The Grand Tour - First Episode - The Holy Trinity

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[Applause] according to today's newspaper headlines it seems that it's the end of the road for motoring presenter jeremy clarkson has the announcement and said that it's with deep regret the decision had been taken not to renew [Music] here [Music] my [Music] so the forecast plenty of sunshine through today with seasonal temperatures we should reach our normal high of about 82 degrees [Music] i can see all obstacles in my way gonna be a bright sunshiny day i think i can make it now the pain is gone [Music] all of the bad feelings have disappeared [Music] here is the rainbow i've been praying for it's going to be bright it's a shiny day [Music] know [Music] is [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sunshine [Music] surgery [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] hello everybody hello that was the hot house flowers and now look what we have here he was born he was born in 1836 he was fired by car magazine fired by auto car magazine fired by scotland on sunday and somehow he managed to get fired by a volvo dealership probably for driving too slowly ladies and gentlemen james bay thank you thank you you're very kind and ladies and gentlemen you probably can't see him from the back but i assure you he is here he was fired by radio york fired by radio leads and fired by radio lancashire it's richard hammond hello hello thank you thank you and ladies and gentlemen over here [Music] he's he's basically a shaved ape in a shirt and he technically is the only one of us never to be fired by anyone it's jeremy clarkson thank you so much and the good thing is it's very unlikely i'm going to be fired now because we're on the internet which means i could pleasure a horse no no no dog no no pleasuring of any sort there are families watching yes anyway we are all car journalists and we have spent the last 20 years being fired yes but we have poured everything we know everything we care about into this show everything and coming up now is a small montage of what you can expect over the next 12 weeks are we ready gentlemen i honestly i don't know [Music] is that the size of the drop or what's happened to his penis you're looking at magnificence help risk is bad [Music] james says we've got to stop for fuel i hate you yeah he doesn't like us [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe leaking slightly this is not a particularly cultural thing to do i don't like the smell of tyre smoke in the evening get back in james sideways in linen [Music] there's no dignity in that is there thank you so much now thank you all of that is going to be hosted from this this is our new traveling studio tent thank you so much and we're going to be roaming the world in it we're going to be like gypsies only the cars we drive are going to be insured stop saying things that are going to get us fired yes but i'm just saying it's brilliant yes [Applause] boy who shot our drone did someone shoot it well look let's not get bogged down in all shot what okay let's get changed get on with the show yeah can we get on with the show let's do it thank you everybody thank you so much and welcome to the first ever grand tour thank you now we hope you like our tent we think the great thing is that because it roams around the world we get a different view out of the big picture windows every week so this week obviously we've got the holly desert of california next week who knows i do well i guess james we know it's janisberg now they know but i know they know that doesn't matter point is the view changes and so does the audience okay i mean this week you're all americans [Applause] now this is a bit of a problem for people like us who speak english we can converse perfectly well in a shop or a restaurant but when it comes to cars and motoring every single word you use is different when i say different i mean wrong when you change gear with a lever what do you call that stick do you see this is a stick couldn't change gear with this it wouldn't work what you can do with this is point of things okay let's just see if we can get you educated what do you call this bit of a car bonnet what do you mean no i know you can wear a bodies on your head as well it's two things we're capable of having those different thoughts now what type of vehicle is this no it's stupid let's do another one of these what type of vehicle is this hoop coop is where you keep your chickens that's a coupe that's a french word i admit yeah but and they're muddled with that george bush you know what he once said about the french so the trouble with the french is they have no word for entrepreneur it is difficult i think the only thing we agree on is steering wheels yeah but then they go and put it on the wrong side of the car it must be really annoying having to drive along like that all the time why don't you just put it in front of the driver like we did it's probably a good idea if we get on with the actual show yes it is but we had to clear all that up because contrary to what some people have been saying this actually is a car show well not next week no next week's an exception yeah or not when we go to barbados no barbados is definitely another exception but tonight couldn't be more kari if it tried and i'm going to prove that point because we're kicking off with this i agree the thing is though various supercar makers have now taken the sort of polar bear friendly technology from a prius and they're now using it to create raw naked speed now i say the best of these hybrid hyper cars is the mad swivel-eyed mclaren p1 whereas richard hammond who's wrong i'm not he is because he says the best is actually the rather boring porsche 918 it's not boring yes it is it isn't whatever we decided to meet up with the cars and settle this once and for all so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the location we chose for this titanic duel was portugal specifically the international racetrack of the algarve when we arrived mechanics from porsche and mclaren pounced on our cars battling them for what was to come and this meant hammond and i had some time to indulge in a spot of childish point scoring which one of these is going to be the fastest round this track this yeah apart from this one which will be faster it won't which one do you think will be the fastest there's one this one so paul should think the porsche will be fastest mclaren say the mclaren how much is it if i wanted to buy one i think one was sold in an auction for 1.8 million 1.8 million dollars hammond how much is yours 838 euros thousand i'm guessing yes it is thousands yeah yeah why has your car got a number on the side it's the vice hack edition this one you also get titanium chassis bolts stupid stupid for just an extra sixty thousand pounds and a carbon fiber bonnet strut look at that how much does that say about 100 grams right there 100 grams has the mclaren got a carbon fiber bonnet strut does it need one no because my bonnet doesn't go up because it'll never break down and it's got silly doors proper doors silly doors mine does 34 miles to the gallon it's just 94 94 miles to 94 mpg just remind me porsche's owned by that'll be volkswagen [Music] soon the mclaren and the porsche were ready for some shakedown laps for these we decided we'd drive each other's cars straight away i can tell you that this doesn't have the brutality or the savagery of the mclaren because it has rear wheel steering and four-wheel drive it feels secure and safe and that gives you the confidence to play about [Applause] if i went round this corner this fast in the mclaren a lot of poo would come out there's poo coming out now jesus this is frightening that's what it is i don't think it was possible to yourself to death the grip is genuinely incredible [Applause] there you go in the savage and unforgiving p1 my nerves were shot to pieces but i too was falling in love 903 horsepower oh my god this recalibrates your mind i didn't think anything could be as exciting as that porsche but this this is this is brilliant absolutely brilliant what a car i love it well this is rubbish i was just thinking exactly the same about this where are you this was boring me to death it was like being stuck in a victorian woman's novel well i'd rather that than been stuck in a telephone box with a panicking gorilla rubbish she was trying to kill this hurt me it wants to hurt that's why i like it this is a missionary position car razor blade in the hands of a surgeon sickle in the hands of a drunk peasant downton abbey breaking bad that's crystal meth that's some iffy weed fine wine creative nukey brown schooner of sherry absent james bond specifying his martini to be shaken not stirred begs being trained spotting lobbing a pint pot over his shoulder in a nightclub and starting a bar fight what hi what are you doing here i am here because gentlemen i have in the back of that lorry something that will make your mclaren and your porsche look like lumps of yesteryear so [Music] i cannot remember the last time a car or indeed any sort of thing gave me a fizz like the ferrari the ferrari this has 950 horsepower 950. more than either of the other two and it's lighter it weighs 1250 kilograms [Music] which is less than most hatchbacks actually there is a bit more to the ferrari the ferrari because what it has is in effect a formula one curse system it constantly recovers energy that would otherwise be lost using its electric motor and its battery so as i break there the car is actually saying that energy i'll have that straight [Music] this is what 950 horsepower feels like this i believe will absolutely mince the other two oh man james was obviously talking nonsense but there's no getting around the fact that these three cars take automotive science to a new level [Music] they use the latest green technology to squeeze as much speed as possible from every molecule of fuel as a result they're all capable of blasting way past 200 miles an hour whilst producing fewer harmful emissions than a family saloon [Music] what we have here then are three incredible machines which at a stroke have made the traditional supercar look wooden and old-fashioned welcome everyone to the hypercar holy trinity in that door mirror i have a one million pound porsche in that door mirror i have a one million pound ferrari what a toy box today i don't think so hammond [Music] this could be so expensive [Music] boost we'll see the and that gives me another 170 horsepower and here comes may in the ferrari the ferrari [Music] oh that bloody car is trying to kill me and i'm not even in it we could have played out there all day but before we ended up in a 3 million pound crash we decided to start the tests to see which of the cars was best i came up with the first one mainly to annoy gate crasher may let's make the first test a drag race using electrical power only good idea but it isn't a good idea why not because you can't drive the ferrari on electrical power only no no but of course you can't because it's it's a cursed system like a formula one car it's got a v12 engine and an electric motor but they're all integrated they work together all the time you can't separate them you should have thought about that shouldn't you bad planning with james reduced to the role of onlooker we lined up the p1 and the 918 on the start line but then instead of revving the petrol engines we shut them down that is weird preparing to start a drag race in complete silence i still have two electric motors that together produce 285 brake horsepower which is 109 more than the one electric motor in his mclaren oh yeah oh i'm out of here you to love that the immediate power from an electrical engine that is 70 miles an hour already and it it isn't enough who won that it was me wasn't it yeah but it's not important though is it is it not no it's just not relevant right right in the drag race it's irrelevant which car gets there first yeah yours is the better milk float [Laughter] back in the pits hammond had an idea for the next test we've got to drive to the hotel yeah it's about an hour away and it gives us a chance to see what they're like on the road that's a good point real world that is a good point i can't do that i can't i can't drive the ferrari on the road why it's not registered it is got number plates no no that's just pretend number plates if they register it it becomes secondhand and they have to pay the tax that's why it came in a lorry so you can't drive it on the road either nobody can drive but it's not road legal oh no wait that's oh that is such a shame it's an hour of oh sorry james that is that's really a rotten bit of luck because you've come a long way from italy i can't give you a lift because there's like the sound man's headphones on the seat and oh no sir there's literally nothing i can do soon richard and i were enjoying the world's best ever commute [Music] it may be a bit smart in here but it's unbelievably comfortable because it uses electronics rather than traditional anti-roll bars and that means there's no physical connection between the wheels so if one goes over a bump the others aren't affected it's uncanny it's like being in a rolls-royce phantom it's a lovely evening taking the roof panels out set the aircon just so and i'm enjoying a drive in the country [Applause] [Music] meanwhile so [Music] ah oh bloody hell [Music] you're all right you're all right in italian [Music] oh god [Applause] but that ferrari is useless yes yes yes yes later on in part two when these two have stopped dreaming up idiotic and irrelevant tests that it can't take part in we shall see fair enough now at this point in the show we like to sit down and chew the fat about new cars and motoring issues like for example why in britain we have to drive at 50 miles an hour when they're doing roadworks to protect the workforce which is never there yes okay and why fully grown adults have taken to riding around the city on children's toys yes i think they're called bicycles is that the right word it's issues like that it's a segment that we are calling conversation street [Applause] in there better than that rather brilliantly we have made a bespoke version of that sting for every single episode we're gonna make for the next three years oh no the slight problem with that is that we were so busy doing that we didn't actually think of anything to talk about in conversation street did we we did yeah what oh you'll love this james may the world's slowest moving human being has been caught speeding actually charged by the police criminal that's why he's actually quite proud of it um he did it on a honda cbr 600 rr sports bike yeah oh yeah no thing richard and i were genuinely astonished when he came into the office and said i've been done for speeding like what and until we found out how fast he was going james yes how fast was it again 37 miles how did you even breathe at that kind of speed no it's how did the police catch you i mean were they running gentle jog yeah the thing is uh if you've been caught because we genuinely don't believe anyone in the world has but if you have been caught caught speeding at a speed less than 37 do honestly please write to us and let us know because we don't think it's possible uh your envelope um i'm a tortoise and that is all we have time for this week on conversations whoa whoa whoa hang on a minute what what you're saying the first ever show you just mock me for my speeding ticket then we move on yeah it's a busy show it's busy it is a busy day yes we've got to tell everyone about our track yes we have one this is the sort of place where you can drive cars at speeds that you can do on the road but only if you want to go to prison afterwards what like 38 miles an hour well 39 maybe even 40 from time to time now we were hoping that we could bring it around the world with us like the tent uh but unfortunately it's too heavy how does you're about to see too brighty this is it it's not a race circuit it's not an airfield it's not a road what it is is brilliant and fast and extremely dangerous it even looks dangerous on a map because as you can see it's the exact same shape as the ebola virus right time now to show you what a lap looks like and to do that we've got a bit of a performance benchmark a ferrari 488 take it away take it away first up it's the isn't straight so called because it isn't straight there's a super fast left followed by a super fast right and if you make a mistake there's no runoff area or armed co it's just woods woods that are full of wildlife which likes to run out in front of you after the second right on the isn't straight we're into your name here corner sponsorship opportunities are available here however i should explain that it's possible nobody will be looking at your banner because this is a corner that was designed so a car can do this [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen james may isn't here today that's just a friend of mine on his way back up he isn't straight towards old lady's house [Music] we've called this section old lady's house because it's right next to a house where an old lady lives she tells us she likes cars so she used to have one i'm not sure she's gonna like them quite so much after we've been here a few times [Music] next up there's a narrow and bumpy sprint to substation you need to get this 90 left right or you'll crash into a cage full of electricity and you'll need to get the final 90 left right as well or you'll run into a field of sheep so trees animals a house electricity and because it's in england usually quite a lot of moisture in the air it really is the most dangerous track anywhere in the world to post a fast time here you do need [Applause] those the car i've selected for my first lap of the ebola drone is this [Music] the bmw m2 certainly there isn't the time in this our first ever show to do a full road test to this car but there is time to say that i think this is the best m car bmw has ever made [Applause] [Music] in a lot of fast cars these days you get all sorts of knobs and buttons which you can use to change the well i say change i mean ruin the characteristics of the engine and the suspension and the steering and so on and i always think well isn't that like a chef bringing a fish to your table and an oven and some butter and a bit of parsley and saying cook it yourself no you cook it that's what i'm paying for this car happily has a more back to basics approach in the m2 you've got a little rocker switch down here which does nothing at all as far as i can see and that's it you're buying a car which was set up at the factory by engineers who know what they're doing and all you have to do is enjoy it which i am doing [Music] yes look at this oh yeah loving that i'll do that again instead and make sure make sure i was correct at all poke the back out and hold it there i'll do that again only going the other way wrong way round your name here begging for mercy i got back onto the isn't and unleashed 365 rampaging horsepowers from the turbocharged three liter straight six this isn't as fast in a straight line as an m3 but everywhere else it is better it feels less heavy less [Music] cumbersome and due to the unique characteristics of our strays i can tell the steering is less and it's less twitchy this track was designed to trip cars up there are fast corners slow corners drifty corners and bumps it's hard on the tires it's hard on the brakes it's hard on the engine it's point and squirt and bark and yelp it is vicious but there is nothing here which is flummoxed the m2 this thing is an absolute masterpiece like i said it is the best m car bmw's ever made you may think it's mad to suggest the cheapest m car is the best but look at it this way this track is a lot cheaper than silverstone and i know which one i'd rather drive [Music] around why is there that that zigzag at old lady's house because i wasn't there when i went no it wasn't there when you were there but after you left we discovered there's a an unexploded second world war bomb seriously right where the track was so we've had to sort of go round it fair enough let me get this right at our track yeah there's trees animals moisture electricity a house and an unexploded bomb yeah like i said it's the most dangerous track of the world honestly it makes him look like a duvet really honestly all the cars that we test at the ebola drone will do a timed lap and to make sure it's a completely level playing field they will all be driven by the same racing driver how clever is that now thing is amazon okay insisted that the racing driver in question should be from this side of the pond so we went to something called nascar [Music] and we found one and we shipped him to england and then we introduced him to the complicated procedure which involves turning right he's called mike skinner but we know him simply as the american we should warn you that some of his views are quite strong yes he has very specific views for example on cars that have engines with fewer than eight cylinders communists communists all cars that have their engine in the middle communist yeah everything that is an american really with the va is communist so let's see how he gets on with the m2 right there he is looking utterly bewildered but he's off a skitter of a wheel spin and immediately he's on to the isn't straight there's a right there that'll have confused him now i left you'll be good at that now he can open the taps three leaders six cylinders this thing wouldn't pull a greasy string out of a dog's ass literally no idea what he's talking about where i come from this ain't a car it's a cry for help whatever he's through the final corner on me isn't straight into your name here hard on the brakes grabbing the stick which is on the left hand side of where he's sitting and turning in see what i mean no understeer at all damn tracks and narrows in my driveway yeah that's because it doesn't have a monster truck on it i wonder which one of them came up with this thing the tall one the short one the one with the girly hair okay coming up to old lady's house hard on the brakes turning in round the unexploded bomb and now opening the taps again no turbo lag at all as he hammers down the bumpy back straight towards substation this is a 90 left new tarmac but it held it well one more 90 left to go through field of sheet and he's done it well and across the line [Applause] now to make sure that the m2 that wasn't on sort of the lap board all by itself we got the american to put we put some other benchmark cars well we call them benchmark cars he calls him communist um around the track to see what's what there they all are look mclaren audi and so on and so forth um hang on a minute we saw a ferrari 488 at the track in the film earlier on why isn't that because ferrari wouldn't let us time it no so the ferrari the ferrari can't go on the road or run on electric only no and the 488 can't do a time lap ferrari are quite tricky to deal with from time to time let's just put it that way and move on because now it's time to see where the m2 goes on that board let's have a look let's put it on wow i think it's the best m car they've ever met oh my gosh look i prefer it to all the others that are quicker than it it's it's definitely the one you should have if you want one that's slower than all the other m cars it's better it's only two it's quicker than a civic if you had a choice of m cars if you lined them all up and said i'd like the fastest it wouldn't be that one shut up better in every single question every single week said that i don't care what have you driven one you you know what are you doing fabulous okay you've done it's a brilliant car it really honestly is it's a shame really that we can't take the track around the world with us isn't it because if we did we could invite some celebrities to drive around it maybe we could keep a score of who was the fastest no i don't like it no i i like it no i don't think it would work nobody wants to ask i'm not sure that they do and anyway we've got a better idea okay for our celebrities we're calling it celebrity brain crash and we've had a sting made for that as [Music] well [Applause] who is gonna say i'm gonna watch that new amazon car show henry viii's headaches i don't want to know why is there smoke coming out of brad pitt's head what are we trying to say no we're not no we're not saying that not that that is a terrible stage but the machine itself isn't terrible at all it's it's used to measure somebody's mental agility their observational skills and their ability to multi-task it's actually based on a machine that's used to test um fighter pilots who want to join the royal air force which as we all know is the finest and greatest air force in the world [Applause] what do you mean boom what if that was true can grumble as much as you like but we edit this show and we're british so you'll just be cut out [Applause] but the royal air force is better than the u.s air force [Applause] we're all air forces better than all the other air forces in the world [Applause] is the best air force in the world so so we're all in agreement the royal air force is quite good yeah that'll do that'll do it's fine so let's get back to celebrity brain crash and meet our first ever guest yes now normally on other shows the guest will come through a sparkly curtain wave a bit and then sit down but not here oh yes our guests make a proper arrival and on that note let's meet tonight's star he has been in pretty much every single movie franchise there is apart from bridget jones no no he no he was bridget jones was he no no but it doesn't matter he was in the bourne films he's in the mission impossible films he's in the avenger films and right now he is ten thousand feet above us waiting to make one hell of an entrance ladies and gentlemen jeremy radar there he is [Applause] that is amazing to see one doing his own stunts piano and he is looking good and i tell you what when he gets here i do want to talk to him about that born legacy film a what it was like to punch shane jacobson and b oh hang on he's leaving this terribly late [Music] [Applause] right um that's um does that mean he's not coming on then no james is not it's okay though we anticipated this sort of thing so we got a a backup guest ready uh he's he was in he was in man from uncle he was in lone ranger he was both twins in the social network and his new film is called nocturnal animals uh we haven't had time unfortunately to organize a dramatic entrance but i hope you'll give him a warm welcome nevertheless ladies and gentlemen oh my god jesus is that a snake it's a but that's there's literally nothing we can do no he's yards away from and anyway snakes are like herds of them aren't they hunted packs yeah they're pack animals does um does that mean he's not coming on either well no james he's finished writhing around in agony and now he's dead so that is a no all right well uh maybe there's somebody famous in the audience well that's unlikely no no serious you know carol vorderman yeah she ran with this morning she was at an air show nearby and said can she come to the show she's oh no she's honestly she's really i know you don't know who carol vorderman is she's a huge huge huge star in the uk she started out on a program called countdown established herself as being unbelievably brilliant a fantastic mathematician and very beautiful yeah she's also dead what she's dead well how did that happen well i don't know i'm not a pathologist but she's dead is what she is seriously yes christ problem what are we gonna do um jesus look at that out there it's like a it's just littered with corpses and now lads i don't think this bit is working let's drop celebrity brain crash this week we'll do it again in south africa next week and i think people will have forgotten all this they might not no i think they will we'll just skip over it now it's not going to happen and that's okay because we can get back to the cars yes moving on this week this week we are trying to find out which of the new breed of hybrid hypercars is the best yes on day one at the track in portugal we established that the mclaren p1 is a mentalist that the porsche 918 is very good milk float and that the ferrari the ferrari can do nothing at all some of that is true but now day two we began by lining up the three most exciting cars on the planet for the drag race of all drag races [Applause] [Music] naturally this meant engaging launch control which in the mclaren takes about a fortnight i have to have the drive train in track mode the aero package in sport mode so that the rear end squats when i set off and gives me more traction i have to have the drs button pressed with my thumb to keep the rear wing open which reduces drag obviously launch control in the porsche left foot on the brake hard right foot on the throttle hard light goes green left foot off brake launch button press for two seconds left foot on brake right foot on throttle press launch control match the throttle within four seconds release the brake three seconds later i have full boost and i have to set off then within three seconds or the entire system disengages i'm going to get this wrong just so you know i've got a lot to do in here [Music] hey jesus christ it's all over the place [Music] since it was clear i'd got all my buttons wrong the chaps agreed to another run set rep the lights went green before the boost was ready and i had the drs button still pressed when i got to the end which meant i had no downforce which meant well pooh came out this time i'm going to do it with more drag which will slow me down but i will be able to stop without killing myself system three two oh 180 190 210 230 kilometers an hour that wasn't very good because james had somehow messed up that time and because this test was about the cars we decided to go again it's a rocket ship for england okay we have all three won this now determined to find a definitive one two three finishing order we ran again [Music] another totally different result there gentlemen and again that's a different result again and again [Music] at this point we decided to call a halt to proceedings because we had reached a scientific conclusion it turns out that it doesn't really matter which car you buy it all depends on your shoes now this is a top loafer slightly worn together a crisper yeah jump off the brake pedal and it's immediate now this is a converse and i'm surprised there's more sponge in there added us they weren't thinking that through see did you lift your foot up it's a millisecond i know you've got kers i know you've got a 6.3 liter v12 and i know that launch control system is amazing but it's all let down by the sponginess of the adidas shoe so they should sell you the car and the shoe no more than that have you got the correct shoes and have you worn them in exactly fresh shoes lads i need to just there we go with that sorted it was time to bring in a racing driver to see which of our cars could do the fastest lap our resident american said he wasn't interested because all three cars are probably communist so instead we went for a belgian chap who's done formula one and formula e jerome dambrosio [Applause] jerome took the cars out to get a sense of how they handled and when he finished we were interested to hear his professional opinion uh at this point word reached us that jeremy was taking liberties with the subtitling machine so we moved on to the big event the timed lapse [Music] once the mechanics had finished their preparations the three speed traps were activated [Music] and the ferrari the ferrari took its place on the start line look how good it looks there this is just wasting time it's wasting rubber and fuel no this is like in the moose bush yeah it is you've ordered the duck and the sherry trifle and you're a melon ball i'm not even listening gentlemen oh right it was doing 231.4 kilometers an hour at the end of the straight it's about the same speed as like a golf diesel something like that [Music] 194.9 going down the hill using gravity is he stopping off of shopping or something he must be [Music] here he is thank you very much james you want to go and get a cup of tea well we've warmed the track next it was the turn of the porsche 918. how much faster will it go because of the stripes do you think much [Music] two three one point so he's faster than the ferrari 183.0 way way way slower than him don't forget between here and the next measuring point okay you've got four slow corners and those are the ones where the porsche was going to make at the time because of the four-wheel sting oh like a honda prelude [Music] to a tenth of a kilometer an hour the same speed as you here it comes inspiring noises oh there it is finally it was the turn of the psycho killer the trickiest the edgiest of the three but i was so confident it'd win i was prepared to take a massive gamble if the mclaren isn't the fastest you two can knock my house down what knock it down what your house yeah and i mean that that's how confident i am that that will be the fastest that's it you know we will do that it's a serious bet yeah but fine if that's not the fastest we can knock your house down yep you know where it is you've both been yeah i'd love to knock it down [Music] here we go a lot riding on this [Music] 230 5.9 okay it's fastest at the end straight [Music] would you like to come to my house for dinner yes can i bring a bulldozer [Music] we don't know how fast it's going around the tight turns i've been doing two kilometers an hour around here crashed with that back to the tent thank you so much now i want to make it absolutely plain because i know this matters to anorax all three cars were running on exactly the same sort of tires yes same tyres same track same driver so the times are down to the cars yeah yep and now it is time to reveal those times and let me just make it absolutely clear we don't know what they are the producers have kept them from us they're top secret so let's put the scoreboard up and let's begin with the ferrari the ferrari i believe let's see what it did it in please 154.4 we don't know if that's any good do we but well let's move on and do the porsche next let's have a look what did the porsche do it in [Applause] it was slower than the push i told you it's just a melon ball it's slower than my car which was faster than your car yeah it's point service and it looks better yeah it did in my mirror where it belongs again it's lost what calm down all right because now we must bring up the time that really matters the one there are lots at stake the mclaren the mclaren p one are you uh you nervous no sure no little bit some no i'm not nervous why be nervous because you could get like a shopping trolley and keep all your things in it make some new friends under a bridge somewhere hammond i'd say sell your body don't do that be quiet let's let's bring up the time of the p1 here we go oh god where is it [Applause] ladies and gentlemen journalist broadcaster and homeless man you're not really going to knock my house down yes we are a vet is a vet yeah that's the deal and we're going to film it no but the thing is on the tires that the mclaren can be bought with it was faster yeah no no we agreed right at the start we'd all run on the same tires didn't we steal before your car lost so let's just let's just sum this first show up shall we i've lost my house we've had a fight with the audience somebody shot our drone down and we've killed three quite major celebrities but on the plus side my porsche was the fastest and on that terrible disappointment i'm afraid it's time to end thank you all very much for coming thank you for watching and we'll see you next week in johannesburg [Music] [Music] again [Music] wow
Channel: Daddy281202
Views: 97,956
Rating: 4.8969073 out of 5
Keywords: The Grand Tour, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond, Portugal, Algarve International Race Track, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Ferrari LaFerrari, F150, Jérôme d'Ambrosio, Armie Hammer, Jeremy Renner, Carol Vordeman, HotHouse Flowers, BMW M2, Rabbit Dry Lake, California, Mike Skinner, Andy Wilman, Amazon, Prime, Amazon Prime
Id: 459_Fz2NxDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 57sec (4257 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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