The Evil Eye & How to Protect Yourself From It (Nazr/'Ayn) | #227 Tim Humble

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hey guys thank you for checking out this episode we'd love your support by heading to forward slash freshly grounded it really does make a difference in helping us continue making this content and if not no stress enjoy assalamu alaikum greetings of peace this month we're raising money for the spot project as you know the spot project in gambia is where sam and i first met and out of that freshly grounded was born alhamdulillah so it has so it has a very close place in our hearts this year we're raising money for a health clinic where women can give birth safely currently women in this village of chamia often have to travel by donkey kong and ferry across the sea for hours to the nearest hospital to give birth imagine being nine months pregnant now brothers it's gonna be hard to imagine but sisters okay i'm not going so basically you're not ah i've ruined it okay so imagine nine months pregnant either you a family member your wife the the last thing or the first thing you want to do is provide them as much comfort as possible you know you need to rush to the hospital and it's all systems go and i imagine then in all seriousness then then having to like take a donkey cart to try and get a ferry and last week i told you guys over a story of this woman she got the donkey cart to the ferry place the ferry had gone so she had to get a boat and she ended up giving birth on the boat um and that's this health clinic changes that because they're able to give birth safely with professionals and they'll get the right care that sister even though the baby was born fine she's still dealing with post birth complications and so um that's why this uh health clinic is needed it's also a multi-purpose and also it's gonna be used for a few other things um but you guys can help by donating at forward slash fresh lugandi that's spot project org forward slash freshly grounded we've also launched a special edition of our highly sought after game here we go we also launched a special edition of our highly sought after game entitled the game the special edition however is a ramadan edition so it's entitled you guessed it the game ramadan edition and uh it's a pack of 60 conversation cards to help you boost your ramadan conversations with loved ones but just don't take but don't just take man i think this is only week two of me doing my intro by script and it's taking me time so have patience with me guys but let's reel it up and go again okay we've also launched a special edition of our highly sought after game the game and this one is a ramadan edition and it's a pack of 60 conversation cards to help you boost your ramadan conversation with loved ones but don't just take my word for it in fact take my word for it because editing other people's words is gonna be too difficult and we're fasting so take my word for it the game is great and it's highly sought after and um i don't know what that means it's just something you say it's highly sought after head over to shop.fresh that's okay this episode is rival said mohammed tim humble we talk about the evil eye it's misconceptions and how to protect yourself is a great episode a great episode enjoy and welcome to a freshly grounded the brand new podcast it's not exactly brand new anymore is it wha welcome to freshly grounded the podcast that's better created by best friends frieza and sam huh i broke it i said welcome to freshly grounded off that bit created by after that best friends face one side really okay so we are joined by us for joining us yeah alhamdulillah very very well and it's really nice to see you as well i'm conscious that um i want to deep dive into a topic today that we haven't necessarily we've actually spoken about numerous times on numerous episodes of freshly grounded with yourself but i don't think we've ever like done a big deep dive on it and so considering we're quite uh going to be quite short on time with it um i'm like rearing to go uh before we do i do want to like break the ice slightly by uh asking you one question it wouldn't be fresh uganda if it wasn't uh from our new uh freshly grounded ramadan game i don't think that's not okay yeah yeah i okay so i'm just gonna get one question off of you a bit of a reflection and then we'll get started into the podcast so the question okay that we have is i'll read it out what lesson did you get from yesterday so let's get this ramadan related so think back to yesterday last 24 hours what lesson did you get from yesterday oh what lesson did i get from yesterday well from yesterday you know i'm gonna say what i really learned from yesterday is how much work it takes to maintain your memorization of the quran and that might sound like a strange one but i was reflecting upon that in tarawih the amount of of effort it takes to to be able to keep the quran memorized as it should be and to recite it as it should be without making any mistakes uh really the quran needs more time than we give it i think that's what i learned yesterday the quran needs a lot more time than we give it oh yeah you um you always hear like uh people asking about that kind of stuff and even something myself i struggle with a lot is like this idea of i remember speaking to you actually about about the quran and memorization and and about how like it's not sufficient to just like read something to your teacher that you're set for that week and then like move on it's like something that constantly has to be on your mind and stuff and that conversation that you and i had it actually it really benefited me um and i remember exactly what you said like to this day so um yes uh it resonates uh even now you know you know what i was thinking of like the the people people of the past they would typically outside of ramadan outside of ramadan they would typically finish the quran every 10 days that was the norm some of them seven days some of them three days but the norm like what was totally normal among regular muslims in the past was that people would finish the quran every 10 days complete reading every 10 days three times a month and that's outside of ramadan now imagine inside of ramadan what how people what people used to read and for us you barely can find a person who finishes the quran once a month you can very rare you can find someone even who finishes it once or twice a month regularly in ramadan maybe a lot of people make an effort to finish it just once a month and it just it requires so much more commitment than than than what we give it to could you say that can can a person's sins stop them from picking up the must-have yeah no doubt a person's sins can stop you stop you from all kinds of good deeds sins generally stop you from everything good and a person can be prohibited i mean there are some narrations that a person said i was prohibited from qiyama lail for a sin that i did 40 years ago or something close to that meaning and a person could be prohibited from any kind of good whether it's praying at night whether it's reading the mushaf whether it's memorizing and you know the famous uh statement that alimamma shafer he made to his teacher shakotori i complained to appear of my poor memory he told me to leave off sinning and that's you know the the our sins stop us from so much good we don't we don't appreciate the the huge amount of good that misses us because of the sins we do the the topic i wanted to speak to about is is is somewhat related um i suppose it comes under like when we speak about the protection against um this particular topic and stuff like that but uh okay let's get started then so the topic is the evil eye i i know it's something that we've kind of spoken about a few times on freshly ground as i mentioned but i thought it would be nice for the for like the next hour to just really just go over um and some misconceptions and stuff like that um that could hopefully benefit myself and anyone listening um so it makes sense to start with like the evil eye i suppose like we should understand to an extent like what he actually is or means and then also um how do we know this is something actually exists like how do we know from from quran or sunnah that this is something that we should be wary of it exists and we shouldn't just like take it lightly for example yeah so uh the fact that it exists uh there are numerous narrations from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam there are some ayat of the quran that indicated it's not mentioned explicitly in the quran where it mentions the evil eye like that it's not mentioned explicitly in the quran but implicitly it's mentioned in the quran but where it's mentioned very clearly is in the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the prophet saws the evil eye is the truth the evil eye is something true and he even mentioned that if there was something that was to overtake the divine decree would be the evil eye so something very very very serious in terms of what the evil eye is there are different definitions for it but uh there is a definition that i have right here it's a definition of uh al-hafiz when he talks about someone who looks at someone and they look at someone or something with iste they think it's something they look at someone or something in a way that this is something amazing or something that is really good but the evil nature of their soul effect causes an effect upon the person or the thing that they look at the evil nature of their soul causes them to the thing that they look at causes them to have an effect upon it so that's one of the ways that we can we can understand the evil eye there's a couple of definitions as i said i'll have them in hijab he said it is looking at something with admiration blended with jealousy from the evil of a person's nature ensuring and that causing harm to the one who is looked at and in another definition it's said to be a poison which allah puts in the eye of the one who gives the evil eye when they're amazed by something and they speak of it without asking allah to bless the thing that they're amazed with so i personally like to just combine these two and say we've got looking at something with admiration or amazement the evil of a person's nature not asking allah to bless the thing that is being looked at and then finally causing that thing harm and i think that's a really really good general definition of of the evil eye can can a person admire or be an admiration of something without the risk of causing evil eye yeah i think that the interesting thing the first question people often ask is is the evil eye the same thing as jealousy because we know for example allah said in the quran from the evil of the envio and the envy so is that just the evil eye you know everyone knows the sword is that is that just the evil eye or is there a difference between jealousy and amazement there is a lot of discussion about it there's a lot of discussion about it but in reality one thing i think that i've come to kind of say and i feel this is pretty you know this is where the way where you can balance up all the different opinions is just to say that the evil eye has to come from the evil of a person's nature even if it comes from amazement and some of the scholars they said it doesn't have to be jealousy it can be amazement it can just be so like for example uh ibm mentioned you can give the evil eye to yourself and you can't really be jealous of yourself right but you can be amazed like you are you know just so amazed by something you see from yourself that you can even give it to yourself but it has to come from the evil of a person's nature and so there are people who are jealous of others who are amazed by things or admire things that they see from other people and they don't cause any harm to those people they actually those they don't cause any harm because the evil eye doesn't come from everybody not everybody has that tendency to give it and not everybody is also affected by it depends on whether that person is protected or not so yeah there's a person could have jealousy or amazement of someone else and not cause them harm but there is that risk because there are people who have that that tendency to give the evil eye and that could happen from anyone when they have those those three basic things that they're looking things looking at things with jealousy or you know admiration they're not invoking the blessings of allah and ultimately that causes a harm upon the person that or the thing that's been looked at so you mentioned about not kind of praising it or praising allah um when we're admiring this thing how would a person do that how would a person be admire something and then and then is there something they can say or is it something that they say in their heart that can hopefully protect the person that they're admiring against the evil eye yeah in the hadith of uh of sahala and hanef the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he indicated that a person in order to to stop the evil eye from happening to someone that a person should invoke blessings they should invoke blessings for that person now there's a lot of different discussion about how you do that but this i'm i i like simple ways so i'm going to give a really simple one line is that you say allah bark because the thing is with arabic then you're going to get into all the different variations of grammar and you know how you say it for this thing and how you say it for that thing but just to keep it super simple there's one line you can say all the time just say allah about it or allah put blessings in it for them and i think before we talk about the blessings or while we talk about the blessings for sure the person's heart as you mentioned some of the scholars they said the minimum is that the person returns the blessing to allah meaning that they just recognize that the blessing is from allah you could say masha'allah you know that the blessing came from allah they recognized it came from allah but the danger of just it being within the heart is the heart has an evil nature to it right in the nephilim the soul has that inclination and sometimes you might you know sort of internally be thinking no you know like i want blessings for that person and then the you know the evil nature just takes over and even okay he has a really really amazing statement he said the origin of it is the amazement of the one who gives the evil eye with something then he follows it with the evil nature of his soul and it releases an arrow so evil time describes it like an arrow that is shot from the heart of the person who has this amazement and jealousy or this evil nature in their soul and it's like they shot an arrow at the person and in the end of the quote he actually says that it is exactly like an arrow to the point that he said that it is exactly like shooting real arrows the one who one is shooting at the soul and the and the other one is shooting at bodies and limbs it's very the way it can happen internally can take over a person very easily and a person has that tendency to have an evil nature in their soul so it's really important for them to verbalize and to say you know even if it's if arabic is difficult just to save me allah blessed a minute you know so many times we see we're in a culture of seeing you know people tend to so like show off all the good things they have right like swear social media taking pictures i'm enjoying myself i'm having a good time and people tend to sort of even exaggerate the good things that are happening to them and at that time it's so important when you see something good from someone that you say allah bless them in it and like i said in arabic short sentence but before that when we talk about the heart there is something really important and when i learned about this i thought i was i was i thought it was really profound and that is this idea that belief in qadhar the divine decree can save you from giving people the evil eye and the reason for that is when you have proper belief in the divine decree you become settled with what you've been given because you know that allah decreed it for you personally allah chose for you what you have exactly perfectly tailored for you and allah didn't give you what that other person has and won't give you what that other i mean what they have at that time is for them and what you have is for you so this idea that allah has given each person the best thing for them and that allah has decreed and whatever has happened to you is never going to miss you and whatever missed you is never going to happen to you one of the benefits of it is that it reduces feelings of jealousy it stops you kind of coveting what other people have and craving what other people have and it stops that craving for more that people have all the time so i think that if we're talking about the heart the most important thing you can have in your heart to stop giving people the evil eye is honestly to have proper belief in allah's decree in a comprehensive way not just a belief that allah decrees things but trying to strive for that level of contentment where you feel happy and content with what allah has given you because you know that allah who is the most merciful has chosen for you certain things and he's chosen for you opportunities and it's not that he's chosen for you um that everything will always be amazing you know you'll always have the best life and you'll never have any problems or any difficulties because we know this life wasn't created for that reason the one who created death and life to test you which of you is best indeed so it's not this life is meant to be this place of you know jannah like everything's supposed to be amazing but allah has chosen for you the best opportunities for you personally and everything that is you know that you've been given in your life is the best thing that could the best set of opportunities opportunities for toba opportunities for patience opportunities for gratitude and when you start to realize that and you realize the mercy of allah upon you it reduces your feeling of jealousy towards other people or that tendency to see what other people have in an evil way or a negative way and that's really important as well as what you say yeah that actually perfectly transitions us into kind of the next part of the discussion which is this ideal protection and that's what i really want to delve into here because i feel like there's not a huge um issue necessarily amongst the muslims in the varying cultures of accepting that evil eye exists or whether it's known as like irene like you said in my culture which i'm sure you've heard uh and and stuff like that so i don't think there's a huge uh boundary with uh accepting that it exists however i think there's huge misconceptions into how to deal with it and also like seek its protection and so what i really wanted to delve into was um talking about the different ways that perhaps different cultures or or perhaps you and your experience um have seen uh people um try and uh kind of battle evil eye and seek protection from it ways that are like against the sunnah and then also kind of the correct ways because we know that the religion is so simple and um one of the clips that were that were put out recently on your instagram was uh you mentioning that the religion um it's not uh made to be difficult upon us and um and then sometimes when we try and seek like things like protection from the evil eye maybe we go around roots where we don't realize that we we do actually have a direct like uh communication we can like we can there there's everything is like from the sunnah we have a direct like link with allah and that we can make da directly to him we don't need any uh intercessors and stuff like that um before we do go into the protections it actually reminds me of a tweet that i put out uh the other day and or some time back and it's uh it kind of it relates to the evil i've always had this thought and uh i'll read i'll read it to you so i said where is it says i've always okay here it is i've always had the this is this is true this is something that's generally always been online so i i've always had this weird goal to one day buy a house that looks really ugly on the outside but secretly it's my dream house on the inside and i can't figure out if it's because i'm really unpretentious or if i'm just really scared of it being burgled and it looks nice outside that's why i kind of like wrote but i suppose what i really am saying is like i don't know if it's because i'm like trying to um protect myself from from evil and uh from irene uh or if it's because like i'm like yeah i don't know the reason behind it it's just always been something in my head like i almost just wanna like have provide something great for my family and allow them to enjoy it and that's something i'm striving towards but i don't necessarily need uh or long for perhaps uh others to even see and i'd almost prefer for them to think the opposite so that we're protected you know what i mean yeah i do and i think it's a really interesting question because it leads us to a really interesting question on protection from the evil eye which is is that something we should be striving to do conceal the good things that happen to us because some people they hear the statement of allah ask for the blessings of your lord speak of them you know and they think right you know like everything that's good i need to flaunt it and show it and you know i need to have everything i need to show and and maybe okay from the non-muslim side or the non-practicing side yet people maybe do that from a love of the dunya but even even as muslims we have the idea that you know this is allah's blessing upon me why shouldn't i you know show it to the world why is it a good idea to hide it and i think like so many things in the evil eye this is an issue of balance that they that first of all the ayah well it doesn't talk about the blessings of the dunya at all the ayah doesn't it doesn't have any connection to the blessings of the dunya it actually talks about telling people about the religion of islam and conveying the religion of islam to other people as for the blessings of your lord speak of them meaning convey the religion of islam to others and it doesn't mean to speak of the blessings that you have in in the dunya so that's one side of things that we kind of got rid of a misconception that you don't have to necessarily speak of everything good that allah has given you but i think it's a balance i think that in so many things in the evil eye and if there was one message that i would you know sort of give out to everybody today it would be to be in relation to the evil eye in the way you protect yourself to be balanced we made you a balanced ummah not to be extreme on either side so there is a side where people very you know everything good that happens to them they feel the need to share it with everyone and they want to sort of almost flaunt what they have and you know to show very obviously to everybody who looks the blessings that that they've been given by allah and you know as a good muslim they want to bring that back to allah this is what allah gave me so maybe they have you know that really nice house from the outside and they have you know i don't know written masha allah or something but they have that you know that desire to say this is from allah but on that can go too far and i think the basic rule should be if you can conceal something without haraju without hardship on yourself then you should conceal it and that's if it doesn't bring hardship but i don't think you should go to the other extreme which is deliberately making something hard for yourself or bringing some difficulty upon yourself in order to conceal the blessings that you have because i don't really see that the sahaba of the allah used to do that there are some narrations there are some narrations one or two narrations with regard to children and things like that but there's not like a a wide body of narrations that tell us that everything good that used to happen to them they used to conceal it to a to an you know to the maximum extent but i think that this idea that we automatically have to show everything good that happens to us yeah i think that that's also i think it's somewhere in the middle so i wouldn't i wouldn't make a hardship upon myself uh in order to protect myself from the evil eye like i think there are better ways to protect yourself than that if for example if i bought a house i wouldn't go about like damaging the front of it in order to like so that people don't think it's a nice house inside but also you know when people ask you and this happens to me you know a few times people ask me about this that people will say to you for example let's say somebody bought a house and they got a really good deal and then they start telling you know oh yeah it wasn't amazing and you know i've never i don't know how anyone could have bought a house or cheer who was just it just came to us like that and it was such a blessing and it it does invite people to then feel jealous of you so one of the most powerful things you can do is just to say alhamdulillah you know someone asks you how is you know house in your house alhamdulillah alhamdulillah it's very good first of all alhamdulillah is a word you can say in every situation whether you're feeling good or bad whether there are good things or bad things because we say alhamdulillah we praise allah for every single situation whether it's something that is positive for us or something that feels negative for us we praise allah and also it reminds the person to praise allah as well so the person you're talking to when you say it to somebody you know they say to you you know how is the new car alhamdulillah i say okay now you've reminded that person that it came from allah to praise allah you know and sometimes i actually i'll be honest sometimes i actually will say to somebody can you please say allah about it you know like especially when you see somebody has that habit even with my kids i do that if i see them say oh you know you never i saw somebody came with this brand new car it's this amazing new car and they brought it to the masjid i'll say them say allah about it even though that it doesn't come from their any sort of evil nature i mean young kids it doesn't come from the evil nature but it's a habit you have to bring people into saying you know you could say allah see allah bless or i will if i don't want to be so abrupt with someone i will say it myself like i will say allah someone comes and sometimes people come and they like they tell you everything that's good that's happened oh you know today i just finished this contract and i i made so much i said alhamdulillah allah bless you in it and then the person like sort of stops and realizes okay you know alhamdulillah like don't you don't need to conceal the blessings to the extent that you you know damage your things and you you know present things in another way to what they are but also you don't need to tell everybody about every single good thing that happens to you otherwise it's like stan i mean if you've not claimed described it like like being shot at it's like somebody who was inside of a bunker and they were like protected from those arrows or the bullets that were going over their head and there's somebody who just stands on top and waves their arms and says you know like shoot me shoot me so i just think that you know you you should be in the middle in somewhere neither on either not on either extreme so so let's talk about that then the the protection here um before we go into the misconceptions um how can a person proactively protect himself from ui i know we've kind of delved into it with with like concealing what you can and stuff like that but i know that there's proactive ways in this one as well that we haven't necessarily spoken about yet so what what can somebody do to protect themselves uh before we speak about you know things like the necklaces and stuff like that so one of the things i think that people don't understand about protection or one of the most common misconceptions people have is that they look at only one way of protecting themselves and they kind of stick to that even if i mean that way could be wrong as in it could be you know we talk about amulets and things like it could be could be forbidden way but it could also be a way that is permissible but the person isn't doesn't see protection in a complete way they're only looking at it in a very narrow way so for example a person says well you know when i leave the house i say my dua my dicker for leaving the house that's amazing that's permissible that's from the sunnah and that will protect you from the evil eye inshallah but we need to see it as we need to sort of zoom out step back and see it from a much more uh comprehensive angle you know that's right that's why it's about you instead it reminds me that you told me once again and they just i just stuck with me to this day and it was that you said about two things you mentioned about card which is kind of what i'm alluding to here to end up speaking about the card but two things you mentioned to me about them was one that it's like a layered thing in the sense that like the the the better your card is the more concentrated you you and the better quality it is kind of like the more protection but the other thing was exactly what you were speaking about mentioning that like for example if you were to if a person was to do that card and then they they go to a haram place you know the two you're kind of like you protect yourself but then you're kind of opening yourself up right yeah definitely you're what you're basically doing is this is where the the scholars they talk about doing the ad car with your limbs and you start thinking well what does it mean like you know vicar should be with your heart and your tongue and your lips so your heart should be engaged it shouldn't be like you're just the words are just you know the words are going on your tongue but the heart is completely disconnected from what you're saying and that's one thing on the other side they talk about the limbs and you think well apart from moving my tongue what do i what else do i need to do but basically you need to act in a way that is consistent with the vicar that you made so you asked allah for his protection you need to act in a way that is consistent with that request that you made to allah so when you left the house you said bismillah in the name of allah i put my trust in allah and there is no ability to change anything and there is no power to do anything except with the help of allah and that die is extremely powerful when you say that it is said that you are guided and you are protected and you are sufficed against everything and the shaitaan despairs of you and says how can i harm someone who has been guided and who has been protected and who has been sufficed against everything but then a person who said i put my trust in allah and i ask allah for his protection and then they went to a place that they know it brings the anger of allah upon them and that's like a person whose limbs are not con they're not doing what their tongue is saying their tongue is saying one thing and their hands and legs are doing something completely different so it is important that a person doesn't remove the protection of allah from themselves by acting in a way that's not consistent with what they've asked allah for it's like asking allah for knowledge right my lord give me knowledge and then the person doesn't make any effort to study doesn't make any effort to uh to learn anything then the person's dua it's like an empty dua you know it's like the tongue is moving but you know the person if they wanted that thing that they were asking allah for they have to act in a way that is consistent with what they're asking allah for so that's on the topic of ad card that's really important but let me step back a little bit on the topic of before i've caught two things that people rarely think about in terms of protection is first of all having the right belief in allah in a very general sense and the second following the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi and really everything we're going to say about protection really comes back to these two but the value of having the right belief in allah allah says allah said those who believe and they don't mix up their belief with polytheism i they don't make a partner with allah their belief is pure their belief in allah is right it is they who will have safety or security and it is they who will be guided now if you look at that allah promised safety and security generally in the dunya and for the person whose belief is right in allah and i think your belief is the greatest protection you have and it's also the greatest potential to drop your protection because a person could do every vicar that is there and they could do every dua that that is authentically reported in the sunnah but if they don't do that in a way that is consistent with how we as muslims are required to believe in allah or they have elements where they have compromised their belief in allah like amulets and charms and things like that then ultimately what's going to happen is that those words don't count for anything nothing at all that if you had made a partner with allah we would have destroyed all of your deeds and you would be among the losers and i think what's so profound about the ayah is that allah said that to the prophet so i said prophet muhammad says that if you with all of the good the good deeds that he has if you cut it up into the number of people in this ummah you know it would be more than than everyone in this ummah combined what the prophet saws did and yet allah said if you had made a partner with allah in anything we would have wiped out every single good that you did you would have just wiped it out completely and so that's why i think that a person's belief in allah has to be the first thing that keeps you safe right so on that point then so just pause that point then um can we say then because we're talking about the belief in allah and understanding like the correct akira that a person who um does uh for example believe that wearing a specific necklace an amulet a ring i've seen like i think is quite heavy perhaps my culture like different colored rings um or even uh you see people have uh i think what they call the handle fatima or like the the blue like the blue eyes or something um they hang that up in the cars and their houses so all of these things right um can we say that the person there is not only going against what we're meant to actually believe right but but even by having those things and seeking protection those things committing a major sin yeah no doubt and and a person even could get to the point of putting their religion at risk to the to the point where they they risk leaving the religion of islam depending on what they believe about those objects because a person could get to the point where they start to believe those objects help them instead of allah even if that's a subconscious belief it's not like a person says yeah i believe this helps me instead of allah but their actions indicate and the way they start to behave they start to behave in a way that they believe that this benefits them instead of allah they could even leave the religion of islam so the situation is really is so serious and on the other side but i want to say on a positive way before we talk about the misconceptions and the the wrong things on the other side if a person protects themselves with the right belief the right belief in allah and the right you know sort of the way you think of allah and the way the things you believe about allah that can protect a person in a way that nothing else can protect a person that can protect you in the akhirah when there is nothing to protect you so for me i think that to start with you have to start by having the right belief in allah and i mean that comprehensively i don't just mean in in one narrow part but in all the aspects of how you believe in allah allah as your lord believing in the worship of allah alone and dedicating every single aspect of worship to allah allah's names and attributes how you think of allah or how you you know put your trust and rely upon allah that that whole comprehensive way that you believe in allah i think that is the most important thing in terms of your you know being protected in in the sense that it's the biggest possible it's the biggest thing that protects a person and not having it it can remove every other form of protection and you know that's why we have a hadith which the prophet saws are narrated from allah in which he said that allah said to i'm the least in need of anyone making a partner with me whoever does an action in which he associates others with me i leave him and his action meaning the action becomes invalid and so that is a major risk the second major risk relates to the sunnah or major benefit depending on which way you want to look at it uh relates to the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sunnah the prophet saws so the prophet sallallahu alaihi when you follow his sunnah all of the barakah in your life comes from following the sunnah of the prophet saws the more you follow it the more likely it is that you're going to be protected and saved and just to give one evidence for that allah let them take a warning those people who oppose the command of the prophet sallallahu alaihi that allah is going to cause a trial to happen to them he's gonna cause them to be put into a trial or a severe punishment now by reverse understanding what does that tell us that if we follow his command we'll be saved from trials and tribulations and we're gonna also be saved from punishments so again another really common thing that people do and i think it's going to be a theme of what we talk about today is where people do things that is not that are not from the sunnah of the prophet saw i said it's not what he did it's not what he approved of it's not what his companions did and learned from him and told us to do and showed us but something completely opposing that and they believe that this is something that's going to get them nearer to allah was going to get them some kind of protection when in fact it's going to remove the protection from them and that's why we have for example the hadith of in which she narrated that the prophet saws whoever does an action that's not in accordance with what we have brought it will be rejected so again the minimum loss you're getting when you go against the sunnah to try to protect yourself is the minimum that you can lose is that allah will not make it it will not be effective at all and that's the minimum that it would just it will not work for all right it's just not gonna it's not gonna work so not only does going against the sunnah not work but it also takes you down the road root of fitting of trials tribulations afflictions and also punishments in the hereafter so that is from the the worst of the major sins to to add something or to practice something in this religion that didn't come from our messenger muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and it wasn't practiced by his companions so i feel that's another one that a lot of people don't maybe focus on as much as they should yeah i suppose that also goes into what you mentioned on it like the second podcast you did with us when sam was it was you uh you sam and i and you were saying that you've got to be very conscious of who you take your religion from yeah definitely 100 percent uh like this knowledge is your religion so just be careful who you take your religion from because you end up doing things and you know a person really believes what they're doing is getting them so close to allah and they really believe i mean people who wear for example sometimes amulets and things might have something from the quran written on it and that person believes with all their heart they believe like 100 that this is this is protecting me and i'm you know that al this is bringing me near to allah and allah is has inspired me to do this and actually it's earning the anger of allah and it's bringing you don't like the prophet says himself that it's it's causing you to become weaker and more sick than you were before so subhanallah this is something people really need to think about the third thing i really want to talk about about protecting yourself is one hadith and i think if people understood this hadith it would change the way you see the idea of being protected and it does overlap with what we've said but it just adds a different dimension onto it and hadith is the hadith of us that the prophet sallallahu alaihi said to him he said young man i'm going to teach you some words in other words remember what i'm going to say to you if just those words alone that if you guard what allah commanded you to god allah will guard you if you protect what allah commanded you to protect allah will protect you so i mean these words are just that there are you know just three words and those three words to be honest we could just you could just cut those three words out of this clip and that would be enough for this whole episode if you god what allah has told you to god allah will guard you so if you just look at one of the things that allah has told us to god for example allah told us to god our salah right hafiz our prayers so when you guard your prayers and you take care of your prayers and you make sure that you pray in the right way the right time the right place then allah is going to protect you and allah promised it you protect what allah commanded you to protect and allah will protect you that's one thing allah told us to to protect our private parts those people who protect their private parts in other words they're keeping themselves away from all kinds of not even it's not just that they're not fornicating they're keeping themselves away from anything which would lead to it anything which would even a glance a conversation a message they keep in themselves they're keeping themselves away from everything like that and that person when they're protecting that aspect of themselves allah has promised to protect them and by reverse understanding if they're not protecting the aspect of themselves they're vulnerable to all kinds of problems including the evil eye and all other kinds of issues because if they're not protecting what allah told them to protect then they're putting themselves at risk the the lady who protects the muslim woman who protects her husband's house in his absence she looks after her husband's house while he's away and she looks after his reputation and his honor for saleh that she's looking after the res her husband's reputation honor while the husband's not there for example that's from the things that allah mentioned to protect all of these different things if you guard what allah told you to god then allah is going to keep you safe and allah is going to protect you so this is like what we talk about when we say al-jazam and jin salam that rewards come in the same kind of vein as the action that you did the same type of thing as the action you did you protected something for the sake of allah and allah protected you and i just think that's that is that's really the summary of how you protect yourself in a comprehensive way all the good deeds you do keeping away from the sins allah told you to protect yourself from sin to keep yourself away from sinning and so every time you protect something that allah told you to protect allah protects you it's amazing because i came in this podcast with like i suppose such a strong intention to focus on um i suppose like the obvious right like the the different idea the earth card and stuff like that and then and then when you explain that protection is so multifaceted it's so it's from like all the way from what you from what you believe to how you behave it's not just what you say or or even where your limbs go but like starting from the belief uh and through and through like who you are as a person uh it brings such a like completely different context of protection um which is it it's powerful because like like i said it's not something that i was expecting to kind of even discuss today i was expecting to fast to just like talk about that card and like some examples and then uh i'll talk about like the misconceptions and to hear such a large like almost like introduction like we haven't even even delved into the topic and just like like overall like idea that protection is is complete in kind of everything you do it's it's so amazing um it's it's sad that i'm um i'm so that we have like such a a a deadline on this topic specifically because we've done podcasts together i think i've even gone like over two hours and i think this is one of those ones that would like that justifies that amount of time but being a welder yeah i think we can bring it we can bring it to the to you see the way i see it is you know that car that you spoke about and i see it's like the tip of the iceberg yeah that's how i'm seeing it now it's the most prominent thing like don't get me wrong i'm not taking anything away from the car this is how you are protected by the permission of allah but as long as those car are built on a foundation which is under the water you can't see it yeah the thing that the thing that shows at the top is is your ad car wow but underneath those atkar you have your belief in allah your following of the sunnah the way you behave the way you do your good deeds and keep away from sins though that's the the bulk of what's really protecting you and it's kind of uh personified by your ad car yeah i think that's good we're not leaving that car no no no and i wasn't saying and i wasn't saying that but um uh okay fine so so you're mentioning let's talk about the other card then um so i i would love for our uh perhaps to hear some examples of some like everyday um uh like idea or card that like are for um you know like we know about like um entering the bathroom or like going into the into your vehicle leaving the house coming into the house eating your food so maybe like to hear i know some of that it sounds very like obvious but but i know a lot of these are very short so to hear maybe some examples of those but then also what i really want all to talk about is um the other card of the morning and evening something we hear about a lot but you know what is that and why is that so important um uh i i then we can go hopefully fit in a small bit of time for like some of those misconceptions as well we can insha allah so i think the first thing is um so let's let's talk about the car let's divide that car into into different types so i've got are remembrances right like small sentences that you say uh during in certain situations uh and some of them are general you say them at all different times like alhamdulillah and it's like unrestricted you see it whenever you like and some are restricted to particular situations or particular circumstances and those particular situations and circumstances many of them have a huge amount of protection so for example if we look at some of the specific situations let's just talk about leaving the house to start with a person leaves the house and you know actually we could talk about it you know even in a uh in a different way from a person's day from the from the time that they wake up in the morning when you wake up in the morning and and i think if i was to summarize this i would definitely say everybody needs to have a copy of fortress of the muslim fortress of the muslim a very small book you get it as an app you get it as a pdf you can get it on online as a part of a website i mean it's available in so many different languages very very small book which basically gives you all of these ad card but a person let's just say a person wakes up in the morning and from the minute they wake up in the morning they remember allah azzawajal and they get up they go to for example when they're going to go into the bathroom and they say bismillahi refuge with you from the male and female jinn and we know that that accord inshallah the stronger opinion is that the jinn can cause the evil eye as well so that's you know that's another aspect so that's at the end of the day that's a comprehensive just a few words you say before you go in the bathroom just before you you know before you put put your foot in the door but while you're standing at the edge of the door before you go into the bathroom and you're going with your left foot and you say those words and allah protects you from anything related to the jinn and the shayateen in the bathroom and i've seen people do all sorts of weird and wonderful things to protect themselves in the bathroom and you know people who i mean to the point like these people who who you know for example shower fully clothed because they're frightened of what the the jin and the sheltine will look at them you know simple words will save you from a lot of a lot of hassle and a lot of difficulty then a person for example you know when they're getting ready they remember allah they're going to go out of the house and they say bismillah in the name of allah i rely i put my reliance upon allah i rely upon allah and there is no ability to change anything and there is no power to do anything except with allah and we said that the the reward for this one is that it is said to the person that you have been guided and you have been protected and you have been sufficed against everything so nothing bad can happen to you really simple even going into the house there's not an authentic to ah as such for going to the house except bismillah and just giving the salam bismillah and giving you know salaam or alaikum this is from the the dua there is a there's a dua for entering [Music] but just saying this midnight and giving salam to people when you enter the house that's one thing when you eat you say bismillah when you say bismillah when you enter the house and bismillah when you eat the shaytan is prohibited from residing in your house and the shaitaan is prohibited from eating with you so they don't they don't have a place to eat and they don't have a place to say just bismillah means single word a simple religion isn't it it's very very simple subhanallah very simple indeed and if a person for example they go and they pray fajr and they pray fajr in the jamaat because that's one of the things that allah told us to protect right especially for the men for the women there's a choice if they want to go to the masjid the prophet saws said don't stop them and he said and their houses are better for them so it's they have a choice but for the men who go to the masjid and they pray in the jama'ah the prophet says himself this person is under allah's protection until the evening comes and allah allah has given them a guarantee of protection until the evening comes just for praying fajr with the congregation then a person sits after fajr and they remember allah with what we call the ad the remembrances of the morning and again the easiest thing is you know fortress of the muslim open a copy and you know subhanallah just go to the section that says remembrances for the morning in the evening and there are so many but if we just look at you know for example let's just look at one really the one with whose name nothing is harmed in the heavens or the earth and he is the all-hearing the all-knowing or we look at us in and the sustainer of all exists it is your mercy that i seek i seek protection or i seek help through your mercy correct all of my affairs for me and don't leave me to myself for the blink of an eye i imagine that if you subhanallah allah doesn't leave you for the blink of an eye you are protected all the time is a protection from the shaytan and you read it after every prayer for example after fajr after after after every thought prayer you read ayatokursi and you're protected from that prayer until the next prayer by the the greatest ayah in the quran and allah gives you allah helps you and protects you through your recitation of the greatest ayah in the quran you know just the the three wholes maybe some people ayato kursi is and they're still learning it's something definitely if you haven't learned it this ramadan for people who don't know it's definitely something that you should be should try to learn but the three quotes one time after every found prayer three times after fajr three times after machrip really really simple and yet a person is protected from every single thing everything and this the the the three cults protect you against every single kind of evil there's nothing bad that can happen to you you're protected by it after after maghrib to be there's a this is a long discussion and you know in fact if someone looks back to my videos they're going to say i'm sure you said after assa and there's the long discussion about whether it's after assa or after maghrib uh i just kept it simple for this discussion i kept after him to be honest um but yeah three times after fajr three times after such simple things and you know sometimes when people look through the morning and evening at car they see that the morning and evening i've kara are really long uh and they maybe see well oh you know there's 10 pages here i don't have time but you can even just you know just select the odd you know one or two for example uh one of the things that i would never ever leave is say which is the dua of the the best dua for forgiveness that you make and it's once in the morning once in the evening so once after fajr once after after maghrib and you saw you are my lord and there is no god worthy of worship but you you created me and i am your servant and i am following your commands and your covenant as much as i can and then you say that oh allah i confess to you the blessings that you gave to me and i confess my sins so forgive me because no one forgives sins except you and this is a dua that there is no sin you can do except it is forgiven with this it's the greatest of all of the duas of forgiveness and you just in the morning in the evening and we said your sins are reason to be affected right i mean we're not we haven't even gone off the topic of the evil eye like your sins are a reason for your protection to be low and i think if i just just to give you an idea of that like even he said he said the evil eye is an arrow which comes from the soul of the one who envies and the one who puts the evil eye upon the other towards the one who is envied and the one that evil eye is put upon sometimes it hits and sometimes it misses if the target is exposed and unprotected it will certainly affect him but if the target is cautious and armed the arrow will have no effect and may even come back upon the person who launched it it's exactly like shooting real arrows one is shooting at the souls on the roar and the other one is shooting at bodies and limbs that's just the way that you know if you can get if you get forgiveness in the morning that's got to be one of the most powerful pieces of armor that you can wear over the course of the day to stop you getting sh i mean you just imagine it's a battlefield the evil eye out there especially i mean there are a hadith in which the prophet says narrated that the that the majority of the people of this ummah will die from the evil eye yeah i actually want to ask you about that yeah the hadith there is the hadith i think if we take all of the hadith on that topic we can say that it reaches the level of being fair even though the individual hadith have some weakness in it but if we take all of the hadith together on that topic uh there are there is a hadith astronomy of the people yeah it's crazy when you think of it like that just make sure you want to be participating yeah and there are see there are a couple of different hadith there's the hadith of jabir that the prophet saws said um that the most of the people who will die from my nation after the decree of allah and meaning after the decree of allah meaning that we don't deny the decree of allah and affirming while affirming the decree of allah most of the people will die from the evil eye and that hadith has a weakness in it but when you put it together there are other hadith as well there's a hadith that the evil eye will put a man into his grave and will put a camel into the cooking pot so this all goes together with the hadith and so on it's very profound but if you think you know it's a battlefield you're getting shot at from yeah or you you walk outside the house there's people shooting at you but it's just invisible bullets you can't see them and so for you to have the forgiveness of allah and to have been forgiven for your sins in the morning forgiven for your sins in the evening protected on these different layers you know so many different ways you've been protected by all of these different adkar and to ours and your you know your belief and the way that you act and the way and you walk out there and you are fully protected against all of those people who are shooting those arrows of jealousy and animosity towards you it's uh it's just uh i could listen all day it's just so interesting but also more than interesting it's like you know um so fundamental for us to know these things is like the basis of so we can like protect ourselves um let's talk about let's actually before we go on to that topic sorry to interrupt you because i know we're gonna i know i know we're going after this but before we go there there is that also don't forget the car before you go to sleep a lot of people are going to talk about yeah before you go to sleep a lot of people talk about you know kids having nightmares and you know people not sleeping well just do your car before you open fortress of the muslim look at you know for example reading eye to corsey reading the three calls and you know blowing into your hand and wiping over yourself uh you know these are the some of you do that process do you do that process three times or do you read the three clothes three times and then blow in your hands and do that once do you know what i mean yeah i know what you mean i mean first of all you i think that the there there's many then the way the narrations are but you blow into your hands first that's the most common narration you blow into your hands first and then you read and i i think you do the process three times from what i've understood from it is that you repeat that entire process of the blowing the reading of this of alichla s and the wiping and you repeat it you repeat it three times and allah knows best maybe it needs a little bit of research into it you mentioned children that's a massively popular um question that's always being raised like how do we protect our children um uh do we do a card for them do we blow on them you see people after salah they uh after they done their card they then like blow on their children and stuff like that what do we know about a part of the children or protecting our children so i'm just thinking there's one really really powerful uh vikkar o dua that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to make for al hasan hursein now i think what's powerful about this is first of all the prophet saw islam used to do it and he used to do it for al hasan and hussain and i mean you know they are the best children right they they were the best example of of children and they're they're the leaders of the the young people of jannah so you know the amount of jealousy and the amount of of you know animosity that must have been towards them and yet the prophet saws tell them he used to repel it with with this dua he used to say i seek allah's protection for you from every shaytan and every beast and every envious eye and that's just you know everything is there and i do think that you you can read ad card for your children to teach them but i don't think there's any evidence for reading ad card over your children other than that do i that do is you can read it over your kids did the prophet saw allah i i i think i once heard about the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam um reading for hassan and hussain i might be wrong there perhaps something like that i don't know i i remember him reading of his family generally so it's quite possible i remember he would read it over his family especially if they became unwell so i i think that's like within the realm of what a person can do but generally speaking a person just needs to what a person really needs to do is just to to teach their children all the things that we've been talking about so as a baby definitely just you know to read over them uh the the dua that we mentioned uh and then as they get older just to to to to teach them the ha those habits the habits of protecting themselves and the athkar and the dua and those all the things that we've spoken about in this episode so far so i think we need to we have to have that five minutes for this uh talking about misconceptions yeah yeah so there's a misconception so um there's so many different ways that people um try and seek their objection we discussed it throughout the episode so it's not like it needs it like too long of a discussion and i think we will get the gist of where you what you're going to say about it to an extent but um amulets bracelets um uh there's the like we said even your thoughts on on on when people have stuff like for example you like you mentioned that people like mush martial on the walls or like i've seen people like sticking on their cars um or like even i've seen like um youtube videos where like someone will have like a martial art like constantly like um back and forth like on the screen and stuff like that um and um there was a there was one last thing um one thing i've seen that that will probably surprise you now is that there's an emoji for that blue evil eye thing it is an emoji that exists and people now uh in their instagram profiles their social media profiles they have the emoji or even they'll upload a picture uh of uh whether it's themselves or or like something like their car or something and after they've written their caption they'll post that emoji and one can only assume that the reason they're posting that emoji is to you know quote-unquote try and protect themselves from the giveaway so yeah just your thoughts on all of that and the seriousness of it yeah it's very very serious and it's completely forbidden in islam this uh idea of this the hand of fatima or this blue eye that is most commonly uh associated with it's kind of you see a lot in turkey and places like that but it's been kind of adapted all over the world uh people tie a black cloth to things uh people you know all of this to be honest it is so easy for a person to fall into making a partner with allah because none of this is anything that allah has permitted us to protect ourselves with and if a person starts to believe that this protects them instead of allah then you know the situation is is really as serious as it can be in terms of their iman in terms of their islam is extremely extremely serious uh the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he mentioned whoever ties a amulet has committed polytheism has made a partner with allah the matter is so so serious and if the scholars they differed over and they had this harsh discussion over the one who ties the quran the one who ties the the ayah and ayah from the quran and the correct opinion is that it's not allowed to tie an ayah from the quran for protection then how about the one who's put in a an i who's put in a hand uh let's even say that it is the hand of fatima which has no relation to fatima at all but even if we say that it is and this is asking is this asking fatima for protection now have we got to their state of making a partner with allah that we started asking the sahabiyat for protection instead of allah this is something which is hugely hugely serious so i would divide it into two very briefly one things that constitute making a partner with allah and the second would be the things which are prohibited in islam and are like things that were newly introduced that were not known by the prophet saws so i think there are two things in that category that i would like to highlight number one is tying the quran or writing the quran for protection so in terms of like tying the quran around your neck or keeping uh an amulet with the quran inside that is not something the prophet saw asylum did and it's not something the sahaba did rather and so it's not something we should do and likewise this idea of writing things like you know writing masha allah for protection again i don't see that again that the prophet saws instructed this or that he i mean i can understand someone encouraging someone to say it like writing in a caption say masha allah that i can understand but you know the idea that by writing masha'allah on something i don't think this is from the sunnah but the most serious and the ones that are you know absolutely you know so serious are the things that are not related to the quran but like our you know often from they came from other cultures it came from hinduism and christianity and uh you know the the majus the people who worship the the two gods of light and dark and all of them have these different things to protect from the evil eye and they've been kind of adapted into islam like this hand of fatima and the blue eye that people put on things and tie in a black cloth around things and and so on it's just so serious and it's it's not just that it's serious because it puts your religion at risk but it's also serious because it doesn't work and like the prophet same said when he saw a man who tied a black a tight string not a black string just tied a string to his hand he said what is this the man said this is to stop weakness happening to me is to stop me from being affected by sickness the prophet saws and said cut it off because it's just going to make you more sick it's going to make you weaker than you were than you were before so we we just have to not tie things and put things like that and these you know eyes and stuff like that we just got to keep completely away from all of that stuff and also keep away from the things that even though they have an a basis in islam but they're not that's not what the prophet saws did like writing the quran putting the quran on things to protect it and things like that just before we go i just remembered one thing that i wanted to ask you about it was the um like if you fear that somebody has given you or save somebody if you you something you've been afflicted with something and then somebody like your muslim brother says oh you know what i actually um i remember one time you know i i said like for example a person he's uh struggling with uh um like um after harder for example keeping clean right and um and then his muslim brother says subhanallah you know what i remember maybe like a year ago i remember saying like i just like it yeah i didn't mean anything evil bye but i remember saying like oh like a masala that brother you know he can really hold his for a long time so like you know he and so you kind of know that perhaps that that could have affected you and stuff and i've heard about this like kind of making widow in the bath water i kind of like to quickly go over i don't know too much about it so what's how does that work and how would someone practically do that if you did maybe have an idea of who gave you evil eye yes so the treatment for the evil eye is really simple it's just divided into two either you know the person or suspect them or either you have no idea who did it if you know the person or suspect them then the treatment is to go to them and to ask them to make wood or to bathe and the way you would do this just in a simple way is make for example standing up in a bathtub and put the plug in and just to make wudo and maybe bathe himself briefly and the water is then collected into a jug and then what it's done is it's poured over the person who was afflicted by the evil eye and if someone asks you yeah over the back of their head in the hadith of over the back of their head or over the place where they've been afflicted if they've been afflicted let's say the whole body then you can from the back of the head on the whole body if it's they've been afflicted in their hair or something you could put it into their hair but this brings us to a very important hadith the prophet sam said if anyone asks you to bathe you have to bathe if someone comes to you and says that i think you gave me the evil eye it is obligatory on you that you must make wudu or bathe for that person it's not for you to say that it wasn't me you you know why you're accusing me for i didn't do it that's when you know who did it what about when you don't know who did it then here the prophet saws would you not have made rookier or sword rupiah so rokhya sharaya is the cure for the evil eye if you don't know who has given it like for example there was a narration about the children of java the prophet said why do i see the children of jaffa why do i see them weak i said they look weak and in another narration he heard a child that was crying all the time and it was said that they're weak because of the evil eye like they they're not putting on weight because they badly they they're susceptible to getting affected by the evil eye and the prophet saws said why don't you ask rookie for them or why don't you recite rookier for them so that's for when you don't know who gave the evil eye or you just see the person it just looks like they're afflicted by the evil eye then you know rookie is a good way to go and maybe you could post a link to like for example just the seven day program is a quick idea or quick solution for that problem thank you so much for giving me your time as always please just stay there uh for a second uh guys thank you so much for listening to this episode of freshly grounded uh thank you so much uh to muhammad tim humble always very generous with his time for us so very much so appreciated and we'll see you insha'allah next week assalamu alaikum
Channel: Freshly Grounded
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Keywords: Freshly Grounded, Faisal Choudhry, Podcast, Muslim Podcast, muslim youtuber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 36sec (4536 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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