Top 10 WORST Oscar Nominations of 2021

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so in recent days I made a video counting down my list of what I think were the 10 best Oscar nominations of 2021 the top 10 nods at the 94th Academy Awards now it's time to talk what I think were the worst now these are not necessarily terrible nominations it's just 10 that I wasn't super hot on and that I think could have been replaced by something better like in my last video I have given myself three rules the first is no winners anyone who actually won an Oscar will not show up on this list like I didn't much care for that Will Smith Win For King Richard I think Andrew Garfield should have taken it for tick Tick boom but I won't be talking about Smith here the second rule is I can only list a movie once so if there's a film that got lots and lots of nominations that I hated I'm not just going to count down from 5 4 3 2 1 all of those nominations that would be kind of boring and number three I can only list a category once so let's say there were three people in supporting actor that I wanted out of there I can only pick one now remember don't take this list too seriously we're just going to have some fun are you ready here we go number 10 best sound the power of the dog you don't have to do this I'll see you don't have to do it so Jane Campion the power of the dog is a very good film it did extremely well at the Oscars getting 12 nominations like I would keep most of them certainly the acting nominations and many of the texts are pretty good but the one that's always made me scratch my head a little bit is that best sound nomination it is such an intimate quiet film and I just don't know if best sound is the right category to put the power of the dog in I mean yes this is a nuanced category it's not just about the Blockbusters action films the movies with the most sound the loudest films that's not what I'm saying but I have watched the power of the dog twice and in terms of the sound workor it's solid I just don't know if it was worthy of an Academy Award nomination I think there were a couple other 2021 releases I would have rather seen here especially films that didn't get nominated at all that could have shown up in this category in best sound I would take out the power of the dog and replace it with a quiet place part two the first quiet place film back in 2018 did get a sound Oscar nomination that was really cool as I talk about on the Channel all the time horror films are almost never represented at the Academy Awards I certainly wasn't expecting a quiet place part two to get a bunch of Oscar nominations but I do think the sound workk on the original and on the sequel are outstanding I would have liked the 20121 sequel to have gotten into best [Music] sound number nine best International feature lunana a yak in the classroom so I didn't have anything against this film it was perfectly fine it was my least favorite of the five International Film nominees that was a very strong category at the 94th Academy Awards I loved almost everything in there I mean the winner drive my car is amazing the worst person in the world was in my top five films of the Year even the hand of God which I found to be a little long was still a very good piece of film making lunana a yak in the classroom was one of the last films I watched before the ceremony and yeah it's okay it's kind of slow it has its moments I just think it could have missed here because there is a much better International feature that should have gotten in I don't really know what happened in Spain why they submitted a film called the good boss instead parallel mothers should have been the official selection for Spain I mean this film gets into both original score and best actress for Penelope crw many people online for weeks were saying that Penelope crew was going to surprise and beat J castain for best actress but the whole time I'm just like the movie itself is not even nominated for best International feature it should be it is an absorbing very entertaining film that should have gotten into the Oscar in the best International feature category I would take out lunana a yak in the classroom and replace it with parallel mothers from director Pedro amadar number eight best makeup and hair styling House of Gucci never confus [ __ ] chol they may look the same but the taste very different now to be honest for a hot minute I thought about putting Coming to America in this list just because that movie wasn't very good it was kind of a lackluster sequel but I don't know because comedies are so rarely recognized at the Academy Awards I just couldn't bring myself to do it I decided instead to go with House of Gucci where I think a lot of the makeup and hair styling is over done especially with the Jared Leto character like we got so close to that terrible performance being nominated for best supporting actor we totally dodged a bullet on that one I was not a fan of that performance and I thought he brought the movie down a lot it was just way too cartoonish I don't know I just had a lot of problems with that movie it did not surprise me when it basically became an Oscar Fiasco and just got that one nomination in makeup and hair styling speak speaking of Oscar Fiasco stay tuned For an upcoming video I'm making all about House of Gucci and how it fell short big time at the Academy Awards this nomination is fine I don't hate it but I would rather have seen a great film like Sero get into makeup and hair styling I adored that film it should have gotten more than just the one nomination for costume design I think sio should have gotten at least three or four Oscar nominations if not more and so in makeup and hair styling I would take out House of Gucci and replace it with sireno I'm not impressed by your swordsmanship oh I know or rather I know you pretend you're not I'd be very angry with you if you died only angry incandescent number seven best film editing King Richard okay Mr Williams it's really not necessary hold on you want to check on the kids let's check on the kids King Richard was a movie I liked I didn't love I watched it on a plane and it passed the time very nicely I admired the performances the true life story kept me engaged but the editing like fine put King Richard into best picture give it that nomination and win I guess for Will Smith an new Ellis and best supporting actress that is a great nomination but film editing film editing who walked out of King Richard and said damn the editing of that film was on fire like again kind of with best sound film editing doesn't have to be like the most flashiest editing of the year but I do think to a certain extent you should notice the editing in some capacity there should be something unique about the editing of the film and I just didn't find that in King Richard I don't think it deserve that nomination at all a movie from 2021 I loved that got zero Oscar nominations I think it should have gotten into best actor it would have been an all-timer nomination and it should have gotten into a couple Tech categories especially best editing I don't know how many of you have seen red rocket red rocket is a fantastic film with beautiful editing all the way through that supports that captivating story and that Simon Rex lead performance in this Tech category I would take out King Richard and replace it with red rocket go away hey Li number number six best supporting actress Judy Dench Belfast I was a great one for the pictures when I was your age I us think he could climb right inside the screen and visit all those strange places you saw so there were two 2021 films that got into best picture that I didn't like at all Belfast was one of them I found this movie to be a total bore it did almost nothing for me I admired some of the cinematography I admired a couple of the performances I thought Jude Hill was very good but overall this one fell kind of flat to me I didn't understand what all the fuss was about and I do think one of the more lackluster Oscar nominations of this ceremony was Judy Dench it felt so safe so boring yes Dame Judy Dench is one of our great actors and she's often very very good I didn't think she did anything extraordinary in Belfast for a long chunk of the movie movie she's barely even in it she gets one significant moment toward the end and I think that's what gave her the nomination and to make things even more annoying Katrina Bal was nominated for most everything that season she had never received an Oscar nomination before and many were predicting her to get in and so it felt like a slap in the face in a way for Bal to get so many precursor nods and then she misses at the Oscars so that we can give Judy Dench yet another OS nomination one that she had no chance in winning I just felt that whole situation was lame especially because one of my five favorite performances of the year was Ruth Nea in passing a very underrated 2021 title I love this film and Ruth Nea like Katrina balf got into most of the precursors and I was very hopeful she would get into the Oscars she had that nomination before for loving in 2017 but then Nega missed and Judy Dench got in instead give me an effing break passing should have gotten into the Oscars in three four five categories maybe more Ruth Nea absolutely deserved to get into best supporting actress so in this category I would in a heartbeat take out Judy Dench for Belfast and replace her with Ruth Nea for passing after all these years what would it matter if you found out that I was 1 or 2% colored hm well you can turn as black as you please as far as I'm concerned I know you're not color number five best picture licorice pizza I'm going to choke your brother uh-huh I kept inside but what I wanted to say was no I'm going to choke you oh yeah I would have said it I was trying to stay cool though all right so if there's anything in this video that's going to give me some hate it's probably this one I have to be honest I am a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan some of my favorite films of all time are Boogie Nights Magnolia Punch Drunk Love There Will Be Blood and Phantom thread I mean this guy has made at least five altimer masterpieces and up until 2021 there was only one film he' made I hated and that was inherent Vice from 2014 well with licorice pizza he made a film that was just as bad as inherent Vice and I was shocked frankly I had heard nothing but great things I know many of you liked or loved that movie from the opening scene it never worked for me outside of some fun moments with Bradley Cooper's character I found licorice pizza to be flat and dull and uninteresting The Narrative never engaged me and I struggled just to make it to the end that's how much I didn't like licorice pizza I didn't think this movie deserved to get all those nominations it did throughout award season and at the Oscars I mean I'm kind of surprised it got into picture director and screenplay I just didn't think it was that strong I think there were much better films released in 2021 that could have taken licorice pizza's slot in best picture and for me there is an obvious one it got very close it showed up at the PGA Awards and it's one of my five favorite films of the year I'm always grateful that Tick Tick boom got into best actor for Andrew Garfield and best film editing but come on this film should have done even better it should have gotten a screenplay nomination I would have loved Lyn Manuel Miranda to have gotten into best director and Tick Tick boom should have gotten into best picture again I think I'm in the minority about licorice pizza I know many people love it and obviously many Academy members did to get it into screenplay director and picture but especially a couple years on I just don't see it in best picture at the 94th Academy Awards I would take out licorice pizza and replace it with tick Tick boom I can just watch you dancing forever number four best visual effects free guy I can't die I'm never going to die if the category was most visual effects then yeah I guess free guy qualifies there is definely very good effects work being done in that movie but it's just so much it's so overwhelming that I'm just like what are we really rewarding here the movie itself was just okay I don't think it deserves to be an Academy Award nominated film after this movie ended I have not thought about it since there was just nothing special to the story or to the special effects I think we could have gone much more creative in this category and one movie movie that didn't even make the short list but should have I think had tremendous visual effects some of them CGI and some of them practical as I've already mentioned in this video horror films are rarely recognized by the Academy I think malignant directed by James Juan should have gotten a best visual effects nomination the central villainous creature that reeks havoc in that third Act is spectacular the visual effects blew me away this would have been an alltime nomination that would have been so cool in best visual effects I would take out free guy and replace it with malignant don't even TR number three best original screenplay don't look up you're about to lose the midterms cuz you got caught sending pictures of your coo to your porn star Sheriff boyfriend so now it's to your advantage to act on the comet right don't look up was a 2021 film that was very divisive I liked it I guess more than others I would have given it like a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 it has an amazing ensemble cast that definitely pulls you through the DiCaprio performance is fantastic Merill stre is really fun as the President of the United States but I've got to tell you I was getting nervous as we came closer to the Oscar ceremony that don't look up with was actually going to win best original screenplay I did not think that screenplay deserved to be nominated it certainly did not deserve to win anything one of the big problems with don't lookup was the tone it kind of goes up and down all over the place I do think that script could have used a few more revisions and I think a much more unique exciting screenplay of 2021 that should have taken don't lookups place was pig that movie floored me I Ador the Nicholas Cage performance it's kind of a subtle film You could argue don't look up is bigger more ambitious but I was really taken with the haunting nature of the pig screenplay it was one of the 10 best films of the Year Nicholas Cage was absolutely worthy of getting into best actor and that script should have been nominated in best original screenplay I would take out don't look up and replace it with pig none of it is real the critics aren't real the customers aren't real because this isn't real number two best original song somehow you do from four good days now if you saw my previous worst of 2022 video my number one choice for the worst nomination at the 95th Academy Awards was best original song for Diane Warren her song Applause from tell it like a woman that was such a joke of a nomination like what the hell happened there Diane Warren does not need to get a nomination every single year for these random ass movies like come on now I do think her song in four good days is a better one than the one she was nominated for for tell it like a woman but still it just plays over the end credits it doesn't really have a role in the film itself and the movie had no traction that award season it was just a weird nomination that only happened because Diane Warren is who she is and she'll get nominated for anything and to make matters worse I think there was a much better song from a film in 2021 that should have been recognized it wasn't one of my favorite films of the year but this was probably my favorite scene in the movie the song so may we start from Annette starring Adam Driver and Maran coar I think that is a much better catchier song than somehow you do so in best original song I would take out somehow you do from four good days and replace it with so may we start from an nette all right so that takes me to the number one slot what do I think was the worst Oscar nomination of 2021 I didn't have to think more than 2 seconds about this one it was an easy call for me it was a nomination for another film I did not care for in 2021 I didn't think it deserved to get into best actor or best actress but that supporting actor nomination was a travesty my choice for that Year's worst Oscar nomination is Best Supporting Actor JK Simmons being the Ricardos there's no such thing as the Danny Thomas Show it's called Make Room for Daddy don't tell me comedy and if little rusty is a communist then I'm going to beat the [ __ ] out of a seven-year-old kid I have no problem with that I mean I typically admire Aon sorin's work I mean one of my favorite films of all time is The Social Network which Ern sorin the best adapted screenplay Oscar so well-deserved and I sort of liked his directorial debut Molly's game starring Jessica Chastain from 2017 but being the Ricardos for me was a slog this movie was kind of awful it wasn't well cast it was almost never engaging or entertaining in any way it just kind of Lumbers along toward the end I know some people liked it even loved it but this one like licorice pizza and Belfast had me shaking my head I didn't get it I didn't get what people saw on it I thought the performances of javar bardam and Nicole Kidman were strin and not great and when Kidman won the Golden Globe I got very nervous I was like is she going to win a second Academy Award for this film even though the eyes of Tammy Fay isn't great I much prefer that Oscar win and best actress for Jessica Chastain an Oscar win for Nicole Kidman and being the Ricardos would not have aged well at all but at least bardam and Kidman are trying or creating characters of some note whereas JK Simmons I thought was just kind of playing a version of himself there was nothing special about that performance I found it to be rather Bland like it's not really Simmons fault he didn't have much to work with in that movie movie and it just stuns me to this day like he got an Oscar nomination for that performance give me a break I mean I guess it can be hard to hate this nomination because JK Simmons is awesome his best supporting actor Oscar win for whiplash is one of the five best acting Oscar wins of the 2010s Whiplash is an Aller movie I love it and I love his performance in it that was a performance worthy of an Oscar nomination and win his performance in being the Ricardos no like that should not have shown up on any lists anywhere especially at the Oscars there were so many better choices here and the one I would have picked is a performance in my favorite film of 2021 Mass Jason Isaac's in Mass Gives such a powerful performance as a father grieving trying to come to terms with what happened to his son all four of the actors in this incredible film are at the top of their game but Jason ISAC who has never been nominated at the Oscars I think gives his best performance on film to date so emotionally devastating all the way through mass is an astonishing film that should have gotten into the Oscars it should have gotten into best supporting actress for an Dow and or Mar Arthur Plimpton Reed Bernie is also excellent filling out what is mostly a four-person cast but Jason Isaac's Jason Isaac's in Mass just knocked me out I cannot believe anyone could watch being the Ricardos followed by mass and say okay let's nominate JK Simmons over Reed Bernie or Jason Isaac my feeling is not enough people in the academy watch mass and that is a shame at the very least it should have gotten into best supporting actress and best supporting actor being the Ricardos on the other hand could have easily been omitted from the Academy Awards and I don't think anybody would be crying about it today I mean all right fine those nominations for Javier bardam and Nicole Kidman can stay I guess but JK Simmons and best supporting actor that one needs to go 100% I would take him out of this category and replace him with Jason Isaac's in Mass you do not know I know how he fought how he died thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe let me know in the comments below what do you think were the worst nominations at the 94th Academy Awards do you agree with my picks or do you think I have it all wrong we'll see you next time time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 28,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KaDX4tUpogU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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