Top 10 Acting Oscar SNUBS of 2023

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well the 96 Academy Awards are very much in the rearview mirror now there were so many wonderful wins that night and nominations too of course but like every year especially in the acting categories there were some serious snubs what are some incredible performances from 2023 I think should have been nominated at this year's Oscars hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and we have finally arrived to my last video about the 2024 film award season I felt like it was time as we are moving into April and May I just I can't make a thousand videos about the 96 Academy Awards and so I made my top 10 best and worst Oscar nominations of the year I just did an Oscar Fiasco video about May December and in the weeks to come I'm going to be making retrospective videos about Oscars from years past like The Matrix at the Oscars the year that litaa nongo beat Jennifer Lawrence for best supporting actress and coming your way in just a few days I am finally returning to Merill Streep in the Oscars yes to celebrate Merill Streep's 75th birthday this coming June I am finally concluding this series with parts 5 through 8 between now and mid June so keep an eye out for that if you are a Merill Street fan you are in for a treat but before I move on from the 96 Academy Awards I had to make one more video the top 10 acting Oscar snubs of 2023 so for this video I have two rules I can only mention a movie once so if there's a movie I love I can't just give it slots one 2 three and four actor actress and so on only one performance from each movie gets mentioned in this video and then for slots number five through number one I will give you the nomination I would swap out let's start with number 10 best actor Zack Efron the iron claw make me feel a little worse while you're at it no no no I'm sorry no I uh I would love to go out with you him so to be honest one of the things that bummed me out the most this past award season was the ironclaw getting pretty much completely overlooked I mean I didn't love the movie as much as others did I did have some problems with the narrative as a whole but the acting is very strong throughout and I thought that Zack Efron dramatic performance was phenomenal I mean he's always been a good actor he hasn't had much of a chance to stretch in many of his roles throughout the years he's done a lot of comedy and I do feel like that's what he's most known for and what was so cool about the iron claw is that that it proved if you can get an actor we kind of know for a certain type of thing into a perfect role suited for him or her and they take it on with gusto a performance you never really saw coming it can be very exciting for audience members and that was me watching the iron claw I mean I've always had a crush on Zack Efron since his hairspray and High School Musical days when I was younger I yeah I was into this guy I thought he was just the greatest thing and I mean I enjoyed many of his films throughout the years but I never really saw him as a potential Oscar Contender but I thought his performance in the ironclaw was that good it is a very physical performance as well as an emotional performance I have not stopped thinking about that last scene I wish it had been nominated at one of the big telecast award Ceremonies for something like Zack Efron for best actor I mean I get why he wasn't nominated at the Oscars best actor was way too competitive this year same thing with sag but I do feel like there was room for Zack Efron at the Golden Globes or critic's Choice like one of those two he should have popped up somewhere given the ironclaw some kind of recognition I really hope Zack Efron has more films and performances like this one in him in the future number nine best supporting actress Taj P Hensen The Color Purple come again sely is coming to Memphis with us it's time she saw more of this world so one of the big question marks for me this past award season was first off why did The Color Purple crash and burn so hard I thought it was a really great movie I had a wonderful time the cast is amazing the cinematography the music it wasn't Perfect by any means but I enjoyed the color purple quite a bit and for that film to only get the one Oscar nomination in supporting actress for Daniel Brooks I mean that was something but boy for many many months of 2023 most of us at least some of us thought that the color purple was going to do much better at the Oscars not necessarily do as well as the 1985 film version by Steven Spielberg but like not getting into picture or any other acting category or best sound or best costume design like only getting into supporting actress for Brooks was surprising to me also I mean I loved Daniel Brooks in the movie she's very good but I thought the MVP I thought the best performance in the film was taji P Henson I felt like her character was in more of the movie had more emotional weight overall and in a career of so many excellent performances like The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which did get Hensen an Oscar nomination back in 2009 and also hidden figures which she's terrific in that did not result in a Best Actress nomination but I thought this year in best supporting actress which was a category kind of all over the place there was room for taji P Henson to get in there at least somewhere throughout the season like for her to just never show up at the major televised ceremonies was shocking to me I thought it sag she could maybe get in and even at the Oscars especially because she had that previous nomination many years ago I wouldn't necessarily take out Brooks I like that nomination fine but to rajie P Henson in The Color Purple she should have been more competitive too number eight best supporting actor Dominic cessa the holdovers you hit him what like punched him out NOP I hit him with a car you got kicked out of Harvard for hitting a guy with a car by accident all right so this was a nomination I was feeling pretty confident was going to happen supporting actor basically had four locks this last season we had Robert Downey Jr and Ryan Gosling and Robert dairo and I would argue Mark Ruffalo was kind of a lock even though he didn't get in at sag or at bafta I just felt with his previous three Oscar nominations and his wonderful performance in poor things that was going to happen so there was just that fifth slot and there was room for a surprise maybe somebody who hadn't shown up very much this past award season that slot did of course go to Sterling K Brown for American fiction but I thought Dominic cessa had a pretty good chance of making it in I thought okay if they go all in on the holdovers it gets into not only picture and actor and supporting actress but also let's say director if Alexander Payne makes it into director if the film shows up in any technical categories it did get into film editing I thought Dominic cessa had a chance because it is an amazing feature film debut I mean that guy just exploded onto the scene he is so charming and natural I can't wait to see where his career will go and he did have that baath denomination so it didn't seem outside the realm of possibility I just think his chemistry throughout the movie with Paul Giamatti and dine Joy Randolph is off the charts I loved his humor and his emotion what a great actor Dominic cessa is he was perfectly cast in the holdovers and I do think would have made for a great Oscar nomination but there's another 2023 performance I think would have made an even better Oscar nominee in this category number seven best supporting actor Milo Machado Gren anatomy of a fall why does the academy and awards voters in general seem to hate child actors I think one of the best performances of the year was by Young Gren in anatomy of a fall who just knocked me out in several scenes in that movie I know all of the attention was on Sandra hooler as expected she got into best actress almost everywhere and I do think she was so powerful in that movie she kind of overshadowed everyone else but you know what sometimes the academy will do the right thing especially for a movie they love that gets into best picture and best director and best actress and wins original screenplay and nominate an astounding child performance in that movie Milo Machado Gren is so focused and superb and has a couple moments at least to really shine like in the courtroom like when he thinks Messi the dog is dying again best supporting actor was very competitive this award season I feel like slot number six at the Oscars was probably William defo for poor things I mean if defo can't get in for a movie that got 11 nominations where he got in at sag over Ruffalo like it was going to be very difficult for the child from anatomy of a fall to break in at the Oscars but I still think he is amazing in that movie and would have been a very worthy Academy Award nominee number six best actor Nicholas Cage dream scenario I've got a book uh do you have a publisher well I I want to finish it before I take it out I don't want to be influenced by any sort of corporate agenda so as I've said on the channel before I do think dream scenario is the most underrated film of 2023 I got it on a screener and wasn't expecting too much I felt like the buzz out of Toronto was solid but not overthe toop I wasn't hearing a lot of rave reviews about the film or Cage's performance so I was expecting like a 7 out of 10 kind of a movie and you know what I went nuts for this thing I thought it was so creative and daring and bold and I thought Nicholas Cage gave his best performance since adaptation more than two decades ago he was so believable as this Ultra nerd Professor who lives a very mediocre life and doesn't have a lot going for him and then suddenly when everybody in his orbit starts having dreams about him he becomes a mini celebrity I thought the concept of the film was impeccable and then where the screenplay goes in the second half was so fascinating to me and dark and twisted and Nicholas Cage every step of the way found the right notes for this character it is a spectacular performance I'm happy he at least got that Golden Globe Award nomination for best actor in a motion picture musical or comedy but there should have been more there should have been more cage nominations again like supporting actor best actor was crazy competitive and it was really hard to break in there I mean by the time we got to Sag and the Oscars we kind of already knew our top five and cage has won before he got best actor in the 9s for leaving Las Vegas he was even at the 96 Academy Awards giving his speech to Paul Giamatti but yeah I have said it before and I will say it again if you have not seen dream scenar iio check it out it's now available on Max it is a fantastic film with a memorable Nicholas Cage lead performance that I do think in every way was Oscar worthy all right number five is Best Actress Margot Robbie Barbie no one on the Supreme Court is me I'm not good enough for anything I know she got an Oscar nomination for Barbie in best picture but it was kind of upsetting that Margo Robbie got into best actress throughout basically the entire award season she was nominated at Golden Globes and critic's choice and sag and bafta and then on Oscar nominations morning she did not show up in best actress and it felt kind of wrong especially because Ryan Gosling got into supporting actor and a Amica Ferrera got into supporting actress but the lead of the movie the title role of the film she's so great in Barbie like a big reason why that movie works as well as it does of course the ensemble cast and that screenplay and Greta gerwig's impeccable Direction but that Margot Robbie performance is pretty spectacular all of her comedic and dramatic Shades I mean she's had two great performances in the movies in the last two years I thought were Oscar worthy not just Barbie but also Babylon and it is kind of disappointing to know she still only has the two acting Oscar nominations for itata and bombshell like the itata nomination is fantastic I love that one bombshell on the other hand you can kind of take it or leave it it doesn't seem right that she's nominated for bombshell but not in best actress for either Babylon or Barbie now some might argue best actress at the Oscars was also too competitive for Robbie to get in they were never going to nominate a performance like that I mean I guess that argument holds weight but I do think there was room for Robbie to get in and this might be controversial I don't know many people adored this performance and there is a lot to like about it but I never understood why Carrie Mulligan got in everywhere for Maestro I thought it was a very solid dramatic performance that at the end of the day isn't super memorable and like would everybody be crying if Mulligan had been snubbed on Oscar nominations morning in favor for Margot Robbie and Barbie I don't think so I think people would have been okay so yeah for me and best actress at the 96 Academy Awards I would take out Carrie Mulligan for mro and replace her with Margot Robbie for Barbie number four best supporting actress Rosman Pike saltburn I love living in a bedset in my 20s it's so freeing to live all in one room and much less cleaning to do oh but it'll be terrible When You're Gone how will I cope I know you must be very sad right that this is the last last time I'm going to talk about saltburn on the channel at least for a long while I mean I guess I could make an Oscar Fiasco video about it but I don't know if there's much to say I think we all kind of know why it didn't get in at the Oscars many people hated it even though it got in at Golden Globes it got a best picture nomination at critic's Choice it got into a few categories at bafta part of me knew after sag snubbed it completely that Oscar just wasn't going to go for it I thought if the actors are not on board this movie it's probably not going to be a big Academy Awards favorites I mean all the way to the end I thought maybe it can get like a technical nomination like be an Oscar nominee for something for me if this movie could have gotten one Oscar nomination it was for Rosman Pike in best supporting actress I completely adored her comedic supporting role in that movie I think she is so funny in saltburn what this amazing actress can do with a great oneliner with a look on her face she is so fantastic and I wish she had more than just that one Oscar nomination for Gone Girl which is almost a decade ago now I loved her in I care a lot and then she just stampedes like a force of nature into saltburn I love her chemistry with Barry kogan and with Carrie Mulligan who's also very funny in saltburn I do feel like at the end of the movie she gets to show some more dramatic Shades not just comedic ones and I just think it was one of the most memorable performances of the year what best supporting actress was made for I think this category was made to recognize and support and celebrate great supporting female performances like Rosman Pike and saltburn this would have been been a really cool lone Oscar nomination for that movie and I don't think it's a mystery who I would take out of this category I made a video about her nomination I do not hate this Oscar nomination but did America Ferrera need to get that Oscar nomination for Barbie I think we could debate that at the Oscars I would take out pretty easily I would say America Ferrera for Barbie and replace her with Rosman Pike for saltburn okay number three best supporting actor Charles mton May December I think I I didn't know what a big deal it was in a way because you know um but anyway as I just talked about in my oscar Fiasco video All About May December it still shocks me to this day that Charles Melton did not get an Oscar nomination for that movie one it was a power house emotional performance I do think was one of the breakthroughs of the year he held his own up against giant talant like Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore and has at least I would say half a dozen amazing scenes in that movie and number two is that at the beginning of the award season he was getting nominated everywhere and was even winning things winning a bunch of critics prizes and it just seemed like even if May December came up shorts in best picture best director and things best supporting actor seemed like there was room for Charles Melton in that fifth slots maybe not competitive for any wins at the televis ceremonies as we saw at Golden Globes and critic's choice where Melton was nominated he was not going to have a chance in hell at winning over Robert Downey Jr and Oppenheimer but looking back now it just doesn't feel right for May December to have only gotten into a original screenplay it also should have gotten at least one other Oscar nomination for Melton in supporting actor I think he deserved it so many memorable moments that scene on the rooftop with his child the scenes in the bedroom with more are so affecting and raw and emotional the expression he has on his face at the graduation ceremony took my breath away this was one of my favorite performances of 2023 and and Charles Melton should have gotten that Oscar nomination now who do I take out there's really only one one person who got into supporting actor I didn't necessarily feel had to be there and that was Sterling K Brown for American fiction I love that movie he's very good in it but was he better in that movie than Melton in May December I don't think so I was never emotionally affected by Brown in American fiction the way I was with Melton in May December I mean it's tough there were so many great supporting actor performances in 2023 and there's only five slots at the Oscars so not all of them can make it in but this year in this category at the 96 Academy Awards I would take out Sterling K Brown for American fiction and replace him with Charles Melton for May December and number two best actor Andrew Scott all of us strangers do no so I don't know about you but for me all these weeks later it still hurts my heart a little bit that all of us strangers got zero Oscar nominations what the hell happened there how did this incredible film release at the end of the year that did very well well at the film festivals I saw it at the tellu ride Film Festival the room went nuts for this movie for many people leaving Telluride it was their number one film of the weekend and although I never ranked it that high it just barely missed my top 10 of the Year all of us strangers was number 11 I do think this wonderful movie should have gotten at least two Oscar nominations best adapted screenplay for Andrew hay and best actor of course for Andrew Scott he got in at the Golden Globes which was something I was so happy he got that nomination at the very beginning of award season but then the movie just kind of faded and even at bafta where all of the strangers was recognized all over the place it still couldn't get Andrew Scott a nomination and best actor there like WTF how do you recognize all of a strangers in a variety of categories but then you snub Andrew Scott in lead actor like that made no sense to me at bafta the best thing about the entire movie is that Andrew Scott performance it's so vulnerable and raw and authentic and emotional from one scene to the next his scenes with Paul mcll are so tender and romantic and his scenes with his parents are so lovely could have easily been really corny I mean this movie had the ability to go to sentimentality but I do think it's Andrew Scott who holds that entire movie together and a best actor Oscar nomination for this very talented actor would have been an altimer would have had me jumping up and down screaming on Oscar nominations morning I know we really didn't expect a shocker surprise and best actor it seemed pretty clear what those five nominees were going to be but up until that morning on January 23rd I was like come on give us something really exciting like a Zach Efron in the iron claw or even better Andrew Scott in all of us strangers he is so incredible in that movie I will never forget his performance and I do think there was room because again this might be controversial I don't think of this guy as a villain but yeah I would take out Bradley Cooper for Maestro and replace him with Andrew Scott in all of us strangers and I can't imagine too many people would have been sad about it imagine if on Oscar nominations morning Cooper missed in best actor and Andrew Scott got in instead I think we would have been very happy all of us strangers would have gotten something and Cooper would have been nominated anyway in original screenplay and picture so everybody wins all right one left one more snub to talk about what's left what do I have behind me here oh my choice for the number one acting Oscar snub of 2023 is of course best actress Greta Lee for past lives that's just something Koreans say to seduce them M this was for weeks the Oscar nomination I most wanted to happen I was trying to manifest it I was talking about it all the time on Twitter and I just kept thinking about that Ruth Nea best actress ustr nomination for loving in 2017 that Year's Oscar race in this category was also very competitive and Nea got in anyway even though she was only nominated I think at Golden Globes maybe at critic's Choice like she did not get in at sag or bafta but she beat out Amy Adams for arrival and got in at the Oscars for loving so I thought Greta Lee could do it even though she only got in at Golden Globes and critic's choice and missed at bafta and sag I just thought there is so much love for past lives there is so much passion for this movie and especially her performance in it I thought kind of like in best actor if we could have one big shocker and Best Actress this year it should have been for Greta Lee in past lives one of my favorite performances in years it's quiet and subtle and grounded in truth and authentic it it's not a big over-the-top performance and I do think that hurts Greta Lee in the end I mean as I heard some people say her Oscar moment in the movie is from across the street we don't even get a closeup of her emotional breakdown at the end and so even though very deep down inside I was like Brian stop she's not going to get nominated it's not going to happen I just kept believing I was like come on past lives is probably getting into best picture and best original screen playay I think this amazing movie my favorite film of 2023 should get three Oscar nominations Greta Lee should make it she is just so affecting in that movie from one scene to the next her chemistry with both John mararo and touu is on points you feel for her you love her and at the end of the movie Greta Lee breaks your hearts I will never forget this performance it 100% should have gotten an Oscar nomination for best actress and there's no doubt in my mind who should have been pushed aside and net Benning for niad I enjoyed niad more than others I do think Benning gives a terrific performance in that movie but in a very crowded best actress field I do not think we needed to nominate Benning for a fifth time for that movie especially getting in over Margot Robbie for Barbie and Greta Lee for past lives Greta Lee should have gotten in instead it would have been one of my favorite Oscar nominations in recent years and I would have been going absolutely berserk in my Oscar nominations reaction video I was like if they call Greta Lee's name I am going to be gone like I am going to go insane and when they announced Annette Benning to start the category I was like oh okay gret a is not going to make it it was over and so yeah all these weeks later it still kind of disappoints me that they went with a nette Benning over Greta Lee that was a mistake past lives should have three Oscar nominations not just two in best actress at the 96 Academy Awards I would take out Anette Benning for niyad and replace her in a heartbeat with Greta Le for past lives thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below who do you think were the most egregious acting Oscar snubs of 2023 is there anyone I left off the list we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 17,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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