6 Mistakes to Avoid when Repotting Your Plants!

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[Music] hello how are you guys my name is amanda and i want to thank you guys for subscribing really i do i really appreciate it i can't believe you guys are still doing it and i also uh did want to remind you that if you subscribe for our email list on plantarina.com we often do like free gift with purchases and we also give information on when we have new plants available on the site so if you guys haven't done it maybe you should go think about doing it because you'll get the information before anybody else anyway today i wanted to talk about how not to repot your plans and i'm doing this because i picked up this monstera from my business partner's house to use for a video then i realized wait a minute i'm going to do a different video because look at these roots on this thing they are completely surrounding the bottom of the pot they're just it's called root bound and there's a couple of different ways you can handle this but i really want to talk about the way that i would handle this in particular the reason the reason i don't want to cut these ariel roots off is because i want this plant to get bigger i want it to be a big monstera one day and so if i cut the roots it's going to limit the growth of the vegetation so i'm simply just going to cut the cut the pot away and try to retain as many roots as possible okay so i'm going to start doing that now i just have to do something first i forgot okay so the first thing you shouldn't probably do if you want your plant to grow is you don't want to trim the roots you can do it you totally can do it i do it in landscape all the time but in the case of this monstera and because i want it to grow and not be disturbed by root injury i'm going to try to retain as many roots as i can and it might not be possible because you see how they're growing like into each other and these aerial roots from the top are meeting their area meeting the soil roots so you kind of have to just work your magic and gently do what you can do manually before you pick these up because you're going to pick these up i know i'm going to because this might be extremely ambitious of me to think that i can do this without doing any injury to the roots and you know i have a feeling that i'm gonna have to do a little injury but so far so good very few roots on the ground but this is kind of a mess so look i'm just going to simply see where where the tangle is it's kind of like when you tangle a fishing line and you don't even know where to start that's what this is so i'm just simply pulling it gently apart like that so i can see what roots are coming out of what holes because every single drainage hole has some roots coming out of it i hope you guys can see that okay i don't have my glasses on so i'm just kind of doing it by feel it kind of that happens at my age which is fine it's totally fine at least i can still see so that's good so i've now managed to kind of loosen loosen these roots up but they're very long they're very long so i will most likely have to sacrifice this pot that's just the way it is sometimes but you can still recycle these pots it's plastic recycle them do not throw them out i mean you can but you shouldn't i don't like telling you what to do i just like giving advice i don't want to be like a lecturing mom because i already do that enough i just think it's important to know that there's different ways to do things and you know you really can cut these roots off and i i have done it in a i had a much larger monstera that i had to cut the roots and i'll probably show you that footage right if i can find it somewhere so i'm just going to do this like my hair it's a little just a clear a space where i can gently pull this out with as little root diamond as possible so i'm just going to cut like that and you know you don't have to stick around for the whole cutting but this is it this is the real thing this is what i'm doing i don't really like to edit too much not because it's a lot of work because sometimes you just gotta see what's really happening in this struggle the struggle is real especially when you can't see and you're sweating a little bit and your hair is in your face and you're trying to do as little damage to the plant as possible some people will tell me i'm doing this the wrong way they'll say you can just rip them off and you can cut and slice the roots and the plant will be fine and in some cases that is true but as a general rule the nursery industry has stopped damaging roots when they're transplanting or uphoting their plants to larger containers because they're finding that the recovery time is much faster than when you when you heard the roots and i'm going to be talking about that in a second i'm almost there i'm almost there here they're the birds those birds are getting big and i think they're going to fly away soon so i've got a few more to cut i might even just fast forward this part because i am running out of things to talk about while i'm cutting now i'm talking about the birds i'm cutting a little bit lower now because i've lost my way okay we've got that i'm almost i'm just going to snap it don't lose your patience don't lose your patience like i am i mean i thought i had a lot of patience but then i'm realizing i don't because i don't really like sweating and i seem to sweat a lot when i do these types of videos deodorant doesn't help it doesn't help me i need botox you know what i'm talking about okay so now i've cleared this and now i have to do this i have to cut i've got to make a cut up the side uh oh okay you see there's a couple of roots i lost it's not the end of the world it is not the end of the world birds stop it seriously my dogs usually make so much noise when i'm filming from new york now i've got the birds okay so now i've successfully cut this pot and now i'm gonna gently remove it okay i'm gonna remove it thanks for hanging out with me when i do this kind of stressful stuff i really appreciate it so i'm moving the pop and i think i have minimized the damage to the roots now at this point at this point here i'm just going to transplant it into a pot that is about i'd say this is about an inch and a half maybe two inches bigger than this six inch pot because it has a lot of roots and i'll fill it with soil which i'll probably do and i'll show you b-roll wise and put it in here so what's going to happen is that now these roots are not going to feel the damage and the stress i'll even put these aerial roots inside here too and let them start growing and so these roots have not gone through extensive damage and my foliage is going to be happy well not my foliage the plant's foliage is going to be happy and continue growing because as you can see on this monstera and this is an extra large monster we have on the site i think we still have them on the site on plant arena.com and it has all this new growth and my fear is that if i cut the roots that that new growth would stop growing and i don't want that to happen i want this to be big okay so that's it don't cut the roots if you don't have to so the other thing i would suggest not doing is not breaking the roots when you're transplanting so here's a calathea fasciata and calatheas by just normally in general don't want their roots to be disturbed so if you purchased a plant like this and you see there's there's some roots but it's not excessively rebound or it's not even really rooted out all the way completely like to filling the pot i would just simply take this right when i want to repot it i would not repot this yet but just imagine i'm going to repot it i'm not going to touch this i'm not going to touch this i'm not going to injure the roots here because they're fibrous thin roots and i'm going to bump it up into a six inch container and that's it these roots will find its way so please don't break up the roots and injure them especially on plants that have more fibrous roots okay here's another thing here's another thing that i have been guilty of because sometimes i don't have pots that are big enough for plants so i'll take a plant that i know is desperate in desperate need of being up potted and here i'm going to show you this one this is a new plant for me this is called a green arrow arum i think yes it is i think the name is on here arum green arrow see i kind of remember some things sometimes that's the easy one super cool plant and i i love this plant because it just looks like it looks like a philodendron let's be honest i love philadelphia i gravitate right towards so this plant in particularly is uh first of all it needs a lot of water it's like a it's a water plant it's a bog plant so i would never plant it in a terracotta pot i would never do that because they're it's not going to like it it's just not the condition it wants to be in and especially since you see how root bound this is i i would have to literally squeeze this plant into a pot this size a container this size it's not going to do anything for this plant it's going to make it feel like first of all i'm not getting the moisture i need and secondly i can't like i can't i can't grow into my space i need to grow into my space they need a little bit of growth so try not squeezing your root system into a pot that's too small you know we try to do that occasionally ourselves i know i'm still doing it i try to squeeze in when i shouldn't be squeezing in so that's just something to avoid if you can sometimes you have to do it because your pot is broken and you only have a pot that's a little bit bigger but then just get back to it and pot it into a size that is the right size for that plant here's another thing if your plant is not actively growing if it's like not the growing season and the growing season means when your plant is actively growing when you see new vegetation you know coming up on your plant if it's not growing i would just leave it just wait till like early spring or late spring at springtime summer time when you can see that you have new foliage developing the risk is if you do it while it's dormant and you damage leaves you can further damage the health of your plant especially hoyas i'm just saying boys do not even like to be repotted and because i'll i'm gonna show you this is a hoya kentiana and i'm gonna show you the roots these roots are actually pretty well established but it's still not ready to pot up and i said this in a number of videos hoyas can last in pots for years and years and years and years and you can add just a little bit of compost on top and work it in so it gets some nutrients but you'd be surprised how long they can stay in pots that they kind of grew up in actually so just try not what did i say was this thing uh oh yeah i forgot when it's when it's not growing don't repot it unless you absolutely have to there are always exceptions to the rules i'm just giving you like the rules lightly okay take it with a grain of salt here's another i haven't i'm not prepared for this i'll just do it here so another thing i don't recommend this i do not recommend doing this because and i'd see it a lot and it makes me kind of cringe but there's one reason to do this it's when you have insects in your soil but if you don't have insects in your soil try not try not to remove all the soil and listen i'm gonna sacrifice a plant here i'm gonna sacrifice it just to make a point i'm gonna remove the soil and i'm going to repot it and see what happens okay because i've never done it with a hoya it's about time i'm not going to use that pot that's crazy okay i'm just going to make a mess it i'm using this bucket so here is a hoya hindu rope and this is a small oops see the solo already came out so you okay that's another thing if you are if you are repotting it and the soil flops out like that you might think well i'll just take the rest of the soil out and put fresh soil in it you don't have to plants that we're selling you have good soil so don't remove it and plants other people are selling you probably have good soil if you do find a plant that has really bad soil you might want to do it but not with these guys okay i know i'm all over the place with that but there's always exceptions to the rules so i'm gonna gently remove i gotta stand up so i can bring it closer to the camera i'm gonna gently remove and if you are doing it remove it gently remove it gently but i'm telling you i feel like i'm doing something really wrong here i feel like i'm being a bad girl but anyway i'm gonna remove the soil and you can even put it under the sink and get all the soil out when you're doing it but don't do it so you'll remove the soil and you and you're literally going to have like little bits of roots and a lot of vegetation and then i don't know really how are you going to get how are you going to repot it like this that's the big question so if you get my drift don't do this just simply take it as it was right and and leave it leave it don't remove the soil unless you have to and if you have to do it take the plant and the soil and the roots put it under water and remove all of the excess oil and then put healthy sterile fresh soil in where you're replacing the bug infested soil that's kind of the only time you should do that sorry i did that to you sorry the last the last thing the last thing the last thing is i know what it is i'm just trying to find a plant the last thing is that when you do actually transplant your plant properly i would hold off on fertilizing until the roots have found its feet have found its home has have situated have adapted have acclimated because if you start fertilizing it too quickly the plant's not going to like it and what you can do is you can put compost in the soil that you're transplanting your plant into put some compost in it some worm castings or anything you want anything you like anything that's kind of organic and that will be sufficient for your transplant or you can put a slow release fertilizer in it too that'll be a little less harsh than uh than a liquid fertilizer it just might be too much for the plant so those are my tips of things to not do to your plants when you're transplanting them because uh i'm just saying these plants are pretty resilient and they just kind of don't want to be messed with most of my plants here i just kind of leave alone and when i pot them up i just stick them in a bigger pot and put soil around it and those roots find their own way they don't really need us to intervene that much like i said there are always circumstances when you need to get in there and make a few cuts and help it a little bit but in general they don't really need it okay that's it you guys thank you so much have a great weekend um enjoy whatever you can stay positive uh and if you're going out there be super careful okay think about the people around you that's really important okay take care bye guys
Views: 627,956
Rating: 4.9197478 out of 5
Keywords: plants, houseplants, house plants, indoor plants, repotting plants, potting houseplants, plant care, indoor plant care, houseplant care, foliage plants, tropical plants, root pruning, interior plants, houseplant roots, roots
Id: bXSJbXFbsmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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