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hi everyone anthony morgante here i was able to get a working version of luminar neo and in today's video i'm going to show it to you [Music] [Music] they're not calling this a beta version they're calling it the media version and they wanted me to mention that the workspace isn't finalized yet so when it is released it may look a little different than what you're seeing in this video also it's not optimized yet for speed although i must say that my limited use of it so far on my imac it's running very very fast also i noticed some things are still missing for example i don't see layers yet and it's going to have layers when it is released i also notice some things don't seem to be operating quite right and they did mention that will be you know a factor with this media version but when it is released that will all be taken care of now let's just look at it first of all it's very similar to luminar ai you have a catalog like module and you have the edit module in the catalog module right now you have the folders on the left similar to luminar ai and you have the images here in the middle i have this image here you can see i favorited it his little heart next to it over on the right hand side you have a drop down you could jump from the folders that are over here you could just do it in the drop down as well you could sort them different ways i have them sorted by capture time the previews right now i'm using large previews you could change that to largest or maybe medium or small i prefer large at least right now also you can export from here too you click this little icon here and you can export it to disk messages in my case because i'm using a mac my mac mail and connect which i think is going to be for the mobile version that you'll be um be tying into this and i'll have more on that when that is actually released as well now um you noticed i favorited this one you just like hover over an image and click on the little heart and favorite them you can click on the little heart again to remove that you could double click on the image while you're in the catalog module and at the bottom you could reject it you could also see a before after this is an unedited image and you could zoom in right now i'm on fit to screen when you're ready to edit an image you just click on edit over here and again it looks very similar to luminar ai you have all the tools over here on the right hand side now for this image i'm just going to do a very quick edit on it and then i'm going to show you where some things are located because some of the tools are kind of nested into some other tools for this i'm going to replace the sky all right now i don't have my favorite ocudrone skies uh loaded in here yet but i will be loading those some days uh someday i i mention occudrone a lot those are my kind of go-to uh skies let me see if i can find something i like though with the built-in skies that come with luminar neo i don't know don't like any of these i guess i'm spoiled by my akidrones guys all right let's just go with that one because i'm wasting a lot of time and we have the reflection in there and everything let's just keep it as is and then what i'd probably do is i go up to the enhance and i just enhance it like this sky enhance a little bit and let's just say that's enough for now now as we look over on the right hand side at the very top we have the crop ai and with crop ai you could um ask it to come up with a crop that it think thinks is fitting for this image by just clicking this button here and you can see it's tightened it up quite a bit let's just say we accept that just close down the crop iai tool and below that we have the develop tool which is your typical develop tool it starts out with exposure smart contrast highlights and shadows we have blacks and whites curves see how these are all nested together uh color so you could adjust white balance here and saturation and vibrance sharpness noise reduction optics auto correct and auto defringe and you could manually correct as well if you find the need to do that below that we have the enhance i just used that below that we have the erase tool within the erase tool are nested two of the new tools that are found in luminar neo that aren't in luminaria and that is remove power lines and remove dust spots so they're inside the erase tool so you can find those there structure a lot of this is going to be the same that structure ai i should say and this is uh just color so you have saturation volume vibrance remove color cast of course this is repeated that was found up there earlier and we have the hsl panel below it below that we have black and white so if you want to convert it to black and white and adjust your black and white mix you would do that here detail so you could add small details medium details now that change and also nested in their details masking and sharpening masking denoise and insert there's some advanced settings there as well landscape so you could add like dehaze kind of really add a lot more contrast make it more of a golden hour look with that and if there were foliage here you could enhance foliage although i don't like moving that slider that seems to make the foliage um a little bit too intense in my opinion um we have a vignette and we have more advanced settings for the vignette there as well then we have the creative settings we have relight ai this is new uh in this so you could re-light the image with that we have um the sky adjustment that i just did atmosphere adjustments you could add fog layered fog mist and haze that of course is in luminar ai sun rays that's been in luminar 4 and and on dramatic if you want to give it this kind of over the top hdr look you could do that as well mood these are luts comes in with some built-in luts that you could add uh so you could add like kind of a look to the image there uh toning this is a typical like split toning for the shadows and highlights uh matte look so if you want to give it kind of a matte kind of look like a film look you could do that as well mystical is just kind of a you know kind of a glow i guess kind of look below that is glow with some advanced settings there don't forget those you want to add film grain you could do that as well portrait tools it still has those as was in luminar ai in that it has the face skin body has a high key look it has portrait bokeh this is when you have a person in it and you could blur the background behind them it's really not true bokeh like you would get from a lens it's just blur but it is there and you could use it and then below that we have a couple professional tools um super contrast and color harmony and within color harmony our color contrast split color warmth and color balance so most of these tools are in luminar ai and um so there's not much difference there but it does have those added tools like to remove power lines automatically remove dust spots uh do the portrait bokeh and uh relight i believe is new correct me i'm wrong you know everything runs together because i do so many videos on so many different uh types of software but i think relight ai is new for this version as well in the next release of this the so this will be like luminor neo 1.0 you should see all these tools in luminar neo 1.1 they're supposed to have mask ai included with that and a couple other tools as well and that will be a free upgrade if you purchase luminar neo 1.0 you'll have a free upgrade to luminar neo 1.1 so that's just a quick kind of overview of luminar neo let me know in the comments below where you'd like me to go with this what do you want me to demonstrate since i have this quote media version i'm more than happy to try to demo stuff with it and if there's anything you specifically want me to demo let me know and i'll see if i could do a video thank you everyone who watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 6,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, post processing, lightroom, photoshop, luminar ai, luminar neo, is luminar neo replacing luminar ai, is luminar neo better than luminar ai, what does luminar neo do that luminar ai doesn't, replace a sky in luminar, luminar sky replacement, bokeh ai, portrait bokeh ai, luminar download, remove power lines from a picture, blur the background of a photo, does luminar have layers, how to use luminar, is luminar neo better than lightroom, is luminar better than lightroom
Id: E-D5eTplWkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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