#34 Tim Humble: Converting to Islam at 14, Homeschooling his Children & More

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I said I'm wanna come guys assalamu alaikum guys welcome to episode 34 freshly grounded this is probably this is such a special episode as you can see if you're watching on YouTube or probably here because it doesn't sound like come in the studio I'm currently in the UAE I'm in Dubai Sam's not here unfortunately that all of the Sam not being here may be around and that's not being able to an episode in a studio is all my fault to be honest because I'm I had to travel this week and originally I thought we were not going to get an episode out this week which I was so upset about Sam was upset about because we really wanted to get up so down and it was my fault because I was away and al hamdulillah Allah had something so much better plan for us and professionally grounded and it's that we've got this episode here today and it's an episode where we've sure will start a beautiful teacher was thread Mohammed Tim humble who I'll talk about more in a second but he basically lives out here in the UAE we managed to hit him up and he agreed to do a podcast of us and it is the most amazing podcast quickly I'll go into the sponsors before talk about exactly what we talked about and who exactly was Abraham who is but yeah guys this is a different audience that's not me and Sam but a very special and so far my favorite sodor first regarding even though we say that every episode it really really is this episode then is brought to you by fifty nine five zero on the score ni + E on Instagram 59 coffee and juice bar instant Albans hartfordshire if you're in and around sand always make sure you pop there it's honestly one of my favorite coffee shops if you head there this month well every month whenever you had to if you quit freshly grounded you always get some kind of discount some kind of freebie maybe that being an energy energy ball maybe in a tote bag so do check that out also brought you by Zaha I said eh a calm is aa hakam if you type freshly grounded in the cart for his or her you get 20% off any and everything and Arabic style caps I've installed jumpers t-shirts hats also podcast this episode is brought to you by flavor you can tell them like really just powering through these positions because I really want to look first at Mohammed iam also watch my flavor your one-stop-shop for branding marketing iPhone applications web design but mainly social content creation for your social media platforms so if you have a business let's say you own a car dealership and your social media sucks and your Instagram content sucks and what flavor do what we do our flavor is we have a team of amazing creatives you have a creative director who is amazing at what he does and photographers videographers that we create the content for your for example Instagram feed and then we give that content to you so your Instagram feed looks good and we focus on theme personalized it's your brand it's amazing here I saw a flavored ofla vodka and lastly brought to you by calaman calaman is a dour and it's a dour Institute an Islamic organization based in the United Arab Emirates and Panama has first of all classes on I believe one was the daily basis at least classes or events for people who want trying to study the Dean stab Mohammed Tim humble is actually one of the teachers at column one he's actually as you'll find out in this podcast one of if not the only English speaking dari in Dubai especially who's doing it to this degree level at this level of degree and with this much knowledge a lot Mubarak and they've had they also focusing on new Muslims and they've actually taken over 1400 of 1400 show houses which is amazing it was over 5,000 students they teach in nine different languages and they have over 71 different seminars and workshops so if you're in the UAE you listen to this in Yui oh you're just a huge worm for start team humble do look into studying with Kali ma right so this episode right here guys start behind me team humble is someone that me and Sam really have listened to a lot and we benefit from a lot for a number of years before we even knew him or knew people who knew him and before me and Sam even knew that each other benefit of him I mean one time I made a phone call and while speaking about was sad team humble and Sam was a Jew or I was just about to mention that to you that how weird is that we've never mentioned him on the hood cause when we both for anything of him so much and it's just he just does he you know he's let me tell you by his credentials so sad muhammad imran will convert to islam at the age of fourteen yes 14 years old and we talked about that in this episode why how a 14 year old boy from Newcastle finds a Dean and accepts the Dean how he eventually joined this graduated and started an Islamic University of Medina he started at University Medina that the trials in tribulations kind of he went went through some lessons he learned from those experiences he actually I wasn't gonna say I'm literally this is like complete luck off script right now because I'm just trying like powerless into out real quick yeah he specialized in hadith specialize in hadith in Islamic University of Medina and now he teaches out here we took by his children which we talk about how they are home-schooled and why he's a really he's really kind of pro pro homeschooling although he's not anti regular schooling but very pro homeschool in how he does it we took by his daily routine what is a daily routine of a student of knowledge to his degree someone who's graduated that from the Islamic University of Medina like this is he's very very humble as his name suggests but he will play like he's not like a big deal but you know he's worth knowledge may Allah bless him Allah preserve him I mean and we took by his daily routine what's his ideal daily routine how can you guys I take on that day routine I didn't seen of a productive person you know many many other things many things like he gives some advice a beautiful advices he talks about how hard it is for him to say no to certain things but how he obviously gets a lot of people asking him to do a lot of things and he's now like learning say no to more things because it's the islamically better to say no than to say yes and not be able to keep your promise it's about all of that we talk about God when to do you ask or how should you do at the car should you do your evening a car after a search you should do after Maghrib you know how to how to start praying to Hajj it like this is another big thing for us like how how do I get on like yes I'm doing my first day you know I'm I'm ready to take that step to start prayin sahaja but how do I start like I can't just wake up another night you know two hours before children do you know sixteen rocket and into my wheelchair at the end of it and I'll be too tired how do you do it all of this he goes into you know traffic we talked about traffic Dubai versus UK where's better to live honestly guys it's just so much let's get straight into the episode because I don't want to I've already wasted a lot of time but this is a very very special episode I'm very very very excited to release my lost things is that if you guys human is on a podcast app but it's no out on YouTube right now it's just because I'm with you a you right now and I'm I'll be lucky to well I'll be don't believe in I suppose well it'll be very great if I can even get the audio out by Friday but the the video I'm almost definitely sure they won't be out until I hit back into the UK so either way this is episode 34 guys it's a great one without your father do it's Mohammed team humble welcome to freshly grounded after but the brand new podcast and the best friends okay so the person I am currently live right now I am afraid that I have I have to do the intro for this person for this teacher off that we've actually recorded the episode mainly because I'm conscious that I don't want dirt thrown in my face and I also know that this teacher would not like the things that all say but he's a teacher that I very much so have a lot of love respect for up to someone has a lot of respect for and he's very upset that he's not here right now Harada conscious I'm Nick Miceli warahmatullahi wabarakatuh well here with us that Mohammed team humble and we in the United Arab Emirates I'm managed to like slip myself away um I haven't heard she have a very patient wife because I meant to be spent so I'm here for work and we have a full day of meetings on Thursday and we have so I'm me and my brother are just completely not with our wives on Thursday and on Friday we were pretty much away as well and I'm leaving Saturday morning and so I said to my wife look we'll go out because I told you I didn't come with me take some time off work we'll go on a nice little break I'm going to work as well but we will get some time away and I said welcome for me I'll give you all day Tuesday all day Wednesday and off that I'm busy Thursday and a bit of Friday and she said fine and then when we got here I said I sat her down I sighed out just before the flu and I said listen I have one thing that I have to do but I promise I'm gonna do it Oh check out the photo because she goes to good sleep off the photo and so she sleep her ass I said by the time you wake up I'll be back and has that I've got podcast Muhammad him except Muhammad him and surprisingly I hamdulillah because I only gave her two days she was very very okay very very patient because she knows that I really want to get this service o Allah bless her I mean and wow there's so much going to first of all start way in the UAE and you're out here in the UAE this is literally where you live how long you lived a you know I've been here for three years okay so just to give a bit of background I graduated from the Islamic University of Medina in 2000 2011 and then from there I went back to the UK and I stayed in the UK for a few years I was probably in the UK for maybe three years roughly something like that and then I came over here because I started I mean I give lectures all over so one of the places I came to give a lecture was to Dubai and actually Dubai really surprised me because Dubai doesn't have a great reputation in many respects you know like in terms of for practicing Muslims to go there and so I kind of got this sort of a bad impression having gone once before like every tourist you go you land at the airport you go to a hotel that is like nearby somewhere or on one of the you know on the main road shears I drawed and that's what you see of Dubai and you kind of get the impression that that's what Dubai is like I came here for a lecture so when you say that's the that's the person do you mean like the the idea of it being kind of very modern westernized very western very sort of not very Islamic okay yet when I went there I couldn't find like really easy easily find a place to pray you know all I kind of stopped and I came for a lecture and obviously the brothers who brought me for a lecture those guys actually live here and they showed me that the vast majority of Dubai is nothing like what the the impression you get from going to like some five-star hotel on you know she of Zayed Road it's actually a really really nice place to live and it has a really nice balance between the fact that it's quite a you know you have all of the modern things that you would want in a sea and you know you can go out and enjoy yourself and they're nice places to go and it's it's a beautiful place there's you know everything from you know the beach and the sea you know which one of my things I like diving is so oh really I'm into free diving that surprises me I'm into diving without without an oxygen tank no yes so you like before all right yeah you know III can do like three minutes now maybe a bit over in the water so like that's one thing but then you've also got the you know you've also got the this this sort of sea scent and all the shops you need and everything like that but at the same time it is a place where there's a lot of Islamic I feel as a practicing Muslim and with a family here who practice Islam yeah I feel really comfortable here you know I never feel out of place I never feel like I might in in the UK in you know in the middle of a city centre were kind of like they apprehend Syria you know where am i you know Arab style dress and what have you you know so well praying in the middle of the road you don't feel that here you feel totally totally comfortable and I saw a side of Dubai that I hadn't seen as a tourist just stopping off at the airport for 24-48 hours I saw a totally different side and I thought you know this is a place that I could live this is a place I could definitely live so they offered me an opportunity to come here and teach and I work with new Muslims teaching you Muslims so that's what I did I came over here I've been here for three years and just renewed my stay again for maybe at least another another year or so Hey so the dubai versus UK I know you've kind of gone over the Dubai I mean UK generally amigas Islamic environment and that kind of stuff but by US UK at the what you think is gonna be your home is where your mother or your family will be what the for the cons well it wears but and you're speaking to somebody who is very much so on the edge of wanting to move so testing one two three four five okay so and I mean home is home and I'm misty UK and I also I also really like the UK like I have a lot of good to say about it you know in terms of Europe I think it's the best place that a Muslim can live or one of the best places that a Muslim can live in in Europe definitely and if you look at like what it's more it must be like for for Muslims to live in places like France or Germany places like Holland where there's a lot of anti-islamic sentiment among the non-muslim community where there's a lot of restrictions where there's problems on the women who for example cover themselves and things like that I mean the UK we're really blessed that we don't have that and there are some good Muslim communities you know like my wife comes from Birmingham so Birmingham is it's got a great Muslim community likewise you know London has a great Muslim community and there are other cities as well as mine Chester nor have you and also where I'm from in Newcastle so I'm like from yeah as far as you guys to concern the middle of nowhere right well I lived I lived with a somebody in university who's from New Cross went here he was always saying well Jessie that he we said what's this thing that used to always how where that's it however and so we'd always say how it to him he was Harry how I hurried all I just how I am and and so yeah well I didn't realize it was like any Muslim community in new course yeah there's a decent community decent community nice nice Masjid we have as well and I handle I know it's a good place and people are very friendly and generally you know without stereotyping like they're you know when you go to the north of the UK you do get that a different kind of culture it's just you know people away from the work culture more people are more kind of open and friendly and family-oriented and stuff you know do regardless of religion so I think it's you know it's a nice place so I do like I do appreciate the UK I don't like to sort of come on these whatever shows TV podcasts etc and you don't say all the UK is a terrible place and you know we all should move and go away actually the UK's a big blessing because you know if you look at the rest of Europe it's you know it's a good place we're in it's true and especially being I think this is like ID in the UK that you know it is very anti Islamic and stuff but I don't I don't know if it's because I live in London which is a very kind of metropolitan city but you know when it comes to so long when it comes to I don't know anything to do preps in generally there's no how many concourse any issues I've never I'm not ever al hamdulillah I've not really come across any summer phobia which I know is still rife in the UK it's not say that it doesn't exist I know there's a lot people who do go through it but Hampton law you know even sometimes when you have to press a law that people see you and stuff like that it's not I haven't experienced it to the extent to which you hear in other European countries as you were saying it's my barding over European countries yeah and I think I mean the sad thing is the concerning thing is that it's on the rise it terrorized everywhere though but I think it's you know we have a lot of good things in the UK generally we have I say I believe most most non-muslims in the UK our understanding of Islam I really believe that most of are not anti-islam there are a minority that are becoming increasingly vocal and those guys at what you know we do get concerned because they're becoming they've got more of a voice than they ever used to have but as long as you know especially that the legal framework and the laws they don't give you any problems you know I think it's as if you compare if you look at Europe you kids won one of the best places to live as a Muslim one of the things I mean that though you know especially coming from Newcastle and coming from you know sort of its Dubai definitely in terms of just the standard of living is definitely higher but that comes with a price it's more expensive yeah it's very expensive and so you know when you go people can sell you know you're gonna go to Dubai and it's this salary and that salary and you're like wow this is amazing you know why did I ever think about being in the UK and then they tell you the rent and you're like ah I see it now I know I the salary is now I know where the salary is like that I subhanAllah even the shopping if if you go to H&M in Dubai move and you go to H&M in London the same the same clothes cuz so much more here yeah I'm sure they import them and they just you know like put that premium on that yeah so it has a premium for living there but the standard of living is really really nice and one of the things that you know from a purely dunya perspective a worldly perspective one of the things I really like about Dubai is the fact that everything you've there's so much that you can do yes I mean I mean for example in Dubai I really uncle horse-riding I go diving I go you know my friend has a boat I go out on his boat go driving do a quad bike sand dune buggies up you know in the sand go to a mall and you can do all of that in like you know two days so that's something that it's quite hard to get in the UK not only because of the weather but also just the way you know the way that it's laid out and the kind of facilities that you have so Dubai is in from a worldly perspective it's a holiday destination right and living in a holiday destination is you know it has its benefit has its benefits but I think one of the major things that I love about Dubai is definitely how it is for Muslims because even though it's a country that is set up to welcome non-muslims right everyone agrees that the UAE is a country set - welcome non-muslims like it's a place where non-muslims wanna go love to go holiday there but at the same time it's still a Muslim country and that means that still Islam is the main sort of so it's not only the main religion but it's the main way of life like for the majority of people in the country and so you don't feel like you're a stranger whereas me walking through Newcastle city centre dressed like I am now with my you know like sort of Arab type long dress type thing on and you know doing what I'm doing I think you know if I was to do that in you castle city centre I would feel very uncomfortable you know I would I do it anyway but you know I would feel like a little bit uncomfortable and you know the other thing you know is here is the safety that's like I'm gonna say there's no crime here cuz there's crime everywhere but there's no noticeable crime here I oddly feel very comfortable as well and as soon as I touched down in Yui I just feel like this even coming here to Sharjah by myself there was no oh there was I mean after got dropped off and stuff as long as I didn't feel any at it feeling kind of uncomfortable and like you said the one of the beautiful things about being in the UAE is that I still very you see the big brands and stuff and you know you get in and you know where you going if I see a nice big coffee shop I know I know it's like that kind of things but I'm not that helps especially with family because I lived in Saudi for when I was in university I was in Saudi for six years six and a half years and I love doing what I love Saudi and he Saudi is one of the most beloved places to me absolutely love the place but it is hard to live there like it's it's tough you know you you live there you I mean now it's changing but you live there like I was in medina we didn't have access to like shops that you know like stuff that we would normally buy getting stuff done you know getting residency permits and traveling and or everything was just really really really difficult here the the government system is better than the UK like it's even that I mean the UK is good like you know what you're getting you know how to renew your passport you know how long it's gonna take you know how to like you know apply to uh extend your house or something no you know what you're doing but here it's even better like it's even faster although it's even more expensive you pay for everything here because they said to buy you know obviously has no tax but the way they make up for that is they charge you for prices or everything no they charge you like for example to renew this to renew to get our driving license they charge a huge amount to renew it they charge you to get to renew your visa they charge you to like you know everything new every single thing that you want to do with relate in relation to the government they charge you for it and that's kind of like one of the ways that they make up for that but to me like that's kind of like I don't really object to that it's a decent way of doing things but yes or I mean from a worldly perspective Dubai has really the best for me the best of both worlds even you know there are times yeah for sure when you see things that you would rather you didn't see things that you would rather weren't there there's no doubt about that as a practicing Muslim you know I would I would love for there to be a lot of things taken away and and you know not to come back but at the same time it's you can work around it the pros outweigh the cons you can yeah you can work around it definitely and there's no place in the world not even Saudi not even Makkah you know there's no place in the world that doesn't have some negative things in it in terms of that have been introduced by by us by people you know doing things that they that they shouldn't do and so on but Dubai the nice thing is that you can work around it like there are areas that I wouldn't go to on certain days at certain times because that ha is known for a lot for example there are a lot of maybe this some people you know some nightclubs there or there's a lot of like sort of non-muslim holidaymakers who aren't appropriately dressed there and things like that but those are very very small areas that exist just like for you on certain hours in certain times of the week it's not like it's like it's very easy to work around it that's very easy to avoid you mentioned the the kind of government in in Dubai and Islam being still being kinda like the main religion and one thing I've noticed now I mentioned this before as well is that the you don't you coming I might be walking about I have really haven't come across of kind of innovation generally like we obviously recall our heart look into people's eyes I watch everyone but when you when I go to the massage it one thing I find so beautiful here is that when you go to the massage it here is the they have sutras laid out and I've never seen in the UK and they're just generally things that really appeal appeal to you and so how kind of strict is the government when it comes to kind of control in the house is the controlling the athlete's about controlling usually that aspect we are making sure things don't go out of hand we've kind of bitter and in an innovation that kind of stuff and they're very strict they've even become I think stricter of late especially with the concerns with extremism and things like that and that now you you can't give a lecture in Dubai anywhere or a speech anywhere or even work in an Islamic Center without going through police checks background checks without you know getting individual permission for each lecture that you want to give and you know handle I I actually I wouldn't change it for I wouldn't change it you know what will you put through those things I went through the same test I went through a full police background check they watch my videos regularly like there are people in the police department that watch the videos regularly they monitor what you say and I don't have any problem with that because I you know to be honest this the driving force behind that is not so much innovation in general but specifically extremism what we call a holy water throttle you know like this like extremism and you know this like sort of terrorism and stuff like that and at the end of the day like a dodgy preacher can do worse you know more damage then you know then there may be anything else because that person can inspire your even more damage than a terrorist because a terrorist could you know kill some people but this like this evil sort of preacher who's spreading this message could inspire a thousand of them or could inspire 10,000 of them so to me like them regulating it gives me confidence and it also makes sure that generally things you know the kind of people who speak generally they you know it's good trying to say that nothing you know nothing bad exists but uh it's it's controlled and you know if somebody wants to come out with a crazy opinion or say something it's really bad or say something against Islam they're gonna find that really hard to do in an in an Islamic context they might be able to do that in the media but they're gonna find it hard to do in an in an Islamic within an Islamic context they're gonna find it hard to sort of preach that in a Masjid or to open an Islamic Center or to sort of have classes or to kind of become an Islamic personality they're not going to be able to do that without authorization and generally you know they haven't put any restrictions on me I say that open because people always think that you know they think that or they must tell you what to say and what not to say never I mean no one's ever come to me and said you shouldn't say this I speak completely freely with whatever I want but I know that those guys are watching and kind of keeping an eye on what's been happening because at the end of the day that's their job and I I get that like if you don't do that the danger is and I mean you look at the UK one of the negative things you have is that anyone can say pretty much whatever they want and people have said things that really can misguide a lot of Muslims and really hurt a lot of Muslims and still being allowed to say that openly in the streets and you know stand on a podium and tell everyone you know that's that's dangerous so I like the way that it's it's controlled it doesn't it doesn't feel a burden for me I mean at the Islamic Center they apply for the permissions and everything and I've never been refused to permission to give her I talk anywhere so I find it to be to be something with a lot more benefits than harms in it in this that kind of controlling situation I want to carry on I want to go more into kind of you being in you a in your kind of life right now as it is kind of you know in a bit later I want to kind of really back right now you're a young boy in Newcastle in the UK and I think one of the things that as you probably know it surprises the most people about your story is the fact that you came to Islam at such a young age how does a 14 year old boy living in Newcastle except taking Shahada like let's go into this I'm intrigued okay so um I I give you a slightly short version yes please listen for version is available in YouTube so the full version would take the rest of the time that we have for the podcast but the shorter version is that I give you a bit family background to saw my family I have like most of them are Church of England Protestant Christians but they're not really practicing there like most people in most Christians in the UK you know they go to church for a wedding they go to church for a funeral but they don't go every week they don't go regularly you know that it's not on the top of their list but if you ask them they would say that they were a Christian I did have a couple of Catholics in the family people who converted me not you actually have to convert from to go from Protestant Christianity to Catholic Christianity you actually have to go through a set of lessons and a conversion for you know sort of process I had a couple of people in the family who had converted I my grandmother's sister she married a Catholic she converted to Catholicism and my grandfather on my mother's side he was a Jehovah's Witness this is like the short version is he messed around with a Ouija board got scared by the jinn and then a Jehovah's Witness came to him and said you know you need religion and this is the religion I thought he did so he and that leads on to what you know that's the whole topic of how I start this whole thing you know with rakia and the jinn have you but anyways he actually got scared by a genie using Ouija board and he or that's what I'm that's what my mom tells me I think at least that's what I can figure out and he converted and of course when he converted really my grandmother his wife and my mom were not really in favor of that no they were not really desperately religious they were mildly you know like comfortably religious but he really went into it like with you know he he's he dived right down to the bottom you know like my mom used to give lectures you know to the to the young young people in the Jawas witnesses and and you know he used to ban Christmas and you know celebration or what have you and they used to celebrate Christmas in secret and you know all these different things so it was that was something and then when he passed away he passed away from a kind of cancer I think what what happened is they really pushed and rebelled against the you know that kind of religion in general you know I'm not saying that they were they became atheist they didn't but they said we don't want anything like now he's passed away we don't want anything to do with organized religion or to do with sort of like something as strict and as as controlling as Jehovah's Witnesses because they have quite a strict regime I mean for us as Muslims you probably wouldn't think it to be like that that's strict in in a certain way I would be quite like sort of like okay but you know we have we as Muslims we have quite a strict routine and you know things we can and can't do but they you know for Christians it's like a different picture you know completely so my mom kind of pushed away from that she became sort of very sort of just a generic Christian who if you ask her she'll say she's a Christian but you know ask her when she went to church she'll just go you know who last got married who last died right that's the only time she ever would go to church and isn't really you know particularly affiliated if something bad happens in her life she doesn't brush to church to pray or something you know so so that's the kind of situation and I kind of grew up I think probably the first time I even thought about religion was probably a seven or eight I had a really inspiring religious education teacher his name was Mike and he was he was really inspiring guy I became friends with him after I you know later on in my life no I said he committed suicide actually but he was a lovely lovely guy and he really inspired me to understand that religion isn't just what your mom and dad have like taught you you know you there are actually other beliefs out there in the world and and you know you can explore them so I I kind of like realized that there were other religions I don't think he told me anything specifically about Islam I remember bitter Sikhism Hinduism I just like what what do you really help me with is just to open my mind to the fact that there are like there's a whole of the world of opinions and how do you have this age and this would be a seven year eight so I would be what like 11 12 yeah 12 years old roughly 11 something like that yeah so at that time I went through a tough time with family I had a bad he had a bad time with family like I was just a rebellious child getting into teenagers and you know fighting with my parents doing things to annoy them doing things to upset them and just generally being rebellious and and I was like that and probably from a school since I was probably bit spoiled in that sense because I did well very well academically and generally if you do well academically you get away with stuff that the other kids don't get away with you know like the really naughty kids who just do really like bad stuff in school they tend to be academically like really poor and so they're like threatened with getting expelled or whatever like it's a different thing when you're academically at the top of the class and you're messing around like you get away with a lot so I tend to mess around a lot I got a like I got in with a bad crowd those were the guys who are not doing very well they were also like you know to be honest they were also kind like almost at threat of getting kicked out of the school and doing stuff they shouldn't be but for me I just kind of enjoyed the freedom of just messing around but still at the same time being able to pass you know but get past my exams and be in the you know the group that I wanted to be in and what have you so yeah that was that was how school was in the beginning when things got really bad I mean things got quite bad at home I ran away from home I jumped on a train around to York so how FAR's you work for new cause that's like 100 miles okay so that was an achievement for a 12 year old man but so yeah but not a good idea right I'm upset my mom and dad a lot and I got myself grounded like so many times so obviously what that did is that kind of pushed me away from those friends and made me just think like look I need to just decide what i want to do with my life and i did is a big question that a twelve-year-old or thirty will go put in their head yeah and I saw ask myself questions like why am i why am I here why is this happening to me why do I was half the you know the was that they're like why why do I always have bad things and you know why am I going through met so much emotional distress and parallels comes the same thing that every teenager goes through but for me it was like why me why this like and I and I was questioning and I was at the same time when I was grounded and I was always a child who loved to read and I never ever liked watching TV I was not my mom and says she would switch the TV on when I was like a young child like toddler she would switch the TV on and I would like cry for the TV just be switched off and say read read read really like I was like I I hated TV and I loved I loved reading so I used to obviously read a lot and you read about people turning to religion and stuff like that wasn't in my head wasn't like don't I mean I wasn't thinking about religion as such maybe I was asking some religious questions I think I may have been asking about like why are we here and what's the plan for the universe and things like that but I wasn't I wasn't looking for religion at that time I changed school because we went through middle school like primary middle high so middle school finished in year eight and year nine we went to high school to a different school I went there in year nine and I decided to sort of try a different you know move away from those guys because what they were doing was my friends were getting into worse and worse stuff and I had a limit I was all up for like you know rebelling and messing around but there was some stuff that was just like getting too much so I decided like okay I'm gonna move away new school move away make new friends do something different that's what I did yeah and I was a bit of a transitionary period I was kind of like between the two didn't quite know what I wanted to do I still see my old friends sometimes see some new friends sometimes have no friends sometimes like I did or all of it you know the whole lot and I think it was probably ten although it might have been the end of you and I it's difficult for me to figure out I'm sure as you're ten that I started taking religious education classes and we did a little bit about Islam okay and I'm not gonna say to you that the first time I heard about Islam I just jumped up and said I want to become a Muslim but I felt very strongly that Islam was the right kind of had the right idea on that specific point so for example we did the concept of God right this is who this is who God is and you know that God in in Christianity for most Christians that was wrong to say for all Christians but for most Christians God in Christianity is the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit there are Unitarian Christians who don't believe that but generally a lot of Christians believe that you know you've got the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit but that for me it was never my belief you know I was a Christian but it was never I never really subscribed to that at all I would kind of sat there thinking well you know I'm not sure I don't think that that's that doesn't make sense to me like I believed in God but I just didn't I didn't subscribe to that belief it just didn't make any I couldn't understand it and no I'm wrong I understand that there are things about God you can't understand though I like I get that like there are things about God you just can't you can't understand but what I couldn't do is I couldn't I couldn't put it into a like I couldn't understand it in the context of religion or all it just didn't make any sense all so I you know I kind of wasn't looking for something else I just was kind of skeptical about that particular part of the belief in in Christianity and when I got told that Muslims believe one God worship Him alone you know separate from his creation I was like wow that makes a lot of sense you know that's the God that I believe in I mean didn't say I want to become almost that's like that's you know that's what I believe in you know one God worship Him alone makes sense then you know after that I kind of went through the classes and I think a realization struck me after a few weeks I started thinking you know what it is I am you know I first of all I start to notice that I was pre-empting that I would like Islam like in other words I would come into the class thing I'd wait to hear what slam says because his mom's definitely gonna say the right thing and that kind of struck me when that time happened and I we went through things like punishments prayers you know the Quran whatever we went through like Scripture like we went through like a like just a factually I mean teacher was not a Muslim and we just went through factually about Islam and I just start thinking wow you know like it's getting to the point where I really agree with everything that is being said and that kind of made me think like what does that make me so made me a Muslim because I just am I am I like a Muslim now because I believe in those things so I thought well I need research so I went home I opened up I wasn't Google at that time it was like baby I know Ask Jeeves oh yeah or AltaVista lost even I remember yeah he asked users if I think the first search it was yeah so I I went on I typed in a some stuff about Islam and obviously what comes up is just a mix of everything were some good things some bad things and I just took my time I did my research and some stuff I found I didn't like but then I researched it and found that actually the way I understood it wasn't quite right so I did some research I found stuff I liked i found stuff i didn't liked but to be honest I kind of with the stuff I didn't like I did my research and I found that actually it's not you know it wasn't true it wasn't as I understood it and that's interesting because that happens to a lot of non-muslims is that they think something bad about Islam see you know well I would agree with Islam if it wasn't for the way that Islam tracked women for example and then you actually look into it and you realize that well I'm Muslim my might mistreat a woman but Islam doesn't doesn't mistreat women Aslam doesn't call for mistreating women at all you know or I would you know I would become a Muslim if it wasn't for dot-dot-dot and I when I started researching I realized all those ones that if it wasn't for all had a reasonable explanation and at this point I was like okay you know it seems to me like in the future like maybe when I'm older is la would be the religion for me but I wasn't gonna become a Muslim at 14 I was like it's not gonna happen and then I I tried and I just found it really hard to live like that I found it hard to live and I think that's it you know that's like a a maximum of life almost that you struggle to live if you are a different person on the inside to it 202 to on outside it's really hard to live like that you find it stressful you're always worried about keeping up appearances you're you know seeing one thing but believing one thing different it's a very hard thing you know it's very hard for me to do I I found it real struggle to do that so I you know thought look I'm gonna have to change my plan I'm gonna have to become all Muslim and I went online again I searched how do I become a Muslim and again I found some misinformation and some of the misinformation that I found is that you have to have two witnesses and it has to be a ceremony and it has to be and that's the most ridiculous thing I can you imagine someone is like you know I don't know he's fallen off a cliff or something like that you know I mean and he's like you know lying down all and then just on the moment of death he says you know what it is I always wanted to become so that's the right thing to do oh but where are my two witnesses in the ceremony oh well never mind I'll just die as a non-muslim instead you know it's the most ridiculous thing it has no proof for it it's not a single scholar of Islam has ever said this this is just ordinary people just basically like talking about the religion stuff they don't know and there's no genuine scholarly opinion that you have to have two witnesses and a ceremony for your Islam to be accepted so I thought I would find a healer like like a loophole so I went to my parents and I said mom and dad and they were like kind of yeah what and I was like I just want to read something to you a shadow and not either height Lala why shadow Ana Muhammadan Rasul Allah I bear witness there is no God worthy of worship except Allah Muhammad semester Allah but I read in Arabic only okay fine only in Arabic we skip this bit only at Iraq did your parents have any idea beforehand that like you were looking into Islam or you had intro I don't really know and I'll explain that in a minute because I said this to them they said what is it I said it was something in Arabic and I left so for me I'd become a Muslim but they had no idea but my mom Leah said to me and I think she said to me probably a few weeks later to three weeks later she said to me have you become a Muslim and I don't know why I've never you know every time I give this interview I put it in my mind to ask my mom why she said that and I don't know if she saw me looking at something on the computer just she checked by search history just out of you know general teenage observation you were like what is searching the internet and I don't know if she observed me doing something I have no idea but all I know she said to me are you Muslim enough you know I said like no what do you mean what's not Muslim that's ridiculous you know like just because I've got a couple Muslim friends now and you know like nice lunch I'm not becoming Muslim I said oh okay and you know a few weeks later I decided to tell her and I said to a mom you know when you said to me that I didn't become a I become a Muslim well actually I did and she said we have to wait and talk to you that now in my family like mom and dad the dynamic is that mum makes all the decisions and dad you know like stays pretty quiet like yeah he does when he wants to he'll make a decision but he's like he's quite quiet my mom is very vocal like she makes the decisions you know and she wouldn't mind me saying that you know like that's that's how it is you know she makes the decisions often and my dad will make it when he's really passionate about something but generally he's like it's quite quite easygoing person and gentle person so we sat down me my mom my dad and it's like you know my mom's like saying why have you done why whatever my dad's is quiet you know and I remember a moment when she's peated you don't know that this your son has become a Muslim and you have nothing to say and he said well he seems quite you know convinced about it but in in in those times because we're talking like a pre 9/11 and pretty kind of like Islamophobia becoming like I speak yeah what was the kind of ideal Muslims and Islam at that time it was still I mean first of all is an idea that's foreign that's the first thing and the second thing is still the still was Ted you know like that terrorism thing was still in minds we you had now you now you're asking I I think it might have been it's difficult to say 97 97 pounds like something like yeah I think yeah it's about three years old spleen about 20 years but there was in that time they had been stuff going on around the world like in any of Islam they've been I you know some stuff going on like in terms of world events and attacks and things but like fairly low-key but still associated with Islam so it's like the beginning of the kind of like this this sort of extremism surge and stuff like that so that was a thing in people's minds and my mom had asked me about and I'd said look I have nothing to do with that that's not what I'm you know like that's not what I'm about and I told her why and I think her main concern was that I'd done it because of my friend Fergus of friends because obviously I've been someone who's been very heavily influenced by my friends earlier on and they'd caused me to you know like run away and you know like do some stuff that I shouldn't have done so obviously that made my mum kind of think oh no he's on another like man he's just like stepped the upper level he's gone from like really really bad friends to like changing his religion or becoming a Muslim today who knows what's he gonna do next and I kind of explained to her that noise this is something from me this is not something you know this is something I wanted to do nobody nobody gave me down nobody came and said to me you should become a Muslim I just really that's what you know settled in my heart now doing me wrong during the time I was researching Islam I had gone out and found some Muslim friends and I had started to see things from them and that helped to encourage me but nobody ever said to me like you you know you must become Muslim or something like that so I became a Muslim and he was a bit difficult first few years in terms of family were our problem I mean my family basically said just don't talk to us about it keep it under wraps we advise you not to spread it to the world till you decide what you want to do you you know if that's what you want to do do it but don't don't do invite us to it we don't want anything to do with it but if that's what you want to do we have no problem did you happy with kind of that for as a 14-year old I was happy now I wouldn't have been right now I would have said no way I would have said you know I'm gonna like but in those days I was like I was young as a yeah fine you know like that sounds good to me welcome Dino come Walia Dean you have your religion and I have mine but I think the hardest thing was worrying about what people in school would say there's no typical teenager right I'm worried about what people in school gonna say I kept it fairly quiet but obviously you know once one or two people hear it it's newsworthy right it spreads and people come to me and say and I denied to some and I accept it to some and like you know there's all sorts of conflicting information like he's become this he's become that what is he doing and you know it took me it took me a good couple of years to become probably until I got into sixth form to become really comfortable with being a Muslim and and praying with Muslims you know openly I remember we had a Jew Mara in the school and I remember like that you know I used to run into the room where the general was held is in a science lab and closed all the curtains quickly like so nobody would see me you know because I was just I just didn't want that like I don't want to start the whole thing you know I can have pressure on me from people and stuff like that and it's difficult that's why even now when I do new Muslim projects I usually advise I advise many new Muslims that take your time to announce your Islam if you're ready to do it from day one no problem you know peace people in different situations but if you feel like you know you're gonna get a lot of pressure and a lot of kickback just take your time to like you know to do that when you're ready because I was forced to answer questions about Islam that really I didn't know the answers to you know like my mom would come to me say what about this what about that you know what about this and I would kind of be like a now trying half to give a half-baked answer which is never a good idea you always tell people now that you know if someone asks you something about Islam you don't know the answer just say I don't know and I'll find out for you you know even if they ask you something you should know the answer to someone says I've found a contradiction in the Quran on page this page that and what do you think about it you see I don't know you know scholars used to run away physically didn't he I don't know I mean just see I don't know like to say like I'm sure there is a very reasonable answer and I will find out for you and get back to you but don't give a half-baked answer and they come back and say I've proven your answer oh now what you say or now I have a different answer you know it doesn't it doesn't work just you know it doesn't work so that was that was kind of some of the things I struggled with when I was becoming Muslim and that's the story of how I how I ended up Muslim at 14 okay so let's get forward a few years now and you're in your late teens you have decided to start kind of take a deal more seriously and start practicing in two credible further degree and you're now interested in studying at Islamic University of Medina I know there's a lot that goes before that and and I can't start but like we mention before your entire story is on is online for people who would like to listen to it and something about your story of going to Islamic University of Medina really hit me hard and I think it's something that a lot of the listeners could benefit from and it's what Sheikh Mohammed sorry I believe that's the shareholders had said to you when you originally went to him to ask for a test cure and what he had said yeah and what he has said to you is something that you when I heard you say it in the video it really really hit me like a train and I thought had a lot I feel like this is something that every single person right now in the UK who is a person who sometimes thinks about studying abroad or not even so anymore but sometimes you know think about increasing in knowledge or there's a lot of us bravas a lot of young brothers in the UK who just want to kind of just go to Egypt for a year to study Arabic and come back even that and what Sheikh Mohamed Salah said to you really hit me hard and so our love if you kind of go into that so so so let's get some context so you're now kind of looking to actively go to the Islamic University Medina what you need is you need a reference and so you go to kind of one of the shapes that you know well that isn't it that is in your kind of who comes down used to come down a yearly basis to Newcastle and as you approach it when you basically I need to test here can you provide it for me yeah I obviously push him through a translator I'd realized I needed one and he asked a few questions you know when you kind of when you look at the translator you kind of expect him just to nod his head and say you know like yeah you know he says in Charlotte no problem and I know it's terms like all sorts of like there's a frown and there was some like you know like long sentence came out and I'm thinking okay this is not what I was like expecting and the question came back that do you know any Arabic because obviously it shakes in him why is he asking through a translator and I'm like Noah I don't mind Arabic like so if he might I come every asked me have you studied but he asked me like you know kind of ask me some questions and I basically gave negative answers that you know I don't know any Arabic I've just you know done whatever's in my local masjid and you know like that's about it you know like I haven't done any major study or anything like that and he basically said to me that if you are not able to learn Arabic and to study Islam when you are here in your own City with your family around you and with your comforts around you then what makes you think you're gonna be able to go thousands of miles and study Islam their camera which is it is it is so crazy because when you say it makes so much sense but originally as you think yourself you know what if I take myself away from my family and take myself away from everything I just go and study the Deen that will be better for me but when you put it like that it makes so much sense because actually we have all of the comfort right now so if we're ever gonna study I suppose will make a bit of effort it would be when we don't have other things I should pinch strain on our lives like missing our family will be the way from I mean that's the thing it's a yes no doubt going abroad removes distractions but it brings new distractions also and new problems being away from home being in a country that you're not comfortable with where maybe the the climate is not what you used to and all of these different things so I you know like I didn't appreciate his advice in the beginning I thought was just being awkward and I was kind of a bit annoyed with him that look you know I mean you must him and I came for a reference and you know why are you like but we'll love what he said was so true and it wasn't just true it was like that's how people studied Islam in the past they would study Islam until in their city until there was nothing left in their City they didn't know and then they would move and they were travel city by city but they what they wouldn't do is just like say oh well you know I likes nothing much in my say you know like no point I may as well go somewhere else you know they would study like that and I didn't appreciate till I went to Medina and I saw the state of the students and I realized that those students who had developed a study habit you know it's his answer is as much about a study habit as it is about actual knowledge it's not that he's saying why haven't you learned Arabic and I say well sure I've got an Arabic teacher but he doesn't know Arabic so well and I'm Joni babe like that would have been acceptable but it's the fact that you haven't developed any study habits you haven't developed the ability to actually study commit yourself to it like you haven't you haven't actually even thought about like committing things to memory and writing things down and making notes and working hard and coming regularly for classes that you're supposed to come to you see if you can come directly to a class once a week once a week in your home city where you've got your car you've got everything and you can't come to that class once a week and then you're gonna attend six hours a day in you know in a foreign country with no Kyle Kyle you know Graham jumping on public transport you're you know struggling to get by you don't speak the language it's no doubt that you have to develop first of all study habit and then enough information that it makes your trip abroad more fruitful so initially you know your trip abroad isn't BC what happened with me when I went to Medina and people say oh you went to Medina and you learnt and now you teach but the reality is the level of my knowledge is very very poor and the reason it's so poor is that I went to Medina with nothing and so I spent six and a half years learning and I got something but imagine if a person goes to Medina with something and then he spent six and a half years so now what does he come out with something else yeah a level of knowledge which is much much much greater and much more strong because and we see students from Yemen and students from Nigeria and students you know and even some students from the UK and one of the things I used to see from them is that those guys they were at a different level to us even though they were sat next to us in class because they had studied these things at least in a preliminary way before so not everything was new to them so that's why I say to people you know if you go to Medina and you've studied 1020 Islamic books before you go and you've learned at least a little bit even if you just learn vocabulary you've learnt a bit of Arabic you know and you've tried and you've exhausted the resources that you have then you go there you know it's a different different situation now you're like you're set to really you know increase your level to something which is is going to be you know of great benefit to the Muslims whereas I felt you know kind of in Medina that I was honestly thought I was playing catch-up like I felt like I'm especially I went to the Faculty of hadith which is supposed to be one of the sort of academically stronger faculties at Michele's quite true but I mean at least the students who go there tend to be students who are pretty serious about studying and learning you know they're not like then they're not just students who who are kind of there just to kind of sail through the course you know they're there like they're the hard course you know students who really want to study and I found like you know I'm in a class with people who for me they look like scholars to me these guys are my classmates and they look like scholars to me like so how am I supposed to catch up and you spend your whole time and it's a good exercise plus surrounding yourself with people who are better than you is an amazing in fact I send a piece of advice I would offer to everyone surround yourself with people who are of a higher caliber than you are because otherwise you have nothing to aim for you know you're like okay I'm the most practising the most knowledgeable of my friends okay what is there like to drive me after that unless I'm really self-motivated you know but having people around you are better it's like I want to do a heaters I want to be you know emulate that I want to be better than that I want to learn more and that's what motivates you so I would always recommend people whether you're starting to practice whether you've been practicing a long time is to look at who your friends are and at least one or two of them surround yourself with people who are like an illegal of you and it pushes you up into that league you know what I guess best you can so I said let's cut a long story short in the end home de la you you you took that voice on board and I'm not sure I did I I didn't probably take it on board until actually went there I actually went to Medina and asked him again while I was and said to him chicken in Medina now with a application form I'm ready to go to the University will you give me a reference or not and he said yeah nope but because he's worthy every kind you went to to the extent thought to Medina right that's slightly like study Arabic or anything he just saw me like that look you know he's gone to he's come to Medina and you know it's interesting because I had a lot of fit in his answer a lot of wisdom a lot of understanding that when I was in England and I could change I had an option he gave me advice and he pushed me away but when I was in Medina and it became like an emergency situation like you you have to either give it or not he gave it so because he understood that the situation was different so this is like understanding having understanding and wisdom of the context of a question that the same person may ask you a question in Islam same question and the same person may ask you the same exact same question and because he asks it in a different context or different circumstance you answer him in a completely different way what I wanted to go into is you're okay you go you have so many issues like issues but you there was a lot of challenges in your path when you went study at Medina and a lot a lot a lot of them were big challenges but some of them were small challenges but you ain't in the end at hamdulillah you ended up starting in Medina and my question to you is what point is a person say I've tried my camel and it's not for me because if a Muslim prays is too hard he makes effort towards something their challenges those challenges the challenges where's the where is it lying in saying you know what this is my cutter or you know keep trying to pacify keep trying persuade keep it for Travis because in your case for example it was meant to be and you know you keep you kept persevering but is there non argument that why aren't you accepting your cutter kind of thing do not worry Wendy when I what would you say after a camel okay so with regard to cutter is that using color as an excuse must always be for something in the past you must never use cutter as an excuse for something present or something in the future that doesn't mean it's not impart of cutter it is but it's not an excuse so you don't say about something coming up next week or it's not my color to get it okay yeah you say in the past it wasn't my cutter to get in this year it wasn't my cutter to memorize this ayah today but that's in the past but not something you're doing right now you don't use a lefty charge but cut again to use cutter as a Delisle unless it's something in the past that you did you had done everything in your ability and that's because cutter is something that happens you can't avoid it but you have respond to what Allah decrees for you determines your reward so for example Allah is to create a calamity for you yeah that in itself is not connected to you but what is connected to you is how you respond to that calamity and how you change and how you you know what you decide to do and that's why it's a you know society point of benefit is that one of the scholars said what's the difference between someone who is being punished and someone who's being forgiven for by through a calamity so two people have the same event they both get cancer one of them is being punished and one of them is being forgiven what's the difference how do you know very simply you know by the reaction of the person if that it's making them closer to Allah then they're being forgiven and if it's making them further away from Allah then this is nearer to being we don't we don't make like we don't say for certain basis nearer to being punishment from Allah spanner to Allah so it's really important that you know we react to things in it we react to cutter in the right way which is that the more you learn about cutter the more inspiration you should have to work and this is how you know if you understand cutter properly X um one might say like father is a tough topic even okay i'm rahim allah said it's a sea that has no end to it if you don't climb upon the ship of the sooner you'll be drowned or words to that effect i mean if you have if you imagine this it's a tough topic but the way you know you've understood it properly is really simple if you learn about puddle and your motivation is to work really really hard and beg allah to save you you've done it okay if your reaction is is no point in doing that now no point may as well give up never mind then you know you haven't understood qatar properly and you have a misunderstanding in that topic so this is it just for all them you know all the muslims listening and and you know thinking like stuff topic it is a tough topic i've got a video on it but it's it's tough topic but if you've understood it right you just should feel super motivated to work you should just feel like I want to just keep going and going and going and going because if you're trying really hard for something also another side points not the only reason but if you're trying really hard for something first of all the prophets I Salim said that everyone will be made easy what he was created for be made easy for him what he was created for so you if you were working really hard then Allah is gonna make it easy for you to achieve what you want and if you're lazy Allah is gonna decree for it to be difficult for you to get what you want if that makes sense and Allah says way is easy to love Levine after Buddha Allah gives an increase in guidance to those who are guided it says and I if you understand it the problems of Qatar go away like if you work hard for guidance Allah Subhan Allah Allah will give it to you and if you really want it and you really strive for and work for it and and you know Buster got to be able to get it then allah subhanaw taala will give it to you but if you're lazy and sit back and say you know if I if only and if only you know then in that case you have nobody to blame except yourself and also the ironn which are last part says that those who strive in our ways learn at the end home so B'Elanna we will guide them to our ways and those who strive for us latina jaha do FINA learn at the end the home soil and those people who work really hard for our sake we're gonna guide them to the right way and part of cutter is feeling a desperate need of a larger like you feel like you feel like you know what it is there's no way I'm gonna get to Jenna no matter how many good deeds I do unless Allah guides me so now I feel humility and I feel submission and that's you know people say why did allah make qatar something we have to believe in i why why is Allah made Qatar or something that we as muslims have to believe in it has so many benefits one of them is it lowers you in the sight you know in front of allah you submit yourself to allah because you feel like you know what it is there's no way that I'm even gonna get even within a hand span of gender unless allah subhanaw taala takes me there so i need him i need to make dua to him i need to do what he tells me to do i need to strive for him so that i can get there because just purely just working for myself is not gonna get me that that's the first thing but also it tells you that allah is infinitely just and fair and if someone really wants something and is really working for it allah subhanaw taala will give them what is best for them and you know could see like if there was no cutter hey you work for something you get it but it might not be good for you you're like I really want this job I really want this I really want to study in Medina and you go for it and go for it and go for it you study in Medina you graduate you turn out misguiding other people it wasn't good for you but instead Carter is a mercy from Allah Subhan Allah Allah that Allah says I'm gonna give it to you because I know it's not the right thing for you right now and I give it to you later and I give you something better instead but I know it's not right for you right now I said I'm huh it's a beautiful thing so to come back to your question there's a few different ways to look at this this issue one thing is if the thing itself that you're striving for is good for you then don't stop striving for something good especially if it's something allies made obligatory for you or last told you that you should do don't stop striving for something good you know if a last parent has told you to someone said I'm struggling to pray five times a day should I just stop no you have to pray five times you just keep on struggling keep on striving keep on working that's the first thing the second thing is don't confuse the objective and the means so my objective is what to learn Islam my my means of doing so is to go to Medina Allah Azza WA JAL may block a certain means for me and open another one but the objective doesn't change so someone may say like you know like I haven't been able to go to medina I'm not gonna study Islam but that's confusing the means in the objective if your means is to study Islam if your objective is to study Islam the means are available all over the world different means different places different Institute's different online offline with a teacher without a teacher studying Islam has not been closed for anybody you know the door is open for everyone but the question is is this particular means maybe not good for me and it going to medina itself may not be good for me but maybe going to Makkah would be good for me may you're going to Medina or not be good for me but studying online right now would be good for me and then going later you know at the end of the day like if you have a good goal don't confuse the goal with how you get there how you get there might change but the goal should be the same to learn I mean what is your goal for seeking knowledge like imam ahmed said and then we are off a javelin and Neffs ago and varrick that you intend to remove ignorance from yourself and others so if that's my goal I'm willing for Allah to guide me to whichever way is best for me to achieve that goal it's the goal that I want and that's why it's not generally and so it's okay to make dua for Allah for for for certain means but it's better generally to ask for the objective so to say walk or rub is it any enema or my lord increase me in knowledge rather than saying oh Allah allow me to get into this class in this year at this time even though that's okay too because that may not be the best thing for you but the knowledge is definitely good for you so whichever way Allah makes it easy for you so I think that's that's how I would respond to that question this is a cliche so if for example they are I mean a person who is trying to increase himself in knowledge try and study the Dean or trying to be a productive person in general if we just put everybody this kind of topic at being a productive person in general what would you recommend is the daily routine of a person who wants to a be productive or be you know be studied a Dean and in kind of the second part of this question is what is the daily routine awful sad might seem humble because I love him for sure when it really I know we just spoke before we kind of on-air about I mean it's currently is it was restarted we couldn't podcast past budget time and so you were saying that generally you stay up on the budget okay I'll try and answer the question I think first of all with regard to productivity I think there are two essential things are probably more but there are two really essential things are actually the beautiful hadith which is I think it is the hadith of productivity is that the Prophet SAW SLM said in his hadith eros Allah my own Farook was there in Bella well attaches this is that productivity there is no better statement of how to be productive than that it Harris Allah my own Thark work hard for what's gonna bring you benefit in the dunya of the Agora Wester in Billa and seek Allah's help for it because if it's not for Allah's help you you're not gonna achieve it you can work 24 hours a day and achieve nothing you can work half an hour a day and achieve everything that you hope for if all I helps you work for what's gonna benefit you and that tells you it's from you that's not like I'm gonna sit down and wait for Allah to make me a scholar I'm gonna sit down away for a lot to make me a millionaire I'm gonna know I'm gonna work for what's gonna benefit me I'm gonna work hard for it but at the same time I'm gonna realize I'm not gonna get it without Allah I'm gonna seek help from Allah well I targes and don't be defeatist don't say I'm not gonna be able to do this I'm not going I can't do it I'm not good enough and don't be defeatist and don't say in the end of the hadith and don't say if I only did this if I only did this it would have been like this if I only did this it would have been like this because if opens the door or if only opens the door to the work of the Shaitaan what I did I love this idea then this is amazing this is that this is the hadith of productivity any a harris LMAO quest i am below a light I just go and look for what's gonna benefit whether it's in the dunya or the ire I just just go out and look for what's beneficial what's gonna help you what's good whether it's what you eat whether it's what you do whether it's your job whether it's your skills whether it's training whether it's learning whatever is you go and look for what's gonna benefit you whether it's your you know your religious stuff your prayers you go and look for it's gonna benefit you and seek the help of Allah to achieve it and don't be defeatist I don't say you know like oh I'm never gonna do it I'll never be able to do it because that's actually a negative about a larger because it's Allah who can guide you to do it so when you start saying I'm never gonna do it I'll never be able to I don't think it's not gonna happen why how like you know that you're kind of almost it's almost like you're saying that Allah can't give it to you you know no like believe in yourself with the help of Allah and don't say about something if only I did this I would have done that I've only last week I done this I could have done this if only I'd done this occurs on this cuz that's in there in the past yeah and when you start questioning the past and saying if only that goes against the issue of color completely because it opens the door to the Shaitaan this if only if only I'd done this it would have done that if only I could have been here I would have done that oh don't don't look at that look towards the future and that stuff for me is it's just that's productivity you know and and look at what Islam gives you because Islam wants you to be productive in allaha yuhibbu my sin in Allah loves the moistening and one of the meanings of Marcin or Hassan is a person who excels and they they exceed expectations they're more productive than you would have expected them to be and it's just exceeding the levels and Allah loves the people who do that and the Prophet SAW said innallaha kettle-belly asana ala kulli shayin Allah has written X for everything you know you gotta try strive for excellence in everything so there are hadith so I'll talk to you about you know sort of what the ideal routine would be what I aspire to I'm sure how many times I do it but certainly what I like I would aspire to I think that the routine of a Muslim first of all how important sleep is you know sleep I looked at my life and realized the main thing that was preventing me from achieving my goals was probably sleep because the end of the day that's the big test majority of your life like I mean it's like in terms of you look at all the activities the one that has the big chunk versus anything else is sleep and there's definitely this kind of narrative in pop culture and in kind of mainstream media like oh like motivational Instagram poses of our sleep is for the weak or I'll sleep when I'm dead but sleep is very important it's important to get good quality sleep but it's also important not to have too much because too much of it is just gonna you know you need it to become you know to be productive to be sharp you need it to be able to for your body to be able to recover for you to be healthy but at the same time you also if you have too much of it it just kills your day it kills you then your allknowing done there like you know the ten hours sleep whatever and you wake up and your whole days is dead you know it kills your day so it's important and the scholars generally say six hours to eight hours is is good so you're aiming for six hours seven hours something like that now the thing is that ideal is a Muslim you want to get off a target and in terms of tips forgetting of for Tahajjud and I'm not gonna say that I'm a brilliant person for getting up for Tahajjud but the tips for it are start with something easy start with 15 minutes before federal okay 15 minutes that's it Ted ten minutes before Fetchit go make Waldo pray 2 rakaat that's nothing else you pray with it before you go to sleep as usual and because you're not gonna break that routine till you get used to it then you can start praying with her at the end but I just pray with the before you go sleep wake up to 15 minutes before fedja go make Waldo pray - raka Dasia you know the start of your to hydrate Danny and then slowly expand it you know get over I'm not I'm not well as he openly I'm not one who's praying any a third of the night or a half of the night or something like that you know I'm a person who maybe I don't know like you know if I can do it it's great you know but like that's the aim is the a mistake to have that that to get that to hide you pray because that's the time when your eyes accept it so all the things you want to achieve in the day like you know you want to make dua for them at that time and even if it's only even if it's only to our quick raka because once you pray that to quick raka you get you get a feeling in yourself you start thinking man that prayer wasn't long enough man that prayer wasn't like you know I only got to pray like cool who Allah I had like I wanted to like really lengthen it cuz I wanted my dad to be accepted you know so you start thinking oh maybe I'll set my alarm 15 minutes 20 minutes and you know we work up from there go and prefetcher in the Masjid for the men for the women in the earliest possible time but go and pray for during the message get out of the house get out your pajamas because not sooner to prefer during your pajamas yoni like sleeping clothes Sundays you get yourself ready you know if you need to take a cold shower you know I'm all for ice baths and cold showers and things like that yeah man I'm like definitely like it's a it's benefits you in so many ways but you know even if it's not like you do this in cold chow I don't but even if it's not freezing cold shower but even if it's just cold okay and you didn't put a little bit of hot on at the end if you're feeling really like you know but it like you get yourself up you're awake you're ready go to the Masjid and you stand try to sit in the Masjid until sunrise I don't do that every day but whenever you can do it it's a benefit you don't like to try as I said this is more the routine I aspire to than the routine that I have cuz if this is one really say you know I do this I do that what I might do it a day and miss five days you know but the routine I aspire to is you sit in the Masjid until fragile reading Quran remembering Allah because you know what is very very rarely does anyone have work at that time yeah that's a time when you have time to just give it to Allah and just read Quran switch your mind off when we work from the dunya dunya doesn't stop if you're running a business the world doesn't stop you know like things are just going all the time the same problems will be there when you leave the messages when you came in so just go and sit and read your Quran preacher raka after sunrise now be careful the time for sunrise is not the time you pray you pray 15 minutes after the time for sunrise on your prayer timetable or your app so you pray 15 minutes after that wait 15 minutes pray so it's usually by an hour that is complete it's risen pay the room to the height of a spear because otherwise it's prohibited to pray in that time so you pray and you know what that for me when I do the days I do that I just like you feel like a different person if morning routine you're gonna have you come out like and and there's the hadith which some of the scholars said it's a fair hadith which the prophets I seldom said the Baraka for my Ummah has been put in the early morning borac fe o ma t v-- book or e ha the Baraka for my almonds been put in the early morning so at this point I would come back home and I would have probably one of three different things to do if I could get their exercise in great if I can't you know I won't I don't I don't I'm not person to spend an hour at the gym a day okay because for me like you have like some strong opinions about that I think it's a waste of time and unless you're like going for like some sort of competition or something like that and it's a couple hours a week is more than enough more to get the changes in the benefits you want any okay I know it helps to de-stress you and stuff like that like but you know I I don't have an hour to waste in the gym every day okay but like every you know the odd day might do half an hour here half an hour there you know come back myself ready and then I've got carry two things to do generally sorry Jim wise generally you hear ways are you caught your weights weights no not that I look like it but you know like it's weights for losing weight Yanni okay like because like the cardio thing again for me it just takes too long okay you know like I'm gonna run for an hour and lose amaz by you know like that's like any gonna is just a big waste of my time like I would rather like lift some heavy weights and you know like in ten minutes I can use that mass ball rolling so it's that kind of thing you know and I I tend to do it at home to be honest because I finds really hard to find halogen that doesn't have music and there's a good one downstairs but it's like you know still it's like you go in there and the first thing that happens is everyone's to tell you what to do everyone has the ceaseless sauna stages and I'm very like I'm not that much of a social that was like so I tend to do it in at home and I mostly it's about losing weight because I put on a lot of weight like if you look at my videos you can see like when I was in Modena I was like pencil-thin and I graduated and as I started to get towards the end of graduation I got bigger and bigger and by the time I was like couple years after graduation I was like people were coming tapping me on the tummy they were like they were like they were like bro you masha'allah you've put on knowledge and your knowledge has gone to your stomach cause big and fat and so you know going to gym to lose weight not so much to bulk up just to just to lose weight just to be generally you know fit like if that was one of the times I also sometimes I would go like free somebody said horse riding or diving or whatever that's usually early-morning thing but generally I would come home and one of the things I would have one of two things either I have home schooling with my kids okay because all my kids are home schooled or I would have my own tower projects I do at that time because I tend to go to work work at calema I tend to go about 10 o'clock every day roughly it debated every day's different cuz some days I have classes at Federer so I have to reverse my routine and sit in the Masjid there and then do the class but generally I mean I would I would go about 10 11 o'clock because I find that that work doesn't need as much it's not as creative and I try and do my most creative work first you know that tends to be go there answer emails do this you know do that like prepare class or ever but the stuff that I'm really trying my new projects and our projects something he's a lot of thinking I tend to do that early in the morning and obviously get my kids ready for the homeschooling I share that between me and my wife saw like we ask my wife tends to take the younger - the older one tends to be with me and we'll just go over you know homeschooling work and stuff like that do you give them a good curriculum or something I follow British national curriculum but I just adapt it to what I want my kids to do so like is he like sorry to say like rule do you think we do just can do it um if you kind of make your own rules but you have to fit into the system in the end so in the end they have to do and you know the rule in the UK is you have to give your children an education but it doesn't specify what kind so you could you know teach your children would work and that would be classed as giving them an education you know like you don't have to put them through GCSEs you just have to give them an education but me I want my kids to do GCSEs because it's kind of accepted standard it's important for you know what later on in life so I at the end my goal is that my kids should go and sit the GCSE exams as external candidates you know in a school in the UK they just come for exam time so to do that I need to make sure that I'm relatively tracking like as roughly tracking the National Curriculum so it's a different way through the younger kids what I tend to do is I just have some good websites that we go to and we print worksheets and we buy some you know small like thing books and they do exercises and things but with my older son now as he's getting closer towards GCSE time he's in year 8 right now I'm obviously like now I buy him the same textbooks they teach in schools and we go through those textbooks we we go through the you know practice questions and things like that but the nice thing about homeschooling is it works around you you can be as flexible as you know and you can be you can do whatever you want so I add in their Islamic Studies or an Arabic I take stuff out of the National Curriculum that I don't particularly want him to do yeah I was gonna ask well Abby do you K now would you recommend considering my sister-in-law just graduated as a teacher and she was telling about the stuff with the cricket listen this have to teach even primary schools now they have to teach in primary schools about like sex education in detail and they have to be fair with all of the but that's not part of the examined curriculum like you don't need to know that to set a GCSE that's part of what they have to do in school but it's not part of the examined curriculum like so it's part of the guidelines that offset give to schools so as a homeschool you don't need to do it so homeschooling is something you'd actually recommend I think it's the one of the best decisions at hamdullah that ever made for my kids what if a parent isn't like as educated as yourself oh no you you work around what you have fun at the end of the day you know yeah and you know people have the ones people have the biggest misconceptions about homeschool just to tell you a couple one thing people say is no homeschooling kids are successful we just got a message not long ago about a sort of a friend of a friend who's has a child home school who got accepted to Oxford or Cambridge University like this is totally is not it's total rubbish that homeschooled kids are not like a la academically successful because they do the same GCSEs as other kids do they do the same a levels as other kids do and they have opportunities to go to the same universities are the kids too so there's no reason why that child should not go to Cambridge or Yale or Harvard or whatever you know that's if that's what they want to do and if that's what their parents want them to do at the end of the day but on the other side people will also say homeschool kids are socially underdeveloped and this is the biggest pile of rubbish you will ever I mean this is just this is just I will use that I'll use of where I'll go supposed to say this is Bartlett this is just falsehood Yodas very know so I like this is just total rubbish if you lock a kid in a room yet they're socially undeveloped but you know what this idea of being underdeveloped you know what the kids don't go outside they don't mix with people they don't go to parks and play with other kids they don't go to you know Islamic centres and Quran classes and whatever the end of the day they mix with other people people come to the house they go to other people's houses it's complete rubbish to say that homeschooled kids are socially underdeveloped and that's just said by people who basically have no homeschooling is or they've judged it on cases where there are other factors like the kid hasn't been homeschooled they've just been not sent to school there's a difference big difference homeschooled you're giving your kids an active education just kept them at home that's not that's not homeschooling that's just you know keeping your kids at home and not sending them to school they may call it homeschooling but that's not homeschooling but one of the things I love about homeschooling is and one thing's I'm so passionate about is a couple of things number one Islamically the difference between the heavens and the earth it's a massive difference because now you're in control of your kids education what they learn what they don't and you have a degree of control over their social interaction as well like you can kind of you know like you're not forced for them to be in a class with a bully who's beating them up with a person who's telling them to smoke or take drugs or whatever you have a more control over that and they develop a much more mature and a much more you know sort of sensible sort of character I think you know like depending on you know the kind of people you introduce them to and obviously kids their age and stuff but you know you're not like putting them in that pot which is you know at school and you know as you get older you know you start going to high school what the kids in high school do it yeah you know you can save your kids from that wall I Annie you save them well they even if they end up ignorant and they end up just you know like on minimum wage of the lowest of the low doing like this most menial job well I see and they go to Jannah it's worth it and that's one thing but also what's great is building a relationship with your kids because you see your kids or it's not that you send your kids to school like pack my kids often like someone else do the job it's like I know what my kids are studying I know what they're going through I know what they're feeling I know the good things the bad things the worries the fit and like because you know you're you're like a part of it you know you're you're you're active part of it and so it builds a bond with your kids and the kids love it as well because and we try to give them everything they would have in school from trips to saves you loads of money as well but from from trips to like to like sort of projects and things like that the only thing is a little difficult is working in groups group work because obviously if you don't have more than one child at home who's home schooled it's a little group work can be a little bit you have to kind of work around it either go to a homeschooling group and do work with a few kids in a group or something like that but after I've not found it and I found academically you know like generally homeschooled kids academically if they're well schooled they're far you know far better than than kids in in regular schools as a general rule I mean obviously there are some really intelligent kids in regular schools but as a general rule home schooling you got one-to-one tuition you know like it's if there's nothing to replace that and also as a parent it gives you the motivation to learn as well you know like and and I know I think up to GCSE most people wouldn't struggle at least primary almost not no parent would struggle to teach their kids up to primary level you know almost no parent would struggle to teach their kids up to like year six year seven year eight year nine ten eleven if the parent is themself you know has themselves done GCSEs and a-levels then they probably wouldn't struggle to teach you know from year 7 to 11 either and then by then you can think about sending your kids to a school doing part time doing distance learning it's a lot of options a lot of things to think about and I'm not against schools either like I'm not in the sense that I would say never ever send your kid to school every Muslim parent must homeschool their child because it works for some people and some people it's difficult depending on both parents might work you know it's difficult but I believe that homeschooling should play a much bigger role than then then people you know maybe would would think that it should right so you've complete jamuna routine you've hose go to children Shalala off to work after work after work and obviously we have here a big problem of dubai Sharjah traffic but i deliberately go to work at that time to to minimize the time that I spend in the car because if I went to 8 o'clock I would spend like an hour in the car and if I go at like 10 o'clock I will only spend like half an hour of the car is anything you do in the car to make sure you joy because you seem like you as you've mentioned many times it's what cost you you're very pro you don't want wasting time do you do anything in your car that is productive while you're driving listen to anything should give a disclaimer that I probably waste loads of time but my aspiration is not to waste time so in the car what I would do is it depends sometimes I would recite Quran okay like from memory just to you know this is something to remember our lives which I'll listen to something beneficial that could be it could be Quran it could be a lecture it could be a podcast it could be you know and just generally like you know is try and use the time I try and feel like I didn't just sit there looking at cause and you arrive at work you know with whatever with whatever is possible so that's what I would do I get to work and you know my work is like you know it's every every day's firefighting you know like every day is like an emergency and by that I mean that you know we do buys a big big place and I work and all my work is limited to Dubai really as opposed to the other Emirates Dubai is a big place and there to the best of my knowledge there is no other full-time english-speaking Dyer in Dubai and that puts a huge amount of pressure I mean I'm dealing with things from kids who are turning to atheism and this is a this is like you know if any parent still thinks that you know just the fact that you brought your child up as a Muslim will keep them as a Muslim I would honestly honestly say that you know you're in a dangerous state of being unaware of what's going on because the number of kids leaving Islam is just insane is huge there are kids leaving Islam I mean forget about Islam being the fastest growing religion and honestly there's times when I think the fastest shrinking religion any like this there are there are people leaving Islam just left right and center you know kids who are just coming 14 15 years old saying I don't want to be Muslim anymore you know and this is in a Muslim country let alone in you know in the UK in places like that where maybe they might keep the name but you know generally like this it's it is a huge huge problem and so that is just like one tiny thing I have my rakia cases my emails I have my classes to prepare I have all that you know the fact that and one of the things if I if I could I would never go to the office like this i thing like I have tried to convince my my work for ages but they don't get what if I could I would never go to office because I find it unproductive like I go to the office and like someone comes and like once you know ask me something or not something beneficial I sometimes people just come want to talk some ones to come say ah do you know how it would fix this on the phone or the computer's not working can you do this can you like that kind of stuff like and I'm not obviously educated in IT is working I'm not yeah like I'm was an IT cop I am a knight I'm was don't know quite something to do with her being an IT consultant project manager so you know like just generally the the phone ringing people shouting each other like if it was me I would just like you know I would not never come to the office unless it was for a specific reason I know like I would have my own like area I had my own office I don't know I've gone to open-plan but I had my own office in the last place we were but even still it was still like just knock knock knock yeah or not knock you know knock knock knock someone fallen wants to know you know like it's it's so like for me to do that much work I have to like be so strict on what I do and that's why people might say well we got in touch with you you didn't answer for three months I taped my emails in queues like I put it in a queue and I answered them in the order I received them unless I see it's an emergency with a capital e you know like and for me that like has a big mean like about it someone says I'm about I'm going to leave a slammer I'm I'm on top of a bridge I'm gonna jump I'm gonna obviously reply them right away but if someone says all you know I feel really bad and I'm really depressed they're gonna have to just wait wait in the queue for for the other people who have the same problem who are before them so answering all those do you feel no pressure with because of the idea that being a diary and being a per student of knowledge ins on someone especially English speaking there must be a lot of pressure put on you to just kind of essentially solve people's problems whether that be I'm feeling upset feeling down to being you know I'm struggling my marriage I can't like I'm struggling because raising my kids and is essentially people must put a lot of it must be bent it must be very was the words people put burdens on you right I feel it in two ways I feel it mostly from the point of via mana like Allah said in Allah high moral calm and to a dual Ammannati Allah Allah Allah commands you to fulfill the responsibilities and the trusts you've been given to those who have entrusted them to you that's a tough ayah Allah that's a hard ayah because people entrust things to me that won't lie I can't do and I really believe by the way like one of the things I've really tried in the last couple of years is to learn to say no you know I really have tried with everything I can to learn to say no and I believe that saying no is a fundamental part of fulfilling am I not like to fulfill a responsibility you have to learn to say I'm sorry I can't do that it's better than saying yes deliver definitely and and you earn so many sins by saying yes and they're not delivering it's so much better for you to say I'm sorry I can't do that and people get angry with you in this era oh you know I came to you with an Islamic project and I wanted you to do something good but it's far far better for you to say I'm sorry I can't do that and you know I remember I like books by normal sin so everyone you know how to say no to people I haven't we read I've listened to summary podcasts about them and things like how to say no to people I think it's an essential thing but I'm still used to said it I'm trying you know like I'm but I I like try to say try to set people I think it's not about saying no it's about setting people's expectations so that might involve saying no it might involve saying I only have half an hour for you but my involves saying your email is in a queue and I will respond to it when I finish that may take 2 or 3 months but you know just you know that's saying people's expectations so that one of the things I find very difficult to deal with is the is is actually social media and the new way of communicating because it's very instant it's like someone said you what is that I sent your whatsapp message you didn't reply yeah you did and so did you know and at that time like a hundred other people any so but everyone gets anguish that's why I don't really communicate much on social media just with I communicate with people who have like something to arrange like a lecture to arrange or we're gonna rage this podcast or whatever that makes sense because it needs a kind of a conversation that's in like fairly quick you know between the people but I won't really answer questions via things like what's up because it just becomes like one more question one more question one more question well then you also have your whole family that your children your wife have rights over you yeah definitely was not my topic I switch I switch notifications off my I think so another thing I would advise everyone to do completely switch notifications leave the little red dot or whatever but switch notifications off banners banner notifications off your phone because you're just you're working and it's just like doing you're working didn't next one it's just on your phone it's just like you know doing what you know like so I try to have a queue of work I try to prioritize so when I come in on a Monday I deal with things like communication because usually have a big pile of emails because I don't answer anything Friday Saturday Sunday because Friday is the main day for lectures and Saturday is the main day for workshops and classes and Sunday is the day that I have off so I spend it with a family okay so I don't generally answer the phone at all Friday Saturday Sunday and I'm notorious for this you know people people take my number they get so happy they're like oh I've got his number I have seen me skiing or lying like that number it's not gonna it's not gonna any like it's not gonna benefit you in any ways because that number just rings and rings and rings and that's very exciting it's very experiment is the saying no and and knowing the rights of people that around you like the rights of your family is very important I'm conscious of taking up too much of time and therefore I wanna do in a brief view of a few things I've got a list of topics that I would love to also breathe let's finish off your daily routine first okay super you come back from where so work is all about you know I do do appointments with people I do them individually but when I I make people go through a filtering process so they send me like a via the website to say they want an appointment and I make them go through a filtering process so I am like do you really need an appointment or can I just answer this to you by email because email I can reuse stuff I can cut and paste right like I can you know I can send stuff you know so I kind of say like do I do they really need but when they need of course I'm more than happy to give them and try to be an approachable person you know people can come and see me and and you know what do to all that stuff I do my classes whatever and you know between the Salah goes to Salah come back whatever and then you know obviously I go home I probably go home it depends sometimes I manage to get home before my ribs sometimes between mother and Asia usually if it's between Muslim and Asia that time will be again with the homeschooling so it'll be about like just checking that the works being done marking setting the goals for tomorrow things like that and sometimes let me have my own projects if they need it and generally after Isha it's really just eating bed to be honest as much as because you can't then do that if you sleep late like last night had a very late night because I had some stuff to do and I ended up getting back at like 1:30 so that kind of lace ruin my like kind of routine for the for the rest of the day or your coffee man I can be okay but it depends on the diet on my phone like but yeah I can't be I can't be but I'm not like a person to drink like three four cups a day or something like that like I have a cup in the morning sometimes but like I'm not I'm not not as much as when people say that so that's my that's yeah any kind of my routine obviously Sunday's the Friday's very different and Saturday because they're just classes classes classes all day generally and obviously sunday is the day off with the family and I try not to do any homeschooling on that day and not to do any were any like Islamic Center work but I do do some of my own work which is my owned our projects and I just try and spend time with with family and as much as possible because they also it's a big Amana you know and I say this you know I'm saying this and I'm thinking why if I could stick to this routine that I've just told you I'd love it you know cuz they you know don't get me wrong every there are days where things just go completely wrong and you know I'm either working to relay or I'm back we or I've just you know messed up my routine there are days it was approaches you to do and well podcasting she's like no issues at all right so the next couple questions are a slightly perhaps more like knowledge-based and feel free not to answer them I mean if that's what you think's best one of them is about at the card this is a debate of a lot of people debate more like he's some of the people have different opinions on and one of them is so in your morning a score and nobody seems to have any issues we've kind of you'd prefer jury duty morning gothcorp there seems to be a big difference of opinion between the scholars on evening of course some people say do it between a ceremony when some people say do after Maghrib is there kind of like a clarification you could give on that play yeah I looked into this because I used to advise people to do a lot I said do your car to your car and what I found is that the opinion for after Maghrib is a minority opinion okay and they're actually almost everyone agrees you can do it after us and the difference is are you allowed to do it after Margaret Moore not okay I didn't find many people who held the opinion that you should do it after markup like from among the scholars and and this from limited research I might be wrong and maybe if anyone gets in touch with you and tells you that I'm wrong I'd be great you know I'd love to know but to the best of my knowledge I didn't find a main opinion that you should do it after Margaret I found only whether you can or whether the time finishes at Makkah rabona and that surprised me because I actually believed it was too after Margaret place to tell everyone after Margaret after Margaret that was just me presuming that the night begins at Makkah rape and stuff like that so I was like do after Maghrib do after Margaret but when I looked into it I found that the scholars pretty much all said do it after a sir and they differed can you do it after Margaret or not she said you have to do you mean like straight after I said look before van riebeck see any but a straight after me and and I experienced with my rakia patience as well that I found that after a sir was a lot more beneficial so I changed to being like am i man after us a person now there is some I've card that you do after Margaret like I'm still trying to find out this one way you read la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu hamed you here where you mean to uh why kulla shay'in qadir ten times immediately I have to finish the prayer I thought this was that the wording of the hadith is Margaret I mean either this is done specifically at Maghreb as opposed to the other ones but I would have to check all the different wordings to see if that's if there's not another wording that said you know just generally it has to be done after noon or something like that but you know there are a few that maybe you have to be done at Margaret but generally the earth car is a whole the ones where you do the evening earth car they don't have to uh so now for those listening who just really quick leave those listening who do you know so low five times a day and they say you know I do myself after times a day and and this is the source of protection for me I don't necessarily do math Carter how important is the earth God it's extremely important and in fact it from every point not just protecting yourself it's not just about you know people sometimes talk is that I usually talk a lot about the Djinn and rocky and it's not about that it's also just about protecting yourself from bad things happening to you during the day preserving your ability to be productive you know being able to get the most out of your day you know if you just just go through his non-muslim fortunes of the Muslim and look at the virtue of each of those I've got like one of them says if you do this no one will come to you on the day of judgment who is better except the one who does it more if you do this you'll be protected until the evening if you do this the Shaitaan will not come near you during the day if you do this you'll get the reward of freeing a slave and you know 100 good deeds and 100 bodies and each one of them is like ten seconds five seconds so imagine that the reward of doing them as a whole every day is like you're getting rewards for the whole day and in just in that one little sick and you emphasize the point of no easy there's a big misconception especially also in the Pakistani community because that's kind of where I know of it from of saying mashallah mashallah mashallah when when something happens and or when you're trying to ensure that you don't get iron on something and you mention you cross that it's better see Marshall at work a lot and I I did a clarification on that oh did you I didn't watch the cover yeah okay I did a clarification that's actually also partially wrong okay and I first of all the prophet saw I seldom said in the hadith seek Baraka if you see something you like or something like from your brother seek Baraka for him okay now tabarak Allah doesn't really seek Baraka for someone and tabarak Allah talks about how Eliezer gel is the source of blessings but it doesn't really say bless him okay so the the best way of doing it is to say to ask Allah to bless him so there's lots of ways of doing that so Allah Mubarak okay Allah Mubarak Lihue barakallahu like a fee he barakallahu like barakallahu feet anything where you're invoking barakah for the person okay that's the best way okay however some of the scholars expanded it and said whenever you remember that blessings come from Allah that's enough so say masha'Allah is enough because you are simply remembering that blessings come from Allah but definitely I Lakmal the more complete and the better way of doing things is to say a llama body or Allah Mubarak Lihue or barakallahu like poo barik alaa like a fee or you know any of these sort of wordings and I have some of my you know website of sort of things you can say but basically anything where you're invoking blessings and if you don't know how to do that in Arabic even in English is to say you know may Allah bless you in it you know Allah bless you may Allah bless you in it that's what's important is to invoke Baraka for them and some of the scholars said Tabarrok Allah doesn't invoke Baraka for them okay you Tabarrok Allah tells you a lot as the source of blessings and that Allah is our last parent Allah is the most perfect and all of his attribute to perfect that's Tabarrok Allah but it doesn't tell you that oh allah send blessings upon this person even if it is implied and that's why other scholars said it's enough to say masha'Allah Tabarrok Allah because you're implying you're remembering that blessings come from Allah and implying for a lot to send those blessings upon your brother because the essence of jealousy is not only to want something that's to covet something it's to want something and want the other person to lose it that's the essence of jealousy so jealousy is for me to desire something but me to desire that other person to lose what they have and that tells you that like that's a really that comes from a sick heart because you know like I might look at someone with a really beautiful car and I might say you know I might look at that person with who's got like a really really beautiful car and I might say that that you know oh I wish I had that car but to say I wish that person would lose that car and be poor and living on the streets and that I could drive the car instead of him that takes a really you know a really sad heart and that's what jealousy is jealousy is nothing other than that and that is what when Allah said woman surely has hidden either has said from the evil of the person who is jealous when they when they when they Envy because it's evil you know that it comes from a person I desire for that person to lose it and for you to get it instead as opposed to all just thing oh Allah give me a car like his or give me a car better than his it's like oh Allah let him lose it and let him suffer and let me get instead and that's like you know that's something you know something which only comes from a really sick and evil heart okay can one say like I love abetik to oneself about oneself yeah you can see you can say you can see o Allah bless me yeah and you know like you can you can ask Allah so gel to to make you thank him for the blessings Robbie Oceanian - Quran aromatic and all that you know the different things that you would say but you can say all I'm about especially because you sometimes can become impressed with yourself and the scholars differ with regard to evil eye as to whether you can give the evil eye out of amazement without jealousy but I think the correct opinion is yes you can in other words you can give the evil eye without being jealous you can give the evil eye out of being amazed like wow look at that you can give the evil eye from that as opposed to wow look at that I want him to lose it like so when you see something from yourself you're impressed with like you can be like you know you could look at yourself and think wow hamdullah so you should at least say alhamdulillah or all are bless me or I'll continue your blessings upon me or you know oh Allah allow me to thank you for the blessings we thank she's gonna give you more your but you try to like not to be amazed at yourself you know and to just kind of you know to invoke blessings for everything and everyone really sure I would love to end the podcast by discussing a bit and asking to be about the humble foundation is something that you set up what is it how can people help towards it if people can help towards it and what your plans for it okay so the humble foundation is my long-term project for what I want to do or what I want to contribute back to the community and it's a registered charity now the website is so all that it's like totally outdated with what we're doing but that's on my list of things to do alarm stands I'm I'm working on I'm working on it in my own it's not the website design is the problem it's the core it's a Content but like I'm working on it in my own time but I see the humble foundation is something like I'm not rushed with it it's it's my long-term goal of what I what I want to give back to the to the community inshallah and as a charity you know people open charities and you know people think like I would not open a charity for disaster recovery or poverty relief and that's beautiful but that wasn't my expertise so the humble foundation is mostly not completely but mostly centered around educational projects and and about open sourcing knowledge like like getting this knowledge that is only with a few people and making it as easy for people to consume as possible and you know things like professionalizing the you know the Masjid helping new Muslims you know all of these kind of these kind of like things that I think other charities maybe aren't doing as much as I would like not to say that there aren't other charities but that there aren't as many whereas if I were to open want to do like disaster recovery or disaster relief or like you know they're a brilliant choice I would just be taking the like try and squeeze in with a charity who's amazing you know like we got a crisis aid and people like that is you know beautiful brothers doing great work I wouldn't want to kind of like muscle in on that like I want to do science in my own field so a lot of its online projects where we translating the Quran to provide a better higher quality translation based on what's already there so we're not removing the the wonderful work that's been done by the the other people but but trying to like improve it in terms of the quality of the English the understandability the choice of language and also the accuracy in relation to Tufts ear providing loads of books for free open sourcing like stuff out on the Internet waste new ways to learn Islam better ways to memorize the Quran you know improving the situation of the massages and the local community centers and you know best practices for them like all this kind of stuff like so there are so so many projects we've got a project coming up which is an online dower type project which is basically providing materials for people to be able to use on their social media feeds and things like that to give to give down because one of the things we see it's really really terrible is that people often spread wrong information and they really want good you know like they really want to spread good stuff but they need like good quality material so it's like totally free royalty-free like you know good quality material that people can share with other people and be confident that it's that it's you know reliable that they can share with non-muslims who maybe they don't know how to approach or how to talk to and they can they it have like so we got some some media campaigns that people can just take and put out there but all this stuff is up and coming because at the moment until really I finished work with Islamic Center it's difficult for me to get it fully up and running we got the registered charity status alhamdulillah and in terms of donations and I never asked for donations and I'm like I'm a person that look if someone wants to get involved alhamdulillah more than welcome I'll never stop someone some wants to donate and more than welcome but I I really have a pet hate of people asking for things you know like and for us we don't need a lot of money on hamdullah like it's not a project that needs millions and millions it's a project that needs you know a little bit every now and again you know just like topping up every now and again so a lot of it is online and we let other people so for example we might produce this tower material and if people want to print it they're welcome to take it print it distribute it in the local areas what whatever file funds they have but the material is there at online free so that's the kind of way we do now at the moment it's been through a numb of revisions because I started off with an idea and it didn't quite work the way I wanted it to and that website kind of at the moment it reflects kind of some of the old stuff we've improved it we've got you know try I'm trying not to bring too many people on board right now and the reason is I think if you bring people on board too early before you yourself are organized and have the idea it just turns into like organized chaos like so I'm trying to get myself like fully organized with what I want to do project by project I've got a few limited people that help me like in certain fields I was someone looking after new Muslim side someone but just very limited and you know it's it's my long-term project so my vision inshallah is when I finish my work with Islamic Center and I'm still doing it now but obviously when I finish you know really to push this all the way and the main reason I made it a charity is that I don't want to benefit I made myself a trustee so that legally I can't benefit from the from the donations that I can't take anything from it because people used to come and give people used to come and give donations to me like for things like Rokia and i just put it in a pot and give to the you know to whoever and I thought you know what it is wouldn't it be better if we save these donations and use them for something really amazing so I said right let me open a charity and that way there's no temptation for me cuz legally I can't I can't touch it anyway like I can't take a salary from it I can't take an income from it and that means that helps me you know it's another reason why I don't push for donations because that it's not like I'm asking for a for a salary or like this is like literally just what I need to keep the project going some server costs that I pay every month to purify you know and I just wanted something that doesn't you know I wanted something that doesn't involve work you know a hard life you've been given a profession like you know at the moment I work in that word because that's a general opportunity came to me but you know if you've been given a profession by Allah Azza WA JAL I'd you know that's what I would like to do I wouldn't like to kind of have to go to like charity work and things like that as to as a means to earn a living so you know the foundation is is very much in planning in early stages in the sense that we've got projects ongoing we are producing material but it is like very very drip drip drip and people sometimes say like Oh mind you've been three years you haven't produced anything but it's drip drip drip at the moment but insha'Allah they'll come up with tipping point when it becomes like inshallah all that material becomes available and and be even later Allah we start you know snowballing it and it becomes something you know really beneficial each other and once it is ready the website is the websites there right now it's just out of date but its humble foundation over and your personal website and my personal website is Muhammad IMCOM muh a mm ad t I am calm so that's how people come and P keep updated with you and both of them are terribly up to date but I'm honestly please do ask I'd love to be like I said most of the problem is content rather than like it's not like I am hamdullah loads of people do website design but it's just like it's more like getting the time to sit down and do the content and you know we just do what Allah makes easy for us keep trying like we talked about earlier when you sometimes struggle to do something we just keep trying trying trying just have supper until allies which it opens a door but you know HMDA I'm really excited about the projects that coming up well was that Mohammed team humble Jesus cooler here for jumping on podcast and for dedicating time to ask you a very busy man and a hundred this is something that we went for a very very long time and insha'Allah there were so many different topics that we didn't even open so you did it across all the traps of the Shaitaan we didn't go into that and the whole rookie our stuff and so in Charlotte if you're ever in the UK over here back in the UAE please do yeah inshallah this time Sam communities of the Sun yes for sure inshallah why not jaeseok Allahu Akbar a Colombians pleasure on particle of eco Salam or aleikum why I'm Salaam to market
Channel: Freshly Grounded
Views: 80,382
Rating: 4.9177055 out of 5
Keywords: Freshly Grounded, Sam, Faisal, Sam Palmer, Faisal Choudhry, Podcast, Muslims, Muslim Podcast, tim humble
Id: -8ArtU5EmZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 16sec (7276 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.