DXO PHOTOLAB 5: Control Points & Control Lines (Understanding MASK SELECTIVITY, CHROMA & LUMA)

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today i'm working with dxo photo lab 5. the title of this episode is control points and control lines understanding mask selectivity chroma and luma adjustments i'm going to take a deep dive into this because i think there's a little bit of confusion sometimes when working with photo lab 5. hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly today i want to take a look at control points and now the newly added control lines in photolab 5. now i've done some videos in the past but i wanted to really look at control points and control lines let you know that you can use those together but i really wanted to take a look at the chroma and luma adjustments under mask selectivity because i think that can be a little bit confusing and at the end of this video i hope that everybody will understand how this stuff works a lot better my general workflow for editing images is working with lightroom i do basic adjustments and then i go into photoshop and do my more critical adjustments and i use the tk8 panel to do all my local adjustments in photoshop however from time to time i like to work with other software just to mix things up a little bit and i really enjoy uh dxo photo lab 5. so i've been working with it a little more closely and trying to understand the uh different tools in there especially the control points and the control lines and how the new uh mask selectivity adjustments work using chroma and luma by the way if you don't own any of dxo software including the nik collection and uh film pack five all their software is on sale right now up to 30 off up till december 31st i just want to let you know i am an affiliate with dxo if you click on my affiliate link it will take you to these sales i make a small commission and this helps keep my youtube channel going and when you use my affiliate links i appreciate that so if you missed out on the black friday sale you still have some time to save with dxo software i haven't done much with this image i have dxo smart lighting uh selective tone i pulled back in the mid tones a little bit added a little bit of clear view and as far as color is concerned not much happening there just the temperature intent as shot and i'm using deep prime as i always like to use in photolab 5. it's one of the best noise reduction softwares up there with uh topaz denoise ai it's really great software and that's about it and you can see the before and after right click to compare here's the before and here's the after but for a very few amount of adjustments i get really great results and that's one of the things i love about photolab 5 this smart lighting gives you a really nice starting point now let's move into the local adjustments you're going to find the local adjustments right here so click here and then you'll notice right now i have this thing called a control point can you see it right there if you right click you'll get this interface that comes up here your menu basically and you'll find your control points here these are the new control lines and you'll find your graduated filter here and then you have a bunch of different kind of brushing tools like the auto mask brush and just the basic brush and eraser tools and so on and so forth but this is the way you get your different type of local adjustments we're going to start out with control points so i have this control point now believe it or not the most important part of the control point is this part right here which i'm indicating to you right now this little tiny circle now this tiny circle is the actual control point now whenever you hover it over something like say for instance if i want to lighten up this tree right here it's an autumn scene i want this tree to have a little more light and maybe some more saturation i'm going to want to find a point that i want to select like for instance right here now when i click on that it's going to pick that color and that luminosity value okay so this is the important part and i think this is what's confusing whatever is behind that point right there and you can see it's orange the same color as the tree it's dealing with the actual chroma value of that point and the luminosity value of that point and then when you come up here in the menu you want to come to this section right here you see this icon go ahead and click it now that's your mask selectivity that control point is tied to the chroma and the luma value of that control point and then you have this opacity slider which controls the amount of the adjustment if you over adjusted you could pull back in that adjustment and this is the actual control point that you're working on and then you have some other adjustments that deal with that control point as well you can invert the control point you can duplicate it shut it on or off delete it now notice they're not calling it a control point here they're actually calling it a mask so it's truly a mask if you want to see what that mask looks like all you need to do is come down here and click on show masks and now you can see the mask the light areas are getting very selected where the darker areas are being less selected alright so you can see i'm right on that tree it's getting the most light so it's the most selected now you can adjust this area of influence watch if i pull this in less of that area will get selected you see that so very interesting right now check this out this is very important this mask selectivity if i take this chroma and drag it the whole way to the left you'll notice the mask changes and now i'll take the luma and take the whole way to the left now notice the mask it's nothing more than a bright area here in the center a light area which means all this area in here is being selected and it graduates off until it hits this line right here okay so it graduates out from there this is how the mask selectivity works in other words this point right here in the center i'm dealing with the chroma value of that point and the luminosity value of that point so in other words if i take this luma value now remember that's kind of a kind of a mid tone if i drag this to the right you'll see that mass tighten up can you see that i'm actually getting closer and closer to that point the luminance value of that point when i start to move this to the right and you can see the mass getting very very tight and here is the chroma value of that mask so i can tighten it up so basically what i'm trying to do here is adjust this mass selectivity to just adjust the area i want like i'm looking at this tree right here right so i want to get it adjusted as much as i want now you can see it's going out into these other trees so maybe what i want to do at this point is pull in on this circle of influence and just really grab that tree right there okay and then i could come here and adjust this luminosity value a little more if i want to and really tighten it up maybe maybe like that and i can work with the chrome a little more as well so right there i'm getting a pretty good selection right there then to make the adjustment go ahead and shut your mask off by clicking that same button right there and now we can see here's our control point you can see all our adjustments here now by the way you'll notice i have all my adjustments up here at once now you notice these three circles and if you hover over them the first circle is dealing with light the second one is dealing with color and the last one is dealing with detail if i only want to work with light just click on the light group and the other groups go away then if you want to work on just color just click on the color group or if you just want to work on detail click on the detail group if you're like me and you like to have all the adjustments up at once just hold your command or control key down and click on the circles that are not highlighted in blue and then you'll get them all up now remember if you want to see what you're affecting just come down here to show mass and click that on you can see i'm just affecting that tree the top of that tree right there so let's shut my mass off and now when i adjust say for instance the highlights i'll only adjust the highlights of that tree itself okay and i may want to bring up the exposure a little bit on it not too much but maybe like that and maybe give it a little bit of say some saturation here okay something like that and now we can take a look here see this eye right here you can click this here's the before and here's the after and you can see i'm just affecting that tree now here's something else that's a little confusing with photo lab 5 and control points once you've made a control point you have these adjustments here you can go ahead and add several other control points or as many as you want i think i don't know what the limit is but you can keep adding control points with the same adjustments and all you have to do is hover over another area that you want to just say i want to adjust this tree right here now that remember the center of that control point will be dealing with the luminance value and the chroma value of this point right here so when i click here you notice that tree starts to light up there but you notice it's getting the same adjustments on it okay it's tied in with this first control points adjustments but now i can come and add it to different places like say for instance i can come over here and maybe add it right here and lighten up that tree you see that and then i can take these circles of influence and i can narrow them in if it's getting too much of an area so i can just pull that in and same with this one over here i can pull this in a little bit and not affect as much of an area but that's pretty cool so you can keep adding control points for instance i can say well maybe up here i want to add another control point it's just going to affect that area right there and if i want to broaden it out i can drag this out see and now it's going to affect more of these trees but that's pretty interesting and i think a lot of people don't realize you can do this which is really nice all with one set of adjustments here now we can shut all those adjustments off here by clicking this eye there's the before and there's the after now we can look at those masks by clicking on show masks and you can see the mouse i've created right so that's pretty interesting so we can go ahead and just especially in a false scene like this this is really cool because i may want to come here now and add a little bit of light and color to the this area up here and maybe pull that circle of influence in just to grab these trees right up here it's also important to add that all these control points are tied to this chroma and luma adjustment so for instance right now if i take this chroma adjustment and drag it to the left you can see the values changing everywhere right so i could come here and readjust things and tweak things up a little bit and i can work with the luminance as well tighten up my just you know tighten up my adjustments or broaden them out by moving them to the left or tighten them up by moving them into the right somewhat like that and then we can take a look here's my overall before the the adjustments and here's my after so pretty cool stuff so remember all these control points are tied together with these adjustments as well as these masks selectivity adjustments and every one of these control points are dealing with different amounts of luminosity and various amounts of saturation and different tints under each one of those control points i'm trying to make sense of this for you now we have a new adjustment in photo lab 5 and if i right click remember if you right click you're going to get a menu that comes up and we have this new thing called control line i'm going to click control line here now right now here's my adjustment if i add a control line it's going to use these adjustments right here and it's also going to use this chroma and luma mask selectivity value okay so let me go ahead and draw a control line and i'll show you what i mean see that little cross hatch there i'm going to click right here i'm going to adjust this grass with those same adjustments and i'm just going to pull this up this is all this area from this circle down is getting the full effect and there's a graduation zone from here up to here now you can change that and you see that little eyedropper tool this is how you select it's like a control point only you're using this eyedropper tool for the control point if i want to lighten up the grass like some of these midtone areas of the grass i can just hover over this eyedropper tool and then drag it say like onto this grass right here okay and now when i click on show mass check this out see it's affecting this area of the grass right here the darker areas are not getting affected as much now remember i can take this uh adjustment here like the chroma adjustment and keep dragging it more to the right and you can see it gets more narrow you see that but it's affecting all these control points as well as the grass down here so i'm adjusting the mass selectivity for this control line and also for these control points pretty interesting stuff and i hope this makes sense to you so i'm just affecting these light areas down here okay now let's shut our mask off and we can see let's take a look at the overall before and after look at all the points and also the control line down here here's the before and here's the after so we're doing that all with one set of adjustments i'm using control points and control lines pretty mind blowing isn't it now what if i wanted to make the shadow areas of this grass darker i wouldn't be able to use the same adjustment right because i'm lightening things with it so here's what you need to do very important come down here see where it says new mask and you see this plus give this a click and now we have a new mask and now i can right click and i can use a control point or a control line i'm going to use a control line again and i'm going to make that similar control line i'm just going to click here and drag up okay just just like that okay and i can pull this up a little more if i want to and maybe bring this in just a little bit to angle it you need to be on this white circle and then you can angle it okay and now i'm going to take this eyedropper tool and drag it into some of the shadow areas on the grass like down in here okay so i want to make the shadow areas darker now we can look at the mask and see what it looks like if we click on show masks and that's what it looks like now remember we have mass selectivity now it defaults at 50 which is a pretty good starting point remember if it's the whole way to the left there's no mass selectivity it's just affecting that whole area and it graduates from here to here right but if i double click luma it'll go back to 50 if i double-click chroma it goes back to 50. so now i can take the luma and start to drag it to the right and you see how it's targeting the darker areas better so i'm going to tighten up the mask by moving this over like this and i could try the chroma as well and see if i can tighten that up and see what i want so you can adjust either one and i think that's pretty good it's darkening the areas i want and now let's show let's shut off show masks and let's make an adjustment let's take the exposure and start to pull it down and see how i'm just affecting those dark areas like that pretty cool right and i may want to give it a little bit of clear view just to pop a little detail in some of those areas in there maybe something like that and now let's take a look here is the before click right here there's the before and there's after and it's just targeting the dark areas now i can also come up here and just click this eye as well it's going to do the same thing whichever layer is highlighted that this uh i will affect it okay now you can also double click these and give this a name like grass okay so i highly recommend that you name your control points and you may want to name this one say trees and grass trees and grass so not a bad idea to name those that really helps but then you can see your overall before and after by clicking this local adjustment here here's the overall before and here's after remember also you have this opacity adjustment so whichever one of these layers are selected for instance if i select grass and i take this opacity adjustment i can pull back the opacity adjustment on that grass and now it's effectively not there right now when i take it to the right i can adjust as much of that darkening of the shadow areas that i want i'm going to bring it the whole way up to the right so remember that you have this opacity adjustment that is tied into each one of these layers if you want to make more adjustments all you need to do is come down here and click on new mask or if you want to work on that same uh area like tree and grass you can click on trees and grass and you can right click get more control points like click on control point and keep adding to it like i may want to lighten this tree up right here and so i can do that if i want to and i can narrow that adjustment in if i want to and just get a little bit of that tree in so you could go ahead and keep adding two adjustments or if you want to add more adjustments just come down here and click on new mask and now you can add more adjustments and then just right click your menu comes up and this time let's say i want to add a graduated filter so let's click on graduated filter and i want to show you something about the graduated filter it's a basic graduated filter so you can just click and say like drag down and say i want to darken the top of the image and then i can just take the exposure and pull this down a little bit and just darken off the top of the image but notice the mask selectivity is grayed out it's just a basic graduated filter if you need more control on a graduated filter use the control line in its place and then you'll have the mass selectivity so you could substitute the control line if you want now let's say i don't want this adjustment right here in this tree i can go back to the trees and grass and just make sure this is highlighted by clicking on it and i can just type my delete key and that adjustment goes away and when you're all done with your local adjustments just come down here to the lower right hand corner and click close and that'll close that interface and now here we go and then we can look at the overall before and after by coming up to compare and clicking left clicking and holding down there's our overall before and here's our after well there you go everyone i hope you understand control points control lines mask selectivity chroma and luma adjustments in photo lab 5. it took me a while to wrap my head around all this stuff but once i got to understand how it works i thought it is pretty powerful i have to say if you enjoyed this tutorial today please give it a like and share with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 1,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DXO, Photolab, Photolab 5, Control Points, Control Lines, Mask Sensitivity, Chroma, Luma, Local Adjustments, Grad Filter, Photo Editing, Photography, Training, Tutorial
Id: AVJ_ECOn7po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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