TK8 MULTI-MASK PLUGIN for Photoshop: Setting Yourself Up For MASKING SUCCESS (Welcome to TK Friday)

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hey everyone it's tk friday and boy do i have a great show for you today this one's called setting yourself up for masking success i'm kind of building up on the themes from the last two tutorials we're going to really take it up a notch or two or possibly maybe three notches let's get started hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly it is tk friday again and i love tk fridays and i hope all of you out there do too i want to thank everyone for all the kind comments that you gave me on the last tutorial i really appreciate it it really encourages me and helps me to keep on going so i want to thank you very much if you don't yet have the tk8 plugin for photoshop and you really see the value in it i don't know how i could live without it to be honest with you you can purchase it i'll leave a link in the description below that will take you right to tony kuiper's web page where you're going to find the tk8 multi-mass plug-in for photoshop along with a bunch of great videos that sean bagshaw has made photoshop videos videos about the tk8 panel i own all these videos and i highly recommend them and also i'm providing a promo code dk15 if you'll use that at checkout you'll save 15 off your entire purchase which is a nice savings you know what and it helps me out when you do that it helps me to keep these tutorials coming your way and i appreciate that and i want to thank everyone who uses my affiliate links to purchase products i wouldn't be able to do what i do without your support so thank you very much let's get into this i'm really excited as i said earlier about this tutorial i was talking to tony kuiper the other day and i was sharing with him some ideas i had for this week's tk friday video and it's concerning using the object selection tool in photoshop which is really great and combining that with the tk8 multi-mask panel we were talking on skype and i was able to show tony my ideas and tony was able to share back with me some additional things i could do to make this process even better this video is the result of a collaboration between tony and myself so sit back and relax i think you're gonna like what you learned today today's title setting yourself up for masking success i'll be working with this stock image today now i will link this also in the description below in case you want to download it and follow along with me it's a great way of learning step number one for setting yourself up for success especially if you're using a landscape photo with a sky click this icon right here and you will select the sky then click this button where you can save that as a channel give it a name i'm going to call mine sky and click ok and now you'll see it's saved in channels now we can invert it and that selects the foreground and now we're going to go ahead and click this button and save that as a channel we're going to call it foreground and then we're going to click ok and now you'll notice i have a sky and a foreground channel saved another very important step to setting yourself up for success is to really study the image and see what it needs now i look at this image and i see the road looks a little too light there's a fence here and it looks a little bit too light and this is where the object selection tool comes in with photoshop let me show you what i mean but first off i have a selection as you can see the tk panel lets me know i have a selection right here these dash lines and also these colored uh this colored outline around the cx panel here that lets me know there's a selection if i come to this icon right here i can deselect that selection and you notice all the selection indicators go away now do you see this icon right here this is the object selection tool so click it and you'll notice we have the object selection tool now let's come up to the menu bar and you'll notice see where it says object finder it's checked on you can check this on or off if it's checked on photoshop looks for objects in your image when the object finder is checked on you can use the object selection tool to hover over different parts of your image it'll let you know there's an object selected notice this fence see it finds this as an object it doesn't find the road now that's not a problem because the object selection tool can automatically find objects or you can help it out to find the objects and i'll show you what i mean the first thing i want to do is select the road and save it as a channel now to do that let's come back up to the menu panel up here you see right here it says mode rectangle you can change that from a rectangle to a lasso tool in this case i think i'm going to use a lasso tool so i'm going to click on lasso and now i have a lasso tool so what i'm going to do is make a just like a loose selection you don't have to be accurate here on this road and check this out this is really cool give it a second and it says there's your road dave now i've selected the road now i want to save this out as a channel but before i do that i'm going to show you something that tony pointed out to me and i think you're going to like this right now we just see marching ants but if we want to see what this mask will actually look like here is tony's tip if you come up here to this edit selection icon right here and you click it you can see the mask now you'll notice something very interesting about this mask okay it has a very hard edge on it can you see that okay it's not like a luminosity mask where everything feathers beautifully so there's something we need to do here this selection is not going to work out right just the way it is and the reason i know that because i've experimented with it and i know we need to feather that edge a little bit but not a problem because we're in the edit selection tool and if you come to the edit selection tool we have a bunch of things that we can do to alter this selection but you notice this when right here this little water drop teardrop whatever you want to call it it's the blurring icon click it and when you do you can set up a blur radius and i suggest 15 is generally going to be pretty good for most things 10 to 15 10 to 20 actually click ok and now you notice i have a nice feathered edge here isn't that cool so that's going to blend in really well and also with this edit selection tool i have a save button right here so i can click this and now i can save this as rode now remember i'm gonna click okay remember we're setting ourselves up for masking success so i'm starting out by making a bunch of masks and believe me this goes really quick it takes a lot of time to explain it but when you start doing this you'll find it's gonna really speed up your workflow we're done with the edit selection tool so let's just x out of it and notice down here now we have sky foreground and road which is nice i'm going to go ahead and deselect this by clicking this icon i just have one more mask to make and that's the fence so take the object selection tool hover over the fence and left click it with your mouse and it selects the fence now let's take a look and see what this mask looks like so let's come back here and click on this icon for edit selection and we can see it looks pretty good it looks like it missed the spot or two here but we can fix that just come here and click the x key and we'll get out of the edit selection tool now we could come back in here with this object selection tool or we could use select and mask but i'm just going to use the object selection tool because i'm going to teach you how this tool works if you hold your shift key down you can add to the selection see when i type my shift key and hold it down see that turns to a plus and if you want to subtract from the selection if you hold the option key down it will become a minus but i'm going to add to the selection so i'm going to hold the shift key down and just you know just draw around here and it'll select that area okay or i could change this from lasso to rectangle which i think makes more sense and see it missed this little area right here i'm going to hold the shift key down and just click right here and it'll add that okay and anything else it missed this little section right here it missed i'm just going to go ahead and grab that let me get it one more time okay i got it pretty well here and now let's go back up and i'm just looking real quick just to see if there's anything else missing oh this right here i missed this one right here okay i got that and i think i'm pretty good so let's go back up and click here and see what we look like now so now we have a lot more of the selection and for the sake of the video i can spend all day here and just make it perfect if i want to but i think for all intents and purposes for the video i think it's going to be just fine now also i want to point out here this whole section of tools here can be used to edit your masks like these brush tools come in really handy but any one of these tools are at our disposal and here's something else we can do you see these arrows here if you click that you can see the image itself so you can compare what the image looks like to what your mask looks like because i'm looking right here see this area right here let me click this and see is there a space missing there let me check it one more time yeah i think there is so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this white brush tool i'm going to make my brush smaller i'm just using my left bracket key and i have 100 opacity paint and just for the heck of it i'm just going to paint right there now let's go ahead and save out that selection so click on this save icon and let's call this fence we'll click ok and then let's just x out of this tool and you'll notice now we have sky foreground road and fence and that's all the masks i need let me go ahead and deselect this selection and just in case you're wondering you might say hey why didn't you blur the edges of the fence well in reality those are nice hard edges and i don't really need to feather those but on the road the feathering really helps now just to recap we set ourselves up for masking success we built our masks with the help of photoshop's object selection tools and the wonderful tools we find in the tk8 multi-mass plug-in for photoshop and now we're going to use those masks what do you want to adjust first well we have four different masks let's start out with the sky so let's come up to the my channels panel and you'll notice in here we have all our masks we have sky foreground road and trees well not trees road and fence but we'll start at the top and work our way down but let's start out with sky and we're going to start out easy so let's click sky and let's output that to one of my favorite new tools let's click on the color grading tool icon right here and let's click on our mid-tone block we'll adjust the mid-tones so all i want to do here is darken the sky up just a little bit in the midtones just a wee little bit and i may want to just add a little bit more warmth to the clouds we can add a lot of warmth or just a little i just want a tiny wee bit it's a nice warm summer scene so just a little bit of warmth to those clouds and that's about all i want to do here let's take a look here is the before and here is the after so i like that i think it's going in the right direction now remember we can always come back and adjust anything that we want because we're working with uh adjustment layers and they're non-destructive that's the sky adjustment now let's make another adjustment let's go ahead and x out of the color grading tool and let's come back to my channels now i want you to notice something interesting in my channels a new channel has appeared called layer mask now i didn't make this or did i it is this color grading layer mask right here we're going to use this in an upcoming tutorial but not today but i just wanted to point that out it has been added to the list anytime you have an active channel with a layer mask on it it'll appear here and it can be utilized but not today i've used the sky already and i made a foreground mask but i got to tell you something i'm not going to use this because i almost forgot tony taught me a really cool way of making a foreground mask which is tailored specifically for this image you don't always have to use this method but in this image it's really going to help because we have a road and a fence in this foreground but stay with me you're going to see how this all works very shortly but let's do the road next i'm just going to left click the road to select the road and now we see our nice road with that nice feathered edge on it now follow very closely with me here we're using some mass calculations and mass calculations are not that hard to use i always thought they were but i learned they're really not that hard and i'm going to teach you how easy they are to use and you're going to come to love them too i know that now let's go ahead and click on the mask calculator icon and we can do three things to this mask we can add to it subtract from it or intersect with it and we're gonna use something called intersect today and you're gonna see how powerful and easy this is to use so let's click on this x button for intersect and now let's x out of here now what i want you to do is come up to the luminosity mask icon and click it what i want to do is intersect it with a midtones adjustment okay so let's come here to mid tones we have our choice of midtones one mid tones two mid tones three mid tones are all the same adjustment they're just in various degrees of lightness okay in other words a lighter midtones mask will get you to the adjustment quicker and you'll see that in a second here so what's going to happen here we're going to click equal now watch the magic happen as soon as i click equal are you ready for it equal look i've intersected that mid-tones with my road is that cool or is that not cool i'm voting on cool how about you let me know in the comment section below now what are we going to do with this if you are saying i'll put it dave output it to any of these outputs i'm going to output it to my favorite color grade so i'm going to click on color grade now remember i've picked a tones three mask so that mask is going to control my adjustment here so let's click on the mid tone block and let's uh darken that road up and drag it to the left and notice how it darkens up rather nicely okay but that feathered edge if i zoom in here you can really see how that feathered edge is letting that look really nice we're not seeing any weird artifacts here so that's very important let me go ahead here and click to go to full screen again now i'm going to add a little bit more warmth to that by um pulling this block up into the yellows a little bit just to warm it up a little bit maybe even take it into the red tones just a wee bit right about there i think looks pretty good now remember we can always come back in order but here is the before and here is after isn't that cool you got to be excited as a side note i just want to point out when i use mid tones three this adjustment became much more aggressive because that mask was lighter now let's turn our attention to the fence let's x out of the color grade tool and go back to my channels remember we set ourselves up for success we have all these channels built now we go to fence click on fence we're going to do another mass calculation so let's click on the mass calculator what do you think i'm going to use i'm hearing intersect out there i'm going to click on intersect x out of here let's go back to the luminosity icon which opens up our luminosity mass we're going to use again let's go ahead and use midtones three let's go equal and now check it out we have a fence intersected with midtones three are you excited i know you are and let's click on the color grade tool again and simply let's darken it up you know we can lighten it nothing happened did you see that because look you always and i'm glad i made that mistake and i do this all the time i forget to click the tone i want now remember you have shadows mid-tones and highlights but i generally start out with mid-tones and i'm using a mid-tones mask by the way so let me click this and now let me try that again i can lighten that fence i don't want it lightened i want to darken it so let's darken it down maybe somewhere around there and you want to warm it up i think so let's warm it up a little bit maybe somewhere right around in there and let's take a look here is the before and here is the after isn't that cool we have a road adjusted perfectly a fence adjusted perfectly and again we can come back and order them later next is tony's tip on how to do this foreground selection i don't want to use the fence and i don't or the road dave i don't want to use the fence either but i just want to adjust the foreground these background hills and these green grasses here how we gonna do it you're gonna find out right now i'll get rid of this color grading tool by clicking x and let's come to color masks then go ahead and click this icon a color picker tool comes up and let's just pick some green that represents these grasses right here and click ok and there you can see here is our mask now i can see some of the road in here and then a little bit of the fences in here now i'm using this particular mask because it's going to select the edge of the road very well because remember i made that road mask and i had to put a bit of a blur on it well i'm not going to use that road mask i'm just going to use this green mask selection for the edge here because it's going to give us a real nice edge definition now we can go ahead and lighten this up and as i do you can see we have some sky selected we have a lot of the road selected here and we have some of the fence here we can remove the fence with a mass calculation but for the road we're going to use a paint brush to get rid of that and we can come right here and click on the black brush and with a full 100 opacity i'm just gonna paint off these areas that i don't want staying away from the edge there okay because i want the actual mask itself to work out that edge just the way it should be so just like so that'll do it now what i want to do is get a mass calculation and i want to subtract let's x out of here i'm going to subtract let's go back to my channels let's subtract out the sky click equals the sky is gone now we got to get rid of the fence so how could i do that well if you're thinking come back to mass calculator you're right and now minus let's get out of here let's go back to my channels and if you're thinking minus out the fence you're correct then just click equal and now we have the fence and the sky out and i painted out the road now my grass area is still a little bit too light so what i'll do is get this levels adjustment click on it and i'm going to drag this highlight slider to the left a good bit and i'm going to really lighten up that selection like that now i'm going to take this mid midtone slider and readjust here a little bit okay something like that and maybe make it a little bit lighter i want to maintain texture and i think i'm really good right there now i can see i have a little bit of the road that i have to fix so let me get a black brush again and i'll make it a little bit larger and let me just clean that up just a little wee bit something like that i think should do the trick now we need to output our mask let's click on the color grade adjustment tool again and let's click on mid-tones let's lighten up our mid-tones and look how it's just hitting those grasses beautifully and while we're at it let's make our greens a little more vibrant just pull this midtone slider up into the greens maybe a little more yellow right there and let's take a look here is the before and here is after but see that edge along the road looks really nice and that's thanks to that color mask that green color mask and then we were able to subtract out the fence and the sky there's one final thing i want to do and stick with me here because you're going to learn something let's get rid of this properties panel i want to bring some detail to the road in the fence so what i'm going to do is grab a clarity action which is found right here inside the actions and i'm just going to take the default radius of 10 and click ok now i've added detail to the entire image but i only want it on the fence and the road so what are we going to do well let's think about this let's x out of the color grading tool let us go up to my channels and let us click on the road because we know we want to add it to the road and there's the road with a nice feathered edge on it and we also want to add it to the fence so let's come to the mask calculator let's click add and i'll x out of here go back to my channels and now we'll click on fence click equal and now we have the road and the fence and now let's just output it to that clarity layer by clicking this icon right here and just like that check it out here's the before and here's the after only on the fence and the road thanks to mass calculations and the clarity action pretty cool isn't it let's take a look at the overall before and after here is the before and here is the after well there it is everyone we set ourselves up for masking success by making a bunch of masks at the beginning and then we can just roll out and utilize those masks one by one i hope you enjoyed the tutorial today if you did please give it a like and share it with your friends and also let me know what you think of this tutorial i would really appreciate to hear your comments uh if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it well i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 8,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK8, TK8 Mult-Mask Plugin for Photoshop, TK8 Multi-Mask, TK8 Combo/Cx Panel, Photoshop, Photography, Luminosity Masks, Layer Masks, Photo Editing, TK Friday, Promo Code, DK15, Calculation, Mask Calculator
Id: hOFEshtpXUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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