Waswasah - Causes and Solutions | Muhammad Tim | FNR

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bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam until he was swinging at you know muhammad wa rida and he was a BB h marine so there's been a bit of a sort of changing around with regard to Friday night and means of Allah which is just kind of got a bit mixed up generally the names of Allah class I'll be doing and most of the time the Friday night class will be with Mustafa Abdul Rahman however because I'm travelling in the coming days we decided to just swap so that because I'm going to be away for about two weeks so now that man will take the coming weeks enchilada and I'm gonna take this one as for the topic for this Friday night insha'Allah Allah I always try to look at the topics of the questions come wet where questions come very frequently a lot of people have questions about them a lot of people have concerns about them and a lot of people suffer or have issues or questions and things relating to them so I try to find those topics and then try to prepare something that lots and lots of people can benefit from and even if they're only a few that come to the class but still Shalom to Allen the video will benefit Charla so the topic that we have for today is the topic of our sellers of Shaitaan the whisperings of the shaper and I want to try and deal with this in a very comprehensive way I want to deal with it as it relates to Elliott iPod as it relates to people's belief so people who get with us whisperings from the Shaitaan in matters of belief for example about Allah about whether Islam is true about they get worse worse they get whisperings in issues relating to belief an email and then there are those people who get with worse of the Shaitaan in issues relating to Elena that relating to acts of worship like people who get confused in that heart of purification or people who get confused in their Salah their prayer or people who get confused in the baby dot which have specific numbers like you have to make power of seven times and they get confused about the number of times they have done something and likewise those people who get which was the Shaitaan as it relates to their more on Allah their dealings with people for example decision making people get with us as it relates to making decisions and people who get wish was in relation to their relationships and their friendships and they start thinking somebody meant something that they didn't mean or they start having problems in their marriage because they present a key they have they are getting this whispering that their husband is not being true to them or honest with them or the wife is not being fair to them or something and so on so we want to cover all of these kinds of useless we don't just want to cover for example people who get whispering in their religion or in daily night but want to cover it from a comprehensive angle or comprehensive way of looking at it to cover all the different ways that the Shaitaan whispers and to try and come up with the causes and the solutions for this whispering as for the whispering of the Shaitaan it is mentioned many many times in the Quran and each one of those times gives us a certain piece of information so for example perhaps the most apparent of all of the ayat is the ayah in shortness and last sort of the Piranha culinary will be openness malignus illa heinous militia will was worse in harness led West with Sophie so during nos energy naturalness say I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind the sovereign of mankind the god of mankind from the evil all a Lewis Island from the evil of the one who whispers the Shaitaan who whispers the one who whispers into the chests of men from the jinn and from among the men so this tells us that the nature of the Shaitaan is whispered a nature of the Shaitaan is that the Shaitaan whispers to him and Allah Azza WA JAL said also in the foreign vocalist a honey lemon alluvial amber in Nala Hawai I become Y del ha whoa I like to contrast left to call what a Canada are they come in soul time he Linda and then I will through whom first a jerk to me fella at idle morning while more inclusive until the end of the ayah and the Shaitaan said when everything was completed and done indeed Allah promised to and his promise was true and I meaning the Shaitaan promised you and I broke my promise and I didn't have any authority over you except that I told you and you answered so this is the nature of the shape odd that the shaitaan calls you and you answer it's not the nature of the Shaitaan that he grabs you by your forehead and drugs you into something but the shape x equals you and he whispers to and he confuses and he tells you false things for example Allah Azza WA JAL said a Shaitaan he are able to multiple away a more open bill fashio the Shaitaan he promises you all he scares you with promises of positive making you know yoga if you give something to suffer if you're not have enough money at the end of the month where moral compel facture and he commands you to do immoral things and allah has said we are able while you may need him whether a Daruma Shaitaan or india ellora the Shaitaan he gives them false promises and he gives them false hopes he gives them false promises but also false hopes so he makes them hope in things that are that are not correct false dreams you know aspirations to do things that are not going to bring any benefits or he puts you a hope in something instead of changing your actions and changing your ways you start having dreams that oh it's okay when I'm 50 years old I'm gonna go to Hajj and my life is gonna change this is from what the Shaitaan puts the false dreams and false hopes the Shaitaan puts in people well my area home of Shaytan in la jolla and the Shaitaan promises them nothing except deception so from this we have understood that the nature of the Shaitaan in fact it could be said the greatest tool the cliche time has against us is his whispering and as we're gonna hear in a hadith of the prophet sallallaahu early Rosella this is from the blessings of Allah that the whispering of the Shaitaan is only this that the Shaitaan has not been given you the power over you to take you by you don't buy their head and force you into something the Shaitaan is not being given that so time only he's so far over you is he gives you that way he whispers and tells you any promises you and he gives you for hopes and dreams and ideas and then he lies and he betrays his promise that's the nature of the Shahada and the way that the Shaitaan whispers this is from the war of the right from the martyrs of the unseen that we can't really understand how it happens when we know that allows Chanukah Allah described it it is this term and what was that Lewis was the whispering something very subtle even this world was swept out slightly like even the sound of it in Arabic it's like a whisper a whisper and is whispered into the ears or into the chests of the people I'll call each one according to where the Shaitaan sees the vulnerability in you because as we learn from the ayah when the Shaitaan when Allah religion tells us that the Shaitaan says Allah and Yahoo confessed a job to me except that I told you and to answer from this we learn something important we learn that the Shaitaan looks at each individual person and he looks at the ways and the means that he can confuse you and the way he's gonna get you is not the way he's gonna get your friend or your spouse's children or you know your colleague or whatever the Shaitaan till as his down to each individual so he's like a really you know he's like the worst kind of salesman he looks at his customer he looks at what the customer wants he looks at what the customer is vulnerable to and he exploits it he takes advantage of it to exploit and to manipulate you into doing something that if you were given it in the light of day you would not have chosen to do it how many people do something and in the morning they regret what they did and they said I was I don't know what I could not see it was like a fog over my eyes why I would have done something like this is not even in my nature to do something like this because you got taken advantage of by the salesman who sold you these lies and deception and false promises to confuse you and to cause you to go away from the path of Allah so it so as we said I always was it takes many different forms and I'm not sure I'm gonna cover all of them here but I'm gonna try to cover the most common and the ones that most people say that they suffer from or many people tell me they suffer from and we've divided it into three areas and if you caught la by that and Alma I'm Eliza Elliot a God in the sense of belief people who get and this is in a way it's the worst kind of wish worse because it's the whispers that affects you at your core the whispers that makes you doubt about Islam or doubt Allah or think evil thoughts about Allah or doubt some of what Islam came with this is the worst kind of wish was because it's the most serious but it's also unique in the sense that it is a sign of a man that you suffer from I'm gonna narrate to you in this regard with regard to do with us an email a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah Roddy al-amin and this hadith is Nuri is narrated by early man Muslim then Abu Huraira said John Nelson - Xavier Rasul Allah he sallallahu aleyhi wa salem hidden a be solo long party who sent them to say i do a group of the companions of the messenger of allah so allah almighty who said them went to the prophets all along he was element asked him in neji do fear and lucina my album Kaduna and get a kendama be one of us finds in ourselves in our mind what's going through our mind something so huge so great so severe that we could never imagine speaking out loud the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam said our pod was yet to harden and all the cavalry a holy man he said do you really experience this they said yes he said this is sorry holy man this is a clear sign of faith oh we have to understand this hadith correct first of all we have understood that the fact that somebody gets doubt in their mind about his lab or something negative about Allah something that they would be embarrassed to speak up does not mean that they are not a Muslim or that they are not a good Muslim or the day of the narrative or something like that rather this is something that the Shaitaan puts in the heart of and whispers into the hearts of the believers however that is on the condition that you respond in the right way so how did the Prophet saws elbow how did the Sahaba describe that they respond first of all they didn't speak of it they didn't speak of it yet our album Haruna at a kendama D we would be and we would never dream of being able to bring our mouths to say it and they rejected in their hearts which means that when their heart tells them these things they push it away and they fight against it even if it comes back again and they push it away and they fight against it the fact that you push it away and fight against it is a sign of your Eman because if you really believe this if you truly believed this thing you would not fight against it in your heart you would speak about it happening openly you would not find any shame in speaking about it but the fact that you feel it shameful and you feel it horrible that you experience these thoughts is a sign of Iman not a sign of good and it happened to the Sahaba who are the best of the people after the messenger of allah so allah allah said so you should not be surprised if it happens to you and you should not become worried or become start to panic will start to believe that you are no longer because you've got some negative thoughts about this lab or something negative about Allah or you know some people say for example something inappropriate about Allah like they based be visualized it or they they had it like something so they something that was just inappropriate about a lot of that but when this thought came into their mind they would not dream of speaking of it and they pushed it away they repelled it away this is a sign of demand and in a hadith narrated by al-bukhari and Muslim the prophet sallallaahu earlier Selim set yet T Shaitaan ahead a conveyor pool man ha'la'tha tether woman follicle Kevin hacked a Akula man had a power battery for either Belliveau beautiful history would be learned William Tang the Shaitaan comes to one of you against into the Sahaba and he says to you who created this and who created that until he takes you to a level that he says so who created your Lord so when it reaches that level seek refuge with Allah from the Shaitaan and stop these thoughts let me just push it away any don't go any further than that don't let yourself go further than that and this is in a complete opposite to what you know the people of philosophy and so on did where you hear them say you know the most ridiculous things like can Allah create a stone that he cannot lift the question is completely and utterly fluid from the beginning to the end the question the premise the fact that you even asking that is a Tele flow but when you get these evil thoughts and this these whisperings in your mind you simply follow what the prophets of allah my only will seldom said you don't speak about it you seek refuge with allah and you stop it from going further don't let yourself get further further and further until you reach the level that you see who created Allah or worse than that there is another hadith I did heard near a bus or the allahu anhu man that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sell them a man came to him and he said in the hadith on FC Bechet li an akuna hammer mountain ahead boo Aleya min and attack a llama be the Holland Nabil Salaam our newest element hamdulillah lady Radha Imran who Allah Lewis wasa for Allah who I booed out in a hadith narrated by abu dawud from the hydra given me a bus that a man came to the messenger of allah so allah where he was a lemon he said I speak to myself about things any I find things in my mind I had this one Fc and my my mind speaks to me about things that if I was a piece of burnt out charcoal it would be more beloved to me than to speak about this so the prophets of Allah Almighty were seldom said to him all praise is to Allah who reduced the plot of the Shaitaan to whisper so again it affirms that this came and happened to the Sahaba they didn't speak about it they felt bad about it when the thought came into their mind and they recognized that this came from she thought it didn't come from themselves and they didn't blame themselves for it she heard Islamic Ummah taymiyah rahim allah allah said in kita be a man the believer is tested with the whispers of the Shaitaan with the whispers of disbelief that makes him feel horrible like the Sahaba said o Messenger of Allah one of us finds in ourselves something that if you were to fall from the heavens to the earth it would be more beloved to him than to speak about it and the Prophet SAW said verka sorry her a man this is the clearest is a clear evidence of and in a narration something that is so great that we can't believe ourself - we can't bring ourselves to speak about it and the Prophet SAW SM said all praises to Allah who reduced the plot of the Shaitaan - whispering meaning cheerless answers meaning that the occurrence of this verse was a did with along with this hatred that the person has for it and pushing it away from the hearts is a sign of clear image so what did share Islam say two things he said two things are the sign of a man one is hate having hatred for it in the heart that when it comes to you you hate it and the second one is that you push it away you try to push it away he says like the Mujahid like the soldier the one who the enemy comes to him and he repels his enemy until he overcomes him this is a great form of jihad he says and for this reason we find many of the students of knowledge and the worshipers who have these whisperings and these doubts which other people don't have because those other people haven't followed the way of Allah and his religion and his legislation rather they are following their desires and they are in a state of unawareness about about their Lord and so the Shaitaan doesn't bother with them as you know I suppose to those ones who are turning to their Lord by seeking knowledge and worshipping him for the Shaitaan is their enemy and he tries to distract them from the path of allah so cheverus now within me i said that if somebody finds something like this in their heart and they hate it and they push it away this is a sign that person is the shaitaan is really trying with that person because that person is trying to get near to allah and the shape almost to stop but you find the person in a state of ignorance and distance from allah doesn't get that doubt does that mean that they don't get down to know they may get doubts from another point from the point of ignorant and punishment and other things but they don't get this doubt which is the doubt of Eman and the doubt that comes along with email they don't get it because they are spending their whole time busy with other things so from this we have understood that we can take out a methodology for dealing with and with us in Eman or incomplete the first thing is to seek refuge with Allah from the Shaitaan like the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa said them said in this authentic hadith Talia's very big nahi valiant aim and yes there it's been done let him say I will do be there he means shape on Rajee that is the first thing now some people the problem is they do that and they expect that everything will just in in one moment will go away and they will never have such feelings again if you are fighting an enemy like Cheryl Aslam said you I'm gonna hate on the battlefield you're fighting your enemy and your enemy you hit him one time with a sword and you think he's not gonna come back against you again and again and again this is a matter of fighting you have to fight the Shaitaan you have to wrestle with the Shaitaan so don't think it's gonna go away in a minute for in two minutes you have to keep on pushing the Shaitaan away number one you say I will be there he initiates heart emoji from the methodology of of repelling the West versa in a pita in Eman is that you remember Allah who praise Allah as larger because a larger 7/11 actor how in a message for me shaytani had that Calvin sayyida home accion end of sort of Lala indeed those people who fear Allah when they are touched by an affliction from the Shaitaan tell that he'll the scholars have different opinions about the meaning of teducker but there are two important ones one they remember that this is from the shaitaan says echo meaning they remember that this is from the Shaitaan or tell that cowell meaning yetsko own a lot they mentioned they remember Eliza so they remember Allah and they remember that this is from the Shaitaan ferry the whole mobile zero and then suddenly everything becomes clear for them they can see clearly they don't become confused anymore so we said the first method I would appeal a min ash-shaytani r-rajim there are different ways to see how it would be like that Shaitaan rungy a little bit like Samir I live in a sheet on the regime I would have been learning min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem in Hansy he won a free he won a state and many others that are reported authentically with regard to say our will whooping there he min ash-shaytani body and sing it with conviction not saying it with that you know like saying it I am oh Allah I am turning to you and asking you for refuge from these evil thoughts that have afflicted me and have confusing and then remembering Allah relative with any kind of remembrance for an test being Allah Akbar takbeer whatever it may be I think in all honesty one of the most appropriate forms of dhikr that you can do is to say subhanAllah and it's not the only one why generally a lot houses remember Allah okay Allah tells us women below but why is Tess PF because we've studied in the names of Allah class the meaning of Subhan Allah how perfect is Allah and free is Allah of any defects and flaws false so this seems to me to be the most appropriate word to say when you have a negative thought about Allah Subhan Allah and that is why in the Quran when it's mentioned an evil word what what what an evil people said about Allah it usually is followed with subhanAllah well Carly tell her the love while I there so Hanna they said Allah took a son subhanAllah so Tess p.m. but any liquor you bring it tech beer Allahu Akbar Allah is better than that greater than that Subhan Allah la ilaha illa llah this is also important also what is important is any state of art now instead of our doesn't mean that what you did is wrong you might not be guilty at all but at the end of the day it doesn't hurt to ask Allah to cover up your sins and to cut off any negative consequences from the sins that you might have done under Sahaba Robbie Allah WA and hoped used to make is still far even when they were not necessarily clearly guilty for something you make a step far even out of a quotient you say a stuff fear Allah Plus this will make the shape on more and this will lower the chiffon even more that you say I stuff for Allah even if you did were not guilty of that particular thought but it's better that you make a step up and also what I recommend that you do is if your wish was in a cleaner is in the soul of a man like you said you've thought of something which is covered which takes you out of Islam then you reaffirm your faith with something now that doesn't mean you left Islam but this is just to make your heart settled so for example you see a rowdy to be like your Rob bap well then Islam Medina will be more handmade in Seoul Allah while he was a lemon idea I am happy with Allah as my Lord and Islam as my religion and my message why because to settle your own heart because the people who get this wish worse and he may lie so he'll give us a life here these peoples have had a lot they become they start to become and he scared about it they start to doubt their Eman they start to doubt themselves so it's better that you say something to affirm that a man say something to remind yourself and to clearly demonstrate to the Shaitaan that you don't believe in what that thought that came into your mind for example saying la ilaha illaallah or seeing longing to be layer of birth or seeing subhanAllah what Aramaic or whatever it is that you feel that you are expressing your belief and affirming your belief so I put these in order of importance why because at the end of the day the first instruction of the prophets is Elam is failure I've been there I would have been a nice eulogy and the Quran clearly tells us to remember a lot that you remember Allah after that this is more my thoughts on the matter I personally think that it is befitting at this time to make a step far and to remind yourself of what you believe in that doesn't mean that you had a day that your faith is doubtful you have to make a new Shahada or something like that it just is a case of settling your own heart because when an evil thought comes and then you say Oh are we to build a Europe I'm happy with my life Allah is my Lord your heart settles you remember that it's not your belief and it's something from the Shaitaan and also it's useful to push the Shaitaan away from you because when the Shaitaan sees you doing all of these good deeds he's going to then try a different route to get you it's gonna go away from them with us so this is my visa my photon Aloha choise who fill acquired the the whisperings that happen in terms of a person's belief or a person's Eman and so on now we come to a Lewis wasu very bad at the whispers that people get in the topic of a baguette and I've divided this into probably four areas at tohara purification of salah the prayer the ibadat that have particular numbers to them like seven power and which was in the halal and haram i people who start to doubt like did I do something Haram have I done something Haram I've done something Haram I think I'm I think that this was not accepted from me so with regard to these things the Sharia has put together a perfect methodology for dealing with a Lewis was in favor that in acts of worship there is a way to deal with there is a way there is a way to do it for example if we look at at Pajaro generally those who are sent to Hara is all of the same type someone believes that they are not in a state of purity even though they have done what would be apparent that it is needed to be pure so they say for example I have made Ludo but I think that something is falling out and I don't feel that I am pure and I can't pray or they say that I've done whistle but I don't feel like I have done it properly I think I missed something or I haven't done it right and I don't think that my prayers have been accepted and then usually they will repeat the prayer also and then sometimes more than once to the point that a person might repeat the prayers six or seven or eight times because each time he has a doubt about his AHA and it happens more with the men and the women much much more in my experience with the men than with with the women but there are a series of things that you can do first of all the very first thing is a principle that you can take and understand and this principle is alia penal mayor Zulu Bishop certain is not does not get removed by doubt this principle will life it was implemented by the people who have the wish was in the issue of Tahara 90% of the problem will go away with this one principle certainty is not removed by doubt certainty does not get removed by doubt so I what am i certain about I am certain that I have made Woodill what am I not certain about I'm not certain but it might be that maybe something came out after the woman then you go with what is certain and you don't go with what is doubtful or what is uncertain if you're a certain you went to the bathroom but you can't remember if you made wall though or not so you have to repeat your order but if you're certain you made wood all but you're not sure I did I or didn't I or did something or didn't something then you go with what is certain this is the first step the second step is you remove the causes for the confusion so one of the things they share for Zen I have it all out i dimension and more than one of the skulls mentioned this is that for example you dry yourself thoroughly after going to the bathroom and you leave a gap between it and making rudl why is this because if you have just washed yourself with water for east india and then you immediately go and make wudu you are offering the shaitaan and easy target because already there is some water there is some witnesses and already now you start thinking oh maybe it's not water maybe I didn't clean myself properly maybe I don't have Tahara maybe I should make my water again maybe my salah was not valid you're giving the Shaitaan and gift so instead of that after you use water use some tissue or something and dry yourself thoroughly and then leave a gap before you make rule leave again so that if I need anything that is confusing you are worrying you almost in terms of men 90% of the problem is within five minutes of going to the bottom and I've asked this also to medical doctors people who are experts in the field and they Thomas the same thing 90% of the issues that men have in Tahara are within five minutes of going to the bathroom they are not like two hours later it's within five minutes of going to the bathroom so simple solution don't make Waldo for five minutes let all the confusion go let all I don't know what came out and what didn't let it all go ten minutes five minutes then go away colder and he shall out Vanna the problem will go away also in this is that a person doesn't need to go beyond what allies or gel has legislated for him to do so if for example he feared something come out so let's see he goes the bathroom and he cleans himself and he drives himself thoroughly there is no harm in him putting a tissue so that if anything comes out the tissue will take hold of it then let him go and spend five minutes ten minutes come back remove the tissue and middle and he will not have a problem my point is that if you each of each person has their own problems but my point is that don't make it easy for the Shaitaan this is the point which the Sheikh was making don't make it easy for the Shaitaan by the fact that you come out and you're dripping with water and then you go and make Google and already the Shaitaan whispers to you that that this is not clean you are not properly cleaning you did not wait long enough you did make it hard for the Shaitaan to whisper to you does that mean the whispering will stop you know maybe not completely maybe it will not stop completely but at least it will minimize the problem also from the etiquettes that we advised when it comes to Tahara is do not spend an excessive amount of time in the bathroom this also increases the whispers from the Shaitaan instead as we said go to the bathroom and clean yourself dry yourself and maybe if you do have a problem is medically recognized problem put some sort of tissue or pad or whatever go out and then come back in and clean yourself again if you feel the need to i don't stand spend ten minutes in the bathroom waiting for something and waiting for something because you are in the place where the shaitaan has easy access to you and easy influence over also from the things that i find to be very useful in fahara other people have problems while they are making to heart like they forgot did I wash my hands or I didn't wash my arms or I think I left the place is to for a while to have your Waldo supervise this is for the people who have extreme with us and they start to you know they make little 10 times or 20 times instead of making it 10 or 20 times have someone watch you make Google and trust in them if they said you did it properly how do you did it properly if you forgot did I wash my arm or not let them tell you yes you did because this is only a temporary situation where you are suffering from these whisperings from the shaitaan it's not a permanent thing so sometimes even a few days of someone just helping you watching you making google it gives you back the confidence that you're making Moodle properly and you're not going to exaggeration this is also very important and this is at my last point on the topic of Pajaro is do not exaggerate do not exaggerate when you go and clean yourself at the toilet and do not exaggerate when you make woudl how do people exaggerate when they clean themselves in the toilet one of two or three ways specifically with regard to the men excessive cleaning if you are very aggressive and very in cleaning yourself at the at the bathroom you actually cause yourself to suffer droplets coming out because you are cleaning yourself too much you are not sticking to the Sunnah and that is why some of the scholars said that excessively cleaning yourself in the bathroom is at Bidar is an innovation to the point where somebody causes themselves to bleed or causes themselves to have droplets coming out it cost this person is cleaning themselves too much and this comes from the with worse of the Shaitaan that the Shaitaan gives this person confusion and the person starts to become confused about it and they start to clean and clean and clean and clean until they actually cause their bladder to become weak and they actually suffer from the same thing that they were trying to get away from well area will be lap so this is something serious you do not go to excess there is very clear definition in the Sunnah of how to clean yourself when you go to the bathroom what to do and what not to do and for those who want a bit more detail in this envelope Milan we have also gone into this and explained it in detail and Belova bar with a hadith and evidences and so on this is something that is any to be taken into account with whose was some people subhanAllah actually make their worse was our worse and actually give them self the condition that they were scared of because of them going to excess likewise going to excess and making wudu like washing yourself five times six times four times the Prophet SAW Salem was asked is there where he'll feel although Asaf is there it's laughs in guru is there exaggeration in wood o is there wastage in Moodle he said yes even if you were on a flowing river so there is a case where somebody is just you know for the rowboat they are just washing again and again and again Allah does not love this Allah does not require this from you wash it three times and it's enough for you and don't let the Shaitaan say to you that you miss something here you didn't cover something here if you clearly can see that it was missed that's a different matter but in reality it's not clear the person says I didn't wash my elbows show me your elbows it looks like to me sees yeah but I feel like I didn't wash it I feel like it it's not the case I feel like I didn't wash it why I think that I didn't wash it that's not that doesn't count when it comes to alcohol so these are the these are the things that come under the topic of aha under the topic of salaf so the people who become confused in their prayer in this we distinguish them into - we split them into two groups those people who get some occasional confusion and those people have daily confusion the people who get occasional confusion can simply follow the normal rules for so to the south so what they're gonna do again you can watch the Beluga meringue classes for more details but they're gonna you know if they if they became confused did I pray three or four so they put it as three they make one more up and they make suit yourself but what do you do for a person who makes you do this hour with every prayer they are making so do the self with every single fella almost of the salawa most of the press is a problem now we cannot just tell them keep making so do the sound we have to tell them now that you need to stop this confusion and pray as you are pray as you are fact Elohim I started to pray as best as you can and don't keep standing up and making up extra racket because if you're making up extra raka at and you keep standing up doing this you're allowing the Shaitaan to confuse you on this issue and you're just making the problem worse and worse and worse so if it's a point where it's happening to someone every day or most of the day we tell them for you you are excused from the rulings of Saluda sound unless someone else clearly tells you you miss something in the Salah just pray as you are and that sufficient in a lifetime because what is happening is the Shaitaan is just adding to your Salah for no reason again if it becomes so bad the person I don't even know if I create one or ten then again having them supervise for the men for in the gen are because the Gemini will regulate the number of like at that you do for the women have someone watch you pray if your prayer is so bad that you don't know if you played one retire or ten have somebody watch you pray and help you that if you make a mistake they can say subhanallah or something that make you realize that you made a mistake and then you can follow but you just pray as best you can and Allah will accept it from you pray as best you can and Allah will accept it from you some people have this idea that I need like you know this person is afflicted they have with severe whisperings of the Shaitaan whatever they pray they play the best that they can under the circumstances and they do the best that they can do that is sufficient for them to show love as for the one who has minor with squash at the salon no they follow all the rules also to the cell they make up the raka they make sujood afterwards because this person it happens to them once in ur a week once in a month once you know in six months but not the person that's happening to them all the time this person is better for the man just pray in the jamar come early you know again usually these two things go together if they're busy making wudu because they've been in the bathroom for like an hour and they've been making Moodle for half an hour and then they come to the salon late and then they don't know how many raka at a plate how all of these things like link one into the other into the you get the pahala issue sorted out then though then you come to the salat to the for the beginning of the Salah you pray in the Gemara and these issues won't trouble you the same way that they troubled you in in the in the beginning each other the same can be said about the ibadat which have specific numbers about that which has specific numbers that if you have a Nevada that has a specific number the general rule is that if you became confused in it you go with the lower number and you build a pond and there is no suit or the self or anything except to solid as for the Tawaf or the the subhana Allah al hamdulillah Allah in Allah there is no specific counting for that I mean there is no specific expiation for that if you make a mistake so for example let's say I was intending to say subhanAllah 33 times but actually I miscounted and now I said it 44 times there is no sir who for that to do it sour or something like that just go with a lower number and try to focus and try to to concentrate on it likewise the prof and the other things which have a particular number now what about people who have with us in the issues of the halal and the Haram so these are people who become constantly in a self a state of self-doubt that I've done something Haram I'm my something is not accepted from me I have become you know like oh I think this is I think I did this wrong and even when they ask sometimes and they get an answer for what they asked and even when that answer comes to them they still doubt the answer and they become confused about it so this one is a combination of what we talked about previously so the first matter is STR and seeking refuge from the Shaitaan I wouldn't let him initiate on ammaji the second one is to ask before you fall into the issue so before you fell into the issue and then you turn around and said I think I fell into the Haram I feel like I did something wrong or I feel like this hasn't been accepted for me ask about it before or try to ask about it before more than you ask about it afterwards and also have reliable people that you can ask their advice reliable students of knowledge scholars and so on that you can ask their advice and take the advice they give you this is the big problem the problem is not the advice a lot of these people ask advice but the problem is that they often don't take the answer they're given so the Shaykh says to them don't worry about it your Salah was fine five minutes later you see them repeating the Salah this is the problem here they did the right thing to ask the shape but you have to accept what the person tells you because you have to understand what you're getting this severe which was you're sick you have an affliction something wrong with you so you shouldn't be relying on your own judgment in these matters like let if you ask someone about it let that person and see you and then accept their answer the other thing is don't make the religion complicated for yourself there are a couple of ways in which the people make the religion complicated for themselves which leads to these kind of confusion this kind of ruse was in the Halal and Mahalo one is by going to extremes like the prophets I seldom said a demon Lucifer when are you shared that dinner ahead or in lava lava this religion is easy and nobody tries to go to an extreme in this religion except the religion will defeat them so what I mean by this is the person who they don't suffice themselves with what Allah so I just told them to do they go to another level and they try to go to something which is beyond what the prophets I send them did and beyond what allies origin say you in Islam and there's another principle that will help you a lot we have been asked to rule by a bar help to rule by what is apparent if apparently it's halal it's hard we've been asked to rule while water part we haven't been asked to look into the you know the minutia and the tiny little details that nobody can possibly know about now I'm not saying that you shouldn't be careful about what you eat for example that's not what I'm saying but I'm talking about going to exaggeration in the halal and Haram to the point where a person makes many things Haram for them that Allah did not make and the last of the categories that we had is a Lewis wasu Phil Marat Marat which was in dealing with other people like with Weiss in decision making and with Weiss in your relationships so with Weiss in your relationships like where you start do not doubting your relationships with people like the husband starts doubting his wife and the wife starts doubting the husband or where the the person starts doubting other people like what did he mean by that he said this what did he mean I think he meant this I think he meant that and he starts having doubts over the relationships with people and the other is doubting decision making like the person when they make a decision and then they can't stick with that decision so let's deal with decision making first Eliza Adele said sorry their eyes enter Hotel ekala wala if you have made your decision put your trust in Allah and this has a benefit in it which is a balance in decision making first of all when making a decision you should make sure which means you should consult people who can give you good advice don't consult Facebook yeah I need let me ask all of the people on Facebook what they think because you're not asking people who can give you good advice you're just asking random people and asking random people doesn't help you it makes a random decision instead ask people who you genuinely believe can give you good advice so you go to a particular individual who you think this person's to he wise or they have experience in this or they know you very well and you take advice from people different people who have something to contribute not advice from people who don't have anything to contribute the second thing you do is you make is the heart an Easter Hara is your insurance policy it's halal insurance our insurance is you made it to heart you said oh Allah if it's good for me make it happen if it's bad for me don't make it happen you've got your insurance now whatever happens with the good air in Charlotte and the third thing is do your best in the pins which are in your control but don't worry about things out of your control in anything you want to achieve there will be things that are within your ability and things that are outside of your ability for example I'm going for a job I want to present myself in a good way I want to give a good interview I want to give a good resume and you don't answer the questions well but whether they're whether a better person comes for the same interview and gives a better interview than me that's why in my control I can do only my best but the other person coming who happens to be like 10 times more qualified and more eloquent than whatever hi that's one in my control and the essence of Telecom is you do what is in your control and you leave the rest to our loss of Hanna time it's not that you don't do what's in your control you say tell a cultural Allah I put my trust in Allah and you do nothing and it's not that you start panicking over things that are outside of your control you do what you can and you put your trust in Allah that's why Allah Safari their eyes enter when you've taken your decision and you've started you've made your effort put your trust in Allah you do what you can and you don't worry about what is outside of your control of what is outside of your domain and that helps a lot with removing the with washing decision-making because if you've made it too hard and you've made sure you've consulted people you've made it too hard and you've done whatever you could then the rest is not in your hands it's not in your ability to change it or to affect it in any way so don't worry about something that is not in your ability worry about the things that you can't do don't worry about the things that you that you can't do again is the other seeking refuge from the Shaitaan and dhikr and so on these all apply in this situation so we come to the last one which is that we see us in relationships with people again there are certain Islamic principles that are very very very important here one is the principle of personal done thinking good on others you know generally this is a principle that we have in Islam that we and even though that it is not a hadith it's not a hadith that seek for your brother seventy excuses but the concept is correct and in the idea that you look and and it's reported from some of the Imams of Islam that you look for you try to carry a person speech in the best possible context and you don't allow the Shaitaan to create enmity between and there's a beautiful example of that in the story of Yusuf and how use of said at the end of the surah how Elijah tells us that Yusuf said and when he praises our lives our jail for guiding him and for you know bringing his family back together after what after the Shaitaan had made a problem between me and my brothers this tells us that the Shaitaan one of the things he does he tries to get involved in your relationships and one of the ways he does that is by oven-like Allah Azza WA JAL said yeah you al Davina a manager 10 a book a theorem enough money in the bag of values or you who believe avoid a lot of suspicion because indeed there is some suspicion which is sinful so you don't take what your brother says or does in the worst way you take it in the best way that is one thing the other thing is you go to make it slack between yourself and others and between other people you make a sly you go to them and you ask them look I'm sorry maybe I misunderstood you maybe you misunderstood me because this is the opposite of what the Shaitaan is doing the Shaitaan is trying to drive you apart but what you are doing is when you find yourself distancing from a person you go to that person and you try to make peace with them you ask them to forgive you even if you did nothing wrong you still ask them to forgive you and that's why the Prophet SAW Thailand promised what he promised in the heart from the houses of gender for the one who gives up arguing even if he is a help car even if he has a right to do it and he's correct even if he's correct he gives up all three it doesn't argue so he's having a fight with someone and he comes vices in orders I'm sorry I shouldn't have said forgive me but this first point I want to come back to a personal one because it all starts with so abundant all starts with evil thoughts of someone someone didn't give salam to you you automatically assume that he's made Hydra of you and he doesn't like you and that's because of what you said last week and bla bla bla bla in reality probably didn't even see you he probably didn't hear you give Salam to him he was probably busy in his own thoughts so we just carry it in the best way and take it in the best way I hold it in the best way don't take it in a negative way that everything is negative about somebody have personal fun and as we said if you look at the etiquettes especially the etiquette to mention insulted fragile art many many etiquettes one after the other the volumes suspicion and the back avoiding a backbiting and causing trouble between people and the making of the / making peace between people Alliance also fragile arts you can find everything you need and remember that if your relationship with Allah is strong then in sha allah allah allah will correct your relationship with others like sufyani Benari and i said can i order male/female of i have to worry about whom in about in how allah in karim at and after the Hannah Dana who are they in Allah Allah Allah Allah vena cavae none s the scholars of all used to write to one another with these words whoever corrects what is between him and Allah Allah will correct what is between him and the people I don't know I I tried my best to cover as many of the types of the Wyss wasps as possible and talk about as many of the solutions as possible I just wanted to sort of highlight a few causes of this overall across the board I think there are two causes that really come to mind the biggest one in my mind of the of generally of will us as a whole is ignorance about the Sharia I feel this is one of the biggest causes his ignorance of the Sharia and by this what I mean is for example ignorant of what to do when you get confused in the prayer ignorant of what to do when you're confusing your Pajaro ignorance of how to make a steam job properly ignorant of you know for example how not to or how you should keep a good relationship with your Muslim brother a lot of it comes down to ignorance so the more knowledge you have on these issues and the more you learn about them the more you will repel the Shaitaan is whispering from you I learn now I'm not talking about the whispering which is from a man like the whispering that comes because of your high a man I'm talking about the other types of whispering this the best solution is to learn this area because the Sharia has an answer for everything like that time when one of the non-muslims made fun of the Sahaba and he said you'll Prophet taught you everything even how to go to the toilet he said yes even how to go to the toilet he taught us to for example to use three stones and not to use animal dung or bones and so on the point is our messengers or SLM taught us everything we need the sharia has an answer to every situation but you have to learn that answer and you have to implement it the evening light are the second major calls that I think is an Arab and Sunda turning away from the Sun for example exaggerating in the wood excessive time in the bathroom all of these things which come from turning away from the Sunnah and putting yourself in a place where you are vulnerable to the shape I like going to shaytani places and you know like doing things doing harm in certain places where you put yourself and you make yourself vulnerable to the Shaitaan as for the causes of safety they are many but from among the greatest of them is that is tiada see he refuge with Allah from the Shaitaan and a vicar remembering Allah through the Quran and that SP and the takbir and the other forms of vicar do I'm asking a lot to save you asking a lot to help you asking a lot to remove the whispering of the Shaitaan from you doing good deeds because the more good deeds you do it pushes the Shaitaan away from you and that's why we said that for example when you get that feeling in your in your mind that the Shaitaan is whispered something to you do something would say something good so the Shaitaan will learn that this is a bad you know when he whispers to you you do something good and then he will he will stop this in this particular form of attack and then all of the things that we said with regard to the specific circumstances of Tahara and Salah and the way that you deal with people and so on and so forth so I try to do what I could to summarize this topic it's probably a bigger topic than this we need to do more research we need to come up with more to bring more of that idea than the ayah and look at this in a more comprehensive way but I thought it would be nice to at least record something to help people who are suffering in this situation and at least to give us some ideas and inspiration about it and then be in near light allah we can we can go from there and we can try to add to it and we can try to increase our understanding on this particular issue and we ask Allah Azza WA JAL to keep us away from the shaitan and his whisperings and to give us beneficial knowledge and the ability to act upon it that is what allies were gentle made it easy to mention analyzed with general best for salat wa salam ala nabina muhammad right and he will sake he page 9
Channel: KALEMAH
Views: 49,918
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Keywords: muhammad tim, tim humble, kalemah, fnr, waswasah, wiswaas, whispering, shaytan
Id: TYtNezQU61w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 42sec (3882 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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