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today i'm working with topaz gigapixel ai lightroom and topaz the noise ai i'm calling this episode topaz gigapixel ai plus lightroom extreme cropping tips stay tuned hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly thanks for joining me today hey this is a follow-up video to a video i've done in the past called topaz gigapixel ai best workflow for cropping images now on that video i explained different reasons why i do things the way i do them so i'm going to link that video at the end of this video there's one thing that topaz gigapixel ai does not have yet and i hope they add this in a future update and that is the ability to straighten out an image that is slanted they don't have a way in there to straighten out your image and i want to use this video to address that problem and how you can go around fixing it using my workflow i also want to thank ken tony for the use of this image that i'm going to use in our example today i also want to take this time just to thank all of my viewers for tuning in to my channel and for liking sharing subscribing this really helps me and my channel to grow and i appreciate that if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon that way every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it hey and don't forget leave comments and questions i really want to hear from each and every one of you let's get a dialogue going i really like this image but i think it needs a really nice crop on it to really set it over the top and we're going to use gigapixel to do that now it is slightly on an angle so we need to straighten it up a bit and remember we can't use gigapixel to do that i'm starting out here in lightroom classic by the way now i usually refer to lightroom classic as lightroom because remember that's what its original name was and it's hard for me to change so when i say lightroom i really mean lightroom classic forgive me for that but it's hard for me to change after all these years let's come up to the basic panel let me open this up and you can see i made some basic adjustments here now whenever i'm going to run an image into denoise ai or sharpen ai i do no presence adjustments for instance texture clarity or dehaze and as you can see i'm going to zoom into this image here this image was shot at iso 2500 i'm zoomed in to 300 so you can see there's a lot of noise in there so we need to take care of it it may be sharp enough i'm not sure it might be slightly soft we might get away with just top sd noise ai but we might have to run it into sharpen ai as well i'm not sure yet but we'll come to that determination when we get to it but for now we definitely need to run it into denoise ai and if you're going to use the noise ai and sharpen ai both i recommend that you use denoise first okay so again some basic adjustments here and then in the detail section i apply no sharpening and no noise reduction but i do use the the defaulted setting of 25 that lightroom gives me for color noise removal okay and i find that works best if you do that so you could try it out yourself and see what you think but i think it does a great job and the other thing i've done was under lens corrections is i always have my remove chromatic aberrations checked on enable profile corrections checked on and next up i'm going to go ahead and straighten out the image and i could actually send it into denoise ai first but i'm going to go ahead and straighten it out first because i don't want to forget to do that so i'm going to straighten it and after i straighten it then we'll send it into denoise ai because remember gigapixel does not have a means of straightening out a slanted image so we have to do that first and so we're going to go ahead and take care of that right here in lightroom with the crop tool so all we need to do is come up to the crop tool and go ahead and give it a click let's grab the angle tool right here and let's just click and drag a line across here and straighten out this image just like this and now the image is straight so now we can send it into a gigapixel it's a pretty large file we just we're just losing this little bits here and here and over here so not much and the other thing is you want to make sure you keep this on original in other words you you can crop it to any aspect ratio you want but don't do that here in lightroom save that for once you get into gigapixel ai and then you could use any aspect ratio you want okay our image is straight click right here to close the crop and now we can send it in to denoise ai for noise removal i'll right click my image with my mouse and go to edit in and denoise a i which is right here topaz de noise ai i'm going to send it in as a tiff file pro photo rgb that's the largest color space that's the one i use adobe rgb is fine as well 16 bit depth you have your choice between 16 and 8 i always choose 16 because you'll get better editing results when you do i'm going to use the resolution of 300 anywhere between 240 and whatever your printer requires my printer is an epson printer it likes 360. i'm just going to use 300 today and now all i need to do is click edit and it will send it into topaz the noise ai with all of my adjustments lightroom adjustments on it the crop will be a part of it so i'll just go ahead and click edit and now we'll go ahead and denoise it after it opens up denoise is now open i'm in the comparison view now i have a bunch of videos showing how topaz the noise ai works so i'm not going to waste a lot of time here but i like the comparison view so i can take a look at the three models here standard clear and low light this is standard and the bottom left hand corner is clear on the right bottom right is low light in the top upper left corner is the original image that i can compare all these results too now we also have a new severe noise model this image was iso 2500 so i definitely don't need that and uh i'm going to go ahead and zoom into 200 and hopefully you'll be able to see this better it'll go ahead and re-render all these different previews okay they're all rendered i think i like the standard the best and it makes the most sense for me because it's not a super high iso image so i don't need low light and i'm generally using either standard low light or severe noise and i have a lot of images that i've shot with very high isos and i need that severe noise but generally it's either going to be low light severe noise or standard for my general workflow i very rarely ever use the clear model but i like to move around and see different parts of my image and i can see and i don't know if you can see it right here under standard which is the one i'm going to use there's a little bit of noise right here and usually what i like to do and here's another little tip when you're in view once you pick the model that you like go to the uh side by side view and now you can get a little bigger display of what's going on here so that's that's a really good tip i almost forgot to do that but i can see a slight amount of noise like right in this area right in the water right here just a very slight amount so i'm in the auto settings here and it generally does a good job but i'm just going to give it a little bit of extra remove noise and we'll let that render out right there i think is really good now let's go back over the bird and let's see if it's sharp enough here and it looks relatively sharp um i think i can get a little more sharpness out of it i'm going to go ahead and leave the enhanced sharpness on the default setting i think it looks good but i think i might run this through topaz sharpening i just see if i can get a little more sharpness out of it okay but i think i'm happy with all my settings right now all i need to do is click apply that'll send us back into lightroom and next i'll send it in to sharpen ai and now we're back in lightroom with our denoised image so let me zoom in to 300 and you can see that noise is totally gone but we might be able to get a little more sharpness out of here so let me right click it go to edit in and we'll go to sharpen ai if i can find it right here topaz sharpen ai now we could send it out as a copy with lightroom adjustments which is fine edit it as a copy or edit the original just to save file space i'm going to edit this original denoised image it's a tiff file okay so i'll edit the original i don't have to adjust any settings here just send it into sharpen ai just the way it is i'll click edit here we are in sharpen a i now i have my image quality set to auto so it's going to pick the model that it thinks best for this image and it's saying it's a motion blur and i tend to agree with that but let's go ahead and zoom in to like say 200 percent and see what we get here and yeah that looks really good now it's sharpening some areas back up in here which i wish it wouldn't sharpen up in here so i'm going to use the uh mask to take care of that and i'm going to use the edge-aware technology too and you'll see and i'll let it also pick the subject you'll see it's really a really cool feature in here when you're doing masking but i think that looks good the remove blur looks good so compare the image on the left to the image on the right you can see it's a lot sharper i don't want to over sharpen it but check the fish out and the and the beak of the heron i believe it is and everything looks really really good so now let's go ahead and click mask and once the mask opens up here right now see where it says find sub objects right here if we click this and it says this is a bird and it's and i have bird checked on right here and if it's not checked just give it a check but make sure you also have overlay turned on and now i'm going to check on bird and watch what happens it selects that bird now it missed a couple spots like the tail of the fish and around the head of the bird and right back here and it overshot here but i'll show you how we can use edge aware technology to tighten up this mask now notice we have a brush tool and we can use shortcuts left and right bracket keys to make this larger or smaller typical stuff and we can use the x key to change from subtract to add right now i want to add so i'm just going to paint along here and my edge aware technology is checked on i'm going to go around the head of the bird right here and then i'm going to take care of this tail right here as well it does a really great job and then i need to subtract some of these areas here so i'm going to type my x key and with that edge where turned on i'm just going to come down around here and we don't have to be too accurate here because it's you know sharpen ai has done a really great job of not sharpening areas it doesn't need to sharpen so we can be pretty quick here and but we can use that edge-wear technology to really help out i'm just going to remove it from some of these areas in here and just like that that is where technology grabs onto things as you can see and that's good and oh i missed the spot here so i'm going to go to add brush right here add this in at this little section in here and now i'm going to x again to go to a subtract brush and just paint along here like so and that edgeware technology does a really great job it latches on i'm going to be a little sloppy here and show you how i can fix this okay and i'm going to come up through here and paint in here as well and that does a really good job i missed this spot right here excellent and now i'll just switch this to a ad brush by typing x make my brush a little smaller now with a left bracket key and paint here paint here and you get the idea but just like that it does a really good job and that's really all we need to do now we can go ahead and shut our overlay off and see what kind of a job we've done yeah you can see everything is sharp that i need to be sharp on this on the bird and on the fish this area right here i can make my brush a little bit smaller if i want to paint along here yeah and that sharpens that up a little bit and study your uh bird and make sure everything is sharp that you need to get sharp i'm sure i may have missed a spot there but forgive me this is a tutorial i'm going a little on the fast side here but i'm happy with everything then all we need to do now is click apply the mask it applies the mask and then we can really examine it and make sure everything is good you can always click this mask again and go back in and make some changes if you need to and once you're totally satisfied click apply and that'll send you back into lightroom and now we're back in lightroom with our sharpened bird let me zoom in to 300 so you can see i have a nice sharpened bird here and next we need to send this into gigapixel ai so i'm going to right click with this with my mouse edit in and we're going to go to gigapixel ai now i can send the original in or edit a copy i want to keep the original just in case i want to do a different crop later so i'm going to go ahead and edit a copy so we'll click here and then all we need to do is click edit and that'll send us into gigapixel ai and we can start cropping this image here we are in gigapixel ai now remember i want to crop this image so before i set anything up here i'm going to go ahead and click crop and let's go ahead and crop the image first now the aspect ratio is set at free it's free crop so you can crop it any way you like but i'm going to click the drop down and click on original because i'm going to maintain the original aspect ratio so now let's go ahead and adjust our crop for this particular image see how large we want it to be and i'm thinking maybe something like this looks pretty good right around here i think that's a really good crop now all we need to do is click apply and that will apply our crop and give it a few seconds to update itself what i want to do with this image is maintain the original file size of the image so what i'm going to do is come from scale right now it's set for scale you could do scale width or height i'm going to do width and i know uh my maximum width is 5168 so i'm just going to highlight this and type in 5168 that's the pixel count for the width and now it's going to go ahead and upscale itself and you'll notice now the dimensions are 5168 by 3447 which is the original image size now it started out as a crop of 2706 by 1805 and we up converted it to or up size it to a 5168 by 3447 which is what i want the next thing we need to do is pick an ai model and i have other videos on gigapixel ai how this all works so i'm either going to use standard or low resolution i'm going to go quick here it's either going to be one or the other so let me go ahead and zoom in let's zoom into a hundred percent and let's take a look at the image on the left the original the image on the right is the up size let me go ahead and this is standard let's try low resolution let's click on that give it a few seconds here to render so again compare the image on the left to the image on the right and i like low res i think let me click back on standard yeah i think the low res looks a little nicer now i have my settings on auto but what i want to do is take my suppressed noise and pull it back and i think i'm going to take it the whole way off because it's already been noise reduced right we've removed the noise and let's take the remove blur and let's pull it off too and see what we get because we've already sharpened it and added noise reduction so we can shut those off i don't think we need them and let's take a look at the rest of the bird here everything looks good and i like that but that's low resolution and i think i'm gonna settle with that as far as the additional settings reduce color bleed we don't have to mess with that in face refinement we don't have a face here so we don't have to mess with that either and what i like to do before i click apply and send us back into lightroom i like to just do some pixel peeping make sure there's no kind of weird artifacts because this is where a lot of people fail when they're using products like gigapixel ai they say this product isn't working well because i'm getting weird artifacts well maybe you picked the wrong uh ai model and you haven't uh went around your image to make sure you don't have any weird artifacts so i usually like to scan through the image and make sure there's no weird artifacts and that's all i'm doing right here is checking that out and we can even zoom in let's zoom in to 200 and take a look at the bird and make sure everything looks good yeah and everything looks good i'm happy with that and we can go here and even click on zoom to fit and we can change our view as well from side by side to a single view and we're at zoom to fit so there's our image with a crop we've upsized it and now it is back to the original file size of 51.68 by 3447 and now all that's left to do is click apply it'll apply this upsizing and that'll send us right back into lightroom we'll see it's going to finish here in a second and there we go now there is a little bug that they need to fix and that is when you're done you need to go up here where it says topaz gigapixel ai and click quit and now we're back in lightroom our result is safely back in lightroom we started out with this image here it needed straightened it needed cropped we sent it into denoise ai for some noise reduction then we sharpened it up a bit in topaz sharpen ai and then we send it off to gigapixel ai for cropping so we ended up now with this image here so let's look at the two images side by side i'm going to select both of these and click on this xy comparison let's shut off my side panels let me shut my lights out the image on the left is the result that was sent back from gigapixel ai the image on the right was the original image so gigapixel ai let us upsize this image and now both of these images are at the same pixel size so that's pretty cool isn't it and now we can go ahead and make prints and we can further send this into like photoshop and do further editing on it if we want to well there it is everyone i hope you enjoyed this tutorial today if you did please give it a like share it with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 6,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz, Topaz Labs, Topaz GigaPixel Ai, Topaz Sharpen Ai, Topaz DeNoise Ai, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, LR, Upsizing, Upscaling, Tips, Promo Code, davidkelly, Photography, Photo Editing
Id: fi2Z3w06jG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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