Stock Images needs to be Stopped! /r/wtfstockimage reddit top all #56 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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stock photos is a national treasure stock photos need to be preserved at all cost stock photos has given us some of the greatest memes of this time stock photos is a way for us to express ourselves in emotions we didn't even know we had so let's go through some of the greatest stock images of all time smash like on this video if you are super into it grandpa teaches blond children important life lessons why I like how there's a story here you know clay let the child has done some Victor's hand why are all the kids blonde - it's very weird I of course know the answer of this this is the famous Fifi Paula me test that all Swedish kids that are blond has to go through in Sweden at the age of 12 this of course is a man presenting hot dogs this is how I presented my hot dogs when I was working in a hot dog stand this is how you would find me exactly like this so who directed this yeah exactly I can't imagine someone directing this photo shoot it was unprovoked the photographer just happened to have his camera sometimes you never know when the perfect opportunity of a photo is gonna strike you just never know excuse me sir what do you have in that saucepan this oh yes that's sausages would you like a photo yes please okay here you go epic that's just how I imagined it went down people have different theories of course people allowed to speculate of course here's this a woman who spits on oh I'm not gonna read that out loud how do you get to do that on that bird I am so confused I am Vietnamese I've seen this before in Vietnam it's very common but I'm not sure I'm more confused now what the hell you can't just drop that people do it before a pee by it's a pre-fight blessing if I weird lemmy's woman spits on you I'll keep that in mind for my inevitable chaos I pretty pie or Logan vs. PewDiePie 5 drink-driving taken to a new level I've seen this I just assumed this was fake it's actually DejaVu I have been in this phase before hey bruh take a sip it turns back 45 degrees let's ride oh I bet you can make this exit this in time hold my beer what is that quote from the matrix did you say to avoid the highway the highway it's suicide guy reaches through computer screen and times backwards while a surprise cat looked off in the distance thank you for describing the image for people that are blind but there you go that's what I'm looking at here and it's exactly what you think it is and I'm equally as confused oh god no what is this I think my photo shops are weird this is all for mime my my I don't know where I keep my pails do you know where I kept my pills Oh son just check my knees here you go son oh thanks mom I love the abundance of Pitney pills if only I had legs I could actually understand what that felt like m'lady I've seen this oh that's a stock image I want that hat loke want that head not gonna lie that guy looks straight-up Alf I'll take five nobody stock photos it's like that office episode when Will Ferrell screams at the cake when your salad keeps telling you jokes I don't know what it is about salad it's just hilarious I can I'm back out there reality buddy eating a salad oh god the lettuce tastes like nothing what am i doing hacker stock photos are the best wow that's incredible that's really bad that's just not clever or funny or nothing when it's the fourth time this week you've forgotten to pull your pants down yeah if he was just sitting on it without the toilet paper in his hand it wouldn't be that weird I peed through my jeans all the time but since the answer toilet paper he's obviously poopy which is really gross wait you don't pee through your pants bro what guys check this out check this guy out he doesn't pee through his pants Oh cringe oh my god that looks like jacksepticeye she says Lord tell that does not look like older fatter jacksepticeye what in the world and the septic nests is coming out of his ear memory loss is more people what Jackie burger baby burger baby what gender burger baby is we're waiting to the birth to reveal it someone stop this man yeah why what the punk bracelet really shows how hardcore this guy is someone stop him please so he proposes I assume she says no and apparent oh wow okay this is actually how me and Marshall proposed she was forced to say yes basically hell I mean I can't be mad I do these kind of photo shops but why would you need a stock image of that that is my question I wonder if stock imagery it's like a lucrative business or not because it seems so easy to do maybe that's naive for me to say but I don't know like edit what is it it's like youtuber PD PI's quits YouTube to create stock imagery woman is robbing bakery with a baguette okay I guess it's a great braid if he gets shot it will be painting named sorry Manning eyepatch pretending to play the violin with an abacus and a bow tie why is he layering as clothes like that ah it's like the details that does it yeah like this is weird in itself and then you add all these other stuff Oh Kruger you caught me keeping a bowl of crackers in the fridge what kind of maniac keep your crackers in the fridge guys this girl keeps cracker in the fridge creig cringe what is wrong with you chocolate lungs in the fridge chocolate belongs in the fridge chocolate belongs in the fridge I said it three times now you have to put all your chocolate in the fridge like a normal human being thank you very much oh wow what is what stop stop stop it up I request a full stop I have permission from the government a full stop and is in order now stop it stop it now stop how many cameras does your phone have mine has fine it's got quad-cam on the bank that's right honored 20 Pro say it after me under 20 pro four cameras you want to take the perfect shot the main camera has 48 megapixel but who's counting are you too close when you're alone with all your friends and want to capture all of them try the wide-angle lens 16 megapixels super wide angle so you and all your non-existing friends can be in the shot want to take really closely creepy shots on people well now you can with the macro sensor we can get super close uncomfortably close and finally the 8 megapixel telephoto sensor that has 3 times optical zoom and 30 times digital zoom now you can finally see PP and of course front camera 5 cameras everyone knows more cameras met their phone for real beyond er 20 a pro is a super cool phone I've been using the other phones for a real long time the new dynamic color graphic design in glass spec it's looking very Hecate heck and nice and I know you're all serious gamers out there the honor 20 pro it's got pro in it which will give you the best gaming experience thank you Anna for sponsoring this video ok keep on with video bye bye from an article about teenagers becoming radicalized online help me help me come out of this computer place I'm getting sucked in they got my left butt cheek please alligator attacking businesswomen in office cubicle it can happen at any given time it is an issue we're just working on it why would you need this I feel like if you're gonna make sock imagery at least make it something you can eat alright if I'm running a business what do I want not that that's not what I want if I was running a business I would want the girls eating salad like when would you use this when would you use this I get the message and I get what you're saying but like why would anyone buy their head it's so specific that's what I mean with look at they like can't you just make stock imagery that are actually useful its stock images like those mobile phone game ads that are just like weird an obscure to draw attention and it actually works like I don't understand it it's so confusing lemon with tongue and disembodied Robert rubber glove okay but Wow but wow it looks it long Furby that March they wanted to make I thought I could justify my sudden need of owning a long Furby by creating one for a video I was denied I guess me and my sty should make one cuz I never heard back from Willie and Osmond why somebody remade this remember the cake pillow case what happened when I sent it to my cousin oh it's not up yet wait okay do we have answers we have answers for once there's a background behind the stock image Getty Images in 2007 I worked with a photographer to document a concept piece of a man me sleeping on a sheet cake it was a simple visual pun a cake that looked like a pillow and there's obvious play on sweet dreams there was no intent other than creating ambiguous benign image that we did and releasing it to the world few years later images from the shoot were sold to get images as stock photos then in 2011 one of those photos appeared as number 13 on the BuzzFeed list okay 60 completely unusable stock photos see that's the thing they're all unusable right now claimed by online culture as a proper mean the image constantly reappears I never seen it before oh god these are even better you're proud of something and no one cares this is so sad how is BuzzFeed still a thing Jesus Lord why did this just suck out all the fun from it knowing that BuzzFeed made a version of it yeah oh my god what do I do with this why is David Tennant uncomfortably holding a blobfish is his child dave intended that's a mighty fine blobfish I refuse to believe that blob fishes are real oh my god how do you get one I thought they were like a rare or something awful hey hard to swallow pills got it epic we deliver pizza to literally anywhere hello she would rat would you like some pizza very well here you go sir men poking a GPU card with a soldiering iron isn't there the one with a web and the hostess soldering iron with her hand which I think in retrospect is probably a meme it's another sock photo it's another sock but as she holds it there women can do epicness also beautiful women can still do epicness also beautiful webbing oh good old stock images you never know what you're gonna get girl so what do you do for a living me stock photo model girl what type of stock photos oh you just wait girl I think you're gonna like what you find oh my god have bed bear it seems like a funny YouTube idea you get a bunch of youtubers you create the each one of them creates the weirdest stock photos and the one that gets the most sales wins another person with a soldiering iron so many of them are just like super inappropriate I can't even show them like this one like come on wow what it looks so happy about it let's get real that we all stuck our peepee through there right let's get real here we've all done it just say yes you don't have to say yes just blink that's what I thought by man respect that's respect so how did you ruin your computer again well I was just answering emails that's literally all I did oh my god why would you do this why why hey look it's visage why are they all so strangely comedic and weird here's a video like that weird but at the same time where's the fort night dance huh no four night dance no up trust nobody not even yourself you can't even trust anybody not even yourself this day this song is so uncomfortable it's like they traded bodies or something this like at full movies like Freaky Friday but a blobfish and some BC list celebrity like that could be a really interesting story I feel like about love and friendship and hope and stuff like that oh my lord is that the thing from Star Wars that's definitely the thing from Star Wars isn't it why the knees stop fricking with the knees dude I'm done with the knees no more knees permission to stop I show it here permission to stop you have to accept much weighs more a kilogram of potatoes per kilogram of steer jacksepticeye still doesn't know the answer this is so sad you ever just feel like throwing spaghetti around in the forest is what me and my I said do on our weekend in case you're wondering what we do on our weekend this is what we do on our weekend hey lady it I don't think your computer is on my god she's lasted she's a complete sociopath she's a complete psychopath I better go to another house goddamn the cat is back isn't it I mean fair enough fair enough if you have to do what you got to do to make your living you know check cept the guy when he realized he had too many potatoes no thank you I've had enough potatoes for today I've already had 50,000 oh god I haven't seen it up close before it's so uncomfortable it's so horrible they're kind of cute like blue eyes like legit Oh a trick and here we'll twist the kid's torso around for no reason at all okay apparently banana phone is the pinnacle of stock imagery comedy they just can't have enough of banana phones I just I just love banana phone sisal arias this is literally me when I started drinking again all the classic okay so like salad start out with salad FL is good a great way I spray kur to get some laughs out all right they move on to some other things and oh boy that got really weird really fast these are like my weird Photoshop videos I'm basically looking at other people making these like at least I have a reason for it okay at least I have a purpose I have a purpose right okay people like you see something nice please I haven't heard nice comments oh god it's examining macaronis oh that's an egg oh that's an Hank oh that's not how you hard swallow pills take one of these three times a day okay sure all right you know what I think I had enough I think that goes it's a point where you think no thanks enough thank you very much stuff thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed it smash like and hit subscribe I upload videos every single day did you know that every day every day I upload videos every day every day every day every day every day no matter what I get a video up every day thanks to save and me oh yeah if you want to support channel check out the merch and that's it see you tomorrow bye bye we're all excited about the new game that's coming out and I can't wait to play it it starts with a letter P can you guess what it is here the pie pick ceiling of course what you thought it was Pokemon dumbass you stinky brainer you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,972,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: uiTyxzMu20s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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