TK8 MULTI-MASK PANEL: Working With Linear Light (Deep Dive into the new PAINT COLOR Output Mode)

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hello everyone it's tk friday today i'm working with the tk8 multi mask panel and linear light stay tuned hello and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly along with the new tk8 multi-mass panel comes some really cool new features and i'm going to show you one of those today i'll be working with the new paint color output mode it sends a blank layer out with a selection that you've created in the tk8 multi mask panel and you'll be able to dodge and burn with color through that selection or alter colors and things of that nature it's really an amazing thing that you can do and i'm so excited to show it to you today but first i want to start out in lightroom and work with a linear profile make some basic adjustments and then i'll send this into photoshop and we will get started with the tk8 multi mask panel here in lightroom you're seeing this image uh in the raw format no adjustments whatsoever it has the adobe color profile on it but check this out when i switch this over to the linear profile for my camera it's a eos 5d mark ii so let me go ahead and click this but look how the image just evens out with that linear profile if you haven't got a linear profile yet i'm going to leave the link in the description below where you can go to tony kuiper's webpage and pick up the free linear profile for your camera and if tony doesn't have your profile you can request him to make one for your camera the linear profile is just a really great starting point for your raw editing okay so what i'm going to do here my first step for me is to click auto here and when i click auto already it looks really great and i find i get much better results when i click auto and use a linear profile it's really nice so the next thing i want to do is set up my white and black point and let me go to whites and just bump this up to the right just a little bit and i'm clipping my blacks just a tiny little bit i'm just going to fix that right there now i think the image needs a little more contrast i think the exposure is pretty good let's just give it a little bit more contrast somewhere around there maybe i'll open the shadows up a little bit now auto is a good starting point by the way and then the vibrance is set at 20 and the saturation is at seven now it looks a little weak in color so i'm going to go ahead and bump up the vibrance a little bit and here's a little tip for you if you ever have trouble setting your white balance if you're not sure how to set your white balance properly i think this will be a really good tip for you take your saturation and really bump it up to the right you know over saturate your image and that way you can take a look and see how the white balance actually looks and you can see it looks a little bit like on the warm side granted we have some blue in the water here but don't worry about that because i'll take care of that later and i'll show you how i do that but it looks a little bit overall on the warm side and maybe a little bit green so what i'll do is take my temperature and cool it down just a little bit you know maybe maybe somewhere right around in there and then i'll take my tint and move it into magenta till it looks right and again don't worry about that blue water but i think maybe right about there looks pretty good and now i can go ahead and take my saturation and pull it back and i'm thinking maybe maybe right around there looks pretty pretty good right there now obviously i have this blue water here but i can take care of that and i'll just go to hsl and i'll just take the blue under saturation and just ease this back to the left and i'm not going to take the whole way out because a little bit of that blue in there looks kind of nice and then i'll go down to my lens corrections and just make sure i have my remove chromatic aberrations checked on and my enable profile corrections on in terms of uh detail i'm going to just do the basic sharpening in uh lightroom it looks good i use sharpen air denoise ai but for sake of time in this video i'm going to forgo that and as far as noise reduction i'm not going to use any noise reduction because i shot this at iso 50 to slow this water down so i don't really need noise reduction on this image let's take a look at where i started from so we started from here and now we end up here and i like it so now i'm going to go ahead and send this into photoshop and work on it further i'll just right click on the image go to edit in uh photoshop 2021 and we shall get started the first thing i do is just check the overall image out and see what i think it really needs now to me right now the first thing that really sticks out like a sore thumb to me are these rocks down here they seem light in my eyes drawn to them so i need to take care of that so i'm going to use a zone mask to isolate those rocks i'm going to go ahead and click a color on the rock like say right in here and click ok and now let's go ahead and tighten up that uh selection by taking the slider moving it to the left so i can just get those rocks isolated really well maybe right around there and let's lighten them up a bit a good bit here and maybe a little bit more some are right around there now we're going to output this to a linear light blank pixel layer and the fill will be set to 15 and we'll be painting through a selection i'll just click this icon and when i do the color picker comes up now i have to choose a color so what i want to do is sample some of the darker tones of this rock on the shadow side of the rock maybe right around here click this and this is the color it is chosen i'm going to give it a little more saturation by just coming over here to the right a little bit maybe right around in here and click ok and now notice that i have this blank pixel layer that says paint color you can see that i have a selection by my selection indicators and i am in the linear light blend mode with a fill of 15 which we can come and alter that later and i'll show you but what i need to do now is paint and there's my paint swatch with the color i've selected and i'm painting through a selection now i'm painting with about twenty percent opacity so i can build this up slowly resize my brush accordingly here and now i can start to paint you know what i think i'm going to bump that up that's really light i'm going to go to 50 and paint on here and just build this up just darkening these rocks painting with that color actually burning with this color right here but see how these rocks are getting darker i'm just going to work on this one for a while till i get it the way i like it and i continue to add 50 every time i paint over it okay let's see here's the before and here's the after so pretty nice now let me go to this other rock over here and let's just paint on it as well hit it a few times here maybe one more time hit this a couple times here and i think that looks good and then uh this little sand bar right here i think i'll go across that [Music] before i do that let me go to this rock here let me get it a couple times in this area back in here once okay and now let's do the sandbar right here go over it just now i'm going to go to 20 and hit it one more time okay so let's take a look here is the before and here is the after so now your eye is not drawn to these rocks as much it's more going into the rest of the frame here but there's more work to do we are not done yet now let's turn our attention to the fill adjustment it's at 15 if we feel we need to add more color to those rocks just drag this to the right and i find that you can go up to about 20 percent without getting weird looks see if you keep going hard it's going to look terrible but anywhere between oh i don't know you can go under 15 if you want too far or you can go over 15 percent and in this case i might take this up to about 18 no you know what let's try 20. i find once you start getting around 20 i wouldn't go too far over that but you can experiment with it now here is the before and here is the after so that looks much better and don't forget you have the opacity here as well you can also adjust it with this as well but if you need more of that color you definitely need to hit it with the fill to the right it looks like i may have overshot the rock here a little bit on the edge so i'm going to get a smaller brush actually i'm going to get my eraser tool e for the eraser tool make it smaller and i'm still painting through that selection and i'm just going to just paint off some of the overshoot that i've got here i think i probably had too big of a brush when i was painting over here and i just spilt over the top there just a wee bit here's the before and here is the after so that looks better hey by the way you see this icon right here if i hold my option key down you can see this button opens the edit selection interface so this is really cool if i click this what you'll notice we'll be able to see the actual selection itself okay and then you can come here and further alter it if you want to but that's a nice little tip if you just want to see what your selection looks like if you forgot and you wanted to check it out you can click that and then click this icon right here and that reloads your selection right back up that's a little tip for you the next thing i'm noticing is these rocks right in this area look different than these rocks so there's a little bit of a bluish tint purplish tint over here compared to over here so i'd like to bring some of this color in here over to here these look more like mid-tones to me so let's go ahead this time and grab a mid-tones mask so let's click this luminosity mask icon and let's grab let's try mid-tones one little too narrow let's try mid-tones too i think that's going to be good now i think we need to alter it a bit and to do that we're going to use a levels adjustment so click on this icon right here and what i need to do is let's lighten up that that selection by taking the highlight slider and bumping it to the left let's lighten that whole area up now we can kind of uh narrow that down a little bit by moving this to the right let's try somewhere in here let's lighten it up a little bit more narrow it down just a wee bit more we don't want to lose any texture here and i think that's going to be good now all we need to do is output this to a linear light blank pixel layer and we'll be painting through a selection now we have to choose a color that we want to use and i think i'm going to use one of these colors over in here like right around here i think that should be good let's give it a little bit more saturation now i'm going to stay right around where it is because i'm not dodging or burning i just want to alter the color so let's give it some more saturation i'll be painting with uh i'm not sure what the opacity will be here maybe we'll start at 50 maybe but i'm going to pick this color right here and click ok and now we have our blank layer with a linear light blend mode at 15 so now we can start painting i have a nice soft edge brush and i'm painting at 50 so let's just go over these mid-tone areas in here right up in here up here over here here a little bit and right there maybe a little bit more over here so let's take a look here is the before and here is the after but you see how that just kind of brings the same color from this side over to this side and uh we could paint a little bit more i'll over exaggerate it just so you can see it okay just here and here maybe a little bit here and here a little bit more here and here so let's take a look here's the before and here is the after so that's a little more over exaggerated so you can really see it and if i felt i was too strong which i am really i would need to bring the i'm just going to take the opacity back a little bit and probably you know right around like 73 here is the before and here is the after but that just starts to bring some balance back into the image which really helps here all thanks to that linear light blend mode now if we notice this area right in here some of these warm tones i like to bring some of these warm tones into this whole area here just to balance this area out see because we have a lot of warm tones up here and down here let's warm this section up a little bit this time i think i'll use a zone mask and let's pick these tones right in here i'm going to click right there and click ok and now let's narrow that selection down i don't want to go too much but again i'm going to get all this area right in here let's lighten it up a good bit and let's click the linear light output here and now let's pick a color let's pick one of these warm colors up in here and i want to darken that down a little bit so i'm in this area i want to get a little more saturation maybe right here let's try that click ok now i'm painting through a selection remember and i have a nice soft brush i have 50 opacity still and i just want to apply that color over this area in here just to warm this whole section down i'm going to keep hitting it till it looks right to me so i'm painting away here just to warm it up a little bit back there i think that looks good let's take a look here is the before and here is the after so that really see how that just really sets that in a really nice it looks a lot more natural let's see if we add a little bit more feel here if we want to add more color here now i think it was pretty good where it was i'm going to leave it there's 14. let's see here's the before and here's after i think that looks good and i really like that i think that really helps and now as i study the image i feel this area in here just needs a little bit of warmth i think i'll use another mid-tones mask to get that so let's go ahead and i'm going to jump right to mid-tones too again i'm going to use my levels adjustment here let's lighten up that entire area let's tighten it up a bit just a little bit and lighten it up a little bit more and i think maybe that should do the trick now let's do linear light again and now let's find a color i think i'm going to sample some of these colors up in here okay and i'm just going to give it more saturation now i'm just altering color i'm not dodging or burning so i'm going to give it more saturation i'm going to go right here click ok and now with my big soft brush i'm going to go ahead at 50 i'll start with 50 and paint yeah just paint that 50 in here over this entire area and just add some of that warmth in here come the whole way up to the waterfall let's give it one more little hit here and here that looks good maybe here one time over here i'm gonna undo that one i didn't like that one so i'm just gonna hit my back arrow here okay so let's take a look here is the before and here is the after again the before and the after i think that's a nice balance let's give it a little bit more fill just to see yeah i might just give it a slight bit more feel here is the before and here is the after so i like it i might just pull this back to 20 before and after you know you really got to study these things and sometimes it takes a little bit of thought to really make sure you got this right and i think i'm happy with that now here's another good little tip for you sometimes what you need to do is step away from your image for a little bit you know maybe take a little five ten minute break walk away and then come back and look at it again and you when you come back you might have fresh eyes to say oh man i really screwed that up i have way too much saturation there so sometimes walk away and then come back it really helps let's see how we're doing here uh i'm gonna option click or i'll click the background layer here's how we started so take a look at the image see how late these rocks are and over here it's not bad but it's just the lighting is just kind of off a little bit and our eye is not going to the waterfall the way it needs to now when i option click this we can see the changes we've made and now our eye goes right to the waterfall the image is nicely balanced out here with the color and the lighting and that linear light blend mode is really effective you got to give this a try i have one more thing to do and that is this area this ledge under here under the waterfall i just want to lighten that up a little bit and i'm going to see if the linear light blend mode will help us to do that i think i'll use another zone mask to select this area here but take a note here i want to point something out whenever you see a selection here whenever you click any of these icons that selection goes away so you don't have to worry about you know like resetting your selection each time just go ahead and click the next thing you want to do so in my case i want a zone mass so i'm going to click the zone icon and click one of these darker colors down here and click ok and now what i'll do is just narrow that selection to get right under there i'll narrow it a good bit here yeah something like that and let's lighten it up we'll lighten that up and now we'll click the linear light again and let's find a color here now actually that color that it's picked is good so i just want to lighten it so let's come straight up into the lighter zones here and this is the midpoint here so you need to be higher than the midpoint so i'm going to come up right around in here about 25 in this area right here and keep the same amount of saturation so right here and click ok and now let me start out with let me do 20 percent and with a nice big brush here let's go ahead and paint some of that light up in here with that color like that and let's come over here as well paint that in over here let's take a look here is the before and here is the after so that just lightens it up a little bit and what i might do is just take my opacity and pull back on my opacity a little bit i don't want it quite as light and how about 43 here's the before and here's after so just lighten it up a little bit just a little bit of a finesse there again we started out looking like this and we end up looking like this and what a great improvement and that is the new paint color output on the tk8 panel you got to give it a try we did all these corrections today utilizing the new paint color mode in the tk8 multi mask panel i really hope you enjoyed today's tutorial utilizing the paint color mode in the tk8 multi-mass panel this is a new feature as i said all my adjustments were done with that paint color mode today i'd love to hear your thoughts on this new feature in the tk8 multi-mass panel please leave comments and questions in the comment section below if you enjoyed the tutorial today please give it a like and share it with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon and every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing [Music] you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 4,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK8, TK8 Multi-Mask Panel, TK8 Combo/Cx Panel, Photoshop, Linear Light, Deep Dive, Color, Photography, Photo Editing, Creative Edit, Luminosity Masks, Lightroom, Linear Profile, The Joy of Editing, Dave Kelly
Id: EiwNyfK4xao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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