Storage locker Hillsboro Oregon

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all right okay you go you got it yeah okay hopefully it's not laggy I think it could be laggy see I can't see what it is oh you can all just uh you're doing perfect that's perfect let me know guys let me know if it's laggy welcome in welcome in and Tim if you're in here welcome in - buddy appreciate it welcome in guys all right so I was gonna go on the laptop which would have been a lot easier but I can't go on the laptop because the internet here is pretty bad so I tried using the hot spot but [Music] alright guys let me show you around what's going on what's going on flipping South okay guys I'm gonna swing this around real quick and see if this will work I'll try not to make you guys sick here actually hold that real quick let me show welcome in guys finally made a live welcome in welcome in what's going on Christina welcome in I'm gonna kind of show you the unit guys I'll try not to make you sick cuz I'm on the phone we didn't get like the hot spot doesn't work really good on here so let me turn it around here alright so this is the unit guys now it's pretty big treasure hunt yes so the game plan today guys is I'm going to take everything to the dump pretty much first and leave anything that I want to keep in here and then I'll come back for the stuff because I've I've got normally I wouldn't buy a unit this big so I don't have a lot of space guys but I'm hats go the dump anyways cuz we're taking a bunch of stuff from the house to the dump so I figured I would get a bigger storage unit since I had to go a few times but this is kind of big goes far back and it's got some interesting stuff in here a lot of garbage guys but still some interesting stuff I paid a hundred bucks for it and so I'm going to kind of dive in here a lot of boxes towards here but then there's a lot of furniture it needs to go in the trash guys so we got mom helping us and I got my box truck so we're gonna throw all the garbage in here and and hopefully get some of these boxes so we can see what's in here guys and I wish I was able to go on the phone cuz it would be less shaky so the here's the thing so I actually little I pay I pay a little too much for my dump it's actually a flat fee of 129 so 129 bucks and it's here in Hillsboro I could get a lot better deal if I take it downtown Portland's but this one's kind of quick and easy so this one pays 129 bucks flat and then you got a paper excuse me per pound over that so and this is kind of the beginning unit guys there's a lot of that needs to go in the trash this 100 dollar unit but there's a lot here so we'll kind of go through it I'm gonna start hauling stuff in here that needs to go the trash and mom will hold the phone and so we got some mattresses which is never good unless they're brand new then you can take mattresses to the Salvation Army guys they do take them if they're in good shape but if they're not in good shape I can always dump them or 25 bucks the aloha garbage company will pick them up by the GAR trash cans so alright guys let me give the phone to mom and each dump each dump is different though guys each dump is different alright started the first few minutes hi mama adventures the first few minutes is gonna be a lot of a lot of trying to get this big stuff out of the way so we can get to the boxes and I can show you guys some of the stuff but for a hundred bucks I need to go to dump anyways and towards the back it actually looks pretty decent so I'll kind of show you guys all right oh I can rusted put that again I I can see the chat but it goes away after a little bit so alright guys so I'm gonna try to move some of this stuff and get some of this stuff this way mom so they can see alright and so trying to get some of this trash out of the way so we can get to the boxes okay so you got a lot of this fake wood a lot of the speak wood step guys really common so I can sweep my own stuff guys is that a freezer it's a refrigerator it's in pretty bad shape though I'll show you guys I guess some first look gonna have to go through is just some random tools in here and remember guys will keep everything in here and then I'll come back for the stuff that I'm keeping for right now I'm just gonna take everything to the top [Music] I'm gonna see if I can prop up the phone real quick guys and see if this will work all right it's not great but let me see sorry guys one second let me see if I can hear ya I should be good alright guys sorry does that that looks pretty good alright bring up any personal effects I'll keep behind this sad when people lose their units but it's a kind of name in the game it's interesting you see that this would have been a lot better with my phone but it's kind of a cool rosary and we've got some personal stuff here okay this is a little odd you guys ready for this it's that teeth like I think these are real teeth I've never got no these are these are legit teeth these are big teeth right here guys I don't like I bought a lot of units I've never received I've never had teeth in there before that's odd okay this is a bunch of paperwork you see what's in here this one's paperwork too yeah this is real wood here chief for the win yes I don't know if they bring much value but that's let's get some boxes if we can alright we've installed a lot of Bibles lately teeth are money teeth are money that could be vintage vintage famous people's teeth it could be that it could be that all right let me know if you guys can see all right sorry this is on my phone again so I'll try to get some guys got a phone call all right so we got some rubber you guys see anything that's worth money let me know okay what this is a nice coat so I will keep its although the zippers not working but I'll take a look I've sold many of these this is a vintage one by the way so you guys see that bran just water fun in the first box more trash full liner you guys ready to see if it works a bunch of clothes sell a lot of vintage Nikes so some storage units is not my main source of income but who knows maybe maybe might have full time how long yeah when I'm gonna actually have room I might do full time we'll see this camera is worth anything probably not but I want to pull it up let's see if it's in here oh no camera in here guys completely empty no camera mom is doing the story guys we have a maximum results red box how many in chats how many in chat has has never paid for the red boxes and then independent paid like the full amount for it let me know I know I have like I used to like forget to send those things in constantly we have some nails probably not worth anything let me know though I know those can get expensive I've never sold me before some other whoo this is cool you gonna see that a little wine topper I actually collect wine Stoppers so that's actually not bad it's kind of cool not actually I'll keep so just some tools in here guys all right we have a safe there's never anything Lillian safes it seems like I've got a lot of safes like and you always open them up and it doesn't seem to be anything in there this one is the same thing it's got a bunch of personal stuff guys so I'll give this back see bunch of personal stuff so I'll give this back to the facility all right we have some more paperwork here yep more paperwork just papers in this thing we have at Gold's Gym brace sometimes you can sell braces but the back brace so I'll keep that who knows watch some pins guys shad is quiet let me know if you guys can see it okay okay Starbucks Starbucks mug let's see what we got in here nothing besides a no glass so nothing in there oh yeah yeah I should've milk actually probably keep that this actually maybe I don't know this one looks pretty cool I don't know looks handmade sometimes this may actually sell it looks handmade looks it's pretty cool something about alright let's do another box you can put trash in mason jars you guys I'm trying to get this little walkway done and then I'll show you some cool stuff that's in the back really cool you can't really see it but it's this massive five-foot like watering thing in the back interesting see one of these little things I don't sell a lot of those stuff but I want to take a look it doesn't looks like tarnished silver but I don't see any markings on there that's a keeper mom says up to keep her guys all right let's show you what's in here bunch of bunch of random stuff in here guys pins let's do that watch the pins so get your random stuff in that one calculator so paid 100 bucks hundred bucks let's check some calculators are worth money somewhere this one doesn't even have the back so easy way you just tap it see if they're corroded I go to the pins along and so we'll pick up those it looks like it was a vapor a lot of vaping stuff in here guys anybody saw a lot of vaping lighters a little blowtorch thing so Russell racoon do you do any storage just let me know I'm curious mayor walks so my mom so we're here sorting guys she's uh she loves storage units alright there's not much besides papers in this thing alright mostly papers so we'll move it over here Sonia's pretty amazing punch the DS in there guys they're pretty cool and people love them and I haven't sold any obviously let me show you there's two of them in here guys let me show you maybe you guys can tell me if they're worth anything huh I've never sold any of these ready all right so you see that bad boy right there its massive but then you see this see if I can stand up on this you guys so leave this bad boy I have to take this it's like clay it's really cool though they got another one down there you guys see it so there's a lot down here what's I think it's just big though its massive oh yeah let me get let me get this out of the way so you guys can check it out here oh yeah that's pretty big it's one good thing about having your own box chuck is for a while there you know I'd buy like two or three units a night answer a Grenaa Penske or a u-haul and just the time it takes and the cost of it but if you guys want a good like cheap truck you can go to Penske calm and I wasn't gonna buy any Chuck to them I got this one through Bar None auction and so this is a good truck but you often get cheap ones too Penske u-haul actually will sell you their trucks as well so some goodies are in here we go ladies anybody know about the shoe to look it up yeah we'll keep these Susan Oh got a mere broken guy's Sag Harbor bag all right foot joy number one shoe in golf look at this though guys these are brand new never been used does he buy stuff with joy golfing juice let me know but they're not in bad shape they're out they're brand new so they are worse especially branding and with the box all right here are these brand new to do they're brand new they're brand new Wow I don't know how much these go for all that check but brand-new brand-new never used so I paid a hundred bucks for this unit I mean that alone and I own my own box truck right so dump these is you know and time obviously and space space is a big killer for me I'd buy idly by like two units a month but if I had more space I'd buy ten fifteen I don't yes which we're looking for Tim if you're watching what do you guys think - brand-new golfing shoes that's not bad right that's a good start whoa we got we got some stuff in here I've sold this one's just it's bad you gotta be careful you tell yourself all right we have the a's the a's la ducks four ducks a bunch of belts careful there's a lot of knives in here it seems I should probably my clothes back on but yeah there's a lot of knives in here a lot of hats yeah there's a really cool hat mannequin guys if you go look at my Instagram it's this black plastic hat mannequin that does really really well so okay let's put on the gloves and let's dig some more dig some more okay so no it says belts are good because they hold up pants I Love You Man he was such a gonna go check out his YouTube channel guys we're guys and as I get a little further I'll move the phone in a little deeper okay so we have brand-new golfing shoes a lot of units so I bought a unit I'm not at this one but the first location that we did you guys remember that Nike unit I bought from the nineteen he was head buster 1980s 1990s Nike that unit probably is gonna net me what close to 70,000 we're still selling it like 70,000 I bet I bought two units and this was what a year and a half ago and you would never have thought that it had tons of brand-new blue tag Nike in it but it did and then also had a bunch of a bunch of food and stuff in there too so it's kind of good at all I think yeah FBI yes I don't do any fulfilled by merchants though so no it was two units I can't remember the one unit I paid 800 and the other one 400 right yeah and you would so yeah I wish I would've got that on film but guys I was before I was doing YouTube so but you guys can go to my eBay store and you guys can see a lot of it's still there I'm still selling a lot of it all right let's get this one the bomb it's not very exciting it's not very exciting when we want something more exciting alright guys super cool game alright yes anybody wanna play darts cuz I got you do you guys see that does anybody in chat really good with dirts yeah it's actually a nice my dad passed away when I was like flat four or five and so I didn't know him really well but supposedly he was really good at darts awesome all right we have some speakers just basic all right we're getting closer so I can show you guys more okay let me show you one thing you will dive in give you guys are different for you shall we alright alright guys so this is what I'm working with here I need to get this out of here this big stuff out here this is all definitely going to dump there's just no money in it but there's a lot of boxes this is trash but as we get further in there's a lot of boxes guys so and that thing that's really cool does anybody know about that big vase it's clay it's like five foot tall maybe four foot tall close to five foot tall so let me know if you guys know anything about that but that's so I love selling and also craftsman made in the u.s. does really well so see there's a lot of boxes in here we have a lot to go through guys so a lot of boxes no tools in here though no tools in here alright just to show you guys what we're working with for those that are new go ahead continue all right mom we have a lot of tools in here I like - oh yeah yeah you guys didn't see it yesterday but I did a video and I didn't show the clothes and there was what about 15 or so Nike brand-new and there's a lot of Nike sweatshirts and stuff like that so it actually turned out really well we had yeah and and there was um how many how much sealed makeup was there they stoled a bunch of the makeup they had to because this was like really expensive makeup there's a huge you guys anybody love this game it goes - it's just a little but yeah yeah the dansgame whatever it's called I was horrible at it what is this guy's what that's why I like to have you guys alive so you can see stuff that I don't you play stop Barbies I don't saw a lot of Barbies I know some of the older ones do well anyway sell Barbies which is beautiful anybody wants her well remember I'm no experts that's why I got you guys right that's why I got you guys mom it's garbage it's yeah all right that's some more pants in here guys the Barbie has been through the wringer Connie you're amazing honey I always supported them oh here we go not worth the time but also look these up I've got Air Jordans I mean they're not brand new but they're pretty good shape do you have the other shoes over there yeah okay so hey that Pape that those uh those in the the baseball paid paid for the unit so I don't want to look in these flip-flops if they're I mean they're not in bad shape but I don't sell many flip-flops we have some Wranglers here so I love that you do this with your mom that's the point of this guys this I storage units I used to do a lot of and then my two little guys axles what five months now four months and then Kate's not even two years old so and with storage storage units my daily stock trading when I stock trade daily for like four hours and eBay and social media but I love doing storage units I used to a lot more what's going on flip it how are you I'm gonna use this really old knife okay let's see what we got man we have a lot of clothes in here it's all clothes won't skip this later you guys don't want to see clothes anyways right so close and they they got a nice smell to them nice oh we have a box here guys this is a snake box you guys ready for this yeah I've had I've had units that dead snakes dead Turtles that was bad yeah yeah they mean they I don't know if they were dead they were just laying with it yeah yeah that was uh I've done storage units all over organ and that was one in Touareg on and so that's pretty bad don't open a stink box we're gonna open them right now over there over here some more tarnish so oh the handles broken I mean looks like tarnished silver but let's look at some more shall we all right I'm trying to get to the snakes snake box guys wow there's some sealed speakers back here car speakers I really like boxes that are under tables because that means there as long as there's no other boxes on them they probably wanted to protect whatever is in there so what is going on in here Wow this is snake box you guys ready let me know in chess you ready to see this see I don't know I don't even know what's in here to be honest it's not looking sneaky it's not like it's not looking sneaky what's going on Lauren how are you alright so this snake box has got a bunch of other boxes in there oh this is all personal stuff it is sad when people lose units but you know it's just one of those things so you got to kind of like get that stuff back yeah some people are less sensitive to it some pullets in here yeah yeah they say there's a gun but nine times out of ten there's never any guys in the cases I got a BB gun once yeah I couldn't solve that online on eBay ends up a special privilege to sell that stuff I don't even know what that it's all just it's all personal stuff guys pretty boxes but all for something oh wow that was not very sneaky was it that was not very sneaky yeah honestly I would be lying to say that I normally I'll purchase a little bit nicer units and this was actually not a bad unit women got through half of it yet or even 80% of it but it's nice to be able to put some crazy videos what's going on Lauren thanks for the super chat every time Lauren always gives me a super chat she's amazing she's really cool hopefully you're going to ebay open 2019 just I'll be there I'll be there did you guys see that that cool video I did with eBay the CEO commented on it it was kind of cool he was like I checked I know what he said I check it out or something I put it on my Instagram guys so that's kind of cool that he commented on that video I did yeah the commercial for eBay so she when she's here she's gonna super chat I do appreciate I appreciate more than you know the support it's amazing show so much love I never forget I was second virtually fist pump every way that helps out one thing I like about short units is you can it's a physical exercise that's for sure what is going on here just all paperwork and hold it yeah but paper sells there was that sort unit the guy bought all the papers Elvis papers and was on storage wars or whatever I can remember down storage orders you see a lot of old newspapers you're still selling I don't watch that show anymore I have him for a while but this was just a few years ago alright alright I'm going under oh that did not work out well I'll throw some this away one second guys you gotta be careful now cuz some old Indian blankets like old Pendleton blankets do really well okay you guys ever use these to open up tape paper I lost my you're saying shoes hey you've already got two brand-new pair and a pair of Air Jordans so and there and get you oh how did you know how did she know shoes I mean look I don't know if they're worth anything but we're gonna check them out okay a bunch of these in here guys here's the problem with storage unit buying one you can get some pretty affordable storage units like you know Tim and myself you know we you know that you can buy 50 units for 100 120 bucks and and be an expert here but the the reason is this a lot of people don't do this is you've got dump fees like people see the the the TV shows and I think it's all rosy but you see me here like sweating going through all this crap here so you do do really well and it's such a fun time and you get a lot of inventory to sell on eBay and you get unique stuff too but you need the space which is really crucial I don't have the space right now because I've thrift a lot of my vintage stuff you also need time it takes a lot of time it's gonna take me a whole day to get this or maybe longer just one-man show you also need a vehicle like a lot of people lose a lot of money because they go like I used to rent a Penske in u-haul buy five or six units and then pick up all the units and take a few days but the problem is is you have to have that Penske back and it charges you every single day so it gets expensive so now that I bought this truck for about 16,000 I can have this truck and I can keep everything in here and don't have to run to the dump right away so there's a lot of pluses and minuses like I think I set myself up great I had the time most of the time although I do have a lot of other businesses sigh I have that I had the truck I just don't have the space like I had no space so that's why I can only buy a couple a month but you know obviously when I buy lands and I have lands which I'm looking for lands I'll rent out the house I have and and do more storage units because I do love it and you get some good stuff here in Oregon so a lot of boots in this one wants to take a look at this guys there's more costs that go into just buying the unit you got to buy the unit some some places they Church deposits I don't get church's deposit here public storage because they don't charge it here extra space they do if you're new auctioneer doesn't make me charge it so you got your deposit your costs on the storage units then you have your cost on hauling it's you got to figure gas time which is nothing and then the big thing is space so hit the like button says Connie thank you so much co2 you love you it's awesome we finally got the mystery that mystery all right but again heck I'm no expert you guys might want to reach out to people that buy a ton of them right a ton of them even if you buy one dollar ones yes even an expert can learn I'm always learning you guys see me I'm learning a lot here right so heck I don't know anything right mom okay yeah Tim if only I was as good as you my man I can just buy a bunch of $150 units but I don't have the space so I envy you for that alright so this is the inside this is the big one here they're really cool though and is anyone really an expert now I'm learning all the time seriously but remember storage units is not my source of income it's just a kind of a great income but it's uh I just don't the space so wish I don't kind of space I just don't I love working on my garage so this is kind of cool though this is clay but these are big guys you see the bottom of them so that's kind of cool but for a hundred bucks I guarantee I can sell these the pair of these for way more than that and they look in really good condition and they're kind of heavy this one actually does have a crack though it's kind of hard to see cuz it's it's not not very light in here unfortunately but there's a lot of trash in here guys this is gonna be it's out a few dump runs a few dump runs so I wish my internet was working better on my laptop that I brought I could have done this on the laptop and not on me not on the phone here so yeah battery's good let me just check that battery's good alright guys I'll try to pull some more out I really do this is not the perfect way to take this stuff out here cuz I gotta like you should really stick on the big stuff first let's go to the dump but I kinda wanted to show you guys some stuff that's in the unit so I'm doing a little backtracking here but pull a few more boxes out so and this is just all kinds of just messed up back here [Applause] we got I'm just joking Tim you're amazing I need to learn more from you I know you're in shot so I'll learn more from Tim maybe you can teach me oh this is not not much in here that's cool put this on your mantle she loves Christmas Ashley loves Christmas I can't wait until my boys are a little a little older yeah they're not even two yet so they can't even do this you guys ready for Christmas any any Christmas wishes anybody wanting anything 15 bucks Tim says 15 bucks not bad Tim thank you my man thanks for helping me out there and who knows maybe I used to sell a lot of these games old poker games work really well guys when I go to the goodwill bin so I'll always pick those up so those are good does it oh yes thanks rust Araku and you see how much of the one I did yesterday didn't have light in Si my thoughts in the same facility this one wouldn't but yeah that helped a lot rusty raccoon oh my god there's so much you guys want to open the frigerator no that was real bad here oh yeah let me show you guys I can't I can't not show you guys this okay all right remember storage units just like eBay which by the way guys eBay up in 2019 I'm going to try to be a speaker what do you guys think do you guys think it'd be awesome if I was a speaker or if I wasn't let me know in shot I would love to be a speaker to you be open to go over my my fears of public speaking so we'll see but I will show you inside the frigerator but give me one second yes be a speaker thank you Jason so good okay so let me kind of explain real quick how the storage auction process works right so a lot of ways people can lose the units and again I'm no experts so I just had to say that right he does a little disclosure so when people lose units guys because could be because they're incarcerated they just can't pay the bill it's really common you get people that lose their unit and their family members go bid on their units deaths happen a lot that Nike unit that I bought that's gonna net me like seventy thousand you guys see all those Nike stuff that was out of that and some that unit alone probably the I don't there was two of them he worked at Nike and probably his family didn't know that they had that unit there because if they knew the unit that was there they would have picked it up so there's that lot of times family members just simply don't know that their family members that passed away has a unit and they never pick it up so there's a lot of ways you can do it so long story short the way the reason there are storage auctions is because the facilities need to recoup the cost of the back pay that these tenants Oh them right so they put it up for auction and and so one way they do that is they put in their local newspaper and the ads there's a lot of places that you can look to find local storage units now the best place that I would recommend is storage unit auctions and I don't recommend you pay IRA men's you do the free version and just do the seven days and there's a lot of different types of auctions guys there's Caravan auctions Caravan auctions are basically where you have one facility like public storage or extra space storage or a big facility and everybody in the cars will follow each other to each location throughout the day and so there'll be a lot of auctions that way and then there's individual auctions like I go to lots of the Portland wine storage facility here and some other locations and those are individual auctions where you just show up at a time and the auction off now some facilities will have their own oxygen here like extra space I know the auctioneer they're really well and a lot of other people do with a really cool couple that do this and they used to own a brick and mortar location they no longer do that and now they just do auctions in Vancouver in this area for extra space but so that being said there's some places that have auctioneers and then there's some places like public storage who used to have auctioneers and also used to do it on storage treasures now what they do is they have the a guy that manages the local area here he does the auctions so there's a lot of different ways that you can go to auctions but for people that are new I recommend storage auction storage unit auctions luscom I did a video on it and it basically aggregates all the storage units in one web site so you can go there and you can find type in your address your zip code and so you can find all the storage auctions that are going around your area basically and that's a really good site to use so all right let's open this for trader hey it's but it's not all roses storage unit buy it's not all roses and they gotta see this okay do you guys want to see it okay oh I have no gloves that's okay I'll I'm a man I can do without oh my god it's disgusting plus mouse is closed it cause I'm gagging hey guys remember the only cost to me is the hundred dollars for this units the dump fees in my time so hey I know I'm gonna make money on this unit but that's definitely going in the end the dump for sure hope that frigerator mom said all right let's pull a few more things and then and then what I'll do is I'll get this big stuff out of here organize the box truck and then I'll go live again and show you all these boxes because there's a ton more boxes I just really can't get to them with all this like drawers and dressers and another tip to guys is don't get discouraged just discouraged with big bulky stuff so there's a few things that you can do that works for me you can partner with somebody that owns a brick-and-mortar like Tim or somebody else that owns a brick-and-mortar and you can probably sell the big furniture or the big bulky items to them or or you can probably maybe do like it's consignment deal there's a lot of places around Portland that I done consignment deals for where they basically saw it and make it a portion you get a portion but the one of the best movers for me is dressers so dressers that are solid wood dressers sell really well locally so when you get a dresser that's solid wood those sell extremely fast for me locally and remember guys there was a point in which I was buying you know 10 15 units a month before my two kids were born so now it's I'm lucky if I get one or two in but that being said you know when you do get big bulky items and you need to get rid of it because I'm working out of a brand new house and a garage right so I don't have a lot of space I have no yard no room in fact I can't even put any h/h away I wouldn't even put me let me put a shed in my back of my house guys so I have like no room but if I if you have no room dressers do really well you can sell dressers so just keep that in mind all right so what I'm going to do guys is let me get rid of these big bulky stuff let me get rid of this put in the box truck get rid of some of the other stuff I'm gonna get rid of this dresser here and and HOA suck yes well I'm gonna be buying another house my house I bought it's brand new and it won't be H away well the house I bought spree new but the next house I'll probably build my own house but yeah so I'm gonna get rid of this stuff here get rid of all this and then I'll go live again because there's a lot of boxes guys down here this whole thing is full of boxes so I'll go live again and show you guys what the good stuff is because a lot of times guys they'll put in storage units it's common that they'll put the better stuff in the back and put the crappier stuff in the front because that's how they loaded it up right they loaded it up in their truck or their rental and they put the good stuff in the back and then they let all the other stuff up with big bulky stuff and kind of the crappier stuff so but there's some brand new speakers back here already got those three brand new pairs of shoes so I already paid for the unit without even going any further so alright guys give me give me about 20 minutes I'll be alive again on my phone and we'll show you the good stuff thank you so much for coming Tim appreciate it my man thanks for coming and and have a great day guys talk to you soon see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 16,761
Rating: 4.8959107 out of 5
Keywords: how not to make money with a storage locker, live auctioneer, oregon, public storage, storage locker auction, storage locker auctions, storage locker finds, storage locker unit, wades ventures, storage units
Id: Xh8foupau7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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