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what's going on guys Wade with Wade's ventures Here I am super excited today cuz mom is amazing she's doing really good guys a little update I'll give it but before we go Wade's ventures we are a family storage unit / eBay / interviews with other eBay or / anything to do with selling online we are full time so hit the subscribe button we try to do weekly storage unit videos in fact I'm bidding on a few other units right now as we speak but guys this video and the last six videos have been unboxings so if you've seen the storage that we bought the vintage units it was crazy it was crazy and so we're gonna continue to do these unboxing videos guys I'll show you the remaining boxes we have left give me one second alright guys so we have this amount of boxes left here to go through and we're gonna go through these boxes and kind of show you guys what's in there but it'll be a series of four or five more videos because way too much to go through so oh right sorry guys I don't even actually care if you see the house I just think that's kind of cool it's like we're teleporting around anyways guys so hopefully you like these videos I feel like it's owed now today's video we're gonna go through four boxes and I have not been in them in fact these are four boxes that we didn't show on the main antique slash vintage live video and so we're gonna go through these I'm going to show you one cool item real quick and then we'll get started so this was in the unit guys so look at this 48 stars and it's in really good condition I'm gonna try to put the camera down here so you can see the stitching but it's in real really good condition and you can see here I don't know how much they go for that is the information I have on this thing here and you can kind of see the end of it so it's got 48 stars though guys and obviously there's 50 states but anyways that's it pretty cool pretty cool and then you can see the other side there's a really good condition so I don't know let me know guys know what you think it's a very big flag and anyways so that was pretty cool I figured I would show you guys that came out of the unit alright so let's go through these boxes you can see the paper still on there I just didn't have time to go through them in the unit so we're gonna kind of do breakables we're doing two videos a day so we'll continue get these things done and then we'll do some other cool stuff on the next video so let's go start it I'll put you guys down alright spear fingers okay you bring in the first box guys I didn't have a chance to go through this box because we just we ran out of time [Applause] [Music] let's see what's in this thing I think it feels like it's empty like there's nothing in there there's something in here what the heck definitely not what's on the package here I'll move this over here alright so looks pretty delicate in fact it's like chipping down here but look a little army person and his wife and I got a little bell up here and it just says Marshall Field's & Co and that's it see there's nothing else down there I don't know it's pretty cool piece but I don't really know nothing about it but I like the military guy here so I'm gonna put that back so there's a break here yeah it's not to wrap that up - alright let's continue here looks good then you make sure grab a few items here guys this is kind of heavy let's see what's in here look at this it's a really nice-looking dish I think you guys told me what the other dishes were that kind of looks similar but it's got some pretty big grooves two guys in here and it's heavy it's real heavy you kind of see how big it is so there's that we also have this guy made in the United States it's Homer is the brand's Homer is the brand and just a kind of a really old plate it's got some obviously somewhere right here and some cracking but it's a pretty good plate pretty old plate all right this thing is cool guys Wow this thing is crazy it says occo hand-painted look at this thing Wow look at this dish this thing is crazy and it's big look how big it is so it's definitely gold plated you can see all the gold show you the back here so that's the back of it but wow look at this thing that you got to appreciate this stuff to stuff it it's really really cool it's a beautiful piece I don't see any scratches or really any chips well there's a crack right here but you can't hardly see it so that was in there Wow I'll put here that piece that we're here I'll move this glass over here stuff wasn't really wrapped too great one thing bro all right and there hasn't been a lot of things that broke so this piece broke obviously it shipped right here I also get that piece back on but this is the dish it's got like some crazy cool coloring in here and it says just g9 on it right here and this obviously is the top let's be careful on that broken piece but they traveled everywhere it's a pretty big piece but wow I don't know I'll to check it's another thing it's so kind of like a Chinese art piece okay so let's do the smaller box here they're trying to get all the glass out of the way so this was cool I actually showed this on the unboxing of the unit so basically it says the 19 or sorry 1776 election and then it has 1970s so 1776 and then election and the 1976 is what it shows and some people I think we're saying these were for tobacco that they would put tobacco in these or was it coffee I can't remember copy or tobacco but so this is a cool piece and you can see it kind of raised edge on that glass this one's cool - this one's a lighthouse guys so you can kind of see the lighthouse design it doesn't really pop up on the screen very well but so there's two of these but past this I didn't open this that's all they're all still wrapped we just didn't have time so let's see oh this by the way people were asking what the paper this is 1879 so this was December 25th 1979 is when this paper was so I have not been in this I don't even know that's the first fish we have Wow it doesn't really have any doesn't show up well but it's a fish it's kind of heavy kind of a heavy fish okay that was anyway yeah so it's got a chip right here but I don't know let me know if you guys know what this fish is a little set here so so this is the first item it's kind of it's not a huge one it says Hopewell and have well and then this is the back of it I really can't make out what that is to be honest and then oh wait it says England DW or sorry DMW or BMW I don't know so this is it so two of these I try not to go slow on each item guys but I try to give me enough time to like see it you know this says made in England so made in England and look guys is a little dude wait no that's not dude that's a grandma that's a grandma guys that's a grandma oh it's funny it's got a little chip here but overall pretty good condition Boston baked beans Boston baked beans and just kind of a you can definitely see it's cracked everywhere basically I mean it's not it's it's not like anything wrong with it it's just like crack I like depression glass I think that's cracked but Boston baked beans your boy wait loves some baked beans okay barbecues one of my favorite foods all right this is old I love grandpa so this must be the mug and then it just says B - 28 up here it's kind of hard to see but it says B - 28 and that's what it says here's the partner to this we're getting a lot of salt pepper shaker so you guys see the oh man what does that mom knows mom knows what that design is see it's got the little flowers gosh what is that call it holy crap it's on my tits on my tongue sorry guys I've sold some of it - I can't believe it anyways those of you don't know I do a lot of I do a lot of activewear and then mom does all this type of stuff so anyway but I'm learning I'm learning this stuff what oh wow this is awesome Ashley you may want to keep this honey it's their coca-cola company glasses so this look at this it has an American flag on it and then I'll back it's basically cooked the the collection series from the coca-cola company Wow I don't know how much these things go for I've never seen him before but this says it has 1968 to 1976 right there on the glass so I'm assuming there's more of them in here yep so here's another one don't give up the ship cuz these are really cool and then you know coca-cola I saw it looks like I've got a whole set here yep and there are really good condition guys there's not much wrong with them so then here's the coca-cola company in 1968 to 1974 so I mean I'm assuming these are probably 74 s right 1974 it's all there oh my gosh do we have the best set Wow oh this one is what okay this one must be different though it says the season for fun it's hard to see when I take pictures of glass I'll put something in here so it shows all the imaging so you put like you can put black paper or something in here and then I'll show all the imaging really nicely if you guys list these on eBay that's what I do when I take pictures but yeah this is limited edition coca-cola I think these are newer though based on the design and stuff but I could be wrong and this is Holly Hobbie or something anyways so maybe they here's another one this is this one different let's see oh no this one's the same so I've got two of these this one's different though this is a gift of love especially for you this is the same type basically no it's edition it looks like it's in really good shape guys Wow bye mark this is 1984 paper no wait is this the same one no this is different it's got a little girl a gift Allah I'll wait in their mind we have already done this one so we've got two of these now two of those and two of the other ones then we have this one the holiday the holidays have a magic all their own so probably have another one of these in there too limited edition coca-cola let's see yep here's another one so looks like we've got two of each here that's one of course up nevermind we've got three of these tis the season for fun wait do we have that one yeah we've got three of these now oh no this is another another this is rattlesnake as you guys can see that so we don't have one of these then coca-cola so wow this thing is crazy this is Fenton old Creek and this is Pratt's on there so I've got some cracking well you guys hear that that's an eBay offer look at this so those of you who don't know I haven't put any of this stuff online yet all this whole storage unit I haven't put online yet just been crazy busy but um definitely put online I'm getting a lot of people don't want to offer me stuff and I'll definitely take offers but go probably a little bit just to make sure I can research this stuff wow this thing is amazing Wow look at this guy's hopefully a focus is man this thing is just bright blue look at this thing and you can't tell but it's raised out a little bit and it feels weird feels different like kind of like bone or something that's the back of it and I mean I can't read out this oh it does say England on here I can see that but look at that that is an amazing cool dish little tea you guys want to have some tea some tea for you some tea for you I'm just joking guys anyways I want to get excited over this cup this glass but I'm not too excited but maybe it bring us good money definitely like little spiky things here it's got indents but kind of a basic cup that I don't see any markings maybe you guys know what this thing is [Applause] Oh while this was a this was homemade basically on the back it says to mother with love 1955 I always the stuff always gets me when kids do stuff and I find it in storage units it just sucks you know but this is 1955 - mother with love so really cool hot pad oh my gosh it's a duck made in Canada um maybe you guys can see you guys see that made in Canada and it's a little duck look at that what an amazing looking duck Wow definitely not an ugly duck right anyways so that's pretty cool I've got to research this the Big Mountain pottery in Canada this may be this may be worth something here so we'll see is that old Stan [Applause] all right so I'm gonna get this kind of situated and then we're gonna continue on to another box I forgot that we have a massive stamp collection a big box like this full of like 1930s 1920 stamps and stamp books maybe I'll do that next video or the video after so I'm just trying to get all these boxes online for you guys to see so no particular order when we're doing this but let's go on to the next box and let me clean this up alright here's the next box just like to show you guys so you can kind of see I didn't really have a chance to go through this I mean I think we pulled out two things out of this whole box it's still all wrapped up so let's go through this box it's the first time I have gone through it since I bought the storage unit because remember guys I gotta bend down it's only been what a week week and a half since I bought it so this was in the main this was in the main video if you guys haven't seen the hundred hour and 40 minute video of us actually in the storage unit but I can't remember Vicky Vicky but by the way Vicky if you're watching guys Vicky is amazing guys she watches all my videos and then she what she'll do she'll take items that I find and then she'll go to ebay find the exact comps through souls and then put the link for me so that way when I go to list the item I can just click that link really quick and find these items quick that I don't know anything about so Vicky you're amazing thank you so much for putting links in chat and in the in the comments you're really cool shout out to Vicky okay anyways but I think it was Vicky or somebody I can't remember told me that these things are worth good money on eBay I've never sold any of them before but they're massive shells guys so that's the first item but I think that's one of the only items on this whole box that I looked at now there is the scroll I did I guess I did open this thing it's it's like an old scroll so I'll roll it out so you guys Oh goes this way of course let's see here you go so yeah this is the scroll pretty awesome-looking scroll and it's actually quite big it doesn't look like there's any rips or tears or anything in it so I don't honestly know how much this thing's worth but yeah so this was in there I didn't show that in the main photo I don't believe but it was in the box remember we're going box by box I don't take anything out I just like to show you exactly everything that's in there all right light what the heck what the heck it's a music box made in Taiwan and this thing is massive it's probably foot a little bit maybe a little over foot but look at this thing and it works obviously cuz it's it's glass but it's like really light I think this is plastic maybe I don't know [Music] but Wow I was not expecting this thing at all looks like there's batteries batteries that corroded in there I want to clean that okay oh wow you see that you can still see some in there it's pretty big and heavy this one says Made in Hong Kong right there but yeah it's a pretty crazy glass looks a decent condition let's see if we can find the the top to it here oh wow what what is this thing okay well that's not the top I was it's a candle up here it's got a wood base but it's got this glass bird in here and it's got a candle up here I bet you something else comes up here let's see maybe there's a top to it that's pretty big you can see I've got decent sized hands and it's pretty big but Wow I think is awesome let me see if there's the top to it oh just an off the top then completely different I keep pulling something out thing against the top and it's not right maybe it is the top on this no it wouldn't be white yeah that doesn't go together may I just like this thing's dusty maybe this goes to something else then so let's see okay I got something else in here what the heck oh man she broke all the heads in there okay I keep thinking I'm gonna pull out like more pieces for our lanterns but hold on I got a sword here okay so let me show you see if I can go fishing for her head it's in here okay oh man she broke off in a few places anyway so so basically that's the manufacturer know if you guys can see a darn camera won't focus sometimes basically it's a light guys and her head the head broke off on it I might do have it here maybe it won't like that yeah like that oh nevermind there's not another piece so you can see there it's fine that's gonna you know obviously there's a little chip over here by my finger it's pretty big guys I would say it's a foot maybe a little little bigger in the foot but basically it says issue five zero one zero five and here's the plug because a lot of times you can sell how old it is by the plug really cool though little Swan thing now I think this is a oh this is is made in Japan but maybe this is a soap dish and it doesn't look chipped at all so it might be a soap dish they put a soap in here but pretty cool it's pretty big too I mean you can see I think this goes to here yep it does how much sucker got me cut my finger all right let me show you so yeah this is literally a candle in here and that's the top and that is right there oh it looks in really good condition just a little dusty so that's cool from the top to that spirit fingers did you guys see that cheerleading movie back in the day a little doll a little angel look at that face how would that not be a face of an angel guys so this thing is made in Japan says and kind of see me in Japan over there I would say she's eight inches tall so little doll wait did I find the top fill the top yes finally look at these ridges on this thing you guys see that the ridges on it okay let's see try not to end my finger this time yes yep there we go Oh complete and it's pretty tall guys I would say it's a foot and a half I don't understand that port oh wait shoot wait let's see I did find this no that definitely does not go on there I don't know maybe something else goes on the side I'm not fluent in this stuff guys but look at that is cool so alright well shall we continue what wow this thing is awesome it's not really old but it's pretty cool who knows maybe it's all Don and I was probably like 20 years old but look at this angel just at the top yeah little baby yeah that is the bottom to it I can see why somebody was drawn to this because that is pretty cool little baby I would say this thing is probably eight to nine inches tall so it's free what Mockingbird this thing is awesome this is probably one of the best music boxes ever look at this thing guys holy cow and the drawer comes out what the heck there little bird in there it's a music box Maine Taiwan 1978 Wow look at this thing okay I'm gonna give you a few angles but look I'm here let me just the camera here so you guys can see it a little better so you guys see me in the camera see musical butterflies mockingbird look at this thing a little birdie in there that is awesome let me show you the back it's pretty tall too I would say again this is probably a foot maybe got a little number over there crank right there and then I'll bring this over here that's the tag for it meaning Taiwan 1978 shall we see if this thing works oh here's this I never get this part [Music] oh nothing moves in there that's so cool though and it's interesting anyway we'll put that with these bad boys over here that thing is awesome though huh guys [Music] it's tall I know what this thing goes on [Music] sorry to pick you guys up all the time but some of these are bigger items and this show better if I pick them up so this has like some residue on here but look at that and it has a the best bulb ever made on here see got a felt bottom like a little marble base to it and that's the plug in for it but and then this goes on top you know like that I won't put it on now because it's just pretty cool somebody may want this so let's see all right guys for the sake of time we're gonna bust out one more box on this video just to get through these boxes so that way we're not another month into the storage units but I'm trying to keep these videos short so let me clean this up I'll get the next box here's the last box of this video this I put on top of there guys cuz it was falling out of another box so but other than that I've not looked in this whole box even on the video that we watched the main video I don't know what's in here we didn't have time to go through it so we're gonna go through it now it's always fun because like just like along with you guys I don't know what's in here so look at these dirty hands alright so we all seen this that was on the main photo it was out of another box it's just I mean China a 1993 little music box with a Easter egg guy in it so let's continue and get into this box [Applause] oh cool he's heavy it's heavy little hobbit house I'm joking I don't know oh no it's a clock oh it moves mushroom clock let's see in one second oh it actually goes in no way it's oh look at that [Music] nope we've got a ring in a little more here am I putting you guys to sleep yet you're getting sleepy you're getting sleepy I'm joking anyway guys this is pretty cool um you can see for it this must be the Easter Easter box this one is made in it says from the gift world of gore ham made in Japan that's probably not gonna come up from the gift world of core ham never but yeah and it's made in Japan so pretty cool about I don't see any chips and again I would say this is about six inches tall or so [Music] it's weird this is coming wet this isn't a week okay so here's another one of these just made out china 1993's so I can sell them as a pair [Music] oh this one's kind of cool Wow look at this so this one is like little rabbits and it works bottom of it show you guys wandering I know you guys won't see you in so basically 1983 kind of like the other one but still really cool yeah it amazes this one says me in Taiwan they paid ten bucks back then ten bucks has a barcode says like 1974 or higher right that what people were saying anyway and it works just a big fat rabbit oh sorry uh he's not too fat easy he's slender slender anyway so there's that wad that to me good luck Sean okay here we go guys let's get into this what is in here oh we're gonna have to go through this later this is the well we'll see what's in here it's all tectonic stuff and we're kind of gonna go over that so let me show you guys so it's kind of heavy it's all Tektronix tough guys other than this but you see that old mic and stuff so yeah I'm trying to do one video with all the stuff in it it's gonna be like an hour long but we can do one video with all the techtronic stuff because I've got like eight boxes of it guys so I'm gonna leave this in here and while sad it's that one video but let's see what's in this little box here shall we just to see oh I bet this goes for a little money I mean maybe so this is techtronic on here and 5:11 I'm gonna see that that says celebrating 65 years of innovation so who knows maybe somebody would want this thing maybe it's worth some money that's pretty cool alright this is video number well one of today but actually I think video number seven of the unboxing of this storage unit may be video number eight anyways who's counting at this point so anyways hit the subscribe button it's right here it's the red button I promise you you will not you will not regret it we've got a lot of cool stuff coming up this year mom's getting healthy so we're new some more storage units anyways guys hit the subscribe button you're gonna see one more video today two videos a day until all the stuff is unboxed so see you guys later and again please comment below and you get extra brownie points if you put links for me I don't want you to do my job but it makes it super easy if you guys see some links on eBay just click it below but if not not a problem see you guys
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 26,998
Rating: 4.8564858 out of 5
Keywords: Best VINTAGE STORAGE UNIT Bought in 2019, VINTAGE STORAGE UNIT, best storage unit, Best VINTAGE STORAGE UNIT Bought IN 2019 ON YOUTUBE, storage auction, storage unit, storage wars, real storage auction, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, treasure hunting, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage locker, auction haul, facility auction, storage unit living, vintage finds, best storage unit ever, best storage unit auctions, storage wars full episodes, Money
Id: UA6bJ1AkOjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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