Generations, Explained

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Well I got a whole family here looks like we got  two generations here I assume do you know what a generation is not really what generation are  you part of I was uh born in 2004 so I'm gen Z gen Z okay if they're Gen X you're probably uh  um gender hey we're trying to film video here um Generation Z then probably Zoomer yeah Zoomer I'm  in the generation that is too worried about this hair being messed up to get on a video I  think that's every generation except for Generation Alpha you said you're Generation X so  are there stereotypes for your Generation Well I think sometimes like maybe a stereotype about our  generation is that we were a little cynical what do you think of when you hear that term Boomer old  people they tend to be more older narrow minded a little bit um a little technology uh adverse they  don't how to use technology old homeowner Social Security money mostly they've made society  to where we can't succeed in the future in my opinion I'm glad I'm not a boomer okay I think  the stereotype of Millennials is that they tend to be a little more lazy they want everything to be  warm and fuzzy and feel good and that's at least a stereotype so what about Millennials then a  little cringey sometimes they try too hard to be cool yeah you sound like my daughter you make  really weird tick toks some Millennials have some pretty interesting memes same thing with Boomers  they have interesting memes as well I would say I'd think of like Disney automatically like  you know like Disney adults and Harry Potter har I love Harry Potter but still I feel like  you know yeah I don't think they're bad people or anything but are there stereotypes that you  think of for your generation we've seen as like not as grateful as other Generations they seem  to really uh want to push like Dei stuff or um just in general like cultural programs we haven't  thought too much about Jen ZZ we kind of group them with the other ones I think a lot what about  gen Alpha then the young young any stereotypes the iPad generation right addicted to the iPad they  like can't read I can say the longest word in the Oxford dictionary okay go ahead what is it new  no ultramicroscopic cical volcano coniosis there you go there you go generation Alpha the world is  becoming so complicated with so many details and technological subjects that uh it's hard to keep  up with with it and yet if you listen carefully somewhere along the line people are learning  how to deal with that breaking everybody up into Generations is kind of silly because everybody  is his his own person you are who you are so why are you throwing them in a pool yeah we we don't  know why that's ever started I don't know why it started generation after generation do you know which generation you're  a part of I'm Mr beat and I'm a millennial which means I was born approximately between the  years 1981 and 1996 I'll let you guess which one of those years I was actually born in no wait  stop guessing anyway there are currently around 10,000 people in the world who don't know about  the rest of us these humans are often referred to as uncontacted peoples they live independently  and almost completely cut off from the rest of the world there are more than 100 tribes of  uncontacted peoples willingly living in isolation some in fact get aggressive when Outsiders try  to make contact on November 17th 2018 an American named John Allen Chow paid some local fishermen to  take him to visit some uncontacted peoples known as The Sentinel who live on the isolated North  Sentinel Island located here Chia was a missionary who wanted to convert The Sentinel Le to  Evangelical Christianity they did not welcome him in fact they killed him the Sentinel are Infamous  for not only being one of the most isolated groups in the world but also the most violent if you try  to even make contact with them this is why India has banned any boats from getting any closer than  three miles to the island so why did I tell you all this well uncontacted people's have no idea  what Generations are not only that they have no need to know what Generations are a generation  is all the humans born around the same time and who experienced pretty much the same culture  growing up specifically we are talking about social Generations that's the generations most  typically bring up today there's also the more traditional familial Generations or a group of  humans all on one level of a family tree n man in this video we're focusing on social  Generations who do you think I am jinny vlogger sorry Genie blogger why do you think we  even have this term generation to group people everyone's always looking for commonality so  it's easier to just put a little marker out there people born between this period and this period  we're just going to group them now you might be thinking that's a big group of people how the heck  heck can you generalize like more than a billion people well you can what do you think about  when you hear baby boomer what's the stereotype I feel like they're pretty honest people but like  brutally honest not say like stuck in their views but they stand by their views pretty pretty  evidently stubborn what about Generation X I always think of like X Games '90s ' 80s kids latch  key kind of on your own Millennials are more like the hip ERS the like the have tattoos on their  like arms genz is more like they'll have more like obscure tattoos Millennials like skinny jeans  jz's like the like straight we're both wearing the like appr appropriate appropriate jeans for  good for today okay stereotypes aside there are distinct easy to identify characteristics of  generations but first a disclaimer please remember that these are generalizations and that there are  exceptions to overall generational differences the root cause of all generational differences is  technology technology for the most part keeps marching forward at least it has for the past few  hundred years anyway it generally keeps making our lives easier it generally keeps helping us have  more freedom the more technology the better our lives have become for the most part but more  importantly technology has changed how younger people live their lives compared to older people  it has caused societies to become more and more individualistic more and more equal and more and  more open to change technology has also made it take longer for us to grow up and longer for us  to grow older in other words technology has not only extended our lives but slowed our lives  down Okay so let's go back to the sentence people The Sentinel and other uncontacted peoples  have generally not embraced technology their day-to-day lives today are more or less the  exact same as they were 500 years ago senise parents aren't worried that their kids are  spending too much time on their phones or wearing weird clothes or listening too much to  jazz music these are generational differences the main thing I want you to get out of this video  is that generations and generational differences are indeed real they are not just stereotypes  still if someone is making assumptions about how one entire generation is not based on reality  sure that's a stereotype I mean it's nothing new at all for older people to have negative  perceptions about younger people and for younger people to have negative perceptions about  older people as George Orwell famously said quote every generation imagines itself to be more in  intelligent than the one that went before it and wiser than the one that comes after it children  across the planet are seemingly becoming obsessed with online content across different platforms and  many parents are fearing that there are dire and long lasting psychological side effects to this  Obsession teachers across the country have been coming out about this generation in their lack  of respect and basic learning skills and parents have been seemingly perplexed as to why their kids  don't listen to them or act like normal children have in the past and many are directly blaming  online media I feel like they don't have time to NE necessarily think for a second before  they're already I want to play a game I want to do this I want to do this and it's like their  attention span is like yes their attention span is well they're used to just instant gratification  like when they're playing on the iPad you just instantly get rewarded I oddly think of entitled  um but partly cuz they usually complain about Millennials being entitled but yet they're like  the generation That Grew like the government a lot more we're hosting an exchange student right  now and she's Jin Z and there are things that she doesn't remember so like Millennials have all of  these conveniences and things that are available to them but they are closer to a time when that  wasn't there so they they remember it more and they can identify with that more whereas I think  like our exchange student everything is just super easy snap of a button and she's never known a  world where it doesn't work that way see what I mean Generations exist because For the First Time  in human history there are cultural differences between people born at different times it's why  why people are aging more slowly it's why women now seek higher education more than men and sadly  generational differences have led to an increase in agism or viewing or treating someone badly  based on assumptions about their age now I should say that traditionally social scientists have said  that a big cause of generational differences was major events the first social scientists didn't  even say that social Generations were a thing until the 1800s the French philosopher Emil  lre Emil LR okay it's a French pronunciation I'm sorry was the first dude to describe social  generations simply saying it described quote all people coexisting in society at any given time  that was in 1863 Jump Ahead to the 1920s and now smart people who call themselves sociologists or  people who study how humans behave in society were studying Generations a lot more one sociologist  a Hungarian named Carl Manheim wrote that people in the same generation experienced the same big  events while they were young and that they were bonded by such common big events in fact the first  generation widely talked about by normies around that time was The Lost Generation which describes  the group of people who came of age age or became adults during World War I sociologists would  later call the greatest Generation people who came of age during World War II they would say baby  boomers would Bond due to all coming of age during the Vietnam war fears of nuclear war would Bond  Gen X 911 would Bond Millennials and the covid-19 covid-19 pandemic would Bond Jen Z however  lately it has become apparent that people born in the same generation have not been  bonded by major events in the same way other sociologists realized that the development of  generations actually didn't coincide neatly with major events but rather you guessed it  technology baby you might be wondering wait a second how can Generations be a fairly new thing  if technology has been around since the earliest humans have roam the Earth after all fire is a  form of Technology h yeah fire fire fire fire well it's because only over the past 200 years or  so basically since the first industrial revolution has technology moved at a much higher Pace to  a point where parents who didn't grow up with a certain pervasive technology never could  get fully comfortable with it pervasive just meaning the technology is freaking everywhere  think about your grandma who has has trouble sending you a text message think about how  you freak out if you don't have your phone to navigate to a new place when your grandpa has no  problem whatsoever navigating to a new place the fact is the world is rapidly changing if you  grow up being able to travel back and forth to the moon but your mom didn't your mom sure as  heck would be terrified to travel to the Moon now Generations may be real but they were still made  up by humans like say you were born in the year 1996 oh you were that's cool what a coincidence  well according to different people you may be considered a really young Millennial or a really  old Zoomer in fact you may identify with both what do you identify with more I both I feel like I  feel like I have the mannerisms of a millennial but the anxiety of a j here the best of both  world that's because sociologists and others who study this stuff continue to debate about  these specific dates but hey kid take my advice you don't want to step into a big pile of poop  generally speaking there are still generational patterns what I'm about to say may likely shock  you are you ready for this are you sitting down oh okay it looks like most of you are sitting  down that works out but yeah this shocked me when I first read it when you were born has  a much bigger effect on who you are than your family who raised [Music] you well at least  according to this book anyway Welcome to the Jungle punks in this video we're going to look at  the generational differences of every generation going back to the Lost Generation okay so some  folks have come up with Generations before the Lost generation going as far back as the 1400s  but to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of these since these Generations all revolve around what's  going on in just a few countries and downplay Technology therapy has undeniably helped my  family in the past I'm a big fan of it and now you can get quality therapy with a platform like  better help which offers a unique third- party perspective to the challenges we all face in our  relationship better help connects with a licensed therapist who provides unbiased professional  insights in your situation it makes the process of finding the right therapist really easy with over  30,000 licensed therapists you're matched based on your individual needs ensuring you find someone  you can connect with the platform is flexible offering sessions via messaging video or phone  calls whatever you're most comfortable with and if for any reason you feel your therapist isn't  a perfect match you can switch at no additional cost better help is here to support you on  the Journey of taking control of your life and making a change for the better use my Link at mrbe or use Mr beat during sign up and receive a special discount of 10% off your  first month of therapy let better help offer you the unbiased professional Insight that can truly  make a difference okay so floating on the funk so get your groove on here are the major differences  between the generations at least in the western world or those parts of the world yes have you  heard of The Lost Generation have you heard of The Lost Generation yeah the last generation was like  before like the war babies of like world greatest Generation yeah yeah the greatest Generation  I guess you don't really hear a lot from that group of people I'm surprised you've heard of them  I'd like to think I know my stuff cuz you watch Mr Beat videos yes I do watch Mr [Music] beat as  I said earlier this was the first generation that entered the mainstream that most people  became aware of it describes people who came of age during World War One even though she likely  heard the term from somewhere else the person most often credited with coming up with the phrase  Lost Generation was the writer Gertrude Stein another writer Ernest Hemingway made it even more  popular when he included the quote you are all a lost generation in his novel The Sun Also Rises  it describes the Young Folks seemingly having no direction in life After experiencing the trauma  caused by the war but Sun Don't Even Shine through our window pain there were technology differences  the last generation was the first generation who grew up with consumerism taking over mostly due  to the fact that it was now way easier to buy stuff you could just like go to a store hey that  was still a new thing in the late 1800s and early 1900s this was mostly thanks to mass production  now being the norm for getting Goods to people The Lost Generation was the first one that grew up  after the second industrial revolution had already been in full swing a period that saw dramatic  advancements in Communications Transportation modern sewage systems and access to clean drinking  water they were the first generation to grow up up having access to electricity and the first to  have gas and electric lighting in their homes and finally they were the first generation  to grow up with it becoming more common to go to school and learn how to read now for all the  ladies in the cave I should note that we're only talking about certain parts of the world where  the Second Industrial Revolution actually had an effect they're all dead now no one from the last  generation is still alive the last known member of this generation died in 2018 do you have any  thoughts on the greatest Generation I know it's kind of like bragging right we're the greatest  Generation the greatest Generation yeah what do you know about the greatest went over there  and kicked Hitler's butt yeah that's the one can he say butt the greatest was like early  depression early mid depression and the war also referred to as the GI generation or World  War II generation the greatest generation was just great man great but no uh they came of  age during the biggest and most horrific war in human history World War II the person most  often credited with coming up with the phrase greatest genertion was the military leader James  Van Fleet in 1953 he famously used the phrase when speaking to Congress saying quote the men of the  eth army are a magnificent lot and I have always said the greatest generation of Americans we  have ever produced the journalist Tom broa later popularized the phrase with his book called yeah  you probably guessed it the greatest Generation notice how this generation spans 26 years longer  than all other modern Generations well this is because for many of them World War II put their  lives on hold sure the greatest Generation did save the world from Nazi Germany but it is also  unique in that they came of age during the worst global economic crisis in modern world history  the Great Depression this is why this generation is often generalized as being particularly Frugal  and humble the big inventions they grew up with that their parents did not well now everybody had  a phone for starters they were also the generation to grow up with cars becoming more common so that  it was easier to go longer distances whenever the heck they wanted meaning they didn't have to wait  for a train or a ship or a street car they had the freedom to just go heck they were the first  generation to grow up knowing that they could travel in the sky if they wanted to for goodness  sake yep airplane were increasingly becoming more common they were the first generation to grow  up going to a movie theater to watch movies the first to grow up listening to the radio today the  youngest members of the greatest generation are in their late '90s most of them are over 100 years  old in fact there are less than a million members of this generation still alive if you happen to  see one I would talk to them I mean you don't have to but I mean I [Music] mean the silent  generation what do you know about the silent generation they're old I don't know if I have  stereotypes because I have good relationships with the silent generation that some of them are  not with us as much anymore so I wonder if some of those stereotypes have also passed I feel like  it's in the name there like suffering silence they don't really talk about they're not as open  as their feelings tough to say cuz I haven't met someone from that generation in like a year  so so so why does everybody forget the silent generation because they're silent they're silent  a lot of the silent gen are all like nursing home age so you don't interact with them and Joe  Biden he's technically silent generation I'm not even joking which is crazy you know we  talk about people want to go green nowadays and recycle they did all that because they had to  and they learned how to reuse things and repurpose things they're also known as the traditional  generation since many used to say they favored Conformity and the status quo however I think  that label is mostly crap some of the most Progressive thinkers in world history many who  inspired the Civil Rights Movement the women's rights movement the 1960s counterculture movement  and even rock music for crying out loud are from this generation that said there is considerable  evidence that many from the silent generation are loyal and have deep respect for authority Time  Magazine first notably popularized the phrase silent generation in its November 5th 1951 issue  quote the most startling fact about the younger generation is its Silence by comparison with the  Flaming youth of their fathers and mothers today's younger generation is a still small flame it  does not issue manifestos make speeches or carry posters it has been called The Silent  generation the idea of a quote teenager as a distinct phase of life became widespread as the  silent generation came to age the big inventions they grew up with that their parents did not  television which gave them immediate exposure to world events cultures and materialism  the rise of Television led to a dramatic decline in reading the silent generation  also came of age during a time when home appliances such as microwaves washing machines  and refrigerators became very common making it so that more and more people had the ability to  live alone and even had some more time for fun in Western countries the silent generation was  the first to move in Mass numbers to the suburbs the authors William Strauss and Neil how once  predicted that the silent generation would be blocked from political leadership by the bigger  Generations on either side of them their greatest generation and baby boomer generation well they  were right in terms of American presidents at least Joe Biden is the first and probably  last silent generation American president President Joe Biden is a silent generation he's  older than a boomer that's what I always tell people still members of this generation have  had a tremendous impact on society less than 100 million members of the silent generation are  still alive today they set good examples for the Baby Bo generation what about baby boomer it's  like music these days are so bad kids don't work like we used to when I was 18 I'd go work in the  coal mines for 12 hours a day baby boomer what do you think of when you hear baby boomer I think  of my grandpa right baby boomer is like all the two veterans come home and then they're happy  they won the war so they had a lot of [Music] children baby boomers are arguably the most famous  generation meaning you've probably heard of them they came of age during a remarkably prosperous  time a time when the so-called quote middle class or people in the middle of a social hierarchy  often related to how much money and education you have dramatically grew that said it really  depends on what part of the world we're talking about here and China for example Baby Boomers came  of age during a particularly chaotic time so why are they called Baby Boomers well the phrase Baby  Boom refers to a dramatic increase in the number of babies born during a relatively short time and  boy oh girl did that happen right after World War II the assumption is that after the war was over  those who had previously held off on starting families now not only all started families at  the same time but really started families if you know what I'm saying after World War II the guys  came back they settled down they got married and they all had families most of the majority of  did and so babies were were born more than any other generation because they were separated for a  while wait why are babies born no I'm kidding just a bunch of babies were born between 1946 and 1964  okay the first recorded use of baby boomer was in an article by Leslie n in the January 1963 issue  of the Daily Press today this generation is simply called Boomers and younger people even say Okay  Boomer when referring to anyone as old and out of touch not just you know actual Boomers have you  ever heard the the phrase okay Boomer before have you heard that no no oh good I'm not even going  to don't even worry about it then yeah it's not nice my parents are boomers so think they're a  very hardworking generation yep that's them when I tried to interview who I thought were likely  Boomers on the street many of them turned me down so I just interviewed my parents instead the  big inventions they they grew up with that their parents did not well air conditioning for starters  which is why so many of them ultimately would move to much warmer climates as adults as they came  of age birth control was now not only more easily available but also more socially acceptable and  so Boomers were more likely to have premarital sex and have less kids also related to this women  in this generation pursued careers dramatically more than women in previous generations these  changes led to Boomers also being more confident than previous generations and thus more ambitious  this was the generation that protested the Vietnam War more than any other yet also later got  associated with the Yuppy culture or young urban professional hustle and goal oriented culture  that arose in the 1980s there is also plenty of evidence that Boomers were much more open about  their emotions than previous generations today baby boomers are still the generation that holds  the majority of power across most of the world there are around 1.1 billion Boomers who walk  amongst us they're beautiful people you shouldn't be afraid of them they don't bite well except  for my aunt Susan she bites and Reality Bites I lost my job but you shouldn't have any  trouble finding another job sugar booger no see I tried I applied for every single opening  in my field but there's just there's nothing right now well then I hate to say it but times are  hard you just going to have to swallow your pride and what generation am I 68 oh Generation X what  stereotype do you know about Gen X they hate gen Z why because they think genen Z hates them they're  kind of Forgotten no one really cares about them what about stereotypes for Generation  X I like Gen X that was the generation that went from being committed to a company to being  disillusioned a lot of them are going through college entering the workforce they want to  come in at that higher wage my parents age basically I mean I know my parents are genx  but yeah like traditional yeah so really cool people but you well you said traditional why  traditional I feel like all our parents kind of want what they grew up like to happen to us  too I do have to say like gen xes had a lot of working uh females so I think we had a big  boom of women entering the workforce going to college and then having to grow up and  raise kids then we're balancing more of the traditional family kind of structure but as well  as trying to push forward for equity for women though the phrase Generation X has been used to  describe the youngest generation in a society for decades before it came to describe people born  between around 1965 and 1980 Believe It or Not by this dude yep Billy Idol used the moniker  Generation X for his punk rock band later the phrase became mainstream to describe this  generation due to the writer Douglas Copeland's novel Generation X taals for an accelerated  culture gen xers are sometimes referred to as the MTV generation as many of them were heavily  influenced by MTV the first television channel that played music videos all the time this is  the generation that gave us grunge and grew up terrified of nuclear war between the United  States and the Soviet Union genx is sometimes also referred to as the latch key generation rooted  in the rising friend of children coming home from school to an empty home and needing their own  key to let themselves in why were they latch key kids well because For the First Time both parents  were working due to this many in this generation actually came to be much more independent gen  xers were children during a time of dramatically increasing divorce rates now that divorce was more  socially acceptable this means J xers came of age more used to split custody between parents the  big in conventions they grew up with that their parents did not the first personal computers the  first video games this was a big freaking deal all right gen xers grew up learning how to be  way more productive than their parents thanks to computer technology they grew up with major  fears of inflation and command economies which led them to generally Embrace a government that was  more hands off of the economy as adults there are a little over one billion gen xers in the  world currently what stereotypes do you think of when you hear the word Millennial oh we had  Myspace before Facebook or we've got we've got little quotes from like tattoos or stuff from  like the emo bands in like the mid 2000s that's kind of what I think of Myspace and Tumblr early  YouTube definitely a a connected social generation they're very open-minded that they're willing  to like learn things but they were also like the cust the digital natives a lot of like early  internet [Music] adoption yep that's me although some may say I'm a zenial more accurately more  on that in a bit Millennials originally were known as Generation Y since advertisers just  started going up the alphabet to differentiate younger folks from Generation X the afor  mention mentioned authors William Strauss and Neil how are credited with coming up with  the more well-known Millennials label they used it as the oldest members of this generation like  myself came of age at the turn of the Millennium you know the third millennium that we currently  live in people sometimes call Millennials Echo Boomers as many of them are offspring of baby  boomers like myself okay I'll stop doing that I know that's getting annoying thus similar  to the baby boomer generation the Millennials are a particularly numerous generation currently  there are more Millennials walking around than any other [Music] generation they're seemingly around  every corner there's a lot of them in particular here on YouTube there are currently around 1.9  billion Millennials in the world world but just because there are so many that doesn't mean  they have much power yet in the United States Millennials have often been called The unluckiest  Generation because they generally have gone through slower economic growth since entering the  workforce compared to any previous generation the big inventions they grew up with that their  parents did not the internet is the biggest one this is the first digital native generation  meaning this is the first generation who grew up with the internet in the so-called Information  Age the first to actively use cell phones and social media most Millennials always knew a world  in which they could look up anything online due to this Millennials are generally more open to  change compared to previous generations many have abandoned the religions they grew up in although  it arguably started with Gen X they're the generation who really got into tattoos According  to some reports nearly half of all Millennials have at least one tattoo Millennials are united  by major events even more so than the generations that surround them in addition to coming of age  during 9/11 many also spent their early years in a crappy job market due to the Great Recession  this was the first generation to be severely hurt by student loan debt and dramatically skyrocketing  Health Care housing and child care costs related to this Millennials have postponed marriage and  have kids much later in life compared to previous generations is there like a big distinction  there between j z and Millennial I think there's a little bit of a distinction because gen Z is  further away from Gen X and Baby Boomers so like we're hosting an exchange student right now and  she's jinz and there are things that she doesn't remember so like Millennials have all of these  conveniences and things that are available to them but they are closer to a time when that wasn't  there so they they remember it more what would you assume as a stereotype about gen Z sorry that was  my fault I always have it on silence basically the influencers of gen Alpha oh so Millennials are  influencers of no we all hate M Millennials you hate me we kind of group them with the other ones  I think a lot that's when the social media started get yeah oh that generation started using that a  lot and kind of lost out on the one-on-one time with the with relationships yeah your generation  what do you think is The Stereotype a lot of like Tik Tok and YouTube and like digital culture  maybe like more social oh we're on our phones too much or oh jensy don't want to work but I  don't think those are necessarily true I would say more free spirited you know like we don't  want to be tied down to like one specific thing [Music] the name Generation Z describes them  because Z comes after Y and the alphabet don't you know and they're the generation after Generation  Y or Millennials I know that's kind of boring although many call themselves Zoomers thanks  to a 4chan meme so that's more interesting a bunch of other people have proposed calling  members of this generation everything from I generation to net gen to to post Millennials but  uh yeah I predict none of those will stick around gen Z has a better flow don't you know anyway  there is evidence that Zoomers tend to be more aware of mental health conditions compared to  previous generations jenz kids were more likely to be diagnosed with intellectual disabilities  and mental illness than previous generations the big inventions they grew up with that their  parents did not well the big one is social media the other big one is is smartphones Zoomers  grew up spending lots of time on smartphones especially during their teenage years gen Z is  the first generation to grow up in a world where they could instantly access any information  anywhere they wanted to they grew up being much more aware of stuff in general at an earlier  age than previous generations some sociologists have argued that this has led them to be generally  more stressed out anxious and depressed than previous generations many have argued that  they are more cynical at a younger age due to being aware of the world's problems at a much  younger age after all it was much harder to hide the world's problems from them they often figured  it out on their own they have coped with this by being big into Nostalgia taking their time living  their lives and retreating to their own corners of the internet the majority of the students that I  taught in the classroom for 12 years were in fact gen Z so I think I know this generation fairly  well and I should add that I think this generation is the most intelligent generation yet that  the world has ever seen gen Z is less populous than you'd think due to their parents mainly gen  xers but also Millennials both waiting longer to have children and having fewer children there are  currently around 1.7 billion Zoomers in the world you were not born during those years no so I got  I guess a gen Zer and a gen Alpha that I'm raising I don't really have any stereotypes for them  because we're still in developing so I guess we can mold them a little bit right there's another  generation that's after gen Z so that's the ones or the kids now so what's that generation called  children yes do you know what they're called negative grandchildren grandchildren I like that  that's what the grandchildren generation you heard it here first they have a stereotype generation  Alpha I feel like theirs is worse than ours I mean if I don't know I just see them as a worse person  of us they haven't really proven themselves yet got a lot to do so are there any stereotypes yet  of their generation that you can think of annoying oh my gosh no you're not annoying at all  I don't know man I think it's still you know still super young to start to make some  generalizations gosh I'd have to think about that one because you only know them as kids  [Music] kid if you are under the age of 13 or 12 or perhaps 11 or perhaps 10 at the time  of the recording of this video congratulations you are a member of generation Alpha  I recorded this video in the year 1635 2024 what did kids your age all do what what  do all your friend do what's play video games somebody earlier said your generation was always  on iPads are you always on iPads we don't even have one tablet oh tablet okay Samsung tablet the  name generation Alpha came from a survey in 2008 by a research company in Australia who apparently  was inspired to start naming future Generations the way meteorologists name hurricanes but I'm  sure in about 10 years we'll have a new name for Gen Alpha why well because we actually don't know  that much about generation Alpha yet those who say they know really don't look we'll know a whole  lot more about them once they begin to become adults which won't be until at least the end of  the 2020s yeah my kids are pretty much genalpha they're great kids I love them the toilet uh  YouTube channel where it's like the guy is like a head toilet head now since technology is changing  so fast the these days there are now micro Generations between Generations such as zenial a  mix of the phrase genx and Millennial describes people born between 1977 and 1983 people felt a  distinction needed to be made because this group though comfortable with the internet also vividly  remembers a world without it there's also xenial the generation that overlaps Millennials and gen Z  born between around 1992 and 1998 who also vividly remember a world before smartphones and social  media you're actually a zala you want to explain that what's a zala it's the mix between a gen Z  and gen Alpha because I'm right on the edge yeah what which would you rather identify with  Gen Z because the stereotype for Gen Alpha is really bad why is The Stereotype for Gen  Alpha really bad because because they think they're like Sephora kids who don't know how  to read and do like really weird skibby toilet stop take a look around as far as I'm concerned  that's it DJ lethal those were the generations explained which is why this video is called  Generations explained then again I may decide later on to change the title of this video  to Captain's drunk your world is Titanic I'm still workshopping it keep in mind that in  other countries these Generations are often called something else I'm a bloody American so  I use the American phrases so go ahead and talk [Music] crap hey I relied heavily on this book while making  this video I encourage you to check it out as well the link is in the description of  called Generations Blah Blah Blah Blah by Dr Jean tweng I think is how you pronounce her  name and in case you were wondering throughout this entire video I was sneaking in lyrics from  limp biscuits My Generation now you got to go back and watch and find them so which generation  are you from which stereotypes do you associate with all the generations do we as a society  Focus way too gosh darn much on Generations do I ask too many questions about Generations let  me know down below okay Alpha thanks for watching
Channel: Mr. Beat
Views: 204,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generations, ok boomer, gen alpha, generation alpha classrooms be like, millennials, baby boomers, silent generation, greatest generation, generations explained, why do we have generations, History of generations, every generation explained, generation stereotypes, generation x, why do generations exist, why millennials hate boomers, why gen z hates gen alpha, generations be like, generational differences, gen z hate boomers, everyone hates boomers, boomers, gen z
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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