshallah this will relieve the paralysis likewise you can if you have some water it's been recited upon you can put it on top of you and you may find that if you suffer this in sleep a lot that you can recite on some olive oil recite ayatul kursi and the last three sores of the Quran on some olive oil and put it on to yourself before you go to sleep and inshallah this will help as will doing that car of going to sleep like reading ayatul kursi and sort of remark and some of the other ayat that you recommended to read called who Allah who I had called hours available falak call out of yerba nurse reading these ayat before you go to sleep inshallah will also help someone suffering from sleep paralysis insha'Allah time a young brother there yes yes that's a very very good question Marcia a lot of article ah a question about yet George in Matt George and the brother he said that he read on the internet that will Cunnane who was the one who made the barrier between yuge and matt George was Alexander the Great and that's a very common thing and it's said by a lot of people but what we say about this is anything that we read on the internet about Islam we say one thing do we have evidence for it from the Quran and the Sunnah if we don't have evidence for it from the Quran of the Sunnah have we got any proof that it didn't happen so we got one of three things we've either got an evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah or we've got an evidence from the Quran or the Sunnah that it's definitely not true or we don't have any evidence that it's true or any evidence that it's not true so how do we act if we've got a proof from the Quran and the Sunnah that it's true we believe in it if we've got a proof from the Quran and the Sunnah that it's not true we say no way it's not true if we don't have a proof for or against and we say well it's possible that Alexander the Great was little pen name maybe I mean a lot of things that I said about Alexander the Great are not good like they don't they say a lot of bad things about him so Allah knows best but it's possible those things that are said are wrong so we say Allah knows best whenever we're dealing with things that we don't have proof for we just say Allah knows best so I would say there is some evidence against it and some of the evidence against it is that a lot of things are narrated about Alexander the Great that are very negative but we don't have a proof that those things are really true or not so we see our lasso gel knows best but we don't have any proof to say that it's true so we shouldn't say that the olecranon is Alexander the Great and we probably shouldn't say that he wasn't Alexander the Great until we have a proof one way or the other and maybe if somebody has more knowledge about it they can say no definitely he wasn't because of this this and this but we say that as long as we don't have any proof for or any proof against we say Allah knows best why young sleeping early and salato fragile there's no doubt that salat or fetcher is from the most important of the press after so laughter Arthur it seems to be the most important prayer after salat on us and salat al-fajr is one of the signs that you are not a malefic because from the signs of the Millea 15 is that they are unable the hypocrites they are unable to pray salat and Federer in the congregation and thus Allah has been given to you at fixed times allah azzawajal says in the salah tekhelet allen mini nakita banmal water the prayer has been made for the believers at fixed times so it's obligatory upon every single man to pray salat or feta in the masjid as much as he is able to do so remember with regard to the Masjid the hadith of the blind man who came to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said o Messenger of Allah I'm a blind man and I do not have a guide who will take me to the message I don't have anyone to carry me or to lead me to the Masjid and in another narration my house is far away and between my house and the Masjid are dangerous for me that I fear that I will fall I fear that I will fall into for example holes or valleys and I feel that I will fall into so the prophets I Salim initially gave him permission to miss the prayer then he called him and he said he'll test Mount Neda do you hear the call to the prayer he said yes I hear the call to the prayer he said for ajab so respond to it so if the Prophet sallallahu alehiwassallaam didn't allow a blind man who has no guide whose house is far away who has dangers on the road he didn't allow him to miss the furture prayer in the Masjid because he heard the Athan then it's not allowed for us to miss the virgin pray in the masjid as much as we are able to do so and yes i know we don't all hear the Adhan and sometimes really very very far away but as much as possible when you pray Federer in the Gemara you are under the protection of Allah until the evening comes when you don't prefetcher in the jamar you have no protection for from the Shaitaan for that day so it's very very important for the brothers to aim to be praying further in the message and for all of the Muslims brothers and sisters unconditionally to be praying fragile on time now there's no doubt that a person says if I sleep in Allah doesn't hold me to account because it's a natural thing I'm not awake Rafi I'll column and that out three people will not be taken to account one of them is an animal hat is negative and the sleeping person until he wakes up so I know I'm not going to be taken to account we say yes but there's a condition the condition is that before you went to sleep you didn't do something that would make you miss fedja so for example if you stay up until half an hour before Fajr on and then you go to sleep and then you say well the pen the pen wasn't writing my bad deeds the pen wasn't writing your bad deeds when you were asleep but the pen wrote the bad deed when you stayed up until half an hour before fetcher began and you knew that you weren't going to wake up for it so you are blameworthy for in that sense so it's very important that you you know you follow the Sunnah of the Prophet so I seldom the prophets I sent did not used to spend a lot of time after Isha he did sometimes spend time after Isha but very rarely and the majority of the narrations mentioned that he did not like to speak to people after Isha and he did not like to have gatherings after Isha except occasionally and he would go and he would sleep early sallallahu alehiwassallaam so that he was able to wake up for the night prayer and so that he was able to wake up for the federal prayer so it's very important that you do your very very very best to wake up for the fed your prayer at a minimum and an ideal that you're praying Federer in the Masjid saw that you are under the protection of Allah until the evening comes we asked a last part Allah to give us the till faith to be able to do that I mean we just take this one final question sometimes getting on now okay some of the rulings and the and the the question is about if the lot about mixing between men and women and the issues and some of the times when it might be allowed and some of the rulings regarding it and specifically is there any difference if they are your relatives Islam doesn't make any difference at all between relatives and between non relatives Islam makes a difference between Muharram and non Muharram and not every relative is a Muharram for you so a Muharram are the relatives that you're forbidden from marrying so for example you can't marry your sister you can't marry your mother you can't marry your grandmother you can't marry your daughter those are your you can't marry your paternal and to your maternal aunt and so on and so forth so those are your Muharram your madam and those there is no problem with you being alone with them there is no problem with them having their hijab off in front of you as long as they are wearing modest dress so they shouldn't be wearing particularly tight clothing or they shouldn't be wearing revealing clothing but as long as their dress is sort of modest then there's no problem with that but as for your cousin for example your cousin is not a macron for you and the proof for that is that you marry people a lot of people marry their cousins the prophet sallallaahu ie were seldom married one of his cousins are a starter setup so there's nothing about marrying your cousin and therefore your cousin is not a madam for you likewise there are other relatives that may come in your for example your brother's wife for example your uncle your blood uncle's wife again these are all people who are not Muharram for you and therefore the rules of Islam apply Islam doesn't say relative or non relative but Islam says Muharram or non Maha the first thing that you're trying to avoid is any mixing at all because islam commands you to avoid anything that might lead to something further but if there is a necessity for you to mix or a need because not always a necessity but a need like for example they are you know there's only one room in the house and they've come to visit then at least you must make sure there is nothing which we call halwa and the caller is where a man and a woman who are not muharram are alone together and there are different types of Halawa two different types of Halawa one type of Halawa is where they are alone completely such to the extent that they would be able to commit something harm and that is the more serious and the other type is the type where they are alone but they would not be able to do so and this is still how long but it's less serious but you're trying to avoid all of these so even if it just means that you're in the kitchen and she's in the kitchen but the door is open even then you should try to avoid that because this is still a type of halwa even if it is not a complete color where you could do something Haram because the door is open but it's still a type of halwa which you try to avoid you also try to avoid unnecessarily looking at them because it's not allowed for you to look at them like the prophets I seldom said and all erequest anya i like the first time you you glance at someone by accident you know if you open the door it's a woman and you sort of look at her you look away the first time that you see her that's forgiven because it wasn't your choice the second time that you choose to look at her it's a sin for you so you try not to look at her in the way that you talk to her you keep it very professional and businesslike there's nothing wrong if you pay if your cousin picks up the phone Salam alaikum Salam how are you I hope you're okay how's your mom how's your dad could I speak to my aunty please could I speak to there's nothing wrong with that but you keep it professional you don't keep it to the poor are you okay you know I saw you last week you're looking really good and you know so on and so forth you keep it professional yeah and you keep it businesslike so just some y alaikum how are you my charlotta barik alaa hope you're well how did your exams go everything was okay mashallah can I speak to your mum please like something so you keep it short and you keep it professional inshallah so those are some of the rulings of extol art and as general we try to avoid as much mixing and mingling of men and women as possible so if you can keep where men and women in separate rooms that's the best thing because at the end of the day even if you are a religious family and you try to stick to the limits and then Chitti you're going to get closer a little bit by a little bit you know step by step until maybe something might happen so it's always best to keep things separate but there are times when you can't you know you come on Eid day there's only one room in the house everyone sat there at least you you know you make sure you're dressed dress modestly the lady she's not wearing makeup she's wearing a full a job in front of you you're not such as chatting to each other looking at each you know any conversation is just kept brief and sort of businesslike and you know you try not to be alone with her even if the door is open or something like that and you fear online you sure have that respect because that's from the respect that you show people your fellow Muslim and the respect that she shows you inshallah and there's no doubt families that practice that they have a much more successful and a happy family life on hamdulillah and Allah knows best ok we are nearing mockery per inch and I would encourage everybody stay in the Masjid I think we'll end attackers I think we've really worked the Sheikh hard today and his arkla had and also on behalf of Dola Dola I want to extend our appreciation and the words to the Sheikh and the last one $1 protect him in his health wealth and Iman I mean he's been a great supporter of our Dawa and next week inshallah brother who's nan will be visiting us and his talk will be on calling on others besides Allah what I want to say is that we have these talks every week in an attempt inshallah that we take lesson from them so hopefully you know we can go away and try and implement some of the teachings some of the messages there and become better Muslims and one of the ways that we can do that today is that several weeks ago one of the brothers here of the rock man who is present here today did a talk on charity inshallah we'll be leaving on Wednesday for going well and given the recent fundraising that has been undertaken for for our brothers and sisters in Syria and this is another opportunity and a final opportunity for you to contribute to that worthy cause and if you want to do so you know please see of the Rahman or myself after this talk also we started to produce some CDs now and so they're available at the store our just outside the main door here and also all the talks are uploaded onto YouTube and we would ask you to you know donate generously to the to the Dawa is from your contributions that these events are possible ok desire her salam alykum who delivers the ricotta
Channel: Dudley Dawah
Views: 145,729
Rating: 4.8733974 out of 5
Keywords: Traps of Shaitaan, Muhammad Tim Humble, Dudley Dawah, Queens Cross Masjid, Mosque, Greenlane Masjid, Salafi Masjid, Oldbury Faith, Stourbridge Dawah Project, Mohammadi Masjid, Whitton Islamic Centre, Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamah, Ahle Hadith, Khalifahklothing, Onewaytoparadise, Redbrickmedia, AlWaseelah, Roadside2islam, Islamreminder, QuranandSunnahYT, RuqyaSharia, DrAbdulMajid, Jinn
Id: uv_tNEvDj8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 34sec (6154 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2013
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