#85 Tim Humble: Jinn, Shaytan, Magic & Movies

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uhmmm joined today, shows a podcast for pro muslims....mmmm

I guess you've found yourself in a bit of a pickle haven't you?

Mmmmm no that wont do, wont do at all. mmmmm

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnvilofSpinning 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
put cost on you a funny way please Mike I think he's back assalamualaikum guys what hold in a second well it's that voice that I'm hearing yeah yeah yeah I'm awake um guys is that big big man stand back in the building back in the building back in building yeah seems to be yeah it's six foot six la Wow how are you I'd have indeed he done very very well I'm good good keeping well strong you look well I'm strong yeah yeah big guys at the gym was that marriage gym but he said to have bro anyway um hi guys it's never I come could be why Sam who you got nice episode Sam who have we got we've got Muhammad Tim humble yes who is for me someone very special for a lot of people with someone very special we had the pleasure of of meeting him last year out in Dubai where he lives in where he teaches and that was a very special moment I remember at the time I didn't say it to his face because the whole praising to someone's face is honor I left the ball it was like at the time remember the excitement we had yeah man when I said it felt like it felt like the equivalent of India going to like a meeting someone of like you know you know a pop star rock star or whatever it was it was it was exciting and it was really beneficial having that little sit-down I remember like I remember the conversation so I'm gonna have to be invited today and sit with the both of you and have and have a conversation about many interesting things it was it was fantastic those for those listening what's basically happening is today's episode is a bonus episode which basically means it's coming out at some point in a week outside or a Friday so it's not a regular Friday episode it also means that this is not a sponsored episode so we'll be back to our regular sponsored episodes on the Fridays for a few reasons so I try my best like I know with the especially without the students of knowledge and stuff like you the having like a sort of sponsored is it's half because you don't want to basically have a sponsor and in your affiliating your student of knowledge basically everything without their permission because obviously a lot people take from assurance unknown so for that for that reason unless like we've had a lack of meeting with them before had and what they've asked us to to accept a sponsor etc we would we would put these episodes out as bonus episodes which means that the regular Friday episodes are still gonna come out on a weekly so this is a bonus episode with a sad Mohammed Tim humble amazing what do we speak about we spoke about Disney yeah we spoke about Disney movies we spoke about a lot about a Djinn and Asherah team yeah the about conspiracy theories not really didn't go into too much we mention the mentioned the word carries now we didn't go into that no released you didn't go into because you see Thea's at all actually there was no need to know but we discussed relevant topics and a bit about black magic yep which was interesting and relevant and very relevant mm-hmm he spoke about the countryside took we spoke about pouring hot oil out yeah we spoke about know him not putting his kids on social media not having photos yeah we spoke about planning planning your funeral what make it easier for the family and you know special requirement the requirements that you might have to put a bit of thought into you know it may it may sound deep and dark but putting some bit more thought into your death not only preparing for death but gonna what's happened around you after you die which was an interesting thing to be brought up and it kind of brought home you know it brought home a few truths it did bring home a few troops yeah was profound I like the fact that you just copied the way I'm seeing it was absolutely zero intention yeah but I realize that you're doing when you're doing savage you're mirroring when you look up to someone you mirror them is it really different from you yeah much better yes this is proper I like it it's smart it looks good chefs you could do like this sitting like this in it yeah whereas before it was a bit like singing off his desk it was a bit like that yeah this is the this is actually the you know how she feels it's nice it's more relaxing isn't it mm we all we need now as a fireplace yeah some before yeah you got that yeah we had to be cool down but we didn't we didn't lie just didn't seem right with you don't fit with the decor yeah so it's nice it was nice to have you on this episode thank you for inviting me I'm really really happy that you invited me so don't say like that I am you got invited to be on this is your podcast hamdullah beautiful podcast thank you for inviting me you can't say that you invited me did I say thank you so much for inviting me because I really want to come did I say that or not am i lying I don't know you feel like I'm No thank you for the invite you this podcast podcast invite me back if you go too will you invite me back is if you go to i2z it says fresh you're grounded authors phase one Sam will you invite me back so this is your podcast we worry buddy but everyone wants to do back well you didn't fight me back you invited me to today I thought my coming I would have to invite why don't you invite you to a podcast that it's not mine what did you invite me today no because I was like I knew you would like that look I know you're not home I know you're not you're not you're not coming down to the F G but you have to come down for the team hunt one you quote how about truth be told obviously like you know everything's been a bit crazy yes I know he sounds like such an excuse but genuinely genuinely genuinely like you live outside of the city that this is filmed in it's just a big one and you know for like over a year you were traveling every week down from outside to see and then obviously when you have until I had your second child along with me I bless him we I suppose that you didn't realize like I suppose what it would take to balance being like come having a big family now hamdulillah as well as running like such a successful international business and so yeah bro you know what it is life life gets busy certain things happen in your life that you know you can't plan and predict for and it just when my second child came life was just it just felt intense busy stressful so I had to look at my you know my list of things that you know I have to do and even work I took quite quite a bit of time out of being in a salon and workers so small sacrifices but like I've seen to the other day my life is getting bit more stable now children are getting older businesses more you know so inshallah I'm definitely gonna be coming back on FG inshallah so that's just it's let's see how the future will be oh we just don't have people listening like you know we don't have any dates or anything no dates and I can't the thing is I don't wanna let anyone down and I'm not going to claim like I'm the busiest man in the world but I know you know I wouldn't be here today if I didn't love this and you know my intention is definitely to return at the right time but you know when you say something and you can't live up to it and letting people down I'm not gonna fall into that but I'm here now and inshallah I want to be here again and if she's gonna always be here waiting for you with that extra chair inshallah if you invite me the only thing she is that you still we still have your to excel FG especially here that you never took her but you you requested to be specifically made for you I thought you're gonna bring that down to me cuz I've are you gonna take you home with you today I won't because I've got travel around I want to hold a big great jumper before Thursday when you come home for haircut wanting to bring it you know that I'm not gonna bring it then white have to walk around London have a big great jump I don't know I've got jumper on I can't put on so I'll be that glad you just take that off was just dashing the beam and they just made that one they jump at you're wearing ways that I okay fine I'll put it I put this I'll put a I'll put that one over I'll put that one over all right guys I said this is fresh regarded episode something I understand guys enjoy this episode and there will be like I said we'll be back to our regular episodes and I won't get regular sponsorships and everything on Fridays as usual do I said welcome to freshly grounded offer but the brand new podcast and off of it but best friends face was sad hamdullah we are do it by Sheikh Mohammed team home verse 11 article walaikum A'Salam with a lifer cath you came back I came back I'm so happy to be here alive I'm so surprised I didn't know if you would want to come back to us nah I was it was well as such an amazing experience last time I enjoyed it so much I saw so many benefits from it that well I was it was something that when you told me hard time it was I had to do it time for you my time is there and this town hum do we have Sam with us as well because the last episode of which we weren't able to do now no Pig my Sam six for six I'm the love back in the building assalamu alaikum Salaam good to be back have you gained any height in the time that we would all saw you I hope not mate okay six six I think keep me six six I hope so hundred I'm happy with that yourself hey indoor law school now I'm still like five eight with shoes five a tree depending what shoes I wear yeah I'm wearing some muscle in the gym go see new babies no gigs of fat how many loads of fat yeah you know you know what Muslim loud this will be their daily goes boom ah sha know you'll get in big is that gym or marriage I told my wife she said while you blaming the marriage are you a good on the luck sure there's so much that I wanted kind of in two glass ready now that we have Sam here but first I want to kind of go over like when we first ever met because I think there's a lot of the story that you don't know until now it's all remained a secret always between me Sam and Shahid but I'm gonna release the secret now we'll have it that day is so we you know were to well yeah so whatever that day is that yeah we were playing we had planned to meet yourself and I think we spoke to a few brothers we spoke to dr. Hoffman and we said like it turned out that we were gonna meet for dinner right and then what had happened is you had been doing across from fudge in order to HR that day and we hadn't we we weren't aware so halfway through the day I think we have found out that you were doing that and so we were like okay let's not let's not be too positive on the idea that we're gonna go for dinner we lost their Tim because it sounds like he said it really bees they might want to go home and sleep so but we were really excited right so so so half of us without allah we hope this happens and then the other half of us is that okay manager expectations so then it got quite late I think you were still in your class and the proper who who was delegating with us he was saying that your Selena cross and he was quite late now so we decided we hadn't eaten all day it heavy because we were to save it for when we were with you or something and then but then what happened is we were like look guys let's do this let's go for dinner by ourselves because it will work effective because it looks like we're not gonna meet with our team and so we left to go to dinner while we almost we almost gets dinner then we want to the more and then we get the message saying that hey it's all good if you can make your way now we're gonna basically hook up this dinner like we all will eat some dinner we'll sell to more said look at her man and then we were like oh no like we're on our way like to dinner what do we do so we decided this is our plan we thought we don't in front of you it would be rude of us to eat too much but we hadn't eaten all day were so hungry so we had we were looted for us eat too much but it'd be rude for us to like not eat at all and so what we did is no no we did they we didn't think it'd be not good to know it's a weird design we thought it'll be rude to eat in front of you that's what we thought we thought we were so hungry we don't know what we have to do we didn't with satin but be too rude to eat in front of him like character or like to be like scoff in our faces so hungry so he said it's so good let's go for a small drive-thru just pick up some food on the way and that way we'll eat and then we're not too lewd of almost a team looking like like scavengers shoving food on log so we ain't as you know if you don't eat all day you eat it a little bit you get so full so we ate look we we got so full and then we met with you and you decided to take us to a restaurant and and you started speaking in Arabic - the way our and we don't know what you were saying I knew ordering the food and you ordered platters for us obviously they are the kindness of your heart we didn't want to be tell you that we do eaten sooner okay she's not gonna care and then you're like come on brothers eat eat eat and we were like Charlie was so three flats I then we thought we got away with it right and then oh it was the end of the meal you looked at me and you said brother I've seen you haven't eaten hardly anything eat with me and you shared your plate with me at all like okay that's the true story behind us Allah Subhan Allah do you remember the excitement we were outside outside dubai mall and the whole thought we were talking about I'm talking about a talking ban I didn't know what to do driving around the mall on that and they made it up just we left become the excitement we had yeah crazy I'm gonna and it happened because we've been watching your stuff for a while before when I think that I think Sam relates you a lot just by being like a revert and you can't talking about and talking about your upbringing and that kind of stuff in so many older stuff and I related to your lot because when I started practicing I was like actively looking for people to learn from that I didn't feel because all I knew of Islamic teachers was like old man old Asian men but it's also ignorant right so when I saw you I was honor this is a young British lad talking mighty no no this is that I said I think that's why you resonated with you that's why we're so excited masha'Allah Malak Allah what lies is a blessing from allah subhanaw taala to be able to learn something from your Deen and to be able to share it with people Allah and this is all we try to do and we don't you know it's not like we came in to be you know these people of knowledge but some of those you know some of those all the people you're talking about they're they're real people of knowledge you know people who have spent their whole life studying Islam one of the things I think is really important to have is it's important to have people who can explain can take their speech the speech of the scholars and can just package it in a way that resonates with with different people different you know from different backgrounds and nuts you know when I went to Medina to study Islam one of the things that I think Medina does very well is they try to bring people from lots of different backgrounds because their idea is look you tend to resonate with people that are similar to you that's just like a fact of Dawa right when you talking to people about Islam you tend to resonate with people that kind of in some way similar to you so what they try and do is bring people from all over the world from different backgrounds different cultures different ethnicities different kind of social backgrounds and they they they teach them Islam and the idea is that those people gonna go back to two people that kind of you know appreciate them resonate with them and they just kind of take the speech of those scholars who spent their life studying Islam and just package it for the people so I kind of see myself in a way it's been kind of a like a glorified translator really in a way you know it's not it's not like I mean to be honest Islam is like that and it's one of the beautiful things about Islam is that anything anybody says it's not there's nothing new what we're saying is we're not we're bringing something that it's the same thing the prophets lie Selim said that's what the Sahaba said it's what the big scholars of Islam in the past said but it's just how you package it in a way that people kind of understand and look at you and think okay I you know I like that person and there's a hadith and I was I was thinking that is really amazing that Allah reward you know damaging that the souls are like a conscripted army so it's like some people you just on a soul to soul level you just get on with them you know it's a it's like a hadith that you when you hear about it it just if it's in the day it's just some people you just meet them and you just resonate with them in a way you can't explain because you might even not even share any sort of characteristics with those people you might even be similar to that person on a lot of levels but your soul just gets on with their soul and there are some people that even though they haven't done anything wrong and they're nice people good Muslims and everything but you just you don't you know it's don't gel with them because your soul at the end their soul just they don't match right this don't they don't gel and they really have anything against them it just doesn't doesn't that you don't click with them like that so this idea that there are people you just click with that's really a real thing you know but it's on a soul it's on a soul level so that that's a spiritual thing so you meet someone that you don't really show with don't really you know we we know those kind of things that a spiritual thing then rather than something that you just don't like what they're sort of Karis ticks and things like that is it more it can be either but there's definitely there's a level on which it's it's just it's a spiritual fear and there's a level in which it could be down to characteristics yeah for example there might be somebody who when you see some aspect of the way that they're living their life and you don't like it or some aspect of the way they behave or they Allah that's more of a like that's more of an obvious thing but sometimes a person you just meet and you don't click with them even though they're great person here and you you know you really what they're doing they're doing amazing stuff and they're really you know they given a lot for for the Deen and a lot for them you know they're putting a lot back into the community it but you just you don't click with them you don't gel with them and that's that's something normal human beings are like that it's on a spiritual level on the level of the soul right so yeah so then that's really everyone who's out there sort of seeking knowledge there's almost there's almost certain teachers certain people that you should find that you can probably take more from opposed to like you were saying that you used to consider people that you had listened to were sort of older Asian scholars or whatever it was so really out there you know everyone can benefit a lot more by just finding that person that they can kind of relate to and they can kind of have that not a chemistry as such but it's for instance when a lot people sent me your lectures on black magic um how I came into the Dean was was connected through all that kind of stuff so a lot of people kept him sending with his stuff and hummed in a straight way I just I think it was your accent and the fact that I think it wasn't the fact that used a white bloke at the time you were a white throw we had a beard and I could just like wow like at the time that's how I looked as well and I collected to you and it was really really beneficial but no other people can send me something and I can't almost listen to five ten minutes of it not because what they're saying is wrong we think it's just cuz you don't feel it as much sometimes so really it's about searching for the the curricular tower that kind of feels right to you in the sense that you find find find that teacher find that that person that you can resonate with and you know what there was that you know there were that sure but have an effect on you so it's about finding that person isn't it really yeah for sure I think there's this there are different sort of things you have to look at when you sort of decide in who you're gonna learn from one of the things is that you got it you got to be careful who you learn from because there's a there's a statement of one of the the tablet in one of the Imams of the generation after the companions and he said in the Halal my Dean found the role and mentor who Dona Deena come this knowledge is that's your religion you're gonna worship Allah based on what that person tells you so you be careful who you're gonna take it just don't don't be like you know the Arabs I have a really really beautiful expression I love this expression they call it hard to blame the person who collects firewood at night it's an example they give her a proverb of someone who isn't really careful about what they pick up you know so this guys aren't going around the forest at night and he's got his you know he's got his hands out and he's just picking things up off the ground he isn't oh he's picking up a scorpion he's picking up a snake he's picking up wood is picking up someone's left over she doesn't have a clue what he's doing just so blindly going around just picking things up and they give that example for someone who isn't careful about where what the information that they take in so you do have to be pretty careful you have to make sure the person because this like the the scholars say like this - there's two people that can really ruin your life right a doctor who doesn't know what he's doing and a teacher who doesn't know what he's doing because those two people they can seriously ruin your life in a but the doctor can ruin your life and the teacher can ruin your arkarow that's the difference you know so you gotta be a little careful you also got a look at not just knowledge but also the person's manners in the way they behave and they need to see about imam ahmed used to say that when when imam and just have huge gatherings you know like you can't put any numbers i mean thousands and thousands thousands of people and most of the people came to him just to learn manners and etiquette and and and just how to behave and how to appreciate knowledge before they would even learn you know sort of like hadith from him or some rulings of islam from him and that's pretty important as well and it's also important the last thing i would say is really important is put people in their place because one of the things that we have in our time is people get really confused about who's a scholar who isn't what what level is this person on so a person who listens to my lectures and thinks for example that i am a big scholar of islam with you know like who's who has his own opinions and his own you know like ideas and things like that that person's gonna end up not getting from me what they should because they didn't put me in the right place they put me way above what where i should be but they say look mohammed him somebody who study in islam he's trying to take what the scholars are saying and just present it to people in a nice way well then you understand the level of the person you're learning from so you know you don't confuse the unity university professor who's been in islam for you know however many is means he's been teaching islam for thirty years and the guy who learned islam last week so it's a problem because in our age people tend to get known through their pre social media profile through molarity you know and there's a lot of people today who might know a particular sort of teacher or particular dye they might know them better than they would know that the major scholars in the world today like they saw the major scholar who's that guy there oh but that guy there I know him yeah like sits down to so you have to just it's not a problem to learn from those people who are who are younger in terms of their knowledge but just put people in the right put people where they where they should be and don't you know we're talking about how you introduce people right we're talking about that earlier right when you introduce people it's really important when you introduce someone you don't put them you don't confuse people and put them in a level above where they should be so it said like another famous saying that the Arabs have this a you known as Mozilla many or in the Angelina seminars alone put people in the place where they should be and if you do that you have no problem because you know this family I'm listening to they're benefiting me but I also know that you know that there is a certain level of knowledge and and you know so you kind of expect that I wouldn't go to someone like Mohammed Tim if there was a big crisis and all of the scholars are arguing and debating with each other I'm not gonna go to Mohammed him and ask him like what's your fatwa you know like because I know that he's not at that level so that's that's important were likely to to to put the people in the right place and know who's your senior scholars who are the people who are in the middle who is your junior sort of you know people of knowledge and then that way you don't get confused do you think that can be tough sometimes for like a layman to know where to put somebody like if they're just watching their lectures or something - no were they how they should perceive that person yeah it can be tough is that requires knowledge basically to a certain extent yeah it requires it requires some of its common sense because if you've got someone who's a young person who is you know who who you know started studying not you know seeking knowledge at 20 to 23 years old you know who graduated five years ago you know that that's not going to be the same as the person who started seeking knowledge at five years old memorized the Quran at eight years old you know like where it got his degree at 18 his doctorate at 25 and now is you know like has been teaching Islam for the last 30 years like common sense wise you know those two people are not going to be the same also in the way that it's you know the way that you look at how other people perceive them you know what the scholars nor the scholars right you know you see how other people perceive them but it's important for us as as people who are giving now in the West it's important for us not to not to confuse people and that's why we talk about for example the title share like for me the title sheiks not that big of a deal because I mean we use that for the guy that makes the falafel you know like think if you go if you go to if you go in Saudi to the guy that makes the falafel let me put you know he's making a nice falafel sandwich you might say she can you just you know give me extra mayonnaise it's not you don't really think he's like you're not asking him for a fat were you asking him for me and it's like it's not it's not a literal problem but the problem is when people use the word shape and they really think that means that you know like like people say like oh you know such a such a esteemed scholar as yourself and you're thinking oh dear you know this person has misunderstood you know like and that could miss Chi the person because that person could really you don't just get confused so it's important for us that we give out the right message you notice to tell people look you know these guys who you're graduates from these Islamic universities and they're out there giving dower you know they have a particular level even the best of them and we're all different amongst each other with you know two people can graduate from the same University same course and one of them could have an immense amount of knowledge and one less but at the same time you kind of have a rough idea so your common sense kind of gives you a like a ballpark and then as you learn and develop knowledge more that's what Imam Shafi is that's really profound what he said he said Kalama addabani de haro irani knocks luckily why them as it to al mansur then he element BJ Holly said you know when time goes by it it corrects me time it like it kind of it just it corrects me I get I get like almost sort of you know chastised by time as time passes by and it shows me the deficiency of my intellect it shows me how I didn't know anything before and whenever I get more knowledge it just shows me how ignorant I used to be so and when anyone gets more knowledge they start to realize okay that guy that I thought was like Cheryl Mushaf the big [ __ ] you know he's like you know if they if they if I went to my sheiks class in medina he wouldn't even let me sit in the first row if you like get back in the back that's why we're along you know so you kind of learn that as you learn more but the most important thing is the first point I mentioned that you you you're careful who you learn from because even if you're learning from someone very junior at least if you know that person's a safe pair of hands they're not gonna give you something crazy they're not gonna tell you something's gonna take you away from the path of Allah they're not gonna mix up the religion and bring some new things that's that's the most important thing is that at least you know your like your capital is you know that your capital sum is okay you're safe right how can a normal person who perhaps isn't always you know blessed enough to be around people like that all the time how are they - no well what science can they look out for to know that this is a safe person to learn from ok so there's there's a few things that's initial things and these things while you're learning so the first thing we're gonna say everybody has mistakes right so we're not gonna say the person should be I should have zero mistakes she's never made a mistake because there is none of us that have never made a mistake but what you want to see is what a shall to be said intellect is some about you don't want to see a person who the mistakes become the norm for them you know like like especially big things about Allah and your belief and your Eman and you start seeing that person's making mistakes in those things and those mistakes become the norm it's not like one or two errors here and there it's become like that's the way they think and that's the kind of mentality they've set up so before what you want to look at is you kind of want to look at you've got people you trust so someone says look you know hammer Tim I listen to your lectures you know it resonated with me I kind of trust you that you're okay who would you recommend me to to listen to okay or who do I see you promoting now be careful with that that just because a person goes to a conference doesn't mean they necessarily promote the people with them because the people at the conference may not be people you know but generally as a whole who do I see you around all the time I will see you with that brother and I will see you you know working together with that brother and giving lectures okay you know that seems like that's kind of an initial feeling right you have to start with trusting someone and so we said to the reverts then when you first come into Islam you've gotta start by trusting somebody you know you can't you can't trust nobody because then you just you're just an island on your own but you say okay I kind of trust you as you know you're a starting point for me I realize you're not a hundred percent correct but you know you I kind of I feel okay with you I feel alright and then you see what that person is recommending who that person is with and you started sort of take from them and then during that process if you see that you come across things they don't sound right they just don't that that doesn't learn clay doesn't click with me or or something where you have learned something different or something where you see other people criticizing them for this then you just make a note of it doesn't mean that person is necessarily wrong or that person is necessarily but you just make a note like look I used to do it with my teachers because even when I went to Medina not every teacher because him when I went to Medina not every teacher is gonna be you know perfect as they should be so if I heard something from my teacher that contradicted someone else or I saw that the other teachers used to kind of have a go at that teacher she doesn't know what he's doing in this I would just make a note of it then I would go to the person I would trust and I would say to them look she act like he said this and I'm not I'm not I'm not after you know you to blame him or something but I just kind of want to know like is this right is it wrong so he says it's wrong okay somebody made a mistake when you see that mistake becomes the norm and it becomes like the person's methodology that's how they behave that's just what they think and they've taken that as the way that they kind of worship allah and the way they live their life that's when you want to say look I don't want to be taken from this person anymore because that's not gonna benefit me anymore you know do you think it's also important for everyone to eventually have a teacher what that's like their teacher because I call them with the word for it I know you people to remind me but like the word for being a oh we have a whole guest let me put the brakes we can give so long enough back when I keep okay so we're back so what my so my question was kind of like is it important that everybody has a teacher that is that is like they're they're the one that they can have access to at all times like they can what somehow build a close relationship with and then that teacher that kind of like like raises them like almost like a father figure but not the father what's the word for that yeah that's that that's that issue of like nurturing like tell yeah yeah yeah like definitely you that's that that's the way that people used to learn that's the way that we still tell people to learn today like you have a shape like a not like a shear housing you watch someone on YouTube you know like you have a shape that that you become the student and you learn from them and they teach you and they guide you through what it is that you're you know you need to learn you can learn a lot in a lot better way like that but yeah I guess that what we're talking about earlier is more about the issue of sort of who you choose to listen to in the beginning but yeah when you start to formally seek knowledge and you say like and that's that's something everybody has to make a decision to do you know like because there's knowledge is of two types there's essential knowledge and there's kind of voluntary knowledge like your essential knowledge this is like look this knowledge is is essentially everybody has to know what la ilaha ilallah means everybody knows how has to know how to pray everybody has to know the the pillars of Islam and Iman but not everybody has to go beyond that to you know to formally say I'm gonna study Islam and I'm gonna become a you know a student who who is dedicated to dedicating my time to study Islam but when you make that transition and you say yeah I am gonna do this what I want to do I'm inspired to be a person I want to be a person of knowledge then you know at that point really you can't really do it without having a teacher that guides you along the way and there's sometimes you might have be able to have multiple teachers sometimes if the subjects are totally separate you might be able to have a distance learning relationship with a teacher if you can't see with them but yeah having a teacher that's the basic principle and also starting starting your locality because a lot of people where they get where they go bit wrong in this is they start thinking about well if I'm gonna learn like Islam I'm gonna change my life and I'm gonna stop just listening to lectures and I'm gonna formally study like Islam in a structured way the person starts thinking right how can I get to Medina or how can I get to Makkah or react or Kuwait or Qatar or you know whatever is the you know in Marathi they want to go to say how can I get to a place where I can travel across the world and you know find somebody there but the original principle is you look for somebody in your locality to start with and you try and dream you the resources from your locality and I remembers a story like when I first saw when the the like I went for a reference you know to go to medina you got a reference right from from a ship so there was a sheer cruise to visit us in Newcastle and I went to him and I said to him share her if I could have a reference from you you know would be great and of course I said it to a translator because I couldn't speak Arabic and she kind of clocked on to the fact that I'm saying this to a translator and he said well you don't speak Arabic and I said no she's not yet but you know when I go to medina I'll learn and he refused to give me give me a reference he said no he said until you learn where you are you're not gonna learn you're not gonna go abroad and learn somewhere else you you kind of like gotta drain the resources use up the resources you have in your locality and you'll be shocked what you have in your locality you'll be shocked like somebody might travel around the world for a teacher for for example a Koran teacher like see and your own your own locality next door to you you have someone who is extremely proficient in that that can be you and and yeah you know you can always find someone more knowledgeable right but that person might be just your your starting point and your you know your teacher starts you off and when you're learning your locality it's so much easier because you're comfortable you're in a place you know the people you know you know the language is not a problem and you have everything there and then when you've drained that you you move to the nearest the next best thing the nearest best thing if that makes sense so the nearest place I can go to we're I'm gonna I'm gonna benefit but I'm more than where I benefit now but it still it's near ich to me you know somebody might be in I don't know one of the cities away you know from let's say for example somebody's in Newcastle where I come from and they've used up all the resources in Newcastle and say well you know it is I'm gonna travel to London i'ma travel to Birmingham because at this the more people of knowledge in that those localities more Muslims so I can learn more from there but I still don't need to go yet I brought and if a person does that maximizes that and then takes the opportunity to go abroad when they can they're gonna get a lot more a lot more out of it and that doesn't mean don't take the opportunity when it comes to somebody just says to you hate you wanna you want to travel to Saudi Arabia to study okay finally I'll go tomorrow but sometimes the mentality is that when I go somewhere else I'm gonna study like and it's a mentality we have about Islam across the board you know like when I when this happens I'm gonna start practicing when this happens I'm gonna start studying when this happens I'm gonna give time and I'm gonna start memorizing Quran and it's it's always something in the future you know and it's all it's really important when you've got your home you know your hometown that you take advantage of it and you'll be surprised what you can find if you look you mentioned that you spoke about in one of your previous talks and I just remember something close from your previous talks so the last podcast episode we did we kind of a lovely was kind of based around your journey to Islam and stuff and I remember thinking to myself off to us like that was such an amazing episode but one thing that I think that you are known for is the issue of like black magic and Shaitaan and and all that kinda stuff but I really wanted to delve into that topic with you but I was I would have to say that for another podcast could it's so vast and so that's what I kind of really wanted to speak about today because I think we have actually has spoken about that other defects for the Shogun and stuff too much on this podcast I think we should I think generally cuz we try and stay really from like especially stuff like too much like knowledge and stuff we don't see ourselves quite conversational and stuff but one thing that I remember just from one of your previous talks I don't know if you know this because it must be in many years ago you were doing a teenager Q&A German where do in degree name and what happened is somebody or one of the question somebody asked you was what is it I might get somebody's phone to correct me if I miss quoting you okay but someone said something long answer what is it that you fear for the for the teenagers of this generation and I remember thinking to myself before you don't said that you know like he's gonna say something like drugs or women or pornography etc and I remember being so surprised by answer but then thinking oh my gosh that makes the most sense because it's almost like a gateway and you said the thing that I fear most for the teenagers do you ever do you think you can think oh I'm gonna say maybe yeah so the thing that I feel the most for my for the teenagers is the movies and you're saying that especially things like for example there's this one aspect where like why now magic is being so promoted in movies like Harry Potter and all of these other movies as loads of them where basically they make magic seem like this like really cool thing which makes you want to just start off by just maybe getting a wand or something they can and and and and even that's kind of like a gateway and secondly horror movies and you mentioned that someone might say oh I love horror movies and it doesn't scare me and but for that person you were saying that eventually it will just start with you thinking that you don't scare us you might just look on the corner when you hear a noise in your house and slowly building you to become scared of the shaitaan I found that so interesting well I think sometimes the things that worry you the most are not the biggest sins necessarily and that's why the Prophet sighs I mean he said he said in Naju afirma 1/2 o alaikum see the thing I fear for you the most and for in different narrations one of the narrations he said that um sort of the sheer horror feel like that them when you when you show off and things like that that's not the worst thing you can do in Islam right that's not like they're out there you could there are a lot worse things in terms of that a person could do that could take them out of Islam but why did he say that this is what I've most worried about because sometimes certain things might be a gateway they lead people to other things so so movies music popular culture all of those things have a big influence on the way and now you know more you can add to that also you know YouTube and social media and Instagram and things like that and the way people get affected by things like that it does have a huge change to cut the culture changes and that's why one of the things I mentioned about this before is if you look at the effect that movies had across that let's say like from the 1930s 1940s onwards and how society changed with the movies right the movies kind of introduced something into the society like the sort of more liberal sort of attitudes to relationships moving away from things like marriage people having many many relationships with different people that kind of thing it really you know the movies played a really big part in spreading that culture among people and even the way people talk I was just looking for I do a lot work with young people and teenagers and things like that and I was just looking through you know the most common tags on social media most common things people say the kind of language people are using and a big percentage of it comes from movies music so it has a big effect on the way people think the way people speak the way people the goals people aspire to and I did when I was young I mean when I was young just go to movies like before I start practicing Islam and when used to go to the movies it yeah what you see you know you you want to copy people you aspire to a certain lifestyle and the things that you see there really affect a person and there's a lot of things I worry about in that it's not just the Shaitaan and the magic stuff that was probably maybe the curse the question was targeted probably to that it was a we were talking about that topic and I said like don't forget about but just generally the effect that movies music and and also now maybe more so that you've got you've got sort of things that where people are watching a lot of stuff online and things like that maybe that didn't didn't that definitely didn't exist when I was younger but the same thing goes you know the movies the music and the the popular culture that people you know TV series is the people of people watch it has a big big impact on the way that people behave and the way people perceive things and the way people it affects people the way they think and if you just look on that aspect that I spoke about the shaitaan I mean one of the things it's not the horror movies that actually worried me the most what worries me the most are the Disney cartoons because young kids I mean all the guys we're a bit like you know kind of get the idea like this is fake right it's a movie the guy is not really flying around on a broomstick but you know you got like the I mean the vast majority of movies the sort of Disney really I'm not just not just Disney but you know what just as an example these movies and cartoons and things that are aimed at very very young children you know all these stories are built upon magic adultery you know disbelief all kinds of stuff and that's not a conspiracy theory this is real life like just go go go open the you know go up on Wikipedia what I do now is because you can't watch a movie right so I don't like I don't go and let me just check out this movie to see what people are doing I just read the plot on Wikipedia right so I just open the plot on Wikipedia and read through it so I know what's going on and you just go through them all these like you know these cartoons and it's all like from everything from you know whether it's like these classical story to fairy tales you know and stories they all built upon you know normalizing things that are big big sins in Islam and big big social ills and they're just totally normalized for very impressionable very very young children and these young kids you know like you see them now you know that that they put that you know broomstick between their legs and they're like turning around and I'm playing you know whatever Quidditch or something on my broomstick you know like but the reality of it is that it's all these messages that people are getting and it's not I'm not you know one of the things I'm not I'm definitely not a conspiracy theorist I'm not this person who's like you know I'm not that person I'm not I just I just I think there's enough problems in the world as it is without like adding to them you know but I really really it's it's you don't have to be like a genius to see that they are they are they do normalize things among very young children and even now when we see that the attitudes towards people's sort of you know issues relating to gender issues relating to you know sort of a person orientation sexuality and all that type of stuff that's going on that you know you're seeing now as these these sort of cartoons and movies come out that they normalize things that we as Muslims would say that this is not something we feel right as Muslims that we don't we don't feel this is this is normal in society it's like a regular thing that that is that's kind of a normal and norm instead we feel it's like something that is you know it's it's big it's normalized through through the popular culture TV and movie and music and you know even things like the violence that also worries me a lot it's not just that you know like the amount of violence in like TV series and things like that that people see and it normalizes it for people it makes people it becomes normal like kids you know kids don't find it to be strange or something and then you know all this influence it and I just feel that like when it's very very young young children that's had a big impact on the way that you see the world after that having that two young boys do you have you like had have you experienced I buy now because I know when I went to your house I had a thing if the few times that I went you know I always see in your house you you seem to always have one like there the David Attenborough kind of anymore and like kind of star for like showing like the earth and like we like things that really show the creation of Allah I don't know you like kind of putting that stuff on generally yeah and also the shop was weltering lee try and stick to that as a guideline for my little one from what from well from my older one he likes to watch something to be entertained but quite often we have to turn off what it is because you know what there's so much magic in in all these cartoons so much strange thing do you say like you're not conspiracy theorist but you you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to kind of just just just take a look and actually realize actually how it's bizarre and it going back to Disney like Disney is full of shaitaan it's full of magic Mickey Mouse's on doing some crazy stuff in Fantasia there's stuff I mean if and if you go back to who actually kind of wrote Disney and you actually look at Walt Disney himself and what he was upon he's very questionable you know he had some kind of strange belief system but when you look at it and you think this is what our children what this is was supposed to be what our children kind of watch yeah it has it has a has a big effect so you know try and put certain things on quite often we have to turn it off even for instance Peppa Pig the whole thing is based on a little girl who has got no respect for her father and the father is a joke and really nice is the big fat mess and the whole whole concept is that the daddy of the family is a bit of a joke you've got to think about it like do I want my children to think that I'm a Jew the well the father is the joke of the family or is either leader and whatever so it's a tough one and we keep an eye on whatever it whether he's watching whatever he's seeing we watch it and we monitor it but at something strange after the other day he's got a I'm no little potato gun that you shot you shoving a potato and you couldn't shoot it eat there's one in the house that might either know where it came from but he had it the other day and it was strange because he pointed it and as he pointed it he's face turned from smiling to like serious like like that my missus saw him do that and she goes why is he did why is he got that from what was he doing and I had no explanation for it but he's obviously seen it somewhere when he had this potato gun in his hand it went from you know finally the boy laughing and then suddenly he was focusing on like about to take a shot so paralyzed it's like oh we were just trying to work out where he's obviously seen that action somewhere because his faith it was weird he's internal serious and so yeah I mean we do our best to monitor it and if it's if it's not you know if it's blatantly not correct we'll look off straight away and generally try and avoid the TV going on bro because it's generally not much stuff on TV that is safe really safe yeah even the Islamic cartoons and stuff they're all what music is backing as the backing of stuff and so your question is like sometimes just yeah that's listener of to is just to look it off I remember seeing a video on YouTube where it was like exposing Disney's like absolute nice being something and I saw the things up I was weak infused by them but wait is that unless someone put it out you don't realize you see it and it but then you start thinking is that actually right is it that deep no no is it that deep the opposite oh you think right are they trying to show things subliminally is it trying to die put a subliminal message in children that's what I'm saying these in the sense that they planned that to plant in our children that's where I think I think I think so I think so yes because I think there is an agenda let's forget conspiracies I think there is an agenda I think Shaitaan is real we know we know this and like I said about if you actually look at Walt Disney the man he was you know he was a freemason he had lots of interesting beliefs and then you look at sort of his work you know when he's in documenting a lot of things like sex and magic and everything for people you know for kids they're tiny I think I yeah I believe there's you know there's something deeper behind that I don't think it's a coincidence and as Muslim yes we we can see I think there's there's something The Lion King or something where you can see like they kind of make a pair of breasts or whatever and the cartoon it's in the clouds or something exactly it was like a penis was it penis yeah fine but they had loads of they're always confused me yeah but then that's it's for kids and I think I don't believe these things happen by accident I believe I'm not saying there's when they're writing it in the drawing all they'd like there's there's a devil worshiper there planning it I think I don't know I don't know how deep it goes like that but I believe there is you know an agenda boys from early of course is but even things like when I was when I was at eat when I was a kid watching TV I'd noticed that the presenters of the TV channel was always changed it went from just maybe it was a guy in a girl and it went to a very feminine guy and then suddenly I'm all I'm watching is very very feminine guys hosting all these kind of TV shows where it's kid so it was just you just know it's these things as things have gone along you notice you notice and agenda because I think it's quite obvious you know it's these certain things that you know more and more to the point now we see these things every time I walk every time I walk the streets you see these kind of things that you didn't used to see sort of 10-15 years ago or a lot of more cross-dressing a lot more all these kind of things you got think we're what why is society so accepting of it now what's happened in the last 10 years for us to think that and you look at in it is from it indignation from from music from TV from films because where else and from the internet because we're us they're gonna get inspired and you know where they're gonna get it from because it's not in our natural fit to us to do these things so it coming from somewhere and guess what every kid unfortunately you know has got access to a smartphone where they can view whatever or a TV where really you can review whatever so it's very concerning but I can see the reason why I say why say I'm not sure about the whole you know the more sort of when we get closer towards the sort of conspiracy theories and things is I have I worry that people don't accept the truth because the conspiracy theories at times what they can do is they can actually push people away from the truth by by basically you make something that people instinctively say oh that can't be true and so they totally reject what is blatant and obvious so for example it's well-known that movie makers and film studios have a particular political agenda that's like well I mean that's well well-documented they usually you know liberal you know in the u.s. they usually lean towards you know the sort of the liberal sort of left sort of the liberal left if you like or center left that's typically what Hollywood is always promoted and you know that that's these are facts that you can actually you know you can you can factually prove so I I don't like I mean like I don't I don't actually think there's somebody there who's actually you know sort of a devil worshiper who's like writing these things in I think it's instinctive from being around the shaitaan that I think the one planning it and the one who's putting these messages in is Shaitaan and Shaitaan is inspiring these human beings who are far away from Allah far away from their fitrah far away from the natural and Shaitaan is inspiring them that why don't you do this and you know they may well believe that what they're doing is completely right they may believe that we are you know we are opening people's minds to you know proper equality and fair treatment and human rights and that's what they may they may genuinely believe but in fact this is just the inspiration of the Shiva has taken you away from the natural behaviors that are normal and there's some things I really worry about like I mean we worry about people's behavior towards women you know like when you have all of these relationships and you have all this violence and stuff like that and you have people also it is you know addicted to you know so pornography and all stuff and in all these message has been thrown young kids and younger and younger and younger their way that they perceived relationships with women in the way that they mistreat women you know people start mistreating the the women around them because they see them as just objects it's true that we're almost seeing that like that movies and stuff that were like rated 18 a few years ago almost like they're 1280 now deafened like the kind of stuff that we're surprising younger and younger ages and and I like I mean one of the things that shocked me is that the change in music videos so when I was younger before I start practicing music channels were on it wasn't something you would have to switch off when your parents came in the room I know sometimes you go into a hotel and they have a big TV with the music videos on and honestly I think that would have been on channels that would have been restricted to 18 and above before and it's like completely normalized so it's not just a magic thing that just worries me it's across the board all of the social ills and and the things that the young very young kids are learning and younger and younger and younger we getting kids very very young ages with really really really scary you know things coming out it makes you worried for your kids let's talk about magic though because it's something I want to discuss this podcast because I don't think we'll have the opportunity to talk about it much with other with other people because our perhaps we won't have anyone on the podcast for well who's as experienced or as knowledgeable as yourself do you think that people are scared to learn about the Shaitaan and about jinn because it's because it's scary to learn about the quote-unquote supernatural people you get people of different types right so some people are they take it like an entertainment you know and they want they want to learn about it but they don't want to learn seriously they don't already want to protect themselves they just want to be entertained by the whole topic which is very interesting and very kind of weird and and sometimes a bit scary and so you get some people like that who who will watch stuff online but they won't they don't read take from it or learn from it's more about just it's more about entertainment and then on the other side you get some people who just don't want to know anything about it because they are they just really scared to even learning about it they're going to flicked adore they can have problems and to them and stuff like that you get those people as well and read what you want most people to be is like look this is something that exists it's a fact of life we need to learn about it so we can learn how to protect ourselves protect our children protect our families and how you know we can sort of avoid getting into the problem before it happens I think that's like as well also what I think is really important is that that Rokia as in terms of treatment or chronic therapy treatment with the Quran I think that it's it's suitable for so many things it's suitable for any kind of illness you have any kind of sickness you have any kind of time you feel down or you feel you know whether it's something psychological with it something physical whether it's a real light you know genuine illness you have you have whatever baby cancel you have like in one of these these these really serious illnesses you can still treat it with the Quran not to say that you don't go to the doctor but you can you you can add the Quran the therapy of the Quran into that so I think it's something that is just so practical for people to learn about the world of of Rokia and its chronic therapy and then related to that is the supernatural the jinn and you know magic and things like that the whole I you know it's it's something that will bring a person in a Mensa mabini fit in their life that's what I think have you seen instead teams are every disgusting for me and then there's another one I think you'd have example you said it that's very old word you must have still be people speak to you by that video that went really big didn't it the brothers I think did a good job of putting online and promoting it and then there was another one which was like the history of my hobby which one it is but have you seen one where there's one were you talking about the man who like port magic into like the West or something good yeah I am a bit but that man old and he used to like turned out he was that lush pink Jean and was written of any turn his whole village ilk was it was so but famous quite a famous magician yes you look at the history of magic basically in like as renewing and it was this man who how much is so longer now where is this man who like it was that wheel popular things cuz he like will do magic and then he turned out after he died there was a lot of things that I found out by him and he used to like go into room like conversate with the gym or something during that particular you know this they when I've done the history of magic usually I start like right back in history like yeah a bolonia and look Egypt and then but then we talk about the UK like I when one of the sheiks came she Idol came to the UK and we I got to spend some time with him and he's an expert in on topic of magic and when I spend some time with the Sheikh he we went together to the Museum of magic in Cornwall which is a museum in Cornwall which is dedicated to the history of magic in the UK you went there I went out with shake what did you see well you see was amazing magical whoa well you always did I the funny thing was that I wanted to shift to get like you know behind-the-scenes access so I needed to kind of but you know I couldn't really present him as he was you know so I couldn't really say to the guys that look hey you know we've got this guy and by the way he's responsible for you know sort of catching and you know therefore sort of the the sentencing and the punishments have been given out to all these magicians it was a bit difficult so what I did is I I without without presenting in a false way I just I I may I explained to the people at the Museum that he's a research on the topic and he's written extensively on it he has a doctorate he's very very well you know very well-read on the topic and very has a large collection of artifacts which he's taken from all the magicians he's caught and they actually gave him access to the private library do you get manuscripts and everything busy yeah it was amazing I mean they actually gave him like behind-the-scenes private access to the whole place and he was it was in his element I've got videos of his she's going around he's like telling he's telling the curator of the museum where the curators wrong you know creators like this was from you know 1897 and it's a voodoo doll that was made to basically you know it was made to cause somebody to you know spotty as a curse and the shake looked at it and said it's got the wrong number of pins in it for it to be a curse really it's like that stirred the pins it's the wrong number of pins so that's not a curse that was done for this day and he's like fake teaching the you know teaching the guy in the museum the curator of the museum who was a like a also a practitioner of magic in the sense of cultural and and sort of the old village magic you know that they have in villages in the UK yeah you know back in like in in sort of Devon and Cornwall in places like that so like the sort of in Wicca and things I was area so into all like type of stuff so it was really like it was really interesting to hear about the history of magic in the UK obviously got figures like us to Crowley and people like that who were big people in in there like in their time in terms of magic but you've also got a long history of people practicing it in in like villages and and you know like druids and all this a lot of lost interesting stuff you know do you remember me telling you that University then I learned that subject and my lecturer said that she's rich yeah so in university I studied criminal I studied criminology and one of my modules was good myths monsters and legends and I think I mentioned that to you even last time I was I'm not sure currently and it's called myths monsters and legends that we learn about everything from like even like the hand of Fatima and all that kind of stuff and to all different types of like cultures that do different things and the lecturer she said herself she was like oh I know like so much but it's because I'm a witch and my mom or something it was like a grand we do something like but a white witches and they say she was white magic so they claim it's white magic it's good magic it helps you yeah so this this magic music did when you went to this magic museum did you get do you feel like a do you ever feel a vibe like yeah I like you get that sometimes but I'm not in that place but you like when you do a lot of Rokia and a lot of a lot of treatment of people you get a sense certain sensitivity to it really like and I'm not gonna say it's not like a sixth sense it's not like oh you know I can perceive you've got but you do get become sensitive to it and you get that sensitivity and you feel it from people like you know I remember because when Sam was telling you I don't know if you remember copy years back when Sam was telling you his story yeah yeah religion and what I remember is like Sam was telling you things and you like finishing off his sentences for him now you like use like I saw this thing and you're like who's he white like obviously that's right yeah yeah yeah it's interesting because like I said earlier a lot of people sent me your lectures etc because how I came into the religion was through through mat black magic to be honest and through jinn and so I was sent you right one of the first people yeah fairly one of the first people I kind of started studying from before that I was actually your kind of sent the wrong down the wrong path but um the day when I came back to kind understanding it so I listened to a lot of your stuff and something you said a couple of times almost listened to it thinking I really want you to tell me some of your stories of where you've done rookie error and you know and you almost just said you you only talk about it when it's from the Quran and hadith so you'll never kind of mentioned about what they even maybe look like or what your experiences of them it's kind of quite is it's relative because I've had so many different strange experiences with with the unseen and when you do try to explain it it's bizarre and you know I've seen it I've seen jinn in so many different forms but ultimately that they are just a shape-shifter and they will you know they'll come to you however they please so in this little form of gnomes or women or snakes or whatever it is and it was just finally interesting because I've had some different experiences be kind of what I heard you say was it's almost if it's not from the Quran hadith don't stop entertain it and don't maybe talk about it so much if that makes sense seems like you kind of you took strictly knowledge and facts that you know from yeah I think that if we talk from experience we can talk from experience but we got to read we've got to qualify what we say yeah we got to say look my experience is dot it's very different from someone saying that the Quran tells us yeah so you know we want to distinguish between those two things so I don't mind people telling me about their experiences and I benefit from it I might tell them some of mine but those experiences are not they're not they're not in evidence for anything they're not they're not proof they just experience like a personal experience yes like oh yeah is everyone almost people can kind of experience that in many different ways absolutely definitely I remember this Rakhi once told me I was like I was out and about I think I mean had me of like spat some chewing them out or something I did but I've been telling me that like look like almost being careful of things like that because you know when for example I say you're you're you're just out and you just spiritual or you throw something on the side of the street and you like I don't know how to this is good hit you if you hear Jin know the type of personality that they have is they very fiery so they'll get angry they just want a black instantly payback or so they like get very angry at you and so he was like you know if you're throwing something just like say bismillah before you do something yeah I think some things are more common than others I think it's pretty uncommon with with you know like some spitting gum out or something but if you know for example what used to happen you know especially in in some countries today but in in the UK back in the days your people used to pour hot oil and hot water out in the garden you know especially oil lean away where they wouldn't necessarily put it down the sink whatever people would you know sort of go out in the inner garden or in the back alley or wherever and pour out you know hot liquids and things like that also people who might you know sort of use the bathroom outside like go on the go or let me just go behind that wall or something like that you know very like that's more common because it combines between two things combined something that's that's very harmful to the jinn it's very like I mean nobody wants to have boiling water poured over them that's the first thing and or nobody wants to be you know yeah someone to grow the bathroom what where they're sleeping or something like that and the second thing is it combines being in a place where the jinn are commonly residing anyway you know you your inner you walk in you know in the hills or whatever already in a place where the jinn are you know more likely to be there we're not gonna say you're in you know jinn city or something but you're in a why is that why would you say like for example you walking out in the countryside somewhere you know the jinn prefer and they have their own places right and typically they reside one of the places they reside in are places which are uninhabited by people okay right it's not like you know it's not sort of anything scary it's just like you know you you tend to do it you tend not to inhabit the places people inhabit and we know that the Prophet sighs I'm he said either daha I had to come holla if one of you goes into the the the area which is like a an open barren plain or an open area where people would use the bathroom they would look a bit like a ditch and people in those days they would just go in the bathroom and desert right so they would just go out to the desert look for a ditch where there's nobody there knew go into their business that you safe or you know as an example you say a llama in the arabika me know who booty well haba if many of the scholars here who both E and acaba is of the jinn so you asking a lot to keep you safe from them likewise when one of you gets down in a new place he says I would be Kelly mantle item item Sherri mahalik I seek refuge of the perfect words of Allah from the evil that he created that also indicates to you when you know you driving along in the car and you stop off at a place that might not be inhabited typically this is also an indication that this might be a place where the general residing because your door itself is asking you to keep you safe from the jinn and the shape on and all of those things so somebody's in that sort of area it's an uninhabited area it's an area where it may be that there are some general round in a greater number than then then may there might be in your house or you know in the street outside your house and then you then combine that with something that's harmful for them like going to the bathroom you know you kind of like you're increasing the chances of doing something that and yeah you know like I mean to be honest a human being if you poured boiling water on them would probably you know yeah we'd get upset with you and you know they could they could try to harm you so I don't think it's it's that strange you know it's pretty common sense could be good could it could it be that person does his car you know there's I've caught up me or like bismi llahi Ladino you do rumor asked me he don't flood the office Horsham you let him I don't know if I said that correctly if you person says that three times in the morning and the evening they're protected from all kind of things Oh amazing I'm gonna pause you for that because another guest auction service and we want you to do to achieve him no Marcella so that hadith for example is Tiferet it is equipped me if I'm wrong but it like it protects you from anything further they have no right yeah could it be that person does I've gotta like that for example but still get affected by it by Jim it could be it's not that I've card first was a couple of the couple of ways that could happen the first thing is that generally as a rule those are the card protect you but there's a couple of things that could cause that protection to kind of be diminished or lost out one is where what I call kind of when someone removes the protection from themself so they say o Allah protect me or lock keep me safe for the rest of the day don't let anything happen to me then he goes through a place where a lot of Haram is going on and he's engaging in that or he's involved in that or he's in a play he's taking himself to a place where he knows there's a lot of you know things going on there shouldn't be or it's a place where he's putting himself in danger and it's almost like that person is kind of their limbs are kind of saying like yeah I'd only want the protection if you know you want the protection you have to do the causes for it as well so if they were to do that but they were to go to places you say that like so this person right says says Allah keep me safe then two hours later you know it's after Allah keep me safe three hours later he goes to club you can ask the question that like you're kind of almost saying that you don't really want that protection like if you wanted that protection you would say oh allah protect me and then you would try your best to stay safe it's like the person who says you know like i don't want to be a victim of crime you know and i'm and then they you know middle of the night like 2:00 in the morning they go to the most dangerous area in london and they walk around the streets like you know for two hours and they're like well you know i don't want to be a victim of crime but you know you're putting yourself in a situation where you're putting yourself in danger so extra layer of protection you have to do your bit choose you have to do you a bit like that's a principle of tower called trusting in allah is that you got to do your part and that's not because allah can't protect you allah can protect you but it's because one of the things our lives put down for you as a test is look you got it you got it allah has protected you in multiple ways one of the ways that Las protected you is by giving you the ability to protect yourself that make sense Allah has given you though a way in which you can protect yourself if you ignore that way and you don't follow it and you don't take by it it's almost like you're removing a part of that protection from yourself the other thing people do when it comes to at card is they often they're not engaged with it the tongue is engaged but Vicker it should be with the tongue yeah we all do like you like if I if I have no answers happened but I know that when I first like found out about a car I used to make sure that what I'm doing is I'm sat down and only doing earth car and then slowly I'll find myself maybe like okay I've just waited for sure but I've got get to work so what I'm gonna do is while I'm making my breakfast I could do my other car at same time and I catch master first sometimes I think to myself right this doesn't feel right am I really protecting myself by Carolla who are hurt that also mean something sometimes you're alright when you do it but sometimes that the problem is when your mind totally goes like sometimes it happens to me when you're doing that the tests pretend you know like subhanAllah at hamdulillah and you don't know whether you said subhanAllah once or 500 times you know it somehow lots of how allah subhanallah subhanallah my mind's going off or on something else you know like subhanAllah subhanAllah and you know there's no engagement of the heart so that can be dangerous because sometimes that can can reduce the effect of the of the Vicker the other thing the third thing is something even okay you mentions think about your as car like body armor the more you do and the better quality you do it the better level of protection you have but the less you do it and the less you concentrate on it and the more your mind is sort of off on you know crazy sort of like you know it's off on a journey somewhere the weaker the armor is and if you come against a strong enemy with a strong weapon you might still get hurt even though you had a degree of armor on yourself because your armor wasn't strong enough like somebody who put on like a you know like a stab vest or something and then somebody shooting at them you know like at the end of the day they've got some armor on them but they're not it's not enough to handle the weapon that's been used against them so that can be also it's gonna be think about it like that the more you do that as car the more ask are you do stronger you do it the more you concentrate the stronger your armor isn't the more you can handle people try and attack you do you have to do earth car can you for your children this is where we get a bit of have a bit of it like sort of a distinction right so you can teach your children at car by doing it for them so you're doing your health card for the children that you read an ayah to courtesy over them as a means of teaching them to do it for themselves and there are certain that car you can do for your children like for a book an or a look it's it's you only say ah who do I always would be laughs so or a book is the equivalent of saying you do for someone else so like when I say look be Kelly mantle item and kulish a trilingual harmonically I mean in lamb it's like I'm not seeking refuge for me I'm seeking refuge for you like oh Allah I'm asking you to give this brother refuge right so so anything you say I will do you can always change it to wear a hook which is to ask Allah for someone else so there is a there is a hadith for you should say for children or either come or arizuka be Kelly Marti light am mean cool allah shaitaan in wa hama I mean cool the iron in lamb and the prophets as we used to say this to Hassan her same when they were babies other than that you don't need to read all your earth car over the children but teaching them as they get older yeah you can read over them I too could see when they go to sleep so that they can learn a habit sometimes you do that and by the age of you know four or five years old you your kids know I feel courtesy and they know the the calls and everything because you you just teaching and they get the habit from you so you don't need to do too much for them but you need to a little bit as well I'm just going back to when you're talking about the locations of where the jinn they rest them maybe you're talking about the UK they might be in the countryside because people not there when we when we look at the world we look at the globe is there areas of the world where there's maybe there's more shayateen there's more gin like in the islands and things like that or is it a kind of like an even distribution as if there would be human beings they'd be the equivalent the gym because I'm all right I'm thinking that when gin caused so much problem on earth and they were they were banished to the islands or so the reason I asked how I came to the Dean a friend of mine a friend of his was was involved in black magic and he would always go to the islands and that no be not Tanzania slipped my mind where it is but it was an island basically Barney wasn't body but it was yeah because that we do inshallah it was Islands basically didn't know whether that was because there is there more share teams kind of in islands where people aren't or does that make sense okay so there's a couple of answers to that the first thing is we don't really know too much about the distribution of the jinn and we're not talk about Sheldon just the Djinn as a whole we don't know too much about their distribution we have some evidence for it like we have the evidence of when you go to their open spaces seek refuge with the jinn especially with Allah from the gym when you seek refuge with Allah from the jinn when you go into the the the open spaces and things like that and we know that porush when they would go into a valley when the army they would go with an army on on an military expedition and they would go into a valley they would actually do the wrong thing this is before Islam they would actually call upon the jinn in that Valley so we have some indications that there are that certain places but we only have like a way that we can sort of map out where they are with regard to the magician's in the people practice magic that's a different thing yeah they tend to go the place that they go to they go to it as an act of worship like actually going to that place it's like almost like a Hajj yeah you know like we would go to Hajj Hajj is you know like the scholars define Hajj as like linguistically as traveling to a place of reverence and and and worship you know like I'm actually setting out on a journey for the purpose of reaching something which is revered or or glorified or worshiped and that's what the magicians do they actually make a una a pilgrimage to a place which the Shaitaan commands them to do and sometimes that place doesn't have any significance it's just that the Shaitaan wants to see obedience from them so the Shaitaan will say you know I want you to go to the top of Mount whatever you know there's no benefit for the shade planning but they just want to they just want to see that the person is you know like putty in their hands you know like that he's gonna go anywhere and that's why summer says it's a little bit of something that people find difficult to understand it when they say like what do all these letters and numbers and symbols mean sometimes they don't mean anything what they mean is that they were written at a particular time to show the person's obedience to the shaitaan like that like okay now right Alif don't write anything else for the next three hours okay now right G don't write anything else so that the magician is showing their obedience and their devotion to the Shaitaan by writing those things sometimes without meanings but sometimes it is you know it's what I read this up I was reading a form of magicians discussion discussing I love that you go to magicians museums that you don't Lisa don't misunderstand that that's that how I spend my day like but sometimes you know I wanted to study a particular thing and it is it's considered to be one of the most powerful and greatest forms of magic that exists and it's it's it's known as Sahaj Hawaiian something like that it's a Persian grid of 10 by 10 squares each square has a letter in it and the reason I wanted to study it is it was mentioned in the Sunnah it was mentioned that when the Sahaba fought in Persia and when they conquered the Persian Emperor the Persian Emperor used to take this basically giant owies giant like giant 10 by 10 grid and they carried it into battle and the Sahaba just got rid of it you know like won the battle give it here rip it up job done yeah they just got rid of it but I wanted to know more about it and one of the things when I was searching I came across the forum of magicians talking about when I was looking for Islamic evidence I was looking for hadith and things like that I came across the form of magicians and they were terrified by it they were saying that you know do your 3 by 3 squares do your four by four but nobody does the 10 by 10 square this can kill you just writing the square can kill you of course they like attached to the gin and they'll have to have that fear of the gin and one of the weird things is how the gin fear the magician and the magician fear the gin they both scared of each other it's that's perhaps the meeting part of the meaning of the statement of a laugh as I do of maracas they increased each other in disobedience and transgression actually they both did they both are terrified of each other but the magician's were so terrified of this 10 by 10 square and this 10 by 10 square is just 10 squares by 10 squares each square has a letter or a number written in it like so I'm gonna tell you spot amazing square so why was saying is that when they write these letters it's not that the letter itself has a meaning it's that they write that particular letter at a particular position of the stars and the moon and the Sun as a symbol of their devotion to the Shaitaan and it has more power in it than if they were to write a particular word like a police off your own or whatever so sometimes it's about they they'll go to a place or they'll write a particular letter just to show their their reverence and their worship of the shape on so it's again in relation to you know you've got some videos of when you're putting the Quran out of the sewers in it's a mucker as well isn't it and you're finding various theta forms of magic and it's all it's very random a lot of it it's very random is that reason why it is so random because it generally is random it doesn't necessarily mean as much it's just about the obedience for the magician doing what the the share Tina said it's a mix some of it has a meaning you can clearly see the meaning and you can understand it and some of it is what the magician is told by the Shaitaan to to write down and it has a meaning to the Shaitaan but it might not have a meaning to us that we can easily explain to people it's more of an act of devotion what's the most bizarre thing that you come across magic was wow that's it that's it I mean there's some there's some really really there's some really kind of scary sort of weird ones where you got like you open it up and it's blood and there's like there's also artifacts in there there's eggs and pins you know voodoo dolls with things stuck through them and you know but then this some that I just weird like this sometimes you just come across things that are really weird and sometimes you come across things that are like surprising in a weird way in a row I like you know like I remember sometimes when you're opening something and you expect it to be like really bad and it's just a printed page of something just somebody went on the internet and just googled it and just press print on the first thing that came out you get a big mix of things a big mix but sometimes like a mystery like you have like you know nine nails and you know three eggs and like you know are not of someone's hair and you're trying to figure out like what is that what's that awesome and everything has this it's very symbolic everything has a symbol but yeah like I suppose you can generally work them out you can kind of what the amount explain what they are usually when you've read on someone and you what what I usually find is the more you read on the person the more you get towards the end of the magic the more you kind of figure out by the end where it came from not always but usually where it came from and who did it and why and yeah and that that kind of ties into it there are some things that you can not like by counting the number of nails or counting the number of pins or things like that you can figure out what what is intended behind it but also sometimes it's like there are certain things that are you know certain colors that are symbolic certain objects you know that are symbolic and sometimes that helps you to kind of like figure out even though I don't I mean it's interesting but it's not essential for the treatment you don't need to know why why it was done but it can be you know at the end you're kind of like alright okay so the egg was intense it's this a marriage thing this is about you know bringing someone bringing someone you know back towards the husband or the wife and that's a red color and then that's why the pin is there and then that's why the hair is there or that's why but it's you just see so much I mean so many strange things like I mean you see from magicians like with with more modern means than others you know the traditional ones all knots and things and the modern wants like padlocks and you know like thumb like those code codes coded locks with numbers on and things like is you don't you don't stop being surprised by what you found what's Ted you know with regards to the I you know we know that hadith that mentions that we should try and keep our plans private and I'm assuming us to sit silently why I might be wrong about that but where's the line between like saying you know I'm not gonna focus on post about this on social media or talk about this because of being because of iron and and going too far with I literally never doing that because you're constantly saying are my key right now right yeah I'm like I mean well that's a very good question and there's even an ayah you can bring and you can you can kind of ask yourself where is this ayah fin well I'm a banana meteora bicker if I had this as for the blessings of your Lord tell them tell the people about them how do you reconcile between that and between the issues of the evil eye so there is there is a middle path to take in everything there's a middle path where cuddly cats are now come on Matt and Wasel that we made you a middle on my you're in the middle in things you know if you live your life so in such fear of the evil eye and such worry about it that you actually stop doing things you're supposed to be doing so people don't go to the Masjid I don't go to the gym are in the Masjid because I'm scared of the evil eye this is a big problem because now you're actually leaving off obedience because of the evil eye that's not right but there's also on the other side there's another extreme where people post everything good that happens to them unnecessarily there's no need to post it and there's no there's no there's no benefit in it there's no benefit in terms of this no muscle I had no no no pot no cutting no positive outcome you're gonna get out of that and so the habits on social media is to post everything you do right if you just post everything that they do I think you have to be selective I wouldn't post something unless I had a very clear reason that why I want to do that why do I want to post a picture of myself you know in a beautiful hotel it's really enjoying myself like what's my what's my goal behind that you know is it to tell people about the blessings of Allah from what angle what angle am i coming from that I want to tell people or am I just inviting people to give me the evil eye but when it sometimes for example we want to share something that someone did it's really good we might not want to share it with necessarily their picture or they name so we're gonna say like masha'Allah one of the children in the class may Allah bless them they finished memorizing the Quran today and you know we're really proud of them Allah bless them and you know don't forget - don't forget to ask Allah to bless them and you saw we kind of take some precautions in that we have a reason we want to inspire other kids to do it for mine I wanna like put the you know guys picture upon them this is Muhammad and today Muhammad like you you just go you gotta ask yourself like is there a reason for what I'm doing because even the ayah about telling people of the blessings there are different ways of understanding the ayah but you know it just generally I ask yourself what am i what am i get what am I getting out of this there are some a by that you have to do in front of everybody Hajj for example you can't do had privately yeah like you know you you're gonna people are gonna see you you have to pray in the Gemara publicly at people are gonna see you but as well the principle is that whenever you can conceal your a bar that you do them so and whenever you can conceal them from some people even if you don't conceal them from others you do it so do I need to take a picture you know of hey guys this is me in front of the cab you know click and I send it out to everybody what's my reason for that what am I trying to achieve is there a real muscle hard Dini I like a benefit I'm trying to get out of that if there is I hope Allah will protect me from the evil I think my benefit is to inspire people for a certain thing clear but if my benefit is just to show people the lifestyle I live I'm not sure Allah is gonna protect me from the evil eye because of that because I'm not sure I've got a reason why I'm really why am i I doing that and especially with my kids I don't let my kids go on pick I don't know anybody very knotty lanessa unless it's an error or a mistake take pictures on my kids because I asked about it know if that was too personal for the camera like no III don't like ever ever ever and I don't tell what my kids do I don't tell anybody I don't even tell their grandparents sometimes you know like what it is that they've achieved or whatever no way because it was reason for the yeah because people are people give the evil I like and there's a difference between someone who's a well-wisher and you know that person is a well-wisher you know like one of the brothers he came to me he said to me that my daughter has achieved X Y Zed and well I he getting sure what she achieve us was unbelievable like III was so so happy for me and he knows I'm happy he knows the kind of person I am and he knows that I would be here I hasn't told anybody about it but it but he knows that I would be so happy for him that he achieved that so he told me about it and I was like Marcia that's amazing we said a voice note that were really wealth I'm so proud of you masha'Allah and you just and but that's a person you know they're a well-wisher upon social media how do you know those people are well wishes you know how many people look at that and thinking you know how many people they couldn't have kids so ever and it'll can thinking you know why is this person got this why don't I have this and or they've their kids are not doing well or they've got problems in their marriage or ever you know you don't want to be posting that stuff out to everybody selectively telling people I've got a group people in the Masjid I tell them how something good that happened to me I hope it falls under the higher I'm a banana man c-rob because I had to tell the people about the blessings of your Lord because I'm telling I've got a reason why I want to share that with people but with my kids I try and keep him sheltered as well because also it's not good for them you know live when you live quite high profile you have quite a high profile it's difficult for your kids you know that people come and say oh you know cavity take a picture with you can I have you know can share some words you cannot be and you know you kind of like you don't want your kids to grow up like that you know because your kids are gonna become you know you yourself are trying to avoid that kind of interaction with people and you know what your kids to have that kind of interaction with people it's not it's not right so I try and shelter them and you know keep their feet on the ground and you know as much as possible and if there's a need to share something as a need you know it's different thing so were you saying it's almost the intention that the person has the intention behind them to what they post could have an effect whether they will get evil eye on oh yeah I guess not so much the intention but whether they have a justification that's a good way like yeah Islamically do those guys have a justification for what they do or not like is it is what you're doing when you're sharing with those people is justified bill sometimes even giving sadaqa on the camera can be justified sometimes you know like you're trying to raise money for people and you want to really inspire other people to do it but you gotta ask yourself long and hard because you're doing something it's different from the original way that we behave though the normal principle is every a bar that you do you keep it completely private even from your own wife your own family nobody knows about it you know your even your your left hand doesn't know what your right hand gave but there's times when you have to do a buy that in front of people but this social media thing the problem is you is no filter you know it's not like I only want this to go out to the people that wish me well like it's gonna go out to a lot of different people and that sometimes you know you just you protect yourself and you do your best but as long as you have a justification so I'm gonna turn to Allah on the day of judgement and say o Allah I did this because you told us this this and this and that's why I did it but not out of my own pride out of my own you know amazement by myself you know I'm like so amazed by my own achievements or something that I post it you know it's not it's not beneficial you'd be careful who you tell about the good things that happen to you you know try to be try to limit that to people who you know have you know wish you well and really want good for you and people who you know are careful to say Allah bless you you know you know masha'Allah that kind of stuff do you think that if you just go back to the issue of your children do you think that if people if it was more public than people perhaps treat them differently cuz they'll be like oh your dad is kind of things you know I mean yeah I'm I'm strict on my kids on that like that's why I like like sometimes they get away with things like it's not it's not your dad's Tim humble but it's like for example your gut your dad is the guest at our conference yeah so like my kids can run wild when everyone else's kids have to sit still now I'll tell the guys the conference like if you need to like just put them down you know just deal with it just do it don't worry about it like if you shout at them or you need to be quiet and sit down because it's not good for their upbringing to have those exceptions because they start believing that rules don't imply rules don't apply to us so you see them going running running riot in any place and they're like yeah because you know my dad's giving the talk so I can do what I want it's not it's not a good like that kind of sense of in time it's not good in anybody like when you see like someone really famous or someone really like really rich and they have like children who you know say a big businessman or whatever big figure in a country and they have children that just like don't you know don't listen or don't don't behave with respect and stuff nobody likes that you know and from an Islamic speaker it's even worse because the speaker's telling about you know you have to raise your kids in the right way you know and your own kids are like really rude and stuff so I'll like I try to keep them you know stop them from from getting that treatment but even though it happens anyway like you know you still that's sometimes so people are like that with guests and it's not about being known or not I mean it could be anytime you could go to someone's house and you're a guest in their house and they may like make exceptions for you and your kids that they wouldn't make for their own kids their own kids are not allowed in the living room with the shoes on and they're not allowed to like eat their food of the sofa and you know your kids come and I like your kids plastering chocolate all over their sofa and I don't worry about it's okay you know what I they thinking oh my god you know my own kids I wouldn't do this with so you gotta kind of try and shelter your kids from that as well and I think social media is dangerous for children at young age and I don't mean like any I don't want to say you know each other should never ever look at the internet or something like that but you know having them online and having them like live their life according to what the people like what they do or don't like what they do is - destroys your your character or Allah like won't teach one of the things we teach I have to teach young kids today the teenagers we teach today is having a strong character and being have a you know making your own choices because these kids now make their choices based on like how many likes I get you know do do people let me take a picture of my shoes if enough people like it I'm gonna keep wearing them and if people don't like it I'm not gonna keep wearing them that's terrible for your character or like that's like it destroys your character you become not you don't even become a sheep you become like just completely you don't have your own opinions you don't you oh you're so sensitive and so scared about the fact that somebody might not like your trainers you like you know your sketch even go out of the house because you're frightened that somebody might not like you know it that's horrible for a person's character and what we need is meaning people who are lied have leadership qualities people who just go out then who you know they're Trailblazers they just they do what they want to do within the frame of Islam and other people copy them and that's very personal experience I had when I became Muslim I felt I was very very scared to be who I wanted to be was very very frightened to sort of present my own thoughts and things and it's horrible position to be in and kids are increasingly becoming like that because there's so much pressure I mean if in a class you can only get bullied by set number people online you can get bullied by like ten thousand people at once you know like that's that's pressure you know what my god what my YouTube career is gonna be ruined you know if I say something wrong if I do something wrong people don't like me and as you know you got to teach our kids to be independent so one of the things is just sheltering them from that a little bit and even though at even the die is we said say to them just relax don't don't go out or they're too quickly you know what take your time to be who you want to be form your own opinions have your own ideas before you you know jump in front of a camera because once you start jump in front of a camera it's very difficult for you after that change what it is that you've said or change your positions on things it takes a lot of strength of character to do that when you became Muslim did you just like how especially now we're in a generation where we're getting like second generation third generation Muslims who are like white British Muslims but they're not they don't reverse anything like for example Sam's children they're not gonna they're not revert and they're born Muslim children but they why British children were and with us out as we grow older in this next generation we're gonna see a lot more of that than we have ever seen so but when so they for example would look at someone like yourself and be able to relate to somebody who is like from where they're from and stuff when you became a Muslim did you have someone like that that you could look up to and you felt like you felt a connection with no I don't I don't think so I don't want to say that there was nobody because that's probably unfair that's probably there's always somebody but one thing I felt is I kind of felt like I was I was pretty alone in Newcastle as a new Muslim there were other new Muslims there there wasn't like there was no other new Muslim there in the whole city but there was nobody that I thought I could really relate to and it was it was when I travelled I started to meet people like that and that's when I said I was telling you I went back to Newcastle and we highlight we've got like about I don't know it's could be like 10 15 brothers who are all reverts from different you know Newcastle and surrounding cities and we all got together in a house it was just amazing it's like you know this is like these are the people that I I you know would have loved to have met when I was was at that stage but I didn't really have somebody that was that was in my mind like that that feeling of being alone is it like it does it do you feel isolated and does it make you almost feel I don't say push you away from the Deen but do you give I'm you know Sam the feeling of being be hoping I like isolated because you you don't feel like any you can relate to anyone anyone I think maybe I think as a practicing Muslim maybe that stays with you because especially living somewhere where there's not that many you know it's generally not many practicing people you kind of if you'd really try you know stand firm to your Deen and used and you know you stay with it a lot of surroundings a lot of environments you go to not everyone's on the same thing so it's almost you feel it alone like you're in an environment people having a conversation it doesn't really add up to what you don't have a conversation about you almost feel alone you feel like I'm comfortable that and you fear Allah from it I feel like that doesn't I don't think that will ever really leave unless you're an environment where everyone's on the same page ie this room now having the conversation but more times than not is that that's not the situation from for me so when I find myself I do feel I feel kind of a little bit lonely HMDA I've got measured and friends and emotional family hamdulillah but I think when I became Muslim when I really realized that I will be raised on the bare judgment alone and it is about yourself and then you know accountability falls onto yourself there's no one else you can't blame anyone else you can't say oh it's his fault I think that feeling of that alone and standing there alone kind of resonates with me and I kind of I feel like I kind of have still got that alone feeling because although I'm not the most pious of Muslims I'm trying inshallah but I feel like you forgot to feel lonely because you feel like Islam is it's a it's a rare thing it's a rare thing and to find people who are upon you know the correct Akita and you know have the same understanding and uh you know they're trying their best to be a practicing Muslim I think that's a rarity so I feel like you kind of feel that kind of lonely that kind of lonely feeling just generally cuz I feel society is kind of the opposite of what you're trying to where you're trying to go I kind of feel like you even on the way here just feel like you know so parallel majority aren't practicing aren't Muslim Weber so I kind of feel that kind of that loan for you know that it's that kind of what you meant yeah I suppose what you're saying about like I suppose I suppose this it's also there's a blessing in it in that it reminds you of knowing I said that you are gonna be raised alone on your more qiyamah even even recently I was thinking a lot by the hereafter and I was thinking was said about here after like more so based on finances I remember I'll speak to or such mad about this you know the conversation we had in my car and I was basically saying that you know often we we are told to like remember death and staff we would do we often like when we think when someone says to us like remember death you you do think whatever you think okay like to remember so to fix up because I could die at any minute and I need to make sure that everything's covered and I'm repentant so that because I wanna I'm still alive I have a chance to repent but then I thought one thing I don't think of as much he's my finances and something that I have found so profound I think was when in one of your son's lectures he spoke about the I think it was one of his actors about the prophet sallallaahu Oliver said I'm not having praised this janazah solo for someone who was in debt and then I thought to myself even if I am doing everything this ideal I could die at any time I hate to translate I transfer that from my deeds but also to my money in saying that I should be hastening to pay off any debts that I have because I could die any minute and I don't want to leave my debts to somebody else because I don't know what the condition of my family will be at the time when I die right I don't know obviously like may Allah keep us on a straight path and guide us to a straight path but I don't know if my family if I were even like have found me then whatever what happened so I can't rely on that because so while I'm alive on this earth I wonder for example pay for ideas or I want to as soon as possible save up for Hajj because I don't know where no that's on a clear those things so that's the thought I was thinking of anyway recently about the idea of like not only with my deeds thinking oh I could write many but also with my money so that's why I was saying broke memory off-camera to him at the coffee machine I saw that a hundred and thirty pound in my head as but I could unless it seemed a thing a bit like deep for it but all this like it's always thinking like that I don't need right now but I haven't been in my first Hajj but if I went if I died tomorrow whether I got that coffee machine on or had instant coffee wouldn't change what would happen my grave but if I can if I had the ability to save up four hundred avoid getting these unnecessary things and all that money accumulate will be enough for me to go to Hajj that could be dangerous for me yeah I think it's you know I'm preparing for the Day of Judgment it's not it's not just about the acts of worship because in to certain extent the acts of worship you're kind of you have acts of worship you're doing every day and you've got a bit of a routine and your prayers in certain things you do maybe your recitation of the Quran and you can do more there's no doubt but sometimes it's about being like I often think okay I die today right now and I had a lecture on this if I die today like like if I die right now what's my family gonna do practically I'm say I'm over in Dubai and I I just I I die how's my family even gonna get back to the UK with what money are they gonna get back to the UK what about what about the house do they need to like you know just practical things like would they need to go to the rental company and and and the house cut the real estate company until they need to fill in documents how are they gonna you know are they gonna bury me where I die because I want to be buried where I die as long as I don't die in you know some place where it's all non-muslims and I want to be ready in the nearest Muslim graveyard to the place where I die I don't want to be transported around the world you know so do they know that you know do they even know how to hold my kids even how my kids think about it how will my kids what kind of parting words of advice would I like to give my children well lie is very very profound when you start thinking about like I just want to think right today you died and now you imagine your wife not the grief the tears and whatever just imagine practicalities your husband just died today now what instructions practically does she have to do in terms of procedures in terms of and you think that or someone will tell abut you know to have that all written down look you need to go here is your is your after that is your grave and it's your body like you should be able you should be allowed to dictate how you wish to be yeah and it's not just about being it's not just about the funeral I'm thinking about like you know it's weird but I start thinking about things like my you know my computer password and all my documents and lecture like small things but I'm thinking like you know like did we thinking like all these people are emailing and asking questions like how are you gonna like just given them steps look if I pass away whatever I've you see that's on the computer articles I've written and you see it's of benefit give it to one of the students of knowledge let them read through it so it's a full benefit make it saw the kajari I put it online so I can get the deeds for it but let's somebody check it in case there's any mistakes in it if somebody emails you know send them ejecting that look the brother has you know gone to the mercy of Allah make dua for him ask Allah to forgive him these practical things like what you know if you're abroad then this is what you're gonna do i'm d'lai my son's now old enough to be a Muharram for my wife that you guys need to just organize first things first to get back to the UK and get back to your family where you're safe and you're comfortable take your time but don't feel like you have to stay for a certain amount of time like obviously the ADA if you can if there's enough money there to pay the rent you can stay for the the length of the ADA period and all these rules and fix things that come up and what like just thinking about all this stuff and you're thinking like practically you know like I'm sure about a body like did I pray enough that's a separate issue like but we lot of us think about that like haven't done enough prayers have enough done enough good deeds Pallavas don't think like what my kid's gonna think they're gonna think like my dad left me without any guidance of what to do in the world what to do tomorrow how are you gonna put across words of so it's really like a proper we'll see I like really you know like this is what you should do so I think that's a profound thing to think about what line I when you talk about that it really does make sense it also brings the reality of death to you as well so it's also good doing that stuff also is a good reminder of death because if you're sitting there writing instructions for what to do if you die you're reminding yourself well I'm writing this because I could literally die today like and sometimes you think oh I'm 24 you know I mean I can worry about that in 10 20 30 40 years time but it's not really at all like well who said that what that long and and so that's why only recently I've started thinking oh I need to hasten towards like all of these things like Hajj needs to be on the top of my list it has to be or and all that booking like I said booking my grave because I want I know where I want to be buried I know that it's like that all Muslim graveyard and I don't want to leave it in a or only pin the hands of someone else to decide because because for example they might just actually like in the rush of things and in the panic of like he's passed away just like book a graveyard and also they I don't want to leave that financial burden or someone like oh now you have he must be buried here this how much it cost and now we have to find the money I'd rather I don't know if it's possible but should book my book my spot yeah you know I mean yeah I know I have to do it so I don't worry about this is darkness so it I paid for it that's well that's what they do they already know what happened they were expecting might they've got my name on it I mean the thing is when someone dies when someone dies it's hard enough for the family as it is without having to think about like I'm worried about things and just to have like you know it's a set of steps the person can carry out and you can keep updating it but the nice thing is you actually follow it yourself you actually like you go to I don't know the graveyard and say like you know if I die today like how can I be buried in this graveyard that's a profound thing that like it's painful you know you're going to that you you know you go into the whatever it might be abroad and you go into the British whatever embassy consulate and say like you know if I pass away today what's the procedure for my family play and that hits you like whoa you know like I might actually never actually be here tomorrow saying that you know my dad passed away and we need to you know we need to cancel our visas and whatever we need to go home that's profound like how they gonna do the who should even go cuz you have so many contacts you you know as the head of the household you have so much in your head that you don't actually put down on paper like oh I know if I need to get home they just need to call that brother face of us he's lovely brother and he's got he's he does the tickets for Emirates Airlines and he'll sort me out with that and then all they just need to call up this brother who does the visas and they just oh and they just need to you know other rental companies just that guide you know it's like I like I Mohammad just you know I've got his number it's known as the one on the phone the first one on the M like but can you imagine that actually that happens and they actually have to take those steps they might spend days just like running from place to place just trying to find even who those people are and I think practically like one of the things you should do is really honestly give some time regularly to go to the graveyard like it's profound and sometimes especially when you go find an open grave and you actually just you know sit next to it or stand next to it and just look down in the grave and think that could be today and one of our wish I told us he said that one of he was he went to a janazah of someone there's two people to shake on and not two shakes they went to the janazah in Medina when they passed out they passed by a grave that was quite it looked like it looked bigger than the others you know and I'm sure you know it was a regular-sized grave but it just like he looked at it and he said wow you know look at that grave it looks a little big bigger than the others and he said you know it looks like it would be it would be a place where somebody you know it looks like there's some expanse in there for the first like you know it it just looked like it was separate from the others that oh wow that looks like a different place for someone to be buried and he said that the next prayer came and that person was being being buried in that grave like the person who made that comment about it being a wide grave and a bigger grave was the one who was buried in it and it was just like two prayers or whatever later they because they do it quickly they I mean like you know he passed away and they did his janazah whatever it might be in the beginning of the day to the end of the day or whatever and they they put him in that grave she himself told me a story said person with me said like look at how big this grave looks big and different from the others and he was the one buried in it well lies like it's like you I move sometimes with the kids we actually don't take them and where she puts a look can you imagine what it's like for you lying here and you put the cover over that's it you know you you've only got what you put forward that's profound one you know the in Medina the is it the bhakti yeah the bucket though it's good is that is that what anyone possibly with you yeah and there's anyone graveyard only one graveyard yeah so what they do is they have to they have to kind of at times they have to make space and what they do is they sometimes they'll they they do a procedure whereby they sink the the ground down and they bring new earth on top so that they're able to almost have like a almost like a 3d kind of yeah it's different yeah so there's some graves they they just the certain areas they just leave a part but but there are there are cases where after a long long time has passed what they'll do is they do some sort of I don't know how they do it but they they somehow like so yeah like sink it down and and bring new earth on top in order to facilitate to bury more people because you imagine that there every single day you know you've got it Jana's in nearly every prayer it's like when there's not a janazah you're like what did the guy forget you know it's like every single day every prayer you got somebody praying at us and you know how many of us don't even know how to preach another really on how many of us could actually tell our kids how to pray a Janaza prayer like a lot of us cuz not something we do every day and we saw like okay what are you doing the Janaza prayer so you know how many people you know the the the the prophets as I mentioned the virtue of having four of the 40 of the people of Tara hate people of who believe in the oneness of Allah pray a prayer janazah but what do you do if all the people in the message nobody knows how to pray the janazah and they're all just doing the actions you know Allahu Akbar and you've only got like the Imam who knows how to do it so one of the things you might point you or SIA is that please advise the Imam to remind the people how to make the how to do the Janaza prayer before they pray over me and also the washing of the body I recommend also if people men and women the women for the women and the men for the men if you get a chance go to the local masjid where they prepare the bodies where they wash the bodies and participate in if you can't like if they allow you and if you're able because so it's a profound reminder and also most people also don't know have a clue what to do and ideally you would want ideally you would want the spouse to to wash the body if possible because the spouse there's no outer for the for the for the spouses just a spouse I really could have people support them but particularly the the whole solid stuff if possible but often it's not done these days mostly it's just the men do the men the women do the women but there's hadith in that regard Ayesha said if I had the chance to if the chance came again no we only his wives would have only the prophets wives would have would have washed him so you might different things but people don't know how to do it people don't know wash the body where we were at the rocky in in Medina there was a sign that said when you leave don't like turn around as you leave and yeah and there was like the gods there are now so people were doing it and the gods would so strict not telling them off like basically in Arabic saying what you do it and just walk out but what is that is it some kind of like fabricated hadith that says no it's more like it's just a custom of the people that like so that people graveyards have always been places where people have lost their proper religious beliefs so it could be a place where people start whaling you know traditionally the women are of the the Arab women of all they would wail they would beat their you know cheeks they would scratch themselves rip their clothes you know things like that and they would actually even pay people to do that sometimes like if you didn't have anyone to wail over you you'd be like or can I employ this woman and she would come and she would like you know wail over you like so so this part the prophets hasn't prohibited this but you used to have like oh there's a there's a there's a woman that we pay to wail over us you know when we die and you know other things like that like veneration of the people in the graves praying to them you know like doing acts of worship towards them and one of the things that people have is they would have like because this graveyard all of these pious people are buried here is that maybe you know like we're not allowed to shore our back to them and we have to turn around and sort of venerate them and I you know like the king like they tell you like they do this with the Cata as well so they say like you know certain kings of old you wouldn't turn your back on the king and walk out the room you know so they do it with the Kaaba as well that they'll walk backwards away from the Kaaba like and this is not the prophets I didn't do it so we can't we can't come close to Allah with something he didn't do so he when he wanted to finish his time from the Cobo we just walk away from the Kaaba he wouldn't you know walk backwards and Sahaba never walk backwards so also we can't do that either going back to the subject of rukia yeah would you advise do you advise people who don't necessarily feel like they're inflicted by anything to to have rook here and and and and do it and would you advise people to do it regularly or do it on themselves or maybe where would you stand with just just general someone who doesn't feel like necessarily to have an issue is it is it a benefit to do look it anyway if you don't feel like you have an issue and the other question was do you feel that there's a lot of people who claim they may have a tissue ie share teen because they do certain acts that they maybe find it easier to blame or of this [ __ ] you know people come collect blame and share teen for persons etc do you feel like you know that sometimes used too often as an excuse for someone's own that's a reed profound question there's a I mean I think that Rukia is a is a treatment for a sickness right so as a treatment for a sickness you should really only use it when you're when you think you're sick you can use it if you're not sure if you're sick or not that's okay but I wouldn't necessarily just say it somebody or you should be doing rookie or three times a week because I don't see the Prophet sighs I'm did doubt the Sahaba did it if someone was sick or thought they might be sick as a definition the question you asked sort of towards the end or that last question voilá you know there's something really really profound about this and that is that Shaitaan takes advantage of what's already within you that's normal that's the way the Shaitaan works so the Shaitaan doesn't go to somebody who's not attracted to gambling and then bring them to the casino very rarely it happens like that the Shaitaan works with what's already there so even in magic even in possession the shape on works with what's already present within a person so what you see is you see that the Shaitaan looks and says this person's got a soft spot for the ladies so I'm gonna make his problem a lot worse I'm gonna make him commit zina I'm gonna make him watch haram I'm gonna make him do Haram but he's he's not making that without any grout that's not it's not like there's no ground to plant the seed he knows that you have that inclination anyway so this is actually a weapon for us which is that when we're doing rukia and we won again extra sort of boost for our loci are one of the things we can do is correct the basic flaws that we have in ourselves because when we do that we actually stop the Shaitaan from taking advantage of those things so if a person says oh you know I'm possessed and when I'm possessed I do XY z-- it and that sin that they do they're like blaming that completely on the Shaitaan I would say yeah no doubt the Shaitaan is making it worse but often it's because you have that flaw in yourself and the Shaitaan sees you have an inclination to it and now he like he makes it much worse than it was before so I think it's a balance I don't think we should be blaming everything on rocket issues to the point that we don't you know subhanAllah like you know people like my son failed his exams must be the evil eye now sometimes maybe your son failed his exams because he didn't work hard and revise it maybe the evil eye don't get me wrong I'm not discounting nobody fills their exams because of the evil eye but you know maybe you could look at the fact that you know maybe he didn't revise maybe he's out with bad friends and he got himself into a bad habit it could be that at the same time on the other hand you see people who have blatant gene issues magic issues evil eye issues and they don't do anything about it as they say look it's not that look it's just me you know I don't think there's anything wrong with me and that's like just that's like somebody who gets cancer and says I don't have cancer until they die from it you know like if you have cancer the best thing you can do is meet to yourself yeah I've got I have the sickness now I need to go get a cure for it so it's important to be balanced right well not to like be on one side or the other in this be balanced thank you so much for coming back to fresh cigar do that with such a pleasure it's always so nice to have you on and I'm glad that we believed this with all about the whole team present I had she had a question actually what we'd you originally jump on freshly garden because you had no knowledge of it really so it could have been a really bad movie well you know what made you say yes and we up for it I'm a person who I always look for opportunities to do something good and you know I do a little bit of research in it I'll make sure that I don't like I don't want to be on on something where you know there's gonna be something like really haram going on or something like that but if I see an opportunity to do something good then I'm gonna ask myself can I possibly participate in this in some way and if someone's offering me a chance to participate in something good well like I just want to take it and that's a toughy from Eliza it's adjusted a tiny bit before the brief that you gave me about it yeah okay you gave me a bit of a background and you say this what we're trying to do and and I really liked it because one of the things I've seen from this podcast that I've not been able to do before is it reaches people who I wouldn't normally be able to reach you know people who are maybe starting off on this journey of practicing Islam a little bit and they enjoy listening something that's it's fun to listen to it's nice to listen to they enjoy that maybe they're not quite ready for a series of lectures right now or maybe that's not what they want to listen to on the way to work you know but this fills a need that I don't think many people are fulfilling so I I personally thought it was an amazing idea and I thought you know it is that there are some brothers who knew you guys as well and you know so for me it's an opportunity to do good and if I lost part I like is that to us that's a big blessing for us to have opportunity to help people because if Allah helps one person through you well like this is better than the dunya like in some of the narrations it came Hyrum and dunya or my fee huh better than the dunya and everything that's in it better than everything this would if one person just takes a benefit from what you said so well we appreciate you coming down and you're now a regular on freshly grounded sanitation shot next time I keep in UK you mother welcome to come down and and win we in the UAE in charge a button you saying said we're here let's we've got the bus with us any trips planned we I think we had planned to go back good boy yeah didn't end up going its fruition but we do yeah sure I'd love to go the shoes I think this year we went up there definitely I think it's very high chance with ABS amazing come round inshallah we'll do another we do another session thank you so much that I love this genre that's the end of the episode that's it Carlos Carlos finish bye
Channel: Freshly Grounded
Views: 389,079
Rating: 4.7901521 out of 5
Keywords: Freshly Grounded, Sam, Faisal, Sam Palmer, Faisal Choudhry, Podcast, Muslims, Muslim Podcast, tim humble
Id: cfXJlTb5SzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 46sec (7366 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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