TK8 PLUGIN for PHOTOSHOP: Working With Selections

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hey everyone it's tk friday and boy do i have a show for you today this one is called working with selections we're using the tk8 plugin for photoshop you're going to want to watch this one the whole way through you're going to learn a lot of new stuff today stay tuned hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly yeah it's tk friday i'm really excited about this episode a lot of new revelations came to me when i started putting this episode together and uh it's all about selections but we're gonna be working with masking and color masks zone masks luminosity mass and we're going to be working with the mass calculator we're starting out simple i'll be working on two images today i'm going to provide download links in the description below this video i highly encourage that you download them and work along with me because when you do these techniques yourself it really cements what you're learning and that's very a very powerful way of learning if you don't yet have the tk8 plugin for photoshop and you want to get it or if you don't have any uh training videos from sean bagshaw i'll leave you tony's link in the description below this video it'll take you right there and use my promo code dk15 you'll save 15 off of anything on tony's web store and now to the first image the flamingo all i want to do in this image is darken the water in the background a little bit but i really want to bring out these ripples i think it'll really enhance this image if i bring these ripples out and i'm going to show you how i'm going to do it i originally was doing it a different way and i'll show you the result i got on this image right here i use the subject selection tool and that's photoshop subject selection tool and it did a really good job i had to go to uh s m select and mask the subject and do some painting around it you know it took a little bit of work and then i had to intersect it with a mask and i got these results but you'll notice i have these little white lines in here and that was bugging me and i came up with a way to get rid of those lines but then when i went to make this video this morning a thought hit me i had an epiphany and i thought i think i know a better way of doing this and i'm going to show that to you now so i'm kind of excited about this let's start from scratch let's get this image grab a color mask tool because you know in this particular image now all images are different and they all require different techniques but this image has a defined blue water and a defined flamingo color with a lot of black in here so i think i can get a really good selection with a color mask and that's my reason for using a color mask so let's try it click on the color mask and let's select some blue back here and click ok and then what we want to do at that point is we want to refine this mask let's take this slider and drag it let's drag it the whole way over to the right like this just like that that's all we want to do but the next thing i want to do is i'm trying to select the water and i'm not even going to have to invert the flamingo when i selected the subject i had to actually invert the subject okay this time i don't have to because i want to select the water okay so what i'm going to do is take this levels adjustment here and keep moving it to the left until that background turns a solid white color and that'll select the water perfectly like a perfect selection right there isn't that really cool and the next step is let's click save we don't have to do this but it's not a bad idea to save this you went through all this work to make this selection so let's go ahead and save it as a channel by clicking right here and let's give it a name let's just call it water because in reality we are selecting water because it is in white okay we could also invert it and save out the flamingo if we wanted to as well but that's just an extra tip i don't think i'll be using that but you can do that and then after we do that we want to load this as a selection so let's click this icon right here that loads it as a selection and next we want to go to my channels click on my channels and what we're going to do is click active selection right because that selection is still active so click that and there's our selection right and now we're going to grab the mask calculator our trusty mask calculator this is a wonderful tool in the tk8 plugin for photoshop i love it we're going to intersect it okay so click on intersect now let's x out of here and now i'm going to use another one of my favorite masking tools and that's the zone mess so click on the zone mask i want to bring out these ripples in the water right so let's pick some of these ripples like this darker color right here click this and click ok now it's selected those ripples now what i want to do is make that selection lighter by dragging the slider to the right i'm not going to go quite the whole way but then i'm going to narrow that selection in a little bit so we really define those ripples you see that maybe not quite as much maybe right right around there so these ripples will get more of the adjustment okay and after i do that we gotta click equals and that will make our mask now you'll notice how nicely defined this mask is i don't have those weird white edges around the edge here i have a little bit of white around here from the intersection but believe me i made tests earlier and that does not affect this image at all but if it would have i have a way around it i can correct it but i'm not going to show you that now because we really don't need to do that i'll save that when that issue comes up in another video we've created our mask now all we need to do is output it so what do you think i would output it to if you're thinking my favorite tool like dave you use this constantly and i do the color grading tool so i'm going to click the color grading tool well i'll put it to a color grading tool and check this out all i need to do at this point is click on this midtones gray block right here and take this slider luminosity slider and drag it to the left and look i darken my water i darken my ripples look here's the before and here's the after see how the ripples really pop and it does a beautiful job all around the bird now the bird just pops off the page or the print i should say or the image okay here's the before and here's the after just that simple so that was a selection without using any selection tools that was a selection by using a color mask we're off to a good start let's move on to our next image here's the next image it's a little more demanding what i want to do i'm going to start out and this dark sand in the front is really cool i like the contrast here i want to give it a bit of a blue tint and lighten it up because i think the blue will play nicely with these brown orangey stones and i'm going to do something with these tones as well and then i'm going to bring some clarity out in the mountain work on the sky a little bit and maybe darken down the water but i'll take it one step at a time are you ready let's get started on this i'll start by lightening up this foreground sand give it a slight blue tint to play off of these grasses here i think that's going to look nice in terms of a color grade and originally i started out with the object selection tool and i thought well i'm going to get close to the top of these little mounds and come down here that'll select that really well you know and then i'm going to have to add hold my shift key down and add to the selection over here and i didn't get a real good selection here so then i went and used the quick selection tool and tried to get this edge over here but you know it was a lot of playing around and then i had to go into select and mask and do all kind of things in there but i found a quick simple easy way by using a marquee tool and the tk8 plug-in for photoshop let me show you how i did it let me grab the marquee selection tool which right here on my panels i'm going to click that now you can see that the this lake is separating this mountain and sky from this lower area so i thought maybe the marquee tool will get this for me now i still have a selection here from the object selection tool so what i'm going to do is it'll go away when i start to add the marquee selection so i'm just going to add a marquee right along here like this just like that it makes a selection that's step number one now we have an active selection so let's come up to my channels and we can load that active selection right here i like to think of the my channels button as a gateway to getting to other areas of the tk8 panel but there's our selection now what i want to do with that selection is i'm going to and follow me closely here i'm going to intersect it by clicking on the mass calculator and clicking on the x here x out of this and now what i'll do is i'm going to use a zone mask here and the reason i'm using a zone mask because if you notice here i have a lot of dark sand it's almost black has a bit of a yellow cast to it but it's pretty much black so what i'm going to do is grab this zone mask and i'm going to pick some of these darker tones in here like right here and click ok and look how that really selects that sand really well right now i can refine that by taking this adjustment right here and sliding this to the left and you notice those grasses are being protected it's knocked out my lake back here all the dark areas are selected which i want selected don't worry about the mountain and sky because remember i'm making a calculation so let's go ahead and lighten that up a little bit i don't want to lighten it the whole way up but maybe somewhere around here is pretty good but you notice my grasses are protected i may just pull this in just a little bit more right there i think it's good let's click equals and look at my mask it's protecting my grasses it's working on my sand all i need to do at this point is click on this color grading tool you knew i was going to do that didn't you color grading tool well i'll put it to a color grading tool and now let's lighten up the sand through experimentation i found out by clicking on the black swatch and dragging this black square into blues see how i put a little blue tint on that sand which is exactly what i want i'll make it a little stronger so you can really see it okay that's probably a little too much but i just want you to really see it there and now all i need to do is drag this slider luminance slider to the right a little bit and just i just want to lighten it up a little bit and now let's take a look here is the before and here's the after but it beautifully gets all that dark sand isn't that cool now i'm going to show you a way that we can uh maybe uh darken these grasses up a little bit just to add a little more contrast here check this out this is fun i'm going to use this marquee tool again to select these grasses and i'm finding it's a very powerful tool when you just want to select a certain area of of your image and then let the power of the tk8 panel do the work for you so let's check this out i'm going to select this grass area here right like this down to here i don't have to get everything just where the grass is okay and then what i want to do is come up to let's exit out this color grading tool come up to my channels we have an active selection so let's click on active selection now i want to intersect this okay so i'm going to click on the mass calculator and you'll see where i'm going here click the x x out of this and now i used the zone mask to get the sand here but now i have some clearly defined color here these orangish brown tones right so what i'm going to do is use a what do you think color mask yeah you're right color mask and let's find some of those tones like right in here click ok and see how nicely that selects that really well and then all i have to do is click equals at this point and check it out now it's got some of the water back here but not a big deal look i can grab this black brush and i can just paint this out there's a little bit of water here but it does not affect it and so i'm just going to leave that just the way it is all right now all i need to do is grab a color grading tool so i'm going to click this right here and now i have that color grading tool with that mask and if you want to see what that mask looks like click this icon right here there's my mask beautifully targeting the grass isn't that cool and now what i want to do is color grade that grass so i'm going to click on the mid-tone block here and i generally find the mid-tone works well and what i'll do is i'm going to warm that grass up by dragging this up into the warm tones and see how it's just targeting that grass and i might just darken it up a little bit just like that just to add a little extra contrast now here's the before and here's the after so again the before and the after and i'll make it a little darker so you can really see it you see it there um but i don't want it quite that dark but again here's the before and here's after but that was simple easy and effective let's move on the next thing i want to do is add some clarity to this mountain here so the first thing i'm going to do is get a clarity action come to the tk actions on the cx panel or the combo panel whichever you're using come to clarity and let's set up an amount of clarity we want i ended up with around somewhere around like 16 to 20 pixels let's say 19 okay and click ok so you can see here's the before and here's the after now it's adding clarity everywhere but i only want it on the mountain so let's see how we can take care of that i'm going to use the same marquee tool and this time again remember we're split right across here right so what i want to do is drag a marquee right like this the whole way up like that now you might say dave you just want the mountain well let me show you how i tackle that we'll start by exiting out of the color grading tool and what we want to do now is go to my channels now remember we have an active selection so click on active selection and then what you want to do is go to the calculator it's so simple the more you watch these videos the more you try this stuff out yourself the more easy it's going to become to you okay we're going to this time subtract we were using intersect but now we're going to subtract we're going to subtract the sky from that mountain so let's click the negative here and let's x out of this and what we want to do is this time we need to select the sky i don't have a sky save down in my channels but this is really cool this is something tony showed me and i love this technique we can come right here and select the sky click this and you notice that sky will become selected and so once that sky is selected we come back to my channels and we want to load that as an active selection and now we're going to click equals and now you'll notice we have that mountain selected pretty cool right now you can see it missed the little area around the edges here we could clean that up and over on this lower mountain over here we could fix that and i'll show you how we can do that next now follow these next steps very closely load this as a selection click this icon right here and once you do that you want to come here and edit that selection so click this icon now we're going to edit the selection we're going to use the dodging dodging and burning tools to do that let's start out with the dodge tool so let's click on the dodge tool and all i'm going to do is paint on these white areas here and it'll fill in any areas that were missed okay with the dodge tool i love the fact that tony has these tools in here right it's really nice so we can get on the interior here now it doesn't have to be 100 perfect here okay but something like that now we can burn out here so let's click on the burn tool and now we're burning so we can come out here and we can start to burn those areas and clean up that area i don't really think you would actually even have to do this but i'm just showing you that you can because some of you guys want to do it you know and let's go back and grab the dodge tool again and let's just work on this just a little bit more okay and i i think we're good enough we're good to go now don't miss this next step we need to load this as a selection so you see this icon right here click it you can also save this out if you want to and it's not a bad idea to do it i'm not going to do it now i'm just going to click this to load it as a selection now the marching ants are disappeared right now but the selection is still there and you can see by the selection indicator up here and now what we need to do is follow me closely here and this is something tony taught me as well we can apply that selection right to this clarity mask by clicking this icon right here click it and there it is and now check this out here's the before and now here is the after let me go ahead and zoom in i'm going to click this plus a couple times and really zoom in so you can see so here's the before and just check them out and out the before and the after pretty nice just a couple more things to do i want to darken the sky up a little bit and darken the water down a little bit this is a lot of fun i hope you're learning and you're sticking with me and isn't this a lot of fun next i want to darken the sky and i just want to work with the tone so let's come over here to the cx panel or the combo and let's select sky by clicking right here it will select that sky now we'll come up to my channels and load that up as an active selection now i just want mid tones right so what i'm going to do is grab our trusty mask calculator we're going to intersect so type or click the x x out of here this time we're going to use luminosity mask so click on this icon right here i'm going to use mid tones 2 that's going to target the area i want and i'm going to click equals and there's my sky just that simple now it bleeds down into this mountain a little bit but that's good i want that that's going to be fine so now all we need to do is output this to a color grading tool so let's click right here i'm going to go ahead and click on the mid tone so click this block right here and what i want to do is just darken down the mid-tones a little bit so take the luminosity slider slide it to the left let's just darken it up just a little wee bit and i want to add some more magenta to the sky so let's click this block and drag it into magenta i'll over exaggerate a little bit so you can really see it but adding some magenta into the sky so here is the before and here's the after so again the before and after just that easy now that i've darkened the sky down i think this water area is a little too light so what i'm gonna do is get the object selection tool and use its artificial intelligence to select this lake just like so see what kind of a job it does yeah and i think that's good and good enough now all we need to do let's x out of the color grading tool let's go right up here and edit this okay i'm going to click right here and all i want to do here is add a little bit of blur around the edge here so i'm going to click on this little water drop here this will open up the gaussian blur dialog and 10 pixels of blur is good i'm going to click ok i'm going to output that to a selection right here and then all i have to do is come here and click on the color grading tool now watch this very closely click on the color grading tool but you must click the plus here very important if you don't it will not put the color grading tool down so watch when i click the plus now you'll see the color grading tool with my selection now if i click right here you can see there's my selection all i'm going to do is on the mid tones or no is on the highlights because there's a lot of highlights in here so i'm going to click the highlight block and just start to drag this to the left a little bit see that and it's just going to darken that water down a little bit take the edge off those really light areas of water here is the before and here's after just that simple we started out looking like this and now we look like this but this was all about selections today you may want to go back and watch this again but i think you learned a lot let me know what you think in the comments section below i really like to hear from you give me your feedback well there it is hey if you enjoyed this tutorial today please give it a like and share it with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 2,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK8, TK8 PLUGIN For PHOTOSHOP, Luminosity Masks, Color Masks, Zone Masks, Calculations, Photoshop, TK8 Multi-Mask Panel, TK8 Combo/CX Panel, Photo Editing, Photography, Training, Tutorial, TK Friday, DK15, Promo Code
Id: qeV3x4MrIiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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