Denoise AI, Sharpen AI, Gigapixeal AI - WHICH SHOULD YOU USE?

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hey guys this is anthony morgante i am mr photographer recently i've been receiving emails from people who are a little confused about which topaz labs application they should purchase i'm talking about the noise ai gigapixel ai and sharpen ai and the reason why some people are confused about which one to purchase is because the functionality of these applications overlap a little bit for example i have de noise ai open now i of course would use this application to reduce noise in an image but you'll see that there's an option here to enhance sharpness and if we go over to sharpen ai of course would use this to sharpen an image there's an option here to reduce noise as noise suppression slider and finally if we go over to gigapixel ai i'd use this to make an image larger in order to print uh you could see that it has options to suppress noise and remove blur so it removes noise and sharpens the image and that's why a little you know some people are a little confused which one should they get if they were only going to get one also some people own all three and they don't know what order they should use them in for example i have this image here it definitely needs to be cropped and because it's going to be cropped if i want to print it i'll probably want to use gigapixel it was shot at a pretty high iso it has a lot of noise so i need to use denoise and maybe i'd want to sharpen it too but maybe i don't we'll talk about that more in a moment but what order do you do this i mean do you crop first then remove noise then use gigapixel or do you remove noise crop and you know gigapixel whatever well let's talk about all this stuff when you might want to use one of these applications over a different application as far as the noise is concerned i've said this many times in my opinion it's the best noise reduction software made it's super powerful and with that said you don't always need to use it i mean most often we're shooting at the lowest native iso of our camera most often that's iso 100 some cameras it might be 64 others it might be 200 the number doesn't matter you're just at a really low uh iso and because you're shooting at that low iso you don't have a lot of noise and if you don't have a lot of noise applications like lightroom capture one on one luminar all those applications will remove noise and those images just fine you don't need the noise so don't think you need to use it on every image only time i use denoise is when i have an image that was shot at a super high iso well what's super high well it depends on the camera you know some of my newer cameras a super high iso is like maybe six thousand four hundred but on some of my older cameras it was like 800 and you know it was whatever you know situation i was in where i used an iso that produced a lot of noise in the final image and when i tried to remove that noise in let's say lightroom i either couldn't do it or lightroom just softened the image so much that it i lost a lot of sharpness so then in those situations i'll use denoise for this specific image here was shot at a pretty high iso if i zoom in let's say to 100 you can see there's a lot of i i a lot of grain there a lot of noise there so in this type of image if i tried to remove the noise in lightroom let's say i would just soften it too much i'd lose too much detail so i'd use the noise the noise works great and also i want to get it over to the noise as soon as possible the sooner you could get an image into the noise the better it will do its job if you add a lot of saturation to an image a lot of contrast to an image a lot of sharpening to an image and then you try to send it over to denoise denoise will have a harder time getting rid of that noise so do minimal processing on the image and send it to the noise in its full resolution meaning don't crop it crop later denoise works best when it has a lot of pixels to work with so this is the full resolution image i'll send it over into de noise and with that let's go to a different view for those of you not familiar with denoise you actually have three different noise reduction modes that you could choose from it has denoise ai it has ai clear which is a whole different algorithm for removing noise and it has low light algorithm as well so if you have an image that was shot in relatively low light and that noise might be a little more difficult to remove well it has a mode that takes care of that so if i update my previews here you can see that it will go through and it will show you all three modes and you could choose which one works best there's the original in the top left hand corner it looks like denoise ai did a pretty good job with the noise the noise ai mode there might be a little bit of noise in here i could come in and just move the sliders around and you know try to improve it or i could look at low light mode light mode might have softened it a little bit too much so in this case here i might want to come in and add a little more sharpening here so i don't need to send it to sharpen ai i could do it here maybe i preferred the noise ai mode but here i would add a little bit more noise reduction and you know that way you could just pick which one works best now once you remove the noise and in an image like this where you want to crop it then send it over to gigapixel now i have the same image in gigapixel and you could crop using the gigapixels gigapixel's own crop tool or you could crop like if you're using denoise as a lightroom plug-in you send the image over to noise remove that noise the image comes back into lightroom then i could crop in lightroom if i want to if i prefer to then send it into a gigapixel in this case i'll just use their crop tool and i'll go to the original ratio and so it's going to be a pretty substantial crop so in this case here definitely want to use gigapixel but i already reduce noise in the image i don't have to worry about noise so i could just take the suppressed noise slider down if i want to um try it as you know in auto mode if i want let's go to 2x so i'm going to make it twice as big and we'll update the um or we could go to a different view let's go to the side by side view just so you could see and we'll update the preview and so what it will do now is it will actually show you a rendition of what the image will look like once it's blown up and much larger and because i'm at a zoom of 19 it's going to take a longer time because it has to show us every single pixel so i'll just uh pause the video and we'll jump ahead once it's done okay it's done it did the um enlarging and we'll zoom in a little bit you can see that it did a fine job right so it just kind of you know made the image larger so i could now get a larger print from this image because i used gigapixel but because i used a noise first i don't really have to worry about the suppressed noise slider that much and because the image was sharp to begin with and we used some of that sharpening that was in the noise we really didn't have to use too much sharpening in gigapixel so you can see how they kind of overlap um you know it's really every image is different some images i may need to do sharpening in both the noise and gigapixel other images i may not only need to do the sharpening into noise some images i won't use denoise at all i just did everything in lightroom even cropped it but i want to send it to gigapixel and in those images it's on an image by image basis whether or not i'm going to suppress noise or remove any blur with that so that's kind of the order of operation as far as those two applications are concerned we haven't really talked about sharpen ai yet now sharpen ai um really you don't need it most of the time i'm assuming that most of your images are going to be sharp most of us with cameras nowadays could you know get a sharp image most of the time in those cases you don't need sharpen ai uh you could use just the sharpening that's in lightroom capture one on one luminar all those apps right those that sharpening and clarity and texture and all those different options you have in those applications will be fine where you're going to want to use sharpen ai is when you miss focus when you have camera shake or subject motion blur in one of those situations then you're going to want to use sharpen ai now in this instance i have this image of the macaque and i didn't now focus if you look over here in the top left hand corner there's the original image and you could see that i missed focus on it also the macaque was walking actually on two legs towards me and there might be a little bit of um kind of motion blur as well so as we look at it we look at the sharpen here and that's okay but it looks like stabilize is actually a little better and it maybe focus might be even a little better so you can see we have the three different modes here sharpen stabilize and focus so again in most instances you probably won't need sharpen ai at all where you want to use it is when you have an issue and in this case i missed focus um other times there just might be motion blur uh because the subject was moving and you didn't use a fast enough shutter speed or maybe used a slow shutter speed and there was a little bit of camera shake and you need to get rid of that a lot of times in street photography it starts getting dark you're using you know you know an aperture priority your shutter speed might go way down and you didn't realize it and you'll have like a blurry shot because you were shooting at like i don't know one-fifth of a second when you should have been shooting at one 125th of a second so those instances that's when you're going to want to use sharpen ai and you have the options here too also or an option here to do noise suppression as well but again definitely use denoise if you're shooting at a higher iso and you need to get rid of that noise the noise will do the best job the noise reduction that is available in sharpen ai and gigapixel ai isn't comparable to the noise reduction that is in the noise ai the noise ai is specialized for noise reduction and it will do a way better job than the noise reduction in either of these other two applications so you know definitely use the noise ai when you need it otherwise you don't just you know reduce noise in lightroom or you could use you know one of the other applications here just to remove minor noise so hopefully that made sense what i was saying because actually i got three emails probably over the last two weeks from people that were a little confused about which one to purchase now as far as which one you should purchase that's really up to you if you're most often shooting at high iso a lot of times us wildlife photographers um we're shooting at you know isos above 1000 above 1600 then you're going to probably want to get to noise on the other hand um if you're often shooting in situations that cause blur whether it's camera blur motion blur or your camera just can't achieve focus for some reason all the time then you're probably going to want to have sharpen ai and then if you really just have a camera with a kit lens and you're often cropping and really tight you're probably going to want to have gigapixel ai it's best if you could get all three but they are kind of expensive and i do understand that i do have a discount code for it i'll have in the description below the video along with links uh to their product thank you everyone who watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 42,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz Labs, Gigapixel ai, Tutorial, Photography, Upscaling, Upsizing, Photo Editing, Photography Tutorial, gigapixel, how to, topaz labs, topaz studio, topaz studio 2, topaz sharpen ai, topaz mask ai, topaz denoise ai, topaz gigapixel, bird photography, ai upscaling, topaz gigapixel ai, topaz adjust, landscape photography, morganti, anthony morganti, wildlife photography, topaz adjust ai, nature photography, topaz denoise ai review, topaz coupon, sharpen ai, denoise ai
Id: PIhDiemVtpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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