When Great Movies Flop At The Box Office

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so I recently went to see the movie The Fall Guy a fun little action comedy starring Emily Blunt and Ryan goling that I absolutely adored it's a really entertaining and charismatic movie that seemed like it had everything lined up to be a big hit and yet despite incredible reviews both from critics and audiences the movie flopped and had a disastrous opening weekend that pretty much solidifies the reality that it will probably lose the Studio money especially given the fact that it had a budget of $150 million and I thought huh that's curious why didn't people go see this movie the marketing campaign seemed like it was generating a lot of hype the trailers were insanely popular like the buzz around it was very loud and everyone who had gotten a chance to see it at film festivals was very vocal about how good it was like in my head it was a sure fire hit but then the movie came out and nothing absolute crickets it's probably because it seems like everybody want broke going to see dude in theaters three or four times which is completely valid I saw it three times and I most likely will go see it again and maybe it's because it came out just a week after Challengers the news and DEA movie that everyone is obsessed with right now it's excellent by the way go watch it but regardless it always breaks my heart a little when a good movie that clearly was made with a lot of heart and passion fails to find an audience to support it at the box office especially when it's an original idea that isn't the adaptation of a comic book or a novel or a sequel to a movie that came out 20 years ago that's why I've been so happy to see The Challengers has been doing extremely well it's a fun and charismatic original concept that managed to build a lot of hype based on Word of Mouth and I genuinely thought the Fall Guy was going to get sort of a similar result and the reason why that's so sad is because like many people will say audiences communicate to Hollywood with their wallets movies like this will stop being produced if they don't make money and I would like more movies like The Fall Guy but all of that started to make me think about other fantastic movies I really like that unfortunately flopped at the box office there have been a bunch of them we can all at least think of one and sometimes it's so surprising to hear they flop because these movies went on to become absolute Classics of Cinema yes Fight Club was a giant box office bomb when it came out in 1999 it sounds almost inconceivable today but it was It's a Wonderful Life is arguably the most iconic Christmas movie in the history of Cinema it came out in 1946 and it flopped nobody wanted to see it the Sha Shank Redemption absolute classic and it bombed when it came out same for Citizen Kane considered by many to be the single greatest movie in the history of Cinema it came out in 1941 and it was a huge flop that's a bit of a different case though because there is this insane story of this journalist that single-handedly sabotaged the movie by blocking it from being advertised in newspapers and by going as far as bribing movie theaters to pull the movie from showings it's a fascinating story like the whole beef behind the release of Citizen Kane was insane but you get the point and today I want to talk about some of those movies those absolute gems that deserved way more success than they ended up having they're movies that particularly marked me because I absolutely love them but also because for some of them the reasons why they flop despite being great movies are incredibly frustrating to find out you'll surely know some of those movies others you've probably never heard about or you've just forgotten they even existed but I love them and I think they deserve a spotlight and hey if you know of any movies that were commercial failures but deserved way more feel free to leave them in the comments down below I'm always on the hunt for a good underrated movie also follow me on Instagram because I love giving little lists of underrated movies and TV shows and even short films and we just have a lot of fun over there in general so with all that in mind in no particular order here are my favorite fantastic movies that completely flopped at the box office number one Dr sleep this is another one one of those movies that on paper should have been a Surefire hit but it somehow completely fail at fulfilling that promise in execution Dr sleep is an adaptation of the Stephen King novel of the same name published in 2013 it is the official sequel to The Shining his other iconic book that came out in 1977 and that was famously adapted into a movie by Stanley cubrick In 1980 this time around though this adaptation was directed by Mike Flanigan The Man Behind in the greatest horror series ever made The Haunting of Hill House Dr sleep takes place about 40 years after the events of The Shining and it follows Danny Jack and Wendy's son from The Shining who is now an adult struggling with alcoholism due to the intense trauma he still carries from the horrific events he witnessed at the Overlook Hotel when he was a child Danny drinks to escape his past both figuratively and literally because 40 years later he is still being haunted by the ghosts of the Overlook Hotel who speak to him and want his shining his supernatural abilities so he suppresses his abilities by drinking hoping to find a way to a more peaceful life but that hope is very quickly destroyed when Danny learns about the existence of a young girl named Aubra who also possesses The Shining the true form of unexpected psychic link and soon Danny and Aubra have to bend together when they become the target of a my mysterious cult known as the true knot that is led by a terrifying woman named Rose the Hat Rose is a nearly Immortal being who extends her life by stealing the psychic essence of children and she seeks to torture Danny and Aubra and kill them in order to steal their shining and make herself live longer despite having some serious hype when it was announced and even when the trailer came out it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Dr sleep crashed and burned at the box office when it was released it's kind of insane how hard it flopped and compared to other movies we're going to talk about in this video the reason for its colossal failure is a bit more difficult to explain there were some mistakes with the way the movie was handled by Warner Brothers that could sort of explain some of it but not enough that it would justify this big of a flop like yes the release date was not exactly ideal for some reason Warner Brother had a banger of a horror movie on their hands but they decided to release Dr sleep a month after Halloween which is like a giant misted opportunity and maybe 2019 was the year where people were starting to be a bit burnt out on Stephen King adaptations I mean there were four of them in 2019 alone in the Tall Grass do sleep the pet cemetery remake and it chapter 2 like that's a lot for one dude and maybe The Shining doesn't resonate with younger audiences anymore so there was a lack of care regardless of the reason though there was a very unfortunate downfall to witness Dr sleep is an excellent horror Thriller that not only serves as a great sequel to The Shining novel but also pays homage to The Shining movie in numerous ways the story is compelling the performances are absolutely insane you and McGregor gives an incredibly powerful and emotional performance as this broken adult Danny Ferguson is at the top of her game as Rose the Hat a truly fascinating antagonist that could not have been played by just anyone seriously this is one of the best performances of her career the movie Just bangs it's creepy it's thrilling it's mysterious and it has a lot of very interesting themes that are tackled in very clever ways but it bombed in a very noticeable way too and it's estimated that it lost Warner Brothers around $20 million number two Kubo and the two strings Kubo and the two strings is a stopmotion animated movie directed by Travis Knight that came out in 2016 and I think it might be the most underrated animated film ever made produced by the very small likea Studio which is mostly known for making Coraline the movie takes place in ancient Japan and tells the story of Kubo a young boy who has to go on a dangerous quest to solve the mystery behind his father's death and save his people from a vengeful Spirit he accidentally summoned armed with a magical instrument that belonged to his mother Kubo has to face gods and various monsters on his journey to defeat his grandfather the moon King and wasi and kurasu his mother's evil twin sisters I saw Kubo in the two strings when it came out 8 years ago and I was just in awe of how incredible it was it's unbelievably unique it's creative the characters are all so well crafted the lore the story everything about it is just so beautiful it has a vibe that at times did remind me of Coraline especially in those sequences that Embrace a darker tone Kubo is an incredibly attaching protagonist and the companions he meets during his journey are also fantastic characters with really compelling backstories namely monkey voiced by Charlie staran and Beetle voiced by Matthew mccon all right all right all right the movie was largely inspired by The Works of hayum Miyazaki and you can feel that inspiration in the world building Kubo in the two strings is one of those movies you just hope will do good because it is so original and you can sense the amount of passion that went into making a movie like this the art style the emotions the incredible attention to detail like this movie is a real work of art that deserved all the success in the world but unfortunately Kubo was not a success when it came out in fact its box office failure was so significant that there started to be fears that Leica Studio would not survive the loss and would have to shut down thankfully that didn't happen and the movie went on to win a surprising amount of awards Leica recovered and eventually released a new movie called Missing Link in 2019 which was an even bigger flop but yeah thisp the recognition it God the critical Acclaim and the Adoration of the few people who have seen it Kubo in the two strings has largely been forgotten since 2016 and I think that is a shame because I truly believe this movie is special it deserves to find its cult following it deserves to be re-evaluated and recognized as what it was which is one of the best animated movies of the 2010s if you haven't seen Kubo in the two strings I cannot recommend it enough number three The Suicide Squad I'm going to go through this one very quickly because it's probably one of the most famous cases of great movies that flopped and I am planning on making an entire video on the failure of the DCU so I'll keep a lot of details for later The Suicide Squad is one of the best comic book movies ever made and its only downfall is the fact that it is a sequel to one of the worst comic book movies ever made 2016 Suicide Squad that movie was a total embarrassment that greatly contributed to the huge divide of fans when it comes to the DCU and nobody talks about it anymore because it is completely irrelevant it's also a movie that was notoriously cursed with endless Studio interference and yes we are once again talking about Warner Brothers you'll see later in this video Warner Brothers has a very long history of sabotaging its own films like like it it's it's a problem anyways after that Fiasco Warner Brothers still decided to go ahead with a sequel because the first one made money but they decided to hire a new director and they chose James gun the director of Guardians of the G Galaxy they trusted him so much that they essentially gave him authorization to do pretty much whatever the [ __ ] he wanted with this movie and so he decided to use the sequel as a semi reboot that would be an R-rated action comedy with new characters and so we got the suicide squad for those who don't know the suicide squad is a movie about a bunch of criminals who were locked up in a Max security prison after being defeated by Batman and that Max security prison falls under the control of a government operative named Amanda Waller played by Viola Davis Waller is like a ruthless General who decides to create a secret task force comprised of extremely powerful criminals to carry out high-risk missions around the world that could have catastrophic repercussions she calls this initiative task force x or as it becomes known as later on The Suicide Squad the reason Waller wants to use criminals for task force x is because well some of those criminals have insane superpowers and abilities but mostly because those missions that she intends to send them on are extremely destructive and will almost definitely have civilian casualties and by having criminals in this secret Task Force if things go horribly wrong and it turns into a disaster that kills tons of people she just gets to put the blame on them and keep the government out of it but these people are again dangerous criminals so she needs a way to control them and she does that by choosing the criminal she want on her Mission and forcefully implanting a bomb into their heads then she gives them an ultimatum they can either go on this Mission and carry it out and if it goes really well they will maybe get a reduction on their sentence or she blows their heads off yeah that's it there's no real other option they either do it or they die oh and of course if one of them was to go Rogue during the mission and tried to escape bomb goes off as well you're [Music] dead yeah Amanda Waller doesn't [ __ ] around now the financial failure of the movie comes down to a very specific circumstance AKA Co The Suicide Squad was released in the summer of 2021 when theaters were just starting to open up again and people were still very wary at the idea of going to the movies added to that this was also so at the Time Warner Brothers had come up with this completely stupid strategy of releasing movies in theaters and on HBO Max on the same day what the [ __ ] was that the result well most people didn't go to the theater to see the movie whether it be people who had been waiting for it for years fans of James gun or even people who were on the fence about a sequel to one of the worst comic book movies of all time because they could just watch it at home meaning it did terrible numbers at the box office completely failing to recoup its budget and losing the studio tens of millions of dollars but despite all of that fans and critics alike praise the movie as one of the best in the DCU and deservedly so once again James gun proved effortlessly that Nobody Does it like him and he managed to make a fantastic movie with the ruins of an absolute disaster that came out 5 years prior and he did such a great job with it that despite the financial failure of the movie Warner Brothers gave him the key to the studio and he is now the architect of the new DCU and he's even directing the next Superman movie Yep this movie is that good and you know depending on where you are you might not even be able to see all those amazing movies I'm talking about but no worries I have the perfect fix for you with today's sponsor nordvpn if you don't know a VPN is essentially a layer of protection for your devices and nordvpn is easily the gold standard here with just one click they protect your data and make sure you're secure while browsing from pretty much anywhere and without interruption because Nord is by far the fastest VPN out there and if you're like me and you like watching movies and TV shows no matter where you are nordvpn is your best friend because it allows you to access content from pretty much everywhere around the world for example I live in Canada so I have access to Canadian Netflix which has a different catalog 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there is a movie that will fascinate me from the moment it is announced and I will be at the edge of my seat obsessing over it and waiting for it to finally come out I had that with Dune I have that with everything everywhere all at once I am currently having that with the upcoming Tron Aries a movie I've been waiting for and obsessing over for 15 years I made a whole video about Tron legacy go watch it if if you want to understand my obsession and in the last couple of years another movie that had created that Fascination in me was the Northman a movie that in my opinion is way too overlooked the Northman came out in 2022 and it is the latest movie by Robert Edgars the incredible filmmaker behind the witch and the lighthouse it tells the story of a Viking Prince named amth Who as a child witnessed his family fall to a violent coup orchestrated by his uncle he watched his father get decapitated and his mother kidnapped as the rest of the throne was taken by assassins amleth luckily manages to escape and swears to return to his kingdom to avenge his family the movie is heavily inspired by Norse mythology and based on the Scandinavian Legend of amth and it has an absolutely worldclass cast Alexander Skarsgard Ana Taylor Joy Nicole Kidman Ethan Hawk William defo and even buk my guy like bro this this guest is unfair and let me just tell you this movie is insane like insane it's gorgeous It's haunting it's brutal it's weird which you can always expect from Robert Edgars it's a Revenge movie with a lot of deeper themes attached to it and a really beautiful depiction of the mythology it is bringing to life now contrary to other movies on this list I'm actually not sure why the Northman flopped it didn't have the biggest hype eff Robert Edgar tends to make movies that don't really reach the mainstream that much but there was some Buzz around it at the time it was coming out the trailers have like tens of millions of views I was expecting it to do better but it just didn't the movie only grossed about $70 million on a $90 million budget that's really bad and it was Robert Edgar's biggest production to date and after all the Acclaim the lighthouse got I'm sure the studio expected this to be a bigger hit but no the movie came out it was ignored by most people and then it just kind of fell into Oblivion it's barely 2 years old but nobody seems to remember it but like it should be remembered this movie is incredible on so many levels I don't even have the words the cinematography is crazy the story is crazy the acting is crazy every single person in this movie [ __ ] popped off my guy everybody showed up in maximum effort mode and if you ask me the Northman deserves way more recognition than the one it has gotten number five the night of the hunter well here's a new thing correct me if I'm wrong but I think this might be the oldest piece of media I've ever talked about on the channel and boy is it a good one the night of the hunter is a thriller from 1955 about the horrifying story of a religious fanatic serial killer named Harry who poses as a preacher as he travels from town to town and murders widows and women who use their sexuality to attract men when the movie begins he is arrested by the police for driving a stolen vehicle and he spends an entire month in prison while there he shares a cell with a fallen bank robber who killed two people during one of his operations to steal $110,000 he was Scot but not before he managed to hide the money and he only told his two children where to find it Harry thinking he could easily steal that $10,000 for himself tries to make his cellmate tell him where he hit it but the man keeps his secret then is eventually executed for his crimes so after coming out of prison Harry decides to become the new preacher of his cellmates hometown so he can win over the confidence of his kids and get that $10,000 oh I should probably mention $10,000 was an insane amount of money back then it's about $115,000 in today's money so like like this is a big deal so the rest of the movie follows Harry as he infiltrates his cellmates little Hometown quickly Charming everyone and even marrying his widow as he tries to find a way to get the two kids to tell him where their father hid his loot but things take an increasingly Dark Turn as people begin to doubt his identity and Harry finds himself compelled to reveal his true nature to erase every loose end now the story behind this movie is quite sad the night of the hunter was directed by a man named Charles lton and this was his very first movie and also the only movie he's ever made the reason why is simply because the night of the hunter was one of the biggest flops in cinema at the time it came out and I mean it it was an absolute disaster mostly because this movie didn't only bomb when it came out it was also very very poorly received critics absolutely destroyed it they were notoriously so merciless towards this film that it prompted a number of organizations to try and censor it it was a complete [ __ ] show in the Press so much so that Charles Lon fell into a very deep depression and he just quit he left the industry and he never ever tried to make another movie after this he was absolutely traumatized by the backlash the film faced he worked in theater for a few years after that and then died of cancer in 1962 just 7 years after the release of his film and the saddest part is that he unfortunately died being completely oblivious to the fact that his one and only movie which he believed to be an embarrassing failure would go on to become one of the greatest treasures and monuments in cinema history because it hasn't just been re-evaluated the Knight of the hunter is now considered by many to be one of the greatest movies ever made a fundamentally misunderstood Masterpiece that was way too ahead of its time and that was unfairly treated by critics and audiences in 1955 some of the greatest filmmakers of our time have quoted this movie as one of their biggest Inspirations from guod Del Toro to Martin scasi it became a blueprint as an expertly crafted Thriller that completely defined an age of Cinema now I'm a little late to the party with this one because um in case you didn't know I wasn't around in 1955 but I did watch this movie like 4 years ago I think it was during Co and I was just in shock at how much I love this thing this movie is [ __ ] awesome it's a very smart movie that for the time was not afraid to tackle some very taboo topics and not only that it also has incredible cinematography some of the shots in this movie are still still gorgeous by today's standards and are easily putting a lot of current directors to shame the plot is super compelling it's unsettling it's intense the suspense is really strong like the way the tension builds is so incredibly creative one of my favorite scenes in the movie has to do with a woman waiting on her porch with a shotgun because she knows the killer wants to get into her house you see her silhouette waiting quietly at night and you can hear him the Killer singing in the distance as he waits in front of the house for an opportunity to get in it's like this creepy standstill forming a line between good and evil and it gets even more layered when Against All Odds the woman starts singing along with the killer as they both sit a few feet away from each other in the darkness waiting for the other to make a move leaning on Jesus leing on Jes Jesus leing on the everlas that is so [ __ ] badass man I literally had chills the first time I saw this sequence I don't want to be a boomer but like man they really don't make him like this anymore the night of the hunter is a masterpiece it's such an incredible movie I think everyone should see it at least once and along with other films of the era like the Seven Samurai or 12 Angry Men this movie aged surprisingly well and the aesthetic of the time adds greatly to its magic it's absolute art if you have not seen the night of the hunter please watch it I think a part of me will always wonder what other movies Charles lton would have given us if he hadn't been massacred the way he was when it first came out he might have become one of the greatest directors of his time and he might have left us with even more Classics to take inspiration from I will always wonder but alas we'll never know number six Atlantis the Lost Empire Atlantis the Lost Empire is one of my favorite animated films of all time I think it is fan [ __ ] tastic and so incredibly Charming if somehow you've never heard of this movie or you've never seen it Atlanta's The Lost Empire tells the story of an introverted archaeologist named Milo who works at the Smithsonian in 1914 Amer America Milo is an incredibly skilled linguist and cartographer but he has a difficult time being taken seriously by his peers and superiors because Milo firmly believes in the existence of Atlantis the mythological Lost Kingdom that supposedly exists underwater and hides a secret civilization that according to the legend has access to extremely advanced technology Milo thinks he may have found the location of Atlantis and he tries very hard to convince this msian institution to fund an expedition to go find it nobody really cares to do that though the institution is not willing to spend millions of dollars to try and locate an urban legend but Milo's dream is saved by a very old billionaire who happened to be friends with his grandfather the old man is currently funding his own expedition to find Atlantis and he recruits Milo to join his team Milo accepts and so he embarks on a crazy adventure to find The Lost Empire and he does find it but than things do not go the way he expected honestly it feels almost pointless to give a synopsis of Atlantis because everybody knows this movie and it's weird to say it now because a lot of people definitely consider it to be a classic today me included but yeah Atlantis came out in 2001 and it was a complete failure at the box office like it flopped really hard at the time it was said that its failure was due to the fact that the movie opened around the same time as the first Trek movie and the first Angelina Jolie tomber raater film and just to make things worse a week after its release it was completely overshadowed by the release of the first fast and furious so in other words the financial disappointment of Atlantis can mostly be chucked up to incredibly bad timing which was really unfortunate for Disney because the movie cost a $100 million to make in 2001 they were betting big on this movie they wanted it to be the next big thing they wanted it to become one of the big Disney tent Poes and they weren't half-assing it either they had plans to create an underwater Disneyland attraction based on the movie and around the time the movie was coming out they already had a TV spin-off called team Atlantis in active development but then uh the movie flopped and Disney opted to immediately cancel all of those plans the only thing that eventually came out of it was a half-ass directed DVD sequel that came out in 2003 and man that sucks like a lot I love Atlantis so much man my mother took me to see it in theaters when it first came out and even 23 years later it has aged incredibly well and I'm very glad that the years were kind to it and that a lot of people now consider it to be a masterpiece that was severely misunderstood when it came out because yes critics were harsh with it in 2001 and you know what I'm cheating a little but I'll add another movie to this entry Treasure Planet the other big Disney animated film that came out just one year after Atlantis and flopped even harder at the box office I'm pretty sure it actually became one of the biggest Financial failures in cinema history that's how bad it was this time it was because Disney chose to release it at the same time as Die Another Day the James Bond movie and get this Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets good good job Disney very smart moves over there you guys really were the kings of bad timing in the early 2000s Jesus Christ now I personally don't love Treasure Planet as much as I do Atlantis but this movie still slaps and for the time it really pushed the boundaries of what was seen with animation it's a gorgeous [ __ ] movie and same as Atlantis it 100% deserves to be considered a classic and I'm glad that is the case today number seven Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 this right there is a fantastic story of how some studios just refus to learn from their mistakes even after 40 years and it is a great example of how a studio mishandling a movie can lead to its downfall regardless of how good it is now I think a lot of people already know this but the original Blade Runner was kind of a [ __ ] show behind the scenes and it was notoriously plagued with Studio interference basically the movie that came out in theaters in 1982 was not the movie Ridley Scott intended to make or at least not entirely Warner Brothers yes it's always them tempered with the movie so much that it just became a giant mess they made Ridley Scott delete sequences and replace them with awful voiceover narration skin jobs that's what Bryant called replicants in history books he's the kind of cop used to call Black black men [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did he just say they forced him to re-shoot a bunch of scenes and most famously they forced him to add scenes he never intended to have in the movie The Theater version of Blade Runner notoriously contains a very very stupid and universally despised happy ending that has the main characters literally drive off into the sunset that ending was forced onto Ridley Scot by the studio and he tried to fight it for a very long time but to no avail he found himself obligated to re-shoot a positive ending that wouldn't upset audiences and to abandon his original ending which was more ambiguous and philosophical by Nature an ending he had already shot by the way so long story short the constant interjections and overall mishandling of the movie by the studio led to a confusing film that did not connect with audiences or critics and the movie was a box office flop when it came out in 19 82 over the years though it did build somewhat of a cult following one that became strong enough that about 25 years later in 2007 we would finally get Blade Runner the Final Cut which is the version of the movie that Ridley Scot had intended to make the entire time all the missing scenes were put back in their place the awful narration was rightfully wiped out the themes of the movie were left intact and most of all the original ending was restored the Final Cut Is Now largely considered to be the definitive version of the movie since it is the only version where Ridley Scott had complete creative control and it is the version that is now held as an Untouchable Masterpiece and as one of if not the greatest scifi movie of all time an extremely important piece of media that was almost lost in time due to a studio refusing to let an artist make their art but history has a strange tendency to repeat itself although not always for the same reasons while the original Blade Runner was hindered by Studio interference and the overall reality of the fact that this movie like many on this list was ahead of its time Blade Runner 2049 the 2017 sequel to Blade Runner fell victim to what I consider to be one of the most poorly executed marketing campaigns like ever see Blade Runner 2049 was the long awaited sequel to A cult classic from the80s one that is largely regarded as the greatest sci-fi film of all time it had a Legion of fans but a lot of younger audiences didn't necessarily know Blade Runner Beyond its title there was an undeniable generational Gap that needed to be addressed in other words the movie needed to be as interesting to Old fans as it would be to non- fans DV was very aware of that and he managed to work up the perfect pitch to make the movie a huge draw because the surface level plot of Blade Runner 2049 is on its own incredibly captivating but in instead of using that incredible story to pull people in Warner Brothers decided to do the opposite and the number one rule of the entirety of the marketing campaign for Blade Runner 2049 was you cannot say anything about the movie at all there cannot be any talk about the story of it in any capacity and they enforce that rule to the fullest extent of their capabilities genuinely you can go online right now and watch every single trailer for Blade Runner 2049 every little teaser every main trailer every little TV spot you can watch the entirety of this marketing campaign and you will have absolutely no idea what this movie is about for some reason Warner Brothers decided to impose an order of complete secrecy on the movie which let the trailers giving audiences no idea of what story they would be watching an awkward cast interviews where they were not able to talk about the movie they were there to promote Warner Brothers treated this movie like it was [ __ ] Star Wars a franchise where the brand recognition alone is enough to secure insane box office even if nobody knows what the movie is about they thought audiences didn't need to be sold on this movie they overestimated it SP greatly and shows to play the secretive game with a premise it's so dumb that's just stupid because the story they were p itching is so gripping hey here's a hopeless future where Humanity has created artificial human beings they can control but all hell breaks loose when one of those synthetic humans somehow manages to reproduce naturally which makes their whole existence a Potential Threat to humanity so we need to find this miracle baby before the evil Corporation creating the artificial humans gets their hands on it there you go it's a Noir detective movie set in in a cyberpunk future that involves a race against the clock to find a person born from a manufactured artificial human it's a brilliant [ __ ] premise that allows people to get infested in the world and the characters only to then discover that Blade Runner 2049 is actually a very Soulful story about existence itself and the meaning of Being Human but no Warner Brothers looked at the premise and went they don't need to know that and instead they sold this movie as an action sci-fi with no Story the trailers are full of shots from action sequences which would make you believe all you're about to get is a series of gunshots and explosions but if you've actually seen the movie Blade Runner 2049 is a nearly 3-hour film with what three or four very short action sequences this is not an action movie anyway the result is that Deni nov made one of the greatest I movies ever made an absolute Masterpiece that greatly honors its predecessor but once again the Studio's mishandling of the movie confus audiences and cause them to skip on seeing it in theaters when it came out in 2017 and so Blade Runner 2049 was a financial flop that only gained its notoriety in the couple of years that followed maybe one day Warner Brothers will stop sucking and finally number eight Edge of Tomorrow this one is the perfect place to finish this list because it flat out breaks my brain if you thought the Blade Runner 2049 marketing campaign was stupid [ __ ] hold on to your butt cheeks and yes by the way we are still talking about Warner Brothers I am sitting in a room full of [ __ ] idiots you dumb [ __ ] but first for some context Edge of Tomorrow is a science fiction movie released in 2014 that stars Tom Cruz and Emily Blunt it takes place in a not sood distant future where Earth is attacked by aliens that are basically Invincible we're losing the fight armies are getting wiped out like things are looking very Bleak for Humanity so trying a new strategy to counter the Invaders an army General decides to send major William Cage played by Tom Cruz to go and cover the new offensive from the front lines which is basically a suicide mission the issue is cage is an officer that has never been in combat and he is also a [ __ ] coward but he has to carry out his mission so he goes on the battlefield and he is killed almost immediately bro got zero XP he is dead as [ __ ] but by some miracle he somehow wakes up right after dying and he wakes up back in time more specifically the morning of the battle for some unknown reason cage is stuck in a groundhog day time Loop he is forced to relive that day and to re-experience that battle and his death again and again and again he has no idea why this is happening but everything changes when a sergeant named Rita played by Emily Blunt notices him and together they understand that Cage's infinite time Loop might be the way to beat the Invaders the movie is actually really fun and the character development being driven by this guy having to strategize the same fight over and over again is super entertaining each time Tom Cruz has to relive the day and go to battle again he gets slightly better at it and he goes from being a coward literally unable to stand his ground for more than 10 seconds to basically a combat expert who can blast his way through an army of aliens and the movie has some fun Mysteries to solve like finding out why Tom Cruz is stuck in this time Loop and how the aliens can be defeated for good seeing Tom Cruz who were so used to seeing as a badass in movies playing a cowardly goofball is also really fun and Emily blun just never misses she's so [ __ ] cool in this role it's ridiculous and her character has some very interesting lore yeah despite being an incredibly fun watch Edge of Tomorrow was completely sabotaged by its idiotic marketing campaign just to give you an idea of how poorly handled this campaign was just so you get a tiny little peek at the disaster it turned out to be this marketing campaign was so bad and so needlessly confusing that by the time the movie came out people weren't even sure what the title of the movie was just just take a moment to think about how insane that is do you know how stupid your strategy to promote a movie has to be for people to be confused about what it's called do you know how hard you failed to do your job because yeah uh for a reason that will never be understood even by the gods themselves this movie was advertised by Warner Brothers under three different titles some places advertise it as all you need is kill which is the title of the Japanese novel this movie is based on but it's not the title of the movie other places called it Edge of Tomorrow which ended up being the title of the movie at release but then somehow another wave of marketing used the title Live Die Repeat which was then scrapped and used as a tagline for the movie I bro what I would pay so much money to be able to have footage of the meetings where those decisions were made what kind of disorganized mess is this what did you expect people to say when they went to the theater hi one ticket for the pew pew movie with Tom Cruz please naturally after such a mess of a marketing campaign uh nobody knew what they were supposed to be into here so people just didn't go see the movie and it was an absolute flop and a big one at that because this movie cost almost $200 million to make and it was reported that Warner Brothers spent an extra $100 million on that absolute embarrassment of a marketing campaign as a result this movie that was meant to start a franchise did not secure a future because the edge of tomorrow's sequel has been stuck in development hell for 10 years even earlier in 2024 a decade after the release of the original movie there are still updates happening in the Press about the sequel being an active development but nothing ever happens and they even announced an HBO Max TV spin-off like 2 years ago that I'm pretty sure went nowhere even Emily Blunt has been very open in interviews that she has absolutely no clue if this sequel is ever going to happen and Tom Cruz is apparently still having discussions with the studio make it happen 10 years later maybe one day Warner Brothers will stop sucking anyways this is making me angry all over again I'm going to go watch atlan The Lost Empire one more time thanks for watching see you next time bye oh yeah go watch the Fall Guy like it's it's really good I promise
Channel: Friendly Space Ninja
Views: 462,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UjB8B01N8hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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