MAN Retiring After Finding Shiny GOLD Coins Inside Abandoned Storage Unit!!!

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we need to open so easy one - that'd be so fun - now yes wait wait ventures and do I have a good storage unit for you today I think we hit the jackpot with this one that crushed on that unit best unit ever it was it's like one of those that you see on storage wars you know it was just crazy buddy oh wow we get good units over here I am a professional and we're making almost 70 to 80 grand on this unit oh my god are you not entertained there you guys stay tuned get your popcorn you got more coming [Music] [Music] what's going on guys wait wait ventures and we have Grandma ventures hi how's grandma ventures doing today so from the pictures guys I couldn't see that really so I thought he was the taller or not crack here but yes people are gonna like crack this is the major Nutcracker anyways guys so this is a cool 5 by 10 storage unit we're gonna go through now grandma Vickers has a little project that she's been doing which is called Poshmark a lot of people that watch our videos we've been sharing back and forth yes so to everybody that shares our Poshmark we want to say thank you yes and everybody that we're sharing but I'd love to share the people that watch the videos yeah we've been getting now we've been getting a lot of messages like hey oh my gosh wait adventures sharing our Poshmark closet so if you guys have a posh mart closet put your Poshmark closet name in the comments and we'll try to get those things share to you I share a lot yes we'll share your guys's posh market people your Poshmark name and that in the comments I knew but if you guys want there's a lot of the stuff that you'll find in storage units that Grandma ventures has under her Poshmark so if you want to search and shop her Poshmark it's under gram adventures and we'll put the link below as well alright so let's get going the camera person like always alright so this isn't gonna be a crazy unit that we know of yet what we'll see though I don't know I'm kind of excited for it and it looks more like maybe a computer sorry for being delayed guys I've been under the weather lately look at this that is a cool they show everything oh my gosh here let's put them down real quick so there's that I have to stand back what that's the Nutcracker part see cracking that's here no I think you put the net in his mouth and yeah yes I have never cracked nuts for my kids wow she's gonna like this huh yeah she is okay that looks like something she will like she's she's got so much Christmas she can be real picky now but we can open up a shop I want her to get it all out this year okay we have some well we always need wrapping paper and these up like some though they're cool those are those for your yard yeah these have lights on them right here we'll figure it all out oh now I read the box oh god I wasn't gonna say it but well I read the box so remember the ones you have in your yard every year I think this is a baby one to go with it yeah this is that'd be cute there's like a wall it's a light-up reindeer yeah that's the that's the one thing Ashley wants to put lights out bitterly awesome huh I did you work now the kids are older so it's working well they were last year okay that might be good so hopefully that's a mini blender this this is nice KitchenAid yeah it's a little mini ones Oh KitchenAid actually it does pretty well on eBay guys KitchenAid so oh we have fabric a lot of power that's quilting fabric is it yeah it's already cutting strips mm-hmm have you built it before yes I have and I wish I had time to do it but I don't those beads no that's just empty a little a little container I would have used that for my beads yeah those that don't know gram adventure says what 120 quilted blankets on her posh market so if you want a person like that mini and personalized quilted blankets you can check the boss markets he'd be in my commercial now I've got my own commercial yes just random stuff in here so they made something out of this all right point get in here I got check this though because some kitchen make as well even the accessories for the KitchenAid do you know any Christmas songs you want to sing well I don't want to do that to the people I sing a lot at home but I only I always suffer they make my kids stuff or not everybody else all right okay so let's open this trunk first oh my gosh it's heavy holy Oh what's in this thing are you ready oh you know people like to see their records all right see what we got here not let me know if you like any of these bands okay all right I'll let you know okay oh you know I like I like prints yeah okay there's a Warner Brothers Records I can take a tiny bit of Beethoven oh yeah tiny bit I'm not sure about those furs what about elf do you like golf [Laughter] Microsoft mm and then we're gonna get into photographs okay so it looks like we're in that bunch of personal stuff here odd different things yeah we have to go through all those you find a lot of that wings and just a little bag [Music] comics in there you see comics okay we have a couple of these they feel like there's something in there yeah you sell those empty no they're full these are full that is nice oh that's wrong way yeah I've sold these recently actually this one feels full too it's odd how we never usually get them full yeah I think people have the intention of doing it I know I I did one tomorrow okay so this is all personal it's okay all right well we'll go through it but it's mostly albums in there okay let's continue there's no light in here baby oh it's Christmas oh my favorite yes that's very sarcastic nice little boxes yeah oh they're empty yeah they'd be good to give gifts in except this one oh let's go it's not like Oh Mickey Mouse she's gonna mean that Minnie and Mickey yeah bringing up closer to the camera so I don't make them sick there we go she'll love that you've got to he's real happy with her Disney Channel yeah actually I don't mind that doesn't channel I watched it last night I could - every once in a while I watch avatar again I'm waiting for the others okay you'll find a lot of Christmas and storage units oh my gosh well I do like math party mess yeah wouldn't it be fun to have a party that you had to wear a mask [Music] Oh small Nutcracker oh the baby that's a cute one too and it's almost be pretty close to that yeah oh and the spirit of a Christmas party right yes it's flashy way yeah yeah or it could be what's that what's that show bling wait no no no no what is beauty and the bees no no Fifty Shades of Grey oh okay well went through well I was trying to speak of something that fit with you're wearing that mask and fifty shades of grey just didn't come up or what's the second movie Fifty Shades of Grey or what is the second one okay no darker gray whatever already paying for the unit right here well you almost got it all right there yeah that in the points never no guys never know okay let's go ahead he's trying to entertain us today have you noticed yeah what is this it says moms this is it a break be careful don't break it oh wow what isn't it oh it broke no oh a shadowbox I love shadow but well I say I love a lot of things and I do but I really do love shadow boxes that's a very unique one I mean trying to God does have a piece loose in there unfortunately that is maybe it's in there no all the nail fell out them oh oh the sites in there yeah we can put it back on yeah I love stuff like that okay let's check and see if there's a market who knows I never sold that was kind of a unique one from what normally they are oh my gosh this is gonna love this going through this stuff what is the deal here well that's a cute little Santa bear with skinny legs oh the poor thing needs to eat yeah he's gonna there's a snowman another one of those two do they match I can't let oh is that a mrs. Santa bear yes it is there's a myth are they bears or mice those are mice oh I don't have my glasses on right now I already messed up once rosemary what did you put the crock pot together today okay what is it here I don't know but I'm excited oh oh oh it's a metal Christmas ornament yeah with rhinestones in it or beads of some God is three in the morning folks I don't I don't drink coffee but maybe I should have Oh [Laughter] Oregon is big on Christmas as Ashley as I do like or I do like Christmas I just don't like tons and tons and tons of it but Ashley does and I I think those are kind of unique she's gonna like I have a feeling this is gonna find a home yeah but what was getting pretty full how many let's see how many tubs do you have here's a Disney Linux nothing in there okay what's in there it's almost Betty though that we have a Christmasy night before Christmas right right oh I like Christmas plate what's your favorite Christmas song by the Rolling Stones these are there's a lot of ornaments in here these are actually heavy all train set yeah little wooden train said it's real cute or is that ceramic ceramic I'm not feeling it so I can I'm gonna feels like I did put my glasses on so let's see oh how cool boxes full yes so we're Candyland boxes I like those they're heavy oh boy those oh the Christmas plays I think there's a whole set of them yeah cuz there's a few of these in there have Christmas morning breakfast on them Norman Rockwell puzzle this looks this is brand-new they're not even opened no none of them are those are cool yeah they're not even opened puzzles used to be one of my favorite pastime oh I like that that's cute Oh ornaments everywhere brand new ones yep that's one thing is when you buy units guys you get somebody you know typically what they love or what they're collecting you get a lot of it I love the little boxes these Oh cat in the hat' oh my gosh I've never even seen anything like that before ahsha's are they cards huh I don't know I know what cat and hat is but I don't under are they tournaments or cards what are they oh they're ornaments oh how old boy he'll like those this is going home tonight way you're gonna have to get her they're gonna get stored it for her Christmas oh wow what is that what is that it's a cute little holder for something to head is it a pencil holder no I don't know what it is why me know in the comments cage that's the Scottie dog that he throw out he put back in there well some of these are in the package still yeah she's gonna looks like a good time to sell this stuff yeah it is they've been buying my martha stewart ornament balls family buy six of them and i have like you know a few different colors that's like I thought why wouldn't they just buy the whole tree full oh why that's kind of cool we always do good with that look like a little more woods this is Mickey you know what you weren't excited when you saw this unit but I was oh wow she's gonna that's a beautiful Mickey oh my gosh Ashley she's good that actually edits all our videos guys Sherri right she can be shopping while she's in here's a Linux an old Linux ooh oh wow some of the stuff could be actually good money here it should hide it no we won't do that - yeah oh my gosh oh they can see what's in there oh so just stop watching I want to see that other Candyland box oh I bet it's the place yeah no yeah yeah oh they set him up somewhere like you're trying to cabinet oh I like the Hat on that one duster one but yes that's what it is see now I like that one the best another no it's something else that's a little Santa is it a candle no that's a weird Samurai you know that's kind I like let's get the stuff boxed up and be right back we'll be right back all right washboard people decorate those yeah even for all those are look cool old rusty ones those are real I like that's all they've been used yeah those would be fun to decorate for Christmas and they have the lettering up here which is nice yes this is great I have enough clothes I only up too much clothes once a month does that tell you anything Ashley called guys and she wants to go through the stuff tonight I knew it wouldn't wait everyone to go through with her old recipes some of these actually do well on eBay guys use old boxes oh yeah I'd like that it's square yeah I like song Griswold these are not Griswold but dancing kitchen stuff guys kitchen sells sauce exciting and almost happy birthday oh by the way we want to say happy birthday to my oldest okay turn three today three years old and we have a big party for him this weekend so if you guys have now the first viral video that went over a million on my youtube channel that's the young one that turned 3 today so you guys haven't seen that video when 1.1 million views that was his birthday it was a crazy yeah that was his birthday right we kept him with us that day it was his birthday yeah it's not the lady that got in trouble for something I've no idea yeah I think it is you know I could be wrong if I'm wrong what we know Cook's get in trouble and you're a cook that sounds good yeah those are unique I like those feathers in a kitchen wouldn't those be cute yeah there's another one in here yeah I think those are very cute they're different than what you normally see somebody will like those oh you can even find sheets on mom's Poshmark guys her Heights yeah they're green and striped and yellow polka dot although I did say the brand new one smelts oh I have been airing them out talked about telling my dirty now oh I like that I like the movies there's a bunch of them in here mm-hmm here's a new set what is that a Sanders it's a blocking Decker basically well it's a router it's not worth the ton of money though it's blocking Decker somebody might need it and he had to look at certain rugs consent Persian rugs go for good money yeah oh look at all this stuff yeah okay he's got that show of cleared fast did Nate really quick yeah we put this over here that's a nice shelf that worked if your boss mark oh yeah he trying to keep me all right that dog food oh that's a cute little Halloween plans I'm not I'm not really big on Halloween other than just wearing a costume that's kind of neat though yeah it's probably for making costumes oh no it's a Halloween costume oh you might have your next year's costume oh I didn't get to be the whoopee cushion this year he lost his whoopee so guess what he was I bet you can guess Top Ramen what is it I'm not sure look at that some medicines we find in here we're gonna have a little everything in this locker I can tell already they're interesting ones empty boxes it's a big dough sorry guys it's a small little unit so we're getting there got some tools in here I can use that I'm doing a lot of painting lately all kinds of tools in here guys some of the good some of the older stuff you can sell on eBay pretty well it's heavy too that's the Sears craftsman and it's got rules in there so not that people mom used to sell a lot of these with tools the older older style I remember locally yeah all right so we have this is where we're at guys we'd have a few more tubs over here that one looks extremely interesting I can't wait to go through that sucker then we got two treasure chest very delicate yeah what this is very delicate so we're gonna see what that sucker is all right let's go through a couple more and then we'll do commercial by the way they love your commercial but we got to do another commercial what kind of commercial number we do that we have the one we're in the truck tur oh oh God made that commercial this is this is a great opportunity so put in the comments think of some commercials that mom can do right mom you're the commercial person I didn't know I got elected for them yeah I know I'm here to be nice well in the first time put in the comments what kind of commercial you want see here doing Oh God they better be nice I get the beat oh oh holy that time has passed this must be the Halloween this is definitely Halloween and see like 20 bucks just for this little thing here it's not really you guys uh you don't need to buy costumes with storage you know maybe you'll find your whoopee cushion costume before next year here's some more this is definitely the Halloween bin absolutely loves Halloween stuff too yeah look at you can dress up and be a fortune-teller we're not just focusing on the baby a lot of its new here's a little cool ah that's cute I like stuff like that he pulled it so quickly oh just making sure it's not loaded mr. price it didn't have a dart like the ball unit were you like hey what's in there oh yeah I was sorry about that there's been a few times I've been sorry okay this is all props yep we'll look at this we could go crazy on the house next year we are rich are they chocolate I don't know how old that jar yeah oh yes yeah see no evil speak no evil - RINO yo now say that three times fast backwards oh you got it perfectly I know but it was a dumb thing to say which is standard look like it's uh is it a stop sign that'd be so fun to have yes I'm never here my on stocks are having fun to stand outside and stop traffic mints a slow do it as a joke okay stop put it on slowness yeah we got to do that your Judy and Kim yeah they have the same parking lot as we do on the same driveway we love that our neighbors are the greatest they laugh they'd have fun they take our sign away thingy carrier see how creative we are we can see this stuff Oh another shelf I didn't realize that [Music] there's a heavy we haven't found our box of books yes Orchard Wow he's having trouble that was in here you're building your muscles yeah Oh your favorite kitchen I like this room the day of the truth yeah well and I think a lot of the people that watch probably like it to another router ya know you find a lot of brand-new well you've got one in your drawer now that you found a lot of brand-new sense guys what made this so heavy need to find something heavy in here there that looks like a pretty that bowl it's not it's no the other one what is that never seen that before I don't know it's like a tin bowl well it is a Kindle I like it though don't break it oh okay you can bend it oh that looks that is a pretty picture show them that a picture that's a picture oh I thought you meant like picture picture oh there's two different kinds of pictures yeah I like I thought the picture looked like that crackling glass couple two cancer's in here another picture this is an oil it's an oil it doesn't have a stopper no this is something oh yeah it's just a black and white like your kitchen that would be pretty on your counter out actually well this is what is this is this a lazy susan or just a table top well I'm sure lazy susan are you going for ice use one these for my mannequin guys alright we're gonna get some of the stuff in the truck and we'll be right back good alright we're back here we go here we go what's a broiler yeah there's a pasta there we go we like seeing new and packaged stuff right yeah before we cut off she's like we went through this guy let's continue shall we no okay they have beady under flat-fee noise yeah they take batteries or so I'm not that's solar oh I think yeah these are solar you probably put him out put him out by your I wouldn't that be fun to put them in your doorway waiting time and that cool I like them Ashley will do she likes it says it easily break okay this is like a kid's thing looks like patches at some time oh okay what is it a hold it looks oh you're really careful to this crumbling oh her leg broke off oh darn wonder if we can find it and glue it back on it's made in Germany yes it looks like well I think it looks like one of the Queen's maybe or Catherine the Great yeah I'm not gonna put her put her back in there look she's all broken in there oh oh oh this one's just broken too look at that boy they were right and they weren't careful with it nobody the box obviously that's a cool car I think that hold put a whiskey bottle in it or something don't you Hong Kong fast probably it looks like one that holds like a big whiskey bottle yeah well and that's broken look at that just all shreds well if there's any way we can glue it together hey you know what I'm gonna try I really AM cuz I like those I can see this one maybe salvaging but there's a lot of issues with it I am gonna try alright we're not gonna put her back in that's a project that's a big project we'll add it to all my others we're getting to the box see what's in here oh he's got a bhakti wanna show you guys toaster wow that's thick bread yep or bangle bagels yeah baby Stefan wait that's a good bagel place where he gets the bagel sandwiches Einstein bagels guys this word sup ribbon and lace this guy's heavy interesting Christmas stuff who would have guessed Oh are they Christmas glasses oh they got this is Gibson China oh and what's got little tractors oh man well that is kind of cool I never seen one like that oh these are all difference they're not the same except these look like no round bubbles that's weird those hippie bottoms if you like them you can cut your hands easy that's what mom did that was bad okay first of all we don't yeah we don't we don't show what the label that's a huge cupcake Pam doesn't make a lot of cupcakes at once oh yeah I like that idea no I'm hoping their beads no nope they're tools nails you know what those this will go handy there's a lot of cool stuff I already filled up yeah we forgot the salt how much we spent on the storage unit oh well I don't I don't really know there was 40 bucks in the fees and the storage unit was 144 dollars so basically what well Ashley it's gonna love it way more than 144 interesting huh okay what's in this thing you keep saying that but we don't know do we but we will oh it's a it's a wooden to the box is it a toolbox well we need to open so easy one-two hey you guys didn't think I just held the camera I also drive the truck but what I wanted to tell you all hands on the wheel what I wanted to tell you was don't forget the bell the Bell it's it's important i watch a lot of different youtubers and I have the Bell on and also that thumbs up we love the thumbs up or if you want to put it down put it down but who would do that also subscribe but most of you already are but you might not be you might have forgot okay I gotta get to drive in here I really do Drive it's a wooden tool box and it's in such nice shape yes I would use it for Sep more fun than tools the gorge slight nice yeah yeah well stopwatches soul was still working those handles oh I love old crochet books pretty cool well it's really different I never expected it that's pretty cool alright guys I think it says grandma ventures on it you see me do you like this it means the camera camera I'm still looking at the box we're live there's a skill saw okay let me get these are they it's hard for me to see that far away so it's like a surprise oh those are nice lampshades surprise there we like surprises blue guns glue sticks crafter stuff yep next there's more valuable okay what do we got here the gardening book some old gardening books do well to check on these suckers landscaping books some of the older ones are okay alright we got here what do we have here huh back to the future okay here's some sheets you are the sheet expert only if they're new and now I'm gonna sniff them first because I didn't like that three star rating I get all 5 stars and then that 3 star rating oh my gosh okay here's some more probably use this for arts and crafts that's what it is arts and crafts eatery stuff he's moving right you tell when it's not as it's thrilled what is that it's a DVD player I'll check some of these are a lot stuff this may be worse than cash get some walking to two labels okay and sports boy we could open a cord you can outlet store with any story he sends out a lot I don't know they're careful cuz everything's wrapped up this looks like old women I love old linen it is it's ham crap you want to play the potato game discovery something in hearing and that's why I'm seeing lots of things wrapped up those are really old doorknobs my grandmother's house had those look at that and that cool very careful yeah old - but why is it darning it's got rust spots I wonder if that will clean up but it's still nice a lot of old linens I put a lot of that on ever we want they'd 150 bucks for this sucker if they're wrapped up there must be special that's a pretty plate that really is there's another one of those their set of three what is in there it's really packed yeah this oh just dishes that is an old to him you know canning jar I'm trying to say this fire oh he proof no oh it is fire what does it fire hot and a fire something okay guys are you all still good money I can't remember fire something offhand I don't sell a ton of uh-oh oh my god does that hand-drawn I don't know she looks nice there's two of them I like them you can tell that these are vintage these are vintage bowls yep a in Japan sure dad is a beautiful gold trim on there I love be nice Oh lieutenant that's a yeah all right into the change like cuz it was awesome being so beautiful I have a note in there here's some more of the cups that massacre mattress the bowls there this is all vintage dishware yep so it's got this a goodwill 99 cents totally today made in China well god I wish I would have said that's my luck [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] have to walk four miles with their camel the hall everything's fun of me with everything that's it bro shows oh oh my god yeah that's a $300 - it's a couple I'll just tell him I'm a fiction writer I I do think partially this is okay now you guys know some of that was not I'll take half that funding in the comments guys okay I don't care if I can't laugh at myself I shouldn't laugh at other people that's oh I don't know if that's a saint or not might be a new one okay so this is just paperwork slash paperwork look through the stuff cuz you just never know but we don't need to learn without $250 gift cards that we found oh yeah it's been a while since we got suitcases we used to get them constantly they're hard to get rid of in this area I don't understand I've got some really expensive ones you almost can't get away what was so nice is that set of those old ones that look like no they would have took on Titanic yeah I'd almost keep those i i like everything that's from that era that'd be fun to travel those old fashioned this looks personal it is but i saw something Oh personal papers oh now we're getting to the desk you never have enough pens and pencils yeah what's bad is oh I shouldn't say it oh I bought some pins off a Poshmark and not one of them works and I've tried and tried to get him to work they're decorated kind of real pretty ones so anyway I'm sure it was a mistake I didn't buy him for myself [Laughter] so let me get this straight Nikki wants a new camera sir a manly item in here we got tools in here that was manly even though a lot of women have to do their own repairs oh that is the manly item it's really light it's a table saw isn't it oh it's a blocking bicker nothing in there but we were just talking that YouTube has analytics and it shows you know gender how old how young locations in the world where people watch me and I kind of give it up to you ladies 70 like 2% of my whole audience is female so we need some more manly items around here or what grandmum ventures what we got well I had a lot of things I could say to that you might not have a sense of humor we need a man waste storage units no I actually got a 60 suitcase what do we got here that looks like it's back from the sixties and seventies I think it's a I hope the clothes aren't tail the tiger it reminds me in this bottle oh yeah no Baba yeah oh it's got matching this might be a kid's person it's actually to tell you the truth kind of a cute set this I like it somebody might like let's get into this and then we'll put some more stuff in the truck is that a manly thing yeah see Hey I would prefer before everybody I would prefer women because you guys are with more coils yes oil yours now you better get over here and makeup to the pin since we have mini errs - it's a dress or something it's a plastic dresser magazine wow there's some good stuff in there commercial break guys commercial break all right we're gonna get progress here so you guys don't have to you so we are almost done it actually weaker than I thought right yep yeah I'll give you a little tour of the you got always gonna wear your jacket our coats in here because it's really cold it's like a meat locker it's really cold even if it's nice outside we have the truck guys so that's full that's the box truck that's the miracle worker but all right so a few more mystery tubs right do you think we got gold in here got any gold in here I thought we had gold so what do we have in the bottom one what do we have there's no way to guess it could be tools it could be crocheting it could be blankets or material it seems like it's material yes people love material okay what's in a second more material oh and you know what there's gonna be some person that's gonna love all that we have local advice so buy more material Wow one of the eggs in the top one I think I know material magazine well not what I would now it's all about the park right I got quite a few interests you know my grandkids for one this it's kind of old speakers set here yeah see we've got a handle then pops these actually will help a lot right what is that are you a shack case well it's got a bunch of markers in their magazines some arts and crafts oh I wonder if their scrapbook make it scrub you get yeah this looks like a lot of stuff some people use these kinds of things and scrapbooking but it's also all other crafts yeah we'll have a big crap box wicked self people love crap especially if we sold some this Christmas stuff right now okay I don't ever worry about so huh all right what's leaving I know I don't know but I love this de bah Oh what is it that's a dog box or something there's dogs dog leashes didn't expect that you did know I used there's a place out by Turner that makes dog leashes and horse halters I worked there once oh yeah so um so it was fun okay so back when mom was young against on the Macdonald no no no no story dull Oh No okay they're gonna wonder they're gonna think I'm a horrible employee by telling me it was a short story 15 minutes okay [Applause] Oh splash guard that's gonna cool this box smells nice that's something to look for coin it's a piggy bank don't say we've been there you've got some coins in there and other little things Wow what's it say I know it's not alcohol that couldn't be it now it's oil see how is it special oil see how slow it moves you know it's thick well I don't think I'm not gonna I don't know wait but please load the cap back on oh yeah it's and said it somewhere where we don't have a problem we've had problems because this is just a random box yeah very very random [Applause] this is a wool this is a little I'm afraid to say that anymore it's a stool well I can see it's a stool but it looks like it's a half of school we have lady that buys some furniture from us that bison repurposes yes they like stuff like that they make it look so nice there's a purse you know what that is a cute little purse actually yeah all right so what do you think about this unit was it a good yet how are you hanging over there my man he's way from what yeah he'll get some nuts this Christmas all right okay so tell us the Macdonald story oh no it's a stupid little story okay will happen well I was looking for a job and I was applying everywhere then I was young it was I was in 19 or 20 and I was a waitress normally mm-hm but anyway I got hard up and I went to McDonald's which I usually am a waitress but I took something other than waitressing I don't mean up because uh man a jobs a job I think that's great and I have no yeah and I'm trying to be politically correct because I know I was wrong what I said so I wanted to do waitressing I love talking to people and I love waitressing I was thinner than it was all worked great so anyway I couldn't find one so I went to McDonald's and 15 minutes later my boyfriend calls me and tells me I got a waitress job so 15 and I wish I wouldn't have told that story because that makes me sound so bad no anyways it's Larry's I all right snap being said guys we are done here this is a pretty good unit I think half of its going home with me when Ashley fights up alright guys thank you so much if we don't see you before I don't know if we're going to do another video before no before Thanksgiving oh not before Thanksgiving I don't know if we're gonna do it unless I go to live auctions because auctions have been really slow in this area for online and live I haven't been able to make so anyways if we don't see you before Thanksgiving happy Thanksgiving hopefully you have fun with your family and friends it's one of my favorite holidays yes grandma you are an amazing cook and it's the sweet potatoes that's my favorite let me know in the comments what you guys is favorite part of Thanksgiving is dressing spending time with the family alright guys have an amazing time thank you so much you are our online family so to that Happy Thanksgiving and we'll see you guys soon good things coming up see ya any last words any last words for the camera no I don't know thank you all right guys [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 80,690
Rating: 4.6139054 out of 5
Keywords: MAN Retiring, Finding Shiny GOLD, GOLD Coins, Abandoned Storage Unit, GOLD, Coins, storage wars, auction hunters, american pickers, american storage wars, american pickers full episode, storage auction, storage hunters, storage unit auction, storage lockers, storage locker, mystery boxes, storage unit, how to make money, storage wars full episode, make money, money making, abandoned storage, found coins, real storage auction
Id: TSN4urz6-EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 26sec (3746 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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