Top 10 Acting Oscar Nominations of the 2010s

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so a long time ago I made a video highlighting what I believe are the top 10 acting Oscar wins of the 2010s now it's time for me to discuss the top 10 acting Oscar nominations of the 2010s that did not go on to win hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and yeah what are some nominations from the 2010's decade in acting I think were pretty freaking awesome that could have maybe even one over the person who took home the gold trophy let's start with number 10 best actress Rooney Mara The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo I guess I must have alarmed you turning up like that if you touched me I'll more than alarm you that won't be necessary I've said this before on the channel and I'm going to say it again I love when the academy recognizes more genre performances especially in lead actor or lead actress Rooney Mara and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo that is the kind of Bonkers great performance the academy could have snubbed like it got into the Golden Globes but I don't think she was nominated very often that award season it's not like she got into all the precursor ceremonies so by the time we got to Oscar nominations morning in early 2012 I was a little nervous I was like they're not going to nominate Mara I didn't think it was going to happen the movie had underperformed even though I loved it and put that film by David Fincher on my top 10 list I was like she's probably going to miss and when she made it in I cheered I have always adored this Oscar nomination Rooney Mara is on another level in that movie she had done some good work before like in the social network but holy Rooney Mara as Liz ith cander opposite Daniel Craig in that end of the year release was just something else and in a field that also had some good Oscar nominations like Viola Davis for the help who got close to winning an Oscar that year remember she won at sag in best actress but as I've discussed in a recent Oscar race retrospective video Merill Streep ended up taking the gold trophy that night her third Academy Award for The Iron Lady and she's very good in the movie she's not really the problem with the iron lady but I've never thought that should have been her third win Rooney Mara for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was just happy to be there she was probably in fifth place to be honest but that doesn't take anything away from this amazing Oscar nomination number nine best supporting actor Richard E Grant can you ever forgive me I just come from having my teeth bleached how do they look why would you do that oh teeth are a dead giveaway I don't know what it was part of it may have been that I had been seeing the can you ever forgive me trailer in theaters for like 6 months I remember it played for most of 2018 I saw that ad over and over by the time the movie came out I was like already sick of the movie and I was like I don't even know if I want to see this but of course the review were rapturous everybody loved this movie and Melissa McCarthy Richard E Grant a movie about a writer like yeah I was going to check this one out and as much as I adore that McCarthy performance and I'm so happy she got into the Oscars and best actress but Richard E Grant in that movie is extraordinary he's so funny and original and has this electric energy about him he plays off McCarthy so well and I felt in early 2019 that was the absolute perfect example of a supporting actor Oscar nomination and when I think that prize should have gone to Grant it was weird to me to see Mersa Ali basically sweep the season in supporting actor that year for greenbook after he had just won two years before in the same cat category for his better performance in moonlights so that one was weird to me I would have liked to have seen Richard E Grant win at least a couple big televised prizes even if he didn't take the Oscar at the end of the day I do think this is an alltime nomination number eight best actor Timothy shalamay call me by your name I can't believe you changing again oh I changed it a little bit yeah why I just played it the way buzon would have played it if he'd altered lists version so here's an Oscar nomination from the 2010s I adore for a couple reasons one Timothy shalamay in call me by your name gave such a stunning grounded authentic beautiful performance for a young actor I mean I had seen him and stuff before he was on homeland he might have been in a movie or two I had seen but I was just so amazed by his work in that film it was my introduction to Luca guadino as well and that movie was my number two choice for best of 2017 obviously there are a couple aspects to that movie that haven't aged super well but I still really love it and especially that shalam performance the other main thing I love about this nomination is that especially in lead actress and lead actor we don't get too many young people there like every few years we get a child every few years we'll get someone a bit younger but in 2017 we had so many amazing performances up for lead actor and for them to get shalam in I think he was like 2021 around that time that was really cool it was very much deserved and I'm disappointed he hasn't been nominated since he was worthy the next year for beautiful boy in supporting actor he missed at the end but at least there is is this awesome best actor Oscar nomination for call me by your name number seven best supporting actress Lori metf ladybird think just go to City College and then to jail and then back to City College and then maybe you'd learn to pull yourself up and I'd expect everybody to do everything now if call me by your name was my choice for the number two best film of 2017 my choice for number one was ladybird Greta gerwig's amazing Coming of Age film starring cersa Ronin and Lori metf I don't know about you I can't imagine I was the only one I was a little surprised to see Allison Janney sweep That season in supporting actress for itan never missing anywhere when Lori metf gave what I believe the better performance in the category in ladybird and definitely the more emotionally moving one I feel like bcaf in gerwig's film gave the kind of performance that really tugs on viewers heartstrings especially that scene of her in the car and so I thought okay jany is giving the more colorful performance in itan it's also very good she might win some things but she's not going to take everything meaf might win at sag or bafta or something even if jany takes the Oscar in the end I feel like metf is deserving of something and then she just she never won any major televised prizes and it was so disappointing to me I was so stunned by that I was like really like we're not going to reward metf for this it just didn't make sense to me her scenes with cersa Ronin are so raw and true and I just love this performance I'm happy she at least got the Oscar nomination I would have gone berserk if they had snubbed her there so I'm thankful the incredible Lori Meda at least has an Oscar nomination in her long and celebrated career but she should have won honestly number six best actor Daniel Kya get out y my man they were asking me about the African-American experience maybe you can take this one oh another thing the academy almost never does is recognize actors in the horror genre like it doesn't happen at all anymore I've made a series horror and the Oscars when it's all said and done I will have made like 10 videos for that series because in almost 100 Years of the Academy Awards there's really not much to say about horror they snub it over and over again in best picture in the acting categories in technical categories it's like so many of these masterpieces of the genre don't even exist but occasionally I would say what once every 15 years maybe 20 years a horror film breaks through and get out was that movie released in February of 2017 remember that it came out in theaters in February and then it hung on kind of like the Silence of the Lambs did in the 9s another film that opened in February and then went on to Wi picture director actor actress get out was such an original such an astonishing film of the genre that the academy just couldn't ignore it and it got into some major categories like picture and director and original screenplay which Jordan Peele of course won and that was really cool but I really really dig that best actor nomination for Daniel Kya the academy could have pushed that one aside the way they did a year later for another amazing performance in the horror genre ra Tony Colette and hereditary but forget out they recognized kuuya as they should have that was one of the most memorable performances of the year the character Arc for him in that film it's such a thrill to watch what Kya can do with just a look an expression no dialogue is fascinating and what he gets to do in the third Act of that movie is just a thrill to see play out and what a cool Oscar win for best actor that would have been I mean Gary Oldman for Darkest Hour was the obvious winner all the Prosthetics playing a real person but I don't think that Oscar win for Oldman has aged very well I think anyone else in the category pretty much would have been a better choice like Daniel de Lewis for Phantom thread Timothy shalam for call me by your name and especially Daniel Kya for his astonishing performance in get out number five best actress Rosman Pike Gone Girl and all we did was resent each other and try to control each other cause each other pain that's marriage here we have another amazing Best Actress Oscar nomination from a David Fincher movie we talked about Rooney Mara and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo that came out in 2011 and then his followup to that was 2014's Gone Girl which only got one Oscar nomination it's a great one one of my favorite acting Oscar nods of the decade Rosman Pike if this movie was going to get one Academy Award nomination it was going to be that one she is just a force of nature in that movie I mean talk about layers talk about getting to play all sorts of different notes for a single person in a movie I mean some scenes early on with Ben Affleck she is sweet and loving and then by the end of the movie she is spinning around a bed slicing up Neil Patrick Harris to death and you're like I mean she gets to do a lot in this movie what a great screenplay by the novel's author Gillian Flynn I do think the screenplay should have gotten in to the Oscars too David Fincher and Best Director the movie and best picture but the thing with Gone Girl is that it is very dark and twisted and more of a genre film and those are tricky to get into the Oscars especially in top categories they could have ignored Pike like if they had been real at the Academy Awards but if Pike wasn't there this lineup in best actress in early 2015 would have been very weak I don't really like that lineup very much the coronation basically was for Julianne Moore to finally win her Oscar I do think there was a better performance in the category and I would have loved to have seen her win instead honestly Rosman Pike for Gone Girl number four best supporting actor Philip Seymour Hoffman the master but it's not unlike traveling down a river you see you travel down the river around the bend look back and you cannot see around the bend can you but that does not mean it is not there does it the best supporting actor race in early 2013 was an interesting one where basically every precursor ceremony a different person W in the category Kristoff vaultz won for D Jango Unchained at the Golden Globes but then at sag Tommy Lee Jones won for Lincoln and a critic's choice the critics made the right choice in picking Philip seamer Hoffman for the master I think that was the obvious choice to win at the Oscars that year one of the most stunning performances we got in the 2010s is Hoffman and Paul Thomas Anderson's film everybody's great in it Amy Adams who got into supporting actress and walking Phoenix who got into actor like Walken Phoenix in the master is something else he is so incredible in that but I was especially taken by Hoffman I do think this is his last great performance he went on to do a few more things before his untimely passing my god do we miss Philip seamer Hoffman I try not to think about all the amazing roles and performances he would have given in the last decade it's so sad but boy his work in the master his final collaboration with Paul Thomas Anderson is spectacular every choice he makes in his Quiet Moments in his moments of intense rage that one scene where he just really rips into that guy in the crowded room you understand why many people might follow him he has an energy this commanding presence I mean Philip Seer Hoffman just had that as a person in all of his movies but it's really used beautifully in the master and I do think he should have won the Oscar that year for best supporting actor this is a stunning performance from the late great Philip seamer Hoffman and one of my favorite acting Oscar nominations of the 2010s number three best actor Leonardo DiCaprio The Wolf of Wall Street you go after real criminals which makes me wonder what what the hell you're investigating me for I mean honestly what what what is it that you think that we did or do I I don't get it so should I say it again I'm going to say it again cuz I've talked about it in other videos you've probably heard me say it and I'm of course not the only one but Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar win should have been for the Wolf of Wall Street not the Revenant he's very good in the Revenant that's not a bad Oscar win by any means he was very much overdue by the time we even heard about the Revenant it seemed kind of obvious like okay he's going to win for this but the Wolf of Wall Street all three hours of that batshit crazy movie and that absolute Bonkers great DiCaprio performance on a dramatic level and on a comedic level I just thought he hit that one out of the park I have loved DiCaprio in so many films but I still think that's his best performance that's the one that really blew me away those 3 hours of the Wolf of Wall Street just flew by and I have since seen the movie A couple more times I am just in awe of his talent in that movie his presence his confidence his willingness to do anything in that movie like that scene where he is crawling to the car I mean I have rarely laughed that hard in a theater for a movie I was dying I was dying I was like okay we don't really think of DiCaprio as a person who makes us laugh in a movie but he had me going there and I was just so impressed by what he accomplished in The Wolf of Wall Street that of course was the year of Matthew mccon and Dallas Buyers Club he was the person everybody decided we going to give an Oscar to this year and like I never saw that like I thought he was good in Dallas Buyers Club but I had some issues with that movie I think the Wolf of Wall Street is a better movie and I 100% believe DiCaprio should have won best actor instead number two best supporting actress Melissa McCarthy bridesmaids what did we eat oh sinks of corer what are you doing it's coming out of me like lava this Oscar nomination come on it's one of the coolest things the academy has done in this Century amazing and original comedic performances like McCarthy in Bridesmaids almost never get into the Oscars a funny performance gets in here and there I always think about that Joan cack nomination for in- and outs in early 1998 that was was also a very cool comedic performance being recognized by the academy so they do it here and there but I feel like it's maybe once every 15 years like there'll be a performance in a major Hollywood comedy that we just can't ignore that was so mindblowing in its creativity originality confidence everybody is great in Bridesmaids but that movie would not have been the hits it turned out to be it would not be the modern comedy classic it is without that McCarthy performance every time she's on screen you can't look away you never know what she's going to do or say next and in some of those comedic moments like when they get the food poisoning and they all start throwing up and having to poop and it's like what McCarthy does in that scene I have never forgotten and I mean her entrance into the movie is memorable and great she also has some quieter dramatic moments toward the end she does get a chance to show some layers it's not just this kooky wacky character that comes into a scene here and there just to make us laugh like it's more than that and I'm so happy the academy recognized this performance early 2012 at the Oscars you don't see very much comedy represented but I think it is so awesome that they rewarded bridesmaids with two Oscar nominations best original screenplay and best supporting actress I mean this film came out way back the previous may it could have just been looked at as a big hit comedy that people liked and then it just wouldn't get anything during award season but you know what sometimes the academy does the right thing they don't always do the right thing as I talk about often on this channel but nominating Melissa McCarthy and best supporting actress for bridesmaids that is one of the best decisions they ever made throughout the 2010s all right that takes me to my number one choice what do I think is the best acting Oscar nomination of the 2010s that did not result in a win this one if you've been following my videos you might have seen coming my number one choice is best actress Sandra Bullock gravity I used to sing my [Music] baby no I see you soon all right full disclosure I'm a little biased on this one I will say that Sandra bulock is my favorite actress and I spent decades waiting for her to give a truly staggering memorable dramatic performance in a movie I thought she had one in her like we saw little pieces along the way in Crash and Infamous and The Blind Side which won her an oscar but I was like come on I want her to work with an aour director someone extremely talented who could use her in a way that she's never really been used in a movie before and that opportunity came with Alfonso quaron and gravity I was so excited to see this movie and it shot in like the middle of 2011 and then we had to wait more than 2 years like for the longest time we didn't even see a still or a clip or anything and I was like what is this movie it's Sandra bulock and George Clooney floating in space and I mean is it going to have dialogue like what is this movie I Didn't Know What To Expect but I believed in Alonso Coran I thought he could deliver something truly astonishing and he did Gravity is one of my favorite movies I watch it all the time I think Sandra Bullock is the only person who could have played the role of Dr Ryan Stone Sandra bulock has this ability to draw Us in even in her weaker films and performances she has this charm this relatability this Charisma I've always found to be so rare and intriguing with major Hollywood actresses like there was talk of Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie playing this role in gravity and I don't think it would have worked with them there's something about Sandra bulock we immediately love and in a film like gravity where she is on the screen alone for what 80 85% of the running time and doesn't have a lot of dialogue there are long stretches of time where the audience is just watching her work and think and try to navigate one problem after another and the film has a devastating backstory where we learn she had a daughter who died at a young age and she's basically been drifting through life she doesn't get a lot of passion out of what she does her day-to-day is just going through the motions so the character Arc of Dr Ryan Stone I've always found fascinating and then you have that emotionally powerful performance from Sandra bulock at the height of her craft this is by far the best she's ever been in a movie it was perfectly suited to her talent and capabilities and then when it came to the Oscars I was so happy to see the academy totally embrace the movie getting it into picture and director and a ton of technical categories but it is kind of a genre film it has action and wall-to-wall visual effects and with only two people really in the cast I was a little worried if Sandra Bullock was going to make it on Oscar nominations morning I mean she got in everywhere Golden Globes and critic's choice and sag this also marked her to date only bafta award nomination so it was looking good but best actress in 2013 was stacked and I was kind of worried they would would snub her the way they snubbed Amy Adams for arrival 3 years later right also a genre film but no thankfully Sandra Bullock made the Final Cut in best actress at the Oscars I'm so happy she doesn't only have that one nomination and win for the Blind Side a performance I did put in a worst acting Oscar WIS video I felt really icky and sad doing that because I adore Sandra I don't really love that nomination and win for the Blind Side even though it was cool to see her win an Academy Award I don't know I was like really like for that okay thank God for gravity and this well-deserved Oscar nomination she was never going to win over Kate Blanchet and Blue Jasmine I had already made my piece with that on Oscar nights but it was still very cool to see her there recognized for this all-timer performance Sandra bulock for gravity is my number one favorite acting Oscar nomination of the 2010s that did not result in a win thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what are some of your favorite acting Oscar nominations from this decade is there anyone I left off the list we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 18,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5xYDHXwljt0
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Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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