I bought 12 TRUCK LOADS OF BOXES From Abandoned Storage Unit #36

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you guys ready hey man we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what's up guys we have boxes of fragile fragile breakable collectible people collected these boxes and they have been sealed for over 11 years so we've got a good we've got a good video for you guys this stuff could be worth some big big money this came out of that storage unit same storage unit same unboxing grandma ventures to see you're helping and these are the boxes let me just give you guys a quick peek here I'm so excited fragile every single one of these boxes has fragile except for one on it so we are going to see and it may be a longer video because I think all these are in little tiny boxes so I'm gonna go over there and help remember hit the thumbs up button right below this side of the video there's a thumbs up and then make sure you share it to Facebook right down here okay alright so let's go ahead and get going you open the first box where we got I don't oh it's a Christmas tree all these are rough always but they're not wrapped in tape wait isn't now I feel weird oh it's a candle it's a christmas tree-- candle unused with the wick and there's one of them all right isn't it weird not having the tape it's nice for a change oh here's another little book maybe that wasn't a Christmas tree I think that was just an everyday tree oh who is that love that I don't know but she's pretty and she has that is really looks like gold trim you can tell when it's real gold Wow oh it says unite USA on it this says USA a little feet on the bottom kind of gold trim I don't see who it is it just says USA on it it's just a pretty 1950s woman Wow or we could call her Marilyn that's what I thought it was I don't mind calling her Marilyn Marilyn she looks like Marilyn now we have another Bush we're gonna have a lot of those little buggers I have a feeling oh maybe not see you can't ever guessed you really can't because it it it just proved you wrong whoa what the heck but I think they're all candles this is some old bird huh what is this like a fifties mod birdhouse look at that they're a little hippie bird that's gonna live yeah it's legal Lenore again let's just say the bird will be fine won't get won't get in trouble these are all candles wait okay all right so these are just like little gold candles small little guys the minute I say they're all candles something else happens look okay look at this and then open it up this is a candle no it's a little ring box Oh something look at that so you got a weird little box and then you open it up and you got a little compartment yeah it's got a ladybug in there I love the ladybug and it duck you think back in the 80s for all the geese geese were like the thing in the 80s I don't know my whole kitchen had everything geez okay I'll set them all right here and then you can yeah we have a little bench I think something was on it it's so cute a little bench okay more of those there's a lot of pine cone pine cone candles we have more pine cone candles you can use them in arrangement yeah oh now we have Christmas ornaments one looks old it's cool-looking one it really is wonder if Ashley would like that one maybe movie okay this is a bigger oh my gosh it's so random look at the handmade wood chair oh okay maybe a doll sits on this yeah look cute on it all right we broke or I didn't break it it was broken when I opened it but maybe oh wait maybe I can fix it maybe we can melt it together it's one of those and it's wrapped good now we know what they do expire but this in in the unit so maybe that they use it for wrapping oh whoa oh it's odd it's a butterfly lantern foot-pound sleeve after the colors are definitely the sixties and seventies yeah but it's still cool it's very different look at that it's got the crushed glass look it almost looks like a bird feet water all right now we have a mate to this so we have two of those then we have a little watering can oh and the meat to that all right let's take it all out all right and it is solid packed basketball hands isn't it okay oh my gosh okay okay you go ahead although this start go one at a time right these guys over here that way I have a room they taking them all out putting them in plastic bag we'll try for a minute oh whoa I love him you this is massive look at this Oh Barefoot's moose and those good ones those good brand mm up oh that mailbox is so cool Wow hmm that is really cool have you sold some of these walks remember guys all this is gonna be on grandma ventures Poshmark so the leak will be below to shop her store she's got 1,600 items well I'll have way more by the time they see them all nice day this is a hand-painted Wayde clock Wow I'll put it back in here and it's pretty heavy and it's about eight inches it's risen yeah oh nice that is nice okay oh this one's not a barefoot this ain't all barefoot yeah Wow so rabbit I love it they do all it see the rap they're not angels when they're animals but they're sure whew that's a rabbit if you guys have any links for this stuff and you want to put in and comments you can oh let me oh here we got a laying down moose but he's not he's a different brand remember what that girl what what brand is that he's 1988 original I don't know CAFTA DNA he's an original 1988 very I bet he's expenses that's made in Italy oh he's a special 1988 Costigan they're cast Jen I don't know I can't I kept her now I think that's an ebay moose Wade I mean this is pretty incredible and he doesn't he's not broken at all no I'm gonna put it I'm gonna wrap him up his antlers up like they had it well who's that what she always leaves like a massive comment or links for us I forgot her name I know I just wish I wasn't because I recognized them the minute I see em but when I'm here in front of the camera I want to Sam and I don't press down on this all right oh wow oh I love the Bears this is a big bear Wow his name's Bob he's barefoot Wow oh he's a hundred out of 99 47 Wow he's an early one by Jeff Fleming and he's big guys look at this I love that chair it's even got the brass little things that old you know that you put on cares by Jeff Fleming Bob it's a low number they do the first number as they do it and then they put in gold the final number you know how many they made house another teapot house yep so did he have a thing yeah okay all right that's gonna be interesting I read the box what is this and it's antique they put on there and they don't put that on everything oh whoa well we know they're okay oh it's antiques the shop Oh oh my god I love those teapots so it's it's antiques the shop hot houses I wish I would have known about those when I was a kid that's something I would have liked to have yeah yeah well there's another one here to label the whole bunch of stuff but it only feels like it's one thing sure through this one oh wow yeah it's light and what office is that and it's a steam press oh whoa got it another one oh it's a globe that's okay your favorite to sell yeah I had a bad experience with this huge beautiful globe and the Box got there soaking wet but the lady liked the inside even left the globe off so she kept it it was a big resin design it did look nice huh okay make a wish just mean Taiwan so I mean are we putting you guys asleep it's nighttime in some place would you like okay there you go all right this says it's I think it's gonna be a bear oh my gosh it's a bear Wow big bear foot oh it's a moose and a bear I don't think they hang out very much this is a rarity Wow so this is the rare occasion you're gonna find a bear reading a book with a moose and this is probably six inches maybe he's trying to make that bear hibernate so this was 30 almost 33 dollars back and late 1999 yeah I think so anyway here's another bare foot and of course they love moose and they love sunflowers and they found a sunflower yep and he needs to eat a little more needs a very skinny moose well if I like cities the only eating sunflower seeds this is skinny moose now do you realize that we're making up stories for each of these figuring them and pull them out now he is just so nails clipped he's a vegetarian well I guess are they yeah well they don't eat meat you don't think so I know they don't no they don't are you sure yeah I don't know that the planet me they might not eat me I know I would never be a vegetarian okay in a million years I would try I would starve to death I know you could you and Ashley but yeah okay what do we got goose snow globe ah oh my gosh we're all men to the second box oh the water in its all nasty though yeah then it's turn weird is it supposed to be that way that's really no geese eat corn maybe it's corn floating around the thing is missing this is broken okay put your bids in port haha it's a one-of-a-kind one-of-a-kind broken music box with really nasty waters with all their cards floating in the water okay even the geese are like Oh libs are really flimsy or anything we gotta be careful there's a lid I got one more coming sure this is City Hall I'm gonna like this one I already tell I'm wondering if he should list all these teapots together Oh No would it make sense to do separately I want to do them separate because some people might not want they might have one another one but already at one let's sure I gotta do them separately I would just take too much fun out of it for me one this one is really different Wade this is yeah this is the flower hey sugar so you can get flour you can get hay see one stop your cow and yourself yeah this is a cool one huh alright moving right along small boosts this one's take it good you know I never really paid attention to loose figurines until the shoes there's a lot of things I learned about this unit that I never paid attention to before okay so this is oh this is a bunch of small Oh about to be cool there's four are you kidding look at this these are barefoot small barefoot there's a small one oh this one broke Oh No can it be fixed I don't know you know what some moves have four horn problems I'll bet you know they do shed their horns every year yeah who shut horns there okay now I'm finding out they're vegetarians and they shed their horns you want to know why I'm so so enlightened by these facts as I watch the show while I watch two shows when I watch the show mountain men I've seen every season well it's teaching you a lot and I learned yeah seriously that I don't know they lose their horns and I sure didn't so mountain men will take their horns and make knives out of them because they shed them I think it's once a year I've got a special thing here for you Wade but you got to really be ready for it okay well let me finish this super-heavy oh that's cute yep they're small they're probably like three inches all right you're getting the idea we don't need to show the last one okay it might be the most special oh it's another one that needs to eat more yeah so the ice cream or something nothing that's something to make this one's real heavy okay and it has a love theme and it's oh my gosh I'm telling you and they're skinny too our moose is skinny I would have to look them up that's a big one guys that's like eight inches since probably three pounds very heavy yeah and it is much the same brand yep I already forgot what it was all right Big Sky must be a small little guy in here what is oh there's no moose in there just the tag oh that was a trick okay moving on oh oh I thought for a second it was gonna say slim but it's a small moose you and they're like penis let me this fly weather just thing we don't use moose meat yeah well there's hardly anything on the bones ideally there's like hundreds of pounds but all right let's see oh this one weird he looked up oh no no he's a fat moose oh boy he's the king of the mooses there's the king oh my gosh I think this is a baby room ooh baby mooses have horns this is me in the United States it's a different brand yeah it's a different brand I don't know oh this is 1984 you DC Miller 1984 you DC Miller sure it kind of a unique one isn't it yeah that's got a little so I don't know exactly but he's got big eyes I think this is follow your words I like it even more money than those you do yeah oh yeah cuz these are made sure I know you have a really good eye for things like that I really go might want to look that one oh I will I will take your word on that I mean there's things he's told me so and he was right so I have to I have to admit that all right let's go ahead get that get that one all right I'm not sure that says golf or no yeah okay this is fragile all breakable okay duh clamp turtle lamp shadow box with stamps ocean shell clam shell you know we do know what the owners of this unit like what kelp socket they pack bad thing it's just like their storage unit every interest visible to a bridge to the top so we have pop bottles I don't know what they made those ornaments out of ism oh this oh that is actually very pretty it's like you can take the top bar is pretty even it's like a tip jar for some shells in that jar oh my gosh there's a lot here oh I love the wire I'll help you open oh this thing is amazing oh we're getting excited I know I am wow this one is really cool I feel like we repeat ourselves but oh that is cool little mini look at this Sheldon that pretty job look at this guy's I wonder if this would be in the scrapbooking unit or not because you know that they use these for those AC cards I just loved that in that jar dot jar we if you saw it in person just you spin Suman my hat's auction that off okay I'm those jars yeah what's over here I don't know what this is oh my gosh I'm nursing she'll like that before is that it is it part Sam dollar and part soap notes it looks like it ate way too much yeah why is this so big is puffy up yeah it's like three-inch red it feels like a sand dollar doughnut or does it I don't know no I just ate wait maybe you had a really abundant some food or something oh look at this more tiny weight you could do all those jars together in a lot I think I should look at this guy's hopefully it's showing up good on camera well here you can even put some sand with it I have a jar of sand yep and it's not rosemary okay so it's sand don't put this on the here food okay all right a little brick for your dinner oh wow I'm gonna let you open these up first and I'll show you this okay oh here's some more nice shelves Wow Wow what how did they do that is that caught at Harvey I think if they carved it oh my gosh I've never seen anything like it what's weird is that I must be a carving that's a beautiful shell that fish carved on the top Wow we're gonna have to do a show a lot smaller oh these are Susie actors their stamps in a shadow box oh my god I think this is Suzie Suh right there's no Z's do yep that one yeah they're not all I don't think I think that's the first time we've seen that oh my gosh add this tears and that to your shell wat that you're gonna sell this yep I think we're gonna put that in the auction yeah but look at this that is crazy huh that is so cool those valuable ones yeah I don't know what this last one is I feel like it should it's a chill I don't know but it's a beautiful one not Cox but Wow and I love this little metal box it's sharp you this box okay you ready for the craziness yeah these are really cool and I don't know how much they're worth just looking at them look at that that's a turtle those are not sent turtle lamp oh how cool is that way - I love that other turtle remember do you want me to take it out yeah take it out real quick I'm gonna see this is a big duck lamp yes not much uh concede oh that's like this one these may be worth plug them in oh wait this is so precious I bet if we put them in metal yeah metal lakes and I think this turns the light that all right there's a light you can see inside of it how it would be and it's about eight inches weight that is so cool they're too late oh there's one in here let's see well this one they can't find okay wonder if this would be an auction I think somebody would love that but a man there's an extra ball is there uh-huh okay so this one's in Wow this is just too cool look at this thing oh well the top goes off it's it's definitely heavy it's probably seven or eight pounds we have ducks and geese in our house that their weights pets need them they love him they knock on our door so with their beaks and this is cast iron that is so cool Wade I almost wished you down keep that for yourself that is really cool well and it's about 12 inches it's heavy but I bet you it makes a really cool life beautiful this fair light could go in that one yeah oh you have the spare light it's in the box here okay oh there's I just heard it's fair light there Oh could be I guess it was plastic all right there those things are cool okay okay what do we got no we're gonna get away from that from them for a minute this says videos audio tape books sets and then this one says hop it Lord of the Rings Wow okay so these are oh this is the video these are CDs so this is the Lord of the Rings now that's the book on CD right no these are stuff well yeah but they're they're CDs are not cassettes like the other ones so that's cool yeah we could add it with our other Lord of the Rings stuff too right and then we have some cassettes here we have Steven Curtis this is not even in there he's a comedian Mark's not in there but Steven Curtis is in there and then we have some VHS in here we'll make this a quick little moment these are cool well you know I I just feel like I need to spend a weekend watching Lord of the Rings again the whole thing Hobbit and all I love The Hobbit I love their little houses and that's what I love what is this what is the thing say breakable black metal tray with three handles painted all right their candleholders just four taper candles so there are little candle holders they're kind of cool this way this will be on grandma of interest boss mark I think they're cool isn't that weird this is one of the boxes we tried to go through at the unit but we're like that oh no more you remember it yep well I'm gonna lay it out and then I'm gonna put back in here I'll take this stuffing over here I'm gonna put this back yeah I don't want the janitor have too much work tonight okay this is there this is taped up good yeah what is this a little tray that the trees go on and a random stick well here's a couple more okay let's shove all that in there alright I'll take this dried flowers very delicate it must be real dried flowers oh yeah I dried some of my own when my kids were born and they lasted for many years but then they got eventually got way too dusty okay you wanna work on these guys all right there's layers layers and layers oh wow another layer boom smells nice too small nothing smells good it's nice when you get good smelling boxes yeah sometimes we get some that we try not to okay that smells really smells like vanilla you guys smell it you know immensely I have no filter okay this is cool guys this is a pinecone candle this just does what all Poshmark people have another prank oh well I think there should be one more because I think it said three Tripa and they mean the pine cones yep for that tray yep there's one we're home that goes on that train oh I know I read the box let me see okay you work on that all right this is a tea service step I love I sold that piece service that we get in another video oh the day so far yep they wanted it I hope they're so cute yep I'm thinking I'm right up wouldn't that be pretty in the house these things are not cheap these candles I love that that is so cute to me and I bet they smell really good well we don't want to melt them no all we have to put some that vanilla potpourri Niram oh I bet this is more flowers you do that one okay oh it's different than the last one what is it this one's fruits and vegetables yeah it's like a wine great its wine and apples or something like that a lot of people love miniature miniature I do let's see what is this oh it's a heart it's a heart order are you that doesn't have to be Christmas no that could be you can hang that in your car oh this is a potpourri thing that's what this is probably no you can't open it in their mind it would hang anywhere in a window even cannot open it okay Oh oh man this reminds me if we got a storage unit I don't know if you guys remember full yeah remember that I remember oh my gosh you open wait did we open this up in the storage unit I can't I don't remem I can't remember it's got little baby shells and there's our mugs okay pumpkin wait till I get the whole thing but it might might be waiting a few minutes two years oh my gosh these things are all taped up I'm gonna do those later next next next next okay what is this okay maybe there's another man terrset no just uh that's really interesting it says oh man what's manic manic shells try to guess I try to guess most times but this is a little coffee thing oh wow it's gonna take 45 minutes to get her set going thousands of rap guys that's a video we'll see it tomorrow I'll still be here she got bags under her eyes well that's a normal thing oh it is whoa it's a bunch of those small shells you're gonna have a nice water I think I think they use these shells cuz I noticed a lot of the colorful ones we're used in those cards with trading birds yeah this is just a never-ending battle oh okay some potpourri so we have some potpourri I'll put that there's probably I try to save all the facts I can but sometimes you just gotta cut oh let's not even worry about it at this point cuz we got a lot unwrapped I would love to pick like 20 of you guys and you have a unwrapping challenge of this you know wouldn't that be fun oh we should doubt that would actually be a cool video a viewers there are locals you know okay this is a glass it's all fallen oh my god wait swam with the dolphins I got pictures of it oh yeah swam with some dolphins guys really beautiful women in Mexico with the dolphins and you jump on their back and milk I felt back there in this little small little cage though they got a lot of attention yeah they did and a lot of fish well I'm I think I'm on my last one I am oh there's the where the lid goes and a small little bird there we go wait I'm all done about time okay we're close oh no it's hard work oh yeah okay yes things are not cheap these miniatures if you love all these says 1995 Young's Inc oh it didn't break their resin they're very durable yeah yeah Young's Inc 1995 anybody wants some wine corn I'll take some of those grapes some grapes Wow they wrap each individual one see if you come to my house you're gonna drink a little bit of mine very little what is this oh I think they broke the top I'm assuming that's a bell too okay do a little on the end like this with my eyes oh wow that's a small one this one has a broken star yeah that's why they should pawn a broken star I think these are still syllable all right that was a wrap that's today's video hooray hooray hooray you know since you've gotten back over here you've been throwing lots of things in the air lately I never know that's never - never about time - so how did I miss that bird is that a bird this okay the package was this thick and as I unwrapped it it was a small little bird oh and it's it's like a not even plaster resin no it's not resonance some other material and it's missing an eye oh it's missing the knife I guess we got injured animals lately yeah but I like it I like that bird alright guys thank you so much hit the thumbs up button remember all this stuff I'm not a big fan of listing myself so she will have it on her Poshmark the link will be blood all of it I think he's gonna keep those lamps up her even the lamps will be on eBay but 90% of it will be on her posh marks to go shop her Poshmark if you want any of this stuff candles this and that mooses the link will be below in the first comment or the description of the video what what about the shadow boxes stamps Wade we're set up right there is that gonna be on grandma ventures posh I will let you sell that's yes he's just saying that because I said it in front of the camera I will let you sell one thing of stamps because we've been what's she had the whole Jeep you guys remember that the the pitcher of the whole Jeep full of a thousand stamps she said they're already listed if he wants stamps go to her Poshmark she's got eight a lot of them alright guys that's it mean have enough how amazing hit the thumbs up bye bye guys that much loves you yeah what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got a word about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayde's ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's ventures YouTube right below or excuse me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 17,770
Rating: 4.9640794 out of 5
Keywords: I bought 12 TRUCK LOADS OF BOXES From Abandoned Storage Unit, TRUCK LOADS, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit, LOADS OF BOXES, BOXES, TRUCK, Storage Truck, Box Truck, Storage haul, storage unit haul, storage locker, massive boxes
Id: 8rDQytVeN5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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