TOPAZ GIGAPIXEL AI: Working with Fur and Feathers

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on today's episode we're going to look at how gigapixel ai the new update handles fur and feathers stay tuned hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly on today's episode it's going to be topaz gigapixel ai i appreciate all your comments and questions that you guys have been giving me i love to read them i love to answer them and uh the other thing it gives me ideas for new shows and somebody made a comment saying i'd like to see a show on how it handles fur and feathers okay so i thought today i would do that now i have three images today these are all jpeg images you can download them i'll leave a link in the description below so you can download these and try it for yourself i have this bird i have a cat and i have a big cat okay so we have these three images we're gonna see how it handles fur and feathers here we are in gigapixel ai i already have my images loaded to load them you just come up here to file and click open images now remember gigapixel is a batch processor so you can load up a bunch of images at once and batch them all out and now the gigapixel is super fast i'm really excited so the batch processing will go a lot quicker now now if you want to process process your images differently in other words you may want to use the standard model on this image another image the very compressed model so if you're using different models you're going to definitely want to have select all unchecked because when select all is checked that means that they're all going to get the same processing so that's very important so if you plan on using different ai models on different images uncheck that select all let me go back to the bird believe it or not the preview screen is your buddy when you're working with gigapixel ai okay and the reason i'm saying that is you need to be a detective and scan around your image you need to try different models out and see which one's working the best for you now that gigapixel is lightning fast it's easy to go around and examine your image if you would happen to pick a model based on a certain part of the image like the bird right here if you don't scan around there may be some artifacting other in other parts of the image that you didn't know about so it's very important after you pick a model and i haven't yet i'm on art and cg but when you move around if you don't pick the right model you may see some artifacts okay so it's very important to really closely examine because you know you may say gigapixel sucks look at that artifact well gigapixel doesn't suck you just pick the wrong uh ai model and that's very important if you don't get the right model you could have artifacts so bear that in mind you have two different ways of viewing your image with gigapixel and if you come up here to view you'll see those uh you have the single view or the side by side view now i recommend the side by side view so you can really compare the left to the right the left would be the original the right would be the up size so you can see if you're moving in the right direction now right now i'm using the wrong model here uh art and cg we're going to go through all these models but i just want to show you something here let me uh see the hand tool this is here by default you just left click with your mouse and you can drag this around and move it to different parts of the image but i want to show you something they're actually on this particular jpeg image you see right here that's an artifact i believe in the image right there okay but you can see here gigapixel kind of got rid of it but i'm in the art and cg model right now but you see that line right there that doesn't look right and this is what i mean when you say man look it gave me an artifact it sucks no it doesn't watch this watch when i go to standard i still see it right it looks just like that one now let me go to um say uh art and cg is that what i was just saying yeah i think it was just the norton cg let's go to low resolution looking low resolution it totally got rid of it let's try very compressed this is what i mean by trying different things see what the different models look like and then scan around and make sure you're happy with everything like right here i this looks pretty good i mean look compared to the image on the left it gigapixel brought some extra detail out in here in this very compressed mode now this is a very low res image as you can see it's a 1920x1279 jpeg image but i think that's a little overdone and also i also always like to keep my settings in the auto setting kind of important i like to start there so there it looks a little bit better let me go ahead and go to low resolution seeing low resolution that looks really nice and my artifact is is gone as well there's a light hint of it but gigapixel just kind of blended that out into the background so that's really nice and let's come over the bird and see how it handled the feathers doing a really good job so remember this is about fur and feathers today so that does a nice job now let's click it on standard i recall in the tool tips that it said in the standard model that fern feathers could give you artifacting uh to turn on the tooltip system come up to the menu and click on preferences and then uh just uh uncheck uh disable tooltips and you'll see your tool tips and if you hover over these models it tells you what these different models do right but if you notice when i hover over standard it says best choice across a variety of images works well for all photography but can cause artifacts with fur and feathers and that's another reason for the video today which model works best with firm feathers and i'll be honest with you with my testing i find different models work differently so you know you got to try them all because you'll find you know what art and cg works great for this image but low resolution work great for this other image so you want to be a detective and you want to try out all the different models and you also want to scan around it really doesn't take long to do now that gigapixel was super fast so don't worry about that but you want to get it right i don't see any artifacting here but i do recall when i was over in this section now you could also come up to the preview here and you could drag here and move around too but you remember there was like an artifact right here it could be a spiderweb but it looks like an artifact to me but you see right there that's standard but i recall in the low resolution it pretty much got rid of it okay and disabled to disable your tool tips you could go back up to the menu or you can come right here and say disable these tooltips but again try all the different models and move around and be an examiner or an inspector or detective you know and make sure it's doing a great job but it's doing a great job in the fur and feathers i like it and uh so this one's going to be low resolution now remember we want to unselect all here because right now it's selected and i want to uncheck it because i want to do each one of these images individually so now let's go on to our next image this beautiful little kitty cat i love cats and this little kitty definitely has furry doesn't have feathers but he has fur now here's another thing i always like to leave my auto update preview checked on i used to leave it off in the past because gigapixel was kind of slow but now it's really fast so i leave that turned on so again i'm being a detective and i'm moving around my image so i'm going to start out with here's the way i work i'll start out with standard in the side by side view and come to part of the image where i can really see a lot of the fur details again i start out with standard and then i progress through the different ai models and try to find the one that looks the best and i have auto set on here and then if i need to tweak it i can adjust things here if i need to remove more noise or make it a little bit sharper whatever i need but let's try lines i know it's not buildings and things like that but let's see what lines do because there's fur is kind of has a linear shape to it right and it accents some of the lines but it's really overkill so that doesn't look good let's try art and cg and i'm surprised sometimes art and cg is the right model now rtcg is pretty nice let's come to this section of the ear so you can see it brings out a little more detail so if you like a little extra detail you may want to use that but then you might say it's a little too sharp so you may want to pull your remove blur back just a little wee bit or maybe a lot you know somewhere around there looks pretty good so we might be able to get away with that but let's go back to auto let's try low resolution now remember these are low res images this guy is 1920 by 1280 so very low jpeg so that's low res how does that look it's pretty good let's check this ear out up here yeah it's handling that really well let's try very compressed yeah it's overkill the eye looks really nice here but that's overkill in the first so i would say it's a cross between low resolution which looks pretty good and art and cg let me try art and cg one more time i do like art and cg it gives me that little extra sharpness i know it's not a piece of art but it still looks really good let's say we want to use that but i think it's too sharp so i'm going to pull the remove blur back a good bit here because i don't want to overdo it and i think that looks really pretty good right there now again let's examine so let's make sure we don't have any artifacts anywhere ah look i have artifacts see this is what i'm talking about you see these artifacts right here that would be a problem if you didn't look around you would say hmm it's trying to bring detail out of that area back there because it's out of focus you see that but i don't like it i think it's not going to look right nope i don't like it so let's keep it right here and let's go to low resolution and see what happens yeah and i think i think that's handling it a little bit better let's look over here let me try one more thing and let me go to standard okay standard definitely i don't have it on standard you see what i mean about being a detective or you're going to say man this product sucks i have artifacts man but no you know what you just picked the wrong model so i think we're going to use standard i'm going to go back to the cat i'm going to hit auto and yeah you know compare the image to the left image right the image in the right looks a lot better now i like the cat better on art and cg but you know what i didn't like what it was doing to the background it was giving me artifacts and it was just handling the background all wrong but i chose the wrong model but you know what i'm the guy in control here you're the one in control when you're using these products and you gotta experiment you know you gotta take your time and get it right let's look in some other areas let's be real inspectors here yeah i think i'm really good to go and i'm satisfied with that one so now the cat is finished and we're ready to move on to the next image so long kitty we're gonna go on to a bigger cat this time we're gonna work with a lion by the way everything you're seeing on the video is in real time nothing has been sped up so you're seeing the actual times now uh also the thing i wanted to point out is i'm upscaling these all two times so i'm not really blowing them up super big but i'm definitely blowing them up for instance this line is a very small low res jpeg 1920 by 1280 it'll upsize to 3840 by 2560 which is which is a nice substantial uh increase in size and at the end i'll batch these all out and you'll see how quick lightning fast this new gigapixel ai really is in fact let's turn this line up to six times and we'll compare it to the other two images which were only two times just to see what the time difference is here but now notice how large my line is now that i've blown it up to 6x times it's a lot bigger see when i'm in 2x you see more of the cap but if i go to 6x it really blows it up i can either come up here to zoom click here and change my zoom level or i could right click and zoom this down to 50 that way i can see more of the line okay there we go but i'm definitely zoomed in more and okay that's that's good i think we're good let's go into this area right here in the nose area now we're going to start out let's start out with the standard model it takes a slightly longer time for the previews to process because i'm upscaled to six times but it's still super fast but their standard looks pretty good let's come up to this ear right up here take a look at the ear it's doing a nice job let's try lines again there's a lot of lines in fur i mean fur or consist for consistent lines right and that that's looks pretty good actually and let's come over to the eye see if any weird artifacting happens yeah i don't like what's happening around the nose area here that looks funky don't like that again be a detective let's go to art and cg see what it does oh that looks pretty good let's come up to the ear that looks nice let's come over to this tree here and see what it's doing to the tree it's doing some that doesn't look bad but it's trying to uh add texture to this tree here which i think we might be able to get away with that might look okay let's look at the fur here the fur looks nice compare the fur on the left to the fur on the right looking really good um let's come back over here let me see what happens if i take this remove blur and pull this back a good bit like so yeah that looks more natural okay cool now let's come up to the ear and see if we see yeah we still have a lot of detail there in the face yeah that looks good this area looks good let's go over here yeah pretty good and it is slightly softer so that looks real natural so yeah i think that's my winner so far now let's try low res now right now on my low res model i'm my auto is shut off so let's turn it back on remember that remove blur was at nine i'll try to remember that for the art and cg because i think i'm gonna use that so let's turn auto back on okay so now let's take a look at the ear okay not bad let's look over here okay that's pretty good let's look over this fur okay that's not bad let's try very compressed i highly receive that's horrible right and if you use that when you say man that looks really bad gigapixel sucks no it doesn't you know you just have to get the right model and we have choice and i don't definitely don't like that so that's not the right way i'm going to go to art and cg the only thing i need to do is change this from low res i'm not sorry what am i saying low risk change this from remove blur from 60 down to a 9 if i recall right so i'm going to go down to a 9 because i like the way it looks on this log back here or tree that it's sitting on and let's come up here one more time and look make sure we're happy with everything look over here uh it looks good background no artifacts in the background again be a detective i'm doing a bang-up job wouldn't you agree oh boy i have to pat myself in the back sometimes all right so we set up our three images for a successful up sizing the first two are going to be two x up conversions the third one will be 6x up conversion we have select all unchecked because we are applying different uh models to these the first one has low resolution the second standard and the third has art and cg it's not a piece of art but that's the one i thought worked the best okay and i have reduced color bleed off because i don't have any color bleed issues and face refinement is off because i don't have a face here although i do have a beautiful lion face and a kitty face and a bird but not human all right so that's shut off and uh all we have to do now is click on save images and then we have this dialog box that comes up start batch processing but first a couple things we need to do image format i'm going to change these all to a tiff format because maybe i want to work on these in photoshop or topaz studio 2 and i want to work with a higher resolution file 16 bit no compression i'm going to leave the file name auto it's going to append the the type of uh upscaling that it's used and the size of things so i like that embedded on the file name okay but you can rename it if you need to with custom and then color profile preserve source profile no i'm going to up convert these to or or change them not up converted but change it to a pro photo because it's a larger color workspace and i always work in profoto adobe rgb is fine too but i always work with profoto okay i'm going to save the directory back to the source now we're going to click start and let's see how long it takes to batch process these out off to the races there it goes there's our first image and it did it in a whopping five seconds the second image which was a 2x up size will be done at let's see six seconds now here's our largest one 6x so it's gonna take maybe slightly longer it won't show us the finishing time but it'll be done here like right now so it was pretty quick i would say you know like three images in uh under 30 seconds pretty darn quick pretty impressive it's never been that fast for me anyway now it's going to vary from computer to computer depending what you have you know what kind of graphics process you have you know what your processing chip is and so on and so forth and now for some pixel peeping uh this is the bird image this is the jpeg and here he is up converted did a beautiful job got rid of that artifact that was over there super sharp beautiful upsized two times and then here was our kitty cat here's the original and here is the up size version and look at that background beautiful super sharp clear wonderful job and then lastly our line here's the jpeg and here is the gigapixel upsize no artifacting sharp clear beautiful job so there it is guys fur and feathers using gigapixel ai i hope you enjoyed this tutorial please leave comments questions it helps me out and when you share my videos it helps my channel grow and i appreciate that so please like share subscribe i really appreciate that it helps me out it helps my channel to grow i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 9,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz, Topaz Labs, GigaPixel, GigaPixel Ai, Upsizing, Upsize, UpScale, Birds, Fur, Feathers, Photography, Photo Editing, Promo Code, davidkelly
Id: QywTg-Vvf6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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