Physical Description of the Prophet (ﷺ) - Session 1 of 7 - Tim Humble

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we begin by praising Allah what ila we praise Him we seek his help we ask his forgiveness we bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala alone and with no partner we bear witness that muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is his slave and his final messenger the first thing that I just wanted to show you carrying on from yesterday is a copy of the actual book itself and these are a couple of of copies this one is entitled Asaf and Navi sallallahu alehiwassallaam the description of the prophet sallallaahu is and this is the book of shimmer in vitamin E it's the same book but it just has a different title according to what they found Bible major a few healthy rasool allah sallallahu alehiwassallaam that which is narrated about the physical characteristics of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that's just to show you what the book sort of looks like and just to show you you know so that you sort of have an idea we're going to go back to the presentation in a second but just for you guys to see a copy an electronic copy of the book inshaallah we should be able to put that on some sort of website or email link or something so you guys can download it even if it's just for you to flick through the book and actually look at it and say this is the book that i've been studying and there are there's another one which is a similar copy and again it has the same thing and it starts with babel maha feel Kalki or elsewill in that he sallallahu alayhi wasallam we're going to be switching back and forward between many different copies and and looking at many different a hadith today be delighted to borrow a quarter ala and we will start insha'Allah by talking a little bit about reminding ourselves about how it Timothy ordered his book so who can remind me about the something about without looking at your notes something about the order that any Mahmud tyranny Rahim a whole lot shows in his book he began with the physical characteristics of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what did he start with after that he worries to where before he used to wear his possessions the things he used to have his sword and his you know his turban and you know his you know like the things that he used to own and then his clothing and then he went into what was the next thing you mentioned went into his manners into his manners and into how he used to deal with people and then into his worship and what did I tell him in he finish his book with dream seeing the Prophet SAW Allah while he was a limp in a dream there are a lot of a hadith that we're going to cover today be in Laie Subotica what allah but we're going to start with the hadith of Ana's bin Malik ruddy Allah who an anemometer Timothy says Bab Imagi a few healthy Rasul Allah he sallallahu alayhi wasallam the chapter that relates to the physical characteristics of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what are we expecting to see in here give me some examples what kind of physical characteristics physique height weight when his sort of you know body composition was he heavyset what unis posture his facial complexion the color of his skin his eyes his mouth the cut his hair the length of it and so on and so forth these are the things that we're expecting to see in here you might expect that a Mamet a Timothy in this chapter would talk about the harem the seal of the Prophet but he doesn't he delays that until the fourth chapter of his book so the first three relate to or the first three in a broad sense parts relate to the physical characteristics but he mama tell me the second main chapter is on the heart I'm the seal that was on the back of the prophet sallallaahu alias and we're going to join them all together before 11 o'clock so we have a lot of stuff to go through the first hadith Abu Raja Cole Tabor even oh sorry narrates from Malik even Ana's what's the difference between Malachi bananas and aniseh bin Malik they weren't father-and-son but good guests all my leaky bananas and Anna sipping Malik who is Molly Kip and Alison who is Anna 7 Malik easy first of all who's Anna sipping Malik the sahabi al-jalil the servant of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ana's bin Malik announced re radi allahu anhu alpha who is Malik a bananas al imam malik and imam malik even Ana's the Imam and people often get them confused because their names are the reversal of each other but they were not there was not a close distance between them from Maliki bananas from Ravi ribbon or a bee Abdul Rahman that he heard honest even Manik rhodiola and say the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam was neither very tall such that he would be clearly noticed nor was he very short or no was he short he was not extremely white and neither was he very brown his hair was neither very curly nor was it completely straight Allah commissioned him towards the end of his 40th year he remained in Makkah for 10 years and in Medina for 10 years Allah caused him to pass away at the turn of his 60th year and there were not to be found as much as 20 white hairs on his head and his beard we have a lot to cover in this heady so we're going to break it down bit by bit Ana's brother a lava and was sent by his mother was brought by his mother at a very young age to serve the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sender an anise is describing what he knows of the prophets ice element every one of the Companions describes a different aspect every one of the Companions sees something different we're going to come across the hadith of hint perhaps in a little while and this is the hadith of Hindus narrating to Al Hasan even Ali well the Allah who I'm home so in this hadith the point I was going to make the hadith of hint and this is the hadith in which Al Hassan who only saw the prophet sallallaahu aya ceremony was very small he asks his uncle hint does anyone know who hint was does anyone know who hints who was Hindes mother now have a think of this yeah hasn't he been Ali who is the son of Ali bin Abi Talib the grandson of the Prophet sly Salem his mother is Ali aunt and so his father is Ali his mother is Fatima rhodiola Hanna he says my uncle my maternal uncle my uncle on my mother's side now Fatima didn't have a brother so how did he have an uncle on his on his mother's side fart him I didn't have a brother or did she I'll leave you guys to think about that fathom I didn't have a brother we know the two sons of the prophets is allah wa salem died a costume and ibrahim past aware of the allahu anhu Mardan when they were very very small so your question just to get your mind thinking who was far teamers brother who narrates this hadith hint in any case hint narrates this and and Hassan Hassan says about him were karna was often he was an expert in describing now Anna's here is gives a good description but hindi was our stuff he was an expert his expertise and this was an expertise amongst the Arabs at the time of the prophets I Salim I was soft someone who is an expert at describing people you know you have those guys who do the police some what do you call him the the photofit descriptions and they're an expert you know they just talk to you and say what was his nose like what was his mouth and they can literally draw you a picture there were people like that in the time of the prophet sallallaahu ideas and but they didn't draw the pictures but they they described them in such a way that you would know the person but Ana's he is describing to the best of his ability he says Makana rasoolallah so Lola or he said can rasool ullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam lays a bit parallel bar in wala bill kasich the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was not toil which means tall al bad in and bad in is when you notice somebody to be exceptionally tall it doesn't mean that he wasn't tall but it means that you wouldn't notice him to be exceptionally tall in another narration and I haven't written this down so you can make a little note it says we're kinda in a torii up club he was closer to being tall and short he was closer to being tall than he was to being short that's in another narration of the hadith wakana in a torii a crab he was closer to being tall then he was to being short and that's the same meaning here he was not extremely tall or noticeably tall so you know when you're one of you stands up in the room and he's six foot four and I'm not talking about feet in the height of The Messenger of Allah slice I'm knocking is narrated in terms of feet but I'm just giving you an example you can understand someone six foot four you notice him tower above everybody someone is a brother is five foot four you notice him being smaller than most of the people in the room the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was not extremely tall and noticed he didn't say extremely short he said he was not short at all so anything that we would consider short for a man maybe we'd even say you know like in our Terms we'd say five seven maybe even five eight is short for a man so we're saying that he was not in any way short nor was he so tall that you noticed him tower up above the people and he was closer to being tall than he was to being short so if you said in our Terms today if I was to give an example of a man who is six foot tall example or five 411 for example or six foot one you know someone who is tall but they don't tower above everybody this is the example of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and allah subhanaw taala chose the best of characteristics you know when someone for a man is excessively tall it's you know that's how Allah created them but the no doubt that the most beautiful in terms of the characteristics of a man is a man who is tall without being extremely tall and that is how the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was he was tall but he wasn't so tall that you would notice him tower above in another narration and again you can make a little note of this it said when he was amongst his companions when he was with his companions nobody would seem to be taller than him when he was with his companions nobody would seem to be taller than him and that is one of the the miracles in his physical characteristics even though there might be a person from the companions who was six foot six example yeah but whenever the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam would stand next to somebody you would never see anybody tower above him so allah spant I never gave anyone the look that they are overpowering the messenger of allah that their towering above him he would seem to be the tallest of his companions and yet when he was on his own he would not seem to be exceptionally tall so he was neither extremely tall nor was he short at all he was of medium height closer to being tall and this is going to come in other hadith he was Arab attend Omar Ubu and and robber and marwa and Arabic both means someone who is of medium height but like Anna said or like the other narration work Anna Allah told Europe he was closer to being tall so he had height in him but you wouldn't look at him and say oh he's really really tall the hadith continues after the tall and the short what a bill a BLM help while I will add them now Anna's goes on to talk about his skin color he said he was not a leopard LM helped an a be able M Huck is pure white like the colour of you know someone who is you know purely white in the sense that their skin is absolutely white they have no color in their skin and they're sort of like limestone you know someone you see some of the English brothers who are very very fair and their skin is extremely white and that you to the point where it's a blob and HUP it's like absolutely white nor was he Adam and the word Adam here means brown brown colored skin so the skin of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was often described as being white it was also described as having a reddish tone or a brownish tone and what is meant when we join all of these narrations together is that his skin was fair in terms of the Arabs but it was not so fair as that you would describe him as being purely white nor was it so dark that you would describe his skin as being brown so you would neither describe it as being excessively white nor brown but somewhere in between you know when you look at the kind of Mediterranean the fair sort of Mediterranean color that's neither white nor is it brown but it's somewhere in between and more than that in other narrations it's mentioned by Alban mushroom bomba hammer a white color that had a reddish tone to it mush Ruben muhammara but you can just write it in English that I would that a white color that was that had a reddish color in it so his skin didn't have a brownish tone in it in the terms of the the color of his skin it didn't have like it didn't look like like a half-caste kind of mix between white and brown it had more red in it than it had brown in it so it was white with it a reddish tone so he was not extremely white neither was he brown his hair was neither very curly nor was it completely straight so again you're seeing this middle thing he's not so told that he you know sort of his gangling above the people like so high and I neither his he short he is not brown in skin color nor is he white but he is in between and if you just look at that in skin color generally people who have a darker skin color what do they generally like in terms of what do they generally consider to be beautiful a lighter skin tone people who have a lighter skin color what do they generally consider to be beautiful a slightly darker skin tone yes so the two come together in the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yeah when people are very white they appreciate a bit of a tan yeah like a bit of color in their skin and when people are very dark they appreciate fairness in the skin so he was neither excessively white nor was he brown but he was a white that was mixed with red or a white with a tinge of brown in it his hair was neither very curly nor was it strict i jacked al-kitab is the word in Arabic I'll Jack I'll pop out and I'll Jack al-kitab is the hair that is so curly that it tangles into each other and bits of it hang over the others no not afro but hair that is it has even when you look amongst Middle Eastern hair but it's so curly that the curls sort of wrap itself around and as Sabbath is someone who has hair that looks like it's been straightened you know by a acept or a Sabbath his hair that's so straight when it hangs down it looks almost like it's been straightened it's absolutely straight it's mentioned that his hair had a small wave in it so it was slightly curly it was slightly curly or it was slightly wavy it had a small wave in it but it was neither excessively curly that you would describe him as having curly hair nor was it rigidly straight and again this is praiseworthy in terms of the Arabs and in terms of what people consider to be beautiful and handsome is that his hair had a wave in it it had a little movement in it but it was not you know excessively straight you know so that it looked like it had been straightened nor was it excessively curly so bits of it would tangle and so they mentioned that his hair would not enter into like intertwine with itself so would not be sort of like tangley and messy but at the same time it would not be immaculately straight Allah commissioned him towards the end of his 40th year we have no problem with this the problem comes he remained in Makkah for 10 years and in Medina for 10 years who can tell me the problem with that Jade the problem here is that there were 13 years in where in Medina and Mecca five thirteen years in Medina we sure are in Mecca I will make a note in shala you guys can have a little little google of it 13 years in Makkah 13 years in Makkah and 10 years in in Medina Allah caused him to pass away at the turn of his 60th year again what should it be at the turn of 63rd year and there were not to be found as much as 20 white hairs on his head and be it they were not to be found as much as 20 white heads and what is mentioned is that there has some of them said 14 and some of them said the tips of 14 of the hairs had had got a little bitter or the tips of his beard had a little reddish 'no sinned them and you know the tips of the beard that have a little reddish nests in them that's when they starting to go white but they haven't gone white so it's mentioned that some of the heads and his beard had the tips of them had started to turn lighter so to have a reddish sort of tone to them and that's what happens before it turns white but there they were own there were less than 20 and some said 14 white hairs on the head and the beard of the prophecies and together if you counted them together so Allah subhana to Allah gave him the most complete example of beauty and and of handsomeness that a man can have as for this issue in the narration generation is Sahin and there's no issue with this narration at all what this is is an example there are a number of alanna mentioned this they said this is an example of what they call al Haruka saw which is where the narrator is talking in a general sense and so I've actually deliberately missed translated it as ten years but what might be said is around ten years that's what anis was not talking specific he's sing about ten years in Makkah and about ten years in Medina and he died at about sixty he's not he's not giving a like you know 10 years to the day on the dot that he he's just saying you know 10 years 10 years 60 like he's giving a general a general overview so he's taking away like much when someone says you know 6.3 and they round it down to 6 so it's that kind of example here that's what we think or that's what most of the LMI mentioned because there's nothing wrong with this hadith from a chain there's nothing wrong with his head he's from our point of view but even if anis himself sort of didn't know the exact length of time in Makkah remember that anis didn't live in Makkah with the prophets Allah is Allah he only met the prophets SM in Medina so the fact that you know the anis narrates it's not an issue for us because what we what we want is the description within it moving on to the second hadith her made even Masada al Basri narrated to us that Abdul Wahab orthography narrated from her made from Anna Sabina Malik in rubble Lama and that he said and this is another hadith of Anna's on the same topic another wording of the hadith of Anna's the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was of medium stature and that's what we we meant by his neither very tall nor short of a goodly build any his build his physique was a good physique and it's mentioned about his physique as well and we're going to come up some of it come across some of the things that were mentioned about his physique but before we talk about them generally it's mentioned again in his physique he was neither what you would describe as heavyset or fat you know like or very not even fat but heavyset you know he wasn't like a big heavy sort of person nor was he thin so evil he was of a good build a physically strong and healthy build he had the signs of strength they mentioned that he you know the ends of his you know where his joints and his bones were bulky you know like so our last part Allah gave him a great amount of strength it's mentioned that his hands were thick-set he had sick hands and feet but in having that those characteristics he was not what you would call heavyset a big heavy sort person nor was he what you would call thin and again this is the perfect description of a man he's athletic he's had he's fit he's physically strong but he's not so physically strong that he's what you'd call bulky and cumbersome and sort of like they say he didn't lift his feet when he used to walk he didn't lift his feet like it was a hardship for him like you know sort of a big sort of lifting his feet one by one he didn't lift his feet like that he was lean but not what you would call lean or thin he was he was strong without being thin and he was strong without being bulky so this is kind of his his bit of his build his height his hair was neither curly no completely straight he had a brownish complexion some of the ulema reject this hadith with the word brown in it and they say this is a mistake from one of the narrators because this brownish complexion rejects all goes against what is mentioned in the other hadith that white mixed with red or white with a reddish tint what we can say is one of two things either one of the narrator's made a mistake in the word brownish or what is also possible is that he is indicating a sort of a brownish color that comes from white mixed with red when you have white skin that is naturally sort of you know tan and it has that reddish tone in it it can appear to be to have a kind of a light a very very light brown kind of color so either we say it's like that or either we say that there are we the narrator in the hadith made a mistake and if we go back to all of the other hadith that are authentic that say white mixed with red or a light color neither white nor brown and but if you say a brownish complexion it doesn't I don't think it contradicts it so openly that you can just you know throw the hadith away because it's safe to say that if someone has a light-colored sort of skin from the Arabs a very light skin and it has a very reddish complexion it has a degree of of a brownish tone to it as well and when he walked yet I kept that tech f4 and would lean forward and it's mentioned in another narration yet a Kepha okay and now II and help doorman suburb as though he was walking down an incline he would walk so briskly and so quickly his companions would have to run to catch up and it's mentioned when he would lift his feet he would not lift his feet in a heavy sort of way he would lift his feet with power and strength he would walk very strongly had a very strong stride it's also mentioned that his stride would not be excessively wide so he would not he had a naturally long stride that's also mentioned he had a naturally long stride but it was not so long that he unnaturally was making big big big steps like someone who's trying to jump three or four stairs at a time and he's naturally stretching his legs but by his natural physique he would have a large a long stride and he would walk with power one of the words used in Arabic is that he would walk with power such a he would lift his feet with strength and power so you could see the strength that was in him and when he would walk he would he would be walking so briskly that it would be as if he was decline going down an incline cannon we had had women sob up as though he was going down and a hill you know he's leaning for and he's walking very very very quickly and it's mentioned in other narrations that the companions would rush they would not be able to catch up with his natural walking pace he would walk very very quickly continuing on because we have so many a hadith to cover Mohammed even was sharp I lab D narrated to us that Mohammed even Jennifer narrated from sharaba from his harp that he heard al bara or audio lava and see the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had slightly curly hair and was of medium stature with broad shoulders his hair was thick reaching his earlobes and he wore a red collar I have never seen anything more beautiful than he this is one of the a hadith to describe the beauty of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and likewise in the hadith of Al Hassan even ali radiya llahu and cobbler who are better who Missler I have never seen anyone before or after him that looked like him and in another hadith I compared him to the moon and I found him to be more beautiful in the moon and for the Arabs the moon is the absolute you know pinnacle of beauty you know like when they used to describe beauty and Arabic poetry they often used the moon and he said I saw the moon on a full night this Hadees his wife but it has some supporting narrations that I saw the moon on on it's full night when the light was out and the moonlight was you know splashing all over the land and I saw the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wearing a red her love which we'll come to in a moment and he's then he says about he said and I looked at him and I looked at the moon and I found him to be more beautiful in the moon now imagine the moon on a full night and if the moonlight is everywhere it's a beautiful sight to see that clear sky and the moonlight is shining on the trees and then he looks at the messenger of allah sallallahu alehiwassallaam is more beautiful in them the Sahabi off the top of my head our continent we can find it we can do a quick search at the end it's if one of the ayah decent amount in a tell me this book but I don't think we mentioned it jabber now I know there are two narrations one is from Jabbar and one is from another Sahabi one of them is DYFS and one of them is okay but possibly from the hadith of jaga I did of jabber Jade from jabber that he says I on the moon like the moonlight yes this hadith his life this hadith his life but it has in it what it has testified like there are other companions who described him in the same way okay he had slightly curly hair now again it's mentioned that his hair was not curly so that it it intertwined but it was more of a wave like it was more of a natural sort of wave in the hair as in the hair was not immaculately straight it had a slight wave in it he was a medium stature with broad shoulders it said that he was he had a slim sword a slim waist this is mentioned in other hadith that he had a slim waist and again those of you who trained what is their ideal for a man is it not to have a slim waist and broad shoulders right so he had broad shoulders sallallahu alayhi wasallam and yet his his shoulders were broader than the lower part of his body it's also mentioned that his stomach was immaculately flat like he had no / troodon part of his stomach it did not protrude neither what did his back protrude so it wasn't so EXO much so he had that kind of lean muscle that it wasn't so much saw that it stuck out or that he had like a big sort of stick out stomach and stick out back and stick out shoulders but he had broad shoulder the upper part of his body was broad and the lower part or the medium part of his body was not as broad and likewise they said that his stunt in another hadith that his stomach was flat and his back was flat meaning that there was no sort of fat or know sort of excessive bulk that would show on him from the front or from the back his hair was thick reaching his earlobes there are many many many narrations about his hair from the narrations about his hair sallallahu alayhi wasallam is that it would reach his earlobe and some of the Companions said it would reach his shoulders and some of them said it would strike the tips the tips of his hair would strike his shoulders and it's also narrated that if he was able to gather his hair together in two braids at the front he would do so and when his hair was too short to gather together in two braids from the front he would not do so so a lot of things mentioned about his hem we're not going to be able to cover all of them but generally the most common was that his hair would reach his earlobes or just past his earlobes and there are three words for the length of your hair between your earlobes and your shoulders in Arabic three unique words al Juma and I'll Jim Matt is the hair that comfortably reaches the shoulders Jumma the header comfortably reaches the shoulders and then there is al waffa waffa and that is the hair that reaches what fara just write in English wfr aah that would reach the the shack my to Alden a this is the shack mount of your ear here the what you call it the ear lobe where women put earrings and not men that's how the LMI describe it anyway women put they would say shaft metal or then is where women put the earrings and not men Shama to ozonate the earlobe and when the hair reaches the earlobe it's called Allah Farah and the hair that reaches between the earlobe and the shoulder I think is called a limb or lemma I think a limo with a castle ah but we'll have to check it and that is the hair that reaches between the earlobe and the shoulders so they have very detailed ways of describing and in here the word used is drummer drummer which is the hair that reaches the shoulders but then he makes it clear that this hair even though it was as though it was reaching the shoulders it only came up to the earlobes but sometimes he would let it grow between the earlobes and the shoulders and sometimes he would if it was a little longer he would tie it in two braids as the men used to do not like the women's braids like the women did where they plat their hair but braids that would come from the front of the hair tie backwards and from the front and this is how the men used to especially in battle the Mendon used to like the hair sort of like you know all over their face while they're trying to shoot somebody or you know cut someone's head off with a sword they would tie their hair into into braids and some of you might have seen some pictures either from films or from you know from pictures of history and things of people who had this and we can't say that's exactly how the messenger of allah slice em used to have it but you see sort of braids coming down to big braids coming down the front the parting will come to ensure life if we don't come to it in one of the hadith will we'll talk about the parting of the hair and okay his hair was thick so he had a good head of hair it wasn't you know thin that it was balding it wasn't that it was for remember this is a 60 year old sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know 55 or 60 or so plus Han Allah and his hair is it has a thick you know head of hair with no white in it at all and he wore a red hula hula is a clothing or a pet a set of clothing that is made up for Merida and is hard so it's made up of a knees are like a skirt or a you know a wrap around like a wrap that you wrap around your you like or you guys go along here like like a wrapped something that is wrapped around your waist and it's made of a radar and Nerida is what you wrap so in Iran you have your Azhar which is the URIs are which is the bottom part and you have your radar which is the top part a hula is something made up of those two parts and the reason they say sometimes called a challah is because one of them overlaps the other that's apparently why they call it challah because part of it overlaps the other now the problem here is not the hula what's the problem here the color red the color red because the Prophet sighs Helen forbade us to wear red so what do we say who's going to show that show me some thick this highly sorry he was wearing a red Earl and it's mentioned in the Hadees of Jabba and his mention in many Hadees some parts of another color in a martial art of Oracle lost some parts of another color or it was not absolutely red maybe it didn't have that pure red color that was from top to bottom and this pure red color it seems like it is allowed for women to wear it and Allah knows best because of the hadith that the prophets I said give it to one of or give it to your wife will give it to one of your wives I forget the narration now but for men definitely wearing completely red and some of the oil may have other things they say it depends what it's dyed with is it dyed with saffron or is it dyed with something that gives a red tint but it's not purely red in any case it was not a pure red color from you know like sort of the red that you attractable with here from top to bottom but it was of a reddish color maybe mixed with another color and I've never seen anything more beautiful than him and we've seen that there are many many other Sahaba who described him in this way Riley who was an immoral dia and much my Mohammed name is Marion narrated before that let's have a look at the Senate in this Senate there are some very very very important people Mohammed Ivanova shark is important because like Katya who was in the first hadeeth mohamed elmeshad is someone who was a teacher of all of the six imams of hadeeth Albahari muslim i would a little mini and the siphon magic all of them took hadith and recorded hadith from mohamed elmeshad ma and mohamed elmeshad most of the time he narrates from muhammad imran jaffa and then we come to sharma sureba is one of only two or three people to be described as a mere or meaningful hadith he is the leader of the believers in hadith and from the most knowledgeable of the Muslims ever in history of Hadees and sharaba was harsh Sharada was extremely harsh one of his students is narrated about Shobha that one of his students one day was narrating a hadith and you know he narrated this hadith and he mean he brought this hadith from so and so and when shut up I heard him say it he turned around to him and he just slapped him straight across the face and maybe on the head maybe not on the face but he just slapped him you know straight across and he said is this how you narrate from the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and look in the book I said yeah that's what I heard so then Schreber went off and he traveled you know to bother dad and two here and two there to look for the Heidi sure go was extremely tough teacher and he is one of those people was extremely harsh in his criticism of narrators as well so sure that's an important person to know because Schreiber was a very very important figure in hadith so it's important you know him likewise a boy's heart without a shadow of a doubt and sureba is one of those people who'd said only narrated from someone who's reliable so sure but was not known for narrating from people who a week in fact sureba has one of the most famous statements that I would be that I would commit zina is more beloved to me than that I would give it a false impression in a of hadith - The Messenger of Allah Sai Salim and sure that is someone who was extremely extremely harsh and extremely strong in defending the Sunnah and defining the hadith of the messenger of allah sallallahu alehiwassallaam who else has it being said about them I mean what meaningful Hadees does anyone know Sophie an authority who was there along with sharaba who else one other person comes to mind only one that I can recall anyway I'll be Hari three people that are commonly known as Amira meaningful Hadees sureba Sofie an authority and Alabama Bihari so you see the kind of level of the person that we're talking about here and inshallah we'll come across some other points I just thought I'd pick that up Muhammad rest mine Allahu Alem is this Albahari time it may be addressed by Al Bukhari but we'd have to check the chain about whether that whether this is a hadith is narrating for mobile Hadi from a burner I'm from Alma Saudi from earth man even Muslim even hormones from NASA huge where I'm from ali bin ABI talib radiyallahu anh that he said the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was neither tall nor short his hands and feet were heavy and thick so he's now it's mentioned that his hands and feet were heavy as in were bottom were thick but at the same time it's mentioned that his skin was so soft Anna Solley Allah who and said I have never touched silk as soft as the skin of the messenger of allah sallallahu idealism so Anna said I've never touched silk as soft as the skin of The Messenger of Allah so Allah while he listened so his skin was EXO now if you know me think of heavyset hands what do you think of me think of rough you know like sort of big heavy like hands and really rough and sort of it wasn't like that his hands were large because he was so powerful and strong Allah gave him the strength of many many men as men eration ten men and it's narrated more than so the point is that he was extremely strong and he had thick hands and feet but his hands and feet were very smooth so again the beauty is there that when you touched it it was finer than touching silk it's also narrated about his feet that when he would make wood all the water would not cling to his feet because of how smooth they were the water would not be not even a drop of water would cling to his feet like you know when you pour water over something it's very very smooth and the water just just drops off would drop off his feet naturally because of how smooth his feet work and that it is feet had no coarseness or no um like dips or you know like not moles but you know when you have like like dips and sort of holes and like you know grain rough skin that it wasn't like that it was smooth unless they said like very very very smooth and it was a soft as skin as as silk and he had a very large we had a large head not excessively large to the point that his head was considered to be like huge but it was a large head again this is a sign of strength and it's a sign of beauty and it's a sign of manliness he had large bones I mean the meaning of large bones here is not large bones but that his his his physique was a strong was a strong physique and that he had a strong frame it was not large that it made him like large in terms of you know big build but it was it was large in the sense that that his bones were you know sewer work was strong well were were something that showed his strength you could see in his physique his strength so he had large bones but it's not again excessively large so the meaning of large bones here is not excessively large to the point that you know he but he has a long long frame his arms were neither excessively long nor were they short but they were of a medium length but his bones that sure you know the bones in the body that show your strength and your power were Lodge so it's mentioned that you know the chest bone and the back and you know sort of the the bones that show and the physique that shows someone's strength was was was large without being excess we saw and he had a long line of fine hair from his chest to his navel it's mentioned that most of the body of the messenger of allah saw i seldom was hairless or had very little hair on he had very very little hair to the point that some some of them described parts of his body as ben mujaddid as being like having no hair at all or almost no hair at all where he was innovators having hair is a fine fine hair that would come from the chest to the navel straight as though someone had drawn a line so again the hair was very very fine you could almost not see it but it was almost like someone had drawn a line between his chest and his navel some very fine chest hair and it's mentioned that most of the rest of his body was hairless or had very very little hair there was some hair around the heart him around the and the seal of the Prophet on his back sallallahu alayhi wasallam but it was mentioned that most of his body was hairless or had very little hair but he had this fine very very very fine hair that ran from his chest to his navel when he walked he leant forward as if descending a slope I have not seen anyone before him or after him who was comparable thing and this is another example of the Sahaba emphasizing the beauty of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in this hadith this is the hadith of Ibraheem of Muhammad one of the sons of ali bin abu talib narrated to me that when ali described the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would say the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was neither extremely tall nor extremely short we've covered he was a medium stature along the people but Anna said he was closer to being tall than short his hair was neither curly nor completely straight rather in between we've seen that in the other Hadees he did not have a very fleshy face neither was it completely round in another hadith it's mentioned was the face of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa seldom like a sword and some of them say like a sword means as in was it long and sort of sharp like a sword and he said no rather it was like the moon meaning it didn't have the sharpness of a sword nor was it as long as a sword but it was around but not so round that it would be considered to be completely round but it had a roundness to it and a little length to it so it was not something it was not a long face but it was a round face without being completely round or extremely round rather it was only slightly so he was white skinned having a reddish tinge which we've covered his eyes were large with jet back black black pupils and his lashes were long it's mentioned that his eyelashes were very long and it's mentioned in another hadith and we have to check the authenticity but it's mentioned another hadith or I you to who ik hell while ASA biack hell I saw him as though he was wearing coral and coral looks like mascara yeah like it makes your eyelashes look long and dark and black and it separates between thee between the eyelashes right ooh-hoo a Khal wale said the ik Han I saw him as though he was wearing coral even though he was not wearing coral so his eyes would look is eyelashes would look so dark and so long and separated is as if he had applied coral to his eyes his point or his joints whereas lot were large again we mentioned that his physique was a point you could see his strength without being bulky excessively bulky as was his upper back we mentioned that his broad shoulders but his waist was not as wide as his shoulders so he was he had a tapered waist he did not have hair all over his body but had a line of fine hair from his chest his navel when he walked he would walk briskly as if descending a slope we've covered when he turned he would turn his whole body and this is from the humility of The Messenger of Allah so Allah - the way of the Kings would be that you know he would glance to his right or glance days left you know sort of who is behind me when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard a voice from behind he would turn around completely his whole body and he would face the person that he was talking to so this is a short of his humility sallallahu alayhi wasallam between his two shoulders was the seal of prophethood he was the seal of the prophets and he had the most giving of hearts he was the most truthful of people the best of them in temperament and the most sociable amongst them whoever unexpectedly saw him would stand in awe of him and whoever accompanied him and got to know him would love him and the meaning of this is if you saw him for the first time you would just be struck by his handsomeness his beauty his manners his softness his kindness everything would just strike you about him and that's why it's a Sunnah for a Muslim to take care of his appearance to present himself to the people in a good way the first time they would see him they would be in awe of him they would just be struck that Who am I looking at this amazing person I'm looking at from his physique from his looks from his character his manners and when they got to know him they would come to love him those who described him would say I have never seen anyone before him or after him who was comparable to him inshallah I think that's a good place for us to stop and inshallah we're going to continue adding to the hadith one thing I don't think is mentioned in here although it may be mentioned in here we can have a look in Sharla if it isn't make a note about his teeth his teeth were had very slight gaps in between them in a way that was in a way that is very a sort of handsome you know his teeth were not like crammed in together like they look like they're doing like sort of you know squashed in together they had an even and and small gaps between not gaps that left like big gaps in his teeth but they had the kind of gaps that you know when you have like dental surgery to get your teeth to look really good and they all like straight and they have a nice you know so and of course this is not permissible in Islam unless it's to correct a you know like a medical problem or to correct like filing of the teeth is is something that the prophesy son forbade but his teeth were very you know immaculately why and they were immaculately sort of shape and equally spaced with very small sort of gaps in between we may come across this in one of the hadith if we don't then inshallah this is something worth right now no no we allowed to correct a natural sort of flaw that's happened like one of your teeth your embrace is nothing wrong with that but what we're talking about is cosmetic surgery in order to correct the way that your teeth look so you see right I don't like this tooth is a bit longer I want them to file this tooth down so that Almighty through exactly the same length I want them to you know space them out so that they all you know basically what people get you know celebrities and actors and so on so forth get done to their teeth cosmetically this is changing the creation of Allah but as for correcting something which is a problem one of your teeth is growing into the other one or you know you simply the dentist wants to straighten your teeth out or you know whitening your teeth with natural sort of whiteness to sort to get them back to the original color because you've been drinking too much coffee all of these things are permissible in Shaolin is no problem with that the problem comes in cosmetic surgery to change what our last pant allah gave you for the purpose of looking good a gold tooth this is silver comes closer to but i'm in my opinion to be not allowed to you but but if the doctor says it's necessary for a health reason and the muslim doctors agree on that then that's a different matter like they're worried about an infection and they think it has to be gold you know because they're very worried about a risk of infection but in sha allah you know now there are white teeth that are available and that you know inshaallah false teeth that are white that don't have an infection risk and so there's no real need gold was originally chosen because it was considered to be less likely to infect then silver and that's why when people get earrings they tend to put golden because it's less real likely to infect a person but now inshaallah if there's not an issue of that unless there's a particular case where the doctor says no i in my professional opinion it should be gold because this is really a danger to you or it could cause you complications later on you know that's a different thing and you have to ask each individual person has to ask for a fatwa but the general principle is that the teeth should be white and not gold and silver and some of them I mentioned this from the point of it's all off from wasting you know your money on expensive you know I mean gold is to give to your wife or to spend you don't I mean it's not to put in your mouth type we come on to the hadith of Al Hassan Ali the hadith of hint and I included this because it's just so comprehensive it is so so so comprehensive it is really really massive now inshallah what we're going to do is go through it and try to mention which bits have an authentic basis and which don't because this Hadees life on June 10 and this hadley Hadees his life for two reasons there is in Qatar no sorry in this hadith arisia hala so there is one of the narrators is unknown and there is a weakness in this in Juba even our mail so this hadith is extremely weak but the we're going to see which bits and all sort of we don't know who one of the sons of air of mihaela is but we'll see insha'Allah this hadith so al has a neighbor Ali why did we say that Al Hassan Abu Ali while the ilaha and would ask somebody to describe the prophet sallallaahu I wasn't why did we say that al happen if no Ali we want hadith number six why do these are these highly - the number number six but they're not in order the later numbers are in order this might be high least number ten or eleven in the book but in any case it hasn't even ali radiya llahu and why did we say that he would want someone to describe the Prophet so I sell him to him he was very young and even though he remembers his grandfather sallallahu alayhi wa seldom he he wants a more complete something there as a man he can you know you can really like hold on to yet this is exactly in everything he has a memory of him but it's not the kind of memory that he can describe his every single feature or we say that it is we say that it was because hind' was so good at describing people he wanted something to memorize that you know some people you can meet a guy and I even say to me Mohammad described to me this brother Abdullah and I try to describe him but I don't describe him very well you know I don't describe him in a way that's sort of like you could you can meet him and someone you might have met him only once and you can describe him immaculately this is how he looked and this is how so let's have a look at this hadith the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was imposing dignified and one who was greatly honored and respected maybe this is a little bit more than what is mentioned in the Arabic Fatima move her hammer that he was a great person who was honored by his companions he was a great person who was bonded by his companions and this is well known that he was honored by his companions his face shone like that of the moon now in this we have to be careful some of the people who wrote about the Chimel of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they said that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam literally Shawn they said that literally had no that came out of his skin and this is not true the shining that is meant here is not the shining that means that he had a light but that it was when you looked at him his face seemed to be brighter than the other faces of the other people say Muhammad him haven't you broken your rule that everything that is said is taken the tree first it is how his life in any case but let's before that let's look at the evidence one thing is very important in the science of hadith is that you take all of the hadith together now let's look at the hadith of Aisha and this hadith of Aisha is in one of the sahi hang one of either Buhari or Muslim or both but I don't recall which one but it's in it's it's in one of the two site and in this hadith Aisha she loses the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at night so she says I began to look for him in the Masjid and she says I began the message pitch-black I began to feel out the ground so I shares taking a hand roll the alarm on her and she's feeling out for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then she says until my hand gets upon his foot and I noticed he's inside her now he's barefoot and I she puts her hand upon his foot at no time does I Chasse the Masjid shone like a light and I saw him lit up like a Christmas tree in the corner of the Masjid subhanAllah this is the Dara hadith after hadith after Hadees of The Messenger of Allah so I said I'm at night and nobody mentioned that he had a light coming out of him so this is something that we don't affirm for the Prophet so I tell him that he had a light that came out of his skin but that his face was a face that had navara on it it had a brightness in it and it had what were you know a Navarro to wedge a brightness in your face how do you get a brightness in your face does anyone know a hadith about brightness in the face mudal you have to check that's perhaps on the day of judgement although fed you no doubt but specifically a hadith specifically that even these things are mostly in the uphill not the night prayer relates to what we're doing now inshallah not sitting in a gathering learning to go about what okay the hadees' not allahu allah and semi an equality may Allah brighten the face of the one who hears what I say and he memorizes it and he and he returns it or related to the people as he memorized he memorizes it he keeps that memorization and he relates it to the people as he heard him Farabaugh chameleon by rocky wall of Bahamut if any element of government so perhaps the person who takes this fit or the person who takes this hadith might not understand everything that the hadith means and maybe he will give this hadith and related to someone who knows more about it than him so if you want brightness in the face to learn the hadith of The Messenger of Allah so Allah while he was tell him to memorize them and to relate them as you heard leftie check the reliability of this narration that that is smiley of the house because generally there are literally 10 20 30 hadees but in the Sahin in Bukhari and Muslim that clearly show that the light of the Prophet SAW Selim was a light that was a Nevada to wedge like a Shia shine like the his face was bright and that you looked at him and he had a brightness in his smile and a brightness in his face but it was not a light bulb it was not a you know it was not like and I'm serious it was not an or that Shawn out like a light like the moon but it was something that had a brightness and they compared into the moon not in the sense that he provides light for us when it's dark but in the sense that he was bright when you looked at him his face looked as though it was you know shining because of the brightness salawatullahi wa salam irani he was somewhat taller than a person of medium stature but shorter than a tall person this is already Sahay because we've seen this in other hadith his head was large with slightly curly hair and if the hair on his forehead parted of its own accord he would keep it parted otherwise his hair with its longest which we reached the lobe of his ears again this is authentic narrator to the messenger of allah sallallahu alehiwassallaam would part his hair at times when his hair was you know when he gathered it together we were part his hair times and at time if his hair was excessively long he would just let it go naturally you start braids I mentioned this in the beginning of the talk that he used to have two braids that would come down from the side of his face salah whathe lima ceremony otherwise when his head is longest would reach the lobe of his ears it's also mentioned that it would reach the shoulders so I think at its longest here we have to take that again there are some narrations that it would go longer he was white skinned again that has to be taken in context he was white skinned with a reddish tint or he was white with a brownish tone to it and again with a wide brow and thick curved eyebrows which one which were not joined in the middle that's what it means whether that's what the translator translated but that's what it means that they were not Karan and Karan is where the the the the eyebrows joined together in one this is this is called Karan and he was not occurring he was not like somebody whose head eyes but he had thick eyebrows his eyebrows I don't know the thickness of his eyebrows is it mentioned anywhere else we have to put a question mark next to that to check whether it's mentioned because this hadith is as we said life between them was a vain that would throb when he was angry he had a long aquiline nose it's mentioned about his nose that it was somewhat long without being excessively long so it was not like a really really long nose nor was it like a button or or a small sort of like nose it was it had a let it had a bit of length to it but it wasn't excessively long which shone with a light that would seem to LA either it Shawn or either he Shawn with a light and again we mentioned the light which did whoever did not carefully look at it would think that it was upturned again I don't think this has a narration anywhere else he had a thick full beard that is mentioned elsewhere with firm cheeks that were not raised I his cheeks were not his cheekbones were not like extremely high to the point that his cheeks were raised he had a wide mouth with evenly spaced teeth and a fine line of hair extending from his chest to his navel we've mentioned his wide mouth is mentioned elsewhere in the Sunna so he had a wide mouth again it's a sign of usually strength and strength of voice and strength of you know someone has very small and why does not mean excessively wide again it doesn't mean that his mouth was excessively wide but that it was not very very very small it was not like a very very small mouth it was a mouth that had a bit of widen wideness to it his neck resembled that of an ivory statues white in color like smooth silver he was of a goodly build finely balanced against some of that is his mentioned some of it isn't his chest and stomach were level meaning that he did not have a protruding stomach and that is mentioned authentically and and he had skin that would normally because his skin that would normally be covered with clothes had a luster about it and this is what is meant by the light his skin had a kind of a luster to it like it didn't have any hair on it and he almost as if it almost Sean you know like it's a well it's not it's not a light like a light switch but it's a kind of a brightness in the skin he had a line of hair extending from his upper chest to his navel apart from nice chest and stomach were bare the upper part of his chest his forms and shoulders had a lot of hair on them this is not narrated anywhere else but he had a long he had long forearms with wide palms and heavy thick hands and feet again we said his limbs were not excessively long but he had long bones and we know that like he had part a powerful frame his fingers were long but not extremely store he had high in steps the instep is the place of your foot that doesn't touch the ground when you walk and the meaning here again the translator translated as high in steps the meaning is not excessively so so it would not be that his feet were completely arched when he would walk but he had a tiny part of his feet that would not touch the ground when he walked a tiny part of the instep inside of the foot the part that doesn't touch the ground and his feet was smooth and well proportioned because of which water would swiftly flow off them and vanish when he walked he walked briskly and with strength of purpose but placed his feet on the ground softly so and we know this from the quran where about doraemon Aladin IAM Shannara loudly Honan the slaves of ar-rahman who walk on the earth with a measured walk you know he wasn't someone who walked with pride he wasn't someone who walked with a stomp he walked softly but when he lifted his legs he lifted his legs with purpose and strength when he turned to address someone he turned his entire body he would constantly lower his gaze looking more to the ground in the sky most of the time he would merely glanced at something this mentioned he would merely glanced at something some of the ulema say that it means that he would not be so attached to the dunya that he would look at something with longing like he would look at a camel or a house and say look how beautiful that like he didn't look at things with a longing like you might look at a nice car that goes past and like sort of follow it down he didn't do that and some of the things said that the majority of the time he looked it was for the purpose of taking a lesson from something so he would look at something take it in and look away he would not spend excessive time staring at things most of the time you have merely glanced at something he would have his companions walk in front of him so he would not be like the King walks in front of his people but he would walk amidst his companions and he would hurry to greet whoever met him with Salam and there's this most of this hadith is authentic but there are certain parts that need to be you know sort of taken with a pinch of salt and Hadees number 7 Muhammad / sharp narrates from bishop even and what bought from abu alkyl a Dorothy I believe sorry no alcohol clearly develop eat from Ivana Dora who said that I asked I was idle hoodie about the seal of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sell and he said a protruding piece of flesh on his back so now we come to the seal of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the seal of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from the point of the science of hadith is what we call moose kill moose kill as in muscular effort there are so many different narrations about the seal of the Prophet hood and almost every one is different from the other however what do we do as students of hadith when these narrations differ with each other how do we deal with it first thing we do is gather them all together the second thing we do is that if we can join between them without rejecting them so we got rid of the unauthentic ones that say it was black and green and purple and whatever other ones they have we've got the rid of the ones that say that it was like the the mark of copying on his back because they're all life we're left with the authentic ones then what do we do we try to join between them so every companion some of them stared at the seal some of them just touched the seal from behind his clothing some of them glanced at it some of them saw it from the side and saw each one described what they saw and most of the authentic narrations are quite similar but you have to understand them in the light of each other so if someone says it was hair and the other one says it was skin one of the things that what the person who said it was hair he only touched it with his hand he didn't see it and the person with skin who said skin saw it directly so how do we join between them we say that it was skin it was a piece of his flesh it was a piece of flesh off of me of you know like of muscle oh of like of you know skin and and and a piece of his body but at the same time we say that it was clearly had hair around it because when the companion felt it it felt as though it was hair it was very soft and it had hair around it so we know that we know so we're going to try and join between these things the easiest hadith is this hadith a bizarre either Audrey who says a protruding piece of flesh on his back in hadith number eight is the hadith of abdullah bin sergey's radi allahu and who says I went to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam while he was amongst a group of his companions and I moved behind him like this I he went to round the back and when he went around the back of the prophets eyes I learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam realized what he wanted him to do you know he saw everyone had heard about the seal and you know people the Jews and the Christians especially had heard about the seal so when they went around the back the prophets I said knew and you know in all his humility and his respect and his kindness towards people he didn't say you know what are you staring out what are you looking he just lowered his read at so he was wearing it every day he was wearing his wrapped around sort of upper garment and he just lowered it to show him the seal he said I saw the seal between his shoulder blades resembling a clenched fist resembling a clenched fist either in size or either in it's sort of protruding out surrounded by which were marks looking like moles or small moles so I went to kiss it and said may Allah forgive you a Messenger of Allah he replied and you also the people said did the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seek forgiveness for you he said yes and you also and then he recited and seek forgiveness for your sin and for the believers male and female one of the best we're going to come to the latter part here but what is narrated about the seal let's just give an overview okay it's narrated that it was on his back between his shoulder blades but that it was closer to his left-hand side than his right so he was on his back between his shoulder blades but it was closer or between his shoulders catyph and not maybe not the shoulder blade I don't what you call it if we just do a quick search to get the right word it might not be the shoulder blade but between between the the the shoulders but closer to the left-hand side than the right closer to the left-hand side than to the right and some of the LMR say in this the benefit or the mention of it being closer to the left hand side than the right is because that was the position of the heart ie if you ask a doctor they can access your heart obviously through the chest and the heart is also closed from the left-hand side of the body slightly to the left hand side it's not completely to the right hand so it's slightly to the left hand side but whether this is true or not it doesn't matter that's just some of the scholars mentioning perhaps it was closer to his heart in any case what is mentioned about the seal is that it resembled the egg of a pigeon it resembled the egg of a pigeon am and this is the most reliable narration about its size that it resembled the egg of a pigeon and that's the most reliable regarding the size so about the size of a pigeons egg it resembles a clenched fist it is flesh ie it is protruding from his body it's not something which is stuck on the outside it's not just a mark it's surrounded by small sort of lumps that look almost like moles as for its color it was the color of his skin and all of the narrations that mention it being black or other colors or green or whatever all of these are weak it was the color of his skin and I don't know that there's anything any other narrations in terms of its authenticity I haven't mentioned anything else about the cull it was roughly the color of his skin one of the companions in another hadith iya the Messenger of Allah sai-san was wearing something not a reed that was something like a commis or something like that that was tight and so he put his hand down the back of the messenger of allah sallallahu is element felt it and he said it felt like a clump of hair but it was not a clump of hair because we know it was from his flesh so we think that it had hairs around it to the point that it felt soft it's also mentioned that it would wobble or move sort of as did something inside the body would sort of wood a little bit of movement to it not to the point where it would move around his back but that it had a bit of movement to it when it was touched as for you know these other narrations about color and things being written on it and other things there's no authentic narration that I know of to that regarding if we find one inshallah we will definitely mention in Sharla and so we know the size about the size of a pigeon's egg we know that it resembled a clenched fist we know that it had some hair around it and perhaps some hair covering it we know that it had some moles around it and two sort of protruding lumps which I don't think I mentioned in here but in another narration like - sort of protruding sort of lumps on either side and it's as I said I don't know any authentic narration that anything was written on the heart but we can check it in Sharla in case we might find we may well find I may you know I haven't covered every single narration there may be a narration that says what was written on it but from what I know all the ones that said it's written go wherever you will be successful muhammad rasool allah or whatever that you know that all of them are not authentic that i've come across so far but there may be they may even be in Buhari and muslim we have to ensure the look for it but from what I've seen so far I couldn't find anything about anything being written on it we said that it was closer to the left side than the right the last issue is when did it appear the earlier Matt disagreed over when it appeared was it from birth there are three main opinions one that it was from birth one that it was from prophethood and one that it was from the time when gibreel opened the chest of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and cleaned his heart and this third one seems to be the closest to the evidence that it appeared the seal of the prophet hood appeared after his heart sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was clean or was cleaned in the ball of Zam Zam and it was placed back into his chest so it seems that after this this is when the the mark appeared the seal of prophethood appeared and Allah as usual know best the latter part of this Hadees the halyard the Lyman strategists it's very important for us in refuting those people who go to the grave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to ask for forgiveness and they say they uses the evidence the iron which Allah says and if only they would come to you and seek the forgiveness of Allah and the messenger seek forgiveness for them so in they use this ayah if only they would come to you and seek forgiveness from Allah and ask you to seek forgiveness for them how does this Hady to refute the people who go to the grave of the Prophet SAW Selim and ask for his will ask him to ask Allah to forgive them how do we know this is referring to when he's alive now we know that much but there's something really key in this hadith as a refutation to this concept yes this ayah was revealed but that the point is like they say la vara the removal of the lab Yukos was a suburb so the point is the ayah what the ayah was a revealed about doesn't matter but the fact that the ayah wording of the ayah is general but how do we know this ayah is only during his lifetime this hadith is one of the strongest evidences but where is our that's no no there's no doubt that he was alive but how do we refute the people who say that I still go now when he's dead what is there in this hadith that says this is only for when he's alive it was only then that's that's that's possible but there's something in the hadith in the wording of the hadith brilliant did the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam seek forgiveness for you so this is after the death of the prophets I said under this hadees being narrated and his people if it was the case that everyone went when he was dead and asked his forgiveness they would not have asked him like really happy did he seek did he do it did he seek forgiveness for you they would have said why don't you just go to his grave and ask his forgiveness now this hadith contains within it that his people were excited about the fact that during his lifetime that this Sahabi abdullah bin soldiers are they alone and had achieved that that blessing and that honor of having the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seek forgiveness and when he says yes and for you how does this is another proof how does Abdul live inside you say that The Messenger of Allah sought forgiveness for the people of Abdul Ivan searches by them going to the grave no by the general command of Allah and ask Allah to forgive the believers so do we see here at the end he says yes and you also they asked him how how is it that the Messenger of Allah so I still have sought forgiveness for us they still believe he can't do it when he's dead so they sat there saying how is it it's impossible that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sought forgiveness for us because he's dead and he didn't know us and he says no because Allah says seek forgiveness for the believers men and women meaning that the messenger of allah says allah mouthful well not me not well muslim well mostly I'm Muslim you know Muslim as well not me no not me not Allah higher Amen home while I'm what so the prophets I Selim would make this two-hour so Abdul Ivan sir just doesn't say yes for you also go to his grave or when you went to his grave he says yes for you also when he made the general dua or Allah forgive the believers the Muslims male and female and the believers male and female there's something narrated about the virtue of saying Allah ma famille minute what's the what's the virtue of this hadith this hadith is a Jeep you know this hadith when I heard it it actually I heard it just yesterday and it actually what you know some sort actually made me just stop and that is whoever says oh Allah forgive the believed the Muslims male and female and the believers male and female the like the living from them in the dead gets one reward for every single believer that has ever existed so you're talking about a lot of hasanat billions Allahu Alem any how many hasanat that you get by saying or Allah forgive the Muslims male and female and the believers male and female the living from them and the dead or however you say o Allah forgive the believers male and female and I'd like to do are you making janazah you know Ilana Finlay hey you know in my 18 hours I didn't arrive in and so and so so the when you make this - and you ask Allah to forgive the belly all of the believers you get a reward for every single believer that that covers and if you say Allah hey I am in whom well and what that reward doesn't just cover those who are alive but it covers those who have died as well so every single person you make dua for you get a reward for and you just made dua for every believer living and dead from the male and female and every Muslim living and dead from the male in the female that's a lot of people you're going to get a reward for so this is a dua that people should say frequently in order to increase their has a net and this hadith as I said has two places where it refutes this concept the first is the people asking did he really make seek forgiveness for you which they wouldn't have thought was a problem if they could go to the grave and get it themselves and the second and this is even clearer when he explains how the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ik asked for forgiveness for them he didn't say that when you visited the grave he made forgive I ask Allah forgiveness or when so and so he said that by his dua oh Allah forgive the believers men and women and the Muslims men and women those who are alive from them and those who are dead that's how the messenger of allah silence sought forgiveness for you and for me and for everybody giant that takes us to the end of what we want to talk about the physical characteristics for the time being of course we have missed physical characteristics no doubt there are things that you know we won't able to cover in that time but inshallah that's a good start for his physical the basic physique we know that his heart is build we know his height we know his skin complexion we know what his face looked like it was rounded but not extremely round we know how his hair looked like we know that his beard was thick and long we know about how his feet were how his hands were his bones and his physique and his structure we know about how his stomach was and how his chest was and the chest hair we know about the seal of the prophet hood that he had on his back salawatullahi wa salamu right so this is something that we've got a lot of knowledge about his physical appearance now
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 92,123
Rating: 4.8617282 out of 5
Keywords: (ﷺ), Muhammad, Allah, Quran, Sunnah, Sufi, Sufis, Sufism (Religion), Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Loving muhammad, loving the messenger, Tim Humble, Muhammad Tim Humble, green lane masjid
Id: -9UU6p9lWYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 21sec (4941 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2013
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