Best Actor Oscar Wins of the 2010s RANKED!

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all right so by now I've made a few Oscar ranking videos on individual actors now it's time to break down certain decades in the acting categories at the Oscars my name is Brian R this is the awards Contender and it's time to rank the best actor Oscar WIS of the 2010s what do I think was the best and what was by far the worst let's start with number 10 Ramy Malik Bohemian rap city you know play it like he wrote it well I did I wrote that part taking the piss okay are you happy I think it's beautiful it's almost perfect so last year I made a top 10 worst acting Oscar wins of all time video and I did put Malik in there I did not like this win at all it was especially weird how he swept the season like did he miss anywhere from Golden Globes to the Oscars he just won best actor over and over again for a performance that's honestly very awkward and cringy and has not aged well at all it's especially maddening in that the following year Taran ederton and Rocket Man I thought gave a much better performance and he wasn't even nominated in best actor at the Oscars but Malik wins the night Glen close is on her sth Oscar nomination and she still can't win God love her but Mal just beats everybody in his category as expected as if he had no competition but there are much better performances in the category especially Bradley Cooper for A Star is Born we wouldn't have this guy constantly in search of his elusive Oscar if we had just given him the gold trophy for a star isborn that would have been a much better win than Malik in Bohemian rapity that movie's okay I don't hate it but all the love it got award season was totally unwarranted thank you guys so much I may not have been the obvious choice but I guess it worked out uh number nine John dardan the artist so here was a movie very much of its moments at the end of 2011 early 2012 we all said let's reward the silent film like somebody made a feature film that resembles the silent movies of yester year and while that was a really cool Endeavor and I did enjoy the movie when I saw it more than a decade ago I haven't really thought about it since in a very strong year for film that was 2011 I don't think the artist necessarily is the best of that amazing crop that included the tree of life and Money Ball and The Descendants and films that weren't even nominated for best picture like drive and shame and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the artist seemed like a movie everybody was voting for because it was the cool thing to do and because of the Weinstein machine of advertising dollars everybody felt compelled in a way to love this movie even if it wasn't really worthy of all that Acclaim I do think the Jean du jardan Oscar win and best actor is kind of weak it's a courageous performance he does a good job not everybody could have played that role it's just not very memorable I think especially compared to the other people in his category I do think this should have been George Clooney's best actor Win For The Descendants and where has Jean du jardan gone like he's kind of fallen off the map and so yeah like it's okay I don't hate this win but it's not one of the best of the decade in best actor if Jorge Valentine Valentine could speak he'd say mer Merc I love you number eight Gary Oldman darkest hour let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground so I don't know about you but there's something kind of cynical about this uster win it felt like Gary Oldman woke up when one day and said how am I ever going to win an Oscar hm let's play a famous real life figure that doesn't look like me at all and I'm going to have to have lots of Prosthetics all over my face and body to bring this guy to life have it be a very slow Awards friendly period drama I still can't believe Darkest Hour got into best picture I have course saw in a theater it was my duty to see all the best picture nominees and boy compared to everything else in 2017 Darkest Hour was a slog I don't remember anything about it besides the look of old men as Winston Churchill as I just talked about in a recent video three of the best acting Oscar nominations of the decade were that Year and best actor Daniel de Lewis for Phantom thread Timothy shamay for call me by your name and Daniel Kya forget outs any one of those three wins and actor in early 2018 would have been awesome but instead we give Oldman kind of an obligatory Oscar for Darkest Hour of course he's an amazing actor and I'm happy he has an Academy Award I mean so many great performances throughout the decades but his Oscars for that movie I just I don't feel great about that one I say to my mother thank you for your love and support put the kettle on I'm bringing Oscar number seven Matthew mccon Dallas Buyers Club that's a [ __ ] that'll R your inside what a surprise FDA approved I might be kind of an outlier on this one I haven't heard much hate or dislike for this best actor win but I wasn't a big fan of it at the time and I don't really like it that much today kind of like with Darkest Hour in 2013 I thought the weakest of the best picture nominees was Dallas Buyers Club there were elements of the movie I admired but as a narrative overall I thought it only worked in fits and starts and I wasn't so enamored by those performances I of course was impressed by the physical transformations of both Jared Leto and Matthew mccon but kind of like Oldman to be honest those performances felt a little bit Awards bity to me MCC swept the season for a a few reasons one was his performance in Dallas Buyers Club but also because he'd had a truly staggering run there of a few films like mud and Magic Mike and Bernie and Killer Joe and so many great roles I feel like Dallas spers Club isn't as good as some of those like I would prefer his Oscar win be for Magic Mike or mud would be better in my opinion the other thing I struggle with here is that I've always believed Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar win should have been for the Wolf of Wall Streets not the Revenant necessarily we're going to talk about that in a sec I picked his performance in Martin scorsese's three-hour epic The Wolf of Wall Street as the third best acting Oscar nomination of the 2010s I really do believe that that was such a stunning all-tim performance from DiCaprio and it would have been his time if MCC hadn't been there so yeah I'm just like I understand why people like that Oscar wi from aan it's fine but at the end of the day I just don't think it was worthy of that sweep so to any of us whatever those things are whatever it is we look up to whatever it is we look forward to and whoever it is we're chasing to that I say Amen to that I say all right all right all right number six Eddie redm The Theory of Everything and the universe is getting smaller all right so what if I reverse the process all the way back to see what happened at the beginning of time itself so I have to be honest in saying that when I was putting my ranking together of the best actor Oscar WIS of the 2010s I was kind of shocked at how little I like most of these wins like going through the list I'm not really passionate about any of the wins and that's especially the case of the bottom five including Eddie redm for The Theory of Everything one again an actor playing a real life figure in a biopic end of the year release that people liked well enough I enjoyed the theory of everything when I saw that in the theater I have not seen it since I have not thought about it since and in a way this might be the most forgettable best actor Oscar win of the 2010s going through the list a couple days ago I was like oh right red M like that's right he won an Oscar for best actor in 14 I just had so much more passion for two performances in best actor one that got into the race and was a clear second place Michael Keaton for Birdman I think Keaton and Birdman is better than redm in the theory of everything and then my favorite performance of the year was Jake Gyllenhaal for Nightcrawler it is still absolute batshit crazy that gyllen Hall's best performance on film by far one that got him into to pretty much all the precursor ceremonies did not get him a best actor Oscar nomination I mean when you compare Eddie redm in The Theory of Everything to what gyllen Hall is doing in Nightcrawler like it's no contest like there's no comparison and red M wins and gyllen Hall doesn't even get in to the final five like give me an effing break so this one bothers me because I do think someone else should have won but red m is good in the theory of everything that's not a bad performance he has some nice emotional beats his chemistry with Felicity Jones the movie has some nice cinematography like it's fine it's a whole lot better than his Oscar nomination the next year for the Danish girl woo but yeah I put this one pretty close to the middle this this Oscar wow um it's Oscar number five Leonardo DiCaprio the revenants so funnily enough the only Blu-ray I own that I have in my collection over there of a best actor Oscar win of the 2010s is the revenants my experience with this movie was an interesting one in that when I saw it in a theater opening weekend I loved it I thought it was great I put it on my top 10 list of 2015 and then I watched it 6 months later on Blue Ray and it didn't have the same power at home I found it kind of difficult to get through almost and I admire the decaprio performance Tom Hardy is of course very good in the film too it's got some memorable scenes that bear attack scene the final fight the cinematography is gorgeous but I do think this movie movie works much better on a giant screen than it does at home and watching it a second time I wasn't as taken with the decaprio performance like this did feel in a way as DiCaprio saying okay I really need to win an Academy Award what do I need to do I need to go into the Wilderness and put my body through physical hell and exhaustion and blood and sweat and tears and they'll finally just say okay for God's sake here take a c trophy it did feel that way before the movie even came out there were all these horror stories about the making of the Revenant as it turned out DiCaprio had no competition in the category that year I mean I guess Matt Damon for the Martian is the only other person who could have won but yeah best actor in early 2016 was kind of weak and DiCaprio was on his what fifth nomination at that point so it was time it made sense even though he should have won for the Wolf of Wall Street this is still a good win it's not in the bottom five best actor wins of the decade I think it's definitely not number one or two or three I think five is the right place for this Victory I think we're all very happy DiCaprio has an oscar but it could have been for Wolf of Wall Street I thank you all for this amazing award tonight let us not take this planet for granted I do not take tonight for granted thank you so very much number four Colin F The King's Speech perhaps the most fateful in our history buger [ __ ] [ __ ] I send to every household of my you see p is always difficult even even when I'm singing I am as surprised as you that I have this best actor Oscar wi ranked as high as I do one of my favorite performances ever in the movies is Colin fth in a single man from 2009 he got an Oscar nomination for that lost to Jeff Bridges for Crazy Heart then he gets nominated again A year later and basically sweeps the season wins the Oscar I kind of pretended he had won for a single man but here's the deal here's why fth is in number four here and not like seven or eight or nine even though I don't love the King speech I have not seen it since it came out I do think those three performances in the film are pretty top-notch like say what you want about the movie Jeffrey R Helena botam Carter and especially Colin fth are bringing it fth gets to be funny and dramatic and moving and inspirational I like his scenes with Carter a lot and his chemistry with Rush In Those scenes where he's being taught and he's practicing are pretty good if I had been an academy member I would have voted for Jesse Eisenberg for the Social Network that film totally should have beaten the King speech in picture and director that is a much better film in every way I have seen the social network five or six times and I have had no desire to go back and watch the King speech but Colin fth is very good in that movie and it was a deserving Oscar went I have a feeling my career has just peaked um um number three walking Phoenix Joker you think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it's like to be someone like me to be somebody but themselves they don't now here is a performance an Oscar win I don't think I've ever talked about on the channel walking Phoenix for Joker once again kind of like with fth when I started ranking these wins I assumed this one would be around number five or number six and I'm like compared to the other nine this is one of the better best actor Oscar wins of the decade I think Joker was a very divisive movie I did didn't love it it wasn't in my top 10 list of 2019 but I do think that was a pretty astonishing performance from Phoenix he had been bringing it in one movie after another for decades he'd been nominated for a few Oscars he's amazing in Walk the Line and the master and all throughout the 2010s it's like we were getting closer and closer to his Oscar win it just needed to be the right movie at the right time and Joker was it it just made sense it was a mammoth Blockbuster what did it make more than a billion dollars it's a physical transformation an emotional transformation I mean he really goes there in that movie that was not a performance that was phoned in at all so many memorable scenes and images I'm very curious to see what the sequel is going to be like with Lady Gaga I really liked his speeches all season and there wasn't someone else in the category I was like No it should be going to them obvious viously that wasn't the case for 2019 I like DiCaprio Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Adam Driver and marriage story and especially Antonio Banderas for pain and Glory that would have been a cool win too but walking Phoenix come on now he needed to win an Oscar eventually and this was I would say a pretty good movie and performance to have it happen my brother wrote this lyric he said run to the rescue with love and peace will follow thank you number two Daniel de Lewis Lincoln that's a rule of mathematical reasoning it's true because it works has done and always will do so I recently made an Oscar ranking video about Daniel de Lewis's six nominations and I ranked Lincoln a movie he won the trophy for at number five like I had it pretty far down in that video and here it is at number two in my ranking of the best actor wins of the 2010s so I've said it before I'll say it again I'm not thrilled with these best actor victories from that decade holy cow still how can you dislike this de leis performance in Steven Spielberg's film I had some issues with Lincoln it's not one of my favorites from Spielberg not by a long shot I admire the movie more than I like it the cinematography the costume design the of place and that de Lewis performance is pretty great I mean he totally loses himself in that character you watch Lincoln and you see Sally Field and you see Tommy Lee Jones You Don't See Daniel de Lewis in this movie that is Abraham Lincoln his stature his presence the way he speaks his moments of reflection his moments of intense rage like this is a pretty astonishing performance there's a reason there was no suspense at the Oscars in early 2013 as to whom was going to win best actor every performance in that category is a banger and could have won in a different year I mean think about it you have Bradley Cooper in silver Ling's Playbook you have Hugh Jackman for Lay M A Rob Denzel Washington is very good in flights and walking Phoenix again is on another level in the master so it is kind of frustrating in a way that we had all these great best actor nominees fighting it out up against D Lewis who was never going to lose for Lincoln if there was going to be one person who received three best actor Oscar trophies it was going to be D Lewis and that third Oscar win for Lincoln is a great one Steven didn't have to persuade me to play Lincoln but I had to persuade him that perhaps if I was going to do it that Lincoln shouldn't be a music all right what's left what have I left out oh right the number one best actor Oscar win of the 2010s is Casey Affleck Manchester by the Sea you don't understand and I don't know what I know you understand I I I've got to go I'm sorry so I have to do something I rarely do on this channel and that is apologize because I had the wrong take a few months ago when I made a video the top 10 times sag got it right and the Oscars got it wrong one of my choices in that video was Denzel Washington for fences I said I think he should have won the best actor Oscar that year and not Affleck and I got a lot of hate for that one in the comments and I have reflected on that opinion I had I still do think Washington and fences gives a very good performance it was very much overshadowed by the Viola Davis performance that went on to win the best supporting actress oscar but a few weeks later I have reflected on that choice and I got it wrong Affleck is the right winner here that became especially apparent to me when I was putting together this ranking I mean it was obvious going through the list I was like the best performance here is Affleck in Manchester by the Sea that's the best win here by far for a few two reasons one he is so emotionally devastating in that film Affleck has given some good performances throughout the years especially the assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford which he also got an Oscar nomination for in best supporting actor but Manchester by the Sea written and directed by Kenneth lonan released in 2016 is the Apex of his career as an actor he was perfectly cast in this film he hits all the right notes and it is a pretty remarkable performance but for me what makes this the clear number one choice is that it's not an Awards bity performance in any way there's no Prosthetics he's not playing a real person you look at so many of these best actor Oscar wins of the 2010s and they are so Oscar baity they're basically begging Awards voters Academy members give me trophies please look at me look at my physic physical transformation I'm playing a real person give me the Oscar now and Affleck isn't doing that in Manchester by the Sea it's more lowkey reserved there are many scenes in that movie where he's not saying anything and he's just listening for the most part like that memorable dramatic scene with Michelle Williams Denzel Washington in fences gives the bigger louder performance and after he won it sad the academy could have given best actor to Washington it would have been his third win it would have made sense in a away but now having ranked these best actor Oscar wins of the 2010s I'm saying right now I made a mistake in that sag video and I'm sorry as much as I do like that Washington performance in fences Affleck and Manchester by the sea was the rightful winner at the Academy Awards that is by far I would say the number one best actor Oscar win of the 2010s of course my mother and my father for mostly usually believing in me and doing this uh B I love you you ain't heavy thank you all very much thanks so much for watching and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what would be your ranking of the best actor Oscar wins of this decade and we'll see you next time at the awards contender
Channel: The Awards Contender
Views: 24,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Zhbn2Z5y7E
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Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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