Top 10 Abandon Storage Units In 2019! Count Down..

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and we're back we're back so you had a bunch of the dump stuff so I put these cushions down here to shield it from the top so we don't get any bouncing these won't move at all because I've got stuff behind them and I'm gonna pack them in real good so they're not gonna move and they're gonna be good so it's that beautiful piece oh my gosh all right and look at this Wow solid wood that thing's crazy cool alright so let's do these three and then we gotta head out because I gotta go to my live show so mom you do the honors what do you think is up here they are labeling to me like they are though they haven't mislabeled babe can you believe all the China all the but there's no dump stuff in this crazy I know people in Oregon watch me too he's you let this one slip all right these balls oh those are nice wow that's really really cool nice set I know I keep saying that everything is we have a rice bowl rice bowl I like rice I think these are funded boxes to go through but it's so consuming there's so much stuff and it's all wrapped up you know Wow what the heck I don't know how does stuff get in there is that incense source you put an incense stick in that or something I don't know well possibly we need help specific on some things I just guess but I it looked like an incense over to me wow that's really cool I like it we'll do a few more guys I know you want to see it all I just don't have time to go through everything oh here that matches that yes there we got a lot of that yeah to be interesting then do it all and see how much good ones that we have Oh see there's the box down there okay let me gently do this that's pretty yeah I wonder what it is teapot that's a pretty button it matches the fat isn't that pretty yeah thing is amazing I love that reflection tea I really would this is this is not going on the back of the truck guys this will go in the front in the front the truck does hold quite a bit from the front yeah that way none breaks alright okay uh-oh this is heavy what is in here what's it say away oh oh don't even oh I've done those before kind of like an office oh there's coins in here pennies mmm-hmm almost full they almost had it though they hung the military stuff up there look at this iron that is an iron I think it is yeah yeah and it's got a core to it so it's electric look at this what is that this is an old hair dryer oh wow it is old deluxe heat gun oh it's a heat gun never right well that might be the same thing we don't know some more coins we're gonna take those out Sean commutative coin 1963 to 1989 to 1963 racing all right so these pictures we're going to get back okay last one last one this is Tokyo Japan on it on the box there's more boxes but last one on top [Music] [Applause] scream whoa what is that oh I wonder what it for no idea you see inside of it it's like yeah Koen thing now I'm just gonna take a real wild guess you think it's a steamed seafood and then you drain about I can't wait to figure out what that is really all right oh it's already kind of short guys this is it though this is what we have left so we'll finish this video we have these boxes right kitchen glass coffee cups darn it I don't have enough time we got it we got to get back but wonder what that is right there okay here you go mom let me let me here's a very old what is this oh look look at the camera oh wow that is beautiful a huge wall hanging that's different it's like a wire piece Oh it's Japan in you know a long time ago and it has writing under each one Wow look at this thing I got all four all of them in here I'm not cool guys yes well show this one large picture will show this in more Intel well show it close up and show the writing but look at this thing that is beautiful I love that yeah just really cool I was wondering what that was oh my gosh I can't wait to see that piece of furniture on the back wall that your head is just boxes and boxes down here man okay it's so hard to move it it's so hard to leave I found gold I found 14k that was random so looks like they took they took the stone out of it but yeah crazy I'll put it up here harder the words up here yeah just incredible up here's the y'all see if the planes in here oh I didn't know that was there $159 just on this one well yep that's where the remote goes to yeah and it's all in there new its new I think it's way cool down there maybe that's where they light it oh they put a candle in there game in a box over there oh ma Marga checked and we have boxes down here alright this video please share this video right below side of the video on the right hand side it says share you can share the video to your audience and subscribe guys we're a family running a storage unit business you'ii be a business online business hopefully you guys like this we shall continue see you live tonight bonus footage sorry I forgot we're actually gonna take these chairs home with us since we have room I'm gonna get these chairs out of here so we don't have as much stuff in here but yeah I'm gonna get these chairs out of here alright guys just wanted to show you before but look at these chairs nothing awesome gonna get these guys out of here so alright much love see ya and we're back we're back this is crazy such an awesome unit guys if you have not seen video number one go check it out go check it out video number one is off the chain this one there's not a ton to unbox this may be actually part of video yes there's more this actually may be video number two or one or three I don't know anyways we're gonna go through this and yeah see what you guys think this furniture is off-the-chain blue this stuff lookup beautiful this furniture is edits they took very good care of it look at this all solid wood look at that just really cool really cool stuff and then they even have like these little guys in here oh wow they have old fans in here Wow look at those fans actually sold one of those recently for like 24 bucks but not nearly as nice this must be a one of those you know fire stoppers for candles what the heck are these things I don't even know some of this Asian stuff I'm like stumped yeah yeah I think it's for candles maybe [Music] oh all right oh it's a horse but it's porcelain it's a porcelain horse I think so they wanted possibly I mean these things alone I'm a I'm gonna ask a lot for I don't know exactly yet hunts I'll look into it but this set right here maybe at 350 dollars set just that alone so high right guys so a couple things now not always the case but sometimes some people have breakables they put them up top kind of remember how the breakables were up here poor they put them below desk like that you know there's still all the boxes here that we're going to go through right but a lot of people necessarily I mean you know that it differs right but sometimes they don't put the cool stuff there but they put cool stuff up there and down below here so we're gonna see what's in here we still have a lot of boxes to go through mom oh by the way we forgot to show this little pig these are all the signs right they got a pig everything [Laughter] yeah they didn't look like they cut this out no no it they didn't cut it out it's like it's a normal shape yeah this this is definitely brass I would think right I mean yeah it's heavy and I don't know this thing is awesome though it's definitely going up on eBay it's it's not a garage sale item I don't think all right what is over here this is a family photo OOP yeah be careful we don't ding at this up it's just a newspaper clipping huh well hon so look at that look at that more all right so we have an old eMachine well not it's actually not it's got windows 7 so it's not like really old yeah oh wow it just kept everything so nice look at this this is probably the keyboard here yes oh yeah yeah now I gotta try to hold this hold this with one hand yep remember yet to open every box what was that one box it said something and it had a bunch of chain in so this is a pretty nice Epson but I think it's a little older one but hey yeah it's well I don't know there's other stuff in there maybe this yeah maybe this is not the we're just oh no it's in there yep house some glasses yeah all the computer stuffs in here so okay so I mean if they took really good care look it's lost this way I love these type of units yes like look at the furniture in here you guys remember that it was the gold ring that's a 14-karat gold ring here found this 14k here you want to hold it just in case will you forget about and then we have a bullet here so obviously they're hunters and no no that guys this is kind of the location that we're in is kind of you can see the old paper they put up there it's kind of an area that's uh is like farmland flew it or not now I don't know if we shown this yesterday but yeah I wish I had such a class like I'm like this type of yeah metal in here on the sides yeah beautiful this guy over here now I'm assuming that this is definitely the I'm gonna take their word for it this is a monitor yeah but let's just open it up just to make sure because you just never know alright yep that's the monitor in here it's not like a really really old monitor though so I mean so they put the stuff in here now oh my gosh you need to take a take a look at it it's so odd Wow I never I didn't notice the glass piece on top I just don't want to scratch the one that's it what is it for I don't want to I want to pick it up no I got to put that one back oh yes so you know my gosh look at this guy's oh my gosh what is this thing look at the woodwork on here I mean this thing is just yeah too cool huh you can tell it's been here I mean look how old the wood is in here I mean what is this thing I've never seen a table like that yeah oh yeah man this may be an expensive piece here guys this may be an expensive piece huh alright let me move this one out of the way I'm worried glass oh yes I love it I like this other one back there too it's the one I bet eyeballing I didn't even know that one was there but you kind of see like this it's almost like foil paper inside of it or something hurt or no that's copper or brass isn't that brass that's brass I think it's brass yeah Wow oh yeah and they have little handles over here man anybody knows in the comments what that thing is look at this mom this is awesome oh look at that this I think this is a china hutch isn't it no it's to where they would put their china well remember it's like a small little china hutch thing I don't know but man this thing is system I love it look how beautiful this thing is this is old this has got to be old this isn't the stuff that you find a pure one that looks old this is actually old let's see there's anything in here yeah this isn't like you know you're gonna Pier one Imports and it looks old but it's not all this is definitely just old you know this piece may be a very expensive piece also get these checked out before we do anything look at this oh my gosh guys yeah you can see just all the woodwork here to appreciate this type of stuff there's a little bit of damage down here you can see the bottom part there but I think it just pops into place I don't know well this guy is old huh really cool we do have a Sony up here as well that's why I love storage units guys three hundred and twenty dollars and look at this this may be $320 right here pays for the whole unit just one item it's crazy all right let me move some stuff over here and then we shall look in some boxes right see some down there there's one right here we threw a blanket on top might be good kitchen wait we don't know some of us like kitchens Breen bring you guys right over here it's like that you guys are here enjoying it with us you got to look to like this old furniture you got to make sure there's no Griswold plant pans in here those things can get expensive this is cool handle club club okay now what I expected normally this wouldn't be under a table like the China would be but yeah this is a club set copper bottoms yeah okay yeah normally you would all right see what is under here oh you ready for this oh my gosh it's heavy that little thing it's heavy oh my gosh oh my gosh guys look at this just don't see that every day look at this whole thing oh my god and those look those are the slots down there for those things so you guys see all those the slats it's for those those thing right there oh my gosh Wow look how beautiful this is it's crazy let's see I don't know how to open this I wonder if it's locked this is locked I like that yeah but I don't want to break it we need a key there was some keys down there so I'm gonna see if those work but for now we'll go through here what do we have here we have some of that this is the newer yeah that's probably there everyday yeah but there's still expensive silverware I'm trying to get the screen to focus here there we go everyday silverware and they got crazy yeah sharpening stone chopsticks oh this is their everyday stuff but then they saw some older stuff in here maybe I'm wrong I could be I'm not this says England on it so that's the huh we're gonna have to go through here well there's an old knives in here too so yeah be careful but that's kind of the side of it yeah guys chopsticks ooh look at this it's not Cutco what is that we're gonna look at that here hold this camera real quick careful I'll slice my finger here that's everybody's gonna be like where's those knives interesting that it is Cutco man this stuff is expensive guys I found in three units so far in the last 35 days look up this brand Cutco you guys see that they they weren't see their blades for life I just sold it I I just sold a set of Cutco what a week ago if you guys look on my eBay store the baby eBay store for two hundred and twenty dollars two hundred twenty dollars got some yeah okay all right let's see what's under here or kitchen or kitchen all right war kitchen recipes oh these are but these are really good recipes too huh Deluxe Russell made in the United States this vintage older stopped me in the United States you can still sell everything guys and to be really careful organizing super sharp cuisine made in France I think it's a sabotage every wrong just this one's made in England and nutcrackers well I can understand now why oh these are all napkin holders oh this is pewter that's nice this is pewter napkin holders Wow that's why you can't discount kitchen like because there's money in kitchen you know Wow look at these old suckers I sold one these for 30 bucks not this one that I mean old old ones may need Ally and stuff you can sell for good money crazy yes stuffy Bay eBay eBay okay oh man okay now into some more boxes here this one says kitchen but they got me all intrigued here okay I think this is some more boring kitchen stuff coffeemaker general kitchen stuff this is still vintage kitchen so oh wow this suckers heavy alright grandma we're gonna grab my ventures we're gonna need your help here see what we got we have a cutting board people love those yeah but it's a tire Wow yeah this is their everyday dishes it is but everyday to them it's like you know a rail yeah really expensive stuff huh this is the stuff that they didn't wrap up really good but still Wow they love to cook you got that impression you know II mean with all the stuff and man we're gonna have to see one of those keys fits good cuz that's locked I don't want to break it and then you guys can see all the way down there those are the slats so those slats go right over here and it's solid wood and they go right over here so I think that makes a shelf right yes yeah somebody's gonna want that sucker no nope nope okay I couldn't get that guy and I got one of them but you guys remember that video that's crazy all the furniture in here is just nuts it's awesome okay so now I need to do is get to those suckers and I'm gonna give the phone over here looked in those drawers of the dressers yeah we'll look through it again I'm sure we should have this briefly but I'll show them again okay very long it's like ooh eight feet or more yes yes they got a good view of it and it's like gold man you'll see if they couldn't see that the matting on it that's really cool yeah I did okay I think we look through I don't remember doing well they're empty okay I was just wondering alright here I still don't know where this goes to this Brandon I I thought it was like this this goes to this right here it's this metal table that was half right here that's an outdoor it's very nice [Music] all right so let me grab the boxes here let me show that hold on guys I got a button up my zipper here look grandma was giving me signals that my zipper was well you know it's like there's certain things you just tell people oh well it's actually not zipper it's it's buttons buttons yeah all right we're good all right we're good I got my fly buttoned up all right so they you shoulda saw her she was like all right so I've got these boxes here we're going to go through and then we have there may be something in here and I really want to see if we can open up that case oh my gosh we don't I don't think we opened up this drawer now wow look at this though yes it's one of those travel clocks that you take when you go places yeah oh wow that thing is cool huh I just really love that beautiful how did you travel you could now use my phone but still now there's all kinds stuff in here I don't think those go to it but I'll H now but right now we'll take any keys we can to see if any of these go to it you [Laughter] don't know how to pick a lock okay I'm just gonna see if I can find oh my gosh there's a bunch of bunch of keys in there where do you went through this stuff on the first video no here's the warranty for that Sony oh I'll check he's there oh my gosh I'm gonna be here for a day trying all these keys yeah some more cufflinks Oh mr. beautiful coupling so you can see they've got like a little a little guy golfing okay well here's some keys we'll put these up here so we can try that lock is awesome okay so let's go ahead and get into this and see what's in these boxes shall we all right I'm gonna bring them out here that much okay they keep saying kitchen they loved their kitchen huh all right what happened to my knife weird I lay it find your keys something you better not lose well you got a bunch of them hold on I gotta take out oh all this making money all this making money i needa he does not recommend caffeine drinks the sound of making money guys that's true to change things I love the shape of it they got like a little fishing hook thing over there yeah an anchor yeah what is it anchor anchor brim oh yeah it kind of looks like an anchor it goes like I'm just guessing folks I if I'm wrong let me know I don't know what that brand that is if you guys notice what that is but I would hate to know everything wouldn't like be boring if I knew everything yeah yeah I got a comment today and no disrespect to you guys if you're watching but it's like wait I find it hard sometimes because you know nothing about common stuff and I'm like do you realize that you know I do like 15,000 a month on eBay which is one person and we live in a day and age where if you don't know something you pull up your phone and you research it it's different you know it's different before the internet you really you know knowledge was a thing you had to have it and you still need a little basic knowledge today but you can pull up your phone pull up the brand find out exactly how much it sold for when it's sold for compare prices like completely different world now so just cuz we're everybody out there that is a little timid because they may not know what products are don't worry cuz you can pull it up on the internet you can find out exactly what it's going for and there's sites like Worth point you can use that pulls up old data from eBay and you've got all kinds of stuff that you can use Terapeak is another site these are parts for the glasses for their barn maybe that's what that is I'm thinking so maybe this thing is a little bar for their like a Chinese bar or something you know I don't know we'll find out yes I'll make them over there okay oh my gosh another box is this fine china ah he makes us wait me gets us all excited yeah oh this is kitchen well no not this one I've used one of these okay Oh everybody has Tupperware yes this is Hamilton Beach it's got some sort of thing in there I wonder yeah this is everyday kitchen this stuff still sells though we're gonna want this this stuff we put at the garage sale we're gonna do a great garage sale video so you guys can see everything look how old this sucker is I wonder how many things this is mixed probably a time it would have been nice to sample some of it because I have a feeling Nate yeah what cooked very good oh yeah I love Asian and oriental food oh yes which my other daughter-in-law does Oh Oh cheering coffee mugs coffee cups I had to keep showing you guys the progress all right ready are you talking about heavy boxes that one's real heavy this one is heavy and has photos in it how's that what it has yes China dishes and photos yeah well it's a comedy you guys see all those bovver there those are all photos I look through them I'm giving that back to the family so those that are wondering that's all going back to the family now one thing you can do is some of those photos have really nice expensive frames on them like frames of the photos but I'm gonna give those back but some some people know faults through their own they can you can take out the photos give the photos back and keep the frames because some of those are really old frames but I'm gonna give those frames back because I want to try to do something I I always try to do something that you wouldn't want if it was you yes sometimes that goes underappreciated you know cuz you see us taking their stuff I'm already interested here pretty tablecloth yeah pretty tablecloth so this looks like a lot of photos but they said China - yeah we're gonna have some look and you get a lot of passports guys you have to give that stuff back so uh-huh Bob Hope I used to watch him when I was young look at that old father's food ready photo out me look how beautiful that thing is let me just see if it's actually close it might be a scrapbook no it's got kind of old oh yeah it is scrapbook yeah Wow that's got to go back though you know these are old photos 1950s oh you're heavy what are you in witters what's up you know I love the K oh it's a game of some kind that's why I look through everything guys that is so party isn't it it is nice case father think you think it's sort of a Japanese dominoes I used to remember what this game is called yeah I can't remember pakia or no no is it packed or what is a pack out or whatever I don't know who knows maybe somebody'll now but this is a beautiful set No Oh Bertie that's beautiful it's got its own case - I like that this guy right here Oh I'm moving in on the lotta but it's just so pretty look at this can you guys see that I'm trying to give them a close-up Wow I'm hoping the cameras focus in there and that it's pretty on the back side too yeah there's a little mark there if you guys can see it barely oh my god my favorite Wow this one has 24 karat gold on it that's got gold on it this one is just look at this thing it's big too you can't see heavy it's heavy you can't really notice how like ticking it or how thick it is and how can that be pretty just sitting on your table yeah dining room table look at the thing wow that is crazy stick yeah that's awesome beautiful beautiful beautiful I think Bob Hope is worth send it to Tiger Woods [Laughter] oh this one says pewter that a bit you got to do the one on top first alright I can see what this one is they believe I spent it they might be really nice three hundred and twenty dollars on everything sometimes you get you do well time to do well I mean I'm talking about in general everybody ninety-five percent of the time I'm not just talking about him people we hit sometimes we had a fun time talking to the people that have done it for 17 years the other day yeah they were fun Wow oh it is beautiful that is though somebody's gonna love this yeah it's got the gold well it's got a horse designer and that is real gold that's trimming it yeah this is they spent money on their kitchen stuff didn't they they probably use it for special occasion yeah man that's beautiful huh Wow here's another piece pearl yep this is heavy just a beer mug or a milk glass [Laughter] let me see if there's any cool other cool ones in here mr. Christmas one so there's some comments in here with cool normally they'll put the less cool ones on the bottom yeah huh all right let's go to the next box and see what we have today I have the camera pointed on it oh it's not look at that shattered mind this is the last box guys some nice so this is brass this is brass they wanted a dollar for it interesting I would have paid that you see let me see something is that you're good near bad me I don't have a good oh yeah they're getting better but this is cool that one's actually meeting Janus it's not really old thing oh I need this for the house so we need food Ashley Ashley alright let's set this here can you set this up did we make money on this unit or what guys all right let's see what else we got here we go wow this is pewter yep I'm right pewter iced I do sell a lot of pewter stuff but that's something they must have had something she has to work for Finnell because they had a lot of dishes that had Finnell on it and this is like an award from canal oh yeah 1965 so that probably maybe they have I don't know are they around here I know organized I don't know I have to I'd have to look that up but well they probably moved here I don't think they're around you but I'm getting a theme here but this is pewter guys look at the bottoms real clean too yeah this is pewter [Music] yeah huh night I'll set this over here this is kind of one will probably want to go through everything yeah pretty candle holder yeah beautiful we'll find another one of those probably are usually incense those are so pretty aren't they alright you know oh sure it's the same symbol guys it's a creamer real with the teapot a pewter creamer you know pewter sells really well oh here's the top to it yeah I knew that was coming oh the top to something now it's going to lot the top sorry guys enjoyed I was right there with you on that one wow this is the so this is made in Holland oh there we go see made in Holland Wow right yeah this is made in Holland pewter not pretty wow that is just so cool this is worth some money I guess what it's probably upset she's so cute have the little teapot and the candle holders and everything setting out yeah wow this one is signed - yep they worked at pewter 1965 it's damn good is it oh they'll like it oh maybe I don't know see the front the other side yeah that cute yeah full on pure still mine yeah gettin all dancing all that's nice yeah this was awarded to 1974 they worked for them yep yep and this one's got a bigger probably just Awards that other people didn't get yep they'll still sell that makes them more I think to me that would have them almost more valuable yep it's a cool piece oh isn't that cute coffee and others he and coffee tea and coffee a set you'd supply solace as a set wouldn't you yeah I don't know I to me I think I you do whatever you're the better salesperson I mean this is cool pewter pewter pewter that's a sugar now we have the lid no I don't think so weird okay oh that's okay maybe that's just a little tray on its own oh oh man I'm getting old gettin old don't see that yes and by the way that's in there rf7 isn't there oh okay oh my gosh okay
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 51,797
Rating: 4.9066834 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 Abandon Storage Units In 2019, Top 10, Abandon Storage Units, 2019, Count Down, Storage Units, 10, real storage auction, storage wars, storage hunters, auction hunters, treasure hunting, storage wars full episode, storage auction, storage unit buying, abandoned storage locker, unclaimed storage units, 2019 storage locker, facility auction, abandoned storage units, storage facility auction, countdown from 10, storage units for sale, storage auction best finds
Id: 75mj1TtmnfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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