Demystifying Prayer Plants (Update) | 20 varieties of Calathea, Maranta and Stromanthe!

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[Music] hi everybody my name is Amanda from plant arena and I'm back I'm sorry I took a couple of days off so I just need a little bit of a rest anyway I think today I know actually today I want to talk about prayer plants I'm gonna talk about prayer plants because I've got a lot of them and I might have a lot to say about it but mainly I just want to talk about the different types that exist like like Caillat Thea and mer anta and straw manthie and I think that's it there might be one more remember right now but you know I've been collecting them and I've had problems and I'm sure you guys have had problems too with them but once you kind of figure out what's going on they become a lot easier to take care of and some are easier than others to take care of and that's what I've discovered so I'm gonna start with this big one this rattlesnake Alethea because I need to get it off of the table because it's I feel like it's encroaching on me plants which I am which is great who doesn't want to be in a sea of plants so the rattlesnake clay Thea this is this one I'm just gonna have to get up and show it whoops get closer to show you a little bit more detail these are absolutely stunning plants they had these beautiful markings almost like an animal print and they have these beautiful undersides of the leaves that are just like a deep fuchsia I don't even know I can't describe that color but I feel like I'm really low I have to have the Neil Neil on my chair and this one I've had definitely over a year and when I bought it it was very large it was larger than this and I have lost some foliage but that is to be expected and you're always going to lose foliage on the inside and they're just because they're not gonna have a lot of sunlight and then there's no growth that's coming and that just kind of pushes out the old growth that happens often so the thing I do with this I act because it's in a big container I'll just take this basket off for now wait it's in this big container so I don't have to water it that often because the water stays in the soil longer because it's a bigger volume of soil and that's my philosophy and it's kind of works so I water it when it's dry I have one of these little moisture meters in here but I'll pull out that see it's it's blue and when it's and when it's white that's when I water it I don't overwater these guys because I find that can also be destructive to their health and you know there is going to be some burning around the edges of the leaves but again again it's common it's common with clay Thea so you if you get close you notice it a lot more if you go farther away you don't notice it as much so you can strategically place your clay Thea and I said this is the rattlesnake clay Thea and I have a smaller version of it smaller version here this is a tinier version of that larger plant and it's gonna get that big these little plants we sell these little plants on planter and accomm they're called minis and a big question we get is when do i transplant it is it gonna get any bigger and yes they do get bigger so you can transplant these guys pretty soon you just take off the pot and you see those roots it could be time I would wait a little bit longer for this but also the thing is they need to be watered a lot when they're small so anyway the little rattlesnake clay these become big rattlesnake clay theists and that's a good thing you want our plans to get bigger sometimes unless you don't have a giant room or a house and you need your plants to say small just don't repot them as often that's a whole other topic okay so let's talk about I'm just gonna start eliminating plants that are in front of me so I can see you so I can see your guys this is a clay Thea mosaic ax and I think I'm saying right and this started out really small and I've showed this to you before I've done another clay Thea video and some of those I don't have anymore and a lot of these are new so that's just what happens callate Thea - that sounds like a song a little bit but this one is quite beautiful it has really intricate markings on it so it's light green and a little bit of chartreuse and yellow and you know this I had in a terra cotta pot which was a mistake that was a mistake because it was in a small terra cotta pot and it really required me to water it more often than I was so it was struggling a little bit so I've bumped it up into this six inch grow pot and I've added worm castings and I'm fertilizing it with fish emulsion and chelated iron so I could just get it a little bit greener just perk it up a little bit and it's starting to push out new growth it is not in perfect condition you can say a lot of these clay Thea I'm going to show you are not in perfect condition and that's what happens there's not that I have minerals and my but I'm sorry I have minerals in my water I don't have fluoride and I don't have chloramine I just sometimes have I think there's a little extra iron in our water here but sometimes the minerals in the water can get kind of like logged up with that's even a term in the plants and it'll cause burning or if you over fertilize I could have done that too you really anxious to get it going so maybe I did it too soon in between fertilizations so this is another beautiful one that is a little bit of a slower grower for me maybe because it was in a terra cotta pot but I haven't seen huge versions of these yet so maybe if you guys have send some photos I'd love to see them so this is gonna go on the floor so let's talk about - nan thetan Anthea is another prayer plant and maybe I should explain why they're called prayer plants they're called called prayer plants like a tongue twister because the leaves move according to the light action to the changes of light so in the evening you might come home from work or school and discover that the leaves are standing straight up in the air like they're praying and then during the day they relax a little bit to get the light so I don't know that's maybe why they do it they don't really need to catch light at night so they close up and the day they open up to produce energy through photosynthesis so anyway so this is what Ananth II am Icarus I love love the foliage on this because the foliage is subtle I love subtle beauty and this month has it this one has really it is very light it's so hard to see with the light because it changes the underneath of the leaves change almost like a what's that called forgot the name of it like I can't think of it but it light changes the color changes it will come to me in the middle of the video but really great and I have a tiny version of that too here yeah this was a mini that I I up potted I potted up into a 4-inch and it just he's gonna get bigger this one actually was maybe half the size when I when I transplanted it so look at this I can't beat this guy oh maybe you can I'll go to the next one so that's a 10 anthe that's the amma grace and then we have the burl mark CI which looks similar but it's not it's not the same plant so this the the burl mark CI has definitely darker lines and thicker lines down the leaves and the amicus has thinner more subtle but they're both beautiful and they both have that kind of um that oval shaped leaf which is really pretty do and i find i can let these guys right out partially and then I water them I don't ever let these well that's not true I'm going I think I have one that's very very dry but I try not to let them get you dry before I water them so do I have any more Timothy no that's it so that's Manthey or another prayer plant that are really pretty kind of easy I think they're on the easier side I keep this guy in the kitchen and it does get humidity because my husband's cook my and cooks a lot and I think that's why it does well there so again most of these plants excuse me require all more humidity than other house plants that you that you might have so you'll want to increase the humidity by having a humidifier or put them on a pebble tray with water so just what you really want to increase the humidity if you start to notice a lot more of these leaves with tips that are brown and edges that are brown so this is a strawman theis and gwynnie a and this is just what's left I'm sorry to say we're oh I do have a bigger storm Anthes it's upstairs so this is just a different storm anthea tryo star and these are like problem children to me though they really just when they're small they're they're more difficult to take care of and when they're larger they're kind of like on their own they just take care of themselves so the one I have upstairs is a much better behaved plant than this one I've lost maybe half the foliage but it's still it just there's something really cool about seeing the long stalks and then the leaves kind of just dangling on the top and it has really beautiful markings and so it's one of the most beautiful plants I think I own in terms of color and in form but it is troubling because the tips definitely turn brown and you can cut the tips off of you want if you want so we'll just put that there but the strawman the-- sanguine EI the one that doesn't have all the markings a little bit easier plant to manage this you know it's beautiful in a very subtle way very much like that Ananth e it's just not as doesn't pack a powerful Beauty punch like that one so it's just it's just a different version of it not so fancy so that's this drone Manthey and then we have I've got this clay Thea rosy and there's really interesting because they I'm just gonna I'm gonna do this so you don't see the microphone I'm really bad at this stuff they're interesting because well this one I had some problems with but I think I wrecked aside them they are interesting because their color changes a lot depending on the light that they're getting so this has a fuzz ball it's what happens when you keep your plants in the garage oh all sorts of stuff starts happening so you see the difference in in color in the leaves so this newest leaf here does not have a lot of color yet but it will it'll start turning this kind of rich rosy color like the other leaves are and then this one you know again it has lots of silver they're more mature leaves and there's fuzz that fuzz I think it's fuzzy I hope it's fuzz this had some problems like I said I had some pests but this new leaf is coming out really nicely it's not damaged nothing who's been eating it and the color is a little bit richer on this one that it is on this one it all depends on how much light it's getting I think the more light it gets the more colorful these guys are but they don't like bright light you gotta find the right spot okay so that's the rosy calathea which kind of like a little bit of a show-off in the clay Thea world and then we have similar to that I kind of always get these confused I don't know why because they look very different but this is dotty this is clay Thea dotty and it just has kind of like a radial marking on it like I'm shaking a little bit I'm shaking but I darker darker leaf almost sometimes like a deep deep purple and very rich a great accent piece and there I find they're a little bit more sensitive than some of the other Kalia Thea's that I've been talking about and we'll show you more of so but they're quite beautiful and they do like higher humidity so that's with that guy and then while I'm talking about Clea I'll talk about another one I'm gonna talk about Clea Thea fast yata I love this I think it's really obvious when I love a plant because it's just the end of this - I just can't get over the deep rich I don't looks like a painting to me looks like a painting this one is okay I maybe have been neglecting it and or have not quite figured it out the perfect spot that it needs to be in but it's still going to I'm gonna keep trying I'm always gonna keep trying with these guys and if you go away I'll get another one I definitely will because I really really like you I love that then we've got this is the Mako Jana it's a clay Thea Mako Jana and just be pretty too it's just I don't know what is with a clay Thea but they're like total show-off plants like every time I pick one up but just can't believe both sides like you look from underneath the light shines through them and then you look overhead and it's just a slightly different just bloom it's a different bloom not meaning a flower but just like the color like the shade of the color and glossy so that's the main Kohana and there I feel like they're medium difficult they are they they will start dropping these on the bottom and they get bigger and they will start experiencing some at Brown around the edges but for for as long as I've had this I haven't had many problems with this particular variety here's one that you might have problems with oh you might not is the Pinstripe it's the clay Theo or nada just look pink pink stripes pink stripes and I'm kind of wearing pajamas but not anyway and this shirt is very short so the clay Pia or not up it's a little bit more of a diva this is kind of like a diva plant and I don't even know if I have a larger version of it because it died but I keep getting them and I keep putting them around and I keep trying my hardest but I think the best the best way to grow these plans is put them in a bigger container the one I had and I'm trying to remember right now was in a much bigger pot with more soil very much like the rattlesnake laid the clay Thea I just showed you and so if I forget to water it it still has more stir in the soil and I think that's the key so larger versions of the Pinstripe are definitely better in my experience so I'm going to repot this after this video I should at least it might not happen it might not happen um I have a lot of clay Thea I'm just gonna kind of do the clay Thea thing here and then I'll go on to more anta so here's an or befo Lea this is a clay Thea word befo Lea and I was in love with this plant and I remember when I first got the my first one it was so tiny and cute and then it started developing kind of brown edges around the leaves and I started panicking and I realized wait a minute I think this is always going to happen with this plant and it's okay because they do get big this has only been growing in this pot I'd say for about eight months this particular one I don't really remember but is look I just it has some damage on the leaves it's okay but they just get to be like dinner-plate size leaves with very very very subtle markings and a beautiful pattern so I find these to be easier to take care of but they definitely will get the marking the the brown markings on the leaves if you let it dry out too much if you're using water that has chemicals in it so just really you should be using distilled water or rainwater or filtered water for Callay Thea I should have started that the video by saying that but I'm saying it now so the orbit folios are super super beautiful and that's all I have to say about that one too I talked 20 minutes on each plant cuz that's too much talking so then this is so sweet I love the batata this is a clay Thea Vitara and it has pure white I have two of them I've got two of them it has pure white foliage and kind of this this is like arrow type shape leaf Arrowhead type shape leaf I think and again I just don't really want to say much because I want you to see it and I want you to understand that these guys are easier to take care of then say the Stroh Manthey trio' star or the I'll get to another one but they're just they don't seem to be affected so badly by water that has chemicals or if you miss a watering they're just easier and beautiful that's why I like these guys yeah wow there's a lot there's a lot okay so what I have a bigger version of it let's talk about the collegia con Cena John Cena Freddie and Freddie's pretty tough for a clay Thea pretty tough but as you'll see I'm going to show you the bad side it loses leaves inside and I picked them out and new ones come out and this one is just needs watering it's pretty dry on top and I there's water in the bottom so anyway don't I'm never I should never let it get drier than this and I think a part of the reason why these leaves did that is because I did that I let it dry out too much but in general it's there's a lot of leaves on this type of clay Thea so if you lose a couple you're not gonna notice that except if it's small if it's small then you notice if it's big you don't notice it as much but they're not super difficult to take care of and they do they do like okay about all the clay via this applies to all the clay Thea they like medium to bright indirect light they can definitely tolerate low light and they will do fine they just like I said most plants are not meant to be in completely low light like meaning almost no light they do need light all plants need light most plants need light so that's the Freddie which is quite stunning and it's a trooper it's a trooper of the Khalifa's so put you there gently and I have I think let's cover one or two more clay Thea with you three for Beauty star I cut this up a little bit the beauty star is very very similar to the aura nada and it's hard to tell from these two but they have very very similar markings Beautif beautiful and the or nada or it's much more pronounced and I also find that the Beauty star is a bit easier to maintain it doesn't need quite as high humidity of humidity as the aura nada and this is the one that was very dry when I said I'm guilty and it needs to be repotted you see all those roots you got a check you got a check so I I will repot you I'll put you in the repot pile I don't have one repot pile where are you okay so that's that and then here's what I haven't pulled out in a long time here's another one this is called a clay theory faux Barbra and I don't know how this is still alive I really don't I keep it up against the wall it's in a terracotta pot and it keeps saying what is that what is that seriously it's like a apparition I keep saying I'm gonna change it and I don't and it keeps flopping over and I think it's dead and then I water it and then it pops right back so maybe this is the true survivor of all microwave yeah but their roof of Barbra Barbra is so pretty it has like almost like a furry foliage there's a little bit of a I got um a cube essence on it and just so nice to touch and feel and maybe not the prettiest clay Thea in the world but I'm I'm proud of this one proud of it it's it's standing up to the test of being forgotten about that's that's good in my book so let's talk about this Sabrina oh okay so Sabrina this one this one was huge it was big and lush and three times the thickness and size when I got it and then it was having a very difficult time acclimating and so I just kept cutting it back and trimming it back and then it looks like this at least I have it that's I feel good about it I don't feel like it's bad enough to get rid of there's new growth coming and you know it's just probably shouldn't be in a terracotta pot so I have to be bad to repot you I don't want to repot you but I guess I will so that's the Sabrina oh and then let's talk about the worst qsd I I'm talking about a birth could I see I so this guy's dry I know if this is in my front office and I haven't gotten there to water yet I love this I love it it's not the easiest kallithea to take care of it really isn't it's super sensitive to changes in air humidity it just either likes you or doesn't like you I think I think it's a good personal plant it's a personal thing with this plant because I think I found one that actually likes me has slightly droopy leaves and then you know obviously they move and they move it in the evening they go up a little bit but it always seems to be a little droopy I'm okay with that not everything in this world is gonna be happy all the time so anyway the war Squad is beautiful definitely more of a challenge for the collegia enthusiast but it's worth it it's so worth it you are just a gorgeous thing aren't you so I'll have any more clay Athey behind me so let's talk about that Moran toes this is a red Murata and I've been taking cuttings and this is what happens when you take cuttings they really like to be cut and when you take cuttings the mother plant grows thicker which is a really good thing so this is so beautiful look at the foliage on this thing it's insane and then I've got this one over here this is the lump the lime one I showed this to in my last video I think this is really great it's in a glass light cover I showed you a few videos ago and I let it dry out and then I water it let it dry out and then I water it it is a little bit like if you get too close you'll see the markings on the leaves but this ball end up fertilizing this again and cleaning it up a little bit put it outside in the porch where it loves it it loves that humidity here in the Northeast so most of these most of these guys will end up going on the porch because they like it there so the Moran toes are kind of easier to take care of them some of the collegia they just really like to have the soil kind of dry out between waterings in my opinion when I overwater them in the beginning that was it they just died I didn't have them and it was really sad so they'd like to be ignored and I'm not sure if this anything else here that I didn't talk about but give me one swoop around looking around I think I think that covers it I don't know how long I've been talking about the prayer plants but I wanted to show you the different ones that I had and kind of talk about the varying degrees of care they need and that's really it give it a try just give it a try and if you don't succeed the first time sometimes it does work again put in a different spot give it slightly different a good watering regime just try to talk to it differently because they come around actually we come around we start to learn what they need and then they start they start just rewarding us with constant constant beauty that's not a bad thing that's what they have to offer so anyway thank you guys I appreciate so much that you can still watch these videos and I I do really enjoy making them it's so fun I just love talking about plants and I like talking to plants with you guys anyway I have a great weekend I'll see you guys soon and I do apologize for not doing a lot of videos this week it just felt like I was doing too many videos maybe that's a thing you can do too many videos alright take care bye bye
Views: 308,366
Rating: 4.9402165 out of 5
Keywords: Prayer plants, calathea, maranta, stromanthe, indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, plantas de interior, plantas, foliage plants, colorful houseplants, office plants, bedroom plants, bathroom plants, air purifying plants, pet friendly houseplants, prayer plant care, best indoor plants, shelter in place
Id: zwqTBEqeYsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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