#165 Tim Humble: The Reality of our Sins, Haram Jobs & Money Affect our Children, Day of Judgement

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assalamu alaikum guys welcome to episode 165 of freshly grounded with usted muhammad tim humble guys before we get into this episode uh as you know we are helping uh to raise funds inshallah um for the coronavis pandemic that's going on and we've teamed up with a human appeal who are basically raising money so that they can do two things with the donations first of all um 15 pounds can go towards helping vulnerable people in the uk to deliver their emergency food parcels which is very very powerful so um we'll go on about that in a second and then a second one is a 70 pound hygiene pack that helps people around the world um who who can't access the basic necessities and gives them kind of an emergency pack in places like pakistan uh syria um iraq and a few more countries so guys what i want to say about that is we're all feeling the effects of coronavirus in some way or form and just a 15 pound donation can really make someone's day by giving them that emergency food parcel that perhaps they don't know or they are having anxiety over not knowing where it's going to come from and it could come from you and you can donate that by just going to justgiving.com forward slash freshly grounded covid19 or by clicking the link in the bio and helping towards that let's kind of come together we have such a strong freshly grounded community so hopefully we can um you know do some benefit in this time all right this episode is with us muhammad tim humble a regular on fresh luganda someone who we're always excited to have one and um what we're going to be discussing in sha allah i want to speak to him i've got a few questions from you guys that i put out on the instagram the freshly grinded instagram page and you guys asked a few questions so i'm going to try and do kind of a quick firearm with him on that um and i also just want to speak to him with regards to sins and and how we can view sins and really and truly we will probably have a few sins at least that we know of that we need to stop and uh how can we do that how can we practically do that and uh so yeah this will be interesting a lot so without any further ado episode one six five no oh man yeah 165 are freshly grounded with usted mohammed tim humble also just before we get into this episode um the he mentioned on uh the episode i asked i put up a post recently on my instagram i shared one of the posts from muhammad tim humble instagram page and had a few people asking me if that's his official account so i asked him on the episode and he mentioned that yes um if you follow instagram.com forward slash or at uh muhammad tim humble that is an account that he kind of um is able to overlook basically that's that's his official account and also his official youtube is youtube.com mohamed tim and welcome to freshly grounded the brand new podcast by best friends face when sam welcome i said welcome to freshly grounded off that bit the brand new podcast and after that bit but best friends facebook how are we doing how are we alhamdulillah alhamdulillah very well for asking i hope you're well as well how are you and your family i have delayed very very well i'm the lord very well and um i i i know you mentioned this prior but you in our first episode of the podcast we ever did in uh sharjah uh you mentioned that you uh homeschool your children and so i imagine that there's less of a difference in kind of everybody being in isolation for your household then there is perhaps for others yeah that's true because i work from home and my kids are homeschooled so there's definite is definitely less of a change i think the one thing i really miss is obviously going to the masjid uh that's uh you know that's a big big difference for me but other than that in terms of the daily routine alhamdulillah you know like i would usually exercise outside once a day and you know my kids are kind of homeschooled and i work from home so alhamdulillah and it's not i can imagine it being a really really difficult change for a lot of people but alhamdulillah for me it's not as much of a difficulty as it might be for some people alhamdulillah alhamdulillah abdullah uh one thing that you're doing right now uh kind of while everybody's in isolation is uh alongside uh maria you are uh you're putting out this short course uh based on the muslim family right yeah that's right and and subhanallah i'm i've been working with el madrasa to or maria for a number of months now and they've got a big relaunch and and they're doing there's so many things coming out from them so i would definitely advise everyone who has the opportunity uh to go over to their to their website to register but one of the beautiful things that they did and i think this is such an important lesson to learn is they said that look while everyone is in lockdown let's take advantage of what we have allah subhanahu ta'ala has decreed the situation for us let's put out some material let's put out some courses let's get people studying because if allah subhanahu ta'ala has taken a chance for an ibadah away from you by his wisdom and his decree then we have to look for other ibada to replace it with right so you know subhanallah many of us not going to the masjid like we used to not able to do some of the acts of worship we might otherwise have done outside so at least the least we can do the minimum we can do is to provide alternatives for people and i think the amau at home is just absolutely it's an amazing project i'm i'm loving doing the course it's still ongoing the muslim family big topic so alhamdulillah i'm thoroughly enjoying that so for someone who hasn't started that series yet uh what can they expect to see in the muslim family and what is it for who who is the ideal audience of that course can anyone watch it yeah absolutely it it's it's i as always when i when i try to teach my courses i really do try to keep it nice and simple i try to keep it family friendly obviously the topic of the family does include marriage and there's a few topics in there which might be um sort of suitable for people of particular ages and so on but generally speaking i try to keep try to keep it friendly for the whole family to be able to benefit from inshallah and fairly simple so that people even if they don't have experience of studying islam sort of formally uh inshallah it's a great way to get into it because it's a fairly simple you know a fairly simple topic and a fairly simple way of getting involved in in studying islam like that and alhamdulillah it's going to be i really wanted to take you know very comprehensive i i talked about the family in terms of generally how it's structured in the quran in the sunnah and right now the courses or the episodes that are coming out are all about marriage uh we talked about ideal husband the ideal wife the marriage contract um the rights of the husband the rights of the wife and i'm just going on uh sort of over the next few days to talk about things like enus marital discord and how we get out of it and then on towards talk about children and most importantly which is most relevant in this time is children's education and how our responsibility as parents towards our children and how we educate them and i think that's something that people are a lot of people have kind of outsourced their children's tarbia to others the masjid the school um or you know whatever it might be other family members uh friends and really this these restrictions that are in place right now are really making people realize that ultimately as parents it's it's they who are responsible for their children's education and terpia and ultimately this situation is one where the parents have to take direct action responsibility to manage that and it's it's not an easy thing for people to do when they're not used to it correct yeah that's true um you you mentioned something about there and saying that the course is for people who perhaps are not used to studying knowledge uh in this format it's like an e kind of like eases them in uh in that it's a a little less formal and am i right i'm thinking that one of the one of the things that makes us unique is that their their focus is on teaching people through um through classical texts through classical books um and not just um you know um not it is very structured in that manner it's not it's not unstructured it's not it's not unplanned it's it's very much so from these classical texts that the lessons are being taught yeah so there's a there's a lot of great online uh programs and and online organizations who are teaching online and when al madras came to me to talk to me about getting involved one of the questions i had is well what makes ahmed rasatrul umariya different and the long-term goal around it is to produce a higher standard of student of knowledge uh through online programs than has ever been possible before i and we all know you know for example sheikh abdul rahman being involved and the level that he teaches at and the the kind of depth that he goes into and his connection to the classical books and the classical scholars and that's really what comes through in al madras in terms of the the project that is is in the process of being of being launched right now um amau at home i guess is probably a way you can see it like a way into that um and it kind of and one of my responsibilities in the work i'm doing with the madrasa maria really is to open that kind of palable to a wider audience because when you try to produce something at that kind of level and you really push the classical books and the classical scholars and the depth the kind of depth that is being developed through the programs that madras maria is in the process of launching then obviously it becomes a question of oh i mean for sure it's it's pred it's inshallah gonna produce that high caliber of student of knowledge but the you don't want to leave people behind so one of the things we're trying to do is just trying to find ways to make it easier for people to understand and approach and amau at home is kind of if you like uh ama you light if that makes sense you know it's it's a nice way to just introduce people to get people into it and to get people to know about al madrasa or maria and obviously to get registered inshallah for when the actual uh the regular and the the sort of the main course programs uh get launched in um so speaking of the fact that we're in lockdown and speaking of the fact that you know and these courses are available for people and the intention behind it was because people at home more uh inevitably also because people are at home or there's a lot of time for people to reflect there's a lot of time for people to prepare in that we're in the month of sha'an right now um i think like perfectly halfway through i believe um and and ramadan is around the corner about two weeks away i think 15 days away from ramadan and so a perfect time for people to prepare and perhaps people have been distracted because of um because of the coronavirus and and so haven't been able to think about it the last two episodes of the podcast that we've been that we put out have been about preparing for ramadan so i don't want to touch on on necessarily specifically preparing for ramadan as much as i want to reflect or touch on with yourself something that i think is very important which is the idea of our looking at looking inwards right looking at ourselves as individuals because we have time in this lockdown to now reflect uh each and every one of us so regard even if we have big families and we locked away with big families inevitably we are going to have that time to just we have got less work on um and less things happening around us we're going out less and so we can we can look inwards and reflect and in looking inwards and reflecting um how important is it for the muslim no matter what level he or she um is at or what level he or she thinks he is at um to look inwards and try and pick out those sins that they may have that they may have been struggling for for years to come so much so to the point where perhaps they've got used to that sin um and and decide look i need to make a change now uh and and and i kind of also want to touch on the severity of it because sometimes we get so used to sins that we forget what the severity of of sinning is yeah absolutely so there's a number of points i mean just while you were talking about the the restrictions and and the fact that people are more at home you know one one statement of eliza which i just came into my mind worship your lord until the death that is certain comes to you and subhanallah that that just sums it up for me like as muslims we don't stop we don't stop worshiping allah no matter what you know we don't stop worshipping allah because we're in lockdown we don't stop worshipping allah because we're sick we don't stop worshipping allah in whatever circumstance we are in and until the moment that allah subhana tala decrees and he's decreed for every one of us you me and everybody else that there'll be a time where we no longer live on this earth and ultimately whenever that time comes until that time comes we're going to fill it with the ibadah of allah subhana tala with worshiping allah subhana ta'ala and no doubt one of the one of the pillars of worshiping allah is this introspection and we can take it from the statement of allah subhanahu ta'ala and let every one of you look at what he put forward for tomorrow let every single person look let every person imagine if the day of judgment was established for them today and subhanallah when you see people dying around you you know you see they read the newspapers you see people dying people we know have passed away many muslims have died may allah have mercy on them it just makes you realize that if i die today what have i put forward for tomorrow what have i put forward for a day that is you know 50 000 years in length and what have i what have i prepared for it because it's not the issue of when the hour is like that companion who came to the prophet salallahu said when is the hour the prophet saws didn't reply to him he said what have you prepared for it so somebody might say you know when am i going to pass away you don't answer that question just say what have you prepared are you prepared for that what have you put forward and when you look at yourself if you're honest in looking at your own deeds and you know what it what is what a horrible thing or it is for a person to be more to be sort of ignorant over what they have having their own you know their own uh their own scroll you know subhanallah not to know what their own heart is like not to know what their own deeds are like and if you're honest and you really look at yourself you're gonna find so many sins you're gonna find so many sins you're gonna struggle to find good deeds if you're honest with yourself and if you're true to yourself if you lie to yourself and subhanallah i believe that a person you know in terms of about you know not telling the truth it starts with yourself and and to be honest a lot of people lie to themselves and they look at themselves and say alhamdulillah you know i see good and i see hair and i see a lot of good deeds and i see islam really if you're honest when you look at yourself you're going to see a lot a lot of sins and if you want to know how serious sin is you have to look at the greatness of the one that you sin against and ultimately that's how you know how big sins are you look at allah the greatness of allah when you see the greatness of allah then you know the greatness of disobeying allah subhana ta'ala and there's a hadith i came across i came across it i was reading it yesterday and i think i was preparing for a tafsir class and i was preparing for this for for the tafsir of the statement of allah whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it and whoever does and atoms weight of evil will see it and there are a couple of hadith in this that come to mind there is a hadith the prophet saws he said he said don't be little any good deed even if you meet your brother with a smiling face in other words it could be that a person just that smile that they give to somebody or just asking their neighbor how are you or something really small could be actually the difference between jannah and jahannam for them and likewise on the point of the sins that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said he said be careful of the sins that people don't consider to be anything important because they come around a person they gather together around a person like a people who came to a desert plane and if you imagine a big i mean we talk about these people to keep getting their barbecues broken up you know like imagine imagine these people come together for for for like a barbecue and everyone brings either you know their their food and their their meat and everything and then they realized they didn't that nobody brought any charcoal nobody brought any fire so they sent each person who came to go and bring just one little twig and this one fayeji or one person brings a stick and the next person brings a stick and the next person brings a stick until they have gathered sawad and arima a huge big pile and when they light that fire that fire it chars everything that is put on it and that's the example of the small sins that the people don't really think it are worth anything and don't really think are anything bad to worry about so i think it's really important for people to look at those and particularly the ones you do regularly because there's a beautiful principle that there's no major sin when it comes to toba and there's no minor sin when it comes to continuity and regularity in other words if you've done a major sin and you've made tawba every major sin can be cured by toba every major sin can be cured by repentance but as for the minor sins the ones you do continually and regularly those become major sins by the fact that you do them all the time if if you didn't do them all the time they would remain from the minor sins that can be forgiven by the prayers and by remembering allah and by doing good deeds but subhanallah those sins that you do regularly and continually become major sins by virtue of the fact that you do them all the time so it's a pretty serious thing and it's something all of us need to take some time just to to think about and prepare and especially with ramadan as you mentioned coming up ramadan is a time for becoming a better person and it's a time for developing taqwa like allah said in the hope that you may be from a people who develop taqwa and so developing taqwa in ramadan that's something that is going to require first of all that introspection looking at yourself and finding out what it is that you need to correct and making a plan on how you can do that and then judging the success of your ramadan based on how much you have you know achieved that taqwa which is obedience to allah and keeping away from disobedience to allah do you think that it's harder nowadays for people to have intro for us to have that introspect because of for example social media and within social media now the kind of the concept of displaying yourself on social media in a manner that you would want yourself to be seen um excuse me and because you would want yourself to be seen in that manner it's all i don't know i kind of think about the idea of when they say that you know some sometimes when a person lies so much they start believing their own lies so i'm not saying that a person is i'm not saying a person who's lying on social media but i'm saying perhaps when you're constantly showing what you would like others to see of you that you start believing that you are what your feed is but really what you're doing is you're lessening the chances of you really being honest with yourself because because presenting yourself in a good way to the people is obviously a great thing um because you should you should present yourself in a good way but but then at the same time you'd have to be honest with yourself when you're in private maybe yeah absolutely uh i think uh there are so many things we could talk about in that regard but i totally agree that when the way people present themselves generally on social media and and i'm as guilty of that as anyone in the sense that you present the best side of yourself that you can you know you you when you make a video when you teach people when i'm sitting here talking to you for this podcast i'm presenting to you the best that i can the best words that i can the best speech that i can the best um you know the best points of benefit and knowledge that i can bring for you and and how much of the you know the corruption exists within the heart and how much is the heart absorbing that and implementing it ultimately that's what you're going to be asked about and i think there's one really profound thing that you can take from this and that is that just to understand that the deeds of the heart are generally far greater and far more significant in the sight of allah than the deeds of the limbs now that's not to say that the limbs are disconnected from the heart because a lot of us have this problem they'll say like oh don't judge me my heart is pure and things like that and that's not an islamic concept because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said allah he told us that that in the body there's a piece of flesh and if if that flesh is righteous then the whole body will be righteous and if that flesh is corrupt then the whole body will be corrupt and that is the heart and so it's not the case that the body is or the limbs are disconnected from the heart but it is the case that the heart is far more important and far greater in the sight of allah subhanallah and and so a person might sort of be able to present sort of a degree of righteousness in terms of the limbs and the things that they do to to people in a limited way but if they're honest and they look in their heart and they have to ask themselves is allah gonna accept any of this because a person will do an action of the people of jannah until there is nothing between him and jannah except the length of a foreign and then the decree of allah overtakes him and he becomes from the people of the fire we seek allah's refuge for us and for all of you in that but subhanallah it really is something that you think about that a person you know that that person who did the actions of the people of jannah the reason that it wasn't accepted from them is that it wasn't sincere and i think one of the scariest ayat in the quran is the ayah in which allah azzawajal says allah only accepts from the people of taqwa because which of us can say that we are people of taqwa which of us can say that we are people who really do everything that allah said and avoid everything allah told us to avoid and allah said those are the people that allah accepts from and allah is do it in them only and that's a scary scary thoughts upon a very scary thought so everybody needs to to really look at their heart before they look at anything and and everything else inshallah and if they do that they'll find that that their limbs are are go along with what is in the heart you know the limbs will reflect what's in the heart and that's why i always remember the statement was said to alim ahmed about praise and imam ahmed said if a person knows themselves the praise of the people doesn't affect him and that's the reality you know people praise you and you listen to it and think well life you knew me and you knew what is in that heart you know like it reminds me of of uh of what the poet said uh that when he said that he said if the people knew the evil of what was in my secret self they would have even refused to give the salaam to me when they met me and they would have refused my companionship and they would have turned away from it and i would have been disgraced after allah had honored me and that really if you look at yourself and you look at your heart and you don't feel that and find that then i would say you probably haven't looked hard enough regardless of how many good deeds you're trying to do and we're not discounting the mercy of allah we're not looking away from it but we have to be balanced and everyone is you know you have one of two people everyone is either a little bit too much hoping for the mercy you know in the sense that they stop that that fear is less than it should be and those are the people who when they do a sin they say allah kareem allah is noble allah is forgiving allah is generous don't worry about it it's a sin never mind it'll be fine and likewise those people have a little too much fear and they say that well there's no point me doing anything allah will never you know correct my situation allah is not going to forgive me and ultimately those people are equally if not more wrong than the first group and what we have to do is just be that find that balance find that place that exists between the two where we are scared for what we find in our hearts and we're scared for the deeds that we do and we're also hopeful for the mercy of elizabeth and that's how the prophets used to be they called upon their lord in fear and in hope they they had that hope and that that hope in allah but they had that fear of allah as well and we don't want to be people who have just one of those two things or that we're not balanced in those two things when we bring them together so our pious predecessors you mentioned the poet our past predecessors um how are they with regards to introspect because we know for example like the companions um uh some the best of generations and so we know that they are um people that we should aspire to be like in regards to our religion but were they behaving or in the manner in which they knew that they were the best of generations you know i i always remember in this and i'm just just to give one example i always remember the statement of um and and you know that umar was one of the sharing one of the people who were given the promise of paradise the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told him that he was going to be from the people of paradise and he told him some of what allah had prepared for him in paradise and subhanallah when hirdefa her they fought was the secret keeper of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and her therefore knew the names of the monarchy of the hypocrites and umar made her they for he said her defer he asked for their by allah did the messenger of allah consider me to be a monafiq consider to me to be a hypocrite as in a person who has no islam and subhanallah you hear that statement you think umar really it's as if he never heard that he was from the people of paradise you know you would think that he's asking her they for please hudaifa tell me amaya monafiq hadeifa said i will tell you and i will tell nobody else that you are not one of the monarchy and he said i will not tell anyone else because why did he tell because he's not betraying the secret of the prophet says him to tell um since the prophet saws told everybody that umar is in jannah but here look at umar it's report from numbers of the companions that they said if i was the if i was to hear that everyone entered jannah except one person i would believe that one person would be me and this is the best of the people the people who allah said every one of them allah has promised jannah and yet still they they used to be so scared you know you have stories of people crying on their deathbeds and when they ask is it the pains of death that make you cry this is not the pains of death but it's that i don't know is it to this or to that am i going this way or that way and that you know subhanallah shows their righteousness that their righteousness didn't leave them to get to a level where they felt comfortable with what allah azzawajal had you know in terms of of the the virtue that allah had given them and every one of them used to fear the fire more than anyone and another an example of this how much the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to fear allah what does the prophet saw have to fear from allah subhana when all everything has been forgiven you know all of the previous things and the later things and that he's been given protection from allah he's been promised the highest praise the highest place in paradise and yet he said in an authentic hadith i am the most fearful among you of allah subhanallah like that's the more righteous you become the more severe you see yourself and the more you judge yourself in a way that doesn't lead you to depression and doesn't lead you to despair of the mercy of allah but it makes you just it puts your feet on the ground and i believe one of the most beautiful ways now and you mentioned it already to actually keep your feet on the ground is to read the biographies of the people who came before you the righteous people from the sahaba the tabi the imams of islam the scholars of islam when you read their biographies and you read what they did with their lives you just realize how little you have done and how much you've disobeyed allah compared to them and yet they feared that they would be from the people of the fire and yet we subhanallah out of our ignorance we don't we don't fear like they used to fear and yet we've done we haven't even done you know one percent of what they did so if a person is listening to this now and they are thinking of this let's say for example this one sin that they just can't shake off and they they they they commit the sin they make tawbah they commit the sin they make tawba um but how can they go from you know obviously one of the conditions i'll talk about anyway is that you really really believe that you're never going to go back to that scene but um how can they go from perhaps that level to the level where they j they they really can take that sin off now like move forward become a become a stronger muslim by by by once and for all getting rid of that scene and not turning back to it yeah so that's a really beautiful question i think there are different aspects uh to that i think one aspect first of all is knowledge because the more you know about allah the more you'll fear allah and that's why in that hadith i alluded to in which the prophet saws and said i am the most fearful among you of allah he began the hadith by saying that i'm the most knowledgeable among you about allah and the most fearful among you of him and so that really tells us that your fear of allah is linked to knowing allah and if you don't know allah properly then you'll never fear allah subhanahu ta'ala properly and the more you know allah the more you fear him and that's why elizabeth said in the s people who really fear allah among his servants are the people of knowledge the ulamat the people the scholars but doesn't just mean the scholars per se as in the much tahitu no that the people of who make judgments and give fatah but the people of knowledge you know knowledge is what makes you fear allah that's the first thing and taking yourself to account being honest with yourself you know so many times like you said social media encourages us not to be honest with ourselves or other people and i'm not going to say but it's not it's not about lying but just not being just not not being truthful you know whether it's the filter that you put on you know to make yourself look better than you do or whether it's the you know that the way that you present your life to be happier than it is or whatever be honest with yourself and be honest with what is between you and allah innama and we said i only complain of my grief my sorrow to allah it's my grief and my sorrow i complain of my situation to allah you know you you sit and when you're alone and you complain to allah about what you find within yourself because only allah can help you to get over that sin you can't get over that sin without the help of allah and then when you realize the greatness of allah and you realize what's within you you then need to realize the severity of that particular sin and why you know it's so bad to disobey allah like that and why that sin could be the one that destroys you like the little twig you know or like the famous statement the straw that broke the camel's back that sin could be the one that takes you to jahannam and you you know you even you read about jahannam read about you know even the i did a little tafseer the tafsir of swords and if you know maybe you can link to it or something i just felt that when i when i did that tafsir for myself i gained a real um it really hit me just how severe the hell fire is in the tafsir of that surah only and they're locked within pillars that extend and the you know the punishment that that burns them all the way to the heart and and you read the ayat and the hadith that instill fear in a person because the quran came with a methodology of joining between hope and fear allah subhanahu wa said alhamdulillah so many people quote the second i don't quote the third one that o praises to allah lord of the worlds the most merciful the bestower of mercy the owner of the day of recompense you know that day when it will be said who does the dominion belong to today to allah the one who subjugates everything and everyone is submitted before him and that if that doesn't strike fear into a person there are a hadith that strike fear into a person you know that like the hadith about the stone that was falling and the prophet saws and said do you know what that sound was he said it was a stone that fell 70 years into the depths of johannes 70 years it was falling it didn't reach the bottom or it only reached the bottom after 70 years and then he said you know in some hadith perhaps a person would speak a word that he doesn't think anything of and it would take him into jahannam it would take him into jahannam 70 years of depth for a single word that he didn't even think anything of and that leads the person to think right and then okay now look at the other side look at the hope look at the forgiveness of allah look at the fact that allah they are the people who allah is going to replace their evil deeds with good deeds so all those sins that our person was doing allah can replace all of them with hasanat and make all of them like good deeds but to do that the person has to you know has to work on it and the beautiful thing is that even the process of working on it and the process of asking allah for forgiveness is in itself a good deed which may extinguish all of those sins like in the hadith of the person who commits a sin and then he repents and then he commits it and he repents and then he commits it and repents and each time allah subhanahu ta'ala forgives him because he says that i have a servant who knows that he has a lord yeah he forgives sins and he punishes sins just knowing that your lord forgives and knowing that your lord punishes is subhanallah in itself a reason to be forgiven so it's not just about being negative the whole we also look at the iman boost you're gonna get from getting rid of that sin um unlike any bad habit when you get rid of it you feel good right so there's positives to see in it and and also there's reasons to be scared as well well what are some of the implications that we know of from the quran and the sunnah of sins that perhaps are not commonly known like for example because obviously we know that um we ask that allah forgives the sins of everyone listening to this podcast but um we know that obviously as you mentioned the nar the fire um i was actually one of the questions i was going to ask you because you spoke about the tafsir of surah azer and i was going to ask you why the fire the hellfire has so many names in the quran but i want to park that one for a second because i have a question that i feel like i'll forget oh my gosh of handling wood if you're getting it okay fine um it's okay the implications of the implications of sinning so we know that um the hellfire is you know one of them most probably the ultimate the ultimate punishment right um but what are the ones that we know about in this dunya like for example can somebody committing a scene um like affect their wealth like the risk that they they were going to get can it affect their business can it affect their or can they make can it make give them difficulty in this life just general difficulty where they're just like ah so hannah i don't know why bad things just keep happening to me one thing stop when another thing comes can that be one of the implications i've seen i know there can also be an implication of other things but absolutely we make them taste some of the small punishment rather than making them taste the big punishment so that they might return to us and that's exactly what it is we give them some small punishments and by small it means small in comparison to the hellfire that we give them small punishments so that they turn back to allah and that's why you know when people say is it a punishment or a test that's gonna be my next question oh okay people say is it a punishment or a test and i often say to people what's the difference like is there is there is there a need to be those too mutually exclusive because in in all honesty everything bad that happens to you is a result of the sins that you've done and everything is an opportunity for you to turn back and attest as to whether you are going to turn back to allah subhanahu ta'ala um so no doubt there there are people who are tested because of their goodness in them and they didn't do a sin and they got tested there's no doubt about that but for the majority of us we are tested because of our sins and we also tested in order to bring us back to allah and that's a mercy from allah subhanahu ta'ala that he gives us the opportunity to come back to him so he talked about some of the effects of sin there are effects in the dunya you know for example uh the prophet saws he mentioned a man a man who was on a long journey and he was dusty and disheveled and he raised his hands up to the sky and he said my lord my lord and remember that he's got every reason for his dua to be accepted but what was wrong with him his clothing was haram his food was haram his drink was haram he was nourished with haram how will allah azzawajal ever answer him that person was prevented from so much good was prevented from risk was prevented from hair was prevented from his dua because of the food that he ate and the and the you know the the drink that he drank and the clothing that he wore you know it really is a case that and allah doesn't do this just to punish you as a pure punishment allah does it to make you come back to him so they come back to allah and then you think about the punishment of the grave the punishments of yamal qiyamah and then the punishment of the fire in reality there are punishments in this dunya there are punishments in the baraz in the grave there are punishments on the day of judgment and there are punishments in the fire and you know those are four things and that's why the prophet says and what did he used to seek refuge from allah from the punishment of the grave and from the punishment of the fire and from the punishment of the trials of life and death the trials or from the trials of life and death and from the trial of the messiah and that's really you know that covers all the things that can can happen to a person and as we said in this life it's to make you come back to allah the believer the difference is they get these trials and they come back to allah as for the disbeliever it just passes by them you know it's just like why is this happening to me and why am i suffering and what have i done and why has god forsaken me and the muslim says i know why this is happening this is happening because i disobeyed allah and i mentioned right the beginning of the of the the kovale 19 outbreak the statement of elizabeth that protect yourself from a trial that won't affect just the guilty among you and subhanallah that is something that you fear with what's happening right now like the people who are dying right now the people who are sick right now are all of them are all of them criminals and evil people no it became the one who's righteous and the one who's wicked the one who's good and the one who's bad the young and the old all of them got affected and that brings you back to the hadith of one of the wives of the prophet that she said to the messenger of allah i said will we be destroyed when there are righteous people among us the prophet saws said nam if the filth in society increases all of you will get everyone will taste it and that just shows you that we all have our part to play in relieving calamities because of that famous statement that no calamity ever befell a people except because of a sin and it was never raised up except because of toba you mentioned a point about the the man who his clothes were haram he was um his food was haram etc and he kind of leads me to a uh a side point um that i thought that perhaps um would be worth uh finding out about and that's that's that a person who is in a situation where the money that they are earning is impermissible um let's say for example they're working in an industry where the hustle of what it does is not permissible like working in a a bank that has in that that focuses on interest et cetera um that makes money off interest sorry uh what can we say about that person with regards to their wealth does it how how much of their life does it go into effect it could go on to affect every single part of their life it could go on to affect their children even and when we say their children some people say well haven't we heard the statement of allah nobody will bear the burden of another person but that actually has an understanding to it in other words nobody will ultimately be punished but it doesn't mean that there aren't consequences to what people do for their children you know like that doesn't exclude at all and we know that for example in suratul kath those two orphans who had the treasure that was buried for them wakana because their father was righteous so we know that the righteousness of a parent can affect even the opportunities that their children have it will never place a sin on the child but it can definitely have huge consequences upon their life upon what happens to them upon success upon everything and subhanallah you know it just i tell you what i was thinking about the other day i was i was reading about these bank loans you know these emergency bank loans they're giving you right now and i saw how the banks were charging you know a lot of people interest and i just thought subhan allah you know look at how people will will not learn you know that barakah is in the hands of allah subhanahu ta'ala if people helped each other out in a permissible way allah would relieve their suffering and allah subhanahu ta'ala would give plenty of barakah for everyone but when those people disobeyed allah and they continue to try to profit from other people's misery what would make you know that allah will not destroy every one of them that allah subhanahu ta'ala will not write for them misguidance forever or that allah subhanahu ta'ala will not cause them even worse than what has happened to them so far because subhanallah how can you can a person you know how that money affects everything and i just thought about that like that river how much it affects and it destroys [Music] allah makes uriba constrict everything everyone becomes poor the banks become poor you know they need bailouts from people because you know the ones they're the ones with the almost unlimited reserves of money that they keep giving out with these huge amounts of interest and still they need bailouts from people why yem allah makes riba make everybody poor why europe is and allah puts real rib as in real increase and real profit in it really is something to think about there somebody working in a haram industry not only themselves their family their health their future their opportunities the barakah in their lives every single thing could be could be affected now a person might turn around and say well you know what am i supposed to do about that i i'm it's hardly you know there's hardly a a great set of opportunities right now in the job market we say okay first things first just make tawba promise allah azzawajal that you're gonna leave it you know to start taking your steps start looking perhaps you might find a job that you didn't even expect you would find available around the corner but if you close your eyes and say there isn't one you you're never gonna find it so it's a question of somebody having that sincerity and the person who is sincere for allah allah will make them whoever has taqwa of allah he'll make them a way out he'll give him from where he didn't expect his risk to come from and you mentioned the um that it could affect your children just quickly could we say the opposite is true also so if a parent is uh righteous that there there can be a kind of reward for his or her children absolutely as we said the iron sultan abu human their father was a righteous man but their father being righteous again no child is going to bear the sin of their father no child is going to carry his sin into jahannam but ultimately the the the ease of their life the consequences they live can be affected just like you know you could get lung cancer from somebody smoking you weren't the one who smoked but you breathed in you know somebody else's smoke and you got lung cancer you're not carrying their sin but you're carrying the consequences of what they did and likewise in a positive way somebody did something righteous to you or for you or you have a righteous parent and that can give you positive consequences in your life and barakah in your life that comes bearing in mind that you'll always be given a fair chance by allah to achieve the best that you can achieve no matter what your your circumstances are i don't know um i uh as you know because we're doing these um kind of uh episodes um with technology and stuff we're keeping them shorter than normal although i would absolutely love to just spend another few hours um speaking to you but what i do want to do is um we put out a a little kind of widget on our freshly grounded instagram page and um you know we've done about three or four episodes of you now alhamdulillah you've you've kind of um given us your time and so i thought it would be a good chance to to see um kind of some some things that the the some questions that the people might have uh for you so if it's okay with you i'm gonna pick some out from instagram from our instagram page of course you're welcome no problem at all before we end the podcast um and while i'm doing that it just was saying that i am i on my personal instagram page i shared recently a post that was posted on the muhammad tim humble instagram page and i had some messages from people asking um if uh if that's an official account so if for example you were to put out a announcement or something on a public platform would that be one of the ways that perhaps you would do it for that yeah yeah absolutely so right now um i mean i'm behind everybody else when it comes to these things subhanallah but uh i do have my own youtube channel which is youtube.com forward slash mohammed tim and i also have my own instagram page which is muhammad tim humble so both of those are the uh official ones and i'm involved in making sure that the right kind of content goes up on there and inshallah that you know we we try to take the feedback inshallah from there as well so those are the those are the proper ones and of course a lot of people post you know clips of content and things but it's nice for people to know that there are one or two sort of sources they can go back to be at the website muhammadtim.com or the youtube channel instagram feed where they can actually get um you know to be sure that that is actually what i've personally put out myself and not what someone has kind of you know just chopped out of something i said you know yeah but that's that's a real one fine so hopefully that clarifies a few things okay chefs so we we've uh obviously been inundated with a few questions i'm just going to ask a few that i'm just going to pick out um i know that a few years ago you did a uh a a few years ago you did a lecture about dream interpretation so i think this one might be out for that so um a person asks um if i had a dream about a sign of death is it a uh is it a good thing or is it just shaytaan playing playing on my mind so that's it that's a a difficult one to answer because it so many things about dream interpretation depend upon the person and depend upon the kind of thing they've seen but i would say if somebody just generally if somebody sees themselves dying in a dream or death in a dream i wouldn't necessarily take that as they have seen it as meaning that you know their death is imminent or anything like that rather there are a lot of there are a lot of signs in that there are a lot of different interpretations and what a person should do is they should look and say well what do i need to take from this well some of the things you can take from it is that death is close for everybody some of the things you can take from it is you need to prepare for that some of the things you can take from it is that a person uh for example needs to get rid of the bad habits that they have and they need to turn to allah subhanallah to allah and uh many many other um other things because even the word death in the in the quran isn't always used for death it can be used for sleep and other things so there are we have to be a little careful about interpreting it in that way but we would just say that take all the benefit from it you can't but if it's a dream that leaves you with just fear and what's the word like a horrible feeling then this is more likely to be one of the nightmares from the shaitaan you can have dreams that are not um what's the word not pleasant from allah subhana ta'ala but those dreams would have instruction in them information in them benefits in them they wouldn't just leave you terrified and and feeling horrible that would be from the shaitaan but if you for example saw yourself for example let's say you might see yourself being punished yama qiyamah but you clearly understood why you were being punished and you understood that you need to make changes in your life that could be from allah subhanahu ta'ala when we say a good dream is from allah it doesn't always mean that it's a dream that has you know lovely things in it but a dream that is beneficial for you that has instruction that has a clear message for you as opposed to a dream that just leaves you terrified which is more likely to be from the shaitaan and elijah general's best okay so this question is i believe from a mother who says how do we speak to teenage boys about taboo matters if we are unsure that they are aware of it yet okay i think that's a really beautiful question and i think that really what i would advise the parents to when it comes to these kind of sensitive matters is look at how the quran and the sunnah deals with it you know the quran and the sunna deal with marital intimacy is in the quran the topic comes up more than once and yet nobody ever you know blushes reading the quran nobody ever feels embarrassed reading the quran because honestly it's so beautiful the language that is used the way that things are explained the uh the the way that there's a balance between information that you need and also appropriate language which is understood by people of a particular age in a particular state of maturity and maybe not understood by those who are a little bit younger and so on and likewise in the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi um i think that if you're talking about teenagers honestly as a parent i think you should presume that your teenager is exposed to this kind of information i would it's becoming sadly younger and younger that our children are being exposed to kind of information that really should be sort of maybe restricted to people who are a little bit older and more mature but i would say that the the language of the quran you know we there's all this stuff about them teaching things in school to to young kids five years old and six years old and seven years old and but if people were to just look at the quran you know the quran is something that the language and the way that things are put across are so beautiful and so respectful and so well said and there is no one greater than and better than online speech that that honestly if a person were to follow the islamic etiquettes of of teaching their children like that there wouldn't be any embarrassment for them or for their children and also you know to take it from a thick perspective and an age-appropriate perspective so for example you can start by talking about like let's say russell what jose is only washing yourself you know like what is russell what are the conditions for russell now again russell as a basic action can be taught to a very young child how to shower yourself and how to clean yourself and that's fine when the child gets a little older little nearer to puberty you need to teach them the reason why you need to make hustle in terms of things like that might happen at night or for a young girl the onset of menses and things like that and that would be something that at the right age is very easy for them to understand okay yeah i understand again they may not understand the full implications of what that means or the full details behind it but they kind of get yeah i get what you're talking about i get that this something might happen to me it's not it's something normal and natural and i get that that's a reason why i have to make also and then as they get older and they get nearer to kind of marriageable age start talking about interactions between men and women and so but always you're trying to pre-empt the age at which it becomes obligatory and why i say that is if you look at the salah the prayer when do we teach our children to pray the prophesism said to command them to pray from seven and to discipline them from ten when is the age the child actually has to pray let's just say an average age boys and girls let's let's put in an average age of 14 as puberty like as an average age 14 just as a like just a marker right 14 14 years old and yet since the age of seven they've been learning how to do that so again i would say that if somebody is gonna get it is at the age where they're thinking about the opposite gender let's say 14 15 start thinking about the opposite gender attracted to the opposite gender wouldn't it be better that they know many of the rules and regulations in islam even if they don't appreciate the reason behind them or they maybe don't appreciate the full implications of them earlier than that and bearing in mind that tv and social media and schools and friends are giving them that information way way earlier than that so give them an islamic framework otherwise they're going to get that information elsewhere and that's not i mean islam is the only way to teach that in a way that doesn't lead your child astray so i would say keep it you know very you know we sat in the masjid allah i remember sitting in the masjid of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam studying the matters like openly the teacher is is given a public speech about matters of marital intimacy for example and we're sat in the masjid and nobody feels embarrassed nobody is shy everyone's writing notes and studying carefully because it's presented in a beautiful way in a way that's uh the language is appropriate and uh to a you know in an age-appropriate way so i i feel that islam has all the answers you need in that you just you just need to go yourself and and look at them and on that i would highly highly recommend the books of muhammad al-jibali he's written some fantastic books on marriage on uh other issues related i think has one on menses also very very well he presents all the the the evidences from the quran and from the sunnah of the prophet saw some so it's a really good resource to just grab the books and as a parent go through them and then choose what is right for my child right now but if you're in doubt about where your child is right now er on the side of them knowing rather than them not knowing if that makes sense interesting that's interesting um i'm just going to leave it with the last two questions then um so the first one of the last two is um oh i've lost it now uh somebody asked if i pray to hajard uh and ask allah to make a specific individual my my partner um i'm assuming they mean like in marriage um is that okay so they're asking for very about a very specific person allah to make a very specific person their partner uh i i personally wouldn't advise this as an etiquette in dua and not simply because you're restricting a lot of good for yourself by doing that what you would would be better to do is to say oh allah give me a righteous partner or allah give me the best partner for me allah give me the partner that is going to be the best for me to reach jenna or allah give me the partner that is the most pleasing to you but when you name a specific person the problem is that you really are restricting yourself and you don't know that that person is good for you or not you don't know whether they're going to bring you good or not and and even though you know like it's not i'm not saying it's the worst thing a person can do but i i do think that it's the the far better etiquette in dua would be to make your dua general and try to keep your dua to the of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam where possible and i asked this question should we always be using the duas of the prophet saws or should we be making our own to us he said wherever you can use the prophet saws unless you don't find any dua that covers what you need because that's going to be always best for you right you know it's always the closest to being accepted by allah what about if for example sorry um what about if uh you have can you can you do something like this like you have something in mind right and but you say that as generic like uh yeah that's okay you can ask allah for a specific matter also like sheikh tazhaq gave me the example he said to me like oh allah allow me to seek knowledge from so-and-so like that if if there's a great scholar allow me to live near to him to seek knowledge from him so that this it's okay being specific but on this topic of the of the spouse or the partner the life partner i just feel like to name a specific person you're limiting a lot of good that could happen to you and it's a bad mentality to get into you know it's this this mentality it's a very very western mentality that we just get dr drilled into us that this person is the only one and if i don't get them then there's nothing else for me and i'm not of course i'm not saying the person is feeling like but it's just the mentality gets you like that so it's far better to just keep it general ask allah for the best spouse and ask allah subhanahu ta'ala for the spouse that is gonna be a quran for you you know like gonna make your eyes cool like gonna be a pleasure to your eyes and it's gonna be uh make you uh it was gonna be for example if it's a if it's a girl that a dean if it's uh a man that he's gonna be someone that you're content with his deen you know someone of religion that and and that's enough inshallah it's sufficient elijah and allah will give you if that person you have in mind is the best one for you allah will give them to you the only time i would mention the person specifically is in salat and that's when you can say in salat you can say oh allah if fulan ibn fulan is good for me if folana bintu folana is good for me if this girl this guy you know you can be down to the person's name is good for me then give them to me or give me someone better instead and that obviously the full dua of istihara is is quite long and detailed in that way but that's the meaning of it you know either give me this or give me something better if you know it's good for me give it to me if you know it's not good for me then give me something better so just the last one then before we end the podcast is um if you could give us some general advice for ramadan this year considering is probably going to be one that's unprecedented one that we haven't experienced before in our lives uh one where most likely or potentially massages are closed uh one that we're going to be perhaps spending less time at work more time with the family if you could just shed some light on that yeah so in terms of ramadan i think first of all my advice would be as i said you worship allah until death comes to you you know you do not stop worshipping allah because you're not allowed out of the house you don't stop worshiping allah because the masjid is closed you don't stop worshiping allah because you're sick you don't stop worshiping allah because somebody in your family died or because you fear getting sick you know you worship allah until death comes to you and that means that you get the most out of ramadan that you can get and getting the most out of ramadan is about understanding the purpose behind ramadan and the purpose behind ramadan he told us who believe fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for the people before you so that you may achieve taqwa that's why we've been asked to fast so we have to ask ourselves okay if taqwa is increasing in obedience and decreasing in disobedience and protecting ourselves thereby from the punishment of allah and his anger and his curse on the fire then what do i need to do to do that what do i need to be more obedient in and what do i need to be less disobedient in and just striving for it in ramadan and striving also to be grateful you know because allah subhanahu ta'ala he also told us that you may complete the set days and that you may say allahu akbar for what allah has guided you to and that you may become grateful so to be grateful and and i think that if we can be people of taqwa and gratitude and we can get that out of ramadan then it doesn't matter where your ramadan is and and i really believe if an ibadah is taken away from you and you know this is not the first of the ibadat to be taken away from us subhanallah maybe it's one of the worst situations in terms of not being able to pray in the masjid in the jamaat but it it's not the first time that there have been a badass that we couldn't do but you have to find the best available alternative so for me in terms of the salah right now we're doing a little gemma in the house we getting my son to call the adhan we gather together we praise our family because that's the only that's the best we can do with what we have if we can't you know uh do taraweeh in the jamaat in ramadan then at least let's get the family together let's give somebody a must-have and let's just you know try to read as much as we can and pray as much as we can and try to connect with the quran understand the quran come near to allah in the month of the quran which is ramadan i just i feel like if something is taken away from you you've got to try and find alternatives to that wherever they might be and however you can now is definitely a time for sadaka there's a lot of people in need a lot of people are going through hardships that they didn't ever think they would go through whether that be through sickness or financial problems or whatever it might be or losing loved ones or whatever so now it's also again a time in ramadan for sadhakat um trying to find reliable ways to get that to people and even on a personal level i mean i i really feel that sadaka which is personal to me it's worth so much more than the sadaka you just transfer to a bank account you know the time when you know that you've got a neighbor or a friend who's struggling and you actually know what they need and you give them something that they need like that you know subhanallah i feel like to me it's just worth so much more than the you know let me just you know open my bank account or take out my card and just press click you know press send or whatever try and try and take advantage of every opportunity that you have to get near to allah subhana ta'ala and every opportunity you have to worship allah subhanahu ta'ala in that month of ramadan and ask allah subhanahu ta'ala for relief and ask allah subhanahu ta'ala to bring us back to the masajid again and and when they are reopened in sha allah appreciate the value of that thing that you didn't used to value before and that thing used to be easy about and used to say i'll go tomorrow or i'll go for the next salah or i can't make it because i'm working and now subhanallah you know it's the most beloved thing to you that you feel like you know one of your children was taken away from you subhanallah because you can't go and pray in the masjid and yet before it was it was nothing so show that gratitude try to find that taqwa worship allah in the best way that you can come together look for opportunities to help people i think that's a wonderful you know sort of way to spend the month of ramadan [Music] for joining us you're always giving us your time so i really really do appreciate that um uh yeah thank you so much i appreciate the fact that you know it was a bit difficult because um normally we do these uh in person uh but um i appreciate that you were able to kind of set things up on your end and uh insha'allah we can we can um uh i i i believe this episode will insha allah benefit a lot of us you know uh especially with reflecting on kind of um scenes and and making some serious changes so jazakallahu khan for that i hope so i hope so and then i include myself in that park at
Channel: Freshly Grounded
Views: 45,023
Rating: 4.9447603 out of 5
Keywords: Freshly Grounded, Sam, Faisal, Sam Palmer, Faisal Choudhry, Podcast, Muslims, Muslim Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 9sec (4209 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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