Top Gear Radio Show - Full (2006)

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It’s actually pretty good

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Emerald_Rain4 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've been driving in my car listening to Jeremy Clarksoooonnnnnn

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Sucramdi 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

It was awesome to listen to :D. The show was a bit of a train wreck, but if you like their humor, it was still great.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RdJNL 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Loved the whole thing. I find May’s voice rather soothing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JimmyJamesincorp 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Almost as good as Top Gear Ground Force

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mclarenrob2 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
please southern counties radio the news sounded [Music] right if that will is that your ad can I just say good afternoon this is still BBC southern counties radio and if you're a little bit bewildered and we are not the usual hosts on their own if you're listening in Sussex you have rich in it this time in Surrey it would be mark instead of which you have Jeremy James and Richard we are the guys from BBC's Top Gear on the telly kind of sitting in the Sun yeah we are we we had a bit of an argument the other day and we thought that we might be able to do a Drivetime show better than people who normally do Drive toy shows my start was poor it wasn't it wasn't as good as perhaps it might have been no I've already realized how difficult it is with only two hours and what is that 54 minutes to go can I also say something as the three of us I have done some radio in the past a view I'm supposed to know how it all works in here but AM to be brutally honest I'm struggling however our lines will be open throughout the three hours and old you know what kill you that noise yeah yeah that's all the travel people what is our fear that's the microphone oh yeah you put something up there microphone abhi what you're going to have is a lot of sort of freestyle going on boys yes I don't know what I'm doing I worked on Radio Cumbria if you're listening and you'd like to call us on Oh 8 4 5 9 5 7 double o57 usual number 8 4 5 9 5 7 mm 5 7 maybe you'd like to talk to us about cars and I suspect that's a subject that's going to be coming up more than once between now and 7:00 o'clock in fact Jeremy you're going to talk about cars right now well sort of yes I've been looking at the the front of the Brighton Argos which is a newspaper and the story begins parents using four-wheel drive vehicles to bully their way through the school round traffic have been blamed for massive carbon dioxide emissions which have to say so has earthly fire first apparently the story is that figures say that where West Sussex is the seventh worst county in Britain for buying green cars and it according to the paper causes pollution far harder the national average actually only 2.7 percent higher but nevertheless they built it into a huge story and I think we've been joined on the line now by a list MP number inevitably is a Liberal Democrat with us Richard Norman is with us now hello Norman hello hello how are you I'm very well thank you very much good I'm Jeremy now this all sounds terrible what's the problem with four-wheel drive cars well I guess it's a problem with vehicles which are unsuited for the terrain in which they're operating in Jeremy you'll know that better than most after all you're on record as saying I do have to say that drivers are these things and cities must be clinically insane too heavily what they are absolutely clinically so but I'm assuming that people who have four-wheel drive cars instances though only exist in cities in them and that they do occasionally drive them into the countryside well I know what's known as a Jetta but I'm not objecting to people using four-wheel drives for and for the purpose of which were designed which is a while frozen on in country conditions but 62% of 4x4 drivers never ever leave the road most of them seem to use their 4x4 is a kind of status symbol to get around towns perhaps because they feel it's safer for them perhaps because they think it's a status symbol but either way the only time they go off-road 20 minded pavement yeah well you say that but there's another story I was really going to paper today about councils try to get people just shot people who are driving their four-by-fours through on the highways and byways out in the countryside so these poor people can't with those move on to the environment 'meme just on that what's the problem with the carbon dioxide emission school well that's that's um that's the Argos Toria quoting but in general terms it seems to me that if a vehicle in ur of vehicle is allegis you have to pay to drive it and correspondingly if it's a very polluting beauty you pay more but no helmet what percentage of carbon dioxide produced by the earth is produced by man I'm not off top of my head now so you're going to tell me percent yeah 3% so 97% comes from nature 3% by man so we need stuff like you named Steve carbon dioxide and Liberal Democrats a forever telling is that there's huge man-made impact on the environment it's actually a very small amount really well I hope you're not disputing what are the world's scientists and in univille say about climate change some of it then if climate change is happening no no is agreed on this yeah this is what's causing it well absolutely but carbon emissions have doubled it since the Industrial Revolution no matter they have a government no they haven't all right man's contribution has doubled though it's gone up to three percent the content the the amount of carbon in the atmosphere had doubled since 1760 so and that's probably down to what we're doing at human races note yeah well undoubtedly we're all to blame and I must go and commit suicide stated a lot so do to them welcoming it thank you very much and even coming on okay very much yeah Jeremy it's quite a nice world we've entered here what and we might try me we're just offered to commit suicide if you're low is saying that wherever you are listening across the two-and-a-half counties Oh 8:45 9 5 7 w level it's relativism used Sussex Northeast Hampshire and sorry I'm dreadfully sorry if I missed you at give us a call Oh eight four five nine five seven oh five seven maybe you'd like to have your say on anything that Jeremy just said I suspect you might hope it's not too boring and serious though meanwhile and James has been elected to be in charge of the music well yes well welcome pop pickers listeners there so it's quite confusing because I was hoping we'd have Wang Chung dancehall days but I think we've got them these are the boys are bar I thought he did yes and the boys are back in town this time I'm going to play the whole thing I used it it's kind of an intro you press the wrong button if you're delivering it I'm slightly distressed you have to talk over the info until they start talking which is now no it's not you've got it wrong you know rangamma 10 you know it's not there et cetera because I'm never reaching himself no you look at the BBC first southern counties radio Richard Jeremy and James wicket till 7:00 similarly there with the boys are back in town and it's now 4:16 time for the news headlines read by James Mays hello yes this is James May on BBC southern counties radio the Home Secretary Charles Clarke says he won't resign over his department's failure to check whether a thousand foreign criminals should have been deported on release from prison well obviously this should fool Downing Street has given his support to the Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott after revelations that he has an affair with a secretary so it's obviously okay and you have the Labour Party's blessing go and have one yourself the former Labour leader Lord Kinnick has been banned from driving for six months for speeding the summary now this is the weather summary warm withstanding spell today local miss patches overnight impeachment ad words rang to say is great to hear you on the air and he wants to know when you're gonna road test the new Jaguar XK like today well I've already done it actually will be showing that in a couple of weeks now at times say thank you James made the one thing we were told not to mess about with the news there and I think successful I read the news you did that well done and Jeremy's going to do the travel some on BBC southern counties great you travel it's not actually travel as such what I've got though is a revolution in the way that traffic news is brought to you because instead of telling you where the traffic jams are I am going to give you the registration number of the car that has caused them what I've done here is I've fixed up a link between the highways agency's headquarters in God's turning story so I can see all the traffic cameras from all the motorways in the region and what's happening is we've got an outside broadcast truck app Godstone its firing its signal up to a satellite 22,000 miles in space back down to White City in London they're filing down to a switching station in Tunbridge Wells and here we are in the studio looking and I if I can swing the camera around now we can get it off the main pictures I can even zoom in I know look there's Alison he said hello Alex Leonie hi there avid so you can now zoom in on that picture there I'm sorry if you're obviously blisters on the radio but you'll be able to see this on TV eventually if we can zoom in on this picture here and you can zoom in and we can actually see so we can get our cameraman now to zoom in onto the pic not there you stupid man onto the picture there the Alison's picture it now is can you zoom in there we are so now we can start to see some people driving in the middle lane for example as a man they're in an Audi TT unwise choice of car I think absolutely yeah he's got the roof down he's in these middle a there's another one yeah no middle-aged drivers should not have convertibles there's a motorcyclist oh it's gone I just touched the screen and the motorcyclist appear to full up we just zoom out there this is marvelous news okay if we could see where I'm actually looking there that would be very helpful if this is a great help to the drivers of the 17 no no but the next time we do a traffic traffic bulletin I'm going to be able to actually see the traffic jam we can see who's caused the accident I can give you the injuries they've suffered I can give you damage to the car their registration plate and everything so what you've done genius that you are Jeremy is bring pictures to a radio station well done and Alison you'll be there won't you so presumably when Jeremy doesn't know where it is you'll be able to tell it's really I will indeed and marvelous thank you very much in videos anything we do need to know right now is it's fairly quiet anyway a couple of firm's incidents online of routes you want me to tell you about those all right you may as well while you're here why don't any couple in 69 thank you very much indeed we'll talk to you in about 15 minutes radio if you have just doing this sorry it's 20 past 4:00 you are still listening to BBC southern counties radio we've got Richard James and Jeremy we are the guys from Top Gear sitting in for Richard or Mark that you'd ordinarily been listening to right now and I feel it's gone well so far guys I feel it's been a slow boat through the house Richard with three minutes over already looks like behind hisses for me family come to Papa with your player you have really strong beginners in those Palladian it'll be good amazing well no doesn't everyone I apologize a woman watching here is literally just hiding films about pushing buttons gay abandon and motor you could always college okay I did I was just testing that the record was there for later on and I was supposed to play something else there but it's gone they can please you in computers but it's also bad news because it's the sport next and we're not gonna be able to do that okay let's face it no John is on the line from starring tonello John Nick Nick from Horsham hello Mick where's me Connors gone don't let me down now I'm told I've got callers here hello where I we've got John and Nick John and Mick unit that's fantast I'm enjoying they've got a man coming in to hit something with a big spanner which I will be pleased that one there hello John and for before I know that hi John and Jeremy here hello Jerry not a professional how what are you calling about well how about MP from Lewis always infuriates me every time he opens his mouth I'm afraid why is that well he nobody signs what a four by four ease it's a good point I mean the Fiat Panda is a floor-by-floor I don't think anybody would you know I ran Range Rover and practice English used off-road towing caravan tools box Susan whatever I run it on gas but it's good for the environment and my pocket mm-hmm but my wife has got these 70 are all-wheel drive no what does that mean my wife's dead for driving a four-wheel drive estate car or I'm driver driving a Range Rover yeah I'm afraid of both according to the local area both gotta commit suicide there's anyone I mean what you're doing is you're supporting local industry there aren't you but a Range Rovers were not local this British of these so yes all those a good car yeah yeah and now you know what the amount of difference I think that you're making really to the planet is so infinitesimal just when there's a few wheels more of being driven James what do you think about I think you're absolutely right people want to get worked up about something and help the planet they should go out and make some soup for poor people and stop banging on about what sort of girl be I would like I happen unfortunately also to be at once one of you've got a co-presenter favourite people go so to a very large Caravan Volare oh yeah well you it was going quite well and you know what I've got the button I know which button it is a net bye hi hello I was charged on if you're still listening to this I decided so have you very much recording is lovely talking to you ma'am Nick hello hello hey Dan I'm fine yeah I must admit I've arranged Rover owner as well there's everybody's everybody in this part of the country got a Range Rover be nice to dr. Manhattan I'm just about to trade it in for a new toerag Volkswagen Touareg tow-rax and the roads wagging tail rock you're not going to go with a big diesel engine are you six 360s and we're over these six that's alright what you're going to say the v10 away to come round your house and set fire to it god no yeah let's have a tree with one of those sorry yes no I did i uprooted an enormous tree using a Volkswagen Touareg and it called the entire underside off yeah all right yeah well my argument is the legalities of towing trailers naming and Iver Williams is plated at three and a half tonne you're limited to what you can use you are I mean there's a with that limit I remember the other day my wife coming back you know we had a Toyota Land Cruiser that she came back with an enormous amount of stuff from the garden center and she would have actually needed an 8gb license to have technically driven it because it was full of so much stuff right yeah it's a tricky one well thanks very much for calling okay and I believe Richard you have more pieces of paper being put in front of you than you can shake a stick at so now it's moved in out in front of you Jamie oh no what we've got here is a couple - actually my thanks to Janice she tells us that in Dorking High Street a caravan has come adrift of the car blocking one lane the police were in attendance police are you armed I hope they are they could take it out and just shoot the drivers because frankly if your caravans come off how embarrassing is that I said it was worse still having it attached or having it come off and well no because that everybody you're going to be in tight holding up the whole of Dorking High Street you'd feel a bit of a Nellie wouldn't you come on your cow enjoy little Amanda nice tree oh yes Annie laughs yeah all empty twenties over five minutes past four nothing's gone wrong for a good four minutes so I think we could be on a roll in absolutely now many people were rioting Michael Schumacher off I have won a Grand Prix since the middle of last year and that was a bit of a fluke but his performance in the San Marino four one reason the weekends cause people to sit up as he won ahead of reigning world drivers champion Fernando Alonso John lease is with me John hi I'm Michael Schumacher he's not the back number is he you have to say I'm I think he's the greatest racing driver that ever lived he just needs a machine though right and Ferrari perhaps have got it right at last what Michael Schumacher I think does incredibly well is performing adversity I was once told by his the man who talked to him on the radio John bond and not jump honored Ross Brawn that most drivers when you talk to them ago good concentrating so hard on just driving the car you talked to Michael Schumacher he's going there listen could you get the jet ready at five and I'm going to need those beige trousers ironing he's just thinking about his evening and going how they're driving the car to him and he's obviously adversity because it means you can concentrate if things aren't going quite so well like it's in Italy's got a win there brilliant driver the question is is it going to be this year that he's going to pack up or we have another year I mean he's going to go out on a high don't you feel you're not going to let it to limp away it would be very sad if you were to be touring around at the back in five or six years I think it's very sad to seems a little wrinkled and wetting himself and so on okay I skin very embarrassing but I'd like to see him have one more really great year yeah 80 something life wins knows more than anybody no more pole positions than anybody as well you know which of course he achieved at San Marino the very place beating at and Senna was out and was killed yeah but I mean Boris Becker is the German we like everyone likes Boris Becker yeah Michael Schumacher hasn't quite got that reputation you know hidden to the profit I've you know I met him a couple of times and the first time I met him he just started driving for Benetton and he was the most arrogant bombastic sort of you can see his head sticking I need to try Daniel so unlike John Carter we got on very well there you go that's my god - men shouting weak you know it was it was almost like a batter first world war battle I bet it really did I clearly saw coughing awful and that but now he seems to relaxed into in selling he's absolutely charming and he's funny and he's obeying and he you know speaks great English which always helps with humor and so and I like him a lot can we one Challenge for the Pearl titled Oh me it would be the recession it has been a procession in most recent years either with them or something else another good three to four seconds talk about Formula One's but I'm not going to so I'm going to play the record I played earlier on behind the truth as if it is more than a woman and it's gone down really it's not more than a woman is you're more than a number in motor the red book is one of the top tank worst songs ever written really didn't enjoy it you know can I just say my name can I just say it do you mind yeah her teammates don't share I don't care my pictures are working I'm able to report to you now ladies and gentlemen that Junction 12 anti-clockwise on the m25 is grinding to a halt I've also just seen a Land Rover Discovery driving rather stupidly at the slip road they're nearly taking the nose offices uki GP but you're on either of those cars we'd love to hear from you on the Oh eight four five nine five seven double a five seven yeah and also you and the big blue Laurie can we zoom in on that one can you just close that gap you're holding everybody up I'm Alison Mead BBC southern counties radio travel remember Alison and now of course we have Jeremy Jones supplementary travel solutely Alastair you able to zoom in on any offending drivers out down there for me I can't actually get any closer zoomed in as far as I can well it's okay that'll do we've got our cameraman to zoom in on that picture and I'll see if I can bring you information where are we here this is Thorpe Park on the m25 somebody's driving a smart car on the outside lane I have to say that's very very brave now who's this exact for coming down into Volkswagen van now you're leaving a 200-yard gap there now close up and your tailgates open have you no no no how much did the satellite link cast I don't know but we should if you able to swing the camera around to the right Alison yeah did you do that because it would be quite nice to see if we can see what's actually causing this Jam righto this is marvelous somebody there on a BMW x3 plainly mad shouldn't have a driving licence hitching to the very end this that's just that's that grass words Webb lorry drivers throw bodies oh look at that now that's an alpha 159 there can we zoom in on the man it's woman please see this is what I'm now looking are you listening to this have you got red hair you're driving a blue Alfa Romeo please be listening could you wave to as if you are that would be brilliant no she sees that she's not one of our listeners I think she's listening to Radio 1 in there can we move on the only one that isn't that have been brilliant they would asleep we could have got us a wave and oh there's somebody at home do I get it off Jeremy thank you very much d we'll have more of Jeremy's and alternative travel show [Music] I supposed to be where they're happening right now but it's not going to happen softly what the weather is so long the weather's gone the weather is fine the weather it's a beautiful sunny afternoon light cloud going dark about 8 o'clock really you sure that all right well with this boy a result that Merson believes could determine all Rees decision here on these days oh you've met to be playing best player in the world on his day and he needs Champion League football BBC southern counties radio sport I'm John Lee's yeah I think that means he's finished BBC southern counties radio the new sound of things we're going to take a call oh there was a bit of a treat by the way guys because I had some jingles made up can I try one out for ya okay this is it yeah let's do at this one the name it's rubbish that's a jingle is it yeah it's ops up two four six eight James May what was the next bit it goes James May and sort of it drops off a ball we didn't know what to put at the end okay does the first jingle you wanted to do a radio show you do want you've got a jingle it's marvelous it's thrilling you're not impressed did you know I thought it was great I can do this one [Music] I didn't even under you we are the guys who please our paws there anything is easy to do a radio program yeah ask a technical question yes I've got myself twice in my headphones so I sound like about amen and pressed a button and I always bust it happen there that's not Apple you're not going to talk about your satellites travel again Oh Jeremy I just like to say the m25 is flowing freely on the bit that I'm looking at it so if you're going there you're okay Laurie hello hello Rory's on the line from Midhurst is that right well I'm coming back from this from work a low and low income I like ya are you want a hands-free malarkey oh I'm on hands-free but I've actually stopped as well wow that's like belt and braces you can tell it's hands-free it's not working properly pantry is just another way of saying broken I wonder where you I paid a lot of money for this well hands-free I take it back to the shop if I were you I don't want one of our guys did he blue taxis telephone to the dashboard and put it on speakerphone and shouted at you yeah where are you when we see you on our satellite link so when just go me can where I oh my god but I've just turned onto the pasture 272 on to the road that goes on roaring I've got no no no no it's not Maury on over 270 270 is one of the worst roads of the whole of the world I've gone to pet works and I'm now turned on so it might be the 286 for one that goes up past our track I know exactly where you are you're very near where our old colleague TIFF Needell used to live and it's a good job you're not there on the screen that I'm looking at because that's very trafficking well I didn't really into toll road numbers because it's oh no I mean for a man to say that i disguised off work early because i heard this morning there is going to be this fantastic surprise and um all right we don't wait for that what is it somebody coming in making ISM so Maureen can I just get your full name your Maureen it's well am I allowed to say um yes Maureen Sanchez and Maureen census and and where do you work I work or area manager for a home care company so if anybody wants any home care this afternoon they've had it well more like all the bottom did you have anything you wanted to ring in chat about yeah yes yes it's a it was well worth skyping off work enjoying the banter its link isn't it I think we're good I think a bit more II thank you very much indeed Adam Thank You Maureen you called it Adam from West Sussex yeah hello there hello Emma hi Adam hello Jerry yellow think of the hello yes hello we thought we do nobody right James Richard and Jeremy and we're talking to you Adams you want to sort of wear badges that might be nice no no come on Ellen what have you called [ __ ] mode right well I understand you wanted to speak to somebody that's and that hasn't got a Range Rover yeah W yet he's indeed I possess ie mark three times a Hilux oh yes I'm a three what a man oh yeah why don't you have an accident in it if you won't hurt I have III well I have I have had three and I've written three vehicles off with it well that's unbelievable because the Taliban taxi is the toughest thing I've ever driven thank you I mean other vehicles or you written off three Highland yeah no I written I've written off three other vehicles oh you just sort of drive around deliberately crashing into people there no no no not exactly no but for those several points I want to rise is is I live in a very rural area and I find it extremely frustrating when I've gotta be should be careful here there when you see women driving driving now that's where you see that what you do know these you're stereotyping nuns as my wife drives our twelve seater Land Rover station wagon it is better at parking than anybody I've ever seen and I can't get there I don't got out when we become well we didn't we didn't quite that in Tennessee says he doesn't like seeing women drivers or imagine the really so in their clothes I don't like to see women driving in clothes but maybe in a large what was it going to be well don't wait up hello hello yeah yeah well I mean I enjoy but I'm I mean I working in a lot of rural areas and I was twenty very lockers very very frustrating because I mean not like I say I've got to be very very careful because so many of them they seem soon they expect you to move for them will you keep crashing into them by the standards every three vehicles are funky ever they weren't my fault that wasn't my fault no it never is me but no it wasn't but time but the other thing the other the other point being is that I mean I use my vehicle for exactly what it is designed for I mean I I fun sort of fencing all down through fields I extract log side and I like you just have to pay you've had your burb your text their disco up by 80 pounds now but because they've got to touch each other yeah I know it's amazing I mean it's classified as any state vehicle because I because I mean that is that this is where I use it and and for I mean it gets I mean it probably gets cleaned twice a year Adam I don't keep you on the line in case you have another crash and it's a good inline you probably were sad and thank you very much Adam in West Sussex a little bit disgruntled with everybody Steve in Brighton hello Steve all I might are you in a better mood no well yes and no yes yes or no yes or not I mean you call these people you you got all over the guy you because of the environment and all this now are you I've used public transport all my life I've never had a car never thought she'd afford a car I can honestly say I hate it I would get a good public transport oh boy do i I will get I would get a car tomorrow if I could if you get us your fill up your Janos yeah we abused you yeah we are trying there never one time no always a handful of your bows and drugs yeah man step using public transport and not desperately pleased with it Steve thank you very much deeper call again you're welcome to do the same Oh 8:45 9 5 7 mm 5 7 it's 16 minutes to 5:00 we should be doing the headline soon but we can just squeeze yeah we just got one here as a text in from Sophie and Guildford she says programs like Top Gear effectively promote fast cars which are responsible for so many deaths and accidents bring back Richard and Mark who the other ones out there usually on this program oh well I'm sure we aren't as good I do apologize Sophie in guilford it should discuss exmark this sorry oh I'm so encouraging because we have a racetrack we don't do our fast driving well we do a bit of fast driving on the road yeah but not very folia there we go we only ever go in the speed let's have some music James you're in charge yes I've got a selection oh no no don't tell me as promised earlier it is Wang Chung and dancehall day oh you sprung that on me rather do you want to do that again James as promised earlier it's Wang Chung and dancehall day maybe just once more for me may just play something else though it's right if no I feel I just apologize hello lovely people of the southern counties whichever ones those are this is James may have Top Gear's standing him for the bloke who normally does this and indeed the other two Jeremy and Richard who have walked out of the room and gone to the lavatory because they think that's terribly funny leaving me all my other doesn't matter here is the news the Tories say the Home Secretary Charles Clark should resign after he released more than a thousand foreign prisoners instead of deporting them or indeed just leaving them in the claim where they belong big issue sellers in Brighton will get their magazines delivered to them from this weekend because the office in the center of the city is to close down I don't know why they're having them delivered I thought they were supposed to sell them anyway Downing Street is backing the Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott after it was revealed that he had an affair with one of his secretaries not the Home Secretary Charles Clark who's the bloke who's supposed to be in the clangor his personal secretary I believe the weather warm you knew that because you'd looked out of the window we would like you to phone in with some interesting stuff about cars or Top Gear or how rubbish we are on the radio in fact the number is Oh eight four five nine five seven zero five 708 four five nine five seven five seven or you can text us Oh double seven eight six two oh seven oh seven Oh which I'm supposed to read as Oh double 786 20 70 70 but please don't do that the whole reason that Alexander Graham Bell developed the telephone was so that we could talk to each other not write to each other right let's have a look at what's next on this running order it BBC southern counties may you travel Alison we have Jeremy to prevent we travel we do indeed just to let you know that the own 25 at Leatherhead Junction nine flowing absolutely beautifully in both directions and that's as a result of the newfangled traffic thing that I'm doing nobody dare you anything wrong I just like to say though why did we bother building four lanes look at that nobody on the inside two lanes of a single person Wesley it's done we've had a phone call from Stefan hail some hi guys real pleasure to have you on the radio you stand like three naughty schoolboys we are yeah pretty nice the traffic with BBC southern counties radio oh look at that it's eight minutes to five odds a bit disappointed agenda I wanted you to cry hmm don't be ridiculous it's just her eating off a bit of paper in we got Helen on the line hello Helen hello Richard hello I don't know where you're calling from I'm calling some funny Heathfield funny he feels him there is a school there yet I was a school in most places that yeah but there is your famous school that he failed anyway do go oil yeah well this is really important because my best mate pansy Potter as we call her is 40 today oh happy birthday and she's been bought a brand new car good unless it was a Toyota Prius with no she has been upgraded for a very tacky Suzuki Swift which she successfully managed to wreck in the period of six years and he's been bought an Astra brand new black castor and she's really excited brother bad we were just saying on the way down here today because we were quite bored with one another's company and let the Vauxhall Astra is really not a bad looking car more interesting than that is that third song in the background it is I'm outside yes very nice oh there's a bit now here we go I'm sorry to interrupt I'm sorry to interrupt but we have actually coming zoom in on this camera here m25 beggars Lane 7a we've got some kind of an incident I'm not losing winning so that we've got a crash let's be honest we've got a crash it looks like a big one that is a crash it's going to be held up there so now you've been wrong that is very nice Tweety Bird song hello and thank you very much and happy birthday yes a can you just tell her that she has got to clean her car this is point please ring the other one she's got to look after it wash it every Sunday no no no she must not do that oh gee ma you must not Joe James I must fundamentally disagree on that a car is just to be designed to be used in movies never waste time cleaning it have a man my hardly gets out of the washing up every Sunday because he has to clean his car I've always said that I want to be rich enough in life at the end of a meal to just take the four corners of the tablecloth with everything on it and put it all with the bill I just love to be able to accept that's my habit he likes Kim the Chi Doctrine mine as well so that's a change James I've got a theory on that well I've got a question actually for the listeners which is if you use a jet wash should the bonger on each cycle go off at the end of the cycle or in the middle I think it should go off in the middle because then you know whether to speed up or slow down so I have no idea what you're talking about now you haven't do you see that thinking about that a lot yeah that well I think it is important they all go off at the end but if the bomb goes off at the end of the foamy brush cycling you've only done the bonnet you've had it and they just say m25 Beggar's Lane and it's Junction 7a by the looks of things they've put one of those matrix signs up flashing the speed limit of I think it's 30 or 50 miles an hour just after the scene of the accident which indicates some really very people are very low IQ or running that accident scene they're nice do you run an accident scene well somebody's running exactly because they just basically every single police car in southern Britain has driven down their high speed part on the hard shoulder with flashing warning lights on it's a good time to speed in the rest of this if southern counties yes we can actually reveal that there are one two three four police cars in attendance there which means that there won't be any for hundreds and hundreds of miles and I invite fern from Farnham to join and breathe through this conversation hello fern hey how you doing great we're all right how are you very good thank you what you're phoning in about and basically I'm really keen to become a TV presenter at some point I'm still at school but you know that's what the point and I love Top Gear and I was wondering how you got into it well well believe it or not Richard Hammond started out as a local radio you enjoy it you tell him I'm a local television reporter and that's a local newspaper reporter and James started out well I rang them up essentially right okay I'm getting that user five reset your career on the right path I think yes sir that yeah and then one day it could come full circle and you could end up in a radio station doing a radio show on the telly or gets a bit confusing Oh eight four five nine five seven double-o five seven is the number as always to call us on BBC southern counties radio we'd love to hear from yes Jeremy we have to start a record soon yeah no I'll do it I just have the locations today for the mobile speed cameras I've taken the trouble to get those these are the where they put the mobile you know the civil servants that sit in vans angering a 20-7 hammer port Worthing the boulevard little hampton loade and marine parade patching a 280 280 Eastbourne lost which drove hastings the red Willingdon a double to seven hours porn road battle e27 one north fade road first one so that's in France with civil servants as I was saying this one so ad71 Hilton Road a 308 days bypass CT for a Kingston Road stains and the a 31 Hobbs back central sections Guildford now back is public service broadcasting it's we're telling you where there are civil servants in vans ready to ruin your life thank you service we're providing for you I'll be using southern counties ready Richard Hammond Jamie classic James played with you until 7:00 it's very shocking time agrees what are we doing in the next town anybody have to sign up into paper I've got we haven't done any time of your life no we haven't but we need to have that interest we haven't actually done there are you looking at about never thought to do this [Music] it's not 5 o'clock yet 95 thousand views that won't well only if you continue to play this noise hey Jeremy you made the news did you hear that yeah mentioned you in there now I was mentioned I've never been mentioned in news before ever right weather I know we got travel because BBC southern counties breaking travel if you've just joined us you melet me aware Richard Hammond down the classic James made from the top gear sort of trying to get through doing a radio program this afternoon and Jeremy has got an incredible system satellite uplinks whereby he can actually see the travel as it happens and let us know exactly what is going on around the roads around your county so Jeremy what have you got look at the feeds broken we've got nothing held for P so nervous the feed has gone on to some men in a room in quite a complicated feed it actually goes from the highways agency's Center and then it goes to London and via the satellite then some B's Wells and then here and somewhere along its broken Allison if you go on each other I'll come to the professional ok yes please right out of the hallway we've got a couple of pockets of slow traffic on the end 25 the both anti-clockwise the first one is thirty nine to twelve that same turn to the entry there we've got an accident on the side and multi-vehicle accent just a flex racket laying services know that halfway between six and five between Godstone and Seven Oaks is all on the hard shoulder with a quite a few emergency service vehicles there and so everything obviously is all slowing down everyone wants to have an Illinois yeah Alex yeah you're able to see who is responsible for that can you make out a make of car or registration lane I don't actually get close enough I'm afraid but there is a lorry there's a big white lorry I saw that before I loves the feed what I'm trying to do is get names and addresses of the people who are responsible for holding everyone up it isn't the rubber necker's is Jesse once said if you've been held up in a traffic jam you're entitled to have a Gore put the bloke in the next place that you are I may have to wash my hands with this it is remarkable I don't blame the rubber now because it's the idiot sort of crashed into each other okay well these cues because of the videos and are all idiot me see you rubbing off on me making me bad okay the cue the back table spoon right now and that's about it for the m25 clockwise is fine a little bit of local road news very slow in rye on the 85 nine eastbound between the 86 eight and the rye Road got an accident in battle on the a2 71 north trade road that's affecting both directions between the High Street and West End but everything on public transport looking good and that number I think do you want the number in case there the German I do want the number if I do get a satellite feedback people can update us with any traffic news then on Oh 8 four five nine five seven zero five seven I'd also like to hear from anybody if you don't mind here is driving behind someone on the motorway he's breaking unnecessarily and often because this is my new baton wah so if you're following someone who's just occasionally hitting the brake lights and you can't just drive at a constant speed give me a ring given that number plate will read it out BBC's southern counties radio the need sound effects [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got your own jingle man come on it's very poor how much did you spend making those I think I got a float you had a computer and you did it bagging around yeah winning the Derby oh yeah so I owe you a lot big messages very quickly pand daven Farnham on the sent a text as they love the show thank you David the text member if you want to do that if there were seven eight six twenty seventy seventy what do you think the BMW x4 says Jackie in pulbrook pullbacks for hmm think I'm right in saying there's no sex playing and they have an Isetta lutely right there isn't such a thing jack in for well I think they rapidly don't have a thought that no I think there's been a texting error thing I know exactly what z4 is what divers hole or extra life but I suspected to be a Zed for and actually I used to hate it and now I don't anymore what it's a poison cloud rolled on I don't care if we are doing a radio program you what I used to hate the Zed for and now I don't anymore we had stood in that studio and argued ourselves horse over that one yes I still prefer the Honda s2000 but I'm just saying I used to hate it and now I don't and now it's time to go over central it to the argument anyway it is irrelevant I'm not interesting for most of the viewers so let's good move on to down until it's all secret nope all seriousness what not interesting for most of it listen did I say viewers I moved out of that it's a menace to the ID apologize of the television camera tell them tell them in Brighton look there's Peter Mandelson on the on the television right let's go over now to Paul secret political correspondent and and there because this might be quite a David Tony but well this might be a day Tony Blair would like to forget his home secretary Charles Clark is facing calls to resign over bundling the release of foreign prisoners deputy John Prescott admits to an affair with one of his secretaries that lasted two years so Paul southeast political correspondent what's going on well let me give you some idea of that bad it is for Charles Clark of course yesterday he admitted a thousand foreign prisoners had been freed and today that he admitted even up he found out about it that even more were released because they're basically it seemed that various departments within the Home Office didn't really know what what they were doing today several calls for him to resign and some opposition MPs have even said that that youth Lee could make a better job of running the Home Office and Charles Clark that said no it really had normally I'd sort of dismissed that but I'm genuinely a staggered you know he said he's very well aware that foreign prisoners including murderers pedophiles and rapists were being freed when they could have been deported yet it continued I mean how is that possible I think we should I mean I debt to be honest I think that he's why the the more and more MPs are beginning to call for him to resign I think when the news broke yesterday if you'd asked me yesterday whether he was going to survive I would have said yes he was on news night being given a grilling by Paxman held his ground ground admitted he was sorry admitted he'd considered resigning and many people thought maybe he'd weathered the storm but today to actually admit that even after he found out about these releases that even more people were released I think he's going to find it very difficult to survive the the next 48 hours do have a fairly Rough Riders Home Secretary do you think you is going to survive this one well he's lucky that he's got the backing of Blair he's one of the one of the people that Blair relies on these is a tough cookie he's used to sort of that you know a bit of a street fighter can fight his way out of most situations or Blunkett remember had the support of blow yeah and indeed Mandelson but all that so it's not necessarily a guarantee that you're going to survive I think it kind of depends on if there are any more revelations that come out in the tabloids in the next couple of days and if the Sunday just are still talking about this scandal then you know it was what asta can we used to say if you've been in the news for seven days and maybe it's time that you have to step aside so there any newspaper reporters listening let's keep writing about it now the deputy prime minister of course john prescott has apologized to his wife after having well the possibly the most stunning are already an affair yes if you haven't seen The Daily Mirror I would assume it's genuinely I mean my first thought was it's the mirror it'll be wrong but the photos they dole dentling the photos are damning that and he has now apologized for it what can he survive this I mean he's punched me well he's been incompetent he's built a bus lane could he survive this one there are those that say he's untouchable because he he's just adored within that the Labour Party I mean if you if you were a real cynic you'd say that what a coincidence on the on the day that the pressures really mounting on Charles Clark suddenly that the Prescott story comes out and that's on the front pages of many of the tabloids and Clark's inside yeah obviously I'm not a cynic and I wouldn't even hint but you did if you did bring that up Wow you did bring that one up so it is because I didn't kill him he didn't sidon it yeah if you can survive the building of a bus lane on the m4 which he did I mean he's responsible for that he can survive anything but yeah on a serious note is having an affair does that mean does that affect the way you do your job you know and you can argue that it doesn't it shows that he's only human and so well know like is he I mean really if you take his shirt off easy actually human I've been I just gently look at this photograph thinking that that girl you know she's had an affair with him without being sick that's the most amazing part of it for me that's some good political analyses there from James it's a it's a revolting concern our pleasure there's somebody out there for everyone yep evidently I mean you would have looked at John Prescott and thought it was impossible so you do I mean here's seen as me as the sort of that there's still the left side absolutely I mean I don't think there's any question that he is not going to survive this I think he will survive it and with that there's been no calls today for him to stand down I mean I it's just a personal issue it's not a political issue and whereas I don't think Charles Clark will necessarily survive the week I think John Prescott will be there for the foreseeable future and of course historically this kind of thing just tells to bolster Tony blow even more he'll go up in the polls Tony Blair or John Prescott himself I mean I don't know Tony Blair he seems to do very well out of these crises always yeah he does but I mean the timing the timing isn't good for him but with with local elections taking place on just over a week next Thursday made a fourth and it's not the kind of publicity that you you want and people do tend to it's issues like this do to intend to affect the way people vote locally even though of course it's national politics so even if Tony Blair comes out of it in the in the long run more popular I do think that he will be majorly concerned about the impact that it could have on polling day next Thursday slightly well thanks very much for joining us Paul torture soup thank you very much indeed Paul that's quite grown up then Jeremy so he will get it was really good and then you got to the bit about the affair and it got bit no but I'm sorry don't you find it genuinely amazing that John Prescott's has had an affair yeah there's plenty people that lose leverage I have affairs and they're struggling to have one yeah and then there's him no no because I think how many people are sitting alone at home yeah they'd love and they'd love to have a girlfriend or boyfriend he's got to he looks like that it's amazing two boyfriends no he's got two lovers [Music] you see quality workmanship John rubbish handcrafted for us they work Joe hello hello there hello how are you you're coming from Guildford that's right yeah well done for that yeah what do you call again Bulger I wanted to say that's what I absolutely love Top Gear I think it's the best program on telly I like what's on TV i watch the peaks in those days because it's better than what's on the main channel yes well I've been driving for 30 years and I have to say I do not get why you guys like cars I love to show but I do not get the interest with cars rescinding James is simple I like I like fast people who say why do you like fast I can get home more quickly it really is it genuinely I delivered at the end of a road that have a 15 mile drive for the motorway to my house if I have a car with less than 500 horsepower cars ever take anybody it's more than 500 horsepower and get back quick bit more quickly I see the children law read them a bedtime story they're less likely to be glue sniffers they're there for 500 horsepower or more silly it's response it enriches people's long it's almost your parental duty I mean and I think I hate to do but I agree on that okay that up shows that makes sense but it's better than just just speed is it because you guys can go on for hours about the relative merits of different cars and today you know it's funny physical to talk to people about anything else no got for an engine and for we also all same ok do you think furniture is all the same you see that's the good thing I could remember who's that the big woman the drinks a bit on telly well that's narrative judy richard and judy she okay she wanted to be all cars are exactly the same he just think okay well i even go home tonight in a russian in a larger of some sort or a robin with all you can gonna rolls-royce which one are you going to choose kind of I know you mean I've had my mother for 44 years and always said oh you know it's all the old cars are exactly the same but I really want a Honda Civic yeah it's got to be that one that's the same as earlier this Joe thank you very much people calling in I feel we've answered your question for you there it's 17 minutes past five Jeremy's straining it yes you get my feedback my satellite is back and I'm able to reveal that the m25 is a nightmare we'll get detailed we do the headline ooh that can we yes gone stoking James May has the headlines I do is getting boring already the Home Secretary Charles Clark is now rejecting calls for him to quit after admitting a thousand foreign criminals were released from jail instead of being deported the form of Labour leader Lord Kinnick has been given a six-month driving ban after admitting two separate charges of speeding on the m4 motorway I think he was also finite under bans and apologized for that's okay and the health secretary Patricia here it has been heckled and jeered while delivering a speech to the Royal College of nursing's annual conference in Bournemouth after she told in the past twelve months was the best on record for the NHS no that was a new I'm surprised you didn't have something amputated the weather it's still warm and there's still some variable cloud and I'd have a quick complaint actually oh sorry if you want to phone in and talk to us about anything that's all I wait four five nine five seven double o five seven yes and I'd explained about the music as well because in any made music my responsibility and I try to fill this system up with you know King Crimson and Steely Dan and lots of other things from Jeremy's record collection and mine and but now I look at this playlist and it's full of Robbie Williams and a lot of soft I defy you I'm Stefan got some buttons on press or Annette fellows sorry are you going to do to the channel Jeremy go it's all completely hopeless thank you very much that to travel with Jeremy Clarkson BBC southern counties radio travel yeah no no really it genuinely is at the m25 I'm looking I've got the feeds coming in from everywhere I can see people in Astra's I can see the some chap in a he's bought a Jaguar and he's had it finished in a kind of brown color I'd hate to be stuck behind that yes stuck behind an enormity everywhere this is the m25 plackets oh there's a broken-down van here there's a man standing at the side of the road if you're listening to is why don't you give him a why don't you pip at him and tell him you know your car still works and his doesn't something helpful like that I think it might be a police car no it's not police car it's a broken-down van and it's Junction well I've just got five six j6o between junctions six and five on the m25 way but one it's not see the important thing I want the visa waiver I want some Lister's waiver for the people on Kings coaches everyone on the thing with a coating is there that this is business between Junction five and six or six and five going that way because the most important thing I will really want to stress with this travel thing is it is my responsibility I find to get you all home more quickly into the bosom of your families sitting in your cars listening to this is a waste of time a travel shows was a Drivetime shows responsibility is to make sure people listen to it for the smallest amount of time that's quite impassion I know it wasn't come on all of you all you people going the other way you in the in the in the vote Mercedes go quicker faster put on some fast music day well this is where we can write what have you got a Hammond because quickly Zoe knows BMW said three hurry up we're not do music yeah well it all these people anyway we're not do music I'll do it the knees down discussing BBC southern counties media we are two objects mmm Sussex yeah about those who's got the word sex in it thank you James May twenty thirty minutes past five I've know you want to do some music what do you want I'm not going to play it yet but while we say it says here seventeen seventeen disc JN that means music I wanted Steely Dan it says here that we've got Robbie Williams which I don't want so what else have you got there on your box a trick oh you write it I've got a I've got I've got I've got that Arthur it says I've got I can't have you we've on element I've got the fire writing object determine if you play Drive yeah I'm kill me I'll kill you as well this traffic jam now at Junction five is just horrific you know if you're at the back of it just pull over the hard shoulder and have a picnic because honestly have you got oh no look at that I'm 25 at 39 ox Ted it's had it God's donuts had it foster town it's had it just I'm screwing it up oh it's not particularly helpful what you're telling them there no I just thought honestly I just I can't find that we can't get the cameras onto the cars that are actually causing the traffic jams and I play some music yes [Music] no Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Christmas fine staple can you find a jam in that system the example that we're playing and have Robbie Williams in his name I'm Richard James and Jeremy with you from Top Gear one of us said how hard can it be to host a radio program it was Jeremy and how hard is it it's I'm doing rather well really yeah you think I'm pushed a single wrong button I've pushed all of the wrong but I pushed I pushed anybody and your travel stuff of what now you you've got I should explain Jeremy's managed to establish an incredibly complicated satellite link for his special travel stuff which has been bringing us updates on all afternoon now before we do more can I just talk to Michael hello Michael hello hello you rang in what do you want to talk about I would like to ask Jeremy first I'm on the m25 between Junction 9 and 8 in the big brown UPS man that you want be me on the camera we'll have a look you 9 and 8 you between a knight and a house yet we'll see if we can call that camera up between 9 and 8 yeah I'll be just going through eight and it's a problem can I just say are you where are you heading anti-clockwise as you got my thoughts it's like three okay you've got to see Roby are you turning off at the m23 okay I am yet oh you're okay but I do have a very important message for a motorist who are on the m25 now heading anti-clockwise past Junction 7 which is the m23 turnoff there is a long wheelbase hundley stuck in the traffic jam there I'm actually operating that even if you've got a full tank of fuel now he will have run out and be blocking the outside two lanes in the next five or 10 minutes so I'd have waited that long loving it does that mean it's one of those it's a stretch is there someone idiot and put a stretch at hungry yeah hon quality is sitting in a massive traffic jam even if it's got 60 litres of fuel in it now forget it ten minutes I'll be out so I'd get off on the m23 mate as quickly as possible thank you quick question yeah Aussie the champion car all right savviest anything Richard Hammonds got hanged ladies s okay totally right clive on the n25 is calling Othello Clive hello there hello how are you and let's head up as I can't work out whether honest why speak in off the m25 or not offer it I'm telling you now man it's a nightmare I can't find a single picture on my feed here which is coming from space and Tunbridge Wells that shows that that's I'm sorry which was that hang on which these are all and anti-clockwise seems to be absolutely appalling tonight so what'd you I'd go the other way around look at that this is that everybody five god stones jammed up at Junction six ox Ted it's completely jammed up barrow guack don't use it don't use it stay at work be productive and by helicopter climbing energy surging air travel report yeah much a solid Jeremy travelling through France I think you ought to spoil it we're trying to get out and where where are you and where are you trying to get to I'm going to Junction eight and I'm trying to get to Junction pot eight and four which way you're going then - you're going going anti clockwise anti-clockwise you my son have had it oh I don't really you've had it because of Junction seven you're going to hit the back end of a nasty Jam yeah I don't do more than that you've had up that's a personal traffic service yes I appreciate that Jeffrey bc2 s biggest motoring show I mean that's that's what I call and travel report yeah I'd rather he was driving 100 mm through France though yeah I would you know what having said I now wish our alarm to 2003 France instead of which I'm doing personal traffic reports for people phoning in here anybody else need personal traffic reports I have to hurry because we may lose the feed again any minute now wait for five nine five seven seven oh four five seven you're welcome to give us that he didn't like it he likes that so I forgots talking to a microphone then it wasn't very bright but he's going to get stuck in that Jam go know that Jeremy Clarkson is rubbish then he's going to be stuck at all we should listen to it it's half past five BBC southern counties radio travel hello is that me that looks link that's me and I'm here to tell you that it's great what is the m25 the bit I'm looking at now is great Allison can you hear me over in the traffic center up there right hello yeah making you I can Indy can hear me yes I can very well thank you this is all coming through space and Tunbridge Wells I'm 25 at Foster down where's that that is at Godstow Godstone where Junction 6 anti-clockwise because of those incidents earlier we have the accident and then we have that broken zone fan a little way behind it all around Tackett Lane Services it's left this huge great queue or work use new the cameras I mean tonight maybe what I'm looking at there are people sitting right next to a completely deserted slit robe they're not using it what I thinking up there and use their ingenuity that's not very good Peter as I spell that poor man Dylan is broken down ran there are sort of two different agendas here Allison you want to sort of let us know where the problems are with the traffic Jeremy's dream is it conducted conduct the traffic from here with its satellite you go there you go there I'm trying to get the blood the traffic move I got my stuff I sell TMJ look at that guy's because it seems like a Land Rover Discovery has trained nice while carrying a trailer obn to get on his number plate there those four four four by fours what a shame data fat it's a four by four it's a good job it was but why still um yeah actually listen to the Liberal Democrats on that one too late is that a discovery it is sideways opening tailgate it is he's blocking two lanes on the m25 this is at just before junction AIDS and it's clockwise so that is between seven and eight so is on your way to eight oh no so that's why I gave the other okay just the other way come on it's not a discovery I'm now looking at it more carefully I think it's a Shogun yeah yeah so it's a Mitsubishi show Grand the owner I'm looking at him he's wearing a high-visibility jacket that didn't help to this policeman you there's no policeman there there's other people in another jacket doing no good whatsoever what the hell pink look at these people here look at the people queuing together if you're listening to us why don't you just let people in look at all I mean my sonic collages and now this is the selfishness I can't abide is you think there's no skin off your nose to just let me in come out as many now stark James if they've got the radio on in the Shogun's can I suggest the owner if you just drive sport I know he's got a puncture or something no no the back wheel order off okay even if it's four-wheel drive I'm going to move it forward about three feet straighten the tail very slightly and it'll come off and you can move the trailer off the road and free up a hole you're doing it what the police say is yes what the police need at times like this is a helicopter with a big magnet on it swoop down sweep it away hose the blood into the into the central reservation there and get the motorway open finished yeah there's any blood he's just jackknifed a bit Allison thank you very much indeed you're welcome can I do the weather yes I've lost it okay it's a beautiful you say no oh look this evening and tonight fairly cloudy and through first part of the nights and clearer spells later stop what this is Portland I know we're going to do sport in a minute light northwesterly breeze a minimum temperature 70 degrees C 45 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow sunny spells at first clouds developing through the morning study into doors and scattered light showers for the afternoon northwesterly breeze in maximum temperatures 16 degrees C I just [Music] what is that van doing just sitting with a flashing light on it hearing traffic being important than having a flashing light it is can we do if we do the sport does that mean I'm gonna go it what if I refuse well there's a man standing behind you know can't do the sport he's not much bigger than me I always get old that was a slick link there that alright you'll have to talk to me about sports instead I'm Rama is 26 not out three wickets apiece for Dominique calmly and Shawn Irvine early or sorry I going that happens sorry I'm sorry they're going much much better against Leicester share at grace Road sorry 200 Betty made 55 no 153 for three is that good I don't understand they've caught 253 runs and they've lost three wickets sir it is cricket he's a game that's been played in this country for about 300 years what the same why don't you get the another look a cricket which will tell you all the regulations that you need to know and then you'll be okay well now [Music] driving in my car you see the important thing to remember when you shouting at me mates is I've got the button you certainly her well I'm Jay Rockefeller new in question I don't understand crickets going but if you say that's good I'll accept that they'd good pretty good for something good well done sorry underfoot paulist way to reward them now we still going to the final end win it he has that unmistakable East London twang doesn't he yeah you go in there and tonight okay BBC southern counties radio the music out of things [Music] they were 1c minutes at 6:00 just coming around - if you just joined us this afternoon welcome to a sort of unique social experiment here on BBC southern counties radio Richard Hammond Jeremy Clarkson and James May we are the three guys from Top Gear we have been let loose mostly because Jeremy said it'd be really easy to do a radio show and it turns out drive time so yes beautiful cific a drive what I liked a lot of support coming in and a lot of people enjoy themselves Chris it's Christine and helling ly and thinks that shows absolutely awful southern counties radio really going downhill she's doing her ironing and wants the regular team back so the regular team want to come back in but we have nailed blow sure we have done that and but Christine good to know you will it and you know we could come back tomorrow maybe again and I'll get some more of these [Music] [Applause] well it's because trali-vali hello hello hello over all right house pet work well I'm just going to say what now but it was fine a bit depressing though having to follow the most stunning db9 with its roof down driven by some and he was doing no more than 40 miles an hour all the way from Guildford I've heard this so many times we discuss that and then drive it like an old lady not just that who's driving didn't a middle-aged man what is he saying you see he's not doing it to enjoy the sunshine because I think as the Sun got in where you are no no it's quite funny it's quite sunny but he's not doing it for the sunshine he's doing it because he thinks it makes you look more attractive well makes him look like his own you can say if he falls head no no that's what I was do I got the roof down on my car and take no I'm going to blind following motorists with that wall back back up again do you think it's a bit of that we all get you innovative middle-aged men they shouldn't drive this convertible cars with the roof down it looks ridiculous and then we wither yeah I'm not doing some driving them just drive them properly what color is his db9 it was black I thought you just turned off from it yeah it was black and I can tell you the registration number as well far away I'm a seven yeah sugar G for golf OS Buford also a really little bit personal area under place yeah lies number plates not something that we particularly enjoy so he's got his top down and he's got a personalized registration plate would you able to tell how was he very small well and about half its head shape yeah so probably even shorter than Hammond high that's not actually technically possible to still be a human and be sure to be home what I'm interested in is how high were his trousers I'm suspecting a sort of chest height really hitched up there can I point out that the accident we were talking about the m25 told was anti-clockwise not as Jeremy worst traffic reporter in the history of traffic and report said clockwise and while I'm looking at the tail-end of the jam here and it's anti-clockwise yeah it's getting to be a very nasty Jam part partly because people are pulling out of the outside two lanes far too early but they do but people can relate he packed me off now my still no no no you know you go join him whenever you like oh no no I mean going in but I'm just saying that what's happened here is that ever the two outer lanes of the motorway of please get out of them because they're blocked by an idiot in a Mitsubishi use most of crash into his own trailer and people are moving over far too soon which means that the motorway network is not being fully utilized we paid for it drive right up you crash use it and then get you in there down and tell the man exactly what you think of is driving cisely alley thank you very much for calling in it's okay thanks for taking part you can do the same Oh 8 4 5 9 5 7 double O 5 7 can I talk briefly about pets and stuff mm-hmm if you can be filling up at at the moment you may well have to be ready to pay serious money for the fuel it's going up diesel risen to an all-time high the average price of a liter yesterday was just over 98.7 pence previous highest price was ninety eight point six recorded last September in the wake of Hurricane Katrina Todd tinny runs to demoted him fetch him near Leatherhead one of the last remaining independent petrol stations that actually serves you active pump hello Todd hello Lee so you actually go out to slosh the fuel into the tank for people that's it yeah he'll be clearly distracted before told you because they're now taking the trailer off yeah just two seconds the Mitsubishi Shogun which has bull bars child-killing bull bars and has been moved onto the hard shoulder and any second now the trailer will have gone as well five seconds and that motor wait will be open again so I'm good newsmen to push that little trailer yes I know but it doesn't matter because there's absolutely no burglary at all in southern England you can tell that from the amount of policemen being used of any sort yes thank you see we really are bringing it to you as it because we can see it you know happening in front of us Todd so you run a petrol station see I've got a theory on the price of petrol right I just don't care I just do not care what possible difference is it's a pen here and there and I was chatting to a bloke in my local petrol station he held up a bag of Maltesers rattle them about and said honestly I could charge an extra 20 P for a baggage and nobody would care if I put a penny on a liter of petrol they'll go 15 miles to get it cheaper is that true you find that I think yeah people always come in and learn a better price really we're always a little bit dearest because sir we where we say we put it in and we can't do a large-volume old supermarkets and things whereabouts are you I could pop round on my way home and Biogen good quality petrol here good quality - food yourself yeah we're doing fetching nearly late but you have to be here before 6:00 because we're not a late-night place oh ok close well that will still be on there so that is not going to happen so ding is there when we go for petrol I've got a litter cereal that the reason people complain about it is that it's the worst possible time nobody ever drives along and says I know I'll stop for some fuel that'll be fun we're always in a bad mood aren't we well it seems to yes like I understand people going these great big service stations and they have to put their own fuel in and after work walk about 200 yards of pay for it and any kind of little places like this and when it's gone in a 5 or 10 px - overall well have you got a jet wash at your petrol station no we don't do them Jones is going to ask you about where the bomb was any scenes and it would have been quite good to get it from the horse's mouth Todd thank you for calling in good luck Jeremy's waving his arms in red well just genuinely staggered he's here what I'm watching is the pix picture here live the police clear the motorway and then it's a good 30 or 40 seconds before they let the traffic down you wait why are you careful about it you want to be careful you say go-go-go is what you say we got the chain Fleetwood Mac we should have played it then it was like the start of a grand parade boom and they could all have roared off and been home and this turned out all having to follow a police Range Rover Ken in West Ham writes in to set aside rings in to say he refuses to speak to us probably because we're rubbish he's not enjoying the show you misses the regulars evening just says make sure the professionals are back on air tomorrow I don't know there will be don't worry again though they even as we speak the fire brigade have been called and they are now fire axing the door I get not got much longer Frank hello and I like you're near Winchester aren't you yeah and you to lend us your support Paulo oh dear Frankie you ringing to lend us your support yeah good well go on then what are you ringing for Frank in the first place around this fair dispel this fallacy about older drivers not being safe when it's well known that the worst drivers are between 17 and 35 oh here we go young men are about to be picked on right that's a fact give it as affect our drive I live in Sussex in Hampshire now I Drive often between the two places and the worst offenders of these young your boat odds were there boom boom well I think it is Frank maybe it's just that they drive differently to you perhaps older people want to drive slowly and younger people want to get in no no no I try even though I didn't do that not cut Frank I would like to say let's say Rose had Frank raised an interesting point a really interesting point because when I was 17 I drove very slowly because the cars I had were rubbish and now I'm 46 my cars are much better I go much faster but you're much slower now and that's possibly not such a good thing I've noticed that you know for a long time young people were responsible for accidents then there was that thing with Brunnstrom is that old people are too old and responsible for accidents and media people are too expenditure and eventually if you weren't thirty nine and a half married with two kids and driving a Volvo estate of ten to nine miles an hour you might as well just hand yourself in yeah there's AG Lafley heigh-ho it's 12 minutes to 6:00 and it's time for the headlines as anybody could really happen look I haven't got them but I can probably then make my run a change much no Rio James I'll just use the last one and go as Tories say the Home Secretary Charles Clarke should consider resigning after he said that he wasn't going to resign in an earlier news bulletin after letting more than a thousand foreign prisoners out of prison instead of deporting them why didn't the people in the prison know because of losses walking out in prison all these murderers and rapists and burglars and things attention to detail you see and the big issues sellers in Brian we've since cleared this story up they will get their magazines delivered to them from this weekend because the office in the city centre the city is present what this means is bands are going to go around and drop off bundles of the big issue with these people who are selling them and Downing Street is still backing the Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott for having an affair with one of his secretaries which means that new labor has condoned having affairs with new secretary Miss absolutely fine so Crandall whether it's in a deal warm that was really a sex that was best public I thought it was one of the best I really did Jeremy have you got your fancy satellite link ready P new way of doing up yes BBC southern counties radio travel Jeremy right the earlier accident anti-clockwise near the junction with the m23 as I said earlier that has now been cleared to the side of the road every single policeman for 43 counties is now in attendance I can tell you it was a Mitsubishi Shogun I can't quite read the registration number but I think it was personalized and it certainly has a lot on I'm sure was it was a really short one no it was I think was moved it was one of those really short ones that's by the by we able Alison are you there oh hang on she can be a lot of time either I can even move your camera out and we got any more traffic jams to be having a look at or bad driving I can show you the the queue back from that that's the next camera back my view it's always really smooth if you want to go clockwise around 9:25 absolutely it's just tonight it's like a racetrack it's a lot slower but anyway what else have you got to show okay that'll further back again Oh Enda how far back sir that is probably a mile or so ladies we're not too bad that's further back again all over and it's kind of on its way back so this is heading back towards Leatherhead now back to luncheon 9 all the air see what we're down to 40 miles an hour there first of all that was right we're [ __ ] if you're lucky that's halfway between nine and eight so as you're heading anti-clockwise halfway between nine and eight you're going to start to slow down the accidents after eight so it's a few miles it's a very very unpleasant round the south side oh and on the west look I'll just take you around the west let's see if we can find some bad boys in there this is doing this is anti-clockwise okay around Heathrow yeah I'll take you down to the next cameras a little bit of delay there see it's very very slow this is actually quite normal for this time a night speeding up a little bit there and say there I think for the benefit of the listeners I believe there so the western side is okay I basically I can say the western sections of the m25 are Oh sort of okay-ish not anti-clockwise no I'd say the West from 14 down to 12 no I've seen it worse than that I think that's fairly normal but the see now anti-clockwise that's properly unpleasant but that is not only a picture of a bolt if you go no that's backward back in the south again sadly that I can't bring you any news of very bad driving I can't even see anybody braking unnecessarily although I'm a sure lots of it there's somebody in an Audi TT convertible can you finish this is through Godstone have you got anything for us that is not covered by the cameras there I listen you'd like to add I would like to add actually yes that it's very slowing Rai on the 85 9 as eastbound between the 86 eight and the Rai Road long delays they're being reported a little bit slow as well any screens dead on the a 22mm road that's northbound around moat road but public transport is really really good public transport is really good publisher is close by diesel and is rubbish thank you with BBC southern counties radio I can public transport be good I don't question [Music] the knees down discussing BBC southern counties radio administered six does anybody know what we're doing now yeah oh by the way I'm handing over to this man we've had an anonymous female caller who said get that idiot Clarkson off the radio he's and then there was a sort of noise and it hung up yeah and then saying we're far too gobby for our own good again more support thank you for that the good news is were only with you for one evening only it's Jeremy James and Richard from Top Gear and Jeremy's about to talk about something absolutely and anyone who's ever tried to write a book will know all about the publishers standard rejection letter it's kind of Saudia thank you for your manuscript we found it most entertaining with it's not for us at this time blah blah blah however and when rigor writer John Howard got a raft of rejection slips for his children's book he began to suspect the publishers hadn't even bothered reading it so to test his theory out he sent them the instructions for his washing machine and he's in the studio now to explain what happened next so John thanks for coming in what did happen next I tested this book on tis we hundred kids before I sent it into the agents and I got loads of emails and letters saying it's brilliant so I sent him all into the agent and they rejected it I phoned one up I took offense said of course we read everything and so I scanned in my washing machine user guy sent it call it the tin drum the first chapter was jumbo drum and three of them sent back the same rejections before saying they've read and enjoyed the manuscript and they didn't think it was for them so you didn't change it you literally just printed it out and sent it as it was printed with the instructions yep took out the pictures how you got yours publisher no I just I use a vacuum cleaner one because it's sold jolly unless anything and and they all said the same thing here so thank you so much an entertaining read but not for us at this time that's right yeah three dozen said that and so I just still published it and it sold thousands and thousands and thousands and now I've been to 50 schools in five thousand kids have got another few hundred the one we come in and this is the key to chin tank that's the one and the only washing machines in it at all no I've left the washing machines a lab since the border children how does that make you feel about publishing then I mean do you reckon there's a lot of other writers out there being held back maybe they should just send off the instructions to their new washing machine or whatever does it worry you yeah I think that they got too many coming in and maybe they need to cut the list off a lot sooner really they I think they take one or two new authors a year if there isn't it that hairy flaming Potter has done it everybody thinks I can sit in a cafe and write a multimillion-pound bestseller and that's the way forward surely the wizard has done it yes definitely and we'll look at the trace of Christmas you see that mmm no I actually think that that the I mean 9/10 is children's book don't even sell a thousand copies I don't I just don't make it through because well surely a school library statement and that's a huge thing isn't yeah yeah but I mean children's books written by adults mainly and you've got an adult agent and I don't publisher agent distributor no one ever lost the kids of it liked it so I took it in the schools they picked the cover the size everything so that whoa children shows all that he had to chose the cover the size but this was prior to you sending it off to the yeah probably I sent it up I had they'd love the story and then when it I just kept diversity from their eye color but it supposed to be difficult to get a book published otherwise everybody would do it and in the dream so kind of the ones who stick with it well Richard Hammonds had a book published that was really easy I just put them on the telly yeah I know those and this year seem to me to be the problem these days is that you really have to be on TV now to be able to do anything yeah you need to sleep the famous football I don't want to do that they're really fun with this big brother maybe no no who I don't want to sleep without that man with a gorilla so finally do you have any useful suggestions for other aspiring writer perseverance perseverance I just want to find some of the some of the extracts from the washing machine manual yeah there is a little bit it starts off with you know load the Jumbo drum it's not difficult to that maybe you know it would be good to accepted it load the Jumbo drum you see everybody else the first line is always the nicest and there you've got a really good catchy in it's I just think that's a friend I love you what gave you the idea to do a washing machine um it was just a nearest thing to him we just made a new house that was sitting on the side a little market that shot scanned in send it off and it didn't get accepted well can we say good luck with your actual book yeah I thought that were available on the internet thing idiots actually it's in all walks towns everywhere now that the I mean they've bought into it big time and it's doing exceptionally well so yeah I just hope it doesn't not mine off the charts or indeed thank you for coming in this is Stevie Wonder I've just played it it was just there that all right guys know this is just going to put everyone in a soporific state nobody's going to drive faster this I think I think we should take stock at this blood chat as we come to the end of our second hour hear what he reckons you guys it got well are we pleased some of it was good yeah the bits whether whether people were singing professionally I was a very good part of the show I wouldn't want to do it every day with you it's too hard it can be stressful it's not right now because I've got two things playing at once I can't stop one of them I might listen to that what is raising that jingle right or wrong it what is it Moby what it's Stevie Wonder and and in use jingle sorrowful in it I can't work I can't fix that I've no idea what are you doing I've got it wrong I was fixing there I've done it no it wasn't no it's no not up there that one there you see I found it I think it's going very well do not agree when you just feel like you're blathering out you until it's six o'clock and then you can say and now it's Richard Hammond over to the muse no I was going to fight BBC southern counties radio travel no no hear me I that we return to the what the only thing that matters on the roads tonight these huge queue down the southern end of the m25 and James what have you got for us well I think there's not much you can do about the traffic you can turn around so the only option is one of mine and Hammonds in card games yeah yeah and I would suggest dashboards spot the different good choice yeah if there's two of you in the car if there's any one of you here a bit stuffed right unless you're sort of schizophrenic course I think but anyway one of you looks away the other one no let's start that again you both look at the dashboard yeah player a memorizes of the position of all the knobs and the sliders and the stalks and all that sort of thing then he looks away for 15 seconds while the other player moves one thing and then the first player looks back again he's got ten seconds to work out what's different it's genius you'll be glad there's a traffic jam only problem will be it's not long enough you and I played that for about five hours games there's the other one there's another one these two play which just says how dreary they are they have an aerial long driving you're in the world destruction operate bits of the car by poking the switches that mimic the oil skill those difficulty not eating so there you are if you're stuck in that traffic jam in the southern part of the m23 and sorry n25 near the junction with the m23 clockwise and support going one way around in love anti-clockwise then there are a couple of suggestions to wile away the hours Allison if you got any to add to that yes there are be I'd be a little bit more specific for you uh over in the West fourteen to eleven that's anti-clockwise Pete Richert see that's all crawling and saying anti-clockwise would be really sorry for itself I'm afraid from of our eight a tri-gate right through to God's own at six all horribly slow and crawling after all those earlier problems and just one problem on a local routine drive very slow on the eighteen 590 spend between the a two six eight and right Road and public transport still looking really good Jeremy look good all he said last time it wasn't applying I don't look at trains and it was good I have just seen a TVR drive by the camera there so he's in about a hundred hundred and fifty yards without breaking down at once that's gonna be a traffic jam when it does finally let go Alison thank you very much thirty point one three inches and falling slowly because of the pressure gradient BBC southern counties radio the new sound of it was time Wow showers in April whatever next I thought that was quite time what what look what's happened to our feed I should apologize for it it's come it's just jammed it looks like everybody's just parks at random all over the m25 can I do a big explanation yeah just joined us good evening this is still BBC southern counties radio it's not your usual host Richard or mark because you have Jeremy James and Richard from Top Gear and as part of you know when ya sit down with your mate and you come up with an idea and it seems like a really really good one we did and it seemed like a really good idea well actually it was Jeremy's fault he said how hard can doing a Drivetime radio show be how hard is it Terry quite hard because I've just been looking at what it is we're supposed to have been doing and there's a thing called time of your life yeah yes we haven't done that and we have to give people clues and then they phone in to see if I haven't got any no I've got some clues ready write it how does it work I give the clue there and we play some records right we hid behind that jingle and we've come to the conclusion we can't do it why it's too complicated we - it's a piece of cake you have to guess the year I'm talking about though I tell you what I'm good you were asking how hard it is to do this it's quite hard I admit but I'll just look at those salaries you know Terry Wogan eight hundred thousand pounds a year six hundred and thirty but Chris Moyles / sevens 540 practice of that with you I mean I went there for money for doing this I still wouldn't do it well he's not even for 800 thousand pounds a year you wouldn't come and just sit and chat away but even our music that's the thing you can't just come and sit and chat away as we proved if you do that it says into the disaster you have to be good at it here yeah at nine minutes past 6:00 Annabelle is on the line from polgár hi hello hello tell us what are you called him for well I just ran in to say that I think your program is absolutely wonderful yes nobody likes us normally yeah large merely abandoned southern counties radio since it changed its nature for now it's getting politically embarrassing for all conceal II know you like what you like this program or the program that it'll eventually end up on on television I'll settle for either and then I had I had an absolute brainwave all gone because I can't learn to love Gordon Astley who does morning program and I Drive to work and I wonder whether Jeremy would like to do no I don't live in Brighton or indeed anywhere near it unfortunately it would take me aid we were talking about Brighton on the way down here the problem with it is cut off it's like there's a we're using okay for going to London but it's not okay for going anywhere else ER you from Brighton sorry we haven't checked on no no I'm not from Brighton but it's wide forgot about yeah no I thought about that so a lot of the things I was gonna do on the traffic news if you live on the south coast you're working but why did he come in on a boat why would you why would you drive I wouldn't drive and I'd just bash it out in the there's no piers to crash into that anymore I think Annabelle thank you very much for thank you very much that's right it's been a real pleasure listening to you okay we haven't finished yet we're about 50 minutes Jack from Dorking called to say he's really enjoying the show Oh can we have you on more often please and then the nurse took the phone away from him yeah it happens like that hello Polly oh yes darling oh hello is this hearing hello yes I'm nasty I'm a destitute - Jeremy yes no - we're all here in terms of darling and I think they'll gentle play they were going to play something better fresh air all the time of my life you have actually given me the time in my life for the last two hours oh thank you you really have because I mean doing doing a traffic report it's very boring if either goes all the way up the n25 or or down the other way and then it gets dark and if you noticed as well traffic reports always talk about places I Drive home on the a40 out of London yeah and they always talk about gypsy corner I've been doing that journey for ten years I have no clue where it is it just oh I don't know where we're clear bottom aside or clunky bit late do you know where plaque is ladies I have no no but I know where Christmas is where's that that's in Normandy and I'm sorry with a Normandy and sorry that's fine Oh in Normandy every other side in between all the shot and Guildford I have no idea what you two will know when they're enjoying ourselves present report traffic reports because all I want to know is how do I get around it what's the road and that was what I ought to do if someone can get me a road map I might be able to find a way to drive with you my love I would discuss my eyes and hope for the best bring you down but I know that I would get there Molly you'd love it you love it Frank I did and please southern counties radio please come back again Jeremy I'm not a person to kind of adore people but I think what you've given is such a great lift probably a whole program thank you very much I'm sorry about Holly I hope you're still listening it's Richard he really gets in an awful temper when that sort of thing it's like when people give him copies of my book to sign almost explodes with rain okay just slap it can go right okay well thank you very much for calling without moving on now to come again thank you don't you hate it when radio stations spend the whole time go and where brilliant and then sent what did he do no I just like it when people ring up and go you're brilliant because that never happens in my life ever people ring up all of it about job well I done about Johnny written in crayon his message from Dawkins saying he's enjoying the show right oh that was definitive James what have you got James May I haven't got the news but I can make some up well we've got a record anyway okay Windsor resident the Queen has eloped today with John nettles star of Bergerac I can't stand it Natalie Imbruglia and sugar oh no what happened for the jab what we have Imbruglia and shiver and Jeremy get off the game just works out how your computer was that you've done a bad thing there right it's time for the quarter past headlines at 17 minutes past James hello I'm James May and this is vanilla sleep Charles Clark says he wants to keep his job and sort out the mess caused by his there's a lot of prisoners releasing they were foreign and they should have been deported the health secretary Patricia here has been jeered by nurses of the Royal College of nursing's annual conference in Bournemouth he's been at Neal clinic said he deserved its ow eight hundred pound fine totally and utterly utterly and totally after he was caught speeding 2004 actually was rather harsh weather's dry Sun glad that it yep yes now while we've been here obviously most people in the radio station is well have hidden really haven't they yes where it's good well there's a lot of people sitting out there to be brutally honest who are on telephones going now I'm really sorry it is just for one day I promise things return to normal yeah however somebody like sit in the station who I don't know but they like us because they've made this I haven't heard it yet but they've made it specially for us personal traffic service from BBC Two's biggest motoring show anti-clockwise seems to be absolutely appalling tonight god stones jammed up at Junction six ox Ted it's completely jammed up Barrow Rick don't use it don't use it stay at work be productive and buy a helicopter you my son have had it there was a sort of trail for the travel news which I can't do well hang on I've got everything ready for your big satellite mode BBC southern counties radio travel go on then it's gone the satellite has gone the Americans are using it in Iraq or something it's gone we haven't got it anymore it doesn't exist the feed is over I'm unable to give you anything we're going to have to go back to normal traffic now 20 past it I know Russia I'm sorry I'll tell you okay I'll do trample voice ready yeah and there's absolutely appalling traffic tonight in the centre of Brighton all the way at the end of 23 to the m23 the m23 is utterly solid right the way up to the m25 and then I'm afraid clockwise the m25 from the m23 right the way around to the m-40 solid the m-40 all the way up to the a 42 Oxford this is my route home I'm just doing I'm just getting people off it Alec you are so outrageous aw yeah I'll give you an accurate one now maybe it's really around West Street yes not neat anybody driving badly on your cameras because we've lost our feed anyone you want to report are they're also having brilliantly she's got Alison to house it Hey yes I think they're all driving very sensibly Oh actually well just wait for you in about 48 minutes I'll be one of them that'll believe that now okay The Apprentice is one of BBC Two's most popular programmes one of yeah what there are other pub one of our babies okay it's back on tonight so which of the final five candidates will sink or swim as they're taken on board a cruise liner in tough task asked to come up with weird and whacky ideas now I didn't to improve the I never ever read anything the Hubble bit to improve the experience for the ship's holidaymakers so who's likely to be the overall winner one woman who's more likely to know the most is Joe Cameron described by Sir Alan sugar as a nutter j was fired in week six and she's on the line now hi Joe are you very well how are you I'm fine coffee thank you I've been very amused so I have to save all your son report but that was a Korean though yeah they would have worked quite well as a satellite of love I think that's why America is in that gives invaded the role countries their satellites they don't know where they going where we going all hell is this Iran oh no hey can I just ask something I missed and I'm really cross about this the week when you were fired oh my goodness and Carvin all how can you believe I was on holiday that week so I was abroad amidst it what went wrong well yeah I didn't take enough all the good which is hilarious for the ex national sales manager mg for writing is it not like OMG Skorton racing absolutely I was indeed yeah why was it that into it little sv that you drive around the circuit yeah I have a little bit of an involvement in that which was that quite interesting suicide I blast me on the head that car literally just went on good okay kidding me yeah we know that it all went a bit wrong than that kinda just there's one thing you were billed as the nutty were billed as the loony I thought you were just edited to look like a loony I don't think you're a meanie at all alright well yeah I think that's a bit of me some other time so it's not all of me all of the time but in the program ya know they're definitely and little [ __ ] going on whether they are why was why did you I know I've got a my question up crying I want to know how much you I wanted that was my question we both thought that at the same time yeah every day oh I don't think I've actually cried so much ever since and you know what it is you just flow overwhelmed by everything you know and it's like just being away from home with all those people in the house and household worth millions I basically overwhelmed by all I think yeah okay can I just ask yes who do you think is going to win it well I really like Michelle coz and like me she's cool and calm collected and I mean she's not the husband comes what get the blonde one I yeah yeah is it rude yeah Ruth is the file person yeah okay Ruth yes so there's Ruth and then the blonde girl now she's the one slightly flared nostrils that's what I'm remembering because I was just right and then you've got sides who thought that one's a bridge was a railway bridge in London last week could you say yeah that was very funny and poor old doom yeah he was your nice chap he was a nice busy people away in the background isn't he you know but I think basically what he said luckily we've had enough you know so it's pharmacal madman it is now what do you think has been the main reason this program has been nearly as successful as Top Gear obsessing because it's like a really basic format of a show isn't it and it attracts so many different age ranges because the characters the past you know the personality and it's just obvious buing I just love it on helm in it but it's a great view and it's lit it is is fantastic now so what do you do now you've been did you have a job before you went on it yeah well I worked myself yeah so yes it was I'm working my god well basically I my trade my background is in diversity training HR consultancy I mean that's just annoying okay so you had a you had a job as a freelance yes something or other being with people yes yes absolutely and so do you now just go back to that is that well I've actually just launched the website which helps minorities get into better jobs and the title is the best name of the website is called you're hired co uk that's a very good idea is only what sort of minorities are we all together we're very older people you have some older people or some people with disabilities and most people it generally just find it a bit difficult to get jobs because I don't like discrimination I'm in a few fellows and help people get some better jobs out of it yeah okay well good for you and thank you ever so much for coming to tours and best of luck with everything yeah thank you bye Houston do you reckon she really cried she doesn't cry she's not a nutter they needed another you know what is how we do I'm talking all the time yet eat things to make them look so does that mean like when you watch Top Gear you're not really over there no I'm your six-foot-three mate yeah telling it hello Helen hello there calling from Flay don't I'm afraid I am yes Barry what you call in the back well I just wanted to say how well I thought you top gear guys were doing on me yeah exactly try a question ask away thank you very much the fleet services there on the m3 can you still do the fleet sheet no you can't only I've been really they've stopped it yeah stop - yes oh yes explain to Richard Hammond II used to be able to turn off at the services and then get to sleep through a little back way yeah yeah and it was called the fleet seat without have to go all the way onto the next jumps and all the way back again and they stopped or whatever they're done put bollards now and now they've got a drop down what do they call in the drop down Han Solo I'm gonna get a Hummer yeah well I actually provided I'm there to see you do it why I've been again what Oh haven't I say why are you are you a policeman it good lord no I just what I it would just amuse me immensely and I've always wanted one of those things well I actually said it yeah I could see he thinks my driving is interesting Q no no no don't listen to him they're looking over can I just ask one thing when are you smaller than your husband oh gosh yes when you get out do you put the car seat back for him or do you leave it where you don't know I leave it where it is yeah I don't you complain him about the Lucy I bet you do never never it doesn't bother me that I got out I don't think so you can't be you can't help it you can't help being a man yeah you don't help even the car seats I was are bored I can't go to work yeah Johnny thinks if he carries on like this he'll probably end up with a hernia but as I say to him that's the least of his worries I said when he gets in my car I never complain about having to pull the feet forward say no because you can physically get in and do of you just what have you just done nothing Helen still here yeah what is it I'm sorry I think he just he's just been implying isn't it you can loosely I've never had so much fun in your lives that it's just please pushing that lottery ticket thank you very much for calling all right well thank you bye-bye Helen thank you very much indeed calling this lon we've got the headlines coming around at half past which is minutes away we've just got time to talk to Peter from churches - hello hello there hello there how are you hi Maura thank you I'm really enjoying the show although I must admit I wouldn't want it every day no don't worry we won't get it well wait yeah I promise it's back to normal tomorrow I do apologize it's being so disorganized I really did think he just came and talked to know when you ran out of things to say you put a record on simply I don't remember it being this complicated is a lot of fun though what was for and they pushed the wrong one every time and I've now got to write the headline so chapter one have you yes I might add later what did you call in for did you call in lovely or anything else it yeah I enjoy all the programs you another think you're brilliant sense of you moving enjoyed the five o'clock show come and watch some of this down for me maybe and perhaps post it to an address and then I can just keep it forever yeah that's it and I was wondering how when mr. piller can try Clinic managed to get caught twice and Jeremy with all his fast driving menu gave a clean life now what does that tell you about the way we drive in our responsible we actually are well he's ginger and he's Welsh I know what I can remember back into a few years now actually Neil chemic turned a Ford Sierra over on the m4 do you remember that I think use Lee I think you me right but it's quite a fete I should demand no he did he turn the Sierra over so he's plainly at either an aggressive yabo or these former leader of the Labour Party either way Peter thank you very much we have to move on with the headlines but thanks for calling in we turn to Sierra over on top kid you remember I'm writing the headlines god I'm writing that because somebody else BBC southern counties radio travel little my hang around the summer you were waiting for real trouble go the Infini one eye and clockwise I reckon about what so shall our well believe it anti-clockwise 13 to 11 he threw them to Chertsey because he threw he throws he throw he throwed he want my job and I'll have yours ok 14 down through 11 he threw the chair Michael thank you what can I just say my news headlines were better but I had cliff ratchet Cliff Richard have been taken by BATS Brighton Pier and turn into solid gold own at Lowe's we're doing sports yeah what could be doing the sport you want the weather weather is a little weather go I'll do it can do it I'll do it it's going to be slightly gray tonight and cloudy but tomorrow should be okay yes a little sounds like weather to me what is why do you just keep playing jingle what is it to have a ball I can do it was it gonna do nothing or violence or hey okay hey let's kick off of the sport thank you guys now bad day by Sussex the bang Hampshire yeah 22 minutes to 7:00 BBC southern counties radio Richard Hammond Jerry clouds and James made a guys on top gear with you and ordinarily Jeremy you supposed to like trail and say what you're going to be doing and we haven't done any of that we're going to be talking about film and we're going to be going on we are cannot before we do that can i play records life really have to go back you'll have a pee how long is that record 3 minutes 16 and getting short hurry up go right I'm going to go in sit over there are you the film movie hello is that I just do apologize ladies and gentlemen I'm Richard Hammond has popped out and has not popped back again so that's me on the wrong side of the desk trying to operate everything I've been joined by Kathryn chambers or hits talk about film indeed I think and we've had a core wait a minute is a what's that hello is there somebody there is any more than there hello what oh man [Music] [Applause] again you left me alone on the wrong side of the glass like shorter than anticipated sorry carry on anywhere everybody this is Katherine Richard hello how Katherine um what have you been to see at the cinema okay let's pick off food sixteen blocks which is a cop Phyllis directed by Richard Donner the man behind a Lethal Weapon series yeah may be familiar with him this is basically Bruce Willis doing what Bruce Willis does which is play a world-weary detective here he's got a escort a criminal 16 blocks to court but when there's an attentive gunning down basically and both of them him and the criminal played by masters on the run what was that what's going on don't do that we're in the middle of our just think of an intelligent question for Hammond and I wonder what I requested because it used to be this turned Shh suppress it there's a tendency the film's these days to shrink them down you know panic room was filming that and then there was the Colin Farrell in a phone box there was another guy concept movie sale there was a high concept well they just put it all in a plane or a phone box or something that now they've done it in 16 blocks so is Bruce in arrest Bruce is actually got a bit of hair in this film I know shock shock that's probably the most exciting things ill know actually aside from master he plays a criminal who is a bit of a motormouth and drives you insane it's actually pretty good it's really like yeah you know it's it's a kind of fast-paced action movie if it's a solid and dependable film and I'd like to describe it as a it never stalls for a minute every time you wake up there was a lot of noise going on yes yeah you know does it strongly I'm trying to get a few you know puns in here no I'm not audience they're rolling around they are they really are rolling around so what's this all that I do forgive me but there seems to be something on the television now it's because in a short while we're going to be joining up with the TV and right now on the TV they're playing bits of Top Gear and us arriving here today seem like we're on the tell you that's on the telly well I do right now this is I'm quite looking forward to seeing 16 blocks because I do like Bruce winner in white looking I am looking for I will be seeing I should be buying it that's me it was like live Jeremy Clarkson in stairs top gear presenter I Drive something else under there and no any minute now we're going to be like it's alright I've got control but where is the camera I don't I realize it's not our worry where is the camera do we have a camera to look this one what is our camera not yet I do apologize Odin Genesis just gone completely mad it isn't meaning a lot for you at home if you're listening we are the Top Gear presenters and well two of them James is gone no no this is James is it you're looking lovely I know amazing transformation they had better and there's I look tired and we're gonna we're gonna link it very shortly with you so we're carry on about film how will we know when we're linking up tell me my okay James James he's back so you just wait there James because we're just in the middle of films what else have you got a punk locks Freedomland which oh hang on guys you have any second a better sit down again James because with a vision there on radio we're gonna break into their show now hello fellas where are you let's have a look we are making the most appalling mess of what I think is a very respectable and respected radio station I think I think it might have been what are you doing in Brighton fellas messing stuff up well I mean I said the problem is is I've never really liked the way that you did our the treble use is done on radio show so I thought I can do that better I've come down here and found icon no it's gone post yeah hey look it looks like Richard's done a bit of radio before what about the rest of you can we not talk about Richard I slightly embarrassing oh don't be embarrassed no it didn't go entirely well I've done a lot of this sort of thinking Richard no no no I've done a stick Richard did the lamb adoption reading out this twenty five minutes at a time twenty five minutes of reading out lambs names on radio Cambria and all the way down the I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing we have had Thin Lizzy bluing the boys are back in town sixty-four times exactly sorry but nobody James ever would with you on the choice you might give us a serious answer what are you doing in Brighton overdoing the radio show really I don't know that but we could have gone to Wilshire for that or Tunbridge Wells you're doing a top gear program down there no we went of direction is such that we were going to vulture but you just rose here playing the reason we are genuinely genuinely is though buddy else would let us do this I don't believe and after today's performance if anyone know who do right you know in all seriousness we did actually ask Radio one if they let us do that and they said Warren if it's a short answer was now get on that bombshell we're gonna blow you out fellas thank you very much indeed thank you very much right now now this is confusing now we back with you yeah no we're bad but you gotta go cuz I'm in the middle of films I'm sorry about this because I'm talking to Catherine about film so James if you just go hey - so are we on the tell you right now on the radio we're on the radio and Italian to say we're not one a nice girl who talks about films has made my headphones smell or person yes lovely look get out of the seat because James it's changed see that it seems what really so that one that we were on just before we went on the television was freedom land freedom Lanyon never gets that first beer this one sorry also nice I like got that one yeah um this one is Julianne Moore he plays a like her is getting thumbs up she's a victim of a carjacking Samuel Johnson is the detective in charge of finding the missing child he's even more bold than Bruce Willis entry lines he's terrible in this is a terrible year no such thing as a bad Sam Jackson Oh God either another naturally slide to mediocrity Emma from terrible terrible I nearly walked out in fact it's a theme it doesn't get a neutral you know mean awful you know Julianne Moore spends most of the time screaming so the whole film you just want to throttle her who directs it it is directed by a man a man yes a man or a woman Joe Roth never even had No okay so that's a all the way that yeah um then we have metal a headbangers journey please use mine this one year you know I grew up on rock music I'm a bit of a you should have seen the album collection abroad have you seen the albums abroad oh okay Bush Tegan thank you very well then it's serious getting nearer Genesis you won't like sleep with me like Genesis Bob Seger the Silver Bullet families no you won't know you don't know damned in gambling and heavy music Katmandu look like that that's the really really early stuff Amy we've really got to do their headlines ok Carlin do a headline like you know it's just have you got the headline yeah I cornice yeah no you do them I had gone here like have you call me headlines no well then I have just watched the news okay come on Patricia Hodge has been on the news yes but the sound wasn't up so we have no idea what she was saying doctor who is on television now not Doctor Who but somebody talking about it so that's important yes Cliff Richard is back from the bats and the Queen hasn't eloped with John nettle and the weather mainly dry weather variable cloud yeah oh this on that much you should listen you should get this album honestly live bullet it's over Thank You Allison I'm sorry I was pleasure distracted momentarily spoiled your day a bit but hey oh it's been the back it's been the best world consummating for you like when you're a kid and the weather was really nice you can think it works outside at school and or when go home lately it's been great thank you for everything bye bye bye traffic with BBC southern counties review right other films right okay so moving on from metal head banger journey we have did any good have no sir riff roaring ride through the history of metal a riff roaring right if you're interested in Judas Priest there you go yeah yeah suddenly doesn't feature but Bruce Dickinson deals Bruce Dickinson I'm Lemmy from Motorhead let me out of Motorhead to give it away from Lenny out of Motorhead then it is out of go on anything else units anywhere on the smartest guy in the room this is the documentary about the collapse of the corporation n which of course rocked the world in 2000 very very good very intelligent descriptive yeah yeah and I was going to save Michael Moore that I won't you watch and then don't come knock in which is a bit of an arthouse movie providing vendors who directed Paris Texas any nudity in it we watching maybe a little bit but not it's a journey of self-discovery and it coasts along lovely don't look at me about films Jeremy vehicle said I am no you never watched film character prison drama that's all right Sarah driven drama okay okay horror movies do you like horror movies I like the descent very good do some not Gary slither which is I was a remake slithers a remake liver slither yeah it's a about it's a zombie movie it's about little worms that go inside you I saw that in the original one in 1976 I think so is any good it accelerates along at a zippy place excites about the guy who wrote the Dawn of the Dead remake you know and it is what you get from a zombie movie basically lots of blood lots of good lips lots of gore so if you squeamish stay away okay brilliant and we got the top ten here and all Tristan and Isolda at 10 and American haunting at 9 Inside Man at 8 take the lead at 7 she's the man at 6 what no no you're supposed to read out and all saying what they're like no no we can't be good things ready right then I'll read them ok and we've got them since I've Hughes element 5 8 below alright okay Tristan is old epic buddy you love ancient uh no no you had a contrivance what is the dark for not pressing the book all right just anti-american dream scaring me before a parody of a parody Silent Hill mute video game head plays back thank you it's seven minutes Katherine thank you very much but it is seven minutes to seven and James May is back where you've been making my headphones smell so let me did you go I went out in our rubbish Cadillac to see what your program sounded like in the real world how did it sound mate it sounded rubbish oh that is the worst radio program I ever I mean it's authentic you sound like local radio visualising there's a mad woman screaming on the phone and you talking the studio and you interrupting yeah but it's just bad not relaxing right now but I did ask quite a lot of other local people what they thought of it in their cars mm-hmm nobody was listening to it right well that's some comfort yes not at all well Kate hello welcome from staining hello hello well nobody fitted it because we've had such clotted Road rubbish on the last three weeks empty space no possible use of Iranian nation lawful because the poor chaps didn't know but I must say your program absolutely brilliant just after noon fine I don't I don't think this is a fair a fair reflection of the caller than ours because every time I go outside I'm watching people in the in the office go no no I'm sorry really honestly they would be going in a minute got one down here it does one about us and I can't read a single word doesn't get those I'm guessing yeah I can't read a single word other than get those it's quite it's quite spectacular it is if so I think dB well there's an idiot Jeremy Clarkson off the radio he's unloaded then she hung up can we see I've got one that just says out of Brighton altogether okay that's fair enough ten hello little Hanson how are you hello there okay yeah I think the people are famous for a change in the southern counties we think we are we think you are these are really very important we're gonna return soon no no we're recording it in expose it'll be on next Sunday week on Sunday I'm guessing can I come out to top gear you have to go on wwwww-what say Oh aplause done an update it's where you get tickets for BBC shows alright but I fear there's a 72 year waiting list now I know that I'll be tasked by them I think so great program number one at least you didn't took that spot for two or three hours like they'd all be there because we don't know anything we actually know nothing about it we've got more support I'm here from mrs. Smith hello mrs. Smith hello is that mr. Cox and all over then the other end of this phone because some program that's been on I came home from work at five o'clock and what a load of rubbish this is and I think it's absolutely dreadful but absolutely dreadful that you should have to put such rubbish on the radio I've been an avid listener to southern counties for a number of years for God's sake bring back Don a mini bar should be and all the rest of them yes all a load of rubbish thank you and good night I grant you good bye now I can start taxis in Horsham says a 23 southbound born the interchange traffic is stationary in both directions that's the kind of thing we want we but we also want to know Mike if you're calling if you're listening still who's responsible what's the name of the person yeah me what names actually while I was eight I meant to report back there is a very bad traffic jam around the car park of Brighton station you see caused higher bus locally yellows only Julian from ports Lena Julian hi there how are you I'm a foreign thanks good good what are you ringing in from oh just ringing it being turned on the radio then I came back somewhere tonight and I thought well it sounds good I didn't know who you were but I thought you'd really good you know real real breath of fresh air yeah it's loose yeah it's the sort of um friendly amateurism there do it yeah Julian thank you very much indeed for calling in and right features some of the feedback we've received here no no look I did to be honest I know that we've made an awful holics of it but and I've made and I feel bad because my plans for satellite domination of southeast England yeah hasn't they didn't really work as well as I'd hoped they were didn't look at all we can play one last record but we're going to play it MacArthur Park yeah I can only play up okay I can only play a bit of it we've got three minutes to you why do you talk over the introduction return you're not a finish economy that's what happened then little bit coming up we've got nine minutes to get out the building
Channel: FreshRigi
Views: 2,050,582
Rating: 4.7011271 out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, Radio Show, BBC, Southern Counties, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, The Grand Tour, Radio, Brighton, Sussex, Surrey, M25, Clockwise, Anticlockwise, Banter, Funny, Laughs, Top Gear UK, Great britain, United kingdom, Charles Clarke, John Prescott, scandal, Cricket, F1
Id: AhgqPJ5R9hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 55sec (7315 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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