Traps of Satan - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

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it's neither him under design help Eli Levine personal emotional volatility or illusion I mean nabina muhammad in while earning ego samba humanity that we had the he was in the vision that he needed a medium about assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I usually start with praising Allah and offering sanitation to the Prophet Allah so some in Arabic which gives a little of a strange feeling to the audience because they think that this is from Saudi Arabia it's gotta be in Arabic again but I usually seek Allah's blessing through saying it in Arabic because when you say the prophets name so la la la do you sell them and you say it in English it doesn't have this beautiful feeling of offering salat ation to the Prophet as a son even the translation of peace and blessing it should have been peace and praise of Allah be upon the Prophet sallallaahu Selim but never mind I apologize for being a bit late but we were caught in traffic and you know London more than I do I was requested to talk about the traps of Satan of Shaitaan and the funny thing is that we all almost all of us know the terms of Shaitaan we all know everything about him in terms of knowledge in terms of evidence in terms of theoretical information but when it comes to practice we're the most ignorant people on earth and fortunately and I'll give you an example if someone was ill and he went to the physician and the doctor told him that he should refrain from certain types of food he should go on a diet otherwise he's going to deteriorate and he should avoid this this this and this and the man memorized it by heart is it okay I'm not gonna have any of these food and he was instructed to take certain types of medication and he memorized it by heart but he needed took the medication nor he refrained from the food he is not supposed to eat will he ever recovered from his illness he will never recover from his illness and this is exactly what's happening with us and the shaitaan/satan as we know it or as we know him he is our fierce enemy allah azza wajal told us in the quran that he is our enemy not only that we should take him as an enemy as well somehow allah says in the quran surely satan is an enemy to you so take him or treat him as an enemy he only invites his followers that they may become the dwellers of the blazing fire so Satan as we know is our enemy but do we treat him as an enemy it's very difficult the answer would be no and why is that because we don't see him if he if he were a person in front of me I would have probably grappled with him pinned him to the ground maybe had a choke hold on his neck and break his neck it's very easy for me because I can see him face to face so many times I say to him be a man come and face me face to face but he never comes face to face Allah describes him in the Quran that he sees us and his tribe from where we are unable to see them so if someone comes to you and tells you that Elias today I saw Satan or so a devil and the devil was talking to me and I have the ability to see Djinn they know that he is not telling the truth or he is imagining these things so how would we take him as an enemy you have to learn about him you have to know everything about Satan not to respect him but to be aware of him if you look at the Prophet array salatu salam he explained to us everything that is bad and the things that we should avoid and stay away from but he never tried any of these things our salsa he told us do not consume alcohol intoxicants in general did he ever try it taste it I've seen some brothers trying these things what are you drinking said gin and tonic why so I can give down at the hill and tell them about the bad effect of it mashallah some people go to the nightclubs and dancing and having fun and partying wise when I talk to the guys to the youth I'd like to know where they coming from this is not the way Allah as the one who created us he told us what's good for us and what's not because he knows his creation if you buy a Sony Playstation you will not get the Nintendo manual to operate it you'll go to the Sony manual because they created it they know how it works and likewise Anala has the higher example he created us he knows how no Dada what works for us and what does not Satan was created from from fire and the angel angels were created from from light and Satan as scholars say is the father of all and the jinn are divided into Devils and righteous and believing jinn we can't see them we know their existence we know that they fear us more than than we feared them but the minute we fear them they take control over us that is why a believer does not feel he's not afraid of jail he's not afraid of dark places and he's not afraid of things possessing him he has his full trust in Allah so if someone says listen I'm a sorcerer I'm gonna put a spell on you give it your best shot I have a lot with me the jinn would come over you if you do this if you could do that people are afraid always of jinn why are you afraid of Jannah I was with you so the devil is the Satan is the father of all devils and all jinn his relation with us started before Allah created Adam when Allah created Adam Allah instructed Satan who prostrate did he comply he refused he did what all of us are doing nowadays and which is one of the means of leading people to hellfire that is using our logic against the Quran Anderson against the commands Allah tells him prostrate to say to prostrate to Adam he says why I'm better than he is I was treated from fire and he was created from clay and definitely fire is better than clay I would not to prostrate this is exactly what's happening to the Muslims nowadays you get people coming and rejecting verses of the Quran rejecting the Sunnah why because it's not logical I can't accept this well if you reject this you cannot accept Islam because Islam is submission to Allah the Almighty yet you're not submitting your will torment almighty if you know Satan and his enmity towards us you know that he we'll do all what he can so that we can accompany him in Hellfire and we know for sure that he is the most experienced person on earth when you submit or you go and try to get a job you present your CV right you have your resume and you give it to your employer maximum three pages four pages all the experience you have and all the education and courses Satan has a gazillion page CV it goes from Adams time and up to today how many people had he managed to get astray how many people he managed and succeeded in throwing in hell how many people he managed to get them fornicating consuming intoxicants killing looting beating people disobeying their parents cutting their ties with their next of kin do lying backbiting hearts full of grudges and hatred to every single person on earth all of these are the handicraft of Satan so he is quite experienced in this sense now if we know this we know that to avoid Satan we have to know where he comes to us where does Satan come to us from the scholars say there are many places that he comes through what allah azza wajal had put the heart in a very concealed place so it's difficult to reach the heart straightaway yet he can reach the heart through passages there is a sight so he reaches your heart through things you see there is the hearing so he reaches your heart through the things you hear there is the mouth so whatever you consume you eat and drink he goes in and penetrates your heart and is there are also your private organs your private parts which a person's enjoyment and sexuality is defined through so these are mainly the ways he comes into a person's hearts trying to corrupt his heart now if you try to go to a list of things that Satan manages to come through or to do the Prophet tells us how they thought was Saran that Satan or the devil runs through our veins like blood so he's with us all the time not only that to the extent that he may even come to the most righteous person the Prophet is allah sawas in the sahih he was once with mother Sophia and of course you almost Sofia she is no the wife of the Prophet as a son it's a good answer Sophia bent with Abdullah Mohammed which is man healed she's the Prophet she's a mother what's your mother's name - okay good you have yes she was the daughter of a Jewish enemy of the prophetess and her name was Sophia in creating a Manasseh and this is a problem because if we say like for example what what is the name of the best 510 soccer players in the Britain for probably people would know them by heart if you say okay what about the ten top R&B songs or rap songs or what ten best movies marina is it a sardonic all the way coming here where the top highest-paid moving in North America but when it comes to the Companions of the Prophet s asana we fail to know them when it comes to the wives of the Prophet arrest Allah - Salam we fail to know them when it comes to the Koran when it comes to the Sunna so what is it that we know of our religion is it a problem on the day of judgement when Allah Azza WA JAL with his grace and mercy admits us to paradise people go in and say who's this who's this come on annoying who is this I belong disobey who is this animal now guys they're great people their pious people but I don't know anyone let's take a tour down to hell you go to help Oh all of these are our friends these are the people I know this is a big problem now seriously it's funny but this is this is true who do you want to be friend with this guy this celebrity this person but what about the Companions of the Prophet Allah system you don't even know them so many times I'm talking about Saudi Arabia but the Arabs who study Islamic studies in their media primarily in high school college and I used to tell them when did a hood take place which you're in hitching they say five it's wrong for this is wrong what is this you don't know what took place said what's a hot-shit ok I'm in the wrong place you have to know your history you know in half you have to know your heritage you have to know your religion if you love the Prophet that it's allowed to Sarah and you don't know nothing about him or what his companions you have a problem the prophet or a sorcerer was walking once at night with Sofia his wife and two of the unsolved two men were coming in his way when they saw the Prophet with a woman they immediately changed direction they didn't want to come in contact with the prophetess and while he's with a female companion now they definitely did not think anything negative about the profit of a saucer and yet the profit called them and he said that is no Saran you so and so and so and so this is my wife Sofia she's covered from head to toe but just to inform them that this is my wife and her name is Sofia and they said stopped its its profits of hallouwe do you think we're going to doubt you and then the Prophet said well shape the shape on Satan goes through your veins like blood and I was afraid that he may cast something in your hearts doubt about me that would notify her Islam so I had to clarify this for your sake and for the sake of safeguarding my reputation and if you see someone doing something bad he has to clarify it and purify his reputation if you saw me for example going down the stairs in a big hotel and down in the basement there's a nightclub and by mistake I'm going down I don't know the hotel I don't know the place what would you think time to groove I have to stop and I have to listen brother I don't know where I'm going I want to go to the loo I want to go to my room I know what to do to the to the left but I lost my way so doctor you have to defend my reputation and to clarify things it's not easy and it's not proper just to say the hell with everybody else who cares I know myself no this is exactly what the Prophet that is so Sam did so Shaitaan runs through our veins not only that he drinks and eats with us imagine inviting Shaitaan to eat with you welcome come on a seven bite this is what a lot of new Muslims do whenever you eat or drink and you don't say bismillah he eats with you and a lot of Muslims forget to say bismillah I have my youngest daughter's daughter was second-youngest she's about four years old whenever we sit on a table in the middle of the meal and what is eating she says who forgot to say bismillah she's 45 45 is and and she goes and says if you forgot say bismillah a1 he will he which means in the beginning and at the end the Prophet told us that if whoever forgets and says this in the middle of the meal Shaitaan throws up what he ate so a lot of the Muslims unknowingly they invite Shaitaan to meet with them Shaitaan also sleeps over the Prophet tells us whenever someone gets into his house and forgets to mention the name of Allah Satan or the devil calls his companions come come we're staying were sleeping over the brother's house he forgot to say bismillah when he entered the house and if he eats without saying bismillah Shaitaan tells his companions masha'Allah we have food and we have lodging so they've got all of this made the prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam told us and this is something that a lot of the Muslims don't do whenever you wake up what's the first thing you do you should according to sunnah actions not words you first of all you wash your hands because the Prophet has some says you don't know where your hand had spent the night so you might might have touched on something that was impure but even if you knew where your hands where you still have to wash them meaning that if I sleep said okay before I go to bed I'm gonna have trick shape and I'm gonna put my hands in gloves and when I wake up I just take them off do I have to wash my hands yes you have to I know where my hands were but still you're doing this because the Prophet ourselves are told you to do so so you wash your hands three times and then you pull the water up your nostrils and take the water off again three times why the Prophet said that the devil sleeps on your nostrils I think the Adam sees anybody bothering me or sleeping yet well you don't see him so you have to believe in this and and I do this you do that all of you of course do this because it's part of the Sunnah and we believe in the unseen we haven't seen that what have we so we believe in Allah as subject because it's overwhelming the evidences around us no one is is food to say that except atheist of course to say that there is no God and some scholars say that the Asus atheists are close to us because they say there is no God so we have to complete except Allah so they're halfway with us in the Shahada they say there's no God and we say there's no God worthy of being worshipped except Allah so it's we're meeting halfway so the Shaitaan sleeves over our nostrils we have to do this one wake up wake up not only that the Prophet said that is a sermon the hadith is in Asahi that it's in so he had bhai and in the other books of prophesy as well the Prophet says al Assad Sam when they pointed out to him that this man overslept until it was daytime he did not professor and some scholars say that he did not pray which it night prayer but let's give it to the benefit of the doubt and say that he did not pray fire until the Sun rose what did the Prophet said wa s-salam he said that that was a man who the devil urinated in his ear this is so hard to accept when I skip the furture prayer Shaitaan urinates in my ear yes if you oversleep until the Sun has risen if it's by accident it's okay in sha Allah because Allah knows that this is not your habit but if you deliberately set your alarm clock to go off at seven o'clock 7:30 now I think it's it's okay seven o'clock some of the budget is late but when it's really in summer and the fudge it is like 2:30 who wakes up for Fajr prayer who believes to begin with that Allah is the provider we believe that Berkeley man Bacchus is the provider if you don't do it then I gotta get a paycheck so people skip further prayer for the work for the schools for anything because it's too early this is the person that Satan takes as his public loo he urinates every single morning in his ears and you cannot see his you cannot see this you cannot see his urine you cannot see him but you can definitely feel the impact on your heart so many times these people complain we have a dead heart we have hearts as hard as stone why can't we understand the Quran why can't we feel so the passion to learn about Islam why don't we fear Allah when we pray or let me rephrase that why don't we pray to begin with well simply because of the blockage caused between your senses and your heart due to this urine of of Shaitaan will protect us all the Prophet is salatu salam also told us that he goes through our mouths wherever you yarn and you open your mouth he goes in and he laughs at you that's why the Prophet says whenever you have the urge to yard you all you have to do is to try to oppress it close your mouth if it's overwhelming then put your hand on your mouth and this is what the Prophet Isis am instructed us there is a devil who is specializing they have specialized Devils you know the have their departments this one is for this this one is for that and they have job descriptions and they have a hole a hole excellent Network unfortunately there is a devil who specialized of woudl of evolution and whatever you go to the toilets and perform ablution according to the Sunnah you finish in like 20 seconds and you find people have been spending there like five seven minutes ten minutes just obeying washing and ironing what what is this guy doing I remember once I was in Syria and I went to the washing rooms made Google and before me was a man soaked in water he was obsessed you know moving his arms in Washington okay we left the washing rooms together we came into Salah we started Salah and the guy said oh oh maybe he needed a push to complete the thing I would have already engaged in Sabah so I forgot about her and then the guy left and he came a while later still soaked in water and he 3-4 times left and came back going make him good one coming back and nullifying still ongoing making wood oh and he distracted my prayer actually I was you know just seeing this guy coming and going coming going my whole prayer was gone gone down the drain unfortunately after the prayer has finished the guy kept on going like for 20-30 minutes often on did not frame and nothing is wrong with him it's this option obsession this is there is a psychological disorder compulsive whatever yeah you know with in Arabic so there are people that when you go to the toilet you hear them in you know when they're urinating coughing guys have enhancement problem something just wait outside for 10 minutes I think it's coffee and then people jumping and you know doing karate kicks and you can hear that what is he doing after half an hour he comes out completely drained tired what are we doing said what a liar chef I have a problem I've been having this problem for 10 years what's that said every time I urinate I get the feeling that there's a drop or two missing so I squeezed myself I do this I jump it and even after half an hour I go out of the of the toilet and I still have this feeling I don't pray I have to go home change and my underwears and then pray home and sometimes the time goes out and well and they are suffering why are they suffering from it's a friend well actually it's not a friend who's our enemy but this is his specialty a shape are designated for rudl his name is Edwin Han even the Prophet is telling us his name and there's a shade pod specialize in prayer his name is handsome and this guy's job is whenever you start to pray he starts to remind you ah your mobile is in the car somebody's gonna break the window and takes it off of you when you pray he reminds more it reminds you of everything everything you almost forgot Subhan Allah it's all coming back to you Abu Hanifa may Allah have mercy on his soul a man came to him is it chef I buried my savings somewhere and I put a sign in the desert and now I completely forgot everything where it is it's all my life savings they said no problem when after Asia and when it's the last third of the night just like three hours before fetcher wake up and pray Tanaka's and try to be as perfect as you can in prayer prolong the surah have your heart to allah azza wajal the guy started the first the second raka he remembered you erupt the prayer and he went to the place and he found it and he took it in and came back to Abu Hanifa he said circle ahead this was a magical formula how did you come to know about it he said this is who made you forget what shaitaan as Allah said woman and Stanley who in the shaitaan and has korra it's only satan who made me forget it so when he saw your first tracker and said listen the guy's gonna pray nine has a black eyes this is good I was gonna forgive all of these sins I think I can compromise listen the place is here and there the guy went and found it where it was soaked this is his role to destroy your Salah in Saudi Arabia a lot of these incidents happen I don't know about here but so many times in Saudi Arabia I get people coming Sheikh sure I can't pray in the masjid anymore why she shared the the smell of the socks kills me in front of me so don't breathe when you're prostrating and hold your breath the man next to me is always picking his nose and playing with his clothes and the other one is always coughing and the air conditioning is too hot it's too cold and at the end of the day such shape on takes over and he does not pray I had a cousin and this is my cousin who may Allah have mercy on his soul he was one of the guys giving Dawa at the time of XI hey man you don't think a man you don't know gee my sister probably you were not born this was about thirteen two years ago when a group of extremists terrorists overtook the harem and they had these weird ideas violent ideas and they spread terror in the harem in them the message of Mecca and they prevented people from doing the power from praying they were not devious in the that they were misled misguided and they did one of the most major sins of Islam yet this caused all people who had beards to be collected and interrogated with and one of them was my cousin what was a peaceful guy you know down to earth but when they interrogated him and he came back he got things confused the guy used to give lectures give naseeha not he was a disc or a student of knowledge but he was and if he has enthusiastic person he started to pray at the Masjid he's not allowed to talk for a while and then he started retreating to the back rows and then he stopped coming to the message so I visited home I said what are you doing he said well I thought of it and I think that Allah wants us to pray afraid with contemplation with concentration with submissiveness and in today's messages I'm not able to do this kids are playing in the background the Imams voice is it's awful and the people next to me they don't put perfumes or they don't wear the other arts and this melyandd people giving garlic this guy smokes and this guy's this so he looks only at the negative sights so then he says that this entitles me I think to pray and homework so he started praying home for oh I gave him naseeha it was not good enough he started to pray home and after a while his mom told me that he's praying now in a room a special room why since because I want to make sure that this room is clean is pure there's no natasa no impurities nobody comes in okay then he went to Phase three he started turning off the ACS in 50 centigrade heat and turns off the light why because his eye I get closer to allah azza job when I do this and after a while he stopped praying altogether he quit praying huh he doesn't pray anymore and he died not praying we all have mercy on his soul because I believe that he is not sane yeah he did not leave prayer because he was convinced that it's okay if the guy lost it so this is where Shaitaan comes through and this is one of the means that he uses like to stick with the schedule okay now my Shaitaan is coming to me because stay here all night and miss all the action outside okay no problem Allah Azza WA JAL talks to us in the Quran and he tells us do not follow the steps or the footsteps of Shaitan which means that Shaitaan does not come bluntly to you and says do this he has steps and this is very smart of him now if Shaitaan wants to lure me and seduces me he would not say Sheikh Hassan how about going and fornicating you know trying to chance you're in UK come on look for some woman and get down what would I say what would I say crazy after all these years come on I fear Allah so you get out here so he doesn't come like this he comes and says Jeff for that our purposes why don't you surf the net and try to see what's going on and then check the top 10 movies for example that's okay I'm talking to the youth right I have to know these things so looking at them nice title looking okay it's not a porn rated PG probably it's a family movie it's okay can you watch this then he tells you okay what about listening to music and you tensed what about chilling down listen to a song well it's in the radio I'm losing I'm listening to them then they use it a song comes so what's wrong in this thing to Celine Dion or Maria Carey or whatever this come on it's okay you listen to it for a while without noticing your heart is being invested bit by bit then comes another opportunity a woman comes in says hi I'd like to know about Islam and she's extending her arm - okay I have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages for the sake of Islam it's okay sit down we talk we mix for the sake of Islam how about having dinner tonight we can discuss this over a dinner and bit by bit by bit you find all the red tape is becoming purple pink and then white there's no red tape and this is where Shaitaan comes in surah taha sha allah azza wajal mentions three verses and people have to see it back this explanation of this by stories from bani israeel and the hadith we are instructed to mention these Hadees though they are not authentic but they don't go against our beliefs and our practice so if it's not against it then it's okay to comment on it and talk about it Allah Azza WA JAL says in surah al-hajj cameras are led remain public or even dokku about Abraham when her mother been added commissary Shaitaan it's Paula then insert it for firma kapha all anybody omeka in india half allahabad I mean vikarna a better human amma phonetically dignity huh what I because you say oh god II mean Allah so John is giving us an example of Satan who came to a righteous person this was as in the stories of Ben Israel was monk he was in his soma his prayer hall whatever where they isolate themselves in and he was worshipping Allah for so many years and everybody thought of him as their best Satan tried so many times with him knoweth no way so he thought of a very devious plan and he went to three people who were warriors and were off to battle they had a system so they tried to keep the sister somewhere safe they couldn't so they went to this monk and they told him he would like you to take care of our sisters and no way I have enough in my hands and I'm up there and I'm not socializing with anyone they kept on you know telling him please please our system will be lost and she would need protection and Shaitaan came to him and says listen let you run on top of a hill let them put her in a cottage at the bottom of the hill far away from you I know what you do is you oversee the Cartesian nothing is happening you bring her food once a day you put it in the middle of the road and you immediately go and she takes care of herself so she agreed he agreed and she used to do this and he used to do this no contact after a while Satan put step number 2 saying James listen when you put the food into the road a beast can come and eat it someone else can come and take it so the least you could do it just put it on the doorsteps logical so he started doing this for a while and she used to take the food no contact after a while he said listen when she opens the door she is exposed to passersby people may see her so you take the food inside and leave and he did after a while listen she is lonely and it's best for you to give her guidance she doesn't have you know who that TV or piece TV please teach her something else Allah give her some Dara so he started teaching her about their religion let's say for Athena and so on and after a while they started eating together and after a while the inevitable took place this is his way of doing it not only that she got pregnant he wasn't taking the measures not to he didn't know at the time but she thought came to him said whoops you have a problem and what to do we said listen if the brothers come back you are in deep waters so what should I do said the best thing is that you wait until she gives birth and then dispose of the child and I said nothing happened okay after nine months she gave birth to a baby boy he took the boy beheaded it and threw it in a hole to bury it then he came back to him and said listen do you think that the mother is gonna hush hush about everything the minute her brothers come she gonna tell them about it she's her heart is broken what you do the mother so he okay he killed the mother he threw her with the child in that big hole batted her put the big rock on top of her went back to his Mountain and started worshiping Allah as nothing had happened months later they came back they asked about their sister he weep and cry this issue was a very largest and pious woman so lobby Allah forgive her may Allah forgive her she was an excellent woman you know and but she died she got sick and she died so I buried her and they felt sorry and they went home they went to bed and Satan came to each one of them telling them do you believe this man he did this and that and he buried her in that spot they woke up very sad and depressed annoyed but they didn't talk about it the middle one opened the discussion said listen I I saw something really weird last night my dream the eldest and the youngest we had the same experience and we discussed it they thought it was the same dream so they went to the location removed the rock dug the grave and found the remains they went to the authorities they handcuffed the man that dragged him on his face to be across a crucified the world to crucified and then killed and colossal he was sentenced to be crucified and then Satan came to him and said now listen I'm your friend I'm the one who made you do this and this and this and this and this and your only means of salvation if you want to be saved is that you prostrate to me and the monk said I prostrate you and you save me definitely I did all of this so he prostrates into the death of me and then the devil said I have nothing to do with you and he ran away and left him this is exactly what's happening to a lot of us the steps of Satan take for example drugs and allowed me to drink it doesn't that mean like you take drugs for example if a person who is who is like 16 or 17 years old would he try drugs without going through phases he has to smoke first right no one goes to - doing marijuana or hashish or whatever without smoking regular cigarettes after you do this used to go to step two maybe have a beer or two after you do this then you go to something that is actually I should do lower instead of higher you go to something that is more degrading to man these are the steps of Shaitaan and it goes everywhere in our lives you will not find someone stealing robbing a bank before he Rob's an apple from the vegetable store next door and and this is how he deviates and goes on and on if you look at individual basis Satan is always in the places where angels are not present this is a fact because Devils are afraid of angels in our houses what are the things that prevent angels from coming in statues dogs swearing there are in they know it does not we don't have any sound evidence that prevents them but it's actually true in the hadith where Abu Bakr was with the Prophet that I saw stronger and there was a man he came and started saying bad things to Abu Bakr and Abu Bakr was looking at the prophet or a sermon he was tolerating in the guys say who did this you did that who are you what tribe you coming from and the bucket we know he's the second man in Islam yeah he's the best second person after the Prophet is Islam and he did not talk but after a while he got agitated so he answered him back he did not do anything wrong you know he's just answering map-21 but the person is telling him and then the Prophet left early so summer so a worker said o prophet of Allah you heard the man say what he said and you did not leave and when I answered him back you left in a sense he's saying is this fair the Prophet told him Abu Bakr when the man was saying what he was saying there was an angel defending you so then I said you're a dog said you the dog you didn't know useless the angel is saying this he's defending you the minute you started replying to him and asking him the ancient angel left and when the angel left I cannot sit in a place where the devil is present so he left so again this is a good point the brothers mention which is swearing makes the Angels go away just through this is from the pseudonym so we have to protect our houses if it has instruments that would draw angels away musical instruments into instruments of entertainment that is Haram I went to some of the brothers houses with all these big TV speakers and the blower's and some tranquilizers and what I don't know what things are what is this and say oh let's see my car what's with your car in the back of his car is old no speakers and ok what are you doing yeah I know that if you want to listen to music listen on your own but if you want to propagate the sin that's so that everybody else is sharing it with you then you are an advocate of the devil you are working for Shaitaan you're one of his greatest tools and luring people to him I wrote a very short list and the things I would wanted to talk about apparently it's taking us too much time but how does Shaitaan get hold of us what's the when do you find yourself defenseless against his attacks when you're alone the Prophet Aristotle said that when a man is alone he is vulnerable to the attacks of Shaitaan because he's closer to the lowly person then he is closer to the one with another person because the wolf when it attacks a herd of sheep it does not attack the whole herd it waits when one of the sheep is isolated then it takes it off guard also how about when you are in the state of Rage do you feel straight on is there you feel him present he is there because this is when he plays with the people like the kids play football the Prophet Isis and the hadith in Asahi the mihari was with his companions when two men were arguing and one of them had his eyes red and you know his his face was swollen and who's shouting and all the things you can see it and the Prophet said that it was not a nice scene to see the Prophet said as a son to his companions I know a word if he had said it all of this would go away what is the word ahoo to be laggy min ash-shaytani r-rajim I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast devil Shaitaan so one of the Companions heard this I said okay I'm gonna give no see huh I'm gonna give advice to that man and he shouldn't have because the Prophet if he wanted to he would have given it to him or he would have instructed him to do this but the man thought to do well of his own so he went to the guy guys so angry said the Prophet said say audhu billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem did the guy say oh hey that was this is what I was waiting for you the guy blew in his face it do you think I'm crazy so he's you know making another fight to this guy who was giving him advice when anger and rage controls a person it's Satan in the driver's seat he's taking control of him so many times I get calls on the mobile sure I have a problem what's your problem I divorced my wife and I'm sorry I Ramon he starts weeping why did you divorce your wife and she says she said you're not a man so my wife tells me this all the time I have no problem as that if she says it's a hour of the shaitaan/the movement calls me another woman calls and she said sure and she's crying my husband divorced me why what did you do nothing I was just you know talking with him and I got carried away and I was a Leah said divorce me divorce me divorce me and I kept nagging her for about like six hours and at nighttime they just said you divorced do you imagine this sure he divorced me what do you expect him to do after six hours of nagging him and when the husband said calls man and say why did you do this her brother it's his shift she took the keys of the house she locked me in and she took some ID she took my glasses off and if I'm in a room she turns off the air condition she turns on the night she turns off the lights and she's nagging and screaming and shouting what do you want me to do divorce is one so even under the one on the house so when anger overtakes you you don't see you blinded and this is exactly what every Muslim should not do gets angry a man came to the prophet or sunset or prophet of Allah advised me give me advice so he said do not become angry okay another one do not become angry do not become angry do not become angry the Prophet kept on repeating it at a certain only this word that album which means that it is an extremely important thing not to do which is to get angry and this is another topic among the things that Shaitaan gets into our hearts is envy when you it's envy when you see someone having something and he said he doesn't deserve this I should have got this why does he have this beautiful card he's not worthy of it he can't even Drive I'm a better man so he destroys the heart you see someone who's knowledgeable see someone whose knowledge was it come on look at him he doesn't work out at the gym what why you see everybody's respecting him what good are the muscles I'm better built than he is I see someone with lots of money I said a lot what does that like if him this money I've been praying here for so many years I did not give me as much do you believe it I heard this with my own ears I was with visiting an old man he was about 65 years old and he's a pious person he praises the message mashallah all five times in Saudi and he got sick and he was sick for a while so I went to him you know comforted him and shot on my uncle Allah forgive your sins because of your tolerance and your patience he said my son the only thing that bothers me is that I have been praying for 40 years not missing one salon for a large surgeon and I've been trying to be as good as possible look how it ended this illness and my neighbor who never prayed one single prayer at the machine he's a stronger self as a bull I was saying I mean uncle you are unifying all of your good deeds by one word you'll complete your objecting to Allah's ruling look at the way that Envy comes and corrupt your heart instead of accepting what Allah has bestowed upon you had decreed upon you say Allah Allah gave it to me I am accepting it I'll handle a surgeon no you're rejecting an and objecting this is what happened to Kabir and have Eve Cain and Abel yep when Allah accepted his sacrifice his the things that he offered and did not accept other man's sacrifice he felt envious and he killed his brother siblings what did Yusuf faced peace be upon him he was thrown in the well they wanted to kill him at first why they were envious why because of his degree because of his wealth because his father favored him and his father was a prophet a son of a prophet and a son of a prophet when the Prophet Isis on our Prophet Muhammad was asked who is the most honorable person he said Yusuf Haven Yahoo even his hat even brahim a prophet the son of a prophet the son of a prophet and the son of a prophet for prophets in a row yet his siblings who are the sons of a prophet took him and threw him in a well why Envy so when people get envious and when they look at each other instead of appreciating appreciating others gifts and they start to envy people then they will not accept anything and they will let Shaitaan come to their way people are yawning and getting asleep so I'm gonna I have so many things ahead of me but inshallah what we have heard this is more than enough there is well let me conclude with this there is one of the the easiest ways for Shaitaan to come through our hearts is the companionship who is your companion I can determine if you are on the right path or the wrong path because Shaitaan comes with the bad companion the prophet Aristotle sallam told us that a good companion is like a person who sells perfumes if you go into a place that sells perfumes either you buy perfume which means that you're gonna get a good smell or you're gonna try you know some of the sheep people instead of back birthing said oh how much is this so it's so fun hmm yeah that's good okay thanks and they leave them so either you buy it off them or you get a gift and you get a good fragrance this is a good companion he either teaches you or you learn his man or he corrects you will you do something that is wrong a bad companion is completely the opposite Shaitaan comes to throw to our hearts through bad companions you know peer pressure if I'm at school if I'm a good person my parents are good but look at my companions and the break my friend comes what a how's he a I don't smoke Thank You Man come on give it a try it's not gonna kill you it's gonna kill you it's gonna kill you later or not now so everybody's smoking you don't know that is not smoking yes and you start coughing for the first time but then it becomes part of your manhood you know feeling what macho when you smoke and then they tell you why don't you do this why don't you do that and you feel that there is a benchmark you trying to reach up to but it's not up to it's downwards they are the bad influence and on the day of judgment they will be your enemy as Allah says that Allah we are married in marital home Liberty our 21113 on the day of judgment the best of France would be the fierce enemies except those who were righteous in this world because on the day of judgment you starts to show your enmity to that person who made you do this and who taught you to how to do this and he would say I didn't teach him anything he came to me he asked me and they would become enemies so you have to choose your companions you have to choose your friends you have to choose someone who would guide you would lead you would accompany you to Allah instead of choosing someone who would guide you and lead you to a presence sir whether it is with a group or solitary confinement it's still present so you have to choose someone who shows you the light who guides you to it who gives you advice and you would feel good being with there are a lot of topics to be covered but this is more than enough and I pray to Allah Allah that he keeps us away from Shaitaan and keep straight on away from our Elohim was a lot of cinema Baraka reveals with it being Muhammad I think we have time for questions if the people are still awake if not wrap it up and call it a day questions yes bro who's Cain and Abel they are the sons of Adam you know Adam he's the father of all humanity when he was descended because of his sin because of eating who made him eat the forbidden fruit a friend our enemy Satan so that's why we do we love the guy or we hate him we hate Satan he made him eat from that forbidden fruit Allah punished him and he made him live on earth and that is why we're living on earth waiting for the time we die and go to paradise back again depending on our good deeds if we do well the minute we die we go to paradise if we do bad the minute we die we go to hell Adam had two sons he had Cain and Abel and because there were no humans at the time his wife hawa or Eve used to have twins so the first twins were a boy and a girl the second twins were a boy and a girl these twins cannot marry each other because they are siblings but they can marry from the other twins so Cain and Abel were instructed to give sacrifice to Allah as the origin Cain gave sacrifice as the story says of a grass and fruits and vegetables something that was not worthy Abel gave a big ram the finest he had so a larger center fire and it took Abel's sacrifice and Allah accepted his and he did not accept Cain's sacrifice Cain felt angry envious and he killed his brother got it well generally speaking the Angels they have stronger powers than the Devils and the Devils are shouting fear the Angels yet there are places that generally speaking the devil's don't come in because of the presence of shape of the angels but this does not mean that they don't come in at all on the contrary the Prophet tells us that whenever the Mithen calls for the Adhan the devil runs away once he hears that that and he does this while farting seriously this is a hadith which it shows that well he did not eat something that made him have gas but usually when people are afraid of something they seem to fart because of their fear and he's doing this while running away from the Masjid the minute that that is over he comes back so this is a special shape and for this occasion and we have a Shaitaan that does not leave us at all and this is a ream and the Prophet Elisha rocks lamb and this was mentioned in the hadith and I saw here where he was praying once at night at his salatu salam and while he was praying he was prostrating and they did not have lights so i shall now look pleased with her woke up in the middle of the night the Prophet is not here immediately she thought that he went to one of his other wives she she she she sort of panicked and then she touched his feet while he was frustrating she heard him say the supplication the Wacom Saahil take my vitamin rockobatty and with the profit finished his prayer he said I sure did you definitely come to you did your Shaitaan come to you thinking what you thought she said and do I have a death of an assassin she said do I have a devil she said everyone has a devil he said even you he said yes even I'm the prophet of Allah I have a devil but Allah gave me power over him and he and there are two narrations in Arabic Islam or Aslam which means that either in English Allah gave me powers over him to the extent that he became a Muslim so now he does not instruct me order makes except with good things or the other translation which is the most authentic fan Aslam which means that I am in safeguards from his bad instructions Allah gave me power over him so this means that yes they generally speaking they're not in the places of angels whenever angels go they come in and they feel angels but not a hundred percent there are special cases where they do never ever leave us Shaitaan means thing that excels in oppression so there is Shaitaan among the dogs for example we are instructed to kill black dogs and they said the prophet of Allah why black dog in any discrimination here but Chihuahua is okay but black dogs no it's not this the Prophet said that is something that the black dog is the most fierce among this kind it's a Shaitaan not it's a devil but meaning that it is the most powerful and strongest and most evil among its kind and usually I think it's a Doberman that that it is the fierce or a pitbull or we don't have dogs in hamdullah inside the rabia's I don't know their kinds but I hear that this is the case therefore yeah do we have shade shade Shaitaan among mankind the last chapter in the Quran could develop in us I seek refuge in Allah manikin asahina's min sharp from the evil of the whispering who retreats Alvis vast and Hannah's the one who whispers in the chest or the hearts of the people measure that he was mr feasel ruinous min and jinn when us so he can be from both Jin and from the people and we have people that are so devious that even maybe the devil take fear Allah come on not to that extent we have people that are so devilish that you know you could say Subhan Allah and even the devil would say he surpassed me you know a lot no no no no nobody's like this until they die and unless Allah wants them to be this way and they don't want to accept the truth but we have the fierce enemies of Islam becoming the greatest Muslims and for example whenever I read the life story of Omaha if you know about me a lot of peace with him he wasn't among the first to embrace Islam he was among the first enemies of Islam to the extent that maybe after four or five years I'm not sure how long the Companions decided to go to Abyssinian so rumor passed by one of the women the Muslim woman who was packing and he felt soft you know these these are my people why are they leaving their country so he said so you're leaving she said yes you did not leave room for us to pray and to worship Allah so we going to some other country so he said may Allah be with you and he left and when her husband came is she told him that her mother passed by and he said this and that are you hoping that I'm gonna accept Islam you're crazy I'm at his donkey may accept Islam but Rama would not do that extent he was this adamant and this level of refusing Islam not only not attacking Muslims and attacking Islam as well but look what happened to him when he embraced Islam and look what level he jumped to so never ever underestimate anyone ever people usually used to curse George Bush you know a few years ago when he was in power dancing by cursing me oh my god him should know wait why not okay guy this is Nagas hands it's not in ours we do what we're supposed to do if Allah wills it that he is guided he can detect it so never underestimate anyone or you know forget someone said no this guy can never ever accept Islam look at us we accepted Islam we were even worse than they were we and maybe we are still Awana our hearts are full of corruption and of diseases and of illnesses we trying hard with struggling to purify - a praying to apply so we're asking for his guidance but never look down at people because this is one of the traps of Shaytan which I did not have time to to discuss with you when you are on top Shaytan comes to you say you've got it made for us you are in paradise it's only a few centimeters and you were there so whenever someone talks to you who you look at you you just came out of the pub I'm a Muslim I'm a share comma a scholar and I'm a - yeah what are you and he starts to corrupt your heart from inside you look from righteous you look ok but from inside your corrupt no always be modest being humble thinking that I don't know Allah will accept my deeds all of these things that I'm doing we'll all not accept it have no idea I'm trying my best and hoping for the best but at the same time I look at central people I look at disbelievers and I know I never know maybe they in a couple of years Allah will guide them and they go there will be way miles and miles in front of me and in Islam so I hope for the best I work my mind my my best I do as hard as I can do and at the same time not look down at anyone and la knows best although yes of course it's one of the greatest and this was in my hd2 I'm not advertising it I'm trying to sell it actually but this was an in my presentation Shaitaan comes in two ways either through sugar hat which are doubts Oshawott which are desires shavoo hat meaning that he comes to you in doubtful methodologies ideologies ideas and he comes to people depending on the strength of their belief so if generally speaking the mass of the Muslims are weak in their belief so he comes to them and saying that come on Allah scream Allah is forgiving Allah is merciful neglect this so you come to see a brother performing water in the washing moves and he comes out and this area has not been touched by water say brother I would not accept your prayer for this you have to wash the whole arm come on I was the majority of it don't be extreme how much forgiving come on you go to a sister she is praying masha'Allah with the hijab with her and with her tight jeans this is this what's this you have to wear a whole garment that covers the whole body no no come on don't be extreme unless came I'm covering my head this is most important thing to do don't eat her on food come on it's okay I ask Allah for forgiveness don't deal in RIBA the interest usually don't do this don't do that and people seem to neglect and ignore this okay it's okay there is a group that are strong in their faith whenever he attempts them to do this he said this at all I have to go by the book I have to go by the Quran by the Sunnah there are steadfast on the right track he cannot come and ask them to you know be soft so he comes and say you have to be tough to be stronger so you find them washing their limbs the Prophet said three times they will do it five wifely we have free water I'm delivering the team's next door do it five times and after a while do it seven times and after what why not showered for every prayer it's more clean more more to be more clean and fresh yeah but this is innovation come on when did this innovation I'm doing it for Allah he comes to extreme against the Quran and the Sunnah I was boom have-nots eighty billion saved now la be pleased with him he was in Medina Masjid and between a van and fell off a van near Tama fetcher you know a man came and started praying two rakahs two Rakas two rakahs two rakahs and this is not permissible in Islam the Prophet said that Islam it is not lawful to pray between a van and Yama of virtually except to Raqqa which is the Sunnah only you should not you must not add to that so the man came to this boy he said my nephew my friend it is not allowed for you to pray more than two records because the Prophet I saw forbade from this so the man used the same methodology of Satan you know logic Muhammad do you think I'm going to pray to Allah and Allah is going to punish me look at this weird way of thinking so she didn't say it may Allah have mercy and so said my friend Allah will not punish you for praying Allah will punish you for going against the Sunnah yeah now you're defying the prophets instruction instructions are a structure set up it's like someone coming and saying I'm gonna pray in the toilet why you're not about to pray in the toilet do you think I was gonna punish me for praying I was gonna punish you for defying doing it the wrong way so who knew which is extreme he's likewise the Prophet Allah saw Sarah instructed us to be a smiling to the Muslims and he said that this is a he comes to me and says okay now I'm strong in faith and belief I meet the brother and he says Salam alaikum and say I look at him some robes are below his ankles I turn away in what's happening bro I said I might equal yeah good day to you do so he comes to me say ah this is not a Muslim so I start labeling people I say okay what's the length of his beard I got a ruler let me check does he have a miswak I have my swag I'm fully equipped by the way I've been the swag up with short thought I got the bearden I'm ready so Shaitaan comes from this door from who Lube some people and I've seen this hit their mothers well why he a man came to me I don't have to swear but he came to me in my message this algorithm and he said share and he started crying and the guy was about 57 years old he's old and he started crying as his weeping and after Salah on one-to-one what's wrong said my mother is so abusive my father died five years ago and we were at the top of that village and he was so generous so kind and my mother was so abusive when he died she started abusing everyone in the village curse saying backbiting and abuse doing OD book acts and she was like 80 years old so at least you could give her the benefit of the doubt that she's lost it up there but still and he said to the extent that we tried to apologize from everyone we tried to do this and try to do that and I tried to give her now see how my mother you shouldn't do this and she started talking about that about everyone else and she talked about my father and without knowing I slapped her in the face and then I was crying like a babies 57 years old and he wanted to say to say it's okay Allah who forgive you this man what you've done is it great and serious thing yes but she abused everybody else she gave a bad reputation for my father's this does not allow you to do one single bad actual mom this is your mother you cannot even raise your voice to your mother in Islam even if she was a kafir you are not allowed to read your voice and her saying if Nadi 10% of Nadi they thought it may Allah be pleased with him once was in one side of the house and his mother was in another side of the house as she said her saying she called his her and her son and said yes and she called again she's not here him he said yes mother and he felt bad about itself I raised my voice not out of arrogance but I wanted him to hear me and he freed two or three slaves for the sake of Allah just to compensate for what he felt was a sin nowadays my mom comes say go get the groceries from the car buy me one of him he's playing all the time you always become me why back at your home I've seen so many kids stockings bad things doing bad things to their mothers and they have no excuse this is part of the volu from both sides so I hope this answers your question [Music] wrap it up so long whistling melodic happy also in Livigno Hammond and I and I thank you Rachel to you for bearing with me I know it's cold outside so here is this a good place to be but inshallah may Allah Azza WA JAL grant us the opportunity to rejoin and have the same meeting in paradise with our prophet alayhi salaatu setup assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh [Music] you you
Channel: assimalhakeem
Views: 13,161
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Id: i4RnrmSxLQY
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Length: 81min 2sec (4862 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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