Houseplant Trends That Are Already Over (2021)

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hi everyone my name is nick and today we're going to go over house plant trends that are already over as of 2021 so it's no secret that house plants have become very trendy as of last year 2020 around the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic however house plant trends have existed for a very long time although in this video i'm going to be focusing specifically on trends from the last couple of years because that's what's most relevant so let's go ahead and get started the first one i want to talk about today is like the og it plant of the new wave of house plant enthusiasts and that is the pile of peperomides now i just want to point out that if you have just gotten into house plants as of the coronavirus pandemic you probably see pile of peppermints in your local house plant stores it probably sells for like five to ten dollars for a four-inch pot and it just sits there amongst the other common plants the pothos the snake plants the hartley philodendrons and you probably don't pay that much mind to it but that was a completely different scenario just a couple years ago i'd say this plant really started to become very popular around like 2015 2016 and it was like the hottest plant of all time around that time it was not easy to get your hands on this was something that was not cultivated in the united states so it's something that was readily cultivated overseas i believe in europe however it's just something that wasn't available in the united states and people in the united states would see this plant on instagram i think a lot of like i think like ikea even used it in its catalogs like back in those years and it was just that house plant that you would see it but you couldn't get it that has changed of course since then but what happened was this plant started to be brought over to united states and because this plant is known for being a plant that is ridiculously easy to propagate it very very soon became widespread so now pretty much all plant purveyors are selling this plant for pennies like i said they cost pretty much the same price as a pothos or a snake plant so nowadays it's really just the it plant of yesteryear i think this is a plant that we can hopefully take a lesson on as far as how plant trends work specifically because as of lately plant trends are totally blown out of proportion but this is one that really was just a one-of-a-kind the it plant like no one else cared about any other plant it's seen back in those days except for the pilot pepperonis and i just remember when this started being sold in the philadelphia area which is probably just around like 2018 so really not that long ago in the grand scheme of things and by that time four inch pots were still going for like 30 40 dollars mind you back in like 2015 2016 a plant this size was probably selling for like 50 60 and was also very difficult to get your hands on but it's just showing how times change and how trends and fads work so something that i guess look forward for other plants that are very hot right now cough cough very good and monstera cough cough but there is another plant that i want to talk about before i go too far in that was also could be considered a a lesser itch plant than the pile of pepperonis but definitely one that was still very popular at the time that has really fallen off quite a bit since then and that is the ficus lyrada or the fiddly fig so the ficus lyrada is known for its large beautiful leaves and it's really a statement plant a lot of people want to move into their new home and get a big beautiful tree they're called a standard form but it's like the ones with like the trunk and then it's all the tree up here and it's just what you think of when you think of like a house plant tree and it makes a statement it's why people wanted the fiddly thing in their home but i think it took a lot of trial and error for people to realize that the fiddly fig is not really an excellent health plan of course can you grow a fiddle leaf fig absolutely it does require a lot of light so it wants to be near a window and it's something that really needs to acclimate to your home so those trees that are grown in the greenhouse to look perfect in a statement piece are really not applicable house plants for most homes if people were going to go to philly fig i would recommend starting off with a small bush like a 10 inch pot just like the bush form that can lose a couple leaves at the bottom and it's not really going to affect its appearance and then grow up over time into a beautiful house plant but that's not what people want people wanted these trees and they learned from their mistakes spending 350 on a big beautiful tree and having it basically fall apart into nothing i'm sure it's heartbreaking i haven't done it myself and i have learned from others not to do it but i remember back in like 2015 2016 that fiddly figs were hot they were very very popular i remember walking into a greenhouse or garden center in my area and seeing a little four inch pot of fiddly thick i'd never seen that before i've only seen them ridiculously priced for like over a hundred dollars in 10 inch pots so i went ahead and purchased a little fiddly fig and i think it made its last debut on my youtube channel in my plants i do not like video where i had absolutely fried it to pieces and underwatered it and i just literally tossed it in the garbage forgive me after filming that video but it's just really not the house plant for me there are other ficus that i really like growing uh ficus elasticod the variegated versions are extremely showy houseplants and i think are very easy to grow but like i was saying what i think is most important with ficus is to remember that they really do need to acclimate to your home so when you bring them into your home chances are a couple of those lower leaves are going to turn yellow and fall out so it's a plant where i would say do not purchase it looking as you want it to look because it's not going to look like that for very long and everyone's learning back when i was working at the house plant store fiddly fig was something that the people above me at the houseplant store told me not to purchase because it was something that wasn't selling i would get big beautiful trees or columns from florida when i would order and they would just sit in the plant store because i think people learned their lesson too much and then when people would buy them they would just call and complain that their house plant was dying which isn't my problem by any means but it was still something kind of annoying to hear so yeah that's about it all i have to say about that wonderful house plant but moving on to this one right here so this is a really lovely house pen actually so this is zamiakoka zamiafolia raven or the ravens easy plant which is just even more commonly referred to as the black leaves easy plant and this is a like phenomenon for a house houseplant seeing these dark black leaves they're very gothic i apologize i'm sure there's a little bit of dust on mine i just pulled it out of the display that it was in you can see it's kind of just facing forward because i actually have this plant shoved inside like a box so it's like sitting inside the box and all the plants coming out i really like the way it looks it just kind of looks funky when i'm showing it on camera anyway that's not what we're talking about in today's video we're talking about how this plant is over the zz raven a couple years ago was another one of those house plants that was just like so hot similar to the pile of peperomioides it was one that was just not available in the united states a lot of people were ordering overseas and if they were getting it in the united states they were spending top dollar on it nowadays this little four inch pot of z raven is probably worth about eight to ten dollars and if you are to walk into any of your local hardware stores your big box stores here in the united states home depot lowe's walmart even you are going to find 20 plus zz ravens sitting there because they have hit the mass market they've been mass-produced by costa farms which is a just a big box chain of uh house plant purveyors and they are selling these plants for dirt cheap so what was once a plant that sold in a six-inch pot for like 125 is now going for 20 and something happens with that which makes people not really want it anymore because i walk into every hardware store these days and there's always just a sea of zzz ravens that nobody wants and i'm not sure if seeing them there like in mass quantity makes people want them less or something i don't know because i know there's a lot of other plants in that trending tropicals houseplant line that are very popular and people will show up in minutes to clear out from what i see on the internet but the zz raven is unfortunately just not one of those ones anymore which is certainly fortunate enough for everybody who wants to get their hands on this plant because now it's just no longer a hot commodity but i feel like it's something that a lot of sellers are probably just like ugh about because now the plant isn't worth what it used to be worth someone would have to be really uninformed to want to spend top dollar on these plants nowadays this is a plant that followed the exact fate of the paella pepperonis and once again we can really learn a lot from it so stay tuned costa farms is just changing up the plant trends if they really are releasing those thai constellations this year as everyone is saying i've heard it from people in the industry and just consumers alike apparently they're releasing those thai constellations this year so let's see what's gonna happen that's pretty exciting i would say so another one that i have to talk about today pardon me this one is just a nightmare to hold so hopefully it's not hitting my microphone so this is a philodendron brandy and this plant is out this plant is just not hot anymore nobody cares about the phil dungeon brandy this is something where i walk into house plant stores and when i used to work in the industry this was something that i would get it in stock and it would sell like immediately granted this is one that took a little while to actually catch on i would say i know i'm getting a little off topic but there was a time and place where i was getting brandy in stock in four-inch pots they were costing like i'm sorry i'm really worried that these vines are going to be hitting my microphone this is something i would sell in four-inch pots for like ten to twelve dollars it literally costed the same price wholesale as apothecs and phil dungeon and then something happened i guess with the whole corona virus pandemic where this plant just became hot hot hot and they were selling out in minutes people were lining up at the door in the morning to come in and buy my brandies i had to put a limit on them i would do that with all the popular houseplants one per person because people would want to buy multiple so that they could resell them online specifically at the beginning when i was selling them for so cheap but the price just kept going up and up and up and by the time i left the houseplant store the price was not anywhere that i was happy with because these plants were really just worth nothing to me and um now it is just like the zz ravens at the big box stores i walk into small business house plant stores and they just have the seas of philodendron brantianums they're just not selling anymore so i don't know if the price has gone too high or they're just uh too readily available like the zz ravens but it seems that the bubble has popped for philodendron brantianum so if this is a plant you're looking to get i think now is the time i really think it's taken a very very quick uh nose dive as it seems but i don't think the price has come down yet unfortunately which is why i think that they are so there's so many of them every time i go to the plant store so just something to bear in mind there maybe in due time it's not going to be selling as much to the people who are in charge and the price is going to come down we're going to see how this happens but i don't believe at this point that this is one that's sold in the cost of farms trending tropicals line which is why it is not inexpensive of course because it's not being mass-produced well it is being mass-produced but just not being mass-produced corporately i assume but still a house plant that has just fallen fake to many of these other ones unfortunately the price is just still very high so i'd love to see that come down soon because like i said i'm used to this houseplant being worth peanuts so it's just another trend that's gone the way of the wind and the last one i want to talk about today is probably the quickest trend of all time that has existed in the house plant world and i'm sure a lot of you guys have heard me complain enough about this house plant but it is the philodendron birkin this plant was is as out as it was in it was just a lightning flash of a houseplant i remember there was one moment where this house plant was sold very like sporadically online for over a hundred dollars and it was like getting really popular and the next moment it was in every house plant store for 15 and they had it every week maybe even cheaper than that i think i had 12 um by the time i was leaving so it was very inexpensive at the end mass-produced i think this is another one that of course has hit the trending tropicals line of costa farms but also plenty of other people were selling it and i think that's one where you know i don't even really know what happened with this plant my assumption is that it showed up in plugs and that a lot of people were like oh this is going to be a popular plant so let's grow it it's a philodendron they named it birkin for crying out loud if you're familiar with a birken bag it makes total sense that they were kind of marketing this plant to be like high-end and popular but that's not really how things went in my own opinion i don't like the plant at all i think it looks like a mix of a philodendron congo and a canna lily which are like the two most boring plants to me just because i worked in the house plant industry but if it floats your boat that's all fried and dandy it's just not my cup of tea but it is just really funny how this house plant literally within like six months time went from being a house plant that was like trying to be the eggplant it was trying very very hard and it just crashed and burned and now it's just a plant that when i was working at the housepan store just really wasn't selling the way i think the market intended it to so that's kind of a funny story i think just because i'm like haha i never even liked the philo dungeon book and lol but um i think it got the fate that it deserves and really it's just one once again another one of those plant trends from yesteryear so that's gonna do it for today's video i know it's just five plants but i think these plants are very relevant in today's market so i'm curious from you guys if there's any other plant trends that you think are already over or are going to be over soon because there are so many plant trends right now that are just completely blown out of proportion so let me know in the comments i'm very curious to hear otherwise thank you guys so much for joining me today if you don't already follow me on instagram at philly foliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 291,091
Rating: 4.7557211 out of 5
Keywords: plant, houseplant, trends, 2021, fads, philodendron, brandi, brandtianum, birkin, zz, raven, pilea, peperomioides, ficus, lyrata, fiddle leaf fig, nick pileggi
Id: ku72rNho620
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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