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- Hello guys! I just want to read you a quick comment on the last Sidemen video. It says, "I am so happy they didn't just do an end of year compilation. That is more Sidemen content." And on that note, welcome to the Sidemen 2020 montage. You know what? I was going to try and defend us, but boys, we've had a long year, we've had a stinker. We tried our best to make a lot of good content, we deserve a break, so we're taking the week off. Enjoy this collection of memories throughout the year, and we'll be back, better than ever in 2021. Yeah! (laughter) (joyful music) (laughter) (joyful music) - It'll be good, it's fine. - Coca-Cola Zero. Sarah's got Coca-Cola Zero. - Cynthia. (laughter) - Cynthia, sorry. My head's a bit scrambled, sorry. - It's all right, it's actually Annabelle. - Annabelle? - That is my real name. - I think I might leave if you say Sarah one more time, to be honest. - I'm sorry Sarah. (cheering and screaming) - [Harry] Yes! That's my guy. (cheering and clapping) - Cynthia, I've got a headset earpiece in, I've got a headpiece in and I'm so sorry, they're telling me what to say. - [KSI] That's amazing. - [Simon] I'm sorry Sarah. (laughter) - Look at this mess. - I wanna see this mess though, I wanna see that one. - It's curry powder. - Why have you panned the camera to me? (laughter) Why have you done that? - Acrobatic? - Acrobatic. (exclaiming excitedly) - [Harry] What the fuck? - [Ethan] Oi, I can't believe that bruv. I don't believe you just scored. - [JJ] I'm sorry. (JJ screaming) - [Simon] Yes! (confetti pops) (scream) - [Harry] My flat! (confetti popping and laughter) - [Josh] Oi, I got hit in the face. Why hit me in the face? (screaming) (confetti pops) - Yo, are you mad? Are you mad? What? (laughter and confetti popping) - Look at him. - [JJ] Didn't even wash his hands. - Boys, you don't understand how fucking stressful it is trying to get this food cooking. - [Simon] I don't want one, I'm all right. - [Vik] You could have put it on a plate. - Shut the fuck up Vik, all right? (laughter) I'm trying my best. - [Simon] I don't want one. - What do you mean you don't want one? - Brother. (laughter) - I'm trying. (knocking) - Hey. - I'm Tobi, I'm 26 and I'm a Jehovah's Witness. (chuckling) Swipe right if you want to save money at Christmas, and annoy your neighbours. - I love your outfit. - [Tobi] Thank you. - I like the vibe. - Would you like to accept the Lord Jesus as your saviour? (laughter) - I think you're a bit short, sorry. (sidemen jeering) - [JJ] Damn. (laughter) - [Tobi] Me again. - Hey, Tobi. - [Tobi] Back to give you a second chance. - A second chance? - Yes. - Okay, have you got another line for me, or was that kind of it? - Just get saved. Just get saved, really. - I'm good, thank you. - [JJ] Oh, damn. - [Harry] Read the books. - [Tobi] She turned Jesus down twice. (laughter) - Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to four number hop. (laughter) - [Tobi] You are gone. - Four number holes. Hey, look, my team mates are ready for this one. - It's hole number four, and it's cocktails. (cheering) - [Ethan] Yo chill, chill. - [Vik] Bro, I'm working. I've got Lego bricks and I'm working with fucking bricks. Well done guys. - [Ethan] Holy shit bro. Holy shit. Shit bro. This is lit, Vik. - [Vik] I can't believe what I'm fucking witnessing. - Nah, I don't think it's stab proof. - [Josh] Can we get food first? - I don't think it's stab proof. - [Josh] It's your video, we can get food first? - [Harry] I have an idea. - [Josh] They've got windows now. (laughter) - [Josh] He's gonna send it. - [Harry] He's still through. (laughter) - [Vik] Oh, no. No. (laughter) (laughter) - [Vik] Oh no. Oh no. - [JJ] I think we all knew this was gonna happen. (JJ humming) - What? (JJ humming) Is there even a camera? - Hello, ghost. (JJ humming) - You know it's JJ, he calls people out for moving weird. (JJ humming) (laughter) How are you adjusting your bandana, you're dead. - Okay, I just need to do the wire. - [Simon] I know where it is, I've done it. - I think you've done lots of things Simon, to be honest. - I have. - I don't want to walk around by myself. - I only have to do the basement task, so I'm kind of hoping that you go with me for that. - [Ethan] I've got beep, and I've got, what's the other one? - Oh, okay, so Harry killed him there. I mean, Tobi killed Harry there. Where's... (heavy breathing) Jook. (laughter) Why are you fucking opening your eyes bro? I've been leading him around this whole house. - I heard you. I heard you, "I was like Ethan!" - JJ's fucking giving him eyes, like, "It's him, it's him." (Ethan wails) I was going to let you live bro. (Ethan wails) - No, I think Ethan's just died, I think Ethan's died. - Well, I'm going to have come back with the down. (oohing) - You could finish him off right here buddy. - [Josh] Finish him off. - Knockout, KO. The first person to KO KSI. - Yeah bro, look to the Lord. (cheering) - [Vik] He's done. (cheering and laughter) - He needs Jesus. - [Ethan] I can walk again. (laughter) - [Simon] You are free. - [Tobi] Look to the Lord. - [Ethan] And he looked straight up. - And multiply this, right in front of your eyes. - Right. - Are you ready? - Mm-hmm(affirmative). - Okay. Let me say the magic words, I'm rich. (laughter) - You dropped some. (laughter) - Ta-da! - Ow. - Oh, sorry. - Do you know what? If I can keep that, then it's a yes. - Yes. - Judging by the fact you've just thrown money at me, and you made my career, go on, yes. (laughter) - Oh. (laughter) Sorry. I'm Simon, I'm 27. I didn't actually have time to prepare a line, I was too busy saving this child from this burning building. (laughter) - I'm very confused right now. - Well, I was meant to have a line ready to say to you, but I was a bit preoccupied saving lives, that's what I did. - You're a firefighter? - Like a MARVEL hero. More like a superhero. - Is this because I've got a MARVEL T-shirt on? - Oh, what a coincidence! (laughter) We're just so alike. So? - No, sorry. (laughter) - [Fsf] Fuck this, man. - [Josh] Oh, I can't eat That, that smell. (gagging noises) - I can't eat that, I can't eat that. He ate dog food. Dog food. - (coughing) Why is it hot? Why is it hot? - ] Because we're coming in hot, sideman. The real pitch is what's in this safe. - Fuck. - [Harry] Bro, it was so hot, you know. - [Businessman] We've got some milk. - [JJ] My god. - And some ice cream, please? Yeah, what you guys saying? (crosstalk) - [Ethan] What'd you want? - I want real money, none of this fake money you guys are giving. - Please, please. - That's fake. - I don't have cash. - You don't have cash? Well, I'm afraid you're gonna have to... Enjoy the pain. - [Simon] You can see which ones of us finished school. (laughter) - Oh. What's the highest bidder? - [Harry] I'll give you 20 quid. - Into your PayPal, I will send you £100. - £100? - [Ethan] I'm gonna send him £100 right now. - I'll take that. - [JJ] I have... - [Ethan] No no, but he's got dollars, it's shit. - I have dollars. I have hundreds of dollars. - Over a grand, it could be. Oh. - [Ethan] Take it. Look at the fees. . - [Tobi] Oh my gosh, this is content. (laughter) - [Vik] Look what you've done. - What's the code, what's the fucking code? - [Businessman] 6-9-6-9. - Thank you for the money mate. - Don't touch me. - [Ethan] Oh no. - [Vik] He's scooping it out. - [Harry] Oh no. - [Vik] Oh my God. - [Harry] Oh JJ. Oh my. (sidemen grunting in pain) (laughter) - [Josh] Holy shit. - [Simon] Yes. Which one is it? (sidemen exclaim excitedly) - [Josh] Look at him. No. - [Harry] I only got to one door. - [JJ] My arm. - [Harry] Bro, you charged the first one. - My name's Vik, I'm 24, and I'm wearing a bucket hat from, would you like one? - What a sellout, nah. (laughter) (laughter) - He has picked his weapon. (hands clap) (laughter) Okay, are you ready? - Yes. - Three. Two. One. (laughter) Okay, three. (loud snap) - [Ethan] Oh my gosh! You broke it. - You motherfucker. (Vik wails in pain) - Ow, that was right in the middle. (Vik wails in pain) (suspenseful cheering) - [Simon] Okay. - [JJ] Please Vik. - JJ, Vik, $93,071.58, I think it was. Reveal. (surprised exclaiming) - I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. - You're a dirty dog. - I'm so sorry. - I'm so sorry - I trusted you. I'm so sorry. - No, don't touch me. - I'm so sorry. - Just bair. Well done, the man who has it all. Well done. Well done. - [JJ] I'm so sorry. - [Harry] Oh, no! - I'll remember that one. - Ah no, oh god. - [Harry] He was obviously going to do that. - That's fine, that's fine. - Yo, ah man. - I trusted him, it's fine. - I'm sorry, no Vik, don't do that. - You did it. You had the perfect chance. - It was the game. - No, don't talk to me about it's the game. It's fine. (group exclaims in surprise) - [Josh] Vik doesn't need the money, it's fine. - I'm sorry, man. - [Josh] You need the money. - No, I'm not going to shake your hand after you've... (jeering) Yeah, it's fine, you made that decision, it's fine. Work with it. - Obviously we're filming our video. How plausible is it to get a private jet on the same day? (cheering) - Jeez! Okay. Oh Jesus. Oh. Okay. - [Josh] It's going through a raincloud. - [JJ] Jesus Christ. (laughter) Jesus. - He's like my whole career is over, we should have taken the car. (laughter) - [JJ] Hands must be sweaty. - [Harry] I just don't like this. - [Josh] He's a nervous wreck. - [JJ] For the content. For the content. Content. - Bro, I'm facing backwards, (mumbles). - We got a private jet to Southend. - [Simon] I said it. (laughter) - [JJ] He's mad. - Oi, we said, if you get a private jet, fair play. Fair play. - [Ethan] I said if (mumbles) I'm rating you. - It was a PJ, but it was dodgy. - It was a ropy private jet. - Oi, we might've seen it. - Was it one of the floaters? - [Harry] With propellors on it and stuff? - Yeah, bro, we saw three of them. And I said, I went, "Imagine that's them." - [Josh] So I get to do it. Do you wanna know a secret? (screaming) I just punched you. - What the fuck. (laughter) This guy just punched me in the head. - Shh. - He just punched, this guy's just... (laughter) No, this has gone way past a game. - Yeah, hello. - Wassup? - Hello. What's your talent? - I can do the SpongeBob laugh. - Okay, alright. - All right, lemme hear this. - But I'm kind of sad, because everyone kept on calling me Vik's cousin and stuff. (chuckling) In the waiting room, so that's why. (chuckling) - He's been getting racially abused while he waits. (laughter) All right, no, let's hear the laugh. - Okay. (high pitched laugh) (sniggering) (loud buzzer sound) (laughter) - Oh no. (giggling) - You lot, I can't do this. I can't do this. - Have you ever had a finger in your bum? (laughter) Oh no. - Bro, can see my palms? (laughter). - [JJ] No. Ah. - [Ethan] Harry man, just say yes. - Yeah, I have, possibly, maybe, yeah. (laughter) - What is wrong with you? Was it quick? Did it just happen so quick, and you didn't know what happened? - Yes. - It was a surprise bum? (laughter) A surprise bum attack. - It must have been, yeah. - And, sorry man number seven, that was just such a normal answer. - Aw. - And I bet you're fit as well, come then, let's see you. - Hey, Drake. The white Drake. (laughter) Innit. The white Drake. (laughter) - It's Drizzy. - That's going to stick now. Big guns. - Sorry about that. - [JJ] Let me show you how it's done. - Oh, now you want to come join, huh? - [JJ] Nah, let me show you how. - Now you want to come join, huh? Are you alright? - [JJ] No, I'm just tryna. (cheering and screaming) Oh my fucking god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god. Bruv, I did it. - I can't believe you've got it. - I did it. (laughter) - I'm pissed. Do you know how many fucking apples I've thrown? - [JJ] There you go. - -Vik] KSI in a dress. - Jeez. - To be fair, you're staring at me. Why does he stare at me? - [Ethan] You look quite cute, to be fair. - [JJ] Fuck off. - No, you do. - [Tobi] He can't control his emotions. - [Ethan] I like the stockings and the leggings. - [Harry] It's quite a sight. - [Vik] Looking good. - Bro, positive. - It's all about the content. (crosstalk) - [Ethan] Bro, please put a happy face on. - [Josh] You're in a happy place, come on. - [Tobi] Move out the background. Let me see this. - [Ethan] Please enjoy it, please. - [Vik] He's so angry. He's so angry, he has no composure. - And then what's that? - [Vik] I reckon it's grapefruit. I think it's grapefruit. - [JJ] I think it's pig blug. - [Harry] Pig what? - [Tobi] Pig blood, boys. (crosstalk) Pig blug. I think it's pig blug. - [JJ] I meant pig blood, for fuck's sake. - [Ethan] It is the pig blug. It is the pig blug. (laughter) - Did I do it? - [Callum] I mean, I'll be nice and say yeah, that was kind of like a worm. Like you moved, but it looked really shit. - Bro, I can't. - [Tobi] I've done nothing. - Thierry Henry. Thierry Henry. I actually don't know the... - Backup. Listen, give me the lowdown, give me some sneak info. (beep) (JJ grunting) - [Josh] That's not gonna help you. - All right, let's go. - [Josh] All right, let's do it. (laughter) - [Vik] Bro, he's out of breath. - [Tobi] You're spilling man. - [Josh] Oh no. - Bro, I just saw him backwash. (laughter) - [Simon] He's stopped. Jeez. - How did he do this in one go? Hey yo. - I looked up the science of mixing drinks, so basically, when you are mixing drinks, you are more likely to be drinking a ridiculous amount. - Look at how... (laughter) - You're probably on our level, right? Do you feel the world is a little soft on the edges? - I can see that you feel that way. - Simply staying at home will save lives, and reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus. And also, release the pressure on the NHS. - To help us spread awareness of the importance of staying at home, we've asked a bunch of our friends to get involved. - Stop being pagans and stay inside. - Hello, please make sure you stay inside. - Yes, stay inside to keep people alive. - Everyone, I just want to say a massive thank you to the NHS for everything they're doing. Remember, stay safe, stay home, and we'll get through this. (laughter) - [JJ] Oh my god! - [Harry] Hello. I'm Harry, I'm 23. And I'm from Guernsey. - You've got the wrong thing up lad. - [Harry] What? (laughter) - [Harry] Oh no, oh shit, wait. - [JJ] Oh my God. - Sorry, I'm Harry. I'm 23 and I'm from Guernsey. How are you? - If that was a representation of your size, then I'm in. (sidemen exclaim in surprise) - Hey, yo, what? (laughter) Ow. - [Simon] Yeah, that was kinda cool. Oh no. (loud explosion) (beep) - [Television] Cross front, cross back, cross. And then you did it! - You ready bro? (upbeat music) - Lads, what is the biggest animal you reckon you can beat with your bare hands? - Oh. - He's got an answer. - [Josh] A hamster, for him. - I'd say a horse. - [Harry] You could not beat a horse in a fight. - Nah, relax. Yo, fam, if I punch a horse, it's getting knocked out. - [Harry] No. - Bro, you're not knocking out a horse. - [Ethan] I just want to make you aware, there is footage of football hooligans punching a horse in the face and the horse blinks at him. The horse goes, "Thank you." - I'm way better than a football hooligan. - [Vik] Brother, you take horses into a war. - Nah, if I fight a football hooligan, I'm knocking them out. Straight up. - [Harry] So the way it works is you're putting... Go and put that out there. - [Ethan] Don't now go to any football game ever gain. - Don't go near Millwall stadium, please. - He also said you're fighting a horse. The horse isn't there tied up, and just waiting for you, to be punched. - Bro, that horse will kick you so fucking hard. - How is the horse going to kick me, when I'm just not going to stay behind it? - It'll run at you, anyway. - It just runs at you. - And then I'll move. Bang! - Oh my god. You can't even throw a proper punch against Logan. - [JJ] Nah fam. - He pigeon flew at this dude and he flinched. (laughter) - The horse will come like this. I'd be like, "Bang." Straight up. - Firstly, a horse... It's not this thin. - Okay bro, well look. Bang! - A horse is faster than you. I can't back this. I can't back this at all. - I reckon a cow, a cow you could take. Wait, when someone gets it, I swear to god. (suspenseful music) Oh no, I won't. (cheering) - [Vik] What the fuck has just happened? - It's happened, it's happened. - [Vik] What a redemption story. (cheering) - [Tobi] It's happened. - You started this. You did this. This is his fault. - It's happened. - I feel bad now. - For what? - For battery farmed chicken. - Yeah. (knocking on door) - Oh, Jesus. - Oh no, I know what's coming. - [Harry] I'm not opening that door. - [Ethan] Hello everybody. - Welcome recruits. - Hello recruits, and welcome to your mission today. I'm your Captain, Captain Zerkaa, joined with Captain Behzinga. - [Vik] My God. - If you follow us we'll give you free training. - [Harry] Oh my God. - I just wanted to eat in peace. - Stop. Harry! Oi, stop! - Harry, no it's fire. - [Tobi] Harry stop bro, Harry, it's on fire. - [Ethan] No, you fucking idiot. You lot, you fucking idiots. (screaming) Tobi, here. - [Tobi] Fucking doughnuts man. - Lads, what the fuck are you doing? - [JJ] Open the window. Oh bruv, I'm too licked, this is your fault. - Have you ever done anal? - No. - Aww. How long have you known your girlfriend for? - Nine years. - Nine years, and you've never been tempted? - I've been tempted. (laughter) - [Vik] Legendary! - [Harry] Yes. (laughter) (crackling) (wailing) (cheering) - [Harry] Oh, yes! Yes. What a shot. - Hi, I'm Stephen. I'm 24. Oh, I thought pancake day was yesterday. (sidemen groan in surprise) - [JJ] Oh, my god! - Stephen. - [JJ] Jesus. - [Josh] Stephen, that's not nice. - [Young Boy] I got told that it was funny by someone else. - [Girl] Wait, who told you that was funny? - Oh, my mate Max. (laughter) He's got a big ass to be fair. - [Harry] Hold on a minute lads. - [Tobi] No, JJ, that's fucking disgusting. JJ don't you dare. - [Harry] Oh, he's put poo on that thing. - [Tobi] Bro, he put poo on on our tent, bro. He actually [put poo in our tent. He took a shit and put it on our tent. - That's straight from him. (laughter) - [Harry] Is that human shit? - See ya guys. (laughter) - [Harry] Wait, is that actually? - I decided to... Make my mark on nature, by releasing myself... Or, a part of myself. - It was going well, and then someone come and shanked our tent. - And then threw poo in it. (chuckling) - Yeah. JJ come over with a shovel full of poo, actual poo, human poo, his poo. - That might be one of the most outrageous things we've done. He's now pissed in a Sidemen video and shit. - Wait, no. No, that can't actually be his shit, right? - No, I promise you, it's his shit. He went to the woods and he took a shit. - No, because I saw it, that wasn't his shit, surely bro. - Bro, I promise you. - Ah, mate, it's JJ, that's going to be his shit. - It's his shit, it's 100 percent his shit. And Simon planted the idea in his head, like Simon always does. - He's in disbelief. He can't believe this. (laughter) - [Harry] I was making marshmallows, and you put a shit in my tent. - [Simon] Oi, Chunkz. - [Ethan] Chunkz! You're about to get your bag. - [Simon] Chunkz, you're on your bag. - Has it turned into a bag now? How's it turned to a bag. - Yo, you kept us waiting. You're disrespecting my guy right here. - [Simon] Do you want your money? - [Harry] Mate, it's descended into chaos now. - [JJ] Nah, how much. - I'm saying, I'm going to be nice to you. Five bills. - Okay, calm. - Five bills, yeah? - All right, bless. (laughter) - Five bills right here. (screaming) - [Harry] Yo, what? (group exclaiming in surprise) - Thank fuck. - [Simon] Six, eight or nine - In Jesus name, in Jesus name, in Jesus name. - [Simon] Six, eight or nine. - [JJ] In Jesus (screams). Oh Jesus, thank you. Thank you Jesus. - [Simon] Okay. - [Josh] We're done. - [Simon] With three houses, how much is Ethan's gym? - [Ethan] I'm just gonna watch. - Whoa. - [Simon] I will fine you cuz. - [Harry] We've got nothing to be fined. - [Vik] We can't afford a fine. - Hey yo, are you guys ready? - I will fine you a house. - [Vik] Yeah. - [Harry] Oh, please no. (beep) - [Simon] Roll a one. - [Vik] No, we don't want them to. - One! One the ting bruv. One the fucking ting. - [Tobi] No JJ, stay away. (screaming) - [JJ] I don't believe it! (JJ cackles) - [Simon] Josh is (mumbles). Hang on, hang on. That is the more expensive one, so I believe that's 500. - No. - [Josh] It is, right? - Wait, which is it? - This one. - Yes, you're right, sorry. - [Simon] 500 please. - [Vik] Oi, that's a glow up, you two glowed up. - You lot came out of prison. - You've gotta dig it up, I think it would make a good video as well. - Why were you on This Morning? - Bro, you gotta find the footage, that's a sick video. - You don't even know why you was on either. (laughter) - My baby was born with the world's biggest head. (laughter) - Imagine that's it. He's gonna change it. - I just looked at... - It's just Josh's fucking massive head. (laughter) - Hey. - I can't. - Alright, okay, alright. - Jeez, alright. ♪ It's just three little words ♪ ♪ Yeah, it's not the beginning ♪ ♪ It's not like I can help you ♪ ♪ And all that I feel ♪ ♪ By now I'm sure you think it's so rubbish ♪ ♪ But just in case it's not what I'm saying is this ♪ ♪ What I'm ♪ - [Ethan] I'll do Fake Taxi, I'll do Fake Taxi. I'll do Fake Taxi. (JJ giggles) (Ethan screaming) - [JJ] He's down guys. - [Harry] JJ, you're an asshole, you know. You're an asshole. (laughter) - Hey man, fuck it. I'm in pain. - [Ethan] Fuck you. - [Tobi] The one time he could hide with that guinea suit, and it fucked him. - [JJ] Wait, what the hell? - [Tobi] Don't come near me, I will boot (laughs). Nah, don't come near me. - I think I'm the animal herder. Ow. He fist bumped me bruv. - Yeah, what's up man? Is it because I'm black? It's because I'm black, innit. - Yo, Harry bro, I just want to ask a massive favour, we got it on film. But I just fist bumped a fucking squirrel in London bro. Can we get some points please? Bonus points? - Or take a different thing off for us. - Yeah, can we have something off please, because that was massive. Bro, I just fist bumped a squirrel bro, I'm so gassed. That was fucking sick. - [JJ] I'm so jealous. - Oh my god, this is so much fire. Oh my god. I invited Harry to my flat to cook. Why couldn't you just do a small barbecue Harry? - [Harry] This is fine. - Until we get kicked out because it's burning. - Mate, we won't, it's fine. - [Cameraman] That is way more smoke. - That's steam not smoke (groans). - [Cameraman] Are you sure? - Yeah, that's just... Oh, fucking hell. - [Cameraman] Oh no. - [Harry] Nah, that's fine. - The Micro Range. (laughter) Vikkstar123's Micro Muffin Delight, length, 0.3 inches. (laughter) - Okay. - [JJ] Wow. - Roetoshaw, Guernsey's finest, length, two inches. - [Simon] I'll take it. (girl speaks gibberish) (laughter) Length, seven inches. (laughter) Finally, we move on to the upper range. KSI, welcome to the beast, length, 15 inches. - Wow, he definitely has... A large... Thing. - This is the muffin that I will be trying first. (laughter) - Hi, I'm Tobi, and I'm actually late for a job interview, so I'm going to have to... - [Girl] Okay, bye. Good luck. (laughter) - [Tobi] Thank you. - Oh, he's back. He's back. How did your job interview go? - I'm Tobi, I'm 26 and I got the job. (cheering) - Swipe right. (cheering) - [Ethan] Let's go! - [Josh] Oh no. - Get in there. (shouting) - There's a kill cool down mate, he needs to go get someone else. - [Josh] Oh no. Tobi, I died. - Cheers. - Cheers and GG. Come here, into the bath tub. - [Harry] No! (groaning) - [Simon] Harry, watch yourself fella, this could get busy. - I'm tea bagged, no! No, man's tea bagging us. What kind of disrespect is this? - [Simon] What kind of corona restrictions are these? - We have one more. - Can I get? - [Simon] You're dead. - Oh, this is us? - [Simon] Yeah. - We have YouTooz collectibles. (joyful music) - [Ethan] Who wants mine? - Me. - Shotgun Simon's. - KSI gets his. - I just get mine, all right. - [Harry] You're a star, appreciate you picking me. - [Vik] There you go. - Tobi has IILVZN garments with Sidemen bag, and Sidemen bottoms and a slit in his eyebrow. - Come on. - Jeez. - One thing to note. - Yeah? - My head's bigger than everyone else's ones. - No, wait. Oh my god, it's huge! (laughter) - Okay, let me at least put on my shoes. Let's have some decency. - [Harry] I think I've just seen JJ getting in the hot tub. - No you haven't. - [Harry] I just saw a man in his pants. - Ethan, I saw you run up the stairs lad. I know you're up here somewhere. - [JJ] Oh no, shit. - [Harry] I know you're up here somewhere. - [JJ] Shit. Oh, fuck. Oh, I have one shoe. What the fuck. - Vik's in the first toilet. - This son of a gun. Is he in the lighthouse? Is he in the lighthouse? - Fuck. I'm literally... This is ridiculous. - Kobe. - Block, bitch. - [Vik] Shooting foul, he gets a free throw. That's a shooting foul. (laughter) It's a free throw. JJ, go. - [Ethan] It's a free throw, he's crowding, it's a free throw. - [Simon] You'll get murdered for saying it's a foul by the way. - [JJ] So it's a free throw? - [Vik] Yeah. - [Simon] Do you know where a free throw is? (laughter) - [Vik] That's an extra free throw. - Free throw? - [Josh] No, that's the free-est of throws. - [Harry] Nah. - [Simon] It's done. - Nah, nah, nah, allow it. JJ! - JJ! What the fuck are you doing? No, you're done. Fuck off. No, fuck off. - Edit that, edit that out. Edit it out, let's edit that. - Hi, I'm Tobi, I'm 26. And you're Sophie Rose? - Yes, aww, good remembering. - Well, my little Tobi rose when you joined my call. (laughter) (clapping) - Levels to this game. - Do you know what? I loved it. You're in. - [Ethan] Little Tobi's in. - [Tobi] Oh my god! - [Josh] What's going on now? - Hey yo, do you mind? - Oh my gosh. (laughter) Oh my God. - No. - [Josh] What is going on? - Oh my god. You're a top ten artist. (laughter) - This can't be a thing. - [Ethan] Is he in? Can you have a peek. - Wait, you guys are making me nervous. - Is he getting stage fright? - You guys are putting me off, wait, ssh. Ah. - Oh, this is wrong. - I'm peeing. - [Josh] Mate, shh. - They're fishing while I'm stuck in this hole. At least I'm winning, I guess? - Ah, okay, yes. Safe fam. Thanks guys, you guys this is great. Great, yeah, it's all out. It's all out, guys. Okay, I have it all shaked out. Okay, now I have piss on my hands, I have piss on my hands guys. - All right, now get up. - [Harry] Oh, heavens above. - Oh my God (chatters incoherently). - He needs to wash it down. - Well yeah, you would need to wash it down. - The smell. - I'm locking us in. (laughter) (laughter) - Question number four, if you could be someone famous, dead or alive, who would you be? - The sperm that lost so it could end this eternal pain. (laughter) - [Vik] Oh no. (laughter) - Jesus. - Boys, is this a cry for help? - It's all right Ethan, it's all right, it ain't that bad. (laughter) - Oh my God. - Are you okay? (laughter) - [Josh] You don't sound okay. [Tobi] I'm not doing another one after this. - Josh, you're mean you know. - [Josh] Why am I mean? - [Ethan] You made him do the (mumbles) bro. - [Vik] Was the wine a par three? - Yeah. He might get a bit gassy, maybe. - [Vik] Wowzers. Wowzers. - [JJ] What's going on? Oh my God. - [Vik] Oh my goodness, Tobi, you animal. - [JJ] Oh my fucking God. - [Vik] You filthy brew dog. Oh my God. - A million we thought, "Wow, this creator's pretty awesome." - Ooh. - My goodness. But ten million, at this point we're scratching our head. Don't worry Susan, so are we. - Look at us guys. - Wow wa wee wa. - who would've thought it? - Not me. - Not me. - Definitely not me. - All of our hard work for this one moment right here. - You ready? - All right. - [JJ And Simon] Three, two, one. (both exclaim in delight) - Let's go. I am gassed. - Jeez. Look. - Mate, that's made me realise how dirty mine is, because that's what it's supposed to look like. Mine looks like it's been through the wars. - On the back it says, "Sidemen, congrats for surpassing ten million subscribers. - Guys, thank you so much for this. We are so gassed and so honoured, and very happy. And appreciate it, so thank you. - Yeah. - The only thing making me really happy is knowing he has a bad wrist and this is killing him. - Yeah, it's so painful. (JJ wailing) - [Josh] Are you all right Vik? - [Tobi] Oi wait, Josh film this, he's fallen over. - [Ethan] It's a fall. - It's a fall. - What'd you mean? - [Simon] You've fallen over. - I'm laughing. - [Josh] That's falling over. - No, I laughed. - Judge. - Ethan mate, that's a fall, is it not? - [Tobi] Ethan knows it. - [Harry] It's a fall. It's a fall. - No but, because it was funny. - [Josh] Harry, you need a team mate? - Nah, it was funny. Nah. Bruv, black people do this all the time. (JJ laughs exaggeratedly) Bruv, come on. - [Simon] He fell over again. - No. Shut up. Allow this man, this is outrageous. - [Harry] All right Vik, pull it together. Stay on your feet. - [Vik] Always on my feet. - [Harry] Mate, it's a minus five unfortunately. - Minus five. - [Harry] Plus five, no it might have been plus four. I'll check. - [JJ] Hey, no. Nah allow it. - I'll check. Okay, so just plus two. - [JJ] I'm not even allowed to R-O-F-L-M-A-O. - [Josh] Get involved. - You're causing an army here again Josh, look behind you. (Josh grunts) - [Josh] Why me though? - Hey yo, back off man. We're done, no more chips man, back off man. - [Ethan] He won't take it. (laughter) (wailing) - [Vik] He's not scared of Logan Paul, but he is scared of pigeons. - [Ethan] How about that? - That one needs help. (laughter) You should go and get a pedicure. - Hey, can I please see your foot? (laughter) - Oh yes. Oh. - Because I've just shown you-- - White socks. - White socks, of course. I've just shown you a really intimate part of my foot. - [Woman In White Top] It's nasty, don't show me that. - Okay, I'll keep that one hidden. - That's a lovely foot. - Not bad. Thank you. - Can I guess what size you are? I reckon you're a size six, six and a half? - No. - Seven? - Four and a half, five. - Four and a half. Okay fair enough. - Small feet. - Can we high-five feet? - Absolutely not. - Is it the SpongeBob (mumbles). (sidemen exclaim) No, all right, so it's not him. The only city that I know under the sea is Atlantis. - [Vik] That is correct. (Sidemen cheer) (Sidemen jeer) - [JJ] Oh that's sad. - [Ethan] Oi, that's gonna be memed the fuck out of, it's a wrap. - [JJ] That's sad. - [Vik] I don't feel so good. - I feel very ill. - [Vik] I don't feel so good. - [Tobi] That's a forkful right? - Oh, no man. - [Tobi] That's a forkful. - [Josh] There's malfunctioning going on over here. - Simon. (Sidemen ooh) - Woi. - No, I can't. - And why mate? - Well, there was an incident where (chuckles)... Simon apparently locked my brother in a car. - Allegedly. - Who's car? - In my car. - [Harry] Allegedly. - How do I lock someone in his car? - Well yeah. - [Simon] That's not a story, come on, keep going. - Well, I dunno, that's-- - Simon wanted to know why. - Yeah, this sounds like a bit of a non-answer to me. - Tell us. - Yeah, Simon. - [Simon] Right, yeah. - Because my parents think that he uses me. (Sidemen exclaim in surprise) - So he's tried to kill your brother, and he's... Wow Simon, wow. - [Simon] What can I say, I'm a devil. - No, no. - It's just some dried bugs bro. - [Tobi] Probably should've eaten the bugs. - You've gotta eat the bugs bro, you can't put your friend in it like that. - It's too late now. - You're gonna be a rapper that pisses himself. - Well, I wore a dress, allow it. (laughter) - [Ethan] That's a fall. - [Sidemen] That's a fall. - That's a fall. Harry. Harry, your team mate's had a fall. - I don't care what anyone says, that's a major fall. - What's happened here? - Bro, your team mate fell. - He fell in the plant pot - Bro, did you fall? - [Cameraman] He fell. - All right, I'll walk away, it's a minus two. - Green team! - It was a plus two, now you're on minus two, it's gone. Go away. - Come on. I knew it was bare sus. He was bare sus. It's Josh. - It's Josh. - Yeah, okay. There was too much shouting there, there was way too much shouting from there. There was absolutely far too much shouting coming from-- - [JJ] Josh was being so weird. - Do you know what's crazy JJ? - [JJ] What? - Split or steal bitch. Oh, I'm gonna fucking steal your life. (laughter) Jooked. You're dagged, now be quiet. - Oh no. No. (laughter) - It's Vik. I knew it was fucking Vik bruv. Bruv, it's fucking Vik. (JJ groaning loudly) - Ethan heard, because everyone ran away. - I am JJ, I'm 20-- - Hello. Sorry, I said, "Hello." I'll take it back. - If you just wanna click un-pause, just click un-pause here. - I forgot, what button is it? - [Simon] Un-pause. Just click the pause button yeah. - I don't know if I want to. (laughter) - That's fair. - If I un-pause him can he go to there. - He might just stay there. He will stay there. - If I don't do it he just stays there? - Do you want me to just carry on? Should we just carry on? - Yeah. Should I keep this? Bye. (laughter) - [Simon] Why did you move him that side? - Just facing the wall. - Can you just press play for him please. - Press play, okay, play. - I'm 26 and... (laughter) What the? Where's Kiera? - Come back here. - Hi. - Okay. Hi, I'm JJ, I'm 26, and do you have pet insurance? - I don't think I do. - Well you should get some, because I'm about to bang that pussy up. (Sidemen gasps) - Oh. - Can you pause it again, have you still got the remote? - Oh wait, do I have? Oh, thank fuck. Okay, pause. How long does he stay like that for? Okay nice. - What's the weirdest place you've had sex? Number seven. - Can't remember, ask your mum. (laughter) - [Harry] Oh my God. Oh my God. - What's come out of his mouth? - [Af] They can see us from here. (suspenseful music) - [Josh] Meat shield. - [JJ] Hey yo, bruv please. - [Josh] Meat shield. - [JJ] My nigga, wait. Wait, please. Don't do it. Don't do it. (gun fires) (groaning in pain) - [Josh] I hurt my kneecap. (groaning in pain) Holy moly. - I'm going to sing. - All right. - Okay. ♪ Packed up the photo album that you had made ♪ ♪ Memories of the life that's been loved ♪ ♪ Stupid get well soon cards and stuffed animals ♪ ♪ Pour the old ginger beer down the sink ♪ (buzzer sounds) - Sorry, she mentioned gingers, she had to go. (laughter) - She was so nervous as well, this is so brutal. She's gonna be sat there like, "No, they hated it." Oh God. Luis, I enjoyed it. Luis, I know you're watching this, I loved it. - [Tobi] I was enjoying it. - Lads. I don't wanna do these things. But I'm not sitting here for 35 minutes listening to singers. We need to find the bangers, all right? I'm sick of singing already. I'm sick of it. (laughter) - Bro, I just watched him dive elbow deep into a bin bag. (laughter) This guy has a number two album. - Hey yo, there's some chips here. Not finished. - That is like... Look at that. - Not finished. That's a fair amount. - All right. - Not finished. Yo, it's a cheese pot. Ah. Ah. Uncle. I got a cheese pot, ah. (laughter) I don't believe it. Me want to eat. (laughter) And it hasn't even been opened. (laughter) - Oh my God, it has been opened. - Oh! Another cheese pot. Another cheese pot. Nah, he's violating it. (Sidemen ooh) - I can't look boys. I can't look. - [Vik] You know what though? The finest, the clearest diamonds. - [Tobi] All right, yeah, clouted. - Does he like it though? - It looks just a little bit feminine. - Yeah, it's for women. (laughter) So it's for your woman. - [Tobi] Thanks mate. - [JJ] Pass on the religion. - Give it to your mum. - [Josh] I can't believe this. - This has been the biggest stinker I've ever seen in my life. I had balloons last time. - Nine K by the way, Nine K. - Wait, nine K? - 9,000. 9,000. Tobi. Tobi, I did a deal. - Wait, he said nine K. - Yes, it cost nine K. - Do you like it? - Take it back. (laughter) - Tobi, I spoke to the woman and I got a paper that allows you to exchange it. That's the best they could do. - Exchange? Not a refund? - He got it. (laughter) But at least you can exchange it for other stuff there. - From Tiffany's? (laughter) - I weren't there, I wasn't there. - [Tobi] You let this run bruv. - I wasn't there. Whilst I was getting Ethan drip, that's what happened. - You wouldn't even be able to exchange it if it wasn't for me, that's all I can do. - Thank you Vik. - Look, take your mum, take your sister, and exchange it. - My ring's from Tiffany, they do some men's stuff. - I didn't think it was you. - They do men's stuff. - Can you melt it down for nine grand? (laughter) - The diamonds in it, they're high level diamonds. (screeching) (screaming in surprise) (beeping) - [Ethan] Hash. - [Sidemen] Yeah! (exclaiming in delight) - Ah. Ah. Bro, it's mad. Wait til it gets to your cock, let's get out bruv. Ah. - This bit's fine. Come over here Ethan, come join us. - A sex ting happening right now. - [Ethan] Oh my God (laughs). Oh my God. - Oh yeah. Oh yeah. - He's just humping the air, he's like, "Oh yeah." - You can't see his face. - We've all gone fishing and we've all just ended up sitting in the lake and going, "Ah." - [Tobi] Not all of us are doing that. - Oi, come on man. - You're catching the fish. - [Tobi] I'm trying. - I can make an egg disappear. I've got this pencil and then you put it in there, right? And now it's gone, right? If you see this, air pods case, air pods, gone. Ethan's dad... What you need to do is crumple it up... Put it in this hand, put it in that, put it in that one. Now it's gone. But to be honest, it's not the first time he's disappeared. - I'm gonna stop you there. (laughter) - [Tobi] Have you done the blocks? - We've done the blocks. - [Tobi] How do you do it? Help me. You haven't been in the basement? - I ain't going back there fam. - [Tobi] Bro, please. - He said he seen Simon do (mumbles), and now he wants us to go basement. - Let me tell you what happened, Simon dipped up. - [Simon] You, basement. - Please guys, you're my friend of how many years? - [Simon] Don't care basement. - [Tobi] Fucking snake. - Bruv, is JJ alive? - [Josh] JJ or Simon. Unless you're doing some dodgy stuff. - It's JJ or Simon, I swear to go. - [Tobi] Bro, if you kill me. - [JJ] Bro, legit, look. - [Tobi] If you kill me... - [JJ] Black power. - [Tobi] You can't kill me after saying black power. - Black power. - You can't kill me after saying black power. Bro, the comments will never forgive you, Reddit will never forgive you. - Bro, how are we gonna have black-on-black crime? - No one will ever buy your music. - [JJ] Nah, it's cool. - If he kills me... Fam fuck this. If you kill me... Bro, fuck you. Are you serious? Are you serious? Are you serious? (Ethan screaming) Are you serious? Are you serious? Are you serious? Are you... Bro, you said... (alarm sounding) It sounds like I'm flat lining. (laughter) - Legit. (upbeat trap music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 4,685,008
Rating: 4.9266624 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: kBiYsRwnsBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 57sec (3177 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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