Best Actress Oscar Wins of the 2010s RANKED!

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all right so I've made a video ranking the best actor Oscar wins of the 2010s now it's time to rank best actress hi it's Brian welcome to the awards Contender and it's time for me to give you my oscar ranking of the best actress wins of the 2010s let's start with number 10 Merill stre The Iron Lady if you live in this country you must pay for the privilege something anything if you pay nothing you care nothing what do you care where you throw your rubbish so it pains me it pains me to have Merill stre listed last on this list but when I was going through the Best Actress Oscar Winds of this decade I was like streps at the bottom like it is like it's at the bottom which is so just h i mean I've been making so much Merill Streep content lately for the channel I mean the last two videos I made were celebrating her Min Oscar nominations and performances performances that didn't get Oscar nominations and here I am throwing her under the bus starting with number 10 but here's the thing it's not that she gives a bad performance in The Iron Lady Merill Streep is excellent in that film like she is bringing it not just the Prosthetics and the makeup and the voice like she is very good in that movie The reason I have this one at the bottom is kind of two reasons one I just don't don't like that movie very much I have watched it two or three times every time I revisit it I'm like maybe it will be better this time and like no like this movie I don't know what happened with The Iron Lady it is a slog of a narrative and the screenplay just doesn't do Merill Streep any favors she is doing her best and it's a solid performance it's not a bad performance I just think if Merill stre was finally going to win her third Academy Award after nearly 30 years it should have been for a performance that was better than this one especially a movie that was a lot better than The Iron Lady like imagine if her third Oscar win had been for adaptation or the devil Wars Prada or doubt or Julie and Julia any one of those would have been way better than this and the other reason why I rank this win dead last is that I would have preferred pretty much anyone else else in her category to of one like Viola Davis for the help I feel like she should have an Oscar win and best actress by now Michelle Williams could have finally won for My Week with Marilyn Rooney Mara and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is so Bonkers great and even Glenn Close for Albert knobs that's not one of my favorite performances of hers but then close would have gotten an Oscar for something so I don't know I've talked about this race in a video video I have mixed feelings about Merill Streep's Oscar win for The Iron Lady it just felt like the wrong timing in a way I adore her first two Oscar wins for Kramer versus Kramer and Sophie's Choice Sophie's Choice is my favorite acting Oscar win of all time The Iron Lady like doesn't even come close the thing that counts the most with me is the friendships and the love and the sheer joy we have sh shared making movies together number nine Julianne Moore Still Alice and now sometimes I can see the words hanging in front of me and I can't reach them and I don't know who I am and and I don't know what I'm going to lose next now I don't know if you watched my best actor ranking video of the 2010s but I wasn't really in love with any of those performances I talked in that video on more than one occasion I'd say that most of the best actor Oscar wins of the 2010s were kind of a shrug but now with the best actress ranking it's almost the complete opposites because my number nine Choice Julianne Moore for Still Alice I think is a better Oscar win than pretty much any of the best actor wins that decade I mean having this at number nine tells you that there were some Monumental Oscar wins in best actress that decade which we're going to get to so why do I have more so close to the bottom again kind of like with stre and The Iron Lady it's not that Moore is bad in Still Alice she's very good in that movie I only saw it the one time but I was pretty taken by her performance it's very emotional very raw but as I talked about in my Julianne Moore Oscar ranking video I just don't think this is one of her better nominations Julianne Moore sweeping that award season in early 2015 felt like an obvious coronation not so much about the quality of her performance in the film the whole thing felt to me like oh shits we never gave Julian Moore and Oscar we better fix that let's do that this year there's not like a strong enough contender in the best actor field even though I do think Rosman Pike for Gone Girl was definitely a strong Contender and should have won a couple things but I would admit in best actress of the 2010s the weakest lineup of those 10 years is the nominees for 2014 rosim and Pike aside like no one else could have possibly won that so it just felt like well let's give Julianne Moore an Academy Award she's one of our greatest her movie doesn't get into any other category nobody really celebrates the film itself but everyone's like H who cares it's Julianne Moore's time and there's just something I don't really love about how she won that Academy Award not that it felt bot or anything I just didn't have a lot of passion for that win the way I did for many of the best actress victories of the decade and it's still very weird to me I don't know about you how easy it was for Julianne Moore to win that Oscar for Still Alice when four years later the also criminally overdue Glenn Close got very close to winning her Oscar for the wife and it didn't happen I don't know like with Streep and The Iron Lady I do have some mixed feelings about Mo's win for Still Alice my mother and father who told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be if I got an education although I didn't think they meant being an actress number eight Jennifer Lawrence Silver Linings Playbook you think that I'm why today's happened that's right you are why to I'm the reason why today happened I think so let's talk about that so I've also made a video about this Oscar race and yeah I was rooting for other people that season than Jennifer Lawrence in silver Ling's Playbook even though she gives a great performance in that movie she's very good in silver Ling's Playbook she has a range of emotions she's wild she's unpredictable she's sweet at times and then she goes off on Bradley Cooper in the most unexpected of ways she is often a thrill to watch in that movie and she had an amazing 2012 not only silver Lings Playbook but also the Hunger Games so her Oscar win in early 2013 made sense Silver Linings Playbook got into what like 10 categories it got into all four acting categories at the Oscars it seemed like it was going to win something and Lawrence got the SAG award so it seemed likely but back then and still to this day honestly I would have preferred Naomi Watts win for the impossible I love her in that movie quanan Wallace and beast of the Southern Wild is incredible Jessica Chastain's best performance on film I think is still Zero Dark 30 and she won at Golden Globes and at Critics Choice and could have had a shot to win the Oscar but there were some Shenanigans going on behind the scenes with that movie and it kind of lost momentum by the time we got to the second half of award season and Emanuel Reva in aore I really thought that was going to happen after her bafta win I was like I think she's going to surprise us I think she's going to beat Jennifer Lawrence and then it didn't happen and it just I don't know it felt kind of disappointing when Lawrence won I was like okay but we could have done something really cool here Emanuel Reva for a mo like that Oscar win would have aged like fine wine it would probably be in my top three of the decade it wouldn't be a number eight I'll tell you that much however at the end of the day I like this Oscar win for Jennifer Lawrence I'm happy she has a gold trophy she's been doing great work for many years it's just in this decade not one of my favorites you guys are just standing up cuz you feel bad that I fell and that's really embarrassing but thank you this is nuts number seven Renee zwagger Judy anybody who's different they can't stand it well to hell with them I bet I surprised you on this one am I right you were probably expecting Renee zigger's Oscar win for Judy to be number 10 or number nine I do have it a little bit higher than some people might have expected because to be honest I might be a little bit of an outlier on this one I like the Renee zwagger Oscar victory for Judy I think she is except in that movie I thought she really captured the essence of Judy Garland in her scenes of dialogue when she's singing and performing on the stage I did forget after a while I was looking at Renee zagger I thought she completely disappeared into that role I don't always love acting Oscar WIS when they're just playing a real person in a biopic like Judy isn't a great movie The reason I have this at number seven and not like five or four or three or something is that I've only seen the movie twice and I liked it a little bit less the second time the movie itself is just fine but I do think her performance is pretty extraordinary like she's very very good in that movie so unlike her best supporting actress Oscar win for Cold Mountain in 2004 which I have named the worst acting ustar win of all time I hate that performance I hate that win it just felt like a makeup Oscar for her not winning the year before for Chicago the whole thing felt very cynical to me I do not like that Oscar win at all but her Oscar win in best actress for Judy even though I wouldn't say I love it I would say I really like it I'm fine with it there's no one else in her category that year I felt deserved it over zel wagger Scarlett Johansson is excellent in marriage story and cersa Rome is also very good and Little Women sersa Ronin now has four Oscar nominations as of this recording I mean yes it would have been cool to have seen Ronin finally win an Oscar even though she's very young but ultimately I just didn't have a lot of passion for the other performances in this category so Renee zelger winning for Judy that win can stay thank you for inviting me here alongside one of the most special collaborations and meaningful experiences of my life number six Emma Stone la la land or there's people sitting in the waiting room and they're and they're like me but prettier and better at the because maybe I'm not good enough so as we all know Emma Stone now has two Academy Award wins for best actress I love that second win for poor things I do think it's one of the best victories in this category we've had in the last 20 to 30 years that is an alltime win for best actress but then you go back to her first win for La La lands and it's good like it's not at the bottom of my ranking it's around the middle I adore that movie I adore her in it she sings she dances she's funny she's emotional dramatic I mean she gets to do a range of things with that character in la la land her chemistry with Ryan Gosling has always been off the charts but it's especially effective in that film so yeah I don't really have anything negative to say about this Oscar win for Emma Stone she is great in that movie I have Revisited La La Land multiple times part of me doesn't even know what it is in early 2017 and today I just I don't love that win the way I love the top two or three I'm going to talk talk about here later in the video when it comes to best actress of 2016 I'm still very frustrated by that big Oscar snub for Amy Adams and arrival Amy Adams is so good in that and then the people who did get into best actress at the Oscars that year outside of Merill Street for Florence Foster Jenkins which is not one of the better Merill Street nominations for the win I would have preferred any of the other three Ruth NE for loving and Isabelle hoop for L and especially even though she wasn't there Natalie Portman for Jackie oh my God Natalie Portman is on another level in that film but again Emma Stone taking this one for La La Land is not a bad win in any way she's great in that movie I adore her performance but her better Oscar Victory by a mile is for poor things I still have a a lot of growing and learning and work to do and this guy is a really beautiful symbol to continue on that journey and I'm so grateful for that number five Brie Larson room he was trying to trick me okay there wasn't a dog old next sto me I want a different story no this is the story that you get now here's an Oscar win I haven't talked about on the channel very much there hasn't been much reason to bring up this Oscar victory for Brie Larson this was was her first Oscar nomination and win and she hasn't been back to the Oscars as a nominee since she got into the Marvel scene Captain Marvel has done a lot of movies in that Arena has done some work on television I've been meaning to see lessons in chemistry on Apple TV plus but I feel like because this was kind of a oneandone Oscar win for lson that she hasn't had an extraordinary film performance since I do think think that's why this particular victory in best actress isn't talked about as much as some of the others of that decade but come on this is an exceptional best actress victory at the Oscars she is incredible in room her strength her vulnerability her relationship with her son played by Jacob tremble who was also extraordinary in that film and deserved an Oscar nomination I didn't know much about room when I went to see it and I was was completely floored by the movie itself it's so captivating the cinematography the sense of place in that one I mean hello and those performances by both lson and tremble are fantastic and I'm so happy that Brie Larson's work in this movie wasn't overlooked I feel like if room had come out at a different time of the year if the wrong Studio had picked it up it is possible I would say larsson's performance could have been been snubbed at the Academy Awards the same way her amazing performance in short-term 12 from 2 years before was overlooked this year in best actress there's no one else in her category I would have given the gold trophy to instead I mean maybe Charlotte rampling in 45 years she gives a haunting performance in that film and Kate Blanchet in Carol that is another one of her phenomenal performances but she had just won 2 years before for Blue Jasmine ultimately the best performance in the category won that year Brie Larson for room thank you to all of you who saw it thank you to the fans thank you to the movie goers thank you for going to the theater and seeing our films I appreciate it thank you number four Olivia Coleman the favorites did you just look at me did you look at me look at me how dare you close your eyes now what a surprise this was Olivia Coleman winning best actress for the favorites in early 2019 I mean there might have been some people predicting that she did win at the Golden Globes in comedy or musical and she won at bafta but I think most of us were predicting Glenn Close was finally going to win her elusive Academy Award on her seventh try for the wife after she won at Golden Globes in drama and at sag and she tied at critic's Choice with Lady Gaga for A Star is Born it just felt like it was Glenn close's time her movie didn't get any other Oscar nomination but still Alice which won Julianne Moore and Oscar four years prior also didn't have any other nominations so I didn't think that was going to hurt Glen close in the end she was so criminally overdue she's very good in the wife she's wearing gold the night of the Oscars I think close thought she was going to win that one after many decades in the industry after so many nominations and I was excited for her I was very very excited to see Glenn Close finally get her Oscar and so when Francis McDormand said Olivia Coleman I was like oh my oh my oh my what what did she just say holy oh I felt so bad for Glenn Close in that moment you know she wanted it she expected it especially after that sag win I would say winning it sag almost always translates to an Oscar Victory so you can bet she had a speech prepared she was ready to go up there and I was so devastated for her in that moment but then something started to shift over the next couple minutes as Olivia Coleman started talking and delivering what has become one of the greatest Oscar speeches of the last 20 years easily she is so charming and self-deprecating and hilarious in those what four or five minutes of her speech I would say it is the Oscar speech I have watched more than any other like anytime I just want to pick me up I'll watch Olivia Coleman's acceptance speech for best actress like it's just everything about it every little piece of that video what she says her mannerisms are just so fantastic and as the years have passed my disappointment for Glen Close losing that night has evaporated and now I really do think this is one of the finest victories and best actress that decade I love the favorite with my whole heart Olivia Coleman and Emma Stone and Rachel Vice in that movie are so great Coleman especially her emotion her humor her witty dialogue The Way She carries herself the way she looks like it's a truly original performance and I mean I guess you could argue category fraud here as I've talked about in a recent video like is Olivia Coleman lead and not supporting should Emma Stone be in lead actress and Olivia Coleman should be in supporting I don't know as I've talked about before category fraud doesn't bother me when it comes to lead like Anthony Hopkins for the Silence of the Lambs and that kind of a thing it's so much harder to win an Oscar for a performance in lead actor or lead actress when you're not in the movie very much that I kind of admire it and Olivia Coleman is so fantastic in the favorite I Love Her speech so much she's such a dynamite actress and human being I still very much want Glenn Close to win her elusive Oscar someday soon but this best actress Victory it worked out in the end it went to the right person in the end Olivia Coleman for the favorites my kids are at home and watching look well if you're not then well kind of well done but um I sort of sort of help you are number three Francis mcdorman three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri you know who threw that can what can how about you sweetheart you know who threw that can uh no I didn't really in the fall of 2017 I went nuts for this movie and this performance by mcdorman there had been a couple months maybe three or four even where I hadn't liked very much of what I was seeing in the theater I remember hearing good things about three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri after it Film Festival run in September and then when it came to my town I went opening weekend knowing almost nothing I didn't really know what the plot of the movie was who mcdorman played in it I had just been hearing some rave reviews so I said let's go check this one out and I was just bowled over by this thing I was so impressed with the acting the writing the directing it's such a fun movie I love the comedy and the drama Woody harelson is very good in that film Sam Rockwell is amazing I was so happy to see him win an Oscar for his performance and then Francis McDormand is a force of nature in three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri whenever she is on screen which is most of the running time you cannot look away her dialogue delivery her comebacks some of its shocking some of it's hilarious all of it is memorable and I walked out of that theater and I said said Francis mcdorman is coming for Oscar win number two and it happened and I was delighted to see it there are other great performances in her category that year Merill stre in the post I do think that's her best Oscar nomination of the 2010s Sally Hawkins in the shape of water and Margot Robbie and itata both are Great Performances and a very close runner up to mcdorman that year was cersa Ronin for lady bird I do think of ronan's four Oscar nominations that's the best one and it's like in hindsight okay mcdorman already won best actress in The 9s for Fargo and that was an amazing Victory and then in 2021 she wins best actress again for nomad land I feel like if we knew we were going to give McDormand another Oscar victory in this category for noad lands maybe cersa Ronin would have won for lady but McDormand and three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri is so colossally great like just an extraordinary piece of acting that was always going to win the Oscar there was no doubt that whole season she had this one in the bag very early on I'd say even before the Golden Globes and sag and stuff anybody who saw that movie in the fall of 2017 knew it in their hearts MCD dormund was winning best actress okay so I'm hyperventilating a little bit if I fall over pick me up because I've got some things to say number two Kate Blanchet Blue Jasmine you know he's one of these men who's lost without a woman but has to be the right woman you know one who's a plus for his career and I have the social skills required for his future in politics what else is there to say about this best actress win at the Oscars for Kate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine I mean it's just a remarkable performance for the ages one of the best acting Oscar wins easily of the 2st century we all knew Kate Blanchett was coming for a Best Actress Oscar win we didn't know for what movie for what role but as soon as people started watching Blue Jasmine in the summer of 2013 I do think that best actress race was over by August September even before the fall and winter movies came out that year gravity starring Sandra bulock and Fila starring Judy Dench and August oage County starring Merill stre and American Hustle starring Amy Adams there was just no race this year Kate Blanchett already had an Oscar Victory but it was in supporting actress and she had been the lead in a lot of movies going back to the 9s Elizabeth in 1998 got her an Oscar nomination she got close to maybe winning and then she gave Great Performances and The Talented Mr Ripley and the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Veronica Garen and The Aviator which got her an Oscar Trophy and supporting actress then she's in notes on a scandal and Elizabeth the Golden Age and I'm not there all three films get her back to the Oscars and by 2013 it just seemed inevitable if she got the right role in the right project at the right time best actress was going to happen for her and Blue Jasmine was that movie for her I mean talk about getting to show everything she's capable of in comedy in drama in distress and disturbances cap Blanchet just storms through that movie like a bat out of hell and you are just loving every moment it is such a thrill to watch that performance blanch it firing on all cylinders in Blue Jasmine again nobody else category had even the slightest shot in defeating her on Oscar night in early 2014 that best actress Victory belong to Kate Blanchett Sit down you're too old to be standing and now that takes me to the number one slots this is my favorite acting Oscar win of the 2010s in any category in supporting actor supporting actress actor actress this is the best one you know who I'm talking about right it's Natalie Portman for Black Swan it's my turn what a freaking cool Oscar win that is Natalie Portman and Darren aronofsky's Black Swan is just one of my favorite per performances of the 21st century and that movie being kind of a genre film not being the kind of movie I feel like every Academy member would have necessarily enjoyed I wasn't sure walking out of Black Swan in December of 2010 if she was going to win the Oscar I knew she'd be nominated she's so mindblowing in that movie from beginning to end like it's such a tour- to force performance I knew the Best Actress Oscar nomination was already locked up but I wasn't sure just because of the subject matter of Black Swan if she would be the chosen one if they'd actually give her the win and I was just so delighted and relieved when Natalie Portman for Black Swan one at Golden Globes and critic's choice and sag and bafta and on Oscar night I was able to sit back and say holy this doesn't happen all the time it definitely doesn't happen every year or even every few years but the best performance of the year 2010 Natalie Portman and Black Swan went on to actually win the Oscar she had been doing such great work since the 9s and the professional and beautiful girls and Anywhere But Here her Oscar nomination for closer is a great one and kind of like Kate Blanchet I would say Natalie Portman seemed destined for an Oscar win in supporting actress or lead actress I wasn't sure but I did feel like Portman is so Bonkers talented if she can get with the right director and the right material she could win an Academy Award and it happened for Black Swan and I couldn't have been happier best actress at the Oscars that year was a stacked category all five of those performances are amazing and I do feel like in another year any one of those performances could have won Annette Benning for the kids are all right Nicole Kidman for rabbit hole Jennifer Lawrence for Winter's Bone and Michelle Williams for Blue Valentine just freaking wow like what amazing work by those four women any one of those performances would have made a good victory in a different year but in 2010 come on that was the year of Natalie Portman in Black Swan she is beautiful and powerful and absolutely terrifying in that film she gives one of my favorite performances ever and it is the number one Best Actress Oscar win of the 2010s most importantly my my family my friends and my love thank you so [Applause] much thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below how would you rank the Best Actress Oscar WIS of that decade and we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 29,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GKZ8zkrVAmM
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Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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