Hammond and May try to build Lego cars while downing shots

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That was pretty good!

H- (looking at camera)if you're interested we can do more of these

M- oh, yeah I'd love to

H- not you, you idiot!

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/KyleSherzenberg 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is this from the GT or a separate video? I'll watch it if it's separate but I'm currently working through the episodes

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MyCodesCompiling 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

The kid is doing a horrible job of keeping the drinks filled. They would have had that bottle finished in the first 30min if he was on task.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/shiftdown 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

why is this just now uploaded? this is old...like i know i watched this last year...

ok 2 years ago


April 3, 2017

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/InsertBluescreenHere 📅︎︎ May 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lego is bizarre now. What a load of strange pieces that is.

What's the fun of Lego if all the pieces are custom and can only build the thing you're supposed to? RIP imagination.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CodyHodgsonAnon19 📅︎︎ May 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm James May and this is Richard Hammond hello now you join us in a very exciting moment it's an experiment if you like it's it's a multitasking challenge a combined car quiz we're not alive we're not live without live Ember we are live we are live there's some confusion can I just explain we're in the drive tribe office the hub of our incredible digital enterprise and we don't know if we live overnight well I carry on explaining James May where was I yes it is a solemn LT what shut up what it's a combined multitasking challenge which involves an automotive quiz car questions a lego build at the same time and on top of that a drinking competition using this which you will see is not vodka the seal has been broken you come ready and he filled with water tell them something else Hammond yes it's it is it it's vodka let me explain how this is gonna work over the next 20 minutes 20 minutes James and I are gonna set about put the vodka down set about building these lego models it's a race to get there first but every minute one of us will be asked a question on a motoring theme get it right you carry on building get it wrong you have to have a shot of definitely not vodka for legal reasons they're really clever twist of it as this as well is you could ask the questions because you can put your questions in on the comments section thing down there wherever it is and notices extensive knowledge of digital media as one of these failures we visible media companies shut up we might even use your question which would be a life-changing imagine that right if you have just joined us we are now live James and I are in the drive tribe office were we're gonna have a brand new inaugural multitasking LEGO building question answering not vodka drinking competition we build the Lego for 20 minutes every minute were asked question get it right carry on get it wrong drink not vodka is that explanation I just pretty good we should point out than the winner at the end of the 20 minutes is the person who's built the most Lego in his release drunk yes I think ideally right guys we are in the office we have our team here so a skinny wretch in a free t-shirt boys under here he's going to hello areas is going to ask the questions of us and also make us drink vodka when we get it wrong yes did enough give us a three to one you don't have to do this and we built there go as kids oh don't up your palm eight alright just see that I can't have a calm approach I didn't have to wear reading glasses when I played with Lego as a kid I do now right about there for inspiration you know that are they in leg wheels little bit right James you're just tidying up right now the question is James do you do this by finding the pieces for that or do you do it by my mind a few pieces and then I then I go right this must be brilliant too long I'd love to watch competitive leg going right oh god okay go on P 1800 good right so then a be a minutes I can't silence was we just build did you Nick what am i doing know it and then James will be asked the next question Xander so that you know you haven't poured the definitely not vodka for legal reasons into the glass each other so good for headaches stand up father not have a t-shirt remotely in your size the thing about Lego is you're not really supposed to do it quickly it's supposed to be a relaxing therapeutic experience well this is a range distressed this is a straight race I've got the wrong glasses on yes Portia get soft no James that is completely out of order I want that one well there you go James that is days to pay you behind it my bags of Lego didn't you where we started well you cheated a monopoly another look at that elevator please well then you have to replace the peace of mind that you've stolen okay that's the rule there you go thank you I can't find that final it the one that looks like the head of a robot it's got like two bits I should imagine it's absolutely riveting we are if you've just joined us by the way we are having a very exciting competition in which James and I have to multitask by building lEGO models talking to you live and then every minute one of us is asked a question if we get it wrong we have to have a shot of this which is definitely not vodka for legal reasons because it can't be oh no I'm trying to find a piece you can ask me question what color with a bumper inserts on the 1990 Ford Fiesta xr2 I know I say I'm gonna say I was gonna say red but I'm gonna change your mind I'm gonna say green definitely not vodka thank you one of those it's warm what it's not cold right I'm gonna that's not cold vodka I can't find this is gonna get progressively worse isn't it I've got gently stuck there's a part I'm looking for I'm looking for a bit well no it looks like a sort of robot it's black the piece of yeah the same bit I'm looking for is it no I'm looking for that bit that's a bit on me people I have played with Lego for though 30 or four years and I've never not know the piece not to be there those changed is that the one that you took out on my no are you sure positive well I'm now stuck without you get off [Music] yep on sporty Subarus yes what do the letters STI stand for Subaru Technica internationally or international oh come on why don't you even know that there you didn't have to have a drink because you got it right James this is if you just joined us I'm sorry if this is a bit dreary now but it's change what's that I don't find one of those yeah I've read a really counter plucking them if I've got a bag missing only one of those one of those have you cheated I'm really caught it I'm not going to make any progress if I can't find that bit I haven't cheated but this is I don't need one of those it isn't there not only one of those James well seriously I can't find that piece it's not one to everything there is here James what it's not here it is it isn't mandatory if you if I find it you have to drink three shots of well no I drink a shot if you find it I will do it I will go somewhere if you'll find it here James salsa I will I'll drink an extra shot of definitely not vodka if you'll find that grey one word to eyes on it it's not there is it you've already put no not that the grey versus the grey one of that if you've just oh I'll tell you for why oh that's the bag of notes on the floor earlier sorry I've got a question for you yes 16,000 17,000 eight nineteen thousand four hundred and fifty two pounds the second series 7 series those in one series seven series is going to be 66 incorrectly 6000 come on I haven't got anybody no sir you've got to keep the vodka fill yours isn't a complicated job yonder right that really held me back turning over the page James you'd actually hidden one of my any of your stuff hmm I don't know if well if you think about it people now are playing like computer games yeah a lot more people those lives James right know that they're playing them in like a Rena and things are they it's a spectator sport yep what help we're doing the same for Lego I think this is quite groundbreaking don't you yeah because people would be fascinating to come you could come to an arena and watch us do this or not it's up to you you don't have to of Islamics I'm actually concentrating on the Lego because I'm enjoying it so I'm yeah what were you saying yes far away what is the highway number on the coast of Oregon from Rachael I presume in Oregon the highway number on the coast of Oregon that runs the coast of Oregon rush you just have our nice drink if I were you James because I'm going to say it's highway number one would you like a vodka not definitely not that is because and this could become the new go-to spectator sport too soon to be drunken elderly men playing with children's toys live on the internet they're not children's toys Lego is a something else it is right now if you've just if you've just joined us I was about to say tuned in how old does that make me if you go you've already hidden some of mine so it can't be my question now James it's not mines I've just about Breitling yeah such poor cloth for which car company no I'm tempted to say Bentley I'm not saying Bentley Rama saying somebody else like well that's I'm gonna say my Bentley Bentley correct thank you very much indeed right my piece no I have not I haven't it's got the splines on the short end and then the grippy bit on the longer building Lego and depression is really difficult because I'm looking for the ruins what a half way I want one of those right okay it's I don't I don't like building there go under pressure I've decided it's no good right we should have got some music arranged so that when we're just concentrating they listen to me joy what was the year of the first Ford Mustang 1964 you thought I wouldn't know no that's very much hoping you wouldn't because I did if you are watching and you want to get your questions asked of us just write them in the comment section thing below and then every minute one of us is being asked a question on a broadly motoring-related theme if we get the answer right we carry on building our lego model in this keenly fought race if we get it wrong we have to take a shot of what is definitely not for legal reasons vodka that's the plan can I just say the vodka doesn't help does and I cut a bit off what a spanner I'm supposed to be good at this sort of thing yeah well I seem to remember many years ago we built a KITT car and you were rubbish yes I was bloody brilliant Eames you left you put the hub assembly on backwards no but you did I've never forgotten it you don't miss noses that was just made up to make me look you know you put it on but you did you actually did that happen for real it cannot be my turn for a question I've asked advances many questions and the question is during the 1995 oh come on somebody's just having a laugh who asked that I know the pace car no no actually no it's a met it was a medical car there can I be honest about it that questions come up before in my life and I got it wrong but I got it right then building James what do you find the vodka interferes with your ability to rush it is I've got the shakes I've already got the DT that goes there are you ahead of me this is incredibly tense this one fella rain is doing this I like doing this sort of a Christmas week with kids no no I mean it should be a relaxing King not once again a reminder if you have just joined us hello and welcome hi to the draft drive - I'm Richard Hammond that's James mill - the drive tribe offices we're in we are having a pretty intense competition it's a Lego building competition James and I are racing over the next 20 minutes to assemble these Lego models but every minute one of us is asked a question with a motoring theme if we get it right we carry on building if we get it wrong we are obliged to drink a shot of that which is for legal reasons definitely not vodka charlie I mean there are foreign colleagues in the world than this he's big in applies you are very interesting about the person invented cruise control inventing cruise control is quite one so that in itself is a fairly decent achievement isn't it no that's not the right answer ask just come on James what can't he do he he was blind oh I didn't know I've put this on upside down for weird reasons turn that completely wrong but I've just had to go backwards he'd mind but that was a slightly badly phrased question because it could have been lost it who did that come from punish them punish them Daniel think it's not about their questions but mr. wersal do J mister steady on chaps that's a bit right I missed a bit okay I'm back I'd I've just had to go back and redo a bit missed right in case you're wondering these are the models we're trying to assemble over the next X minutes I don't know how long we've got left it's a race he who gets the furthest wins he who falls over and vomits loses because they've answered too many questions incorrectly and had to drink too many glasses of not vodka that's pretty much the long and short of it the purpose of this well there is no actual we're just in the office in we're sorting game planners to be quite that easy but but but how many times can I say but before I remembered what it was I was gonna say going but what it proves is God then make a point for what it proves James what it proves is that Lego is interesting I'm gonna put actually take Paul's from doing the Lego because I'm ahead anyway Lego is interesting it doesn't work as a competitive sport because it becomes frustrating when it is meant actually to be therapeutic in my view an enjoyable and I'm winning what the bloody I can't see no it just kept more difficult it was easier when I was 10 a flower mmm oh that's the black cauliflower piece oh yes it's always one of those thing that's a thing yeah right okay hi Malcolm thanks for your question GTI with me I'm gonna go I don't know might one Dolf GTI it's gonna be lower it's gonna be really low it's gonna be caught it probably be will be 100 will it be a hundred and something it'll be a hundred and a hundred and forty no over really good that's covered that just a quiet period of building in concentration now from James May and Richard Hammond I'm commentating on our own event James you're not yes I am you know I you don't have concentrating on winning because you're essentially evil there's a muttering there I said we are just so that you know where we are to put this on the reason we're not looking at the camera to look at you and we're sorry that's rude is we're building lego model because this is a competition between James and me over 20 minutes to see who can complete these models whilst being asked questions every minute it's loading in the background we're in the drive if you're wondering I was going to explain that we are in the drive tribe office I know how exciting is that the drive tribe office and it's full of people whispering yes is that your car part on who owns the world's largest collection of motorcycles the company is its ponder oh I was hoping you'd come up with a name and get it wrong go on who is it do you know the British motorcycle museum Heritage Trust in Birmingham well it isn't Birmingham Alabama I'm afraid it's Barbour who asked that question who was that decent decent say you really that was impossible good effort tell you how it's good catch on I bet you're gonna do this at home tomorrow or tonight or everybody's gonna give it a shot yeah watching this thinking I must do this yes yep do some competitive LEGO building whilst drinking warm definitely not vodka so the next question mine yeah James why didn't you buy less complicated lEGO models I think you may have overreached yourself there did it did it there to the two of those this is getting sort of exciting in a weird way what I like about this is because it takes so long one of those it's more likely with those real actual life in the office when James does Harmon talk rubbish a lot of the time like that one of those a red one James that's not interest how is that not straight and one of that one of those I've got things casing when you're building things he doesn't be fundamentally wrong that doesn't align no eaves on that role really really wrong ever night yeah really wrongly wrong Perry White I know how the bloody because then I'm really busy I'm really busy because I've done this completely wrong and I need to work out oh I do know this yeah except you don't I know I do except I'm just I hat so it is all I ever drink if I get it right this is gonna be really annoying yeah yeah it's Toyota well I'm not I haven't not answered it yet James didn't know all right yes but James okay well now you're having a drink because I don't think you probably drink as well yes you also got it wrong I get a drink you get a drink for getting it wrong drinking nothing to hear it okay fine there's my question as well so this is a double whammy well why why did you do that you thought because I just wanted to show off that I knew some weak okay well there is it wasn't why Russians drink if you are Russian watching this you could oh now I've made another well this has got like a little differential type arrangement it's brilliant this stuff isn't it yeah from I've completely did you stop talking over there please it's the office they have to do stuff they work here hey you know I really like these these are clever bits in Lego technics those ones because they clip into one bit and then another bit can pivot on that bit but not fall off see aren't you glad the internet was invented dear viewer so that an elderly man in glasses could talk to you about children's toy with authority knowledge and confidence they're all better for that you can then make funny whether these burbling noises whilst taking the piss out of his colleague have you indeed who is Mike hello Mike I don't like them already thanks for your question Mike thanks for buzzing in with you question yeah let's hope so yeah probably you disappeared between two pixels thank you I'll have that yep that's what you pay for nice people oh yes so you would be well six no sorry 12 is w 12 Jeff takes first answer yes yes well yes well I know I just I just said that I know oh I know because I'm always right James yes I'm finding that getting questions wrong and the subsequent intake of definitely not warm vodka yeah is that it's actually healthy it's a good job it's not a vodka isn't it it is but I'm actually getting set to start I am I'm finding it easier as time goes on I'm making fewer mistakes I'm finding it easy to find the pieces that I need who knew blasphemous apologies you can I do another if you just joined us yes dude that's a good point you have just joined us for this live extravaganza I'm Richard Hammond he's James May and we are James May we are in the middle of a really quite important competition which asks of us that we compete to build these Lego models as it in front of us now that will look like this when completed over 20 or so minutes possibly and only every minute we are interrupted rudely by a skinny wretch in a free t-shirt who asks us a question vaguely related to motoring such as is about to happen now rude this is from six is eternal freeze 60 60 James you did a thing on this one in several times the first first win pessimistic 68 no way before that no I'm going with that I don't know at 16 final answer please 1668 why no James did what he's saying they're having is you didn't watch my film that's what you just said I didn't know they did I was quite clear the 166 definitely this is just James yes not to put you under any pressure to not put you under any pressure then if you're aware of this but you can't guess what that bit is but I am considerably ahead of you are you remember the nice time good good good four of those okay the others yours is all cockeyed it's not gone back and fix the little issues I had for the early stages of do you miss when Lego was just simpler and just how babies go and wagon wheels used to be yeah you it asked did you okay well turns out it's just again okay leaves they just have okay just one big piece what can I say that will conform exactly with your views at this particular moment then rather than I don't know engage in discussion which is what I was inviting you to do predictability of Lego is better in the olden days what carry on how long have we been doing this can I just ask this as a question before you ask his question fresh brains what's not drinking vodka was within ten years yes when did diesel within ten years the inventor of the diesel engine died 1912-1913 of the cold age within ten years it's just a straight guess I don't know straight guys yes it is no I know Rudolf diesel disappeared on a crisis happened and the theory is that he was murdered you by the German Admiralty way to sell the idea to the British Navy plus know you were there don't be bitter Hammond what them what happens next is just plain weird now it's gone completely crazy how I see I've got a bit left over another cliche but hmm is it how far into this ordeal are we all view and and us dear viewer how far are we okay so this is what you've signed up for now it's an endurance thing on your part for watching it on on ours for doing it we're gonna keep going until these are built are we gonna finish them oh it's a great game do that yes gone really formula 1 mean hasn't corners named spoon and 130 yar I know oh good chips no chips you're not supposed to be compete James to explain again we're not compete do I get an extra drink if I answer it right defeats the object of a drinking game you're just a pudding angling [ __ ] have no idea Suzuka oh you now raining us in on the drinking yes so that you know this is this is Richard Hammond James May reporting live from the drive tribe offices where we are having a competition to build this leg and be asked questions if you get it wrong yet at one of these I've had a bit of a hot flush is that anything to do with my age or age do with vodka age age and it now turns out that the team is getting all worried because what we're doing is getting drunk live and they don't want us doing that anymore what you find is we'd carry on with all my I've done that on the wrongs getting your plastic No oh sorry there you have done it the problem is for this to actually reach a natural conclusion for this ordeal ever to end for both us and beloved viewer hello one of us needs to finish this well because I think we may have underestimated our time it's gonna take oh go ahead mine too we can't have one of those balls that says 15 minutes later because he's going to pretend it matters it hurts him I've never wanted to do anything quickly I've just had a question because you were competing that are drinks you idiot James the idea of a drinking competition is you compete to try and avoid the drinks otherwise you fall over I've got the children that's how you should roll it so just ask the bloody question the question is who invented the car move into the car horn ah that was no it was Rudolph her uber [Laughter] it wasn't Rudolph not Rudolph aruba is a good James you deserve a drink for that painting game James rain bulb turns out to be the best thing ever because he's competing to get drinks I'm competing to avoid them so it's perfect this is a win-win for me I've got a vos replace again is one of those one of those one of those do you think this will turn out to be a career finishing event some phone calls being made you've nicked no I have no no no yes yes you have no where is it no no make mistakes I've been to the factory but I've never once in 40 years at the least of Lego though this Sam he's not to be there and one of those with a knob-end and we're not sponsored by Lego by the way though we're not we're not we just like it James is sponsored by the makers of definitely not vodka I know what's gonna happen at any second we're actually going to be sick you know no it's not that it's that we're actually to be honest we were slightly dreading this when we started cuz we thought will this work as an idea I'm gonna cook our quiz you're entirely convinced that it does do it but as it turns out we're now actually having quite a nice time and we'd happily stay we are hotting holy I know that's correct no we're having a lovely time they're having a nice time are there anybody else you recommend this other way I can't remember how much these Legos kit kids cost because obviously we didn't pave it but because yours Oh Janet that's a big question which car manufacture also makes bicycles and pepper drivers purchase that's so easy though Thank You Janet Thank You oxy easy quick Thank You Janet no questions not vodka I've done a funding much worse than I've put the steering rack on the wrong side and I'm the head says Richard Hammond I'm a head because this is easy remedy what I'm doing now is stripping back to the previous stage I put the steering rack on upside-down - so where's that really long bit there is taken out one of those two of those blue ones with the bit on the end turns out it really matters that you look at the instructions with us quite carefully James what will you burped I did though I can't help and everybody does it live on the Internet oh no they're still wrong oh come on let's have another fatuous cascade of my mistake is only becoming clear to me now it's huge how come is anybody actually watching this is there any way not knowing in the in the heat of the marin the artistry at the moment let's call it that DeGeneres man if anybody is actually watching this rubbish is anybody there what are you all talking about over there hello everybody oh you know what it's called it a seven in Britain you don't got anything better to do seriously I play shut up Washington I by the way now have gone back and stripped off the steering rack from mine and interesting the other way up so that it works I've literally gone back and stripped off the steering it's not my turn it is your turn isn't no James you did it again last time because of your fundamental misunderstanding of the rules of drinking games you believe we're competing to have drinks you was competing with the bard Hammond fire away mr. Boyd Warren what is my question the Latin 1992 said that with such confidence he answered that with such confidence over hexaco was wrong God about Mexico he was wrong no 2003 James this time you're allowed to correct and not definitely not a couple legal reasons definitely not legal reasons Luke I'm not sure what my daughter's have proven this if I'm on live on the internet now playing drinking games drinking a bottle of vodka definitely not vodka yeah all right I'm just going to do this bit first one of those and two of those oh I definitely gets more difficult to do this just yeah it really does I've I gotta have this have I won this this shot of vodka by deliberately getting that question wrong all right no you boys I've won this shot of vodka by deliberately getting that people question wrong honestly James Belize we're competing for who can have the most drinks and definitely not vodka then he died yeah just go is it mine is next but not yet I'm just where's that bit Hammond with that looks oh yeah I've got it there it is look at that that's a really interesting bit look at that bit see that I think just so that you know we should have chosen a simpler lego model because I'm not do it we've been going for a while now I need two of those things that's boring yeah I've got that yes this what are you ahead of me now James who is winning I don't have no idea it doesn't matter who's winning in life isn't about winning em and it's about taking part yeah but competitions for instance are alive maybe I shouldn't have described we're in a competition in that in the early phases of this live transmission on on the book of faces because well down there you're hovering is that you want to ask a question of one of us of whom do you wish to ask the question what is Johannes hello which was the first production car to go over to hundred miles drive oh he was loved you asked it he Keith are you watching me I'm thinking Top Trumps days it was an American thing production car eighty ninety nine ninety just tell it I know what it is do you yes first production Karthik over two hundred miles and has not been getting paid no notice 90s so it says ninety so it's hang on get hot stop picking up your roll Ventura forty for God's sake oh it's a get forty did I get that right got anything in the glass no [Laughter] I've got no idea what the hell I'm doing but I know yes James careful this could be career finishing chap don't you know what well did you care to you not to make you could it really be career finishing yeah I'm always I think become absolutely classified whilst don't actually fine I've had a few shows I'm not difficult sake yes I know I was there with you that's nice to know that you're here which I haven't and I need one of these I think this is gonna be the new thing I think more and more people are gonna do live I think it's looking that go really I mean I know with mucking around a bit but I think it's a great idea yeah I think it does have potential it does get harder to spot of the pieces the more times you have to drink definitely not vodka no doesn't it yeah it does I know I've made an error good no I thought James that wasn't possible we've told me many times why did that I had to rebuild oh come on that's your job to know that James questions no no you answered again you thought you're competing to get the more drinks so you said you'd take it who was the first automobile manufacturer yes or was it well you see that's open that's open to negotiations yeah well you could manufacture scribe manufacture you could actually all the way to the Model A because nobody was manufacturing just described if I define manufacturing I think that no no sorry the Benz motor valgrind was manufactured it wasn't serious reduced or mass-produced mmm-hmm but then you have to you have to take into account kunos Perrier evaporate a good man's 30 years earlier when was that well when is that in very early 19th century about 1812 I think I can't remember Hammond hell no I've got I've gone horribly wrong yeah well you drunk half a bottle of definitely you know like raisins and now you're finding it difficult to focus we're not giving up by the way even if and I suspect from the noise is happening offset the team our team here at Drive tribe here at the London Drive tribe offices or the drive tribe London offices are thinking about taking a survey or fair because what's happening is clearly I'll accept it's going on a bit and we're gonna carry on so whatever happens next know this we're gonna finish these things yeah we are you've moved in with the organizers we know no one can see what you do so would you mind moving in and maybe showing people your progress here is my progress here's mine it's more substantial yeah I made a bit of amazing concentrating I lost what I was doing I was just building a bit I've just okay that's best probably best put me back weeks is my question yes oh [Laughter] really three series it's gonna be something because it's not gonna be obvious is gonna be four or two or something only 40 I don't 45 stop giving them clues will John say what do to as he lost a piece now in the course of that of sorting why did I have to move my base of operations here so people could see just putting on I've lost what I was doing just for one of those there how there it is if you've just joined us oh yes if you've just joined them it's no Friday Thursday Friday and I'm Richard Hammond I'm James Bay yes is and we are having a competition we're building these Lego models over 20 minutes or so and every minute one of us is asked a question and here's a clever bit well too clever bits one you can ask the questions by submitting them on the comment section below and more importantly if we get the answer wrong we're obliged to drink of a shot of this which is definitely for legal reasons not vodka it's not vodka but it has many of the effects of vodka and it's affecting both our ability to build these models it's a bit like a little vodka but it functions like vodka very ethical right I can hear some really quite disturbing muttering noises also also to continue from that if you've just joined us this is the drive tribe office that we are in now it's vast cavernous impressive expensive and staffed with half-wits yeah and the noise you can hear off-camera are them whispering both about who's asking the next question is the same skinny racism all and stop my turn okay it is warm that is warm definitely not vodka Janelle what's in it it's Lego yes you know what's annoying about that question I've been asked it many times do you know where that piece of original research comes from is it you James II it comes from James change I'm going to remind you that you're on the television and you must be nice not you're on the television you're on the internet you're on the internet James come be nice think about it nobody wants to see that wrong I don't want to see the nasty James main I have to see probably now so I'm just saying think about your questions ask me the next quest the truth and most of the next quest it is not one was too easy the next question is mine I know but you wanted to skip that one ask me the next one I just want a question - two - Xander why don't indulge James he's just happy playing with Lego I am actually the streets yep keep getting mom through this have you seen these bits have got like a silver finish yes I just lost one I lost one it's very good ahead of them in the same way I've been ahead of you all evening [Music] no offense job it's not like it's going good yes whose question is it let's just build Lego and me quiet for a bit in a really intense fashion right Sophie oh oh I've got kind of mismatch through for mr. Richard Hammond hello and it is oh wait this is an important moment I'm applying stickers okay whilst answering questions yeah which companies only showroom is at 368 Kensington High Street it's not there anymore it's not Brett is it not Bristol then it is Bristol motors mr motors it's not that it's actually not there anymore is it no no it's closed oh so in fact you're wrong no James no you're wrong no it's not that I answered the what answer is written down what is the response expected to that's that question it's Bristol motors and I said it you could have said who headed the National Socialist Party in Germany in the 1930s Mother Teresa that's what it says in the cut it's still wrong have a shot nope have a shot no you're wrong nope it's bullying in the workplace ladies the edelman bullying the workplace bullying in the work yeah please you're just going to have a shot I'll build a few sales you but I'd I'm pretty sure [ __ ] right how long have we been on now I can't either 1500 Billy's left with us now is anybody so what let's just finish these models because we've been but a little-known fact is anybody still watching no there won't be J juice of people yes oh come on seriously if we get into trouble for this can I blame somebody else this is over there is called Malcolm Coles that's quite an I suspect that's good there's quite an important thing for me to know if you'd like to write in and say that was rubbish address your complaint to Malcolm Cole's it's important for me to know that I can do that good fine hello people who have spoken it thank you people no I'm I'm listening to the people that's fun the people who voted it's like brexit I mean they're wrong again I'm listening to the people okay so whose question is it this is your favorite beat changes where you get to have a drinky a funny manner even with titles in which country was the last ever Citroen 2cv built oh come on in which country was the last ever to see that's not a difficult question well actually I think it is because it could have been made in [Music] your answers please Xander Xander you're overplaying your part again England just just just you know you are English no incorrect Portugal fence job I mean you're willing to have a plate but you are Portugal really posh girl didn't know they made have been Portugal there's something I didn't know you sure that's true down a million years actually I'm think this might be getting easier I thought that there's more that's been going on on a candle I stopped you for I've finished apart cane so I need one of those obviously very important that everybody knows we're not and I'm not being funny that we're not driving they really are they're all we tele friends are you were saying we're not driving home no we're not driving thank you James that's that was briefly a good idea than you know yeah well I'm gone come on barista Bennett um I was gonna say something profound but I seems annoyingly but how long have you gone on for now seriously be honest with us though this is not is this gonna become one of those legendary things when Hammond and may ended their careers one night watch as you've just spent our careers in the interest of just used us as a cheap publicity stunt yes and actually ruined us as human beings that's what they've done that's a serious question James Cole who is the Content Manager yes have you ruined our lives if you have ruined our lives can I ruin yours with a baseball bat they would do it short sharp Hammond has a method of death known as the sleeping bag oh no no no it's not it's I know but you don't want it nobody wants that right that it I didn't think this was going to go on as long as it has so what I find is why it's quite like a pea will you stop please stop doing this is that what it is when was the disc brake merchant's I have to say do you know the answer yeah it's gonna be us within 10 years yeah are we talking about in both I'm gonna say tow [Music] thirty don't you constantly help him by making those noises he says 1920 I really say no I don't this breaks right 32 in 1902 my cold is it really if it was aeroplanes isn't just a nice company Manchester oh well that is impressive that's quite interesting I've just I've just fitted my gear selector just so you know the gear selector it's back there I'm delighted for you yeah he hasn't I got not even all okay there's a way in which mine doesn't look like that and it is I suspect quite important well you see the thing about its design team there's no open to interpretation it's a simple sense of instructions do this and this Oh crapping heck so um have you reinterpreted it in a creative way or have you got it wrong what does it matter you know what I'll be dead soon oh I'm briefly Stan hey do you know what no wait oh that only works if I do that James what do you think I'm gonna help you after no no no seriously or intensely okay but let me take it seriously or in take that for me one way is that correct yep yes that then has to be attached there to that the only way that can be done is if that is in that orientation great I hate to say a mistake I hate to say this but ladies and gentlemen 42 years I've been lego 42 and I've never found a mistake 42 years he's been partner I go all of them in other words but I'm afraid I did I'm sorry like uh I was just about to come to that base so let's see this it's not that's like Ouija Lego did you see that it just did you see that there it is [Music] why did the most wins history yes that you need to know I've said it several times it sounds like a racing drivers excuse yes it's about survival now champ what let's play a game of who's on the engine puts me oh no I've done that all wrong mmm-hmm if you've just joined us are there are the many people watching us now do we have an audience everyone yes because I thought that I wouldn't yes it is oh look at that that's brilliant that's the steering look that's that I said like I recommend linkage I'm pretty sure James we're gonna be in trouble for this tomorrow somehow sorry what you mean well somebody will go well they got me in trouble we're in the company no but I mean like say that yeah but somehow we'll be in trouble because hello Zolder that boy Warren James need to take your shots first of all from what you didn't get Porsche right you know you're right you're quite right yes yes and and here's one for Richard hello California State Route one run okay have you been taking the shots is somebody having a laugh with us now who's just who's asked this question it's Dean Dean hello Dean are you just having a laugh at our expense because you've realized it's quite fun remotely to get people off the television completely clattered while I was trying to build mega just saying that in advance of the quiz State Route one between Dan appoint and Oxnard is better known as what was his name again Dean I live in ross-on-wye in Herefordshire how say it again say it again the question is California State Route one between the Dana Point and Oxnard is better known as what think of it it's a coastal road stop coast is it sees it Sunset Boulevard I don't Oh variously it's saying quite well you're getting through the illegal reasons not okay mm-hmm you did do burps he burped I heard you on the television not television on the Internet it's very nice having you along for this by the way thank you this whole competition this is quite fun she's something we could do a lousy lay I don't mind no not you you I mean you emphatically and absolutely not you they're getting a little bit cross with us over there I suspect probably I would if I was them in any way did James and the two bids that conclude one two three one two three stay here we go say yes how comfortably with the idea that I might actually win oh no hang on James yes you know everyone and okay and I say I've done it all wrong yeah that's that moment done it all wrong my engines in the wrong place I think it is yes I've done something wrong I know I haven't I have no I think my engine isn't is misaligned Oh No um I don't mean that personally my personal engine is perfectly aligned is that a shot I'm supposed to have taken yeah oh look at that you put that in there and then you push that I'm gonna do this for the viewer and then you push those two right oh that's just fantastic this is the point at which we discover Lego doesn't work because no I've done it oh that was going so well that saying in fairness you keep saying if you do have a tortoise thing I'll be faced to us help and I will enjoy it I wouldn't say I will do though I'm just saying that you you boast know again if you're gonna get critical and and and I'll beat your face you know I'm right it's room for the exhaust manifold know that the engine is biased to the right it's not my turn today I think is it yes this one's from Laurie and Laurie someone named after a Laurie Noel a you are I know II just I okay in which year was seatbelts made mandatory by law in the United Kingdom mandatory by law in the United Kingdom that said that's quite a tricky question I know they were first offered a standard by evolving there was I'm gonna say in mandatory by law in the United in 1974 incorrect I'm afraid well mother is 1983 frenzy James and 1983 yeah seriously and as you accept that loss sure well I did google it as you accept that loss James May just know that I have just anchored my engine correctly in place seriously 1983 was the point at which she became mandatory I didn't know that doctor is my class does my cup runneth over well there you go I would like to propose a toast at this moment whilst I have a full shot glass ramune beefeaters souvenir collection of London yes do the viewers of what we on Facebook yep drink to me only if you've just joined how long have you been doing this there can be no nobody but we should carry we are carrying on our we can we can we should be an errand what but we're not like using up tapering our way so we're not enemies away which we can just do this well I share something with you viewers okay okay yes commander Woodruff so some people are shallow for the first time in well it's no thirteen years let's say you had I'm actually enjoyable evening with Richard Hammond is you know if you weren't watching and we weren't filming this we'd be doing this anyway is the always true social media Facebook all the rest of it I would actually still be happy to be doing this we'd be doing this anyway this is well we wouldn't but we'd regret not doing this because this is great in it my role as you Karen my brother I'm proud to know you okay Richard could I say in this Wow can I say this craze of mindfulness and well-being I love you I know you can but I'll stab you in the face off you gave it though I can't stab you in the face it's been a learning living I hate him he's an ass what I'm gonna tell you now people of the Lego competitive world you know what I questioned my youngest James you know what earlier on when I did say to Lego you've got the instructions wrong they hadn't they were right and now you can tree man the engine I'm now doing it correctly I'm gonna have to work out [ __ ] Samantha the whole thing you just said [ __ ] don't say [ __ ] you know just say it again you just said [ __ ] Amerika little [ __ ] say you can't say [ __ ] while say no I'm only can you said it now into you you said you just said [ __ ] and I'm just gone wrong I just shut up I'm concentrating really yes I've got a question for the audience know who thinks we should slowly click kick things we should slowly kick zonder to death no James cuz nobody wants to see that I do it was going so well which production vehicle in Europe produces um that's an interesting quick you send that one in came in from speak up boy that came in from ma g-wagen AMG use your face says no energy was that the hottest g-wagen is Mercedes well there's massive in that in Europe okay biggest produce in Europe oh well hang on or judged in years well then it'll be some Cadillac for Jim oh hang on it says no car is it NASA gone it's that massive fire day okay right now I tore the side out my engine mountings and I've lost them yes that's all well and good but what I've lost is my engine mounting what just hands and I have to go so far back through the book to rebuild there what about Carol you know actually put that through there and into that that's very clever actually the way this is arranged there is a many plaid James yes are you going to do your usual hare and tortoise approach what you mean well then you don't I rush and then you don't rush and then go get it right and went to in the end I don't if you are how little I care about winning I'm having a nice time maybe a nice time being here I've just I've just demanded my engine and I've lost all the bits that mounted it to this whose turn is it for a fatuous question from whom has it come whence cometh the question what's its hath cometh cometh it cometh Becky hello Becky God question is what year was Richard Hammond born well everybody knows that it's not a she that's an interesting chronologically in terms of the calendar the not the Julian the the other one which year was Hammond born or spiritually which year was Hammond born I'm remanding my engine whilst you do this just say no Chinese so 1969 it is correct for them Oh James I'm tired she knew my birthday I don't when you better know my dua you do it's in December yours is in January oh there you go let's leave it at that because we don't know I'm done it I'm back on track I'm starting again there's a lot of giggling from the production people in the corner so that you know if you just joined us it's James and me in the dr tribe office competing to build the lego model more quickly than one another and the dr tribe team is in the corner it's not massively competitive visit I missed I missed a lot of bits back then you know that's why James changed yes a long time you've worked for me for a long with you a long time yes too long yes one of you it's ten minutes you have the audio rotating tactic one of them is um pause once is the rather awkward moment in the evening when Mr Hammond becomes emotional it often have no one of the mist that you will occasionally it's fine for me I can deal with it we can move on the next day we don't mention it for you as viewers this might get a bit cringe-worthy okay turn off now if you're not ready yes sorry what were you saying I've genuinely forgotten genuinely genuinely I have to do is something you just did I'll find it again in a minute wait let me finish this sorry-sorry have been on there is anybody so watching is this like a record for this is a record for Facebook or something all get out of here too bloody well considering hello yep hit me hello Ben oh come on Ben we haven't met but you would know not to ask him questions starting with that go on he's American no he may be Scandinavian Lego it's referred to as Legos PluralEyes it in because you did a program what's an easy easy wait am I still a piece from changes no calm was a question 72 or not I mean it could be no I'm gonna say was first available it was sorry the first available in the UK yes you know I don't get myself on this live TV stream it was first available commercially in 1958 it's the UK I would say 1964 God 1959 what's the so called James May is that within 10 years I'm over within 5 years there you go then but perhaps you would like you to retreat and called must i yeah was I talking rubbish about language Hammond that was a fantastically small shot thank you very much Hammond yes I think I may have turned over two pages or somebody give the stage because yellowy bit I'm so close to finishing this now is it a bit odd that the stickers that go on these these purpley bits actually cover up the rather nice molded louvers that are on them yeah a bit odd just sayin like in it how many people are watching this live stream of nonsense Lego challenge tralala so it's gone down 7,000 I thought it was hundreds of thousands but hundreds of thousands of people have looked at it at some point this evening okay I have a question for whom for you me yes okay what oh no was it for it have to walk out a shot and try that again hmm excuse me for who you me what wants the Italian version of the Austin Allegro called the energy interior Regent correct exactly good that was a good question it was you've nicked some of my beds no I am it's funny it's funny no I haven't but I am now come on very funny no I haven't a genuinely happened I'm also now looking for it's funny but oh no I'm looking for one of those and they're the silvery ones I've already used the silvery well can that within that well wait no no you could try and if a really physically and then what what happen is you have Susie you must have those in your set okay fine unless you've already used them and they're on the floor I find it I think we've done this for long enough we will finish them and have a fight then one of us will still be on the television tomorrow are we done it's lame it's not babe and less james you're prepared to let note isn't the silvery one i don't want to see everyone i want that but not silvery do we have that silvery oh earlier on but only you certainly even just like he added me so that he shouldn't have been and I need one Matt used one there and a minute but I used one I used from there it wasn't so real America so you do that's correct and then the front you've got that there's nothing on the floor but they will be there there are no pieces laying for stakes well therefore it's not here so my adventure stops here I need one of those you Bendix aren't that is silvery well they're not then the adventure ends for me yeah two silvers and that's a terrible shame and at that point my adventure finishes I love with my love affair with Lego and I've been asked a question loss well because I can't if that James if you're saying the world peace isn't there is no on the floor and I would love to continue I was winning but now um do you want me to declare a winner yes we're pleased that gone you're going to declare a winner he wants us to wrap up ladies and gentlemen boys and girls thank you very much for watching it's been a joy and adventure I think we've actually done something that's quite fun and we could do again maybe we'll all join up here soon do the same sort of thing again it's been honest and friendly and fun who is the winner we hope you've enjoyed it what here's where we got to after an hour and I've been quite a long time I sure have lost a bit James hold up you things are still there thank you for what I think the winner is vodka we'll do this again not vodka we'll do this again sometime soon good night you
Views: 4,814,171
Rating: 4.9258771 out of 5
Keywords: drivetribe, drivetribe app, jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, cars, funny, top gear, the grand tour, hammond may funny
Id: TxU4pj8l3N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 13sec (5053 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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