TK7 GO PANEL: Luminosity Masks UnMasked (Dodging and Burning, EP 1)

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this is a new series i'm starting called tk7 go panel luminosity masks unmask this is episode 1 entitled dodging and burning hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly again this is the first episode on luminosity mast sun mask and this one's going to be about dodging and burning now one of the things i absolutely love to do is dodge and burn my images and luminosity masks are great for doing that they really will help you out and by the way as an introduction to this series these are going to be shorter videos just giving you little uh bits of information that you can go back and watch later like if you forget you know how do i dodge and burn through luminosity masks you can go back and i'll put these in a playlist and you'll be able to go back there and say how do i dodge and burn with luminosity mass go to that playlist find that title and that'll give you some help well let's get started now my tk7 go panel is up here and if yours is in here that's okay it could be wherever you want it to be like for instance i could take this panel i can click and drag this out and put it on my desktop if i want to i can put it back in here i could come up here and save this as a workspace a new workspace in other words you can drag things around on photoshop and and then save them as a new workspace and you can always get back to that workspace or go to a different workspace and the other thing is i have these uh this tk7 cx panel right here which has my different uh i call this my swiss army knife i can do many different things with this particular panel here i can create layers i can make adjustments i can save images from here i can do many different things and i'm going to save that for another video but i have this panel right here and again i could take this panel and drag it out i can move it back in here so if you're wondering how in the heck did dave do that that's how i did it and again once you get things set up the way you want you can come up here and save save that workspace and then there's another i want to show you this under window here this is where you find all your panels under extensions and they're going to be in here and you notice these are my panels opened up that are checked the tk7cx and the go panel and the uh tk7 rapid mask panel i don't have it opened up but it's right here and there's another panel called the tk7 combo panel let me open that one up for you and that's this guy right here it's the same as the cx panel only it's in a different uh layout so whichever you like you may say i like this format better and you might want to put it over here or anywhere you want or just leave it on the desktop you can move it around anywhere you want it okay if you don't want it just click x but i like the cx so i just thought i'd start this video out this has nothing to do with dodging and burning but it might help you out because you may be saying dave how the heck did you get your workspace set up so that's just a brief explanation of how i did it and now on to dodging and burning through luminosity masks our first step is going to be to come over to the tk7 go panel now we have different choices here now generally i'm going to show you my preferred method and again these videos are meant to be short and sweet we could use zone masks here to do this we could use a color range mask but i'm going to use my favorite which is this icon right here i'm going to click it and open it i'm going to refer to these as my standard bread and butter luminosity masks now i don't want to overwhelm you but you see all these different things here like rgb cmy representing different color channels and things like that but what i want you to pay attention to are the darks here numbers one two three four five and six and the lights represented with these numbers one two three four five and six and then mid tones we're only interested right now in the darks for burning and the lights for dodging and as a reminder don't forget anytime you hold down your alt or option key and hover over any one of the icons here you're going to get help information okay which is going to be very helpful how about that what i'm going to do today is make a selection i'm not really making a layer mask today i'm making a selection and what i'm going to do is dodge through that selection i know that sounds confusing but you'll see how that works here shortly now notice our image looks like a black and white image and it's real and it is a black and white image but it's actually a lights one luminosity mask that's what's represented on the screen right now and if you ever want to see the original image just come up here see this icon give it a click now notice the image here i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do and i generally dodge and burn in stages right now i'm going to show you how to dodge and burn the highlights in this mountain area here and some of the highlights in the water i'm not worried about the sky or the trees or any other part of the image right now so that's what i'm focused on so i'm going to click this icon again and get back to my lights one luminosity mask now i need to narrow this range down i want to make these light areas light and i want to make the other areas that are not highlights darker and i'll do that with luminosity mask so to do that i'm going to go to mask lights 2 and you see the range gets narrower the lights are still here but the the other areas got darker now i'm going to go to a 3. what i'm trying to do is narrow the range down and i think that's gonna be the one i want number three but let's go to four and see and now i'm losing my highlights down in my water so i'm gonna go back to a three and now you see the light areas come back to my water and that's good and now it's time to modify our mask so now we move into step two pretty simple right and there's this a button here if i hold my alt or option key down it says normalizes the mask to a full range of black and white tones so let's go ahead and click that and you see it changes my lights get lighter my blacks get blacker and then we have paint brushes here that we can use black paint white paint we can paint on our mask i don't need to do that today we can expand our mask contract it we can invert it click this see how it inverts it but we we don't want to invert it because we're working with lights and we can make calculations i don't need to work with these but what i do want to do is make my light areas a little bit lighter so i'm going to take this level adjustment here take the right hand slider move it to the left and notice how my lights get lighter okay something like that it's looking really good in the water and on the mountains but i want my blacks to get blacker or my dark tones to get darker so i'll move the left hand side of the of the level here and see how they get darker now you don't want to go too crazy because you want to keep nice uh feathering along the edges here so that's cool and i think i'm set up pretty nice here so now what will be happening is the light areas will be selected the dark areas or the gray areas will be selected less the black areas won't be selected at all and i'll be dodging only the light areas next up we dodge so let's come back over the go panel and we've already done the modification uh settings and now we can go to output so now we're going to do dodging so we need to pick an icon here that's going to let us dodge and it's this guy right here now there's two different methods in here one method i'm going to hold the option key down so you can read it this creates a transparent dodge layer set to over set to an overlay blend mode loads the mask preview as a selection selects the brush tool and sets the foreground color to white then you adjust the brush size and opacity and you dodge and paint in the light areas that you want and tony gives you another method that's this method right here and i don't use it and it creates a 50 gray dodge layer set to an overlay blend mode i don't really use that when i'm i'm a big fan of the first method i showed you so that's one we're going to use today so let's go ahead and click on this right side of this icon right here and so we'll click it and i want you to notice a couple things right down here it made us a new layer called dodge white paint and it gave us a blank pixel layer and it gave us white paint here but notice up here i have this pulsing red line in my tk7 cx panel and also on my go panel i have this red line right here that's letting me know that i have a selection and in order to see that selection if you click right here you'll notice there's my selection now it may not be going over every light area but believe me it is these are just called marching ants and it just lets us know hey there's a selection sometimes when you have a selection you won't even see it marching in so don't even worry about that tony hides these by default so you really don't have to see them and i like to refer to dodging with this method as dodging with training wheels that selection we made is going to help us only to dodge the areas that need to be dodged and other areas won't be dodged okay but this lets us know we have a selection and if we want to ever deselect something when you click this uh plus minus select here notice my red lines go away now if i click this again my selection comes back so that's kind of important but you need that selection there because we're going to be dodging through the selection but i just wanted to show you that you do have a selection but it is hidden now all we need to do is paint so we have white paint i have my brush and i'm set though an opacity of 40 and i generally keep my opacity anywhere between 20 to 40 and build my adjustments up slowly as needed and i want to point something out i was trying to adjust my brush size for the size i want you know because i'm painting on these uh mountains here you know in these light areas right here i haven't painted yet by the way but i was having an issue i couldn't adjust my brush and the reason being is see where it says tk right here i clicked this i had my selection indicator set to uh pulse uh when it was impulse it was it was screwing me up so if you have a problem like that just put it back to fixed okay i like the pulsing because it flashes at you but i generally don't use it now i remember why i don't use it i turned it on for the video so you could see it but it's giving me an issue now i remember why i shut that off to begin with and now everyone all we need to do is paint so now when i paint over the light areas it's jus it's going to disregard the dark areas so i'm just going to paint every time i paint over a light area it's going to lay down 40 of the paint and i'm using that higher number so you can really see things happening fast okay so the areas i want light now lighter gray areas they will lighten up as well but not as not as much because there's less of a selection on them but all these light areas i can just paint freely here i don't have to worry about going over dark areas i'm only going to be affecting the light areas isn't that cool and this is why i call this uh dodging with training wheels okay so i'm just painting away and all the light areas will lighten up because i'm painting through a selection i made with my tk7 go panel alrighty so here we go so let's click this eye right here so you can see here's the before and here's the after isn't that cool and if you felt you went too much you could take the opacity and pull it back but i also want to paint some highlights in the water here so let's go ahead and paint highlights in the water any of the light areas that were in the water will get lightened up now remember every time i paint over them i'm throwing 40 percent down so forty percent plus another forty percent is eighty percent all right so let's again let's click this eye here's before and here's the after see the light and aries in the water have lit up as well got got lighter i should say lit up okay i'm gonna paint in here a little bit but that's dodging here's the before and here's the after now again we could dodge other areas of the image we would just have to make uh new masks for those different parts of the image and we'd have to adjust them accordingly i don't want this video getting too long and you'll see me doing that on other tutorials but for now i want to show you how to burn next before we move to burning i want you to pay close attention here see this this red line remember i told you that means we have a selection it is very important after you've done any kind of dodging and burning when you're burning through a selection make sure you shut that selection off and to do that you can either uh it's command or control d to deselect or you can use this action right here and so what you want to do and not this one because remember this one just hides your your marching ants okay it doesn't get rid of the selection but this one i'll leave the selection on when i click this one here watch when i click it it actually removes that selection and the red lines go away so if you see those red lines there that's not good you want to get rid of those before you do anything else and move on in your editing very important you need that selection while dodging or burning but afterwards you've got to get rid of it okay so now on to burning so what we're going to do is click the same icon right here but now we're dealing with the darks okay and we're looking for the darkest tones now right now these dark tones are dark we need to turn them light so watch what happens when i uh click on this one here notice things are inverted now these light areas are the dark areas but i need really dark areas so i'm going to keep moving down the line and you'll see what i'm saying as i move down i'm narrowing that range down see i'm hitting a really dark areas here let me go to a five and see what we get okay let me go to a four because i want to darken some of these areas see these light areas up in here these will turn dark because remember white reveals black conceals and i'm going to be painting with black paint so i'll actually be darkening areas and you'll see right now they're light but they will turn dark so i think that's really good there and i might hit this auto here just to see what happens yeah that looks pretty good maybe i'll um expand them a little bit or no i actually contracted them you could step back a step with this right here i'm going to click here step back one step and i should have hit the expand which is this icon right here that just made things a little bit lighter and i think that's good i'm going to be happy with that and so what i'm going to do now is output this to a burn layer the left side gives us a 50 gray layer in the soft light blend mode and i don't use that when i use the one on the right to do my burning and this one is uh just a blank layer in the soft light blend mode but it's going to set you up for black paint so i'm going to click this one and what it does is it puts a blank pixel layer it says burn black paint it sets me up with black paint and again i just have to choose the brush size and i'm going to start with i'm going to start with 20 i'm just going to type my 2 key and that'll change that to 20 that's a shortcut and i'm going to start burning through training wheels i'm going to start over here in these darker darks and just paint that with that 20 percent so i can just loosely paint over this whole area right in here and the dark areas will get darker now i only painted 20 let's see before and after see if i'm painting with enough paint yeah you can see it darkening up so if i hit it again i'll give it another 20 and it's good to build build things up here not to go too strong but again you're burning with those training wheels and it's going to really help you get some really great results okay so let's check this again now here's the before and after you see that now in this area in here i might have to really use a lot more paint volume here so i'm going to bring my paint up to about 80 percent i know that sounds like a lot but these areas are not quite as light i mean in the mask the mask area is a lot more in the grayer side of things so it's going to take a lot more to make these things push through here for the darks to push through not things the dark stave the darks let me hit it one more time i'm actually so 80 and 80s 160 but i'm only really adding a hundred percent to it because once you hit uh the hundred threshold that's all you get let's see if that's going to be enough so let's do before and after so watch these mountains back here here's the before and here's the after yeah see how it's just darken them up but look how nice of a job that's doing now let me go into my trees here i'm gonna back this off to about forty percent and paint in here just to paint in the shadow areas of the trees and that'll set the highlights out by darkening up the shadows a bit so watch now watch these trees here when i do a before and after before and after but you see how that works and then i could come down into the water and i'm going to leave it at 40 and try here make my brush a little bit bigger and just paint over this entire area right in here just like so let's do before and after now watch the water area there that was with 40 of paint yeah just darken it up a little bit when you're painting through luminosity mask you can be very sloppy because the again it's like painting through training wheels now let's look at the overall image before and after i'm just gonna hold my option or alt key down and click on the background layer the eyeball there's before and there's the after now that's just some minimal dodging and burning i didn't do anything to the sky but the foreground in the mountains and again here is the before and here's the after and remember you can always pull back in these opacities if you felt you went too far now don't forget see these red lines we have a selection here so remember shut that selection off by clicking right here you don't want to hide the marching ants you want to actually get rid of it so it's command or control d or click this button right here and we get rid of our selection the red lines go away now also take note if i option click this layer this black paint burn layer option click it you can see can you see that how how that burning took place there look how accurate and perfect that was all the dark areas are the areas i darken down in the in the water and in the mountains and things like that and then if i uh option click again we'll say our image back but then if i option click the dodge layer see you can you see the white paint that i painted through just in certain areas okay and that's a transparent layer that's where you see the checkerboard pattern but that's how accurate and a perfect job you can do with your dodging and burning i hope that's exciting to you well there it is everyone i'm sorry the video took a little longer than i thought but there's a lot of explaining it's really not that hard once you start doing it so go back and watch the video you might need to watch it once or twice but you'll get the hang of it try it out and you'll see and here is uh tony's webpage i'll link this in the description below i'm not affiliated with him but i love his panels they're 29 you can get a video guide that goes with it for 49 so it's totally up to you i highly recommend them uh if you enjoyed my tutorial today please give it a like share it with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click the bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing [Music] you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 8,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK7 Go Panel, TK7, Luminosity Mask, Layer Masks, Photoshop, Tutorial, Photo Tutorial, Photo Editing, Image Pop, Creative Editing, Dodging and Burning, Dodge, Burn, Luminosity Masks UnMasked, Episode One, Episode 1, Photography
Id: aPq5PLLRyr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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