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on today's episode we're going to take a first look at topaz gigapixel ai's latest update this is version 5.7 hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly today we're going to take a look at the new update for gigapixel ai this is 5.7 and on the screen right now you can see some of the major feature updates there's a new standard model which delivers more detail on the same images new auto settings for that standard model there's also been an updated preview panel in crop tool i'll put a link in the description below to this change log so you can check out the major features improvements and fixes for yourself if you've never tried topaz gigapixel ai you can download a free trial just click on my affiliate link in the description below it'll take you to the topaz products where you can download free trials of any of their products and if you decide to purchase one you can use my promo code david kelly and save an additional 15 off any software that you buy including software bundles and license upgrades let's take a first look this is version 5.7 i'll be keying in on these new major features like the new standard model delivers more detail we'll also see the new auto settings model for the new standard model they've improved that and also there's been an updated preview panel and a crop tool we'll be exploring the crop tool i'm working on a full-size image right here this image has not been cropped but let's start out by trying the new updated crop tool you'll find the crop tool right here just give that a click and that opens up the crop tool interface now we have aspect ratio as you would expect in a crop tool so click the drop down you could do a free original or a square and then we have these different aspect ratios here and i believe this iso a4 is new and i assume it's dealing with an a4 paper size which would be like an 8.3 by 11.7 inch print but if somebody can correct me on that please let us know in the comments section below the improvements here with the crop tool itself are in the free crop position you can now flip the free form crop dimension just click here and it'll flip it see how it changes so you can just click that and flip the dimensions around and that'll also work for any of the aspect ratios so if you click the original aspect ratio and click this it'll flip it as well and as you can see that works for any of the aspect ratios so whichever direction you want your crop to go just click that button and you can flip it around and get it just the way you like it and of course you can left click with your mouse and drag anywhere on this crop tool and resize the crop which is really nice and then if you want to uh move it into position just click in the middle and drag it you know click inside the crop and drag it anywhere now let's take a look at the free aspect ratio where you can go ahead and size it any way you want so if i click and drag here i can widen it or shrink it down if i move here once you get the aspect ratio that you like if you hold down your shift key and drag it will maintain the actual aspect ratio which is a really nice feature and this is a great new improvement to this crop tool if you release that shift key and now you drag you're back to a free form crop as you can see now i'm back to a free form crop so that's a nice improvement now i'm going to use this freeform crop to go ahead and crop this flower so say i want this flower right here i'm going to pull in on the left side pull in on the right side a little bit now you can really pull anywhere you want you don't have to be on these little you know areas here you can be anywhere on there and let's say something like that and pull down a little bit let's pull up here and then i'll center that flower maybe right there and then all we need to do is click crop and if you look down here you can see these are the pixel dimensions of my crop i'm upsizing it two times and this is the new uh pixel dimensions here now of course we can come up here and scale by two four six i have other video showing you how all this works so i'm not going to go into all that again for this video demonstration i'm just going to use 2x right now we're seeing the image at full size let's go ahead and zoom into uh let's go into a hundred percent looking at this at 100 my first impression is i really see an improvement here but don't take my word for it if you own gigapixel ai get the new update and if you don't own it get the free download try it out for yourself and see if what i'm saying is true let's zoom in even tighter let's go into 200 percent there's 200 and i gotta say it really looks good i hope it shows up well on the video topaz have really worked on this new standard model it delivers more detail on the same images and they've also uh tweaked the auto settings to go along with this new standard model by the way if you want to see a before and after you can come up here where it says original and left click and hold with your mouse you can see the before or after or another tip is anywhere on the image itself left click and hold you can see the before and the after but really great results the last thing i want to show you is the update that has been added to the comparison view now i am now in the comparison view to get to the comparison view just come up here and click on comparison view and we have different views we can use as well single view comparison view side by side whichever you prefer but we're talking right now about comparison view right now you'll notice i have the original in the upper left corner then i have the standard next to it under original i have low resolution and to the right of that i have very compressed on we can change these out and what i mean by that we can make any one of these different windows active and change the ai model in that particular window but where the new update comes into play is this original pane up here now it's always up in the upper left hand corner here we weren't able to change that one now we can all we have to do is come up here see where it says original untoggle it shut the toggle off and now we can come and make this window active just by clicking on it and we can change out the model now right now it says lines or i could change it to art and cg just by clicking there and it will update itself when i do that or i could change it to very compressed if i want to but i already have very compressed over here so i'd want to put a different model up here so let's click it make it active and let's put say art and cg and consequently i can take any of these other windows and change them so if this one says standard i can click it and now it's active you can tell it's active when it turns blue on the name right here okay it's highlighted in blue so i could change it to say like very compressed or i could change it back to standard and now with this new update we can compare up to four models at once and pick the one that we like and in my case the standard i think really looks the best but you can compare and see what you think and it's really nice to do that and you can also move things around in these windows just come over here see where you have this rectangle where you can move this around and all the windows will change with that which is a really nice feature so we can and then all the windows will update themselves takes it a few seconds for them to update gigapixel ai has gotten a lot more snappier with each new update they keep improving the performance as well as the features one thing i do want to point out whichever window is active and you can tell by that blue highlight around the name of the model like standard right now is the active window if i click save image it will save it with that standard model on it or if i click on very compressed when i click save it'll save it with very compressed so that's kind of important i'm not going to save this out i'm just showing you the new features here i have other video showing you how all this stuff works what happens when you adjust the different sliders and so on well there it is everyone gigapixel ai version 5.7 give it a try and don't forget you can download a free trial you're never going to know how good these products are unless you try them and topaz lets you do that and if you like it use my promo code david kelly at checkout and save an additional 15 off it's a nice savings and it helps me out and i thank you for that but give it a try if you enjoyed this tutorial today please give it a like and share with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 4,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz, Topaz Labs, Gigapixel Ai, Upsizing, Upscaling, Ai, New Update, Version 5.7, First Look, The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly, Photography, Photo Editing, Training, Tutorial
Id: MAs4sLt1Qd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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