Robert Downey Jr. Discusses Playing Multiple Characters on The Sympathizer | The Sympathizer | HBO

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This is the most dangerous creature on earth. A White man in a suit and tie. Park Chan-wook had this terrific idea <i>to cast one actor to play</i> <i> most of the roles of the White guys.</i> (SPEAKING KOREAN) These characters poke fun, while speaking to many of the larger truths of the era. The four characters that Robert plays <i> are projections of The Captain.</i> There is a reason behind it, that they all share similar features <i> and therefore, the similar actor.</i> And it's a great little surprise by episode seven. Each and every character was thought through with such precision and detail. <i>Not just in terms of what Robert brought to it,</i> <i> but also the look of all of them.</i> Coming up with the looks, it really felt like diving into a sculptural exploration <i>was the best way for everybody to get on the same page.</i> ROBERT DOWNEY JR.:<i> It's the first time I've ever</i> <i>gone into a SFX makeup house,</i> <i>and I've seen clay molded heads of the characters.</i> And I would go in there with Director Park, and he would take a little piece of clay and move it. Or we would try different things. My studio then manufactures the prosthetic elements. <i>The dentures, the facial hair, the wigs.</i> We'll even do, underneath wardrobe, <i>body modification pieces, which are skintight,</i> <i> that are made to fit his body custom.</i> This was all very nuts and bolts and felt like the old school way of creating a character <i> from the outside in.</i> Come on, man. This is counterintelligence. It gets wet down here. Claude is essentially a CIA operative and handler of The Captain. If you can have an image or you've heard the voice of someone or something, it helps. I kinda thought of him as a cross between Gene Hackman and James Spader. (CHUCKLES) We wanted to give him a character that looked like <i>he had really gone through it.</i> <i> He's got a different complexion,</i> <i> he's much more freckled.</i> <i> We gave him ears that were cauliflowered.</i> <i> His nose is a bit wider.</i> <i> It looks like it was reset and healed.</i> These are great little notes that help tell his story. Claude is a rather flamboyant character, and he understands that CIA agents are expected to hide, so he hides in plain sight. THE CAPTAIN: I didn't know you had a dog. CLAUDE: Yeah, it's a good prop. Nobody pays much mind to a homosexual walking his frou-frou dog. You're a homosexual. I'm whoever I need to be. Just like you. Action! Why don't we give our Vietnamese characters some lines? You don't understand cinema. It's just wild to explore this self-important film director. I think I learned a lot. It was a bit of a cautionary tale to myself. Potentially a very unchecked creative version of Robert might become that. Don't be intimidated by my Oscars, as I am. Show 'em what you got. I wanted The Auteur to be the sexiest. <i>There has to be something very charismatic and alluring</i> <i>about him to even understand why anyone</i> goes along with what he's doing. Cuttage. That's cinema. Please welcome our friend, Congressman Ned Goodwin! The Congressman was an absolute joy, in portraying that Ronald Reagan energy. I had him in white, like he was almost evangelical <i> in his political view.</i> We gave him contact lenses to darken his eyes. <i> They almost look black. Like, this soulless look.</i> Then he's got a great burn on his hand that becomes this kind of claw-like feature <i> that Director Park had mentioned that he wanted.</i> <i> And Robert holds it in this frozen position,</i> <i> which often happens with burns like that.</i> <i> Skin tightens up, tendons retract,</i> and you get this claw, which became a signature of Congressman. Cheers. PROFESSOR HAMMER: Oh,<i> konnichiwa.</i> Please do learn a word of your lovely language for me. Professor Hammer is an aberration of misunderstandings, <i>running the Oriental Studies Department.</i> SOFIA MORI:<i> He also compared himself to an egg.</i> What, white on the outside, yellow on the inside? Robert embodied this character in such an amazing way. I think on our very first test, <i> I wasn't really sure who the Professor was.</i> <i>And then, once Robert started playing this character,</i> it helped us really kind of dial everything in. <i> For example, how he holds his mouth.</i> There was a lot of movement that felt like it would be appropriate to have something that almost frowned down. (SPEAKING KOREAN) He took the bold move of shaving his head <i> so he didn't have to put a bald cap on every time.</i> DOWNEY JR.:<i> Our daughter loved it, and every morning,</i> she would give me a Benny Hill. I would pull off my beanie, she would go-- That was, like, my being sent off to work <i> with my lunch pail.</i> It was really fun to watch Robert bring these characters to life. Cut. How was that line? And to see the final product of him playing against himself <i> is a bit surreal.</i> But I think it's a ton of fun for an audience to see. (SPEAKING KOREAN) Being part of<i> The Sympathizer,</i> to me, has just been an absolute gift and education.
Channel: HBO
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Keywords: hbo, hbo youtube, hbo series, hbo show, hbo movie, hbo original, hbo video, hbo trailer, hbo behind the scenes, hbo actors, the sympathizer, the sympathizer trailer, the sympathizer review, the sympathizer phim, the sympathizer red carpet, the sympathizer trailer reaction, the sympathizer hbo, the sympathizer book review, the sympathizer summary, the sympathizer robert downey jr, the sympathizer viet thanh nguyen, robert downey jr, robert downey jr the sympathizer
Id: 3P5_cERfYCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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