TOPAZ SHARPEN AI (New Update Version 3.3.1) FIRST LOOK

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hey everyone if you heard the news topaz sharpen ai gets an update according to topaz we'll get a new improved masking experience new model manager and overall performance improvements [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly topaz have done it again sharpen a i has been updated today we'll be getting a first look at this new update this is uh version 3.3 and i'm always excited about seeing the new updates from topaz now topaz if you're listening i really wish you would share some love in updates to like topaz studio 2 my creative toolbox which i really love that would be great and while you're at it tope has a just ai that would be nice to have a nice update to that and let's not forget topaz mask ai that would be another great product to have an update i apologize for this small rant but i generally never rant i love topaz and i'm probably one of their biggest fans but i would truly love to see them give some love to these other products i just mentioned especially topaz studio too what a fantastic piece of software i would like to hear everybody's views on these other products you want them to update them let's get a dialogue going maybe topaz will maybe they watch this channel i don't know but if they do maybe they'll see other people love this stuff too so please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below it would be greatly appreciated and i think it would help us all and now we return to our regularly scheduled program where was i oh yes i was here okay so we have improved usability with new ai model selector and model manager so things look a little bit different here let's take a look at the interface now right now you can see that the little lightning bolt here is toggled on meaning that topaz is suggesting a ai model for us it's a model they think would look good for this image and by the way if you left click with your mouse and hold it down you can see a before and and after just see what the results are like and we have different views like we have comparison view we have a side-by-side view or split view this is not an in-depth tutorial i've done those in the past we're just looking at some of the new features today on this new update you can also come up here and click original to see the before and after as well and of course the comparison view lets you view three different ai models against each other so you can determine which one might be the best for you but if you use the auto feature you don't really need the comparison view now if you make any one of these windows active by clicking on it you see where it says too soft normal was highlighted in blue you could change that to a different model like for instance uh too soft very noisy just by clicking here and now that updates the too soft very noisy so you can change these out however you cannot change out the original one the original one is always in the upper left-hand corner and it makes sense that you can't get rid of it because you always want to have a reference to compare these other sharpen ai models too for the rest of this video i will be working in the single view showing you the new features in sharpen ai by the way the sharpened model auto selection tool will only work when you're in the single view split view or side by side view in the comparison view it will not work if you want sharpen ai to pick the model out for you just click this toggle right here where the lightning bolt is and it picks a model now it's saying too soft very blurry is what they suggest now here's where the changes come in on the interface when i click change we have a nice list of all the different ai models as opposed to the old buttons i think this is a much cleaner looking interface also if you don't have a lot of viewing real estate you can go ahead and collapse this list by coming here and clicking and that goes for any of these adjustment sections you can collapse them or open them back up which is a really nice feature which can keep things very neat and tidy now let's go ahead and take a look at the new masking update but first i'm going to go ahead and turn back on the auto sharpen model selection and i'm also going to leave the model parameter set to auto and that way sharpen ai determines my remove blur amount and my suppress noise amount and it does a really good job and for the sake of the tutorial and to keep it as brief as possible i'm just going to use auto settings and now masking updates we have a new auto subject selection we have an auto portrait selection and an auto landscape selection i mainly work with sharpen ai as a photoshop plug-in and i use masking in photoshop to mask in the sharpening areas if i need to but with this new masking update i'm going to try it out and i may end up changing the way i'm doing things but only time will tell but for now i'm in the testing phases so we're in the select area so let me toggle this on see where it says off we'll toggle this on and when i do it opens up this section here and right now we have a drop down that says auto and subject it has selected the subject and if i click this drop down we see we have different choices subject portrait or landscape or custom and when you're in the custom mode it's just going to give you a white mask and then you can just paint your own mask okay so for now we're going to leave it in auto subject and see what kind of a job it does now if we click on refine we can take a look and see what it has picked and you notice it picked the dog pretty well but it's missed it right around in here but we can go ahead and refine that and that's what refine is all about let's see how this works now after clicking refine you'll notice i have a new brush tool here with add and subtract so add we can add to the mask or subtract we could take away from the mask we have a brush size adjustment we have an opacity adjustment we have edge aware technology which has been brought over from topaz studio 2. so we have that here we can toggle that on or off and then we have a sample area and we also have a modify section one that says clear where we can clear this mask and of course we have invert and we can invert the mask so it's just going to invert what's happening so those are typical masking type tools so pretty cool and then we have this overlay section here where we can always show the overlay we can shut it off or we could turn it on we could come here where it says overlay color and we can change the color of that overlay to any color that we want to and we have overlay opacity where we can adjust the opacity of the actual overlay for the mask let's go ahead and try it out so we can adjust the size of the brush okay so you can see my brush is larger the only thing i don't like here is when i'm adjusting the brush size i don't see the actual brush itself i wish they would do that that's something they could definitely fix okay so let me get a brush size that i think may work maybe a brush size around here now you see that circle in the center that's the actual brush size and then when you adjust the sampling area it graduates out from there you can use the shortcut command or control and scroll with your mouse and then you'll be able to actually see the brush changing and you can also use your left and right bracket keys to make the brush larger or smaller so i'm thinking the shortcuts are going to be better than working with these sliders being the fact that when you make these adjustments you can't see that brush size changing in real time if you don't want to use the edge of wear technology you can shut it off by clicking this toggle and when you do you now have a softness slider and that same shortcut holds true command or control while adjusting the scroll key will change the softness slider for you and you can actually see how much feathered edge you'll have there i'm going to go back and toggle on edge-aware and let me go ahead and adjust the sample area again i'm holding the command key down while i scroll okay i'm going to make it like that i think and i'm going to use my right bracket key to make this larger and i'm just going to paint around here whoops i'm screwing up i have to be in subtract so let me click on subtract okay and now i can paint along here and just get rid of these areas that i don't want i missed the spot over here okay let's try that just like so and see what we get okay that looks pretty good and here's an area over here this area is out of focus here so i'm just going to subtract this off right here it doesn't need to be in focus and not and then when you're done all you have to do is click update and your mask gets updated and again if i left click with my mouse you can see the before and after so it looks like it's done a pretty good job but time will tell i'll be experimenting with this and i'm sure you will too now if you don't have sharpened ai yet go ahead and download a free trial i believe you get a 30-day free trial and you can just click on my affiliate link in the description below this video and if you decide you really like it and i think you will like it but if you do you can purchase it and use my promo code david kelly that's all one word and then you'll save an additional 15 off of any topaz product by the way let's check out the masking tools on a landscape now i'll start by in the select section by turning it on by clicking on this toggle here it opens up the select section and right away you can see it is chosen my foreground area here which is quite interesting now what would happen if i were to choose say like portrait would find anything no it just gives me a white mask revealing everything and if i click on landscape it again picks the foreground if i pick subject it will pick the foreground as well so that's interesting to note now let's go ahead and click this on landscape because it is a landscape by the way let's click on refine and as you can see it's done a really nice job here let me go ahead and zoom in to say let's go into 200 percent or that might be too much let's go into let's try a hundred percent now let's go ahead and see if we can refine this edge a little bit better i've done a little bit of experimenting so i'm going to give you a tip here so here's what you want to do first off we want to subtract from this edge so let's click on subtract to refine this edge i need to decide what i want to use as a sampling point i don't want to use the trees i'm going to use the sky i think it's going to make more sense now you want to make sure you turn edge aware on because we want to use the edge of wear technology now what i want you to do is get a nice big brush now you see that center circle that is the area that it's sampling from and then out from there to the dashed lines is a graduated off area okay and so what i want to do is sample up here and again with that nice super big brush like this i want to come as close to this edge as i can i haven't done anything yet and i'm just using a mouse here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to click one time or no i'm not i'm actually going to paint across here i'm just going to come across like so i'm going to try to get that big circle as close to the edge of that tree line as i can and come the whole way over okay keep coming till we go off the canvas like so and then release but i have got to say that is a pretty darn good selection in my opinion what do you think pretty good right now let's go ahead and click update we'll click update and now it will accept those changes let's look at the before and after i'm going to left click with my mouse and hold it down here's my before and here is my after so it's sharpened those trees right up let me zoom it's 200 so you can really see it here is the before and here is after but it did a great job grabbing the edge of that tree line so i'm pretty impressed with that so far i think that deserves an a on the masking technology update and the interface technology update is nice too well there it is that was a first look at topaz sharpen ai the new update version 3.3 we really took a deep look at the masking technology updates as well as the interface updates and of course it has received the under the hood performance updates it's running really well it's snappy and responsive but go ahead and get this update and try it out for yourself and then you'll know for sure if you enjoyed this tutorial today please give it a like and share it with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 6,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz, Topaz Labs, Topaz Sharpen Ai, New Update, First Look, The Joy of Editing, The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly, Photography, Photo Editing, Tutorial, Training, Promo Code, davidkelly
Id: jliHtp3p7P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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