The DAJJAL (Anti-Christ) - Beware of his trials | Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble

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and if not Kirika neato freedom massimino gone Amati No oh no baby is nail Bingham it also often marzia's you try me bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen was salat wa salam ala nabi'ina muhammad in wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in Ilana aluminum am ferony when finally man LM Tina Roger alia inner Hanuman alamou who had jet and naina Rajat and Elena be automatically or tomorrow hey mean we begin by praising Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and sending peace and blessings upon his messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam upon his family and upon his companions as the brother said it's been quite a trip today my trip from New Castle started on Thursday night and since that Thursday night I have been from place to place and from city to city including Lester Birmingham Stoke Manchester Liverpool Keithley and Bradford before coming here and masha'Allah Baraka light is really really really nice to see everybody I want to thank you all for your patience subhanAllah there you know you've seen a tremendous amount of patience from all of you guys the fact that you know you're subhanAllah have waited this time and as we said the the travel was a little long but alhamdulillah and charlotta Allah we were already near nearly to start inshallah I thought I would give you a little bit of background to myself since this is the first time that I've been here the first time that I've been here to Dudley and martial art of article light looks like a beautiful Masjid mashallah and I became Muslim at the age of 14 years old and sometime between me becoming Muslim and now I got to spend 7 years studying hadith in the Islamic University of madina al munawwara my specialization was hadith the hadith the sayings the proof the actions the approval and the description of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa salem so that's a little bit about myself and insha allah wa ta'ala will begin you know directly in short love to allah with the talk bearing in mind and inshaallah is the brother said when we finish in sha allah then we will pray together salat or Asia whatever our last glance Allah makes it easy for us to do so so the talk that we have today is going to be on a topic which is extremely extremely important and it is from the matters of the unseen and the reason I begin by saying that it's from the matters of the unseen it's because when we deal with things that are from the matters of the unseen it's very very important that we restrict ourselves to the Book of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and the Sunnah of his messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam because we have no other means of knowing what is going to come of knowing the matters of the unseen of knowing the prophecies of the day of judgment of knowing what's going to happen in the grave of knowing what's going to happen on the day of judgment of knowing what paradise and Hellfire are going to be like we have no way of doing that without taking it from the Book of Allah and from the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and allah subhana wa ta'ala in the quran describes the believers at the beginning of surat al-baqara Allah so Allah says daddy Cal kita boleh right Buffy who then Lily not talking and levena you mean una be live so Allah so Allah says this is the book in which there is no doubt a guidance for the believers those who believe in the hype they believe in the unseen and the topic that we have today about the Messiah that gel may Allah save me and save you all from the fitna of the Messiah the gel Allah subhana Allah has told us about it and it is from the things which are from the unseen Allah span tailor revealed the reality of the Dajjal and what will happen with the mercy had the gel to his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who informed us about it and so it is from the matters which are considered to be the matters of the unseen and that's why when people talk about the Dajjal or people talk about the grave or people talk about the jinn or they talk about the angels or they talk about paradise and Hellfire you see so many people adding and embellishing the story from their own selves they have things to add there they want to you know because it sounds so good and it gets everyone emotional and it gets but at the end of the day there is no good in it because the thing that defines us as Muslims is that we are a levy now you may know an idol hype we are the people who believe in the unseen as it was revealed to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and so today in sha allahu ta'ala we're going to take this topic directly from the hadith of the messenger of allah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem and in this regard I have sought the help of a book which is a book which separa is not an easy book to get hold of it's not a book that's commonly available even though it's an extremely important book and it is the book of our Sheikh Sheikh Nasser Al el baƱo he Mahalo his book of the story of the Messiah Dajjal and the descending of a savanna Miriam Illes era one of the things that the Sheikh Brahimi Allah is particularly or has done particularly well and particularly excel that in this book is that he has gone through all of the different narrations of things that are said about the durga and he has checked them for authenticity and he has removed those narrations which are not authentic those things which are not valid and likewise he has I included as much of the valid hadith as the Sheikh had access to Rahim Ajala and then he did something really amazing because a lot of people read this book and it the book is available in English and they struggle because the book is full of narrators of hadith and in terms of hadith and terminology of hadith but there is a section in the book the fifth section of the book and it's just at the very end of the book and the share what he did he took the story of the dead jail from the hadith of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam from the beginning to the end in order without the narrator's names and without everything else just the words of the messenger of allah saw him compiled in order and that's why i think this is something that is worth us basing our our dear our sow our study that we're doing today upon because we are basing it upon the speech of the messenger of allah sallallahu is in them I can come here and tell you a story about the dead John can tell you about how the Dajjal is going to look I can tell you about what the Dajjal is going to do in sha allah but it's not the same as hearing how the messenger of allah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem explained to the jaw and in all of my lectures that i do I always try and I try so hard to emphasize to the brothers and to the sisters that we need to have that attachment to the books of the people of knowledge we need to have that attachment to the ulema to the scholars of Islam and not be listening to sort of Muhammad Tim talked about the Dajjal I mean shall I you know there will be some benefit in it but for you to be able to for us to be able to study together a book of one of the great scholars of Islam and to study the words of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam how he described the Dajjal to us in his words sallallahu alayhi wasallam so I think that this is as something that is worthwhile before we do that I want to take a few moments to talk about the fittin in general the trials and tribulations in hell Buhari from the hadith of own Salama or audio lama and her the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom a walk one night saying subhanAllah he woke up one night and he said Subhan Allah what has Allah sent down from the hazaa in the things that are only a los pantalones what has Allah sent down of the fitten how many trials and tribulations has Allah sent down in this night and then he commanded that someone go to wake up his wives so that they could pray and he said perhaps someone who is close in the dunya will be unclothed in the akhirah so in this hadith of umm Salama of the allama and had the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it wakes him up the amount of trials and tribulations that allah subhanahu wata'ala is going to send upon this ummah so much so that he decides to wake up his family to wake up his wives and to call them and to call them to pray because of the great fitten and the trials and the tribulations that Allah Azza WA JAL is going to send down upon this Ummah and there is a hadith of Abu Huraira in Sahih Muslim hurry to do good deeds before a trial comes like a piece of the dark night a man reaches the morning as a believer and by the evening he has disbelieved and a man reaches the evening as a believer and by the morning he has disbelieved subhanAllah a man reaches the morning and he is a believer and the trials and the tribulations that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is going to send us so much and so severe that the evening comes and he has left a religion of Islam and a man reaches the evening as a believer and the trials that allah subhana wa ta'ala sends are so severe that he does not reach the morning without leaving islam he sells his religion for a small benefit of the dunya this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us about the time that is going to come about the time that is surely going to come that people are going to sell their religion for such a small price how many of us today see this around us in our Muslim brothers and our Muslim sisters that they sell the deen of allah azzawajal for the smallest smallest price they sell the religion of allah subhanahu wata'ala for the smallest price Subhan Allah the smallest price and we see subhanAllah people in their employment we see people in their you know in their family lives we see people in their education and they sell their Deen they give up their Dean for the smallest price and finally the hadith of Abdullah even Amal in Sahih Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam commanded a man to call out he commanded a man to call out a solder to Jaime I come to the prayer the salah is come and come all to the prayer and all of the companions came and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said there was no prophet before me except that it was an obligation for him to lead his Ummah to the best of what he knew for them and to warn them against the worst of what he knew was going to happen to them and this Ummah it's a via the goodness the health the purity the piety of this Ummah has been put into the beginning of it meaning the companions of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this Ummah will be afflicted by trials and things you would deny them meaning if I told you about them you wouldn't believe me you would barely believe what I was going to say the trials are going to be so severe a fitna will come one after the other after the other and the believer will say this is the end of me this is the end of me then another fitna will come after it and it will be even greater than the one before and the believer will say this is the end of me I've been destroyed I this is going to kill me and then another one will come that will be yet worse than the one that came before this is the situation of the life that we are living in and there's no doubt as we get closer to the time that is mentioned by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and we become you know subhanAllah closer to the hour there is no doubt that these fit and increase and they increase and they increase and the last thing that I will sort of mention before we sort of continue on is that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala mentions at the very end of surat al-an'am that there are certain signs of allah subhanahu wata'ala and these signs when the time comes for these signs to come when these trials and these tribulations come it will not benefit you to have Iman after them if you hadn't believed before so these trials that are going to come these major trials the trials of the Dajjal the trials of the rising of the Sun the beasts coming out of the earth these are trials that subhanAllah when if you haven't chosen to practice Islam and you haven't chosen to enter Islam and you haven't chosen to you know to to act properly in Islam as you are supposed to act then your Eman is not going to benefit you on that day there's going to be no Eman after a seven or Miriam comes and tells everyone that there's only one religion and he you know he kills the Dajjal and he breaks the he breaks the you know the cross and he kills the pigs and he explains the truth and all of the things that the people said about a Savannah Miriam are exposed as being falsehood after that allah azza wajal is not going to accept you to say oh I made a mistake now I'm going to believe now I'm going to practice Islam properly allah subhana wa ta'ala is not going to accept that from you you have a chance to practice Islam now before that day comes you have a chance to practice Islam now before the time comes when Allah will not accept any Shahada from anyone because like the ISAs they will come or when their signs of Allah come it will not benefit you your Eman will not benefit you if you did not believe at the beginning or you did not earn some good from your belief so insha'Allah who to Allah with that to set the context we're going to begin by looking at the hadith of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa ala ali he was happy he was Selim regarding the fitna of the dead German the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said all my people there has been no affliction greater than the affliction of the Dajjal on the earth since Allah created the children of Adam and there will be no fitna that will be greater until the hour will come no one will escape whatever is before it except that he is going to escape it and it will not harm a Muslim to be honest we could spend our time on this one hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on its own the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said all my people there has been no fitna on the face of this earth no trial on the face of this earth since Allah Azza WA JAL created the children of Adam the offspring of Adam there has been no trial on this earth and there will be no trial on this earth until the day of judgement that is greater than the trial of them as he had the job nobody will escape what is before it except that he will escape it meaning if you can be successful now if you can escape the fitten that come before the dead jail the trials that come before the dejar the other signs of the hour that happen and you can escape them and you can be saved from them then be evening la heater ila you will be safe from the fitna of the Messiah and it will not harm a Muslim and that does not mean that it will not harm someone whose name is Ahmed or it will not harm someone whose name is Fatima or it will not harm someone whose name is Hassan or it will not harm somebody who attributes themselves to Islam but the true Muslim who believes and affirms towhead that there is no god worthy of worship except allah and that muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wa salem is the messenger of allah this will not he will not be harmed he will not be harmed by the fitna of the Dajjal by the fact that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will protect him from it the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam continued or the hadith from the other hadith that we have of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Allah has not sent any prophet except that he warned his people against the one-eyed the jail and verily I warn you of him from this we understand that every single prophet every single prophet of that allah subhanho wa taala sent warned his people of the DeJong and that's why you find the concept of the Dajjal present in the belief of the Christians present in the belief of the Jews even if it has been twisted and it's been it's been misunderstood and it's been sort of perhaps taken the wrong way but every single prophet warned their Ummah of the Durga the one-eyed dead John and he is called a Dajjal and at the jail because it comes from a Dagon which is betrayal to lie to deceive people because that is what the Dajjal is going to do he's going to betray us he's going to lie to us and he's going to deceive us and he is called al messiah because one of his eyes is closed and is covered and al maseeh is like something is like a mess is like to wipe over it's as though it's been wiped wiped closed one of his eyes and we're going to hear more of his description and then the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said and I am the last of the prophets and you are the last of the nation's and this is the beginning of enforcing and drilling into the mind of the Companions of the allahu anhum wa radu home that there is not going to be a prophet after the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa said and we're going to hear why this is so important because the Dajjal will begin by saying he is a prophet and saw the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam tells us that there is no prophet after me this is the first thing that is going to save you from the message at the jar the first thing that is going to save you from them and see ahead the jail is your realization that there is no prophet that is going to come after the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said he will appear amongst you obviously clearly you won't deny you know you won't it's not like he will be hidden and this is a refutation of those people who say that the Dajjal is the TV or the Dajjal is the system la Mahalo you won't be able to miss it when he comes verily it is the truth it is near and everything that is going to happen is near so The Messenger of Allah saw Allah while he was Ellen tells us that it is near and that everything because everything Kulu art and Carib everything that is going to happen is in reality it's near because you know it's like when you delay your time and you think you know I've got three months left to do my exam or my essay or my coursework suddenly you turn around and the time is gone everything that is going to come is near so the Dajjal is near yeah Hawaiian either Dajjal is not the Dajjal is not far away he will appear because of the anger which will make him angry he will appear because of the anger which will make him angry and the hour will not come until the inheritance will not be divided nor will people rejoice over the wealth and the spoils of war so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives us some more context he says he will come because of an anger that will make him angry and Allah Azza WA JAL knows best what kind of anger this is is this the anger that that splits up the the brothers or is this the anger of war and fighting and killing that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam foretold allah azza wajal knows best but the hour will not come until the inheritance will not be divided and the booty will not be rejoiced over so people now today today right now are not sharing out the inheritance according to the Sharia true or not people today right now do not think that there is anything good when an army enters into an area that the Army is able to to take the money and take the wealth and distribute it amongst the people it's considered to be I if it's considered to be something bad you don't you're not allowed to do that anymore we don't rejoice over the war booty anymore and we don't share our inheritance anymore according to the Sharia and again we should be clear about the CI one that this hadith does not mean that nobody will share the inheritance but that the general state of the Muslims and the general state of the people will be that the inheritance is not divided according to the Sharia and this is one of the signs of the coming of the Messiah at the jam the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if he will come forth when I am among you I will argue on behalf of every Muslim and if he will appear after me then everyone must be for himself every man for himself and Allah is the helper of every Muslim on my behalf and in the hadith of Selma if he appears after I die Allah will make the righteous people sufficient for you against him so the messenger of allah sallallahu aleyhi will seldom and this shows that he did not know the ripe the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not know the ripe he said I don't know is he going to come in my life or not if he comes in my life I will go and fight him I will defend you against him I will go and I will debate with him and I will fight with him on your behalf but if he comes after I die then every single one of you every man every woman every child it's ever man for himself and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is the protector of every Muslim or Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala is the helper of every Muslim a last planet Allah is the helper of every Muslim and in the hadith of umm Salama if I die Allah will make the righteous people not the so-called righteous people who claim to be pious and they claim piety and they claim good deeds and they claim whatever and they claim to be awliya of allah not these people but the people who are muta hoon the people who are righteous the people who are fearful of Allah Subhan Allah Allah they will have a huge role to play in repelling the influence of the Dajjal upon this ummah the ummah of muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wasn't and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said surely he will come forth from the land of the eastern side and it is said Khorasan he will come forth from the east and it is said Horus on and Horus on is the land which is now mostly Iran and it is the eastern side of Iran so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that he would come from the east and in another narration he will come from Collison and Horus on is that area of of Iran and and possibly also covers parts of Afghanistan and the eastern part of of Iran and that kind of geographical region he will come from the Jews of Isfahan now we know as Mahan is a city in Iran and as behan was a city in the same place that was known by the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa said and this city as behan there will be Jews within it who will protect them as he had the jail and he will come out from amongst them Jews whose faces will resemble shields covered with skin from the way between Syria Iraq so either the Jews will be from us behan originally and we know that this there are two potential meanings for this one is the most obvious meaning that they are real Jews and there are a lot of Jews who live in who live in Iran Iran has a large Jewish population and a large number of them are originally from Isfahan and even today Israel today has many many many people living in it who are originally from the Jews of Isfahan the other concept consideration is that in reality the Shia and our faiths are not very far away from the Jews and if we describe them as Jews were not a million miles away from what they say so whether it is the RAF Allah and no doubt the Rafah that will have their role to play or whether it is the Jews themselves and this is the more apparent opinion they will be the Jews of Isfahan the Jews from the city of Isfahan and they come from the way between Syria and Iraq so when you get home and you have a chance to look on the map it's good if you get a chance to listen to the lecture again that you plot it sort of on the map and you sort of have a look where's Isfahan okay between Syria and Iraq the way between Syria and Iraq this is where these Jews will will will be coming out from so it is always sort of useful for us to sort of plan and to look at that and to sort of investigate for further any information in Shama he will cause mischief he will disorder things he will cause mischief on his right and on his left so he will cause a great deal of mischief a great deal of evil a great deal of discontent a great deal of chaos and disorder you know a lot of times you see films that are you know sort of portray disorder and chaos and everything's crashing down and everything is going crazy we don't know is the Dajjal going to be like that but this is just something that may you know sort of help you to understand chaos right and left wherever he goes he cause chaos I'm the messenger of allah said o allah servant be steadfast or allah servant be steadfast or allah servant be steadfast be strong be strong in remembering the points that the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wa salem is going to teach you about the durga and the first one we made a note of that there is no prophet after the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam O'Riley the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said I will describe to you a characteristic which no prophet has described before me and in the hadith of aware of the ilaha and I have told you so much about the Dajjal I am afraid that you might not understand there's no doubt that as time goes by each prophet taught more to his Ummah about the Dajjal as the time became nearer and the prophet sallallaahu Ali was seldom told us so much about the durga we can have no doubt about who he is and where he's going to come from he will begin by saying I am a prophet when there is no prophet after me and you must remember this because when the Dajjal will confuse the people and he will bring the dead to life by the permission of Allah and he will bring your own dead parents to stand in front of you to tell them he is Allah you must remember these things you must start by remembering that there is no prophet after the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam nobody and then the second time he will say I am your Lord but you will not see your Lord until you die and this is the second point of it you must remember that you cannot see Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala in this dunya you will see our last panel to Allah when you die and be even in Lao you will see that in a way that will be a blessing for you in general for those that Allah you will not see your Lord until you die simple things but these things if you keep them in your mind they will save you from the fitna of the Messiah hit the gel by the permission of Allah so again there is no prophet after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that you will not see your Lord until you die so anything in this dunya that comes and says I am Allah even if they bring the Sun and the moon on one hand and the other if you see them in this dunya it is not allah subhanaw taala and the fitna of the Dajjal will try you so badly it will shake you from inside so badly you can only remember these simple things and even though everything your eyes will be telling you and your senses will be telling you this is my lord but your heart you remember the hadith of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam you will not see your lord until you die indeed that the jail is blind by the left wiped I a thick piece of flesh will cover over the eye so he is blind in his left eye and he has a thick piece of flesh that covers over the eye and we said al Massar is - to wipe and it's his eye is described as as mum saw or and he is described as Messier that it is like it's been wiped down wiped shut his eye and he has a big piece of flesh that comes over the eye and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described it like a green hot burning light like a green hot burning light so something that comes over his eye like a green hot burning light and it is flesh and this is why you know when people see these things they say oh it must be this it must be a camera it must be we must be careful that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Sellers more than capable of describing to us what we need to know and he said it is a piece of flesh a piece of skin and it is like a green hot burning light his right eye will be like a floating grape imagine a grape the shape of a grape you know new and you imagine you have a grape that just is like sort of floating on top of the water this is the description of his right eye neither protruding out so his eye will not stick out nor is it right back you know some people their eyes are very deep into their skull and some people the eyes are very prominent his eye will neither be deep nor will it be prominent he will have thick hair beware his position should not be hidden from you it must not be hidden from you that your Lord is not blind in one eye this is again the third point there is no prophet after the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam you will not see Allah Azza WA JAL until you die and your Lord is not one eye and the prophet sallallaahu Ilia seldom used to repeat this until the Sahaba thought he would not stop he would say your Lord is not one-eyed remember your Lord is not one-eyed your Lord is not one-eyed your Lord is not one eye again and again and again because again the trial of the Dajjal will be severe and it will shake a person to their very core you need to remember there is no prophet after the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam you will not see your Lord until you die and your Lord is not outward he is not one-eyed your Lord is not blind in one eye he said it three times then he pointed towards his eyes with his hand and he said and surely you will not see your Lord until you die so again look the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam i gained in again and again he's pointing and he's saying to them and he's pointing and saying you will not see your Lord until you die your Lord is not one-eyed and you will not see your Lord until you die and he will walk in the land and verily the land and the heavens belong to Allah he will be a young man with twisted hair and a floating eye I compare him to Abdullah even cotton to Abdullah Zevon cotton who is short hand told with curly hair and white as in his skin will be fair not dark not but not a dark brown color skin it will be a fair skin now the word white here and doesn't always necessarily mean white in the up in the most absolute sense but will say it will say to be safer will say fair and yannis closer to wipe them too the other color he is a man with curly hair thick twisted hair thick twisted curly hair between his two eyes is written Catherine or is written kaffarah so either it is written calf fur raw or is written kaffir disbeliever everyone who will dislike him will read it and in another narration every believer will read it or every Muslim will read something like this but here everyone who will dislike him will read it as soon as you rejected that Jalen this is the test as soon as you look at him and your mind says to you no prophet after Muhammad sallallaahu is Elam I will not see my Lord until I die my lord is not one-eyed I disbelieve in him as soon as you dislike him and you disbelieve in him you will straightaway see the word kafir written on his forehead as a miracle a sign from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that this is a disbeliever and this is someone who is not to be taken as a guide and it's mentioned every believer whether he knows how to write or he does not know how to write he will see it every believer whether he knows how to write or whether he does not know how to write will see it perhaps the Companions for fear I can't read how am I going to read catheter on his head I don't know how to read Arabic every single believer who hates that the gel will be able to read it whether they can read or whether they can't read from his trials is that we will have with him the heaven and hell he will have with him Jannah and now imagine someone brings Jannah to you in front of your face he brings Jenna to you in front of your face and he brings the Hellfire to you in front of your face or he brings a cool river to you and he brings a burning fire to you a mountain of bread and resemblance of the heaven and hell fire will come with him so it's not real Jenna nothing agile is real it's not real gender that he brings but what he brings is an image a fake so that you would look at it and think that it was Jenna and you you reach out this is your gender this is Allah he's brought gender for you and he's brought the Hellfire for you but it's not your Lord it's not a lot as sol-gel it is the Dajjal the biggest liar that allah subhana wa ta'ala will put on this earth and saw the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said his hell is heaven and his heaven is hell so if you are given a choice to enter Jannah or the Hellfire enter the Hellfire choose to enter his Hellfire because his Hellfire is really gender with Allah and his gender is really the Hellfire with Allah if you are given a choice between his burning fire and his cool River choose the fire because the fire will be cool water for you and the river will be a burning fire so it is the opposite of what you would think and that is an amazing testament the test of your iman to see Jenna someone brings general you know in front of you right there you can smell it you can see it you can touch it and you from your Eman you have to go and walk into the burning fire and when you second you walk into the fire you realize the fire is Jannah and the gender is the Hellfire and Megiddo I've been sure about asked him about the Dajjal he said they say he will have a mountain of bread and meat and a river of water he replied he is much too low to be allowed such a thing by Allah to judge the people now this is showing that it's not a real gender and it's not the real Hellfire he won't really have Jenna and the hell that Allah will not allow him to judge the people in that way but what he will have is an image that will fool the people into thinking that it is Jenna and an image that will fool the people into thinking that is the Hellfire in another hadith the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said two flowing rivers will be with him one will look like white water one of them will look like white water and the other one will look like a blazing fire whoever finds it and wants the water he should drink out of the fire so if you want to drink the water imagine there's a famine there's no water anywhere on the face of the earth there's nothing at all and he brings you water and says drink drink my slave drink my servant I am Al I'm your Lord I've brought you water and here is a river of burning fire you disbelieve in him you drink the fire and the fire will be water whoever of you finds it and wants the water he should drink out of the fire and he should close his eyes and lower his head so The Messenger of Allah sons explaining you how do you actually go and take fire and put your face into it close your eyes and lower your head and just keep in your mind that it is not fire close your eyes and lower your head and you will find it to be called sweet pure water and you should not be frightened in another narration whoever will enter his river his reward will be wasted his sin will be recorded and whoever will enter his fire his reward will be made obligatory and his sin will be deleted therefore whoever is tested with his fire should seek Allah's help and should recite the early verses of Surat al-kahf these will be the protection for you against his affection how many of us read surah kahf every Friday how many of us still read it was narrated that imam ahmed rahim allah used to read the beginning of a ayahs of sortal calf and he would cry and cry and say oh allah keep us safe keep us safe oh Allah keep us safe keep us safe and he would read the beginning of source of calf now we don't even think of the Dajjal we think oh I can't be as bad as the latest Hollywood blockbuster movie where some aliens came and did this account bu you are desensitized to violence you're desensitized to troubles and tribulations someone will come and save the day you know something it won't be like that when the trials of Allah come there isn't the option to just turn away and just to take it and switch off the TV and go home and have a nice lie in bed these are the trials shake a person now if you just think for a second what is going on in Syria today what is going on in around the world in in Muslim countries in Africa and in other places the trials those people are going through are nothing compared to the trial of the messenger so just put it into context when you see people dying and you see people losing their children and their houses this is nothing compared to the fitna of the messy headteacher so this is not a light fitna it's not a story this is something real that is going to happen and so you must read Surat al-kahf the beginning of sort of gap from his affliction his trial is that he will say to a bedouin what do you think if I raise your father and your mother alive will you testify that I am your Lord I'm going to bring your father and mother alive will you say Shahada that I'm I am Allah he say yes then the two devils will stand up to Shaitaan will stand up and will take the picture the image of his mother and father and they will say o little son follow him because he is your Lord and from his affliction is that he will overcome a soul and will him and he will saw him with a saw until he will cut him in two and from his affliction as he will pass nearby a tribe and he will call them and they will deny him and he will turn against them then no grazing stock will live except that it is ruined so imagine he goes by a village and he says believe I am Allah they say we disbelieve we don't believe that your Allah all of their livestock dies the same day all of their plants die the whole village is left in ruins what is that going to test the Eman of the people that they said no you're not Allah and then as if it came from Allah the whole village is turned to ruin and from his affliction is that he will pass by a clan he will call them and they will accept him and then he will command the heaven to reign he will command the heaven to send down the rain and he will command the earth to grow and it will grow until their cattle will come back in the evening of the same day fat and big you imagine you just deny the data you lost everything your house is ruined your livestock is ruined the next village you look at them they believed in the Dajjal and as if a miracle that cows are fat they have so much meat they have riches they have everything in the world their hips will be raised and their others full of milk then he will walk through the desert and say bring your treasures and the treasures will come out of the desert like the swarm of bees all the time is calling you that he is your Lord that the jail will come type come forth at a time when people are mutually fighting and division in a state of division subhanAllah what makes you think this won't be this time so upon a time of mutual fighting when everyone is fighting each other and there's so much fighting and division amongst the people and the people will hate one another religion will be seen as a minor thing and the relations between people will be bad he will go to every watering place the earth will shrink for him like the skin of a ram is wrapped so he will go every single place on the earth there is no place on the earth that he will not go to and the earth will be shrunk for him like when you take a skin and the skin of an animal and it shrunk until you it was this big and then it becomes just a tiny piece thin piece of of like of leather or something like that it shrinks in so the earth will shrink for him as though he can go to any place one minute he's in this country and one minute he is in the next that the jail will not appear until the Romans land in an arm up they will gather against the Muslims and the Muslims will get together against them bear in mind the word Romans he is just a general Arabic word for Europeans inshallah and that seems to be the most sort of reliable opinion of the hadith the Europeans will gather against the Muslims or the Romans will gather together against the Muslims and the Muslims will get together against them then an army of the best soldiers of the people on earth at that time will come from Edina from Modena to fight against those Romans or those Europeans when they arrange themselves in ranks the Romans will say do not stand between us and those Muslims who took prisoners from among us let us fight them the Muslims will say no by Allah we will never turn aside from you and from our brothers so that you may fight them and there will be a terrible fight and the Muslims will prepare a detachment to fight until the death and they will not return until they are victorious they will fight until darkness and both sides will return back without anyone winning so there's a big battle between the Europeans or the Romans and between the Muslims and they are seeking to get hold of some Muslims who have done something to them they've taken prisoners so they say don't stand between us and they fight against them and they prepare detachment and say go forward against these people until you die or you're victorious and they will go forward to fight against them until they die or until they are victorious but then darkness will come and they will return back and neither side will have won both sides will return without being victorious and neither will be wiped out the Muslims will prepare another group to fight to the death so that they do not return until victorious when it is the 4th day a new detachment from the Muslims will be prepared they will fight and a third part of the army who Allah will never forgive will run away so third of the army of the Muslims run away a third party of the army who will be the most excellent martyrs in the eyes of Allah will be killed and 1/3 of the army will never be tested and Allah will decree that the Romans will be defeated and they will fight such a fight such as has not been seen a fight like nobody has seen a war like this not in any movie not in any video game not in any any you know concept of history have you seen a war that will go on like this so fierce that if a bird was to pass by their flanks a would fall down dead before it reached the other side even a bird would not be able to reach from one side to the other there will be such a massacre that when the counting will be done only one out of a hundred men related to one another will be found alive only one out of a hundred men will be found alive in this massacre that will happen so what can be the joy at the spoils of such war and what inheritance can be divided the messenger of allah system said when when one out of a hundred is left alive who's going to be happy that they want nobody they will enter Constantinople and they will conquer it in another narration it was said you have heard of the city one side is inclined and the other is on the coast i Constantinople they said yes Allah's messenger sallallaahu earlier I said them and said yes I was messenger then he said the hour will not come until seventy thousand people from bani is happy anybody soil from the jews seventy thousand people will attack Constantinople when they land there they will not fight with weapons nor arrows but they will only say there is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest and one side of it will fall then they will say there is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest so it seems that these people are from bani is hot but they are from the Muslims of Benyus huh so they're from the Muslims of of Bani Israel and they will say there is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest and the other side will fall and they will say there is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest and the gates will be open for them and they will enter in so they will say la ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar three times and the city will collapse and fall down and they will enter in and they will be sharing out the wealth when they are sharing out the wealth and the spoils of the war and hanging their swords by the olive trees Shaitaan will cry the dead jail has taken place amongst your families they will leave everything because they know of the dead jar they are believers they are Muslims they know that that jar is coming so they leave that they leave all of their wealth and everything and they come back and they run back towards their families they will come out but it will be no avail they will send ten horse men to check house the Dajjal come or not the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam said i know their names the names of their forefathers and the colors of their horses they are the best men on the face of the earth or the best horse men on the face of the earth that day they are the best horse men on the face of the earth that day and when they reach Syria that the jail will come out so these horsemen will go forward looking for the Messiah had the jail and when they reach Syria that the job will come out there will not be any City but the fear of the Dajjal will enter into it except Medina there will be seven gates for Medina at that time and two angels will be at each gate repelling the fear of the Dajjal pushing the fear of the Dajjal away and it's narrated that the Dajjal will not enter Makkah nor will he enter Beit al-maqdis he will not enter or he will not enter al-aqsa there is some difference in the rewire he will not enter the centre of Jerusalem and he will not enter Makkah but the fear of the Dajjal will enter everywhere but medina medina is the only place the people will not be scared or not have any fear of the durga until he will alight near the barren land of alger off behind the mountain of a hood so that the gel comes to medina and he stands outside medina the angels are stopping the Dajjal the Dajjal is the creation of allah he can't do something that Allah doesn't want him to do so he comes to the plain behind or hurt and he wants to enter Medina but the angels are standing firm and the angels will not allow him to enter Medina Medina will shake with an earthquake three times and the people will shake three times and there will be no male or female monarch except that they will go out now you imagine now how many people to leave Medina and go and live in western lifestyle how many people die to leave practicing Islam to be more sort of westernized and to leave their religion until II when the Dajjal comes and calls them out they're going to run they're going to run Tim how many people are going to say no I'm staying in Medina they're going to run to him just like they run in this dunya to go and seek the dunya at the expense of the Deen this day will be called the day of purity and salvation because Medina will be Medina will be purified and most of the people who go out to him will be the women a man in the flush of his youth a young in the in the height of his youth the peak of his youth from amongst the believers will go to the dead jar and he will be the best of the people at that time or from the best of them and the armed men of the Dajjal will meet him and they will say to him where are you going and this man he will say I am going to this one who's come I'm going to see that a jar so they will say don't you believe in our Lord the man will say there is nothing hidden about our Lord meaning there is I know who your Lord is and I know who my lord is so they will say kill him but then others amongst them will say no don't kill him no don't care don't kill him take him to the Dajjal because the Dajjal has forbidden you to kill anyone without his permission so they will take him to the jail and the believer will see him and he will say all people I bear witness that he is that the job they will still be good on the earth he will come and say one look at him I bear witness that this is the Dajjal because he knows he knows the hadith he's taught it he's taught it to his children he's been thwarted by his parents and by his scholars and by he understands who them as he had the jollies so he says that you're the Durga and he says you are the Dajjal who allows mention a Las messenger sallallaahu Lehman's mentioned and that the jail will order for him to be made to lie on his stomach and then he will be struck on his back and his stomach and that the jail will say don't you believe in me and he will say you are the false Christ you are and you are the false messiah the false messiah you're not the real Messiah you're the false messiah and that the jail will say what do you think if I kill him and raise him alive would you be doubtful that I am Allah I'm going to kill him and raise him back up to life they said no he will then order for him to be cut up with a sawed modulus he's alive he's been cut up with a with a sawed into pieces from the parting of his hair up to his legs cut down the middle with a saw and he will kill him he will strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and make the pieces lie at the distance between the archer in its target if you imagine an archer shooting an arrow and you imagined the archer is a little bit quite far away a hundred metres or whatever 50 meter whatever the archer stands he will put the two halves of the man there and then he will walk between the two pieces and he will say stand and the man will get up alive and stand of course everyone around him will believe that the job will call to that young man and the young man will come forward laughing with a bright face and he will say to him a bright face that is gleaming with happiness and he will say to him don't you believe in me and the man will say by Allah it is only added to my insight concerning you you did this to me you've just confirmed to me that you're the Dajjal even more than I already knew you were the Dajjal before he will say that or the Dajjal after this will try to get hold of him and the man will have his neck will turn into copper his neck will turn into metal so that the Dajjal will try to be striking off his neck trying to kill him in reality but the Dajjal can't kill this man so then the gel will throw him and the people will think it will throw him into the air and he will say now I have thrown him into the Hellfire and the people will think that he was thrown into the Hellfire but he was thrown into where it's thrown into Jannah and our last messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said he will be the best of the martyrs in the sight of Allah and there's no doubt that the greatest form of jihad is Colima to happen and the Sultana in jail the greatest form of jihad sannasi Allah some threat is to say the truth in front of an evil tyrant so you imagine there is no tyrant more evil than the dead john and the messenger of a loss of love i Leo SLM told us that this man he's killed his brought to life he says I know you're the Durga that the jail chases him he tries to cut off his head but he can't cut off his head so he throws him into the air and he thinks he's been thrown into Gehenna but he's been thrown into into Jannah the Angels will turn his face towards Syria and he will come to a mountain of Jerusalem and he will see a group from the Muslims the believers will be in a very hard time a very tough time the people will flee from the Dajjal to get into the mountains um sharek the daughter of a belikov said all's messenger will where will the arabs be on that day he will say the arabs will be few on that day a righteous person will be there Imam and he will be from my family from the offspring of fatima or of the allah wanna allah will make him suitable to be the halifa in a night and his name will be like mine and his father's name will be like mine he will have a broad forehead and a prominent nose he will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny and he will rule for seven years and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said and this is the beginning of the introduction of the Maddy and the prophets Allah is Elam said two groups of my Ummah Allah is protected from the fire a group will fight against India and another group will be with a savanna Maryam Allah none and he said whoever of you meets a7r Miriam give him my greetings give him the greetings of the prophet salallahu alayhe wasn't then he will come to a syrian mountain and see a group of the muslims the people who will be on the mountain on the peak at the top of the mountain they will say to them what are you waiting for against his rebel fight against this man until you meet allah or you'll be given victory and they will agree to fight him the next morning they will be preparing for the fight arranging their rows and the prayer will be established the federal prayer and they will reach the federal prayer and a Savannah Mariam will be with them a Savannah Mariam alayhi Salam will be with him then he will lead the people in prayer raising his head from rocker and he will say Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah may Allah kill the fake Dajjal and the Muslims overcome and upon ending the prayer he will say open the door and when he opens the door for the prayer that that jail will be standing there seventy thousand Jews will be with him every one of them will have a decorated sword with a green shawl and ASA alehissalaam will chase him so Issa will march towards the Dajjal with his spear when the Dajjal will look at him he will melt just like salt is melted in water if he leaves him he will keep on melting until he will perish but Allah will kill him with his own hand and he will show him the blood on the spear of ASA alehissalaam he will find him near babba wood in the east and kill him a part of Jerusalem so they will follow until this part of Jerusalem and a Shiley Salam will chased at the jail and then he will kill him and allah subhana wa ta'ala will destroy him and this is near the Masjid of Jerusalem then Allah will defeat the Jews and grant the Muslims victory over them and they will kill them and there will be left nothing that is created except that a loss and and that there is someone hiding behind accept that that thing will be made to speak not a stone not a tree not a wall or a beast except for one kind of tree one kind of tree and this is the only tree and this tree is called a lavada and this tree Allah is the only tree that will not help the Muslims to fight against those people who have supported that a job and a lot of people listen to this and they you know they make it a an ante or they say that it's anti-semitic or that it's anti-jewish the problem here is not their religion the problem here is that these are the people who have supported them as he had the gel against a7 Amalia so those people from those who that religion who accept Islam and who turn away from this belief and who support the Muslims they will not be included amongst this these are the people who will support the Antichrist will support the Messiah hydrogen and so anyone who supports the Messi had dead jail deserves to be killed regardless of what his religious orientation or his religious background will be and the tree will scream or Allah's Muslim servant there is a Jew behind me come and kill him the people will live for seven years during which time there will be no hatred between anyone now that the jail is gone there will be no hatred between not even two people will argue not even two people will argue a savannah Maryam will come at a time of my people and they will he will be upon the religion of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam confirming the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam as a just ruler and as a guide and as a just leader he will fight the people for Islam he will break the cross he will kill the pigs prayers will be gathered for him gia will be abolished because everyone will turn to Islam there's no G Z because there will be no people who will not turn to who will not turn to Islam there's a car collectors will not be employed for sheeps and camels because of the wealth that exists because there is no poor to give the wealth to spite and mutual hatred and jealousy will depart so when he summons the people to accept wealth nobody will take the wealth and a single prostration a single sector to Allah in prayer will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it and the call to tell heed will be for Allah Azza WA JAL and for Allah alone and he said by the one whose hand my soul is in surely a savanna Maryam will assume that it will will where the Haram for Hajj or Umrah or for both and then the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said then a people who Allah had protected will come to a savanna maryam and he will wipe their faces and he will and this is Messier will wipe their faces and he will tell them of their ranks in paradise it will be under this kind of state that Allah will reveal to a7l Mariam the words I have brought forth from my servant such a people against nobody will be able to fight take these people to a tool and this is the coming of yet George and mad George there will come a people you can't fight them or ASA nobody can fight them when ya George and my George come you will not be able to fight them and again ya jujin mad George it's clear they're coming after the Dajjal after seven years of no two people disagreeing so let not anyone say hydrogen match George of the Chinese or the Mongolians or you know the Koreans or any other of these silly statements that people make ya George and Matt George are coming in order after the Dajjal after the you know after there is seven years of peace and seven years of just rulership and after the coming of a Sabina Maryam it will be under these conditions that Allah will tell him take the people to a tour then Allah will send you George and Matt George and they will swarm down from every slope the first of them will pass the let the lake of Tiberias and drink from the lake and when the last of them passes there will be no water he will say they used to be water there once then they will walk until they will reach a particular mountain and when they reach this particular mountain in Beit al-maqdis they will say you have killed everyone on the earth now let us kill the people who are in the sky and so they will kill they will throw their arrows towards the sky and the arrows will come down with blood and eserve annamaria alehissalaam will be besieged he will be surrounded at at all and they will be so hungry that the head of an ox will be more beloved to them than a hundred dinars they would rather have the head of an ox to eat than they would to have a hundred dinars the prophet of allah essa aleihsalaam and his companions will make dua to allah who will send insects who will strike the necks of ya George and Matt George and in the morning they will die as one person as and they will all die simultaneously together one go all of them dying and Allah is prophet ISA and his companions then come down to the land and they will not find on the land any space that is not filled with dirt and stench because the dead rotting bodies of ya George and mad George and they fill up the whole earth they can't find any space that is not rotten then they will beseech Allah Azza WA JAL and Allah will send rain of which no house will keep out meaning even you got roof you got bricks you've got whatever the rain will not be able to keep out and then the earth will be told until the earth will be washed and it will be like a mirror completely clean of the effects of yeah George and ma'juj then the earth will be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and as a result there will be a pomegranate so big that a group of people will be able to eat it and they will be able to use the shelter of the pomegranate skin to shelter underneath a group of people and there will be so much milk from a dairy cow that a whole party of people will be able to drink it the milking camel will give such a large quantity of milk that a whole tribe will be able to drink from it and the milking sheep will give so much milk that a family will be able to drink from it the bull will be sold for a high price and the horse will be sold for a low price because there is a normal war there is no more fighting there is no more running around on horseback to look for people it's over and he said sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the life after the mecir ASA ELISA Lam blessed is the life after the Messiah the heaven will be asked for rainfall the earth will be told to grow if you saw your seed that suffer it will grow and there will be no spite no jealousy and no hatred every stinging insect will be snatched away no more wasps normal bees no more you know nasty mosquitoes they will all go away peace will take place so that the Lions will play with the camels the Tigers with the cows and the Wolves with the goats and the children will play with snakes and the snakes will not harm them and a baby will put its hand into the mouth of a snake and it will not harm him and a baby girl will run away from a lion but it will not harm her and a wolf among the Sheep will be like their dog the earth will be filled with peace just as a vessel is filled with water and Islam and and the word or the word meaning any Islam will become one and only Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will be worshipped war will be put down it will be the end of war peace on the earth and the weapons will be put down Koresh will stop being the only ones who are allowed to rule the rulership will be given to other than Quraysh and the earth will become like a silver tray just like at the time of Adam ASA Ali Salim will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die and the Muslims will pray his janazah the Muslims will pray is janazah they will be in such a great position that Allah will send a cold wind from Syria which will soothe the people even under the armpits it will take the life of every believer and every Muslim so every single believer dies a wind comes after this beautiful time after the death of a Cala salam after the time when the children will play with the Lions and the snakes a wind comes and every single Muslim will pass away nobody will survive on the earth having a speck of good in him or faith in him except that he will die anyone who's even got any Iman at all will die even if some of you were to enter the deepest part of a mountain the wind will reach him only the wicked people will survive and they will be as careless as birds with the characteristics of beasts they will never appreciate any good and they will never stop any evil then Shaitaan will come to them in human form and will say don't you respond they will say what do you order us to do he will command them to worship the idols but they will still leave comfortable and happy lives still even though they're worshipping the idols they will leave comfortable and happy lives they will commit adultery like donkeys and the last hour will come to them then the trumpet will be blown and the one who hears it will bend his neck to one side and raise it from the other side this is the description of the trumpet that it's so fearful that it will a person will take his neck and bend it until his neck will go around completely from the severity of the the trumpet and the one first one to hear that trumpet will be a person setting right the system to supply water to the camels he will faint and the other people will also think then Allah will send or he will cause to be sent rain which will be like Dew and it will grow out of it the bodies of the people then the second trumpet will be blown and they will stand up and begin to look around then it will be said or people go to your Lord they will be made to stand there and they will be questioned then it will be said bring out a group of them from the Hellfire it will be asked how many of them should go to the Hellfire and it will be said 999 out of 1,000 so of all the people that are resurrected 999 out of a thousand go to the Hellfire that will be the day that will make the children old because of its terror and that will be the day about which it has been said on the day when the Shin will be uncovered and this is the end of the text of the Sheikh and explanation of the messiyah DeJong and I think subhanAllah the benefit in hearing this from the words of the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam instead of hearing this in the form of you know a story from one of us I think is something that is worthwhile inshallah and to hear it in such an excellent order and such an order which has so much benefit in it and of course there are other issues regarding the Dajjal there are issues regarding the birth of the Dajjal regarding the Dajjal and the hadith of taneema daddy which is the hadith when Tamim came across that the jail chained in early form and there are other issues to deal with but looking at the time and the fact that you guys have already been waiting here at about two hours in Charla I think we'll leave that for the questions and answers and we'll leave it for another time insha'Allah those of you who have any questions are more than welcome inshaallah to ask so we start there any questions in shower which is Accola share for the most informative talk and we have had some questions text through to us firstly what language will the Dajjal be speaking in i don't know of any authentic narration that mentions the language that the jail will be speaking in and other than the fact that the text of what the Dajjal will say is mentioned in arabic it's not clear what language that the jail will be speaking in i think if anything we only have evidence for arabic but we don't really have any clear evidence even for arabic because like the statements of the prophets are mentioned in arabic in the quran but they did not speak arabic and that's something that is a matter not a matter of disagreement so it's known that the prophets didn't use to speak Arabic and yet Allah mentions what they said in Arabic in the Quran so there isn't really an evidence and in the matters of the unseen we should be very careful to stop and to say our last panel - Allah knows best but if we have an evidence for anything the only thing that we have is the fact that the a hadith are in the Arabic language is it true that more women than men will follow the Dajjal and if so why yes we mentioned the hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that most of those who follow the Dajjal be women I think there are a number of reasons that come in the other hadith for this one of them is that the prayer in the hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom talks about the natural deficiencies that allah subhanaw taala has made as a test for some of the sister for the sisters the fact that they'd have a time in the month where they don't pray and that they need to make up for this with sadaqa and that you know subhanAllah you know there is a difficulty that allows may natural for them it's not a blame worthy Pro it's not something blame worthy it's a natural thing that allows made for that but they need to make up for it with other things in order that they don't be harmed and likewise the nature on the end of the sort of the the characteristic of the women you know with regard to the tongue with regard to backbiting and slandering these are things which again lead people into falling into these kind of fittin falling into these kind of trials and tribulations so I think it's very very significant that you know that there are certain sins that women are predisposed towards like backbiting and like you know gossip and slander and at the end of the day there's a certain amount of a natural predisposition and so it's not a criticism of women it's not for us to say that this is a you know that women are bad or that women are less in the in that in that regard but it's simply something they need to be aware of so that they can combat it by giving sadaqa by be caref being careful about what they say by being you know practicing and by sticking to islam but if you look at the hadith it talks about being saved by the Dajjal they talk about both men and women being saved who believe so the issue is and regarding you know certain sins that the women do and certain deficiencies that Allah has put in them the third issue is this is the easiness easiness with which the hearts of the women are attached to you know emotional issues and I think one of the the Arabic poets he said that indeed their hearts are quick to lean their hearts are their hearts move quickly to a person you know they become attached to a person very easily and very quickly and we see this alarmist and with regard some of the Duat you know and people sort of having following around a person and having a big you know sort of effort made around a person and i big and people's hearts you know they go towards them and this is something which a person has to try to avoid they have to try to keep their heart you know in check and not to simply sort of fall for every guy that they see or to fall for every sort of new sort of celebrity or every new sort of person they hear about because this is from the inclination that will lead to following the Dajjal so there is a certain predisposition with the heart that the heart is easy to to easier the heart of the woman is easier to sort of be attached to things and to be attached to emotional things and people seeing your mom and dad alive that you thought were dead and other things like that and again this is something that is very easy to deal with Islam has not said you're condemned Islam has simply said there are natural things within the men and there are natural things within the women and the natural things within the women make them vulnerable to certain sins and certain problems but there are ways to get over those from the ways to get over those is that the sisters when they are not praying they spend their time doing a bother other forms of a bada and they won't be able to replace the prep but they don't make that a time where they don't pray they don't do thicker they don't read Quran they don't you know remember Allah they don't teach anyone they don't learn anything this is not the right way but they fill that time with things which a by that which are beneficial like the vicar of Allah like the recitation of the Quran like teaching like reading like studying even if they can't perform the prayer and from the means to get over this is for them to be careful about their hearts and their tongues to be careful about them becoming too attached to individuals and to figures and to being sort of you know to have tendencies to sort of like every sort of new guy that comes around or every new guy that is sort of reported in the newspapers or whatever and likewise to watch the tongue from gossiping and backbiting because these are all things that we know are predispositions that a lot of women have and again Chettiar doesn't say all women having but that a lot of women have and that's perhaps why the majority of the people will be who will follow the Dajjal will be from the women and that's just based upon not a clear evidence but based upon other a hadith that talked about the vulnerability of women in certain areas and if we put them together we can say perhaps these vulnerabilities are the reason why the majority of the women will follow the Dajjal and of course the Prophet SAW I seldom advised them to give sadaqa and this insha'Allah is a means for them to make up for some or to be able to save themselves from some of the natural vulnerabilities that are lost planet Allah has pointed it was mentioned that the two signs of the coming of the job firstly not dividing the inheritance according to the Sharia what is the second regarding the war booty can you give an explanation clarification on that yes and it is that nobody will be happy over the war booty you know it used to be at the time when they used to fight and you have to put this in context you know like a lot of times we avoid talking about this but you have to put it in context they were you know there were battles that happened at the time of the prophets Isis and every people the Europeans the Romans the Persians they used to love it when they would conquer a city and they would take the war booty that used to make them happy and make them pleased what happened or what will happen with regard to the Dajjal is that people will no longer be pleased with the war booty either because of the amount of richness that is spread to every place that people no longer care about the wealth or as we can see in our time perhaps this is something that is happening now you know when an army enters in there is no longer any concept of war booty really there is no longer any concept of them seizing the wealth of the people and seizing the you know the sort of the the things that they take from the people and then using them to to benefit the Muslims that's not something which is done in war anymore so perhaps that is the meaning of the hadith that the people will not rejoice over the war booty they'll no longer be happy when they when we having the war booty or they'll no longer seek you know it'd be amazing will fight or we'll be able to get some of the wealth that the wealth will no longer be a motivation for them and Allah knows best is such a huge test of faith been put in place for the believers Allah subhana Allah tests people however he wants and we shouldn't think now because the Dajjal is not here in front of us today that Allah subhana Allah is not testing us with a huge test of faith our laughs of how to other tests you with good and I'll last planet Allah test you with evil so I think it is important to say that everybody is being tested with good and with evil poverty is a test wealth is a test health is a test sickness is a test and the last part Allah has chosen some people to undergo this test either as a punishment or either as a means to achieve a higher rank for them or either as a means that our last planet Allah for whatever wisdom our last planet Allah wishes and like Allah as ojas says Allah is not asked about what he will do and you will be asked about what you do they will be asked as and we will be asked about what we do Allah will not be asked about what he does so no one's going to go to Allah and say why did you test this person or not this person a lot of tests whoever He wills and it's enough for us that we've been given the means to be saved what was the very first or the very second I think Heidi if we read of the Prophet system every Muslim will be saved every Muslim will be safe you have nothing to worry about if you're practicing your deem in short a lot on your reading circle calf and your doing the things that Allah subhana Allah put on the earth as a means for you to achieve this success when did the Dajjal get flesh on his left eye will he be born with it I think from the narrations it appears that he will be born with it it appears that he will be born with it and Allah subhana to Allah knows best this is from some of the other narrations from memory it seems that he will be born with this physical characteristic and I don't think that I recall a narration that will like that says that's really clearly but I think that's what you understand from the narrations our last part - Allah knows best the important thing is when he comes this will be his description so we should be sort of it's not a case that we look at every sort of child as is some of the movies portray you know like sort of looking at every child is that child the jowl kind of thing but when the Dajjal appears that the job will appear with this characteristic the next question is not really clear but it's it states what about non-believers I live in Makkah and Madinah will it affect them I assume that the mean will they be protected I think it means will the fear affect them of the Dajjal I think the the the whether or not the fear affects them we know that every monarch will leave we know that Makkah and Madinah generally don't have many theoretically they don't have any non-muslims in but practically they don't have many non-muslims in and we know that the non-muslims will rush out to meet the Dajjal no matter what so as soon as they hear that the jail appear in Syria they will rush out to meet him because they will be so keen to see their Lord that they have taken as their Lord they have taken as God as for as for the the the munafiqeen they are those people who say no we're staying in Medina because we have a man we believe in Allah we don't believe in the Dajjal and when Medina will shake they will leave and the fear will enter Makkah but the fear will not enter Medina so Medina is the only place where the fear will not enter the Dajjal Himself will not enter Makkah nor will he enter baton Marcus or he won't enter a part of Jerusalem and there is a I read two narrations one of an ox on one of beta Democritus saw it whether it is a part of Jerusalem or all of slim he will not enter in as for Medina the bit that is described is actually the center of Medina and not even the Medina has now grown much wider than just the center of Medina and the area that the jail will land in is now inhabited it's an area that is you know that is sort of you know they're building sort of houses along and stuff like that so I think that the non-muslims will rush out to see the Dajjal in the first place and ask for the moon r15 who will say that you know we are Muslims and we're staying because we believe in Allah they will be taken out by the earthquake and a lost mount Allah knows best where will the job be born the issue of the Dajjal being born is a complicated one and that's because there are narrations and particular generation of Tamim rowdy allah and a daddy in which he met the Dajjal and that the jail was chained on an island some of the ulema took from this or one of the ways of looking at this is that he is already born and he is simply waiting to be released from the island to be able to sort of to be able to sort of like go and do his what allah spawn tallahassee creed for him to do another way of looking at this is to say that sometime between then allah subhanaw taala will cause him to be sort of born again and it's not clear how this would happen and at the end of the day whichever of the the two opinions is right a lost planet allah knows best but we know that the Dajjal at the time of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was represented alive - Tami Madadi or the allah han and he conversed with him and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam approved of that and told of what it was and he said that my time is near and I'm getting ready to come now whether that was something that then Allah will cause him to be born and he will live a life that he will sort of come out whether Allah will simply release him into the world and he's already been born lots of generals best but we believe that there's a jar remains chained in that place until a last parent Allah decrees for him to come and whether a last part Allah decrees from to come by means of a birth by means of him being released this is not I don't know the answer to this this is not clear to me and the narrations are difficult to sort of come to a conclusion of but inshallah whatever is the case it's not the most important thing regarding us for the Dajjal because we know that their child already is here and chained and we know that the Dajjal will be released and when he is released however that release takes place he will begin his job that our last part Allah has decreed for him I think it is also important to note just on that on that point that the Dajjal is not a believer and that it's not fair to say or it's not right to say that just because our last planet Allah has created him for this purpose it's not his fault the Dajjal willingly and and deliberately and unknowingly chooses this path that he has chosen and yes our last planet Allah decrees it for him but it is also it is something that there is no disagreement in Islam that that the child will be from the people of the Hellfire and he will be from those people who misguided and he's a severe liar and it's not that he is simply you know sort of you know sort of a creation that has no purpose those people who are not Muslim whether the joke comes will they be able to believe this is a matter of this is a matter of disagreement amongst the scholars depending on the eye and swore to learn I am and I find the eye in sort of an arm from here at the very very very last page of certain are we see if there's any footnotes in here for the AIA Hallion Verona illa entity a human male iike a Yeti Rob Booker a Yeti about ayat Arabic young Maya teobaldo ayat Arabic I am fair enough sand a man who Harlem Turkana a man at mill kabal al castle at Fatima a holla when in Saudi ruin amount of urine do they wait for anything other than the angels should come to them or your Lord Allah should come or some of the signs of your Lord should come some of the signs here is where the disagreement is over what things are included in some of the signs on the day that some of the signs of your Lord will come no good will it do to a person to believe if he had not believed before or owned good by performing deeds of righteousness through his faith say wait we too are waiting Abu Huraira narrated that Allah's messenger saw him said the hour will not be established until the Sun rises from the West and when the people see it then whoever will be living on the surface of the earth will have faith and that is the time when it will not do any good for the people to believe if they had not believed before so according to this hadith it seems that it will be acceptable for a person to believe at the time Wendy the gel comes but having said that at the same time it is also not clear as to the ordering of some of the signs and also it is not clear as to whether that the gel is included in some of the signs some of the scholars included the gel and they say the beast the Sun rising from the West the Beast and they say one other sign and then they say that the gel and some of them don't include the gel but the point is the closer you get to the time of the Dajjal the less likely is that your Eman is going to be accepted and your belief is going to be accepted unless you had believed before and I think perhaps at the time of the Dajjal you can understand but once a Savannah Maria Mary Salam comes and everything is made clear and there is no religion except to stuff that is not a time for people to you know to choose now I believe you know everything is in front of me and I've seen that the job be killed now I believe that in our last planet Allah I don't last apartment island knows best which of the signs but we should fear this ayah because Allah makes it general and we should fear and the prophets I am interpret this I is the Sun coming from the west and so we should stick with his interpretation salawatullahi wa salamu ani are there any further questions no okay inshallah we will conclude there and again I want to show my appreciation on behalf of the lead over to the Sheikh for taking time out in his busy schedule you've had quite a hectic day analyst bonnet Allah increases Creasy mean is a Iman health and wealth and inshallah we would like to extend an invitation for you to come and visit us again in the near future we do not have a further talk scheduled next Sunday at this point inshallah we will be working on that and we'll be notifying you you know through the Jamaat announcements and texts and emails inshallah and thank you for your continuous and desire have you continued efforts and support for the deadly Dawa okay slowly Quran tell
Channel: Dudley Dawah
Views: 176,393
Rating: 4.8320479 out of 5
Keywords: Dudley, Dawah, Queens, Cross, Masjid, Mosque, Greenlane Masjid, Salafi, Islam, Muslim, Day, of, Judgement, sign, Mohammadi, khalifahklothing, Anti Christ, Dajjal, Muhammad, Tim, Humble, IslamReminder, Oldbury Faith, Stourbridge Dawah Project, Illuminati, Freemasons
Id: pmXAxOM6geM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 10sec (5710 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2013
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