Top Ten Houseplants | Current Faves!

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[Music] welcome back you guys thank you so much for coming back my name is amanda from plant arena and i want to thank you for subscribing and for watching the videos and just for being there thank you thank you thank you today i decided i was just gonna talk about my favorite plants at the moment my top ten i think there's ten i don't know maybe nine but i just there's some plants that i am so attracted to these days i don't know why it's like i'll stare at them for a long time oh there's one over there i have to bring that's number ten and i start thinking about how wonderful they are and how pretty much these are the easiest ones that i have to care for and that is really good for me for my lifestyle i just seems to be getting busier and busier and not enough time to do pretty much anything completely during the day but i'm not sure if you're experiencing that or not anyway i just i really want to talk about some of these plans and i'm just going to show you i want my son to film me but he keeps running away so i'm just gonna like hold the plants up or bring them to you okay the first one which i'm super excited about uh i got this the other day and it is a tananti it's a tananti a burl marxie eye and it's giant it's giant and it just looks like to me like a wedding bouquet thing and i said this on instagram and say it again i'm not getting married again twice is enough just saying but yeah if i were to i would definitely i'd use this because i wouldn't even have to wear a dress i just like who needs a wedding dress when you have a giant tananti so these are really not the easiest care plans but when they get this big i find that they're a lot easier to take care of i don't know why and i'm hoping that i'm going to do this justice it's very light look at that one hand one finger oh anyway it's super gorgeous it has i'm not sure if you've noticed the back side not my backside you don't want to see that it's this back side look at the leaves there's the maroon i think it's maroon i'm not really sure and then this kind of fish bone pattern on the leaves just like it's pretty stunning and they move the leaves move up and down in response to the light it's photosensitive and which is great that's why they're called prayer plants they're in the prayer plant family it's like they're praying that i'll remember to water them no you don't have to worry because you're on my you're one of my faves right now you're one of like you're on the top 10. it's like number one i guess because it's the first one i picked it doesn't really matter because there's no order of love when it comes to plants i think so this guy is just too big to ignore i gotta put it down see it doesn't want to hold it so oop you don't want to eat it although this is a non-toxic plant you just kind of want to hold it and hug it so you're going to go down on the floor and then another one i pulled together i pulled out from the shelf the plant shelf this is a hoya pupa calyx and i see how i'll probably do some b-roll and show you how amazing the markings are on the leaves they're just absolutely stunning and they just change constantly and it's again it's growing look at that growth it's growing i have it under the grow light over there and um oh actually no i have it above the grow light there's a lot of light gets in this place hold on i gotta fix this because i feel like it's so super bright sorry about that it's just me just oh there we go that's better that's way better uh so yeah they they don't really have a high high maintenance needs they really don't you let them dry out a little bit or actually quite a bit i let this dry out quite a bit and you can tell it's in a terra cotta pop which enables it to dry out faster than if it were in like a plastic pot or a ceramic pot look at it it's just kind of moving on its own it's doing its own little thing it's waving to you saying like hi tommy hi sally hi vanessa that's just it's saying hi to everybody anyway but it's it's brought me back to like looking at it again because i think the form and the shape and its willingness to want to live and thrive is it's i'm pretty proud of this plant i'm pretty proud of you do you hear my stomach i don't know i have been eating a lot at night and not a lot during the day and so you know when you get hungry because you've eaten too much that's what's happening to me and then let's talk about this this guy this it's not looking so beautiful because i transplanted it a few times it's a peperomia quadrangularis say that fast sorry the light what is going on with the light it doesn't matter quadrangularis it gets light and dark very quickly here in this plant studio and the leaves are just almost kind of papery this is the most annoying video guys i'm sorry is it focused it's a little papery it's just i don't know how to describe the look but it's very thin and it kind of just like levitates on the stem and it should be bushier on top but it's not but it will get there it will get there but it's a trooper and it's just it looks really nice against the red terracotta too doesn't it i think it does so this beautiful peperomia quadrangularis it was like number three how did you get to be number three you might not think it's number three but to me it's number three is that insulting would you want to be number three i don't know it doesn't really matter okay let's talk about this one so this is a philodendron sodori no it's not it's the mayor i'm like really confused why do the light does the light keep changing it's a sodor eye and look at this this is pretty cool and i have to i have to admit something i broke one of the new leaves look at that you can see that probably not but i'll do i'll do close-ups i guess this leaf i knocked in half when i was watering some other plants but the good news is that this one's popping out look how it's unfurling it's kind of because it's see this is what the leaf looks like and it just kind of unfurls away it wants to unfurl and it's a little bit of a dangerous unfurl i feel like you could probably rip one of these super easily because they're so tender so soft and tender i was freaking out about all these little sticky things like the sticky bubbles on my philodendrons and but they're called nectaries nectaries i don't know how to pronounce it but they're just little glands that secrete this sweet the sweet stuff that ants like and then they draw the ants there so the ants can eat like that bad the bad bugs that's that's what i think nectaries do but they're not insects it's not aphids which i thought it was aphids for a very long time because my eyesight's going and i couldn't see them i got the magnifying glass out couldn't see them nectaries look at this that's still going to be half a leaf so this is i love this and i have also i took a cutting from this and i'll show you over here i put one of the uh the propagated cuttings on that board on this like old antique board and it's doing really well so i'll show you that and i'm probably gonna make another one of those but like on a big trellis so that'll be another project that no one's gonna like okay kidding okay so then let me just finish the table here philadelphia moon light i was gonna say moonshine again this is more fun to say moonshine philadelphia moonlight this guy is a pretty massive one for me uh it is going to get bigger it actually has grown quite a bit i'm having a little concern about this leaf that's unfurling this this plant has been against that wall where it doesn't get a lot of light so i think maybe i'm going to move it and this might green up a little bit right now it's orange and red why am i whispering it doesn't really it doesn't work whispering doesn't work when you're making a video if you want people to listen to you so this has a new leaf again defying all the laws of plants go dormant in the winter they don't when they're in your their house when they're in your house and there's sunlight and there's heat and there's some humidity they keep growing most of them do some of them go dormant like some of the rex begonias but this is not growing going dormant it's growing it's growing come on light adjust so yeah just look look i'm going to fix it again i'm going to fix it it doesn't fix didn't fix anything look at that chartreuse it looks way more chartreuse from the back do you ever just look at the backs of the leaves and just think like they don't they're underappreciated there's a lot of backsides that look pretty good in the plant in the plant world so this is the moonlight moonlight looking great okay so i'm going to pick this up i'm going to pick this up and show you it's pretty big hold on a second i'm not i'm just going to move the camera i i don't know what i'm going to do i'm going to pick it up it's not that heavy i'm going to pick you up and i don't want to drop it can you guys see well yes you can i'm sure this is a large philodendron i think pearl marks and i just got it the other day because i couldn't walk away from it i saw it and all these aerial roots were trying to come and grab me when i was walking down the aisle and say hey amanda just pick me up is how you say it i was like saying it like right it pissed whatever i'll stop also stop with that this look at this this is ridiculous this is a vine it's a vine and they have secured it to this my arm's in the way but if i move my arm it's going to fall bamboo poles do you see that and i don't think it's going to stand up on its own so this one is also going to be going on a giant trellis and i'm going to build some place in the house and put all these vining philodendron type plants on it and watch them grow together because i think they like being together because i know that board is working and all those plants love each other they're in love now so this philadelphia burl marks correct me if i'm wrong i really think it's a burl marks but you guys if you think i'm wrong just put it in the comments because i'm wrong a lot it doesn't matter just love the way it looks and it has the nectaries on it too but they like ants they like ants ants in their plants so yeah so this is another new favorite of mine really really favorite i just stare at stare at it when i'm taking a break from the computer okay you know what this is another plant that kind of common but i really like it i like this one especially because it's crazy it's like hold on you can hear it you hear me coming you hear it this is a giant spider plant and i got it and it was not looking so great i hold it like this it had a lot and a lot of brown you can see there's more brown here hold on i'm trying to balance and show you so i pulled yeah that don't really doesn't really bother me because there's still a lot of babies on here and i'm letting it slightly dry out between watering another brown one it happens it happens i actually put some of the babies in water can i show you that too because you can get a lot of spider plants from one spider plant it's it should be called a friendship plant here this is one of the babies looking at the little roots just loving the water and i change the water every week or so loving loving these babies look how pretty they look they're just so pretty they're just this is bonnie this is a bonnie spider plant too and other i like just the regular spider i like all spider plants now not that i didn't i just had to live with plants for a little bit i think and they start growing on you and they just become a part of your family unless they don't if you know what you know what i'm talking about anyway so absolutely propagate these if you have one that size can you i don't even know what's happening here but so this this was kind of crazy i have this burroughs tail that has been doing pretty well and it definitely has lost some leaves but what i i did was took some of the leaves and i just put it on some cactus oil and they're sprouting new growth they are becoming slowly becoming new plants you see that i can't believe i was going to time lapse this but it would have been like a year a year time lapse i just gave up oh there's really cute little roots coming out look at that i'm going to show you a close-up if this isn't focusing but so excited about this i'm so thrilled that patience pays off okay and like with when you're propagating zz plants and snake plants and succulents wait this is interesting this is like a peat pot i think and it has completely stayed intact the entire time which just tells you i don't water this a lot i let it dry out and then i water it like maybe every three weeks maybe every four weeks maybe it would grow faster if i watered it more i don't know anyway so that isn't number whatever okay here's basic this is a basic hartley philaden it is a basic but i have this in my bedroom and i wake up every morning and i think you get more beautiful every day how is it how is it when plants age they look better and when people age that doesn't always happen without some help you know what i'm saying you're all gorgeous okay i'm talking about myself anyway so this really is a simple very simple plant everything has dog hair on it everything dogs produce a lot of hair and it's been driving me crazy lately being stuck inside a lot with your dogs so just look at the form i mean it's just i don't know what to tell you but like sometimes the basics are my favorite like a basic black t-shirt or basic boots basic stuff looks good right and it's just it's classic it's a classic to me this is a classic beauty maybe it's boring to you but i don't know there's something about these beautiful heart-shaped leaves that are simple and you can put this in any kind of container and it's probably going to look good so that's it so i'm just paying homage to you because you're actually you're very stunning and then then i have this one i haven't pulled out in a long time and i was kind of going through the house the other day taking care of plants and seeing like just doing a little emergency plant care but this is a hoya lachinosa lacunosa and it has a little bit of dry leaf things going on the top but what a trooper this plant does not get a lot of attention so i've decided that you're coming back into the world where i live and i'm going to pay more attention to you because i just i think that you have the ability to survive and i need that in my life right now i need i need inspiration and this plant has given me a lot of inspiration and it's beauty and it's beautiful and has speckled leaves which i'll show you a close-up of it and just still has maintained a really nice full head so you know kudos to you kudos to you how do you do it and i don't know if i have any more um i do want to talk about there's one more plant i'll show you i'll show you a cutting that i took from it then i'll show you like the plant you've seen it a gazillion times but i'm going to show it to you again oh i forget where the camera was i thought the camera was in that direction so this is a philodendron sidori and this is a cutting i took off of my larger plant and it's doing really well and i think i just talked about this the other day but it's still my favorite and i'm going to give this away to a dear friend once i can get myself to the post office i'm going to ship it to her because she really loves it too and nothing like sharing love of plans with people i'm just getting really emotional just saying that but look how beautiful this is just easy so easy the one i'm going to show you the one i have just keeps on growing and just looks like this sculpture absolutely the form of it just like throws me for a loop i just can't believe how i can't believe how beautiful nature is that's why i try to surround myself with it and i want to be in it and if i can i want to be in a man-made jungle inside my house that's kind of that's the that's the gist so i just wanted to show you i think that's it i think that's it i think it's maybe 10 plants that are impressing me and i don't get these little babies it just feels so good to watch something grow that you had a little bit of a part in right something that with your care and love and attention you can get things to thrive and it's pretty amazing and they give us a lot back they really do i mean at least i feel that way but anyway thank you so much i hope you have a wonderful week i hope your favorite plants like you too and are doing wonderful things for you and uh i'll i'll see you guys on friday okay thanks again really thank you so much for subscribing and thank you so much for just being the best people on the planet bye guys
Views: 144,197
Rating: 4.9463916 out of 5
Keywords: Houseplant tour, houseplants, house plants, indoor plants, low maintenance houseplants, low light houseplants, air purifying houseplants, best houseplants, indoor plant tour, plant tour, philodendron, hoya, peperomia
Id: kodKq8gXJ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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