The Best Fast-Growing, Low-Light Hanging Plants | My 13 Favorites

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[Music] welcome back how are you i'm sorry i missed a couple of days but you know the holidays and everything got super busy but um but i'm here i like it or not anyway i just first of all i wanted to thank you guys for subscribing to this channel i really do appreciate it i also wanted to thank those of you who have signed up for our mailing list on we've been getting a lot of cool new plants in so if you're on the list you're the first to hear about it anyway today i want to talk about low light fast growing hanging plants because they've kind of turned into my favorite because of those reasons because they do well in low light i always fell backwards and because they grow fast and because i can't kill them i really can't i can let them dry out anyway i'm just going to start showing you some of my favorites okay because they're really great they're starting to take over my plant studio let's go so the first one i'm going to show you is the golden pothos it's an epipremnan aureum that's how you say it i think but it is stunning this one i only think i hung it up last year and it was like this big maybe i can find photos and i can show you here but it has grown so much and it's starting to adhere itself to the walls which i wanted to do because this is a garage i'm not concerned about ruining the walls or anything because i've already ruined them by putting concrete all over them right on the top of the sheetrock but anyway that's another story yeah so these guys are just so prolific and they do they stick they have these they have their little aerial roots that stick to things that's what enables them to crawl up poles and stakes and walls and trees and stuff like that outside so again they do super well in low light and that's another one of their their their benefits and they don't really take a lot of water they don't need a lot of water although these need a lot of water because they're up close to the ceiling and it's hot in here when i have the heat running and it dries it out very quickly so i'm constantly watering these because they're getting dry the other issue with them is that as pothos and philodendrons and skindapsis get longer and bigger they're not going to be as full as they once were and sometimes you might have to replace them so i'm still i'm still thinking this looks good and i'm hoping i don't have to repot them because i really don't know how i'm going to do that because they're up there and they're attached to the wall so that's going to be a real challenge down the road but worst case scenario i have to start all over again and that's what's so good about great about these plants that you can easily propagate them you can make so many plants from some of these longer vines like this one over here so that's that then let's talk about philodendron brazil sorry startled myself can you see this guy it's really hard for me to kind of pull it out because there i'm encouraging it to grow up on this ladder do you see that and so i have this philodendron brazil and you know what you are going to lose leaves you're going to it's just totally normal that they get crunchy and fall off because new ones are forming i just swept so i'm going to put that in the sink uh yeah so the brazils are gorgeous i talk about them constantly because how can you not they have amazing variegation and they can and they'll keep their variegation in lower light so ah hold on my dad calls me hold on hold on he calls me a lot hold on hey dad i'm i'm filming can i call you back sure okay bye-bye i'm back sorry about that so they can reta and they will retain their beautiful variegation in lower light and this is it looks light now because i've adjusted the exposure on the camera but in general this is a dark corner and that's why i have this philodendron and i have this okay i could talk about this too i'm going to pull the camera back hold on and then i have this beautiful scindapsus it's a silver satin and it looks a lot like an exotica tube but it's a silver satin look at the size of this leaf it's almost as big as this as this philodendron sodori so dory eye but it's not it's not as big anyway again it's in a very dark corner and it's loving life and i've got it climbing up on this ladder here and same as this the same goes with the philodendrons as with the pothos is that they have these aerial aerial roots that will just start just attaching themselves if you just stop moving for a long time you might wake up in a couple of weeks with aerial roots all over your body that's a really creepy thought so don't stay in one place for too long in around your plants so yeah these are apps just gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous so many different markings so so much silver it's like it's pretty spectacular a low light loving hanging plant hanging plants can also hang and they can also rise they can they can go up so that's that's what's great about them so yeah and then i've got this other uh hold on i have to keep moving the camera my camera guy said no today because it's sunday all right you're with me are you with me how to change the battery on the camera too so i also have this hartley philodendron here that is kind of mixing in with this golden pothos and there's another golden pothos and there's some brazil in here and this i can't take down either but i think this particular plant i put yes i put in marble marble queen oh you can't see it i'm sorry i'm gonna take i'm gonna take it down to show you um it's i did not want to take it down anyway i'll show you in a second but i have uh i have marble queen pothos i have golden pothos i have silver satin and i have philodendron brazil all living in one pot these were a propagated cuttings that i took and i just made a mixed mix matched pot with them so i'm pretty excited about that and also this is what i'm trying to do can you see here i'm trying to get it to stick to the wall here because it will not if i keep moving it and taking it down off the shelf all the time to water it but i'm encouraging these plants to stick themselves on the wall because my goal here is to have a actual real living wall with plants that are growing on it so okay i'm gonna show you my ladder okay so so sorry about that can you see here so this is a very long marble queen pothos that i put on the top shelf here and i'm encouraging it to grow down and wind itself around this ladder shelf and find its way is actually finding its way into some other pots that are being inhabited by other plants and that's kind of annoying for the other plants and i think i have one here um let me see what's going on with this this was oh yeah so look at that i'm not sure i'm going to show you you can't see it anyway this was uh a what was it a monster ad and sony eye and that died and then now these other vines like this giant marble queen pothole is taking over the pot so i can show you a close-up of that but yeah it's just looks so pretty and i love when the vines just all intermingle together and become just one big mass of greenery so that's that's my goal here and so that was the marble queen potos and i have more of the hartley philodendrons here you see that you see that so i know i've covered those and another really great one for low light for low light is the um lemon lime philodendrons they're so pretty they're so pretty look when their new foliage starts out it's like a different color it's like a red pinkish color and a little transparent like that you see it's just so pretty it's a great color it's a great contrast color to some of the darker green foliage plants that i have in the hanging plants so super super pretty it doesn't really fit in the pot very well it's okay you can't see it because the foliage is covering it you can't even see the pot hi so i have this indoor well actually this is an outdoor planter that's indoors right now i had it outside for the summer and i brought it back in again it's the garage the stuff just the water just falls out it rolls out the door so i'm not that concerned about watering plants that don't have uh saucers in here so much but anyway so i have a couple of think a couple of plants here that do extremely well in low light that are vining plants and hanging plants and it's super easy to care for and some of them are it's the syngonium syngoniums are just perfect for low light areas and they grow so incredibly fast you definitely want to feed them you want to fertilize them to encourage them to grow more and to grow faster and of course these plants will grow a lot faster in the growing season but guess what it is not the growing season here in the northeast and they're still growing so that's that's the good news if you keep your temperatures inside your house at about like 65 to 68 degrees you're kind of fooling these plants and the other thing that i do is i keep these lights on these grow lights around here i keep them on all day long during the during the winter so they're being fooled i'm fooling my plants i'm sorry but i'm fooling you guys and then i've got under here this is a pothos jay enjoy i think it's an enjoy and this prefers a little bit lower light uh in in my opinion sometimes like if you have plants that are variegated look at this going on with this light hole in a second but plants that have a lot of white in their foliage like that they might need a little bit more sunlight a little bit like a like a bright medium in direct light and but if they if they're in light that's too bright sometimes this white stuff burns out it burns off so just be kind of cognizant of how your plants reacting to the light that it's in okay so that's the enjoy pothos and then here i have a cebu blue can you can't see any of this can you oh i'm going to disappoint it there's a cebu blue pothos there which i'll show some footage of a bigger one here that does incredibly well in lower light and it grows really fast it's a fast grower you don't even have to feed it that much it just wants to go it just wants to go okay let's go inside because i think there's a couple more plants i want to show you inside but another super fast grower is this monster at insomniai this has grown a ton since i've purchased it and it's growing up on the ceiling i've showed this to you before but i'm going to show it again and yeah and i can i've been propagating this a lot too so it's a great plant to propagate it does like to be fertilized during the growing season and it really encourages it to push out more new growth so that's another great vine it's a so you can tell it's a vine because it climbs and it hangs so this is that this is terrible lighting so i'm just going to do this quickly the other another vine that grows relatively quickly in pretty low light not low light you know low light doesn't mean no light but uh yeah it's the mikens the philodendron micans and it has really beautiful velvety leaves and it takes a lit it has to be established first before it starts growing so once the roots are established expect a waterfall of growth expect a just an epic amount of growth on your plants once once they're established and they like where they're living okay so the micans are just another another one just yet another one such a pretty one too it really looks like velvet i don't know what the common name is it a velvet vine it should be i'm going to start naming plants on my own i'm going to put you here because you're dry but here is a pothos pictus and it's not the fastest grower but it is worth the wait but it does do really well in low light it likes to dry out you see how dry that soil is it is super super dry you can tell but i'm telling you it is dry and they like to dry out they like to be like to reach like critical dryness before i will soak this anyway but this is just an absolutely gorgeous plant that's a little bit slower grower than say the silver satin in my opinion so i have this very very long neon pothos here that is just doing extremely well and growing very quickly so watch out stand back before it takes over which is kind of the goal i don't really let my indoor plants stick on the wall because i don't want to have problems with like humidity and moisture on the sheetrock so i just keep them off the wall with these with these plant with these plants holder thingies these wall mounts and the idea is that you don't see the wall mounts you just see the plants that are like levitating they're lava dating look at that looks pretty good and then i have i have another i'll show you over here this brazil it's tucked it is tucked behind this dracina can i show you something look out that drastina has flowered it flowered i don't see that often so that was pretty interesting but anyway it's hiding behind their drastina i might have to put some ferns or something back here but yeah like how much growth there's a lot of growth they do that they'll start really kind of expanding their internodes like the internodes will get much longer where they're not getting enough light but you can cut that back and then more growth will occur from where you cut it back from so i guess that's it there's really about i'm not sure how many plants i showed you but there's plenty of fast growing low light loving hanging into our plants that you can have in your home that will grow rather quickly with the right care don't over water them feed them during the growing season and let them do their thing because they just add an element of elegance to i think any space have you ever been to a house and there's no plants and you just thought to yourself this place would look so much better with some plants in it i think about that a lot and i also think about how different things are without plants in my life does that make any sense i don't know i'm just going off someplace mentally but anyway thank you guys so much i hope you enjoyed this new year i hope it's a little better i hope it's better let's just make it better somehow and hang in there and i will see you guys very very soon i promise okay i hope i can't promise i'm gonna try you never know right okay that's it bye
Views: 617,856
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Id: gqRL0CpnDOc
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Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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